whisky stabbed. land fong is 7 angel · alcatraz island crossed over to tiburon on tn» steamer...

THEY HAD WHISKY Soldiers Land Some on : 7 Angel Island. An Attack on the Gatekeeper of the f Tiburon Ferry— Passengers From '!'\u25a0\u25a0:'•/ \u25a0'.': the North Increasing. ;• Wednesday evening tnr<e soldiers belonging on. Alcatraz Island crossed over to Tiburon on tn» Steamer Ukiah. They carried a ten-gallon ••demtjoun 0! whisky between them, and when - spoken to by the Eatei>eeper aDd told that sucli tilings should ko by fieis-iit they took excep- tion to his remarks, thieateuinu revenße. When Tiburon was reached the catekeeper, who usually travels backward and foiward on the boat collecting fares at each side, was sud- denly struck down from behind by one of the trio of soldi"- rs who then beat a hasty retreat. , Complaint was made to Colonel Shatter. A search will be made on the Island for the pni.liyoDe«, and It they are found ihev willbe -court-martialed. . WiiKky-srauitclME by means of small boats from Tlburon has been goiuj? on lot some time past. •\u25a0•• Large numbers of passengers nave been com- ' in-s to Uiis city Irom the north. Portland ami ' . PUg«Bound steamers are arriving with 200 \u25a0C and 300 persons on board. The Midwinter Fair is said to be the attraction. On the Co- lumbia, which arrived ye«teid.iy from fort- laud, Or there weie 80 cabin and 164 steerage . passengers. The Columbia lost one of her ',; pro) eilPi blades durlne the trip. . Advices to the Merchants' Exchange report that on November 16 the I>riii-ti barb Harold, from Shanchal for Victoria, struck a rocK near Hie latter port and bad to be towed to Es- riuimalt diydock for repairs. The steamer Willapa. bound In for Tort Townsend, collided with the barkentlne Chehalls. outbound, on November 17. and can led away the tatter's Jibboom and forward rf{rjctog. •- Captain Luttiell of the bark Helen W. Almy .reports a bliua leef near Ncnuti Island iv thi- Gilbert group, which extends out two mile* further than is indicated on 'be chart. The Almy was almost on top of the reef before it was discovered. Captain Luttrell says that bad his vessel tried to make the Island at ulpbt iusiead ol In the daytime she would have been . wrecked. H. J. Boric, a civil engineer, proposes to the Harbor Commissioners to build a general •'commercial dock" for this harbor which will cover 71 acres of space and will accommodate all the staii-plng In Hie harbor. He says his scheme would cost the Sta'e only $250,000. His plans ai«> of course considered Iminaciica- "bJe; .. The California Drydock Comp complains that Its wharf at the foot of Spear street Is in \u25a0 needo.f.iepairs. and requests the ate to attend . to it. The repajra have been ordered by the ' haibor board. _ —— * THE POLK-STREET OUTRAGE. .An Investigation of the Alatter to Be J• .. .\. Held To- Day. •• .-•The Street Committee of tl.e Board of buper- vljsbrf at its meeilDK yesterday took up the communication of City and County Surveyor "Fiizuucu regarding tbe outrage perpetrated on the ptqpeny-owners on .Polk street, between Loniba'rcl and nwlcb, where a fifty-six foot cut is being made without any assessment dis- trict belug formed according to the Yrooman .act. :;\u25a0 " ~.\Al J. . CIUDJe appeared as the representative '.'or the profeny-owuers, and, alter stating that tlif homes ol the people would be couflscated if. -there was nothing dove, ashed for a special \u25a0 iavesricatlou. \u25a0 .tnairasan Day of the committee set this f rpooD at 2:30 o'clock as tbe time for taking i up.the .question of doiuK justlca to the prop- . eity-owiit- is. ; "Supervisor Denmau's resolution, which pro- vider that no red lock shall be u;ed in the mix- inn of ctiucrrie for use for city woik, was taken ut>, and tre eoiumittee decided to recuic- mend that it should uot pass !be board, a-« it would tend to create a monopoly of blue rock. "The committee decided to report In favor of le.questinjj superintendent of Streets Ackerson toreappolut Hie me^-rfcceutly dlscliarced who were at worK 00— airniK the county road*. &npefiflten.?lr-nt/AcKerson di»cliai ceil the men uAstj^rrnttr actions' from the buaid, which /Te'coronieuded ' such action a* an economical f«rovt8iool .'The board ordered, at the ««rn« \h m e, tbe n'nuerintendent ot tbe Branch County .\lali to emuloy prisoners lv repairing the •ointy roads. i-'.punibfr of property-owners appeared be- fore. tl)c committee in bebalf of retatninc the seven ri»«n and carts employed on the county roads,, and v uet visor FOlman offered and bad auopied' a resolution reconimenUlng that toe S:reet SuperlntJirrrtent instate t!ie men. .. Superintendent: .->'ckenon said that .11 he Jjaa done was to carry out the instructions of trie board, and be would reinstate lUe men if •ordered.- HOTEL ARRIVALS. .- •/ \u25a0 . INTERNATIONALHOTEL. 1 L Moore, -Oitcago ' Miss Ball. Chicago A Hljrgru-!. Portland N HlmrSus, Portland . J ligz:;.s. I'ortl.tua J; Kaapp. .- tattle A Webb, Tacoiuu Mias Campbell. Portland •-Mrs- Mcßeet. Portland a rabblu. Portland C Jeukius. Wash P Cowan. Wash 'W Sylvester. (ieyservll W Simpson w, St Lake R Watt." Eugene ii -MoAlur. Vallejo Xf Htzpatr ck. Boston T Cosgrove. Napa ' L(osier Mt View .1 Wealsh. Mare Island L Wiley. Benicla TV Cole, Kenicia J fit) Haven, Idaho X Owen, Los Angeles \u25a0 W Bayon. J-'resno . N Bhelaader, Ma.iera \u25a0J:Morton'. Sacr»:nento J Hunter, Portlaad G McComb, Los Auz J Condon, Cal \u25a0 .P Fcaley. Los Ang W Brown, .Stockton J Hayes, I' 8 > \u25a0) \v,\u25a0 sou. Fort Bragg 11 Myer-. Mendoclno W Lane. Little Hirer E flavin. I S N D Sell, Los An«el*s J Inniau Ac w.Ft Arena C Palmer, Pt Arena 0 nifr. Pt Are* LMopklns. Pt Arena B Carter. Mandoclno S Philips. Seattle T.Ptiilips. B:attle J Handrord. Los Ang MBetaaii Aw, ewcastle W Llpse'.t. Gra«s Valley I: Hold.-n, Grass Val A Lew Grass Valley 1 Mills as. 3 cb, Portlnd X Morgan, Pnrtiand J Morrison, iendleton £ Houiman, C-'ii ago H Gordon. Portland II l-l:tndars, Portland J Joyce, Portland C Barrett, Portland J Dempsey, Helena DVan Wlcitel, > V A WysoriK. Indlanap W Keller, Indianapolis S Russell. Portland R BIWH, Portland J H lilacKWelLVlctoria J Small. Mt View yv Ktikpatriclc. Puilmn £ Moore. Chicago ;•• : V.' PALACE HOTEL. F E Ball * w, Munich O X Lewis * w. Minn ti W I.ill, San Jose "W D Noble, l-resno A Goodall. Oakland C X Km off & w, Sn Mateo J Ji >ewball & w, Mass 0 /nil & w. Kg m A MLevy, NY JO 8c >tt, Lick Mills J ltienaai), NY Ml' Dwlght, i <iro;ito J 1) Carr, Salinas F Nlcolls. Toronto S McKay&w, winters Mrs C B Thtfler. Chicago Mrs li L Weber. Kan» Thos Irvine, Albany. Mo J W Saaborn 4 a, NV H M Marshall 4- w, Kau- J C Keyolds-4- w.Jackson sat City J C Luinan & n, Jackson C C Hard, Chicago MF Mogg. Chicago Mis* Cospey. South Bend EH Conner, 'Louisville C 1) M Donald *w, Ohio N RngKles, Chicago JJ Mlllspaugb 4w,Sloux J"B6grt, - .Colnsa City BIl&a'etiett, Mich Miss M Klmler.'y, Hlch t -Francis; England J A McMnrstead, ban <i Bnrt 4. w. pueblo Mlgnei ./ faller*w,Colora ,0 Sp B Cornell Aw. Ohio E If Laagbiio, La XC Lamplin & w, Albany .-.*/ Information Wanted. Ctile*- Ciowliy received a letter yesterday from Cblef Kod^ers of hacramento that a Greek pedaler named Matteo John Sin 81! va had fallen Into the Nrtcramen'o River on Tuesday nleht from a fishing scow and was diowned. He had a bother who k-eps a store in this city who mluht wi-h to claim the body, but bis address \va< not known. The Chief also received a letter from Detroit, asking for the whereabouts of Mr*. William Houshtou, as her sister Bessie was dangemtiMy L *"*• husband was a police officer, aud died on January 2, 1887. Sbe used to live on Geary s reet. THE STOCK MARKET. The market opened strong and active yesteiday. and prices advanced wit out any great amount of stock changing hands. The feature in the day's business was the sharp advance in Sierra Nevada. An improvement in the tunnel Is given as the rea- son or the advance, but the rumor could not be verified. Charlie Hirschfeld was the leading burer of the stock, and ha paid as highas $1% for It on the closing call last evening. Nothing new was received from the front dur- Ine the day that had am- bearing on the market. Mr. Kule (saves for the Oonistock this evening. NOTES. Silver was stronger yesterday and sold up to e9V 8 c in New York and 32V*d In London. William S. Lyle, the mining operator, left for Martposa County last evening. The MayfluwrrUravel MlniDg Company has re- ceived a shipment of bullion valued at $5200. The Pacific Gas Improvement CouipaDy has de- clared a dividend or 50 cents per share, payable December lv. The goldmlliat Keystone, Yellow Pine District. Lincoln County, Nov.. recently produced $8000 of bullion, the result ol a tblrty-tbree-day run. The North Banner Consolidated Tunnel Com- pany of Nevada County has levied an assessment of 2 cents per share, delinquent January S. _ In the l'odle west crosscut 200 level Lent shaft was extended 6 feet. I praise from north drift 30 feet above the 300 level was extended 14 feet. The north drift was extended 7 feet. A great deal of attention is now being given to what is known as the west ledge of t'.e Comstock. I lie Geneva claim is the latest to come to the i(rout, ami woik is to be commenced on Monday next. William Lent, one of the few left of the old-time operators, is In the company, and 11. D. Walker is the secretary, and should the present w rktncs in the Com*toclc mines prove of value the Geneva is right hi the line of development and I may prove the west-ledge theory. Intne Itulwer the mill has been kept running i steadily, and crushed 164 tons of ore during the past week. Average battery sample $26 08, tail- i:i«» $3 24, They are extracting! ore from the slopes from winzes 1 and 'i below the "00 level; also from stupes above south crosscut 2. BOAKIJ 6AX.ES. Following were tbe sales in the San Francisco Stock Heard yesterday: lEBHUE MOBNINB SFOOIOV— 9 :?0. 400 Alta IB360 C0* v.. 3.70 200 "Terra. ...SO _(>0 a Mie5. ...65 100 Confld..l.hs 100 0ph1r...1.70 150 eo.'OOO P0int... 75 550 1% 35» 15eichr....Sl>3eO v * 1.201100 P0t051....70 4»O i< * 8...2V> 10U HAN... 86 300 69 100 Bullion.. .35 700 80 360 savage. ..75 \u25a0;<>\u25a0.» liulwer. .. iv 20'j Uexca ..I.M«U0 S Nev ..1.40 VOiiChali C... .70 200 .........1.15 50 Union..l.lo 300 Chollar...6oilOO 0vrmn....3V800 « J»ojs..i.so AJTrKXOOI* SESSION "2:30. 150 B * 8...2U, 100 lowa 05 200 8avaee....75 100 Cbollar...6u 100 Mexico. 1.'.0 160 S >cv.. 1.46 550 i < « \..3%1)00 ODhlr. ..I.SU 85.0 St. Louls..2U 250 C P0int... 761100 Ovrian... 200 Jack;.. 1.20 700 »....ba|loo Put051....75| Following were the Bases in Che Pacific Stock Board yesterday: BVorl at? STXSTOV— 10 : " O. 200 A1nb8..17W300 CC*V...3.70 100 K«ntuck.,lß 200 Ait» 16 300 3.67Vi'800 0verm....32 60 Ande5. ...66 Soo BHB 200 ...33 60 »...6.< 4t>W »*i!3oO P0tu5i.....70 100 51 60 3.7-Va 400 87 10U 621* 350 « * C..1.15 «{> 600 iie.CUr. ..8a 150 1.17>4 100 68 100 85! 100 1.20 30U 8avar«....7."> 60 $41200 H * V.82i,» 100 73 350 b 4 B..2.40;10() Justice.. .29 500 8 Key...1.85 4&11 st.46iJ6o 3U6UO 1 40 400 a 360 alexccnl.ls 45U 1.45 I 300 2.66 00 1.17^ 100 Onion.. 1. 16 200 2 421^ 200 1.20 -'00 I.oi'i. a 100 2.47^300 Ophlr. ...1*. 4 SOO 1.10 LOO Isodte S3 500 ..I. Hi 400 V.JMH..114 i 100 hnlliun....:O 100 1.72U 100 1.20 I 40 CDallO ..75 150 1.70 100 1.17% 300 C P0int... 67 Al TKKNOOU SESSION— 2:3O. 200 Andes t>3 100 Chat C... 5008 Nev.. .1.45 100 6:- 2*o G * C... 1.20,160 11* 100 belcher.. H « N 9o 550 . .. 1.66 150 Br|3«o ... 87»-.|lOO l.«i) 100 100 KentucK..l7 100 15 250 B&B;_2.5o|100 ....16 1.45 160 2.62V-* 60 Slexcn..l.'JO!(i(iO 1.66 60" 21-100 1.17V-I fO Onion.. I',. 100 ......2.57V, liOO IV* 1150 1.20 350 UU<sv ...3 a' 4 100 Occdutt.-. 17300 Utah.... la 100 3. OiaOO Jpb1r..../ i!lOO.. iai/k 400 3%l 60 uverm.... 35.00 YJackC.L'JO 300 B.HI 5'J ..32 200 114 300 I! Point..79 100 Potosi 70 100 1.221* 100 7^ l 350 71 100 1.27% 100 so! I CIOMM> QUOTATIONS. Thursday. Dec. 7—4 p. if. -;-_.-,.\u25a0-- Jsid.Atkt(V \u25a0 HifLAtked. Alpha C0n..... 16 -JuJaim _ 06 10 Alta 15 21) Justice 25 30 Andes ......... (SO Cs'KentucK 15 20 Beirner 85 90 Lady Wain 05 10 Bslie Isle. .... 11) Mexican 1.211 1.25 BestAßeleber.2.6o 2.05. Mono 15 Bcdie ifs 40 Navajo. ]o Benton C0n.... 7r'-evgue«c 10 burner 06 111! •> Common wt& U5 10 bullion 35 4<" N ;tpli« inc.... iv Caledonia. lft 20 occidental .. . 16 20 Cballenee Coo. 70 75 Opnir 1.80 1.8» Commonwlta. OX. Overman. 3d 40 Choliar «5 7o eer 05 >" Con Cai 4 Vs.. 38J 3.SH) I err ess. 00 Confidence l.*k jlutosl 70 76 Con Imperial . 05 .-*va«e 80 86 Con New York 05 1. . > « a M'.des'J. 16 SO Crocser. 05 St Louis 15 20 Crown Point.. 75 B'> Scorpion ..... 'J5 10 Exchequer..... 05 1" Sierra N«vadal.Uo 1.00 iaitSlerraNev 05 silver King.... 05 brand Prlxe... 05 Sliver Hi 11..... 10 Gould A furry1.20 I.'.' Union Con 1.20 1.25 Hale & Nercr*. 85 00 Utah 10 15 Jackson 30 jX«Uow JacKa^ 1.25 1.30 MISCELLANEOUS SKCURITIKS. , Thursday. Dec. 7—2 p. v. £UL Asked. Bid. Asked. rSB<3«. 4...112>/iill4 SV "Water... »Ny 1,7 Cal-st CC06.10 Lakes.. iv CoUCi.'W6. "JOV 2 P8 Capital Uu.. 60 Dpnt-5t7.... 142% Central Gas,. 100 Do. ex coup.. 100 Oakland uas. 41 iJ i*Criseßy«S 100 PacOaalmD. 70 I.ALehtC'o6. 104 FacinoLzhts «53 Do, tinted. 6. 102V4 6 V Gaslight. 68Ya 69 V 2 JlStltKKHflsllOViliOVx biktn <; A- ijl <JO j!nieyAV<«.6. 20 csi-st R R... 110 NevCoRRB. 91* ,1 \u25a0\u2666 C llseKy 18 17% NPCostRK«J.IOI 110 Oeary-stRR. WO NTBRti... NUAMRK6B \u25a0 >RyotCaiß.. 98V* Omnlbusßß. 64% 67 1 NKyofC»is.. 98 Presidio X X -i«% UakG.l.<kHs. 97 101 ! Fireman 150 OmbqsCKro.lo9ygllO% htateinvstm. , PaBoUMUie. 101 AtiantiePow 32 Vi 37% Do,2d!s»neo.loa Cal *-owuer. 00 ;40 P*OKR«. 116 Giant PowOu 26 - P«CHKy«. 92 VieoritPow. IVi ''- Pwl-«t Ry 6. 118 I3lkl>laCMC 25 BPRRArlttt.. 91 CalCottnMO 46 R KCaiS.lO6 107% CalElecLlarht 'i\V* 22V8 SPRKCaIS. 95 CalKlrcWH. 4V» *> KPBrKyCaie 90*4 93 UawaianCom 5 S V Water ti. 116% Huicnußuirar 6 (t" 8 is V "Water. 4. 90 Vi Juflson MfgO 15 I AneloCalßk. 70 MerchKxAsnlO? : Bank of Ca1.. 220 224 oceanic 6a. 40 i CalSaiDenos. 46*4 47% PAilry FreA 1% ' FrstNatßnk. 182% PacCost 800 »5 , I.l'd -AmKut-lIX Pacln*NalO SO L4SFBank.. 40 Pac Roll Mill 80 Pacific Bank. 76 FaWoodnwe _ 30 MerchExßk. ParaffinePtO 40c 70c CritraCosW. 98 lacTransOo llarinCoW.. 65 United C Co. 35 MORNINK SKftSIOX. Bnard-10 S V Water. 98%. Street— S2ooo Mar^et-st Cable Bonds, 119%. AITKIINOOW «KS»IO!». Board— s Cal Electric Light. 22: 65 Pacific Gas Imp. 76: 10 S V Water, 96%. str-ct-5D Cal Electric Light, S3; 135 Pacific Gas Imp. 75%. * A thimble will hold orer 100,000 of the smallest screws made. THRICE STABBED. Doctor Fong Sing Suey Murdered. Found Dead in His Bed With Three Wounds in His Body— He Had a Wife in China. Fone Sing Suey, the Chinese doctor, was found d nd in tils room, 53.". 1 - Dupout street, yesterday afternoon. His face was covered with blood. There was a knife wound over liW heart, another In bis abdomen and a third in bis left side. Tbe dead mau had been a phy- sician and sureeon la Cbina and came here ibirte n yean ago. Dr. Fon»j lived on the third floor of tbe house. He bad a little office, which was also bis bed- room, and was stuffed with herbs and roots. All Suey's friends believe tna< he was mur- dered. He was last seen on Saturday, when be prescribed for several patients. He toid them to return Monday morn ing. Two of hit cousins, who live In tbe house, told all callers on Mon- day that the doctor bad gone to San Jose. Acat plaintively mewing, and a stench that could not be Ignored called tbe attention of the residents of tne building to the doctor's room ye-ietday morning. A long bamboo pole was procured, aud tbe fanlight was smashed. The doctor wan »ecn lylupr upon Ins bed, and then the door was broken open. Policeman O'Sulll- van was t rpient when the entrance was made. ! .. it' was bio, id upon the mattress on which the dead Chinese lay,and upon ibefl<>or be- neath It. It bad been (here for several da vs. Near tbe dead body, upon wnith decomposition had -ft its mark, was a levolver which was loaded. The weapon bud always been kept by HMdoctor Idbis bed. N<> knife was found In the room, but stains of bloou wete found around the burnt. The doctor h d many valuable articles Inhis room, but all of them were missing. Among the ab- tent articles were several opium pipes, which weie famous in Chinatown tor their bexuty. l lie dead doctor was 44 years old. His life was insured for a large amount, but .tie papers could uot be found when his room was seatched. The Coroner will bold an Inquest over hit remains to-day. Dr. Suey was manled In China, and when be left bit native coun ry his wife remained, iu- tendlng to follow htm Ifbe sem for lier. \u2666 « Caroline Welmina Ludakeua has applied to the Superior Court to have her name changed to Lena Luueiking. Tbe apt llcation will be beard before Judge Slack January 19, 18'J4. MARKET REPORTS. Thursday Evenmo, Dec. 7. bCMMABY OF THE MASKXT*. \u25a0Wheat Brm. Barley inactive. By? unchanged. Hay steady, Beans Potatoes and Onions unchanged. Butter. Elks and Cheese weak. Poultry market cbolted. Game higher again. Citrus Frait dull lUii.i, Bacon and Lard weak. Vegetal*. quiet. Lluseed Oil, bibber. Turpentine marked up. Sliver kC\aLCea. New ri Markets. > k.w YOI.K.Dec. 7.—lt was a anil market and a restricted volume of business with changes In transactlot.s generally unimportant. In the ab- sence ( f any o>nuite knowledge of the object and results of President Reiunart'i visit to London A ictmon storks and bonds were firmly held and outh advanced. At tbe close tbe tone of tbe gen- eral market was firm and th» tendency upward. (ioT-runs«tita strong, Petroleum, January closed at 77*,* c bid. EICHANBK, MOSEY AND BONDS. Money on call easy at I®l VSiV: closed at \%. Prime mercantile paper, •S L .-y®Zix ,-z'4. Sterling ex- cbance: sxiy-dav bills, 14 e4«T (3* 84*-4 ; de- niana. t7i44 b7Vi. «•". & 4's. registered. $113: do coupon. |lll« i.''s registered. $Bft: Pacific ti's, aioivi;silver. 69 "-» c. KAII.KOAn (1 IT ARM. Atcbison 19 S ,8 Northwestern... . 105Vi American Express. 1 .6 I DoPreferred... IKS Canada Poutricrn.. £>;'• "s Oregon Jinprornic. IS Canada Pacific... 74 Oregon Saylgaiori. SO Central Ja. ir.c I- 1 4 I ortpoti Short Line BVi Cbic«eo. 11 i 9.... ( Pacific Matl 16V4 I)«i. Lac* A n«atir.l('>7 , Pullman Palace... ITU Denvr * K.i. pref . 3-sfe ! Beading 2is/ a (Jreat Northern.... | RioGraodeA Wstu. 18 Illinois Central.... 93 I Preferred 46 Kansas & Texas... 28V 4l Firsts 7.-V. Lake Shore 127Vb Kock liland. til*; . Louisville £ Nash. 01*4 St » »vi 64% Michigan Central.. 101 »-* ht. Paul * Omaaa. 3S*i Missouri Pacific... a4»/i 1 riM Pacific. »»/ 4 Mexican Central., ti'/a {Terminal 103 North American... lU4Vs Union Pacific '\u25a0'I*/* Northern Pacific «i/ 4 .C. S. Express 63 Pr«l»ri«<l. H-IK4. Weils-Pargo 122 N. V. Central lO'JU I Western Uuioa .. 69*/ a { INIHSTKIAI*. Atcertran Sn?*r... H. J ,5 General Klectrlo.. 31 Amer. Cottoa OIL. 30 National Lead. .. VlV> 1 ell Telephone.... bti 1 National 1.1 «s««d.. '. « Chicaco Oat. btj''» .National Cor<ia(S. !!•'/, Distillers 17%] Do err »d.... 46 OBAIN AND I.RCH4SDI3K. Wneat— December. t>B^fc& Floor—Steady. Hops— Quiet. Copper— steady : Lake, $10 to. -f; Lead— hosier: Domestic, S3 30. Tin—BarMy steady; strait*. $20 60 bid. Spelter-Steady: Domestic. %i 60. Coffee— op- ned 5(^15 points higher on higher Kuropean market* ami covering by shorts and closed steady witb a net advance of .'6 0 points. Sales 11.000 bags. December. 310 7o@ 10 76: January, (IS 50: February. $16 20010 30; March. «ltJ(910 06 Spot Klostronir; No. 7, ISC. Sugar— Raw. about steady: reCned steady. Chlraaro Markets. Chicago. Dee. 7.—Wheat was quiet and opened Vfec blcber. advanced Vie more on firmer cables and the statement or tbe Cincinnati Price Current that there would be an exportable turplns not to exceed 60.000.000 to OuU.OOO busbeis. t»as-d oB s/ a c on selling to tak« profits at tbe advance, but rallied v»c on renewed having, eased off attain and \ closed easy at Vr© 1 .-« c uinner than yesterday. 1 •i-e.i :«. t.'j.uuo bushels; shipments, 11,000 bush- els. CATTLE. Cattle— KecelDta. 96.000: active and steady to strong on best grades: a low Christmas steers sold at $£@6 60: good shippers. $ 6^6 36; fair,$4 30@ 4 60; others, (3 76© 4: no Texan steers on the market. Hogs—Receipts. 35.000; openea and rnled active and steady, closing? weak to lower: cimnmn. $4 85 <s»a 05; packing and shipping. $5 ll)@.i I'<: prime !>••:. and medlmns. 15 3.">(<si> 40; sorted light, $5 4n@s 90: mixed. $5 ]*<$>> 36. Sheep— K'celDts, 14.000: slow and lower; na- | tive ewes, $«@n 25; Western*. $2 Bo@3 40. «.KAIN AND rKOVISIO.VS. Wheat easy cash, ?4c: Mar. (39040. Corn. steady: cash. 3C'/^c: May. 40>4C. Oats, easy: cash. "8"m<:: 51hj.:<iV%c. Pork, steady: January, $12 66; May, $12 *2Vs. Lard, steady; January, $7 92Y X : May, $7 76. Ribs, steady: January. $6 671/2: May. $6 76 U\e. iug.'iw.c. Barley, nominal, flax, si 2 - /y a @l 23. 'iiiuotay, $3 70. Forelen Markets. ' : .;_:»: \u25a0WHEAT INtrVEBPOOU LrvKßrooL, Dee 7.—The spot market Is steady at 6* 61. ' Cargoes are firm at -7s 6d for off coast. 37s 8d lor prompt shipment and 27t 3d tor nearly an*. TVTVHFM. The rrodnce Excbanfe cable fires the roilowlng Liverpool quotations for Ho. 3 Red Winter: December. 6s 3d: January, 6s 40: February, 6s srt: Marcb, 6s 6*4 d; April. 6s c*/ 4 d; May, 6s V'.*d ' .-UMBftHtinlli I iWsi JmmKSS BKCUBITIBfI. 1 oitwJN, Dee. 7.— Consols. 97 13-ie@9B; Silver, 82'.ia: French Rentes, »8t 20c. Portland's liusiri-s«. Porti-am). Or.. Dec. 7.— Clearances. $273,000; balances, *6 3. 000. ________ Exchange and Balllon. Bterlinir Excbanse, 60 days ......... 4 84 Merilng Kxrbanse, sight...., I 87 1 NfW York >xc&ange. sight 05 New York Kxchanee, telegraphic... 10 Fine Sll ver. spot, V ounce 68% Fine Mlver, oO day 5....:............. 68 Mexican Dollars 67%. 58 Prod ace Market. FLOUR— Cash prices are as follows: Family ex- tras. $3 So@3 60 \u25a0* i.bi: Makers' extras, $3 400 3 60: superfine, $3 40^'i 60 ft bbl. ' WHEAT— Yesterday's market was firm in sym- pathy with strong Eastern and foreign markets. No. 1quotable at $'• 03»/*@l 06; choice, $1 OOVi; lower grades, 73r@$i; extra choice for mlliiug, $1 06 V*@l 07Va 9 ctl. CALL BOARD SALES. Inf'.kmai. Bxssiox— loo'clock— May— 7oo tons. $1 aiVa". 600. $1 "il^i. December— loo. *1 10V~: 100. $1 10%. ' . -. Beoclab Mobvixo Session— May—loo tons •1 llfhl 800, $1 11*4: i"0. si 2)f. : iou, $1 21%: 200. $1 21 Vi: 700. si 221/j,. December —600. $1 10: 100, $1 09-V ; 100. $1 09. Aftkenoon Skhbion— May—loo tons. $1 91: 600. Si 20Vb: 1900. $1 304%.- ember— Boo. $1 09; 200, $1 083/4 ( 600, $1 08%%. Spot—loo. SI OBV2. >ever one—loo, $1 08*4. BABLXY— The . market yesterday was Inactive and unchanged as usual, Mi. l Feed, 7o@; 2V«c V ill: choice bright do, 73* / 4 c; dark Coast.' 60 <&SH<>Ac; Brewing, 80#»0c t* ctl; Chevalier. 76« »oc for lower grade. . . :.- CAI I. BOARD SALES. ,_ r Informal Session— lo o'clock— No sales. * ' KtsiiAH Morm.no Bbs*io»—May— loo tons. tSSSa_HHKT:' ' •• \^s-fls__i 84*/ic: 100. 84%c: 100. HIVaC. December— 200, 76c: 100. 735/ic: 100. 73"*e Afternoon Skssion-Msj— loo tons, 84»/ s e; 400. 84V«c O.VI s-Mirltet is doll. Mill «1 12V»@1 17i*: fancy Feed, 91 17i 2 @l 20; goo i to choice, tl 10 (ail IB; common to ax. @1 07^; Ben. 97c <3>sl 06: Black. Ksc@Sl 15 ¥» ctl: «ray,Sl©llo; .surprise, $1 VL'@l BU. CORN—Nothing going on. Offerings of Large Yellow are heavy. Laree Yellow. Bu@B* c V ctl; Small Round Yellow. 9i>@92%c: White. 9u<»92Vic *etl. KVE— Quoted 90995 - H ctl BRAN— Quoted at $16 50@16 50$ ton for the the be»t ami $16 for outside brands. MIDDUNUS-Quotedatslg@3l ton CHOFPKD FEKI»-sl7 60@18 60 fi ton. HAY— Very fair demand 31 steady prices. •Wire- bound Hay Mils $!©'_' below the fallowing wholesale quotations for rope-bound: Wneat. S10@14; Wheat and Oat. S10W13: Barley, $9 50@l 1 60 "fl ion: Oat, 1 10012; AlTaira, 9IO3HO6O: Clover. *10@ll; Compressed. 91 1'^13; Mo.*. *6 60(38 <jj* ton. - STRAW— Quoted at 4?i jfSS7VjO V bale. MlLLSTl'FiS— 'ir'iind and Rolled barley is quotable at $16®17 ?1 ton; Ollcalto Meal. $:<5 # wholesale and $ 37 50 jobbing: Rye Flour. 3Vfee fl !b- Rye Meal, 3c V H>: Grab«m Flour. 3e; Oat- meal. 4Vie VID: Oat <*roat«, »c: Cracked Wheat, SV»c: Buckwheat Flour, 6@s^c: Pearl li.xiey. »^.EDS-Yellow Mustard, *3 60@2 75 fl ctl; Brown Mustard. $2@3 25 V Ctlj Flax. »•.• 'ii f}'£ 50; Imported Canary. 4Vic^tb; Alfalfa. B*4® c»tt>: Rape. l'4@2Vic V n>: Hemp, 3«.-4C %) lt>. DRIKD PEAS Biackeye, $1 ttl)(a>i 76: Mies, SI final 60 V ctl: Green. $1 60@l 65; Split Peas. f. '<« ••\u25a0<<- r- f \u25a0 : ••\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0'.:\u25a0\u25a0 BUCKWHEAT-Quoted at SI 45 9 ctL CORNMEaL. ETC.— Table Meal. 2U@3c $n>: Feed Cor. i. S-0@21: Cracked Corn, 920 &o@2l 50 ft ton: Hominy. 4 v.c * lb. BEANS—Inactive at previous prices. Bayou, tl 60@l 80; l"»a. $2®3 10; Large White, 91 700 180: Small White. SI 70©l 80; Plnk.Sl 40@l BO; Reds, 9 «s<ai 90: Lima*. 91 9<!@'J 10: Butters. 91 76@1 85 f< ctl for small and $1 «s@i fur large. POTATOES— No change. Sweets, quotable at fiO*7<ic: i.arnet Chiles. 4'@ssc: Early Rose, 85 ©soe: Salinas Uurbanks. C< :«s7s<" River Burbanks, 3O@3Sc: River Reds. «s©a6c f! ctl. ONIONS- .-tea.ly at $l@l36f>Ctl. BUTTER—PrcfS continue to tend downward. Fair to choice Creamery. Quotable at 3\.'Wg)3tji i,c 9 It»: Dairy squires. 'J.'©;i3c V E>: fancy I>alry rnlis. so@ •jw.cf»n>: food to choice. \u25a0«;7'/»@2!'c ft Ib:common to tatr. '^U@2oq: Creamery tub. -J4@ Vls.-: Pickled Roll,20@32c: Firkin, lS@2oc « a. CHEESE- Dealer! report the limit, «•.>!• r Good to choice mild new It quotable at 11 1* @12V« * 16; fancy marks, lie; ordniarr, 9@ lie: Young Americas. Il(<fil3c 9 Id: Eastern, 13\ : @14c V tb: Western. 13@13V'3 C V &>• POULTRY—Eastern co »s In every diy now and drags badly at 14@15c for Turkeys, 9 \u25a0 for Pucks. 94^6 tor Hens and $3 f>o®s tor young Roostrrs. California stock II weak, as follows: Drrsaed Turkeys. 1>-(<$ Or: Live Turkeys. liaise for Gobblers and ]?®i. I Tat Hens; ttetse. ft pair, 91 60@2; Ducks. $< 5V(£5 i*dozen; Hens H'cdb: Roosters, young. H@i50 doi;do old, 9404 60; Fiyer*. $4@4 50: Brullers. $*(a* V 5 for large and f »@3 60 % aozen for small: Pigeons, #l «6@l 50 V dozen fur young ana 91 for old. GAME— There was anotber general advance yesterday. tie market Is very firm. Quail. Sl@ @1 25: Mallard. 91 60@4 60: Canvusback, ?5@7 : N'rtft. * (gi^ 60: Teal, $1 60@l 76: Widgeon, 91 SU; Small Duck, SI 25: Gray Geese, $2 ft. @<; White Geese. SI v'6@l £0: Urant. $1 6O@l 75 for large and f I@l '25 for small: Honkers. 9-i(#4 50 t* do*: Knellsn Milp». t"@" 60 V dozen; Jack .snipe, 91©1 25: Hare, $I®l 25: Rabbits. SI 26@1 60. l,t;(;v_\ 0 further c ange. Fancy Eauern, H()@ 3'_' Vif 1* doz; common to good Eastern. 3S#?7^fce: California, store Kjtcs. > 1 ,(g»35c: ranch Eggs, 37 @38c for (mail and oS color, 40© ; lc and occi- - onally 42i/ 2 c per doz-n for larce white and 35 @36c for Interior. HONKY—Comb. 10V^©llc for bright ana 8-10 c for dirk to ilsbtamber; water-wblte extracted, 6@ i'Vic; light amber extr^rtrd. 4^C|(sc: dark amber extracted, 4».i@4V«r'? R. HKKSWt X— Quoted at 2- (»23c * Ib. ORCUARpFHUlTS— Persimmons. 40(<»75c bx: Apples, 65ft*86c 1* box for good tocboli-e and 35® 60c ror rorumen to fair aud 90e@$l * box for choice Red: Lady Applet. JlfcCl 50: Pears. 25® 50c ft box foi common and 75c@$l 25 for choice varieties. GRAPES— Qnoted at 2J©soc V box. CRANBERRIFS— WIsconsIn.?6SO@7SO: Jersey and CaDe Cod. $£{£9 V bbL CITRUS FRuri.>— The market is very quiet. Fall to Choi ( alirornla >«vel Oranges. 92A3: Seedlings, 91 "tQ2; ? oreto Ora'igrs. ft 60(a3: Mandarin Oranges. Sl@' 25; Vacavllle Ur.tnires, In small boxes, sU@7t>c f '"ii: BWI y L" o .-. ; California Lemons, JIM-' V) box for common and $2 50g£:< 25 \u25a0? box for good tn choice: Veil.- Limes, $4 Vbox: Bananas. 91 [email protected] 50 9 bunch; Pineapples. $"'*4 V doz. DKIEb FRUIT—Pe«r» quotable at s@6c f R. for bleached lia:T<"« and 4@ie for quarters: Apples. 3»'V&IVSjC for quart-red. 3 1 ©'.V*/" for slice! and 7@Bc for evhD rated : Bleached Peach's, 6@7c: 6iin-<trled l-eaches. 4©3c: Apricots. Moorparks. ll>^@l-.i^c;ROTals ll@lli^icTor bleached and t'@7 l />c for sun-dried; I'ru es. 4Vj,.©4»io for the four sizes and SQ4i > for uti^radea; I'iuins, 41^@5e for pitted and l'/ii^'-'o rnrunpitted; Figs, back, 3®4c for pressed and 1 *' t '<j-''ac f»r unDresa«i; TNblte Nectarines. 6@7c: Red Nectarines. 4@6c va. RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES— San Francisco quotations are: London Layers, 9 t>l 25; loose Moseatela, in box**.75r@f l c* bx: clusters, SI 60 @l 76 't> box: loose Msnemtel*, In «arks. t""i(» s%fccfJ "> for tbiee-cr<<wn and 'JfisaV«c tor two- crown; dried Grapes. 1 .. @2e T> tb. >UTS-Chestnuu are quotable at lOttl^J^c; Walnuu, 68/i@7ViC i>. m tor harnsheil. for Rortshell and for paper-shell; toilsnell Al- nion.li, l\Ql'2r; hardshell do. ' ©Be :p»i>er-iibei|. l'^V»@l3V..r n>: Peanuts. 4fti*4V.,c>* tor do- tseitlc: Hickory Nut«, f@6c: teems, B#9C for rougn and lie for polished:; Filberts. lv^^O^r: Brazil tits. Hl^llV^c: Cocoanuts. S4^s «» 100. VEGETABLFS— Yesterday's cLanges ere silt AspHragus. 40e V FT.: Muihrooms. unsalable for common and 12VtCdi0c t- U 1 'oi good to fancy; Rliubarb, 7sc ft box: Drle<l okra. 12Vs@'*c V rr>; Dried. P' ppers, 6@7c* It-. Tomatoes, 16'<475c Los Aiif*i<-« i (mil leee. -liv^-iit V box : Green Pens. '<& Pc: String Beaus. ft@'i>C; Marrowfat Squash, 97(JH V ton; Cabbage, 60c 1> cti: Feed carrots. 40®50c: lurntpe, ?sc; Hceta. 75c: Parsnips, fl25: u.xilc, & n>. PROVISIONS— Hams Bacon and Lard are very weak, and dealers are quietly cutting to sell. Hae n lvis*r.'i,vc 9 16 for heavy and medium, 181. @15cfor light and l^f/^ltj' for extra light: Kastern »ntir-rurtil Kino/l'i^c VIt.: California Hams. H)®liv 9 c; Eastern Lard. tierces, 7 Vi@BMiC for compound ana 100 V It» for pure: pails. llc^tb: California, tierces. 7 VvC for compound and 10c V jr. for pure: bair-bbls. lO'^c * lf>: 10 Ib tins, lie; do 5-lt. UViC: Me«s >'••* **'• extra mess do. 99 bbl: family do, $10 51*011: extra prime r». SI8Q13&0; extra clear. %i'A % bbl: mess. Sib V but. Smoked i;eef. 10Vj© lie > m i- * Hi. l- Qnoterl at 1C(?B BUjC 1* Ib. HIDES AND SKINS— Heavy salted steers, 6c 9 Ib; medium. 4c \u2666» m :lit;' t. l<<i*:u.«< ; Cowhides. S-g) 3 Ms"-": salted Kip, tc V Ib: salted Calf. » ; salted Veal, 6c; dry Hides, usual selection. «' #7c; dry Kips and ci 3 @7c; prime Goauklns. 36040c each; Kids. s@loc; Deerskins, good summer, 25<* %l It', medium. 15r ?\u25a0 tt>; win- ter. sc: Sheepskias. sbearllncs. 10<£p'J0c eacb» short woo!. 2i@3sc; medlnm. 4i-©soc each; ion? wo.'i, &ii(3 7sc each; Culls or all Kinds about Va ie*s. TALLOW— No. 1 rendered. sc; country Tallow, \u25a0lV,o: Rrflued, Be: Grease, 3V4(<S3V%O V ft,. WOOL— I ail Wool is quo.el as folluws: Hum- boldt and Mendoclno. B'^iOc * tb: tree Moun- tain. t'QSc » IT.: ' orthern defective, s©7c; South- ern ami San .I'laqutti. 4@>sc: Spring clip. Uuroi>oldt and Mendoclno. 13@140 V It>: Calaveras and Foot- hill. ]l«!Vc; Nev.dn. 10($!Hc: San Joaquin and Southern, year's staple. n@!»c "c». tb; do, short Wools. l'sH><! &; Eastern Oregon, 101*120 for cbolre aud B®9c tor Inferior; Valley Oregon, 13® 14c V Q>. General Merchandise. GRAINBA<iß-Calcuitas nominal. OlL— Linseed has again advanced. California Castor Oil. cases, No. 1, is quotable at 91 20: bbls. 91 15 (manufacturers' rate.*); California Lin- seed Oil. bbis. boiled. 54c: raw. 62c: easel. 'Ac more. ha.-ti-rn Linseed oil. In bbls. boiled, 64c; do raw. 62c: cases, 3c more. Lard oil. b*>i*. 87Vfcei cases, 92Vje; Cocoa, 55c; Clilna Nut, 47@ S'JC V gat IK KOl.KCM— Starllebt, 18' we t> gal; Eocene, 21c V gal: Astral. 1 8c « gal; 150° Klalne. 23c i* \u25a0ml; Pearl, li*'-: Water-white, reflned. bulk, 12c: Headlight, 176°. cases, 21c; Mineral Illuminat- ing, 300°, 20c in caies; Standard. 110° ore test, 17c % gallon In cases (caps), i7Vi.c faucets and 12c Hi bulk. UA.soL.INE. ETC.—63 Benzine, bulk, 12i'.c cat; cases. 18c; 74° Gasoline, bulk, Kir; case*, 19c: Bb ' asollnt, bulk. VOe; rases, -'.*>\u25a0\u25a0 V gal. WHITE LEAD— Quoted ate@7c, as to quantity. RED LEAD— Quoted at 7c V it.. TURPENTINE—Higher at 44c ft gal. SUGAR— The Western sugar i.i-di.iug Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube. \u25a0 rushed, Powdered and Fine crushed, all 6-VitC > Ib : Dry Granulated. 4"* \u25a0 "i* tt>: Confectioners' A. 4%c; Magnolia A. 4-V s c: Extra O. 4140: Golden C. 4c; D, 3'ic; Standard A, 4 Y e: naif-barrels, same ai barrels, and boxes Vie more. Sun Fr»nrl«co Meat Market. Wholesale rates from siautbterers are as follows : BKEF—First quality, f«S"Ac V tb: second qual- ltv,4VyC; thirddo. U^©4c # ft. \u0084.•.„ VEAL— Large, ! 0»c V Ib: small Calves, tS@6 ' 2 c: Dairy Calves. 7. ..• 8c 1* lb. MUTTON— Wethers, 6(i*sVaC; Ewes. 4V-®sc it m. lAMß— 6Mi®7c9 Ib. PoßK— Live Hoks. 6c for heavy and medium grain-fed and 6 1 49"" v'< c for small; stock Hogs, 6c ft It; dressed do. 7' <<*-•<\u25a0 * Hi. KECEIPIS OF PRODUCE. Thtjrsda-s, Dec. 7. Flour, qrsks 1.092 Onlonn.sks 437 do, Oregon do, 8.9C2 do. Oregon, do. . 16 Wheat, ctls \u0084 34.473 -traw, t0n5....... 10 do, Oregon 14.020 Mustard Seed, Skg 1.1H3 Barley.. U5........ 3,240 Flaxseed.Or.sts.. 378 0at5, fctu.......... 7 wool, bales ...... ; 18 do, Oregon, do. . 1,235 do, Oregon, do,. 78 Corn, sks.... 1.61* Kaislns, bxs..., 1,350 Beans, sks ........ 3,otJt> Hides, no ;.... 239 Potalors. 3.612 «lne, gals 48.710 do, Oregon 27 Brandy, ga15...... 0,400 Hay. tons.... ....- 330 1 . - - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 Ul fcA.N IIEAMKKK. i'»tf*of F»fp»rtnr' from H»n Frmietnoo. srN AND TIDE TABL.B murk- , \u25a0.. \u25a0\u25a0•i.M'i'.LimK -ck. | Arrived. \u25a0 s - TiruBSDAY. Dec 7. Strnr Daisy Klraball, Johns 11. in hours from Fort Bragg, etc: pass an tndse, to J 8 Kimball. Btror Point Arena, Johnson, 15 hours from Men- do, mo, etc: pass and mdse, to Mendoclno Lum- ber Co. \u25a0 Stmr Arago. Donaldson. 39 hours from Coos Bay; pass and mdse. to O C 4 \u25a0 Co. Stmr National City, Manson, 'i 1 hours from Eu- reka; 330 M ft Intuber, to C A Hooper 4 Co. Stmr Humboldt, Rdwaras. 20 hours from Eu- reka; pass and mdse, to M Kailsh 4 Co MmrSin Jose, Russell, 19 days from Panama, etc; pass and mdse. to Pac Mall s s Co. Stmr Al-KI, Hunter, 86 hours from Departure Bay: 1155 tons coal, to Oregon Imp Co. Stmr Columbia, bo:les. 60 hours from Port- land, via Astoria 40 bonn; pass and md(e, to Union Pacific Railway Co. . :\u25a0\u25a0'. :,- Ntnu Lakme. Bonnlfield. 38 hours frm Hueneme; province, to order. Kmr Gipsy, Jepsen, 1? hours from Santa Cruz: produce, to Good&ll, Perkins 4 Co. Stmr Homer. Gregory, 103 hours from Tacorna; mdse, to lieo DetricK 4 Co. Mi p Spartan. Polite. 11 days from Seattle: 2000 tons coal, to PB Cornwall. - Bark Csrrollton, Lewis, 14 days from Nanaimo viaPort Ancaies 10 days; 2390 tons coal, to John Rosenfeld's Sons. Hark Seminole, weeden, 16 days from Depart- ure Bay: VOB7 tons coal, to R DChandler. Scbr Archie and Koutle, Culstrupp, 48 hours frm Stewarts Point: 7000 posts, to Hlggins 4 Collins. VaMejo direct. Schr W F Jewett. Sprarne, 10 days from Port- land; 825 Mft lumber, to Kennedy 4 Inglls. ";'• \u25a0'," Cleared. Thursday, Dec 7. Pttnr North Fork, Doran. Eureka; (has Nelson. Br stror Wellington, Salmoud, Nanalmo; R Dunsmnlr & Sons. hull' Henry Vlllard, Perkins, Tacoma: Balfour, Guthrle 4 Co. Itr bark Stractbro, Davey, Queenstown; Balfour, Gutnrle* Co. , VVb bark Cl.as W Morgan, Earle, wbaiine; J 4 WRWing. Sailed. Wednesday, Dec 6. Bc&t Mary C Campbell, Bodega. Thursday. Dec 7. Stmr Eureka, Inland, San Pedro. Stu.r Willamette Valley, btorrs, Yaqiilna Bay. Brstmr Wellington, Salmond. Naualwo. Stmr Cleone, Miller, Westport. Wh bark Chas w Morgan, Karle. wh^llnß. Dan bark Cimbrla, Pedersen. Ipswich. Scbr Chetco, J&cobson, Coos Bay. lU'rranUe. POINT LOBOS— December 7—lo r m—Weather, hazy: wind. SW: velocity. 6mllM. Shipping1 Notes- Steamers to sail to-day are tbe Bsrracouta for Panama, North Fork for Humboldt Bay and Gipsy for the Sallnns River. Steamers to arrive to-day are the San Juan from Panama. (jaean from Victoria and Puget Mound and Los Angeles from Newport. The following vessels were chartered prior to arrival to I- ad wheat at Portland for Kurope; Br bark Cam money, 36s 3d: Br ship Colony, 37s 6d; Hrship Suthrrlandshlre, 30s. Tbe schr Norway loads lumber on the Sound for San guentlo, Mexico, at $7 50. DnntMtli Port*. . ROWENS LANDING—SaiIed Deo 7— Schr Mary Etta, for San Francisco. Arrive Dec 7— Schr Barbara Hernster, from Santa Barbara. \u25a0 EDREKA—Arrived Dec 7— Stmr Pomona, hence Dec 6: scbrs Eva and Occidental, bence Not 30. Sailed Dee Schrs Mabel Gray and John A. for San tranclaco. UMPQVA-Arrlved Dec 6— Schr Sadie, hence Nov 23. Palled Dec 6—Schn Louise and Una, for San Pedro. COQDILLE RlVEß— Sailed Dec 6— Strur Bando- rllle. for San Francisco. TACOMA—Sailed Dec 7—Bktn Arago, for San Pedro. PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived Dec 7— Stmr Mtneola. from Comox. ASTORIA Arrived Dec 7-Stmr Stale of Cali- fornia, hence Dec 5. - ALBION ArrivedDee 7— Stmr Alcazar, hence Dec ORKENWOOD— SaiIed Dec 7— Stmr Greenwood, for San Franciiio. TAIOOSH—Passed Dec Stmr Mackinaw, frm Tncfma for ban hraiidsco. REDi'NDO-Arrived Dec 7—Br ship Verbena, from Antwerp. PORT BLAKELEY-Balled Dec 7— Cnilbark An- toinette, for Valparaiso. 1-orHjrn Port*. DUNKlßK—ArrivedDec 6—Br ship Howth. bnc July 20. HONG-KONG— Arrived Dec Stmr City of P»- king. hence Nov 9; Brstmr Fm;.ress of Japan, fm Vancouver. NANAIMO—SaiIed Dee 7—Ship Wachusett, for San Pedro. Mov* ments of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. LONDON— Arrived Pec 7— Stmr!" Bohemia and Obdam, from Sew York. BREMEN— Arrived Dee 7— Stmr Allcr, from New York. I STOWN— Arrived Dec 7 Stmr Germanic from New York. - LIVERPOOL— Arrived Dec 7— Stmr Nomadic, from New York. Import* tlona. PORTLAND AND AKTORIA-Per Colnmbla-22 crts 16 sks onions. 10.510 gks wheat. 3?xsks flax \u25a0red, 2951 sk» flour, 1371 sksoat.i. 1 c- blankets, '27 sks potatoes. 26 bi» green a 1 pies. 26 cs patent medicine. 16 bis smoked fish, ISOr li chairs. 1 cs win*. 66 empty barrels. 239 bdls sheep skins, 450 salt hides. 8«10 It lumber. 120 pcs w»t#r pipe. 10 pkics ollr.igoods, 10 pkp^ net float*. .6 cs rubber shoes, 189' t)din blu>s. »7 Dkgs candy, lIS bxs crackers 600 l>rt;s pulp, 497 pkgs paper. 55e ixlls laths. '-'619 ixlis shooks, 250 sks oysters. 25 bbls eras berries, U5 cs salmon, 19 pkgs tea. 1 bag coin and express. EI'KKK \ Per Humboldt— 7 eds stave bolts. 15 roils leather. 205 sits peas, 316 bxs apples, 2 Dans minerals, 3 tits bark. 1 ak leather. 1 cs mdse, 1 bx plates, 1 cs honey, A cs groceries. 6 sks rollr-.t oats. 6 cs fruit cans, 5 barrels. 2 cs demijohn*, 3 wine barrel*. 1 cs dry noon. 'SI l>xs apples. 8* cs fisb. 4 sks ralslna. 176 bxs butter. 2 cs a goods, 1 table, 1 ci hardware. 9 pkgs express, 1 bag corks, 1 cs chestnuts. 1 sk coin. SANTA CRDZ— Per Gipsy—32 bxs apples. 2 bxs 19 bbls glue, 4 bxs butter, 'i cs cheese. 1000 bbis lime. Alenterey—3 oil tanks, 6 empty barrels. Pigeon Point— 37 bxs apples, 10 Ins butter, 90 arms 411 bxs rheise. Salinas— 11 sks mustard. Moru Cajo— 2So aks potatoes. aitoiiviiie— Mlßbaes sugar. Moss Landing— l bf-bx butter, Ics ergs. HttStllt-Per Lakme— 623l sks barley, 1341 »- .1 corn. 234 sks oats. 478 ski beans, 1pkg oidse, 4£16 sks wheat. / ME.NDOCINO—Per Point Arena—3 pkgs mdse, 7 ! e.-r cages. 45 barrels, 1 bbl vinegar, 2 tanks, ISO M ft lumber. Navnrro— i 1 2 tons old Iron. v bitesboro— 4 pkgs mdse. Point Arena— 7l l>ri apples, 9 pkes mdse, 1 tub 17 bf-i>xs butter, 5 cm gs. 2 coops chickens. 1cs 1 hf-bbl etn. 4 bxs fi»h, 11 pkgs household goods. 1 bx preserves 1 mirror. 1 horse. 1 wagon. FORT BRAGG— Per Dai.«y Kimbali 1 bx fish, 1 bx books, 22 pkgs tools. 48 bUls pelts, 190.133 ft lumber. Little River— 43 pkgs household goods, 13 pkgs furniture. Whltesboro— fo bxs apples, 1 deer. Point Arena— 2 bxs flkt:. 30 bxs apples. COOS HAY—Per Arago-2 pkg» m«iße, Sskschlt- tim ark. 10 rolls leather, 3 pkgs express. 2 tons household goods, 700 tons coal, 3 oil tanks, 2 bx* apples, I su hliies, 4 cs cheese, 1pfcg rudder, 1sk nuts, 2 sks coin. - \u25a0 > < TACOMA-Per Homer— so76 sks wheat. 1 tank, 1365 sks bran, 700 sks oats, 37 ' bag* sugar, 27 pkgs 900 bills household goods, 112 S'ed boxes, 34 car- iJiys. 1000 cs salmon, SO pkgs 70 bdls scraplrou, 102 *>asß bones, 1473 kegs nails. C>»n« s rn*>•**. Per Columbia—Allen ft Lewis; Field ft Stone; A I. try ft Co; II Dutard: Moore, Kertruson 4 Co; B Cohen * Co; 0 J I. pint ftCo; .Murphy, Urant « Co; would A Jaudin: Brown Bros * Co; Cat Barrel Co; Langley ft Michaels: Bissinger &Co; Fane ft Sod: Willamette Pulp A Piper Co: Clatsop Mill Co; F UlllensftCo: M organ Oyster Co: Gibson * Rrrr; Dodge, Sweeney * Co; J X Armabr ft Co; Wash- ington Feed Co; Wells. Fargo ft Co: Duff ftCo; 9 Stmus* * Cot Hrymood Bros Co: Wilmerdlng ft Co; Kennedy ft I nulls: Oh tuple salt Water Co; (.olden Oat* Lumber Co: Midwinter Fair: Jones A Co; Amen ft Harris; Seville it Co; Cox Seed * I'untCo: Mrtsou A. Manner Dray Inn Co; Boston Rubber Shoe Co; Derby A Imiiici. Per Hnroboldt— MKallsb ft Co; Dalton Bros; J F English; Marshall, Teggart ft Brorsen: Denting Palmer MillingCc; £ R Stevens * Co; Hilts Bros; Kveletu A Na»b: Brown A Adams: A Levy ft Co; Seiby Smeiti' and Lead Works; lion AHewlett; HuMe, Bradford * Co: Amer Press Ass i : McDon- ougb A Runyon: lillmannft Heudel; 8 H Tyler ft Co; Wellinan, Peck ft Co: I>odrn. Sw«nf*y ft Co; llrigbaro, Uoppe ft Co: OK Whitney ft Co: Cart an ft McCarthy; Dairymen's Union; Gets Bros ft Co; Norton. Teller ft Co; O B Smith ft Co: Hermann A Co: Rust. Handera ft 0": \V beacon. Breon ft Co; VerTallu ft Rows; B M Atrhinson ft Co: MelDer. Mr-Hi A llymann; D 'lledeman ft Co; Bumboldt Mineral Water Co; Wells, rargo 4- Co; J W Gale ft Co; Jones ft Co; L C gllari: l> V»(;.-lor.-> ft Maretb: A Crocker ft Bros; Neostadter Bros; Mil- ler Moss ft Scott: Hay wood Bros; order. * \u25a0 Per i.lpsy— Wbittier, Fuller 4 Co: II Dutnrd: A w Fink: Ruts, bander* ft Co: Til! maun * Bendel: Scliarht, Leuicke ft Stelner; - Norton. Teller ft Co; C Carpy ft Co: Standard Oil Co: M Kbrmau ft Co; Dodge. Sweeney ft Co: Dairymen's Union; ~lT«st rrn fug T Kefliery Co; Witlland ft Frederickson; Hills Bros: ,\u25a0 Norton. Teller 4 Co: M Cowell ft Co; Herman Joost: P Sans: iebmann ft Co; McUou- ough ft Rnnyon: «'al Paint Co. Per Lakms— Porter Bros ft Co; Field ft Stone: J linger ft Co; AOerberaing A Co; Meyeriteln A- CO. - - •--\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:• \u25a0 \u25a0 . - 1 Per Point Arena— Smith's Cash Store: Miller ft Son- Standard Oil Go: MEnrinan ft Co; MoNab ft B:ni-b; Chas Hurley ft Co: Dairymen's Union; .1 Pnllen: Dodge. Sweeney ft Co; l{«s* & Hewlett: J vale ft Co: Wilson ft Oeviiblss: A Paladlnl: B R Lane; Russ, Minders ft Co; O Conn: M«ndocln» Lumber Co: De Uernardlft Westi<h»l; Fnterprlse Brewery: MHdt Qu.irtror: 8 X Wade: R Howne: J 1Rlley; B C tell: Win MeGill: Stulz Bros: A D Lowell. Martin Wlnther: HO Beadle. Per Daisy Xi ball W B Sunnier ft Co; Hawley Broi; C V O'Callaghau &Bros: R H Qeard; Doe, Bunt ft Co; P Qusmaul: II Prltchard: I. Martin; A Bernard ; J Fastana ft Co. '\u25a0: Per Arairo—standard Oil Co; OC ft Co: R W Getty: Tiilmann ft Bendel: Well*, hareo * Co: C Johnstou; De Bernard Ift WestpbSil ;11 A Moss; Wbittier. Fuller* Co; E loliexten. Per Homer— Bros Hardware Co; Miller ft Son: Dunham. Carriran ftCo: E J Bowea ft Co; X Armsby ft Co; <„)•\u25a0 \u25a0 Morrow ftCot Pac Fertil- izing Co: Lewis Packing Co; G V Meyers: United Vinegar Co: De! Monte Milling Co; Gnlrardelll ft Sous: WS Marshall; LUlenthal ft Co; AHaas ft Co; Thcs Watson. \u0084 " " . - - « For hate. Shippino Intelligent* Se* TmthPag* THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1893. 9 Btzamkr. i rM>onift.iranamft.......>uec 8. 12m FM 8 S :kee.... Portland...... I Dec 9. Mlss'a 1 i........lttiui»*J»pan Deo 9. Sru PMS S t*Ko*a_ Ban Di««0.... Die 9.11am Bdw'y U looiat.. Humbldt B»v. Dec 9. B«MlWuint'n in.iji*.. fortlana |l>eo 10.10 am (*pe»r iti!i»... tic* ret saa. I Deo li. »am Bdw'r 1 Auctlti Newport...... Dec 11. Saw HaWr 2 )3»...... |S»n l)lec«.'...|Dec 13.11am Bd«r'r 3 i0n*..... i Bumbldt B»y.'Dec 18, UAMiBdWr 1 neav... .syai.ev. ....... Dec 14. wrMiUceanic i»of CM. I Portland Dec 15.10am Spear - smeueV i Taanin»n»r.. i>ec 15. '.'am Buw'l 4 Ma..... HewDort...... Dec Its. Bam BQw'r a ipartur* oi AuitrsiUn »te»uier depends an tM I WATER. •UK. o.:>sa i.4«a: 4. % IS 7.131 4, 7 14 4 6.4- AUCTION SALES. ' DAVIS, HABER & GO, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MER- CHANTS, Salesroom, 211 Fine street. San Francisco. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE! Fill I> AY. DECEMBER 8, 1893. At 10 o'clock a. m. by catalogue. PERFUMERY! PERFUMERY! I he Entire Stock of the Franco-American . Perfumery Co. (without renerve). Extracts. Colognes, Cosmetics, Bay Rum ana 300 dozen Genuine Lubln's Extracts, and an end- less variety of elegant perfumery. ALSO— BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS. The entire stock of the Pacific Publishing Com- . pany— 3ooo volumes Elegantly Bound Stand- ard ana Miscellaneous Books. Sale positive. without reserve DAVIS.HABEH & CO.. Auctioneers. de7 2t _ WILLIAM BUTTERFIELD, Auctioneer, 543 California St.. nr. Kearny Bicycles! Bicycles! The first opportunity ever offered of buying this wheel AT AUCTION! COLUMBIA PNEUMATIC TIRE At Salesroom, 643 California St., nr. Kearny, TO-MORROW, Saturday December 9, 1893. At 11 O'clock M., This is an opportunity seldom offered to procure th* bast Bicycle ever m»de, the world-renowned Columbia or this year model, lope Manufacturing . Co. One-naif of tin lot of fourteen are for ladles. They are warranted to be entirely new and perfect in every rrspect and In the case as imported. I am assured that the retail price will be maintained for th s first-class machine for the ensuing year at $156. Sold for account of whom it may concern to close an account, Tor U. *. i.old Coin, comprising only fourteen wheels. Recollect 1 guarantee them iv perfect order or NO SALE. Bespetfully, WIL.LIAM BUTTEKFIELD, deB 2t (General Auctioneer. 543 California St. RAILROAD TRAVEL. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY (PACIFIC S STEM). Trains Leave anil are Due to Arrive at SAX FRANCISCO. weave— FßOM NOTtMBKK l». 1893 arbiv*! . 7 100 a Atlantis Express for Ogden and \u25a0 . East 6«45a 7:00a Bealcia.Vacavliie. §Kumser.*ac- rnnento & Redding, via Davis 7:15p 7:80 a Blartiaez. San Ramon. Napa. Calistosra and *S»nta Kosa 6:15» S:SOa Mies. San Jose, Stockton. lone. Sacramento. Marysville, Red Bluff and •oroville 4:15* COO a New Orleans Express, **ntaßtr- r.ar<,Los Angeits, Deming. El Paso. New Orleans and East 8-ASP •9:00 a Btee tot. and Milton •8:45* *Jii:<Oit Hay wards Mies and San Jose. .. !6:15p » IS :00m Bay wards. Mies and S nJo«e... *6:15p •1:00 Sacrauento River Steamers •9:00p 4:lioi' M-:r:l:iM San Ramon, ValleJo. - *;\u25a0» Caliitoga, El Verano aud Santa Rosa 9:45 a 4:00f Beulcia, VKcaviile, Woodland, Knifnti LandlDt:, Mirysvllle. oroviiie and Sacramento 10:45 a 4 :"'oi» Miles Llvermore and t>un Jose... 3:45a. 6 Of Martinez. Stockton, Modesto, -.er' : ana Fresno 10:45 a B:UOr Los Angeles Express, Fresno, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara and Lot Angeles 10:45 a 8H)0p Santa ¥« Route. Atlantic Express for Mojave and East 10:45 a 6 -C'Op Kuroi/em Mail. Oeiien and East. P:4sa 6:00p Raywardi, Nllesand San Jose... 7:45 a J7:oor Valiejo tB:4sr 7:00* Oregon press, Sacramento, Uarysvtile, Redding, Portland, fusel aoouanadl^at 10:45 a SANTA C;:UZ DIVISION (Narrow Gauge). J". :45a Su nday Excursion for New irk. San Jos*. Los Uatos, Feltun and Santa Cruz. 18:05? 8:15a Newark, C«ntervtiie. San .Tose, Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruzand War at ti ns 8:39» *2:l5PNrw&rK, Centerville. San Jose. Almaden,Feitou, Boulder Creek Santa Cruz and principal way stations «10:50 a 4:48p Newark. Kan Jose. Los Qatos 9:50 a CO ST I>'Vi S'N— Ihir and Tinrmfml St« 6:45 a San Almaden Way "Sta- tions..... 2:45* 6:15 a San Jose. Tres Finos, Santa Cruz Pacific Urove. Paso Robles ISan Luis Obispo) and Principal T*ay Stations 6:28* 10:4nA San Jos* and Way stations s:otip 12:.'6f Ps>!o Ait'> nd Wav Stations 4:15r •2S2OF 6»n Jose, (iiroy, Tr»-s Plno«, Banta Crr.z. SaliTias, Monterey, \u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0}. .<\u25a0 ard FaclflcGrove *10:40 a :Sop Saa Jose aud Principal "Way Sta- tions »9:47 a •4:25p >»l<. Ait^and Way Stations *8:08 a 6 :10p San Jos* and Way Stations 8:43 a 6:SOf Palo Alto and Way Stations. .. 6:35 a tH:46rPsio Alto aad Principal Way Stations .. ?JL _ L .... ._„ . .. t7:26P CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From nan FriDelsoo, foot of Market St. (Slip 8)— •7:00, 8:08. 0:00. 10:00 and 11:00 a. it. 12:30, 2:00. StOO. 4:00. 5:00 and « 00 F M From Oakland. Not »f Broadway— »6:oo. *7:00, 8:00. 9:00. 10:00 and 11:00 a. m., 12:30, 2:00. 3:00. 4 :00. 5:00 and 6:00 p. m. \u25a0 - t a for Mornfrij. r for Afternoon. " •Sod days excepted. tSatur4ay»oalT- SMond»y, w«"»oesday and F rld » on ly. ; \u25a0 , {Sundays only. FRASCISCO &NORTH PAr CIFIC RAILROAD CO. ••; Tiburon Ferry—Foot of Market St. In Effect October 29, 1893. From San Francisco to 'Sin Rafael. ' WEEK DAYS— 7:4O. 9:20, 11:40 a! v. : 3:30, 5:05, 6:20 p. w. Kxtra trip Saturday! lit I -.oOrti BU>'DATft—b:oo, S:3O, 11:00 a. m.; 1:30, 3:30. 6:00, b:3Jf. M. I mm »an Kafael to San Francisco. WEEK DATS— 6:2S. 7:55, 9:30 a. U. ;13:45, 8:40, 6:05 p. v. SATURDAYS OM.Y— An extra trip at 6:30 p. k. BUN 8:10, 9:40. 11:10 A.M.: 1:40, 3:40, 6:60. 6:25 P. M. Between s n y.ancisco and Seauetzen Park same scbeduie as above. Leave i Arrive San Francisco. I San Francisco. —————— Destination. |— Wkkk I Sr»- | | Sim- I Wkbk Days.J_days. I I DATS. I Day*. 7:40 am 8:00 am Novata, 1 10:40 am 8:50 am 3:30 pm 19:30 am Petaii.iua, 6:i»5 en 10 am 6 :05 rsi j 5:00 fm| Banta Row. I 7:3ofm 6:10 pic II Fulton, 7:40 am I Windsor. 1 10:30 am B:UoAMiHealdsburg, 7:30 pm S:3oru| - t>ejserTiile. 6:10 m I I Cloverdale. j . PI eta. l 7:4oaic 8:00am Hoplandand! 7:30 rM 6:lopm Uklan, I 7:40ak|8:00 ami Ouernevllle. I7:30rM|10:30 am 3:30 pm' _ I j I 6:10 pm 7:4oam $:t>o am Sonoma 10:4Uam 8786 am 6:05 6:00 pm and 8:05 pm 6:10 fm j Glen Ellen. \u25a0 7:4O.amiS:ooami Sebaslopol. 110:40 am; 10:30 AM 3::<opm|s»oupm| I 6:05 rM I 6:10 m Stages eennact at Santa Resa for Mark West Springs. . Stages ceanect at <;eyservlll» fer Skaggs Spring* St«war;s Point, Gualaia and Point Areaa. St«g«s conneot at Ciovardale for Tba Uoysars. Stage* connect at Pleta for Highland Sprint*. Kels-yvilie. Soda Bay. Lakepart and Bartlett Sprlnr*. Stages connect at Uktan for Vichy Springs. Sara- toga t*pring«. Blue Lakes. Upper Lake, Lakeport, Boei'.avtlie, Greenwood, Orr's Hot Springs, Men- dvelne City, Fort Bragg, Usal, West»ort, Canto* vtlJUtt*. i'iibti. tier V«'ipy. Jnh* Day's, j.it»i»'i. Calpella, Harris, Biocksborr. Brtdgavllle. Hydesvllla and Eureka, (Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at re- duetd rates - - \u25a0 ' - On Sunday— n»nnd trip tickets to all point* beyond San Rafael it Half rates. Ticket OSces, corner New Montgomery aad Market streets. i:*4*r Palace Hotel. H. C. WHITING. K. X. RYAN, . Gen. Mansion. Gen. Pass. Agent. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. SANTA FE ROUTE. rTR AINS LEAVE ANDARRIVE ATSANFRAN- -1 Cisco (Market-street Ferry): -" - - LXAVB > wov id \u25a0 logo \u25a0 (Arbit* Daily./ NOV. 18. 1883. X Daily. i 6:00 r.. Fast Express via Mojave 10:15 a 9:00 a.. Atlantic Express via Los Angeles 8:45 F " Ticket Office— l>6o Alarset at.. Chronicle"! BdTT(f Ing. 8. F. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 W. A. BISSBLL, IX tf General Passenger Agenfc ia SERIES No. 4. I ! HORNING GALL COUPON 3STo. 4. S. F. Gall Publishing Co. PRESENT. AT 710 MARKET ST. AUCTION SALES. EDWARD 8. SPEAR & CO., run: it . Book and Oeneril Auctioneer* 31 and 33 Sutler Street. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! THIS DAY. Friday December 8, 1893 At 11a. M. sharp, we will sell. By catalogue IN OUR SAL SROOMS. A MAGNIFICENT LIBRARY COM r BISINft OVER ONE THOUSAND BOOKS in all departments of literature. also A fine collection of illustrated books. Note : Tne above books are all infine condition and elegantly bound, and are worthy the atten- tion or buyer*. Hook* on exhibition Thursday and morning of sale. . EDWARD 8. SPEAR 4 CO., Auctioneers. d*6 3t 31 aud 33 Sntter street. CHAS. LEVY & CO., AUCTIONEERS * COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Salesroom— ll3s Market St.. bet. 7th and Htn, Kegular Saiesdays— and Friday. THIS DAY. Friday... ...December 8. 1893. At 10 a. it, at salesroom, 1135 MARKET, BET. SEVENTH ANDEIGHTH. . \VK WILL 5i11... V;;- -1 Organ; Mantel Mirror*; Parlor Sets: Bedroom Sets, with Clipper and Cuned-halr Top Mattresses; bedding; Carpets: Bookcases; Pictures; Table* Chairs: Lounges; Crockery. Glassware: Stoves and Ranges or 5--o inbouse; also B*r-ronnte», removed to our store for convenience or sale. 1 OHAS. LEVY A CO.. Auctioneers. A. LOBE. '\u25a0:\u25a0'. -A IBAKK W. BCTTFR FIELD. . FRANK W. BUTTERFIELO & CO., GtCN'EKAL AIMTION-t KM. Office and Salesroom— 2lB Post St., near Stockton. THIS DAY. Friday December 8, 1893, At 11 a. m., on the premises (By order of Mrs. A. Williams). 301 Fulton St.. near Franklin, we will sell the 'I Magnificent I p- rigbt Cabinet lira-id Pianos; Rich Oil Painting*; Elegant Parlor. Chamber. lMnlng-rootn and Kitch- en Furniture contained in residence. * The Weekly Gall The Largest, Cheapest \u25a0 ...AND.... HOST VALLA ISLE FAMILY WfiEKLT IN AMERICA. I _ I4LQIG GOLUMIS IS EACH IBHBinL EQOIf UJEIT » " I VBLBUES OF 123 PASES UN, CFJLY $1 A YEAR, POSTPAID Send for Samples to 8. F. CALLCO.. £35 Mautxoiaerr SU OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC CCAST^TEAMSHIP CO. DISPATCH tsTEAMeB» FKOM SAN _y^ cc . Francisco for ports In Alaska 9 a. m. \u2666? fox?* Oct. 18. '^7, Nov. and Dec. 1. 26 TrWPHHii For British Columbia aad Puset Sound ports. Orioi>er •-•, and every fifth day thereafter. For Eureka, Humboldt Bay, Wednesdays. 9 a. h. For Newport, Los Angeie* and all way ports every fourth and fifth day, di.ii. For Pan Diego, stopping only at Port Rarford, Panta Barbara, Fart Los Ang? les (Santa Monica), Reoon<io (i..-i* Angeles) and >ewporc. every locrth and fifth day. at 1! a. v For ports In Mexico, 2.lth of each month. Ticket Ofilee—Palace Hotel. 4 New Montgomery street GOODALL, PERKINS * CO., General Agents. Itf , 10 Manttt st , ban Francisco. FOR PORTLAND ft ASTORIA, OREGON THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM— jwil J <>ce«n vision— and PACIFIC COAST f ffi?? STEAMSHIP COMPANY will digpatoti rrorn Bpear-streot wharf, at 10 a. m.. for the above ports CD* of their Aliron steamships. Til: bTATKOF CALIF OKNIA- Oct. 6.18 23. Nov. an < «' •. i \u25a0. 26. COLUMBIA— 1. 11, 21, 81, Nov. and Dec. 10. *v. ;\u25a0" Conner tine viaPortland with the Union Pact So and other diventlig lines for all point*In Oregon, 'Washington. British Columbia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana. Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Yellowstone Park and all points east and south and to Europe. Fare to Port lan a— cabin, $18; steerage, $8: round trip, cabin, $30. Ticket offices— l Montgomery It* aud Falaca Hotel, 4 New Montgomery n. freight office—2UU California st. 6OODALL, PERK-NS * CO., Bnpt Oc*an Line I tf 10 M«rk*c *t..San Francisco. OREGON PACIFIC R. R. CO STEAM:R For Portland, em, Albany, Kueenn City, Ktc. CTKAMSHIPLINETO BAY. J^n. 0 BytUi* route 235 mllei by steamer <* MmSSB? saved over any other route. . >:Rainera are o-.i.i, of Iron, with water-tight compartments Will sail from lion 4, seawall, foot et Battery street. Steam r WILLAMK ITK VALLEY willsail from San Francisco THCKSDAY. December 7, at 9 a. is. No rreight received after 8 o'clock a. m. on day of sailing. Passenger rates to Portland— First class. *14; second class, $4 Albany—First Class, $12; second class, $7. - r-v* - '.-i- -• Ticket office, ti'J'J Market sc . For freight rates apply to D. It. VAUGHN. General agent, section 4. seawall. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY <VJ.bvn Tne BP'eodld 30U0- -*. \u25a0$VXl_iUlft ton steamers of the Cyi* s IT^sC* ft' Oceanic Steamship Co. •^jy «r-^ N!v« " ll for Honolulu, O/ <BBfc \k^* Auckland aud Sydney tt; If ' O^^lo ViOai under: II -*<6*ttnK \\ For. Honolulu. Apia, il tP«?t —Hi Auckland and Byd- II "* yfmJß^" 1 nrT< SB. Alameda, \\ Ets*flll # THOKSDAY, Dea —i M JMPM£ Mii For Honolulu only, S3. O^^SKjSi Australia. Saturday. *?V^®f/?S^^V > i •-<\u25a0. A3 « 1893 2 P. M \u2666c^T^^T^)^" Forpassagoorfrewht SEVER v \u25a0 aopiytoJ.D. SPRECK- ELS 4 BROS. CO.. 827 Market street. «_ COMPAGNIE GENERALS TKa>iSAT£.a > T I Q a Fren t,l»»> to H»vr<«. COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH jjigjsk \J River, root of Morton st Travelers by this line avoid both transit by English raim.y anu the dlscoinrort of crossing the chanuel lv a small boat. New York to Alexandria. Etrypt, via Paris, firsf-cl!is« $ 60 Secon i-(-ia»s. $116. LA GASCOGNE. Capt. Santelll , ..Saturday. {>\u25a0 i ember 1(5. 10:00 a. m. LACHAMPAONE, Laurent - Saturday, K-rember a:<, 6;00 a.k. LABKETAONE cant. Collier \u25a0 \u25a0 . .Saturday, i •cpmber il', 10:00 a. st LA BOURGOGNE, Capt. Leboenf..., .. Saturday,.' nu^ry H, 1894 JKrror fanner particulars apply to A. RiitT, Agent, No. 3 BowlingUreen, New Tort 3. T. FUUAZI * CO., Agent*, 6 Montgomery ava., Ban Frcnclsco. \u25a0 Branch emce. IVMontgomery st. auSl tt WHITE STAR LINE. United States and Ko?ai Malt Steamers BKTWERM New York, Queenstown &Liverpool, SAIU «i -;•" V: X WK*»k, ( 'ABIN. *60 AND UPWARD. ACCORD- jg^m ' lug to steamer an 1 accommodations »ssm£9 selected; second cabin, 135: Ma}t*ticand ' er.tusi- Ie, »iO and 549. Steerage ticket* from Eoiland, lrrland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Dauintrk, through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tick- ets, sailing dates and cabin plans may be procured from w. H. AVEitY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at the beueral Office of the Company, 613 Market si.. tinder Grand Hotel. 6. TV. FLKTUUHR, ap-jb" TnVferrSa tt. Gen. Agt. for Pacific Coajf. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET GO. . w HAMKBt '> LKAVi ASPINWALL Artk (T lortnlghtly for the West Indies and \u25a0££%£& tiouthanpton, Calling \u25a0en route •at Cheroour^, trance, and Plymouth, to land passenger*. ibroßgn Bill*ef Lading, in connection with the Faclfic Mall 8.8. Co., tsnad for freight and traas- Bre to direct port* inEngland and «erinaay. a brooch tickaU from Baa Jfranslsao to Ply. \u25a0> oatb. Cherbourg, Bouthampton. First elaat, •>!»•: third class, $97 *0. For furtaer particu- lars apply to PARKOTT *\u25a0 CO. Agents, - . tf Vlrr \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . SOU CalUormash. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. iii>\ ,; Intended SS. sailings from Vancouvar TO JAPAN AD CHINA, Dec 11.— 6. TO HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA, Dec. 16-Jan. 16-Feb. 16. ApplyM.M.STKR> . Chronlele Bld'sr. 648 MABKKI ST., San Francisco. You will be talked to death and almost murdered before you escape the clutches of some dealers in shoes in their highwayman efforts to sell you a belter shoe than the James Means' $4 hand welted shoe for $3 50. We are the sole agents for this celebrated footwear and full sizes cannot be found in any other store in San Francisco. Allother dealers offering you this shoe will give you either bogus, old stook, or job lots bought for the purpose of deceiving the public Yours, respectfully, iLI & OIIME, 11 Third Street, S. F. lev FrSa

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Post on 06-Feb-2020




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Page 1: WHISKY STABBED. Land Fong IS 7 Angel · Alcatraz Island crossed over to Tiburon on tn» Steamer Ukiah. They carried aten-gallon ••demtjoun-0! whisky between them, and when


Soldiers Land Some on:7 Angel Island.

An Attack on the Gatekeeper of thef • Tiburon Ferry—Passengers From

'!'\u25a0\u25a0:'•/ \u25a0'.': the North Increasing.

;• Wednesday evening tnr<e soldiers belongingon. Alcatraz Island crossed over to Tiburon ontn» Steamer Ukiah. They carried a ten-gallon

••demtjoun 0! whisky between them, and when- spoken to by the Eatei>eeper aDd told that suclitilings should ko by fieis-iit they took excep-tion to his remarks, thieateuinu revenße.When Tiburon was reached the catekeeper,who usually travels backward and foiward on

• the boat collecting fares at each side, was sud-denly struck down from behind by one of thetrio of soldi"-rs who then beat a hasty retreat.

, Complaint was made to Colonel Shatter. Asearch will be made on the Island for thepni.liyoDe«, and It they are found ihev willbe

-court-martialed. .WiiKky-srauitclME by meansof small boats from Tlburon has been goiuj? on

lot some time past.•\u25a0•• Large numbers of passengers nave been com-'in-s to Uiis city Irom the north. Portland ami'.PUg«Bound steamers are arriving with 200

\u25a0C and 300 persons on board. The MidwinterFair is said to be the attraction. On the Co-lumbia, which arrived ye«teid.iy from fort-laud, Or there weie 80 cabin and 164 steerage. passengers. The Columbia lost one of her

',; pro) eilPi blades durlne the trip.. • Advices to the Merchants' Exchange report

that on November 16 the I>riii-tibarb Harold,from Shanchal for Victoria, struck a rocK nearHie latter port and bad to be towed to Es-riuimalt diydock for repairs. The steamerWillapa. bound Infor Tort Townsend, collidedwith the barkentlne Chehalls. outbound, onNovember 17. and can led away the tatter'sJibboom and forward rf{rjctog.•- Captain Luttiell of the bark Helen W. Almy.reports a bliua leef near Ncnuti Island iv thi-Gilbert group, which extends out two mile*further than is indicated on 'be chart. TheAlmy was almost on top of the reef before itwas discovered. Captain Luttrell says thatbad his vessel tried to make the Island at ulpbtiusiead ol Inthe daytime she would have been. wrecked. •

H.J. Boric, a civil engineer, proposes to theHarbor Commissioners to build a general•'commercial dock" for this harbor which willcover 71 acres of space and will accommodateall the staii-plng In Hie harbor. He says hisscheme would cost the Sta'e only $250,000.His plans ai«> of course considered Iminaciica-

"bJe; ..The California Drydock Comp complains

that Its wharf at the foot of Spear street Is in\u25a0 needo.f.iepairs. and requests the ate to attend. to it. The repajra have been ordered by the'

haibor board._ — —*——THE POLK-STREET OUTRAGE.

.An Investigation of the Alatter to BeJ• .. .\. Held To- Day.

•• .-•The Street Committee of tl.e Board of buper-vljsbrf at its meeilDK yesterday took up thecommunication of City and County Surveyor

"Fiizuucu regarding tbe outrage perpetrated onthe ptqpeny-owners on .Polk street, betweenLoniba'rcl and nwlcb, where a fifty-six footcut is being made without any assessment dis-trict belug formed according to the Yrooman

.act. :;\u25a0"

~.\Al J..CIUDJe appeared as the representative'.'or the profeny-owuers, and, alter stating that

tlif homes ol the people would be couflscated• if.-there was nothing dove, ashed for a special\u25a0 iavesricatlou.

\u25a0 .tnairasan Day of the committee set thisf • rpooD at 2:30 o'clock as tbe time for taking

i up.the .question of doiuK justlca to the prop-.eity-owiit-is.;"Supervisor Denmau's resolution, which pro-vider that no red lock shall be u;ed in the mix-inn of ctiucrrie for use for city woik, wastaken ut>, and tre eoiumittee decided to recuic-mend that it should uot pass !be board, a-« itwould tend to create a monopoly of blue rock."The committee decided to report In favor ofle.questinjj superintendent of Streets Ackersontoreappolut Hie me^-rfcceutly dlscliarced whowere at worK 00— airniK the county road*.&npefiflten.?lr-nt/AcKerson di»cliai ceil the menuAstj^rrnttractions' from the buaid, which

/Te'coronieuded'such action a* an economical

f«rovt8iool .'The board ordered, at the ««rn«\h me, tbe n'nuerintendent ot tbe Branch County

.\lali to emuloy prisoners lv repairing the•ointy roads.i-'.punibfr of property-owners appeared be-

fore. tl)ccommittee in bebalf of retatninc theseven ri»«n and carts employed on the countyroads,, and vuet visor FOlman offered and badauopied' a resolution reconimenUlng that toeS:reet SuperlntJirrrtent instate t!ie men... Superintendent: .->'ckenon said that .11 he•Jjaa done was to carry out the instructions oftrie board, and be would reinstate lUe men if


HOTEL ARRIVALS..- •/ \u25a0 . INTERNATIONALHOTEL.1L Moore, -Oitcago ' Miss Ball. ChicagoA Hljrgru-!. Portland N HlmrSus, Portland.J ligz:;.s. I'ortl.tua J; Kaapp. .- tattleA Webb, Tacoiuu Mias Campbell. Portland

•-Mrs- Mcßeet. Portland a rabblu. PortlandC Jeukius. Wash P Cowan. Wash

'W Sylvester. (ieyservll W Simpson <£ w,St LakeR Watt." Eugene ii-MoAlur. VallejoXf Htzpatr ck. Boston T Cosgrove. Napa'L(osier Mt View .1 Wealsh. Mare IslandL Wiley.Benicla TV Cole, KeniciaJ fit) Haven, Idaho X Owen, Los Angeles

\u25a0 W Bayon. J-'resno .N Bhelaader, Ma.iera\u25a0J:Morton'. Sacr»:nento J Hunter, Portlaad• G McComb, Los Auz J Condon, Cal

\u25a0.P Fcaley. Los Ang W Brown, .StocktonJ Hayes, I' 8 > \u25a0) \v ,\u25a0 sou. Fort Bragg11 Myer-.Mendoclno W Lane. LittleHirer

• E flavin.IS N • D Sell, Los An«el*sJ Inniau Ac w.Ft Arena C Palmer, Pt Arena0 nifr.Pt Are* LMopklns. Pt ArenaB Carter. Mandoclno S Philips. SeattleT.Ptiilips. B:attle J Handrord. Los AngMBetaaii Aw, ewcastle W Llpse'.t. Gra«s ValleyI: Hold.-n, Grass Val A Lew Grass Valley1 Mills as. 3 cb, Portlnd X Morgan, PnrtiandJ Morrison, iendleton £ Houiman, C-'ii agoH Gordon. Portland IIl-l:tndars, PortlandJ Joyce, Portland C Barrett, PortlandJ Dempsey, Helena DVan Wlcitel, > VA WysoriK. Indlanap W Keller, IndianapolisS Russell. Portland R BIWH,PortlandJ H lilacKWelLVlctoria J Small. MtViewyv Ktikpatriclc.Puilmn £ Moore. Chicago;•• :V.' PALACE HOTEL.F E Ball*w,Munich O X Lewis *w.Minnti W I.ill,San Jose "W DNoble, l-resnoA Goodall. Oakland C X Kmoff & w,Sn MateoJ Ji >ewball & w, Mass 0 /nil& w. KgmA MLevy, NY JO 8c >tt, LickMillsJ ltienaai),NY Ml'Dwlght,i<iro;ito

J 1)Carr, Salinas FNlcolls. TorontoS McKay&w, winters Mrs C B Thtfler. ChicagoMrsliLWeber. Kan» Thos Irvine, Albany. MoJ W Saaborn 4a, NV H M Marshall 4- w, Kau-J C Keyolds-4- w.Jackson sat City

J C Luinan &n,Jackson C C Hard, ChicagoMF Mogg. Chicago Mis* Cospey. South BendEH Conner, 'Louisville C1)M Donald *w,OhioN RngKles, Chicago J J Mlllspaugb 4w,SlouxJ"B6grt,

-.Colnsa City

BIl&a'etiett, Mich Miss M Klmler.'y,Hlcht -Francis; England J A McMnrstead, ban<i Bnrt 4. w. pueblo Mlgnei./ faller*w,Colora ,0Sp B Cornell Aw.OhioE IfLaagbiio, La XC Lamplin&w,Albany

.-.*/ Information Wanted.Ctile*- Ciowliy received a letter yesterday

from Cblef Kod^ers of hacramento that a Greek

pedaler named Matteo John Sin 81! vahad fallenInto the Nrtcramen'o River on Tuesday nlehtfrom a fishing scow and was diowned. He hada bother who k-eps a store in this city whomluht wi-h to claim the body, but bis address\va< not known.

The Chief also received a letter from Detroit,asking for the whereabouts of Mr*.WilliamHoushtou, as her sister Bessie was dangemtiMyL *"*• husband was a policeofficer, aud died on January 2,1887. Sbe used

to live on Geary s reet.

THE STOCK MARKET.The market opened strong and active yesteiday.

and prices advanced wit outany great amount ofstock changing hands. The feature in the day'sbusiness was the sharp advance in Sierra Nevada.An improvement in the tunnel Isgiven as the rea-son or the advance, but the rumor could not beverified. Charlie Hirschfeld was the leadingburer of the stock, and ha paid as highas $1%for Iton the closing call last evening.

Nothingnew was received from the front dur-Ine the day that had am- bearing on the market.Mr. Kule (saves for the Oonistock this evening.

NOTES.Silver was stronger yesterday and sold up to

e9V8c inNew York and 32V*dInLondon.William S. Lyle, the mining operator, left for

Martposa County last evening.

The MayfluwrrUravel MlniDgCompany has re-ceived a shipment of bullion valued at $5200.

The Pacific Gas Improvement CouipaDy has de-clared a dividend or 50 cents per share, payableDecember lv.

The goldmlliat Keystone, Yellow Pine District.Lincoln County, Nov.. recently produced $8000 ofbullion, the result ol a tblrty-tbree-day run.

The North Banner Consolidated Tunnel Com-pany of Nevada County has levied an assessmentof 2 cents per share, delinquent January S.

_In the l'odle west crosscut 200 level Lent shaft

was extended 6 feet. Ipraise from north drift 30feet above the 300 level was extended 14 feet.The north drift was extended 7 feet.

A great deal of attention is now being given towhat is known as the west ledge of t'.e Comstock.Ilie Geneva claim is the latest to come to the

i(rout, ami woik is to be commenced on Mondaynext. William Lent, one of the few left of theold-time operators, is In the company, and 11. D.Walker is the secretary, and should the presentw rktncs in the Com*toclc mines prove of valuethe Geneva is righthi the line of development and

Imay prove the west-ledge theory.Intne Itulwer the mill has been kept running

isteadily, and crushed 164 tons of ore during thepast week. Average battery sample $26 08, tail-i:i«» $3 24, They are extracting! ore from theslopes from winzes 1and 'i below the "00 level;also from stupes above south crosscut 2.


Following were tbe sales in the San FranciscoStock Heard yesterday:

lEBHUE MOBNINBSFOOIOV— 9:?0.400 Alta IB360 C0*v..3.70 200 "Terra....SO_(>0 a Mie5....65 100 Confld..l.hs 100 0ph1r...1.70150 eo.'OOO P0int... 75 550 1%35» 15eichr....Sl>3eO v * 1.201100 P0t051....704»O i< * 8...2V> 10U HAN... 86 300 69100 Bullion...35 700 80 360 savage. ..75\u25a0;<>\u25a0.» liulwer... iv20'jUexca ..I.M«U0 S Nev ..1.40VOiiChali C... .70 200 .........1.15 50 Union..l.lo300 Chollar...6oilOO 0vrmn....3V800 « J»ojs..i.so


"2:30.150 B*8...2U, 100 lowa 05 200 8avaee....75100 Cbollar...6u 100 Mexico.1.'.0 160 S >cv.. 1.46550 i < « \..3%1)00 ODhlr. ..I.SU 85.0 St. Louls..2U250 C P0int... 761100 Ovrian... 200 Jack;.. 1.20700 U« »....ba|loo Put051....75|

Following were the Bases in Che Pacific StockBoard yesterday:

BVorlat? STXSTOV— 10:"O.

200 A1nb8..17W300 CC*V...3.70 100 K«ntuck.,lß200 Ait» 16 300 3.67Vi'800 0verm....32

60 Ande5. ...66 Soo BHB 200 ...3360 »...6.< 4t>W »*i!3oO P0tu5i.....70

100 51 60 3.7-Va 400 8710U 621* 350 « *C..1.15 «{>

600 iie.CUr. ..8a 150 1.17>4 100 68100 85!100 1.20 30U 8avar«....7.">60 $41200 H* V.82i,» 100 73

350 b 4 B..2.40;10() Justice.. .29 500 8 Key...1.854&11 st.46iJ6o 3U6UO 1 40400 a 360 alexccnl.ls 45U 1.45

I300 2.66 00 1.17^ 100 Onion.. 1. 16200 2 421^ 200 1.20 -'00 I.oi'i.a100 2.47^300 Ophlr. ...1*.4 SOO 1.10LOO Isodte S3 500 ..I.Hi 400 V.JMH..114i100 hnlliun....:O 100 1.72U 100 1.20

I 40 CDallO ..75 150 1.70 100 1.17%300 C P0int... 67AlTKKNOOU SESSION— 2:3O.

200 Andes t>3 100 Chat C... 5008 Nev.. .1.45100 6:- 2*o G*C... 1.20,160 11*100 belcher.. H«N 9o 550 ... 1.66150 Br|3«o ... 87»-.|lOO l.«i)100 100 KentucK..l7 100 15250 B&B;_2.5o|100 ....16 1.45160 2.62V-* 60 Slexcn..l.'JO!(i(iO 1.66

60" 21-100 1.17V-I fO Onion.. I',.100 ......2.57V, liOO IV*1150 1.20350 UU<sv ...3a'4100 Occdutt.-. 17300 Utah.... la100 3. OiaOO Jpb1r....1» /i!lOO.. iai/k400 3%l 60 uverm.... 35.00 YJackC.L'JO300 B.HI 5'J ..32 200 114300 I!Point..79 100 Potosi 70 100 1.221*100 7^l350 71100 1.27%100 so! I

CIOMM> QUOTATIONS.Thursday. Dec. 7—4 p. if.-;-_.-,.\u25a0-- Jsid.Atkt(V \u25a0 HifLAtked.

Alpha C0n..... 16 -JuJaim_

06 10Alta 15 21) Justice 25 30Andes ......... (SO Cs'KentucK 15 20Beirner 85 90 Lady Wain 05 10Bslie Isle. .... —

11) Mexican 1.211 1.25BestAßeleber.2.6o 2.05.Mono 15

—Bcdie ifs 40 Navajo.


Benton C0n....—


10burner 06 111! •> Common wt& U5 10bullion 35 4<" N ;tpli« inc....


Caledonia. lft 20 occidental .. . 16 20Cballenee Coo. 70 75 Opnir 1.80 1.8»Commonwlta.

—OX. Overman. 3d 40

Choliar «5 7o eer 05 >" —Con Cai 4 Vs..38J 3.SH) Ierr ess. 00

—Confidence l.*k

—jlutosl 70 76

Con Imperial . —05 .-*va«e 80 86

Con New York 05 1..>« a M'.des'J. 16 SOCrocser. 05

—St Louis 15 20

Crown Point.. 75 B'> Scorpion ..... 'J5 10Exchequer..... 05 1" Sierra N«vadal.Uo 1.00iaitSlerraNev

—05 silverKing.... 05

—brand Prlxe...

—05 Sliver Hi11.....


Gould A furry1.20 I.'.' Union Con 1.20 1.25Hale & Nercr*. 85 00 Utah 10 15Jackson 30

—jX«Uow JacKa^ 1.25 1.30

MISCELLANEOUS SKCURITIKS., Thursday. Dec. 7—2 p. v.

£UL Asked. Bid. Asked.rSB<3«. 4...112>/iill4 SV "Water... »Ny 1,7Cal-st CC06.10



CoUCi.'W6. "JOV2 P8 Capital Uu..—


—142% Central Gas,.


Do. ex coup..—

100 Oakland uas. 41 iJi*Criseßy«S

—100 PacOaalmD. 70


—104 FacinoLzhts


Do, tinted. 6.—

102V4 6 V Gaslight. 68Ya 69 V 2JlStltKKHflsllOViliOVx biktn <; A- ijl



20 csi-st R R...—

110NevCoRRB. 91*

—,1\u25a0\u2666 C llseKy 18 17%

NPCostRK«J.IOI 110 Oeary-stRR.—



—\u25a0 >RyotCaiß.. 98V*

—Omnlbusßß. 64% 67

1 NKyofC»is..—

98 Presidio X X—

-i«%UakG.l.<kHs. 97 101 !Fireman


OmbqsCKro.lo9ygllO% htateinvstm.— —

, PaBoUMUie.—

101 AtiantiePow 32Vi 37%Do,2d!s»neo.loa—

Cal *-owuer. 00 ;40


116 Giant PowOu—


P«CHKy«. 92—

VieoritPow. IVi ''-Pwl-«t Ry 6.

—118 I3lkl>laCMC 25

—BPRRArlttt.. 91



R KCaiS.lO6 107% CalElecLlarht 'i\V* 22V8


95 CalKlrcWH. 4V» *>KPBrKyCaie 90*4 93 UawaianCom 5

—S V Water ti.116%

—Huicnußuirar 6 (t"8

is V "Water. 4.—

90Vi Juflson MfgO—

15I AneloCalßk.

—70 MerchKxAsnlO?

—: Bank of Ca1.. 220 224 oceanic 6a.


i CalSaiDenos. 46*4 47% PAilryFreA 1%—


—182% PacCost 800 »5

—, I.l'd-AmKut-lIX




40 Pac Roll Mill—

80Pacific Bank.

—76 FaWoodnwe


MerchExßk.— —

ParaffinePtO 40c 70cCritraCosW.

—98 lacTransOo



65 United C Co.—


Bnard-10 S V Water. 98%.Street— S2ooo Mar^et-st Cable Bonds, 119%.

AITKIINOOW «KS»IO!».Board— s Cal Electric Light. 22: 65 Pacific Gas

Imp. 76: 10 S V Water, 96%.str-ct-5D Cal Electric Light, S3; 135 Pacific

Gas Imp.75%. *— —A thimble will hold orer 100,000 of the

smallest screws made.


Doctor Fong Sing SueyMurdered.

Found Dead in His Bed With Three

Wounds in His Body— He Had aWife in China.

Fone Sing Suey, the Chinese doctor, wasfound d nd in tils room, 53.". 1

-Dupout street,

yesterday afternoon. His face was coveredwith blood. There was a knife wound overliW heart, another In bis abdomen and a thirdin bis left side. Tbe dead mau had been a phy-sician and sureeon la Cbina and came hereibirte nyean ago.

Dr. Fon»j lived on the third floor of tbe house.He bad a little office, which was also bis bed-room, and was stuffed with herbs and roots.

All Suey's friends believe tna< he was mur-dered. He was last seen on Saturday, when beprescribed for several patients. He toid themto return Monday morn ing. Two of hitcousins,who live In tbe house, told all callers on Mon-day that the doctor bad gone to San Jose.

Acat plaintively mewing, and a stench thatcould not be Ignored called tbe attention of theresidents of tne building to the doctor's roomye-ietday morning. A long bamboo pole wasprocured, aud tbe fanlight was smashed. Thedoctor wan »ecn lylupr upon Ins bed, and thenthe door was broken open. Policeman O'Sulll-van was t rpient when the entrance was made.!.. it'was bio,id upon the mattress on whichthe dead Chinese lay,and upon ibefl<>or be-neath It. It bad been (here for several da vs.Near tbe dead body, upon wnith decompositionhad -ft its mark, was a levolver which wasloaded. The weapon bud always been kept byHMdoctor Idbis bed.

N<> knife was found Inthe room, but stainsof bloou wete found around the burnt. Thedoctor h d many valuable articles Inhis room,but all of them were missing. Among the ab-tent articles were several opium pipes, whichweie famous in Chinatown tor their bexuty.llie dead doctor was 44 years old. His life

was insured fora large amount, but .tie paperscould uot be found when his room wasseatched. The Coroner willbold an Inquestover hit remains to-day.

Dr.Suey was manled In China, and when beleft bit native coun ry his wife remained, iu-tendlng to follow htm Ifbe sem for lier.•—


«Caroline Welmina Ludakeua has applied to

the Superior Court to have her name changedto Lena Luueiking. Tbe apt llcation will bebeard before Judge Slack January 19, 18'J4.

MARKET REPORTS.Thursday Evenmo, Dec. 7.

bCMMABYOF THE MASKXT*.\u25a0Wheat Brm. Barley inactive.By? unchanged.Hay steady, BeansPotatoes and Onions unchanged.Butter. Elks and Cheese weak.Poultry market cbolted.Game higher again.Citrus Frait dulllUii.i,Bacon and Lard weak.Vegetal*. quiet.Lluseed Oil,bibber.Turpentine marked up.Sliver kC\aLCea.

New V« ri Markets.> k.w YOI.K.Dec. 7.—ltwas a anil market and arestricted volume of business with changes Intransactlot.s generally unimportant. In the ab-sence (fany o>nuite knowledge of the object andresults of President Reiunart'i visit to LondonA ictmon storks and bonds were firmly held andouth advanced. At tbe close tbe tone of tbe gen-eral market was firm and th» tendency upward.(ioT-runs«tita strong, Petroleum, January closed


Money on call easy at I®lVSiV: closed at \%.Prime mercantile paper, •S L.-y®Zix,-z'4. Sterling ex-cbance: sxiy-dav bills, 14 e4«T (3* 84*-4;de-niana. $« t7i44 b7Vi. «•". & 4's. registered. $113:do coupon. |lll« i.''s registered. $Bft: Pacificti's, aioivi;silver. 69"-»c.

KAII.KOAn (1IT ARM.Atcbison 19 S,8 Northwestern... . 105ViAmerican Express. 1.6 I DoPreferred... IKSCanada Poutricrn.. £>;'• "s Oregon Jinprornic. ISCanada Pacific... 74 Oregon Saylgaiori. SOCentral Ja. ir.c I-1 4Iortpoti Short Line BViCbic«eo. 11 i9.... ( Pacific Matl 16V4I)«i.Lac* A n«atir.l('>7 ,Pullman Palace... ITUDenvr *K.i. pref. 3-sfe!Beading 2is/a(Jreat Northern.... |RioGraodeA Wstu. 18IllinoisCentral.... 93 I Preferred 46Kansas & Texas... 28V4l Firsts 7.-V.Lake Shore 127Vb Kock liland. til*;.Louisville £ Nash. 01*4 St » »vi 64%Michigan Central.. 101»-* ht. Paul *Omaaa. 3S*iMissouri Pacific... a4»/i 1riMPacific. »»/4Mexican Central., ti'/a {Terminal 103North American... lU4Vs Union Pacific '\u25a0'I*/*Northern Pacific «i/4 .C. S. Express 63

Pr«l»ri«<l. H-IK4. Weils-Pargo 122N. V. Central lO'JUIWestern Uuioa .. 69*/ a {

INIHSTKIAI*.Atcertran Sn?*r... H.J,5 General Klectrlo.. 31Amer. Cottoa OIL. 30 National Lead. .. VlV>1ell Telephone.... bti 1 National 1.1 «s««d.. '.«Chicaco Oat. btj''» .National Cor<ia(S. !!•'/,Distillers 17%] Do err »d.... 46

OBAIN AND I.RCH4SDI3K.Wneat— December. t>B^fc&Floor—Steady.Hops— Quiet.Copper— steady :Lake, $10 to. -f;Lead— hosier: Domestic, S3 30.Tin—BarMy steady; strait*. $20 60 bid.Spelter-Steady: Domestic. %i 60.Coffee— op- ned 5(^15 points higher on

higher Kuropean market* ami covering by shortsand closed steady witb a net advance of .'6 0points. Sales 11.000 bags. •

December. 310 7o@10 76:January, (IS50: February. $16 20010 30;March. «ltJ(910 06 Spot Klostronir; No. 7, ISC.

Sugar— Raw. about steady: reCned steady.

Chlraaro Markets.Chicago. Dee. 7.—Wheat was quiet and opened

Vfec blcber. advanced Vie more on firmer cablesand the statement or tbe Cincinnati Price Currentthat there would be an exportable turplns not toexceed 60.000.000 to OuU.OOO busbeis. t»as-d oBs/ac on selling to tak« profits at tbe advance, butrallied v»c on renewed having, eased offattain and \closed easy at Vr©1.-« cuinner than yesterday.1 •i-e.i :«. t.'j.uuo bushels; shipments, 11,000 bush-els.

CATTLE.Cattle— KecelDta. 96.000: active and steady to

strong on best grades: a low Christmas steers soldat $£@6 60: good shippers. $6^6 36; fair,$4 30@4 60; others, (3 76© 4: no Texan steers on themarket.

Hogs—Receipts. 35.000; openea and rnled activeand steady, closing? weak to lower: cimnmn. $4 85<s»a 05; packing and shipping. $5 ll)@.iI'<:prime!>••:. and medlmns. 15 3.">(<si> 40; sorted light,$5 4n@s 90: mixed. $5 ]*<$>> 36.

Sheep— K'celDts, 14.000: slow and lower; na-|tiveewes, $«@n 25; Western*. $2 Bo@3 40.

«.KAIN AND rKOVISIO.VS.Wheat easy cash, ?4c: Mar. (39040. Corn.

steady: cash. 3C'/^c: May. 40>4C. Oats, easy:cash. "8"m<:: 51hj.:<iV%c. Pork, steady: January,$12 66; May, $12 *2Vs. Lard, steady; January,$7 92YX:May, $7 76. Ribs, steady: January.$6 671/2: May. $6 76 U\e. iug.'iw.c. Barley,nominal, flax,si 2

-/ya@l 23. 'iiiuotay,$3 70.

Forelen Markets.' :.;_:»: \u25a0WHEAT INtrVEBPOOU

LrvKßrooL, Dee 7.—The spot market Is steadyat 6* 61.

'Cargoes are firm at -7s 6d for off

coast. 37s 8d lor prompt shipment and 27t 3d tornearly an*.

TVTVHFM.The rrodnce Excbanfe cable fires the roilowlng

Liverpool quotations for Ho. 3 Red Winter:December. 6s 3d: January, 6s 40: February,6s srt: Marcb, 6s 6*4d; April. 6s c*/4d; May,6s V'.*d


1oitwJN,Dee. 7.— Consols. 97 13-ie@9B; Silver,82'.ia: French Rentes, »8t 20c.

Portland's liusiri-s«.Porti-am). Or.. Dec. 7.—Clearances. $273,000;

balances, *63.000. ________Exchange and Balllon.

BterlinirExcbanse, 60 days ......... —4 84

MerilngKxrbanse, sight....,—I87 1

NfW York >xc&ange. sight—

05New York Kxchanee, telegraphic...


Fine Sllver. spot, V ounce—

68%Fine Mlver, oO day5....:.............


Mexican Dollars 67%. 58

Prod ace Market.FLOUR—Cash prices are as follows: Family ex-

tras. $3 So@3 60 \u25a0* i.bi: Makers' extras, $3 400360: superfine, $3 40^'i 60 ft bbl.'

WHEAT—Yesterday's market was firm in sym-pathy withstrong Eastern and foreign markets.No. 1quotable at $'• 03»/*@l 06; choice, $1 OOVi;lower grades, 73r@$i; extra choice for mlliiug,$1 06 V*@l07Va 9 ctl.

CALLBOARD SALES.Inf'.kmai. Bxssiox— loo'clock— May—7oo tons.$1 aiVa". 600. $1 "il^i. December— loo.*110V~:

100. $1 10%.' . -.

Beoclab Mobvixo Session— May—loo tons•1 llfhl 800, $1 11*4: i"0. si 2)f. : iou,$1 21%: 200. $1 21Vi: 700. si 221/j,. December—600. $1 10: 100, $1 09-V ;100. $1 09.

Aftkenoon Skhbion— May—loo tons. $1 91:600. Si 20Vb: 1900. $1 304%.- ember— Boo.$1 09; 200, $1 083/4 ( 600, $1 08%%. Spot—loo.SI OBV2. >ever one—loo, $108*4.

BABLXY—The .market yesterday was Inactiveand unchanged as usual, Mi.lFeed, 7o@; 2V«cV ill: choice bright do, 73*/4c; dark Coast.' 60<&SH<>Ac; Brewing, 80#»0c t* ctl; Chevalier. 76«»oc for lower grade. .. :.- CAI I.BOARD SALES. ,_ r

Informal Session— lo o'clock— Nosales. * '

KtsiiAH Morm.no Bbs*io»—May—loo tons.tSSSa_HHKT:' ' •• • \^s-fls__i

84*/ic: 100. 84%c: 100. HIVaC. December— 200,76c: 100. 735/ic: 100. 73"*e •

Afternoon Skssion-Msj— loo tons, 84»/s e;400. 84V«c

O.VIs-Mirltet is doll. Mill «112V»@1 17i*:fancy Feed, 9117i2@l 20; goo ito choice, tl 10(ail IB; common to ax.

•@1 07^; Ben. 97c

<3>sl 06: Black.Ksc@Sl 15 ¥» ctl:«ray,Sl©llo;.surprise, $1 VL'@l BU.

CORN—Nothing going on. Offerings of LargeYellow are heavy. Laree Yellow. Bu@B*c V ctl;Small Round Yellow. 9i>@92%c: White. 9u<»92Vic*etl.

KVE—Quoted 90995

-H ctl

BRAN—Quoted at $16 50@16 50$ ton for thethe be»t ami $16 foroutside brands.

MIDDUNUS-Quotedatslg@3l tonCHOFPKD FEKI»-sl7 60@18 60 fiton.HAY—Very fair demand 31 steady prices. •Wire-

bound HayMils$!©'_'below the fallowingwholesalequotations for rope-bound: Wneat. S10@14; Wheatand Oat. S10W13: Barley,$9 50@l160 "fl ion: Oat,110012; AlTaira, 9IO3HO6O: Clover. *10@ll;Compressed. 911'^13; Mo.*. *6 60(38 <jj* ton.-

STRAW—Quoted at 4?i jfSS7VjO V bale.

MlLLSTl'FiS—'ir'iind and Rolled barley isquotable at $16®17 ?1 ton; Ollcalto Meal. $:<5 #wholesale and $37 50 jobbing: Rye Flour. 3Vfeefl!b- Rye Meal, 3c VH>: Grab«m Flour. 3e; Oat-meal. 4Vie VID: Oat <*roat«, »c: Cracked Wheat,SV»c: Buckwheat Flour,6@s^c: Pearl li.xiey.

»^.EDS-Yellow Mustard, *3 60@2 75 fl ctl;Brown Mustard. $2@3 25 V Ctlj Flax. »•.• 'ii

f}'£50; Imported Canary. 4Vic^tb; Alfalfa.B*4®c»tt>: Rape. l'4@2Vic Vn>: Hemp, 3«.-4C %) lt>.DRIKD PEAS

—Biackeye, $1 ttl)(a>i 76: Mies,

SI final 60 Vctl: Green. $1 60@l 65; Split Peas.f.'<« ••\u25a0<<- r-f \u25a0 : ••\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0'.:\u25a0\u25a0

BUCKWHEAT-Quoted at SI 45 9ctLCORNMEaL. ETC.— Table Meal. 2U@3c $n>:

Feed Cor. i. S-0@21: Cracked Corn, 920 &o@2l50ft ton: Hominy. 4 v.c*lb.

BEANS—Inactive at previous prices. Bayou,tl60@l 80; l"»a. $2®3 10; Large White, 91 700180: Small White. SI70©l 80; Plnk.Sl 40@lBO;Reds, 9 «s<ai 90: Lima*. 91 9<!@'J 10: Butters.9176@1 85 f< ctl for small and $1 «s@i fur large.

POTATOES— No change. Sweets, quotable atfiO*7<ic: i.arnet Chiles. 4'@ssc: Early Rose, 85©soe: Salinas Uurbanks. C< :«s7s<" River Burbanks,3O@3Sc: River Reds. «s©a6c f!ctl.

ONIONS- .-tea.ly at $l@l36f>Ctl.BUTTER—PrcfS continue to tend downward.

Fair to choice Creamery. Quotable at 3\.'Wg)3tji i,c9 It»: Dairy squires. 'J.'©;i3c V E>: fancy I>alryrnlis. so@ •jw.cf»n>: food to choice. \u25a0«;7'/»@2!'cftIb:common to tatr. '^U@2oq: Creamery tub. [email protected]:Pickled Roll,20@32c: Firkin, lS@2oc «a.

CHEESE- Dealer! report the limit, «•.>!• rGood to choice mild new It quotable at 111*@12V« * 16; fancy marks, lie; ordniarr, 9@lie:Young Americas. Il(<fil3c9 Id: Eastern, 13\:@14c V tb: Western. 13@13V'3 C V&>•

POULTRY—Eastern co »s In every diy nowand drags badly at 14@15c for Turkeys, 9 \u25a0 forPucks. 94^6 tor Hens and $3 f>o®s tor youngRoostrrs. California stock II weak, as follows:Drrsaed Turkeys. 1>-(<$ Or: Live Turkeys. liaisefor Gobblers and ]?®i.I Tat Hens; ttetse. ftpair,91 60@2; Ducks. $< 5V(£5 i*dozen; Hens H'cdb:Roosters, young. H@i50 %» doi;do old, 9404 60;Fiyer*. $4@4 50: Brullers. $*(a* V5for large andf»@3 60 % aozen for small: Pigeons, #l «6@l 50Vdozen furyoung ana 91 forold.

GAME—There was anotber general advanceyesterday. • tie market Is very firm. Quail. Sl@@1 25: Mallard. 91 60@4 60: Canvusback, ?5@7:N'rtft. * (gi^ 60: Teal, $1 60@l 76: Widgeon,91 SU; Small Duck, SI 25: Gray Geese, $2 ft. @<;White Geese. SI v'6@l £0: Urant. $1 6O@l 75 forlarge and fI@l '25 for small: Honkers. 9-i(#4 50 t*do*: Knellsn Milp». t"@" 60 V dozen; Jack .snipe,

91©1 25: Hare, $I®l25: Rabbits. SI 26@1 60.l,t;(;v_\0 further c ange. Fancy Eauern, H()@

3'_'Vif1* doz; common to good Eastern. 3S#?7^fce:California, store Kjtcs. > 1,(g»35c: ranch Eggs, 37@38c for (mail and oS color, 40©;lc and occi--

onally 42i/2c per doz-n for larce white and 35@36c for Interior.

HONKY—Comb. 10V^©llc for bright ana 8-10 cfor dirkto ilsbtamber; water-wblte extracted, 6@i'Vic;lightamber extr^rtrd. 4^C|(sc: dark amberextracted, 4».i@4V«r'? R.

HKKSWt X—Quoted at 2-(»23c *Ib.ORCUARpFHUlTS— Persimmons. 40(<»75c bx:

Apples, 65ft*86c 1* box for good tocboli-e and 35®60c ror rorumen to fair aud 90e@$l *box forchoice Red: Lady Applet. JlfcCl 50: Pears. 25®50c ft box foi common and 75c@$l 25 for choicevarieties.

GRAPES— Qnoted at 2J©soc Vbox.CRANBERRIFS— WIsconsIn.?6SO@7SO: Jersey

and CaDe Cod. $£{£9 V bbLCITRUS FRuri.>— The market is very quiet.

Fall to Choi •( alirornla >«vel Oranges. 92A3:

Seedlings, 91 "tQ2; ? oreto Ora'igrs. ft60(a3:Mandarin Oranges. Sl@' 25; Vacavllle Ur.tnires,In small boxes, sU@7t>c f '"ii:BWI y L" o .-.

;California Lemons, JIM-' V) box for commonand $2 50g£:< 25 \u25a0? box for good tnchoice: Veil.-Limes, $4 Vbox:Bananas. 91 [email protected] 50 9 bunch;Pineapples. $"'*4 V doz.

DKIEbFRUIT—Pe«r» quotable at s@6c f R. forbleached lia:T<"« and 4@ie for quarters: Apples.3»'V&IVSjC for quart-red. 31 ©'.V*/"forslice! and7@Bc for evhD rated : Bleached Peach's, 6@7c:6iin-<trled l-eaches. 4©3c: Apricots. Moorparks.ll>^@l-.i^c;ROTals ll@lli^icTor bleached andt'@7l/>c for sun-dried; I'ru es. 4Vj,.©4»io for thefour sizes and SQ4i> foruti^radea; I'iuins, 41^@5efor pitted and l'/ii^'-'o rnrunpitted; Figs, back,3®4c for pressed and 1

*'t'<j-''ac f»r unDresa«i;

TNblte Nectarines. 6@7c: Red Nectarines. 4@6cva.

RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES— San Franciscoquotations are: London Layers, 9 t>l 25; looseMoseatela, in box**.75r@flc* bx: clusters, SI 60@l 76 't> box: loose Msnemtel*, In «arks. t""i(»s%fccfJ "> for tbiee-cr<<wn and 'JfisaV«c tor two-crown; dried Grapes. 1.. @2e T> tb.

>UTS-Chestnuu are quotable at lOttl^J^c;Walnuu, 68/i@7ViC i>. m tor harnsheil. forRortshell and for paper-shell; toilsnell Al-nion.li, l\Ql'2r; hardshell do. '©Be :p»i>er-iibei|.l'^V»@l3V..r n>: Peanuts. 4fti*4V.,c>* tor do-tseitlc: Hickory Nut«, f@6c: teems, B#9C forrougn and lie for polished:; Filberts. lv^^O^r:Brazil tits. Hl^llV^c: Cocoanuts. S4^s «» 100.

VEGETABLFS— Yesterday's cLanges ere siltAspHragus. 40e V FT.: Muihrooms. unsalable forcommon and 12VtCdi0c t- U1 'oi good to fancy;Rliubarb, 7sc ft box: Drle<lokra. 12Vs@'*c V rr>;Dried.P' ppers, 6@7c* It-.Tomatoes, 16'<475c LosAiif*i<-«i(mil leee. -liv^-iitVbox :Green Pens. '<&Pc: StringBeaus. ft@'i>C; Marrowfat Squash, 97(JHV ton; Cabbage, 60c 1> cti: Feed carrots. 40®50c:lurntpe, ?sc; Hceta. 75c: Parsnips, fl25: u.xilc,

& n>.PROVISIONS— Hams Bacon and Lardare very

weak, and dealers are quietly cutting to sell.Hae n lvis*r.'i,vc 9 16 for heavy and medium,181. @15cfor light and l^f/^ltj'forextra light:Kastern »ntir-rurtil Kino/l'i^cVIt.: CaliforniaHams. H)®liv9c; Eastern Lard. tierces, 7 Vi@BMiCfor compound ana 100 V It» for pure: pails.llc^tb: California, tierces. 7VvC for compoundand 10c V jr. for pure: bair-bbls. lO'^c

* lf>:10 Ib tins, lie; do 5-lt. UViC: Me«s >'••* **'•extra mess do. 99 ?» bbl: family do, $10 51*011:extra prime r». SI8Q13&0; extra clear. %i'A% bbl: mess. Sib V but. Smoked i;eef. 10Vj©lie> m i- • *


Qnoterl at 1C(?B BUjC1* Ib.HIDES AND SKINS—Heavy salted steers, 6c 9

Ib; medium. 4c \u2666» m :lit;'t. l<<i*:u.«<;Cowhides. S-g)3Ms"-": salted Kip, tc V Ib: salted Calf. » ;salted Veal, 6c; dry Hides, usual selection.«' #7c; dry Kips and ci 3@7c; primeGoauklns. 36040ceach; Kids. s@loc; Deerskins,good summer, 25<* %l It', medium. 15r ?\u25a0 tt>; win-ter. sc: Sheepskias. sbearllncs. 10<£p'J0c eacb»short woo!. 2i@3sc; medlnm. 4i-©soc each; ion?wo.'i, &ii(37sc each; Culls or all Kinds about Vaie*s.

TALLOW—No. 1rendered. sc; country Tallow,\u25a0lV,o: Rrflued, Be: Grease, 3V4(<S3V%O V ft,.

WOOL—Iail Wool is quo.el as folluws: Hum-boldt and Mendoclno. B'^iOc

* tb: tree Moun-tain. t'QSc » IT.: 'orthern defective, s©7c; South-ern ami San .I'laqutti.4@>sc: Spring clip.Uuroi>oldtand Mendoclno. 13@140 V It>:Calaveras and Foot-hill. ]l«!Vc;Nev.dn. 10($!Hc: San Joaquin andSouthern, year's staple. n@!»c "c». tb; do, shortWools. l'sH><!>» &;Eastern Oregon, 101*120 forcbolre aud B®9c tor Inferior; ValleyOregon, 13®14c V Q>.

General Merchandise.GRAINBA<iß-Calcuitas nominal.OlL—Linseed has again advanced. California

Castor Oil. cases, No. 1, is quotable at 91 20:bbls. 91 15 (manufacturers' rate.*); California Lin-seed Oil. bbis. boiled. 54c: raw. 62c: easel. 'Acmore. ha.-ti-rn Linseed oil. In bbls. boiled, 64c;do raw. 62c: cases, 3c more. Lard oil. b*>i*.87Vfcei cases, 92Vje; Cocoa, 55c; Clilna Nut,47@S'JC Vgat

IK KOl.KCM—Starllebt, 18' we t> gal; Eocene,21c V gal: Astral. 1 8c «gal; 150° Klalne. 23c i*\u25a0ml; Pearl, li*'-: Water-white, reflned. bulk, 12c:Headlight, 176°. cases, 21c; Mineral Illuminat-ing, 300°, 20c incaies; Standard. 110° ore test,17c % gallon In cases (caps), i7Vi.c faucets and12c Hi bulk.

UA.soL.INE. ETC.—63 Benzine, bulk, 12i'.c 1»cat; cases. 18c; 74° Gasoline, bulk, Kir; case*,

19c: Bb' asollnt, bulk. VOe; rases, -'.*>\u25a0\u25a0 V gal.WHITE LEAD—Quoted ate@7c, as to quantity.RED LEAD—Quoted at 7c V it..TURPENTINE—Higher at 44c ftgal.SUGAR— The Western sugar i.i-di.iug Company

quotes, terms net cash: Cube. \u25a0 rushed, Powderedand Fine crushed, all6-VitC > Ib: Dry Granulated.4"*\u25a0 "i* tt>: Confectioners' A. 4%c; Magnolia A.4-Vsc: Extra O. 4140: Golden C. 4c; D, 3'ic;Standard A, 4 Ye: naif-barrels, same ai barrels,and boxes Viemore.

Sun Fr»nrl«co Meat Market.Wholesale rates fromsiautbterers are as follows:BKEF—First quality, f«S"Ac V tb: second qual-

ltv,4VyC; thirddo. U^©4c # ft. \u0084.•.„

VEAL—Large, !0»c VIb:small Calves, tS@6'

2c:Dairy Calves. 7...•8c 1* lb.

MUTTON—Wethers, 6(i*sVaC; Ewes. 4V-®scitm.

lAMß—6Mi®7c9 Ib.PoßK— Live Hoks. 6c for heavy and medium

grain-fed and 6149""v '< c for small; stock Hogs,6c ft It;dressed do. 7' <<*-•<\u25a0 *Hi.

KECEIPIS OF PRODUCE.Thtjrsda-s, Dec. 7.

Flour, qrsks 1.092 Onlonn.sks 437do, Oregon do, 8.9C2 do. Oregon, do.. 16

Wheat, ctls \u0084 34.473 -traw, t0n5....... 10do, Oregon 14.020 Mustard Seed, Skg 1.1H3

Barley.. U5........ 3,240 Flaxseed.Or.sts.. 3780at5, fctu.......... 7 wool, bales ...... ; 18

do, Oregon, do.. 1,235 do, Oregon, do,. 78Corn, sks.... 1.61* Kaislns, bxs..., 1,350Beans, sks ........ 3,otJt> Hides, no ;.... 239Potalors. 3.612 «lne, gals 48.710

do, Oregon 27 Brandy, ga15...... 0,400Hay. tons.... ....- 3301 . - -

\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0


i'»tf*of F»fp»rtnr' from H»n Frmietnoo.


murk-,\u25a0.. \u25a0\u25a0•i.M'i'.LimK -ck. |

Arrived.\u25a0 s -

TiruBSDAY.Dec 7.Strnr Daisy Klraball, Johns 11. in hours from

Fort Bragg, etc: pass an tndse, toJ 8 Kimball.Btror Point Arena, Johnson, 15 hours from Men-

do, mo, etc: pass and mdse, to Mendoclno Lum-ber Co.


Stmr Arago. Donaldson. 39 hours from CoosBay; pass and mdse. to O C 4 \u25a0 Co.

Stmr National City,Manson, 'i1 hours from Eu-reka; 330 M ft Intuber, to C A Hooper 4 Co.

Stmr Humboldt, Rdwaras. 20 hours from Eu-reka; pass and mdse, to M Kailsh 4 Co

MmrSin Jose, Russell, 19 days fromPanama,etc; pass and mdse. to Pac Mall s s Co.

Stmr Al-KI, Hunter, 86 hours from DepartureBay: 1155 tons coal, to Oregon Imp Co.

Stmr Columbia, bo:les. 60 hours from Port-land, via Astoria 40 bonn; pass and md(e, toUnion Pacific Railway Co. . :\u25a0\u25a0'. :,-

NtnuLakme. Bonnlfield. 38 hours frmHueneme;province, to order.

Kmr Gipsy, Jepsen, 1? hours from Santa Cruz:produce, to Good&ll,Perkins 4Co.

Stmr Homer. Gregory, 103 hours from Tacorna;mdse, to lieo DetricK 4 Co.

Mip Spartan. Polite. 11days from Seattle: 2000tons coal, to P B Cornwall.

-Bark Csrrollton, Lewis, 14 days from Nanaimo

viaPort Ancaies 10 days; 2390 tons coal, to JohnRosenfeld's Sons.

Hark Seminole, weeden, 16 days from Depart-ure Bay: VOB7 tons coal, to R DChandler.

Scbr Archie and Koutle, Culstrupp, 48 hours frmStewarts Point: 7000 posts, to Hlggins4 Collins.VaMejo direct.

Schr W F Jewett. Sprarne, 10 days from Port-land; 825 Mft lumber, to Kennedy 4 Inglls.

";'• \u25a0'," Cleared.Thursday, Dec 7.

Pttnr North Fork, Doran. Eureka; (has Nelson.Br stror Wellington, Salmoud, Nanalmo; R

Dunsmnlr & Sons.hull'Henry Vlllard, Perkins, Tacoma: Balfour,

Guthrle 4Co.Itrbark Stractbro, Davey, Queenstown; Balfour,

Gutnrle* Co. ,VVb bark Cl.as W Morgan, Earle, wbaiine; J 4


Wednesday, Dec 6.Bc&tMary C Campbell, Bodega.

Thursday. Dec 7.Stmr Eureka, Inland, San Pedro.Stu.r Willamette Valley,btorrs, YaqiilnaBay.Brstmr Wellington, Salmond. Naualwo.Stmr Cleone, Miller, Westport.Wh bark Chas w Morgan, Karle. wh^llnß.Dan bark Cimbrla, Pedersen. Ipswich.Scbr Chetco, J&cobson, Coos Bay.

lU'rranUe.POINT LOBOS—December 7—lo rm—Weather,

hazy: wind.SW: velocity. 6mllM.Shipping1 Notes-

Steamers to sail to-day are tbe Bsrracouta forPanama, North Fork for Humboldt Bay and Gipsyfor the Sallnns River.

Steamers to arrive to-day are the San Juan fromPanama. (jaean from Victoria and Puget Moundand Los Angeles from Newport.

The following vessels were chartered prior toarrival to I- ad wheat at Portland for Kurope; Brbark Cam money, 36s 3d: Brship Colony, 37s 6d;Hrship Suthrrlandshlre, 30s.

Tbe schr Norway loads lumber on the Sound forSan guentlo, Mexico, at $7 50.

DnntMtli Port*..ROWENS LANDING—SaiIed Deo 7— Schr Mary

Etta, forSan Francisco.Arrive Dec 7— Schr Barbara Hernster, from

Santa Barbara.\u25a0 EDREKA—Arrived Dec 7—Stmr Pomona, henceDec 6: scbrs Eva and Occidental, bence Not30.

Sailed Dee—

Schrs Mabel Gray and John A.forSan tranclaco.

UMPQVA-ArrlvedDec 6—Schr Sadie, henceNov 23.

Palled Dec 6—Schn Louise and Una, forSanPedro.

COQDILLE RlVEß—Sailed Dec 6— Strur Bando-rllle.for San Francisco.

TACOMA—Sailed Dec 7—Bktn Arago, for SanPedro.

PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived Dec 7— StmrMtneola. from Comox.


Arrived Dec 7-Stmr Stale of Cali-fornia, hence Dec 5.


—ArrivedDee 7—Stmr Alcazar, hence

DecORKENWOOD— SaiIed Dec 7— Stmr Greenwood,

for San Franciiio.TAIOOSH—Passed Dec

—Stmr Mackinaw, frm

Tncfma for ban hraiidsco.REDi'NDO-Arrived Dec 7—Br ship Verbena,

from Antwerp.

PORT BLAKELEY-Balled Dec 7— Cnilbark An-toinette, for Valparaiso.

1-orHjrn Port*.DUNKlßK—ArrivedDec 6—Brship Howth. bncJuly 20.HONG-KONG—Arrived Dec

—Stmr City of P»-

king.hence Nov9; Brstmr Fm;.ress ofJapan, fmVancouver.

NANAIMO—SaiIed Dee 7—Ship Wachusett, forSan Pedro.Mov*ments of Trans- Atlantic Steamers.LONDON— Arrived Pec 7—Stmr!" Bohemia andObdam, from Sew York.BREMEN— Arrived Dee 7— Stmr Allcr, from

New York.I STOWN— Arrived Dec7

—Stmr Germanic

from New York.-LIVERPOOL—Arrived Dec 7— Stmr Nomadic,

from New York.Import*tlona.

PORTLAND ANDAKTORIA-Per Colnmbla-22crts 16 sks onions. 10.510 gks wheat. 3?xsks flax\u25a0red, 2951 sk» flour, 1371 sksoat.i. 1c- blankets,'27 sks potatoes. 26 bi» green a 1 pies. 26 cs patentmedicine. 16 bis smoked fish, ISOr lichairs. 1 cswin*.66 empty barrels. 239 bdls sheep skins, 450salt hides. 8«10 It lumber. 120 pcs w»t#r pipe. 10pkics ollr.igoods, 10 pkp^ net float*. .6cs rubbershoes, 189' t)din blu>s. »7 Dkgs candy, lIS bxscrackers 600 l>rt;s pulp, 497 pkgs paper. 55e ixllslaths. '-'619 ixlis shooks, 250 sks oysters. 25 bblseras berries, U5 cs salmon, 19 pkgs tea. 1 bag coinand express.


Per Humboldt— 7 eds stave bolts. 15roils leather. 205 sits peas, 316 bxs apples, 2 Dansminerals, 3 tits bark. 1 ak leather. 1cs mdse, 1 bxplates, 1 cs honey, A cs groceries. 6 sks rollr-.toats.6 cs fruit cans, 5 barrels. 2cs demijohn*, 3 winebarrel*. 1cs dry noon. 'SI l>xs apples. 8* cs fisb. 4sks ralslna. 176 bxs butter. 2 cs a goods, 1 table, 1ci hardware. 9 pkgs express, 1 bag corks, 1 cschestnuts. 1 sk coin.

SANTA CRDZ—Per Gipsy—32 bxs apples. 2bxs19 bbls glue, 4 bxs butter, 'ics cheese. 1000 bbislime.

Alenterey—3 oil tanks, 6 empty barrels.Pigeon Point— 37 bxs apples, 10 Ins butter, 90

arms 411 bxs rheise.Salinas— 11sks mustard.MoruCajo— 2So aks potatoes.

aitoiiviiie—Mlßbaes sugar.Moss Landing—lbf-bx butter, Ics ergs.HttStllt-Per Lakme— 623l sks barley, 1341

»- .1 corn. 234 sks oats. 478 ski beans, 1pkg oidse,4£16 sks wheat. /

ME.NDOCINO—Per Point Arena— 3 pkgs mdse, 7!e.-r cages. 45 barrels, 1 bbl vinegar, 2 tanks, ISOM ft lumber.

Navnrro—i1 2 tons old Iron.v bitesboro— 4 pkgs mdse.Point Arena— 7l l>riapples, 9 pkes mdse, 1tub

17 bf-i>xs butter, 5cm gs. 2coops chickens. 1cs 1hf-bbl etn. 4 bxs fi»h, 11 pkgs household goods. 1bx preserves 1 mirror.1horse. 1 wagon.

FORT BRAGG— Per Dai.«y Kimbali—

1bx fish, 1bx books, 22 pkgs tools. 48 bUls pelts, 190.133 ftlumber.

Little River—43 pkgs household goods, 13 pkgsfurniture.

Whltesboro— fo bxs apples, 1deer.Point Arena— 2bxs flkt:. 30 bxs apples.COOS HAY—Per Arago-2 pkg» m«iße, Sskschlt-

tim ark. 10 rolls leather, 3 pkgs express. 2 tonshousehold goods, 700 tons coal, 3oil tanks, 2 bx*apples, Isu hliies, 4 cs cheese, 1pfcg rudder, 1sknuts, 2 sks coin.

- •\u25a0 > <

TACOMA-Per Homer— so76 sks wheat. 1 tank,1365 sks bran, 700 sks oats, 37 'bag* sugar, 27 pkgs900 billshousehold goods, 112 S'ed boxes, 34 car-iJiys. 1000 cs salmon, SO pkgs 70 bdls scraplrou,102 *>asß bones, 1473 kegs nails.

C>»n« srn*>•**.Per Columbia—Allen ftLewis; Field ft Stone; A

I.try ft Co; IIDutard: Moore, Kertruson 4Co; BCohen *Co; 0 J I.pint ftCo; .Murphy,Urant « Co;would A Jaudin: Brown Bros *Co; Cat Barrel Co;Langley ft Michaels: Bissinger &Co; Fane ft Sod:Willamette Pulp A Piper Co: Clatsop MillCo; FUlllensftCo: Morgan Oyster Co: Gibson *Rrrr;Dodge, Sweeney *Co; J X Armabr ftCo; Wash-ington Feed Co; Wells. Fargo ft Co: Duff ftCo; 9Stmus* *Cot Hrymood Bros Co: Wilmerdlngft Co; Kennedy ft Inulls: Oh tuple salt Water Co;(.olden Oat* Lumber Co: Midwinter Fair: JonesA Co; Amen ftHarris; Seville itCo; Cox Seed *I'untCo: Mrtsou A. Manner DrayInnCo; BostonRubber Shoe Co; Derby A Imiiici.

Per Hnroboldt— MKallsb ft Co; Dalton Bros; JF English; Marshall, Teggart ftBrorsen: DentingPalmer MillingCc; £ R Stevens *Co; HiltsBros;Kveletu A Na»b: Brown A Adams: A Levy ft Co;Seiby Smeiti' and Lead Works; lionAHewlett;HuMe, Bradford *Co: Amer Press Ass i:McDon-ougb A Runyon: lillmannft Heudel; 8 H Tylerft Co; Wellinan, Peck ftCo:I>odrn. Sw«nf*yft Co;llrigbaro, Uoppe ft Co: OK Whitney ft Co: Cartanft McCarthy; Dairymen's Union; Gets Bros ft Co;Norton. Teller ft Co; O BSmith ft Co: HermannA Co: Rust. Handera ft 0": \Vbeacon. Breon ft Co;VerTallu ftRows; B MAtrhinson ft Co: MelDer.Mr-Hi A llymann; D 'lledeman ft Co; BumboldtMineral Water Co; Wells, rargo 4- Co; J W Galeft Co; Jones ft Co; L C gllari: l> V»(;.-lor.-> ftMaretb: A Crocker ftBros; Neostadter Bros;Mil-ler Moss ft Scott: Hay wood Bros; order. *


Per i.lpsy— Wbittier, Fuller 4 Co: IIDutnrd: Aw Fink: Ruts, bander* ft Co: Til!maun *Bendel:Scliarht, Leuicke ft Stelner;

-Norton. Teller ft Co;

C Carpy ft Co: Standard OilCo: M Kbrmau ft Co;Dodge. Sweeney ft Co: Dairymen's Union; ~lT«strrn fug T Kefliery Co; Witlland ftFrederickson;Hills Bros: ,\u25a0 Norton. Teller 4 Co: M Cowell ft Co;Herman Joost: P Sans: iebmann ftCo; McUou-ough ft Rnnyon: «'al Paint Co.

Per Lakms— Porter Bros ft Co; Field ft Stone: Jlingerft Co; AOerberaing A Co; Meyeriteln A-

CO. - - •--\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:• \u25a0

\u25a0 .-1 Per Point Arena— Smith's Cash Store: Miller ftSon- Standard OilGo: MEnrinan ft Co; MoNabftB:ni-b; Chas Hurley ft Co: Dairymen's Union;.1Pnllen: Dodge. Sweeney ft Co; l{«s*& Hewlett: J

vale ftCo: Wilson ft Oeviiblss: A Paladlnl: BR Lane; Russ, Minders ft Co; O Conn: M«ndocln»Lumber Co: De Uernardlft Westi<h»l; FnterprlseBrewery: MHdt Qu.irtror: 8 X Wade: R Howne:J 1Rlley;B C tell: Win MeGill: Stulz Bros: ADLowell. Martin Wlnther: HOBeadle.

Per Daisy Xi ball—

W B Sunnier ft Co; HawleyBroi; C V O'Callaghau &Bros: R H Qeard; Doe,Bunt ft Co; P Qusmaul: II Prltchard: I.Martin;A Bernard ;J Fastana ft Co. '\u25a0:

Per Arairo—standard OilCo; OC ft Co: R WGetty: Tiilmann ft Bendel: Well*,hareo *Co: CJohnstou; De Bernard IftWestpbSil ;11 A Moss;Wbittier. Fuller* Co; E loliexten.

Per Homer— Bros Hardware Co; Millerft Son: Dunham. Carriran ftCo: E J Bowea ft Co;

X Armsby ft Co; <„)•\u25a0 \u25a0 Morrow ftCot Pac Fertil-izingCo: Lewis Packing Co; G V Meyers: UnitedVinegar Co: De! Monte MillingCo; Gnlrardelll ftSous: WS Marshall; LUlenthal ft Co; AHaas ftCo; Thcs Watson. \u0084

" "—. - - «

For hate. Shippino Intelligent* Se* TmthPag*


Btzamkr. i

rM>onift.iranamft.......>uec 8. 12m FM 8 S:kee.... Portland...... IDec 9. Mlss'a 1i........lttiui»*J»pan Deo 9. Sru PMS St*Ko*a_ Ban Di««0.... Die 9.11am Bdw'y Ulooiat.. Humbldt B»v. Dec 9. B«MlWuint'nin.iji*.. fortlana |l>eo 10.10 am (*pe»r

iti!i»... tic*ret saa. IDeo li.»am Bdw'r 1Auctlti Newport...... Dec 11. Saw HaWr 2)3»...... |S»n l)lec«.'...|Dec 13.11am Bd«r'r 3i0n*.....iBumbldt B»y.'Dec 18, UAMiBdWr 1neav... .syai.ev........ Dec 14. wrMiUceanici»of CM. IPortland Dec 15.10am Spear -smeueV iTaanin»n»r.. i>ec 15. '.'am Buw'l 4Ma..... HewDort...... Dec Its. Bam BQw'raipartur* oi AuitrsiUn »te»uier depends an tM




4. %IS 7.131 4,7 14 4 6.4-



Salesroom, 211 Fine street. San Francisco.


At 10 o'clock a. m. by catalogue.

PERFUMERY! PERFUMERY!Ihe Entire Stock of the Franco-American.Perfumery Co. (without renerve).

Extracts. Colognes, Cosmetics, Bay Rum ana 300dozen Genuine Lubln's Extracts, and an end-less variety of elegant perfumery.—

ALSO—BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS.The entire stock of the Pacific Publishing Com-.pany— 3ooo volumes Elegantly Bound Stand-

ard ana Miscellaneous Books. Sale positive.without reserve


Auctioneer, 543 California St.. nr.Kearny

Bicycles! Bicycles!The first opportunity ever offered of buying this




At Salesroom, 643 California St., nr. Kearny,TO-MORROW,

Saturday December 9,1893.At11 O'clock M.,

This is an opportunity seldom offered to procureth* bast Bicycle ever m»de, the world-renownedColumbia or this year model, lope Manufacturing .Co. One-naif of tin lot of fourteen are for ladles.They are warranted to be entirelynew and perfectin every rrspect and In the case as imported. Iam assured that the retail price willbe maintainedfor th s first-class machine for the ensuing year at$156.

Sold foraccount of whom itmay concern to closean account, Tor U. *.i.old Coin, comprising onlyfourteen wheels. Recollect 1 guarantee them ivperfect order or NOSALE. Bespetfully,

WIL.LIAMBUTTEKFIELD,deB 2t (General Auctioneer. 543 California St.



Trains Leave anil are Due to ArriveatSAX FRANCISCO.

weave— FßOM NOTtMBKK l».1893—

arbiv*!.7100 aAtlantis Express for Ogden and

\u25a0 . East 6«45a7:00aBealcia.Vacavliie. §Kumser.*ac-rnnento & Redding, via Davis 7:15p

7:80aBlartiaez. San Ramon. Napa.Calistosra and *S»nta Kosa 6:15»

S:SOa Mies. San Jose, Stockton. lone.Sacramento. Marysville, RedBluff and •oroville 4:15*

COOa New Orleans Express, **ntaßtr-r.ar<,Los Angeits, Deming. ElPaso. New Orleans and East 8-ASP

•9:00aBtee tot. and Milton •8:45**Jii:<Oit Hay wards Mies and San Jose. .. !6:15p»IS:00m Bay wards. Mies and S nJo«e... *6:15p

•1:00 Sacrauento River Steamers •9:00p4:lioi' M-:r:l:iM San Ramon, ValleJo.-

*;\u25a0» Caliitoga, ElVerano audSanta Rosa 9:45 a

4:00f Beulcia, VKcaviile, Woodland,Knifnti LandlDt:, Mirysvllle.oroviiieand Sacramento 10:45 a

4 :"'oi»Miles Llvermore and t>un Jose... 3:45a.6 Of Martinez. Stockton, Modesto,

-.er' :ana Fresno 10:45 aB:UOr Los Angeles Express, Fresno,

Bakersfield, Santa Barbara andLot Angeles 10:45 a

8H)0p Santa ¥« Route. Atlantic Expressfor Mojave and East 10:45 a

6 -C'Op Kuroi/em Mail.Oeiien and East. P:4sa6:00p Raywardi, Nllesand San Jose... 7:45 a

J7:oor Valiejo tB:4sr7:00* Oregon press, Sacramento,

Uarysvtile, Redding, Portland,fusel aoouanadl^at 10:45 a


J". :45a Su nday Excursion for New irk.San Jos*. Los Uatos, Feltun andSanta Cruz. 18:05?

8:15aNewark, C«ntervtiie. San .Tose,Felton, Boulder Creek, SantaCruzand War at tins 8:39»

*2:l5PNrw&rK, Centerville. San Jose.Almaden,Feitou,Boulder CreekSanta Cruz and principal waystations «10:50 a

4:48p Newark. KanJose. Los Qatos 9:50 aCO ST I>'ViS'N— Ihir and TinrmfmlSt«6:45aSan Almaden Way "Sta-

tions..... 2:45*6:15aSan Jose. Tres Finos, Santa Cruz

Pacific Urove. Paso Robles ISanLuis Obispo) and PrincipalT*ay Stations 6:28*

10:4nA San Jos* and Way stations s:otip12:.'6f Ps>!o Ait'> nd Wav Stations 4:15r•2S2OF 6»n Jose, (iiroy, Tr»-s Plno«,

Banta Crr.z. SaliTias, Monterey, \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0}..«.<\u25a0ard FaclflcGrove *10:40 a

:Sop Saa Jose aud Principal "Way Sta-tions »9:47 a

•4:25p >»l<. Ait^and Way Stations *8:08 a6 :10p San Jos* and Way Stations 8:43 a6:SOf Palo Alto and Way Stations. .. 6:35 a

tH:46rPsio Alto aad Principal WayStations ..?JL

_L....._„„... t7:26P

CREEK ROUTE FERRY.From nan FriDelsoo, foot of Market St. (Slip 8)—

•7:00, 8:08. 0:00. 10:00 and 11:00 a. it.12:30,2:00. StOO. 4:00. 5:00 and « 00 F M

From Oakland. Not »f Broadway— »6:oo. *7:00,8:00. 9:00. 10:00 and 11:00 a. m., 12:30, 2:00.3:00. 4 :00. 5:00 and 6:00 p. m. \u25a0


a forMornfrij. rfor Afternoon."

•Sod days excepted. tSatur4ay»oalT-SMond»y, w«"»oesday and Frld» only. ; \u25a0 ,

{Sundays only.


Tiburon Ferry—Foot of Market St.

In Effect October 29, 1893.From San Francisco to 'Sin Rafael. '

WEEK DAYS—7:4O. 9:20, 11:40 a! v.: 3:30,5:05, 6:20 p. w. Kxtratrip Saturday! litI-.oOrti

BU>'DATft—b:oo, S:3O, 11:00 a. m.; 1:30, 3:30.6:00, b:3Jf. M.Imm »an Kafael to San Francisco.

WEEK DATS—6:2S. 7:55, 9:30 a. U.;13:45,8:40, 6:05 p. v.

SATURDAYS OM.Y—An extra tripat 6:30 p. k.BUN 8:10, 9:40. 11:10 A.M.: 1:40, 3:40,

6:60. 6:25 P. M.Between s n y.ancisco and Seauetzen Park same

scbeduie as above.Leave i Arrive

San Francisco. ISan Francisco.——————Destination. |—

—Wkkk I Sr»- | | Sim- I WkbkDays.J_days. I I DATS. IDay*.

7:40 am 8:00 am Novata,110:40 am 8:50 am

3:30 pm 19:30 am Petaii.iua, 6:i»5 en 10 am6:05 rsi j5:00 fm| Banta Row. I7:3ofm 6:10 pic

IIFulton,7:40 am IWindsor. 1 10:30 am

B:UoAMiHealdsburg, 7:30 pmS:3oru|

-t>ejserTiile. 6:10 m

I ICloverdale. j .PIeta. l

7:4oaic 8:00am Hoplandand! 7:30 rM 6:lopmUklan, I

7:40ak|8:00 ami Ouernevllle. I7:30rM|10:30 am3:30 pm' _ I j I6:10 pm

7:4oam $:t>o am Sonoma 10:4Uam 8786 am6:05 6:00 pm and 8:05 pm 6:10 fm

j Glen Ellen. \u25a0

7:4O.amiS:ooami Sebaslopol. 110:40 am; 10:30 AM3::<opm|s»oupm| I 6:05 rMI 6:10 m

Stages eennact at Santa Resa for Mark WestSprings. .

Stages ceanect at <;eyservlll» fer Skaggs Spring*St«war;s Point, Gualaia and Point Areaa.

St«g«s conneot at Ciovardale for Tba Uoysars.Stage* connect at Pleta for Highland Sprint*.

Kels-yvilie. Soda Bay. Lakepart and BartlettSprlnr*.

Stages connect at Uktan for Vichy Springs. Sara-toga t*pring«. Blue Lakes. Upper Lake,Lakeport,Boei'.avtlie, Greenwood, Orr's Hot Springs, Men-dvelne City, Fort Bragg, Usal, West»ort, Canto*vtlJUtt*. i'iibti. tier V«'ipy. Jnh* Day's,j.it»i»'i.Calpella, Harris, Biocksborr. Brtdgavllle.Hydesvlllaand Eureka,

(Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at re-duetd rates

- -\u25a0

'-On Sunday— n»nnd trip tickets to all point*

beyond San Rafael itHalf rates.Ticket OSces, corner New Montgomery aad

Market streets. i:*4*rPalace Hotel.H. C. WHITING. K.X. RYAN, .

Gen. Mansion. Gen. Pass. Agent.


rTRAINS LEAVE ANDARRIVE ATSANFRAN--1 Cisco (Market-street Ferry): -" - -

LXAVB >wov id \u25a0 logo \u25a0


Daily./ NOV.18. 1883. XDaily.

i 6:00 r..Fast Express via Mojave 10:15 a9:00 a..Atlantic Express via Los Angeles 8:45 F"

Ticket Office— l>6o Alarset at.. Chronicle"!BdTT(fIng. 8. F. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 W. A.BISSBLL,

IXtf General Passenger Agenfc ia



S. F. Gall Publishing Co.PRESENT. AT 710 MARKETST.


EDWARD 8. SPEAR & CO.,run:it . Book and Oeneril Auctioneer*

31 and 33 Sutler Street.


Friday December 8, 1893At11a. M. sharp, we willsell.

By catalogueIN OUR SAL SROOMS.


OVER ONE THOUSAND BOOKSinall departments of literature.

alsoA fine collection of illustrated books.

Note :Tne above books are all infine conditionand elegantly bound, and are worthythe atten-tion or buyer*.

Hook* on exhibition Thursday and morning ofsale. .

EDWARD 8. SPEAR 4 CO., Auctioneers.d*6 3t 31aud 33 Sntter street.


COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Salesroom— ll3s Market St.. bet. 7th and Htn,

Kegular Saiesdays— and Friday.

THIS DAY.Friday... ...December 8. 1893.

At 10 a. it,at salesroom,


-1 Organ; Mantel Mirror*; Parlor Sets: BedroomSets, withClipper and Cuned-halr Top Mattresses;bedding; Carpets: Bookcases; Pictures; Table*Chairs: Lounges; Crockery. Glassware: Stovesand Ranges or 5--o inbouse; also B*r-ronnte»,removed to our store for convenience or sale.1 OHAS. LEVYACO.. Auctioneers.


GtCN'EKAL AIMTION-t KM.Office and Salesroom— 2lB Post St., near Stockton.

THIS DAY.Friday December 8, 1893,

At11a. m., on the premises(By order of Mrs. A. Williams). 301 Fulton St..near Franklin, we will sell the 'IMagnificent Ip-rigbt Cabinet lira-id Pianos; Rich Oil Painting*;Elegant Parlor. Chamber. lMnlng-rootn and Kitch-en Furniture contained inresidence.


The Weekly GallThe Largest, Cheapest








Send for Samples to

8. F. CALLCO.. £35 Mautxoiaerr SU



Francisco for ports In Alaska 9 a. m. \u2666?fox?*Oct. 18. '^7, Nov. and Dec. 1. 26 TrWPHHii

For British Columbia aad Puset Sound ports.Orioi>er •-•, and every fifth day thereafter.

For Eureka, Humboldt Bay,Wednesdays. 9 a. h.For Newport, Los Angeie* and all way portsevery fourth and fifthday, di.ii.For Pan Diego, stopping only at Port Rarford,

Panta Barbara, Fart Los Ang?les (Santa Monica),Reoon<io (i..-i* Angeles) and >ewporc. everylocrth and fifthday. at 1! a. v

For ports InMexico, 2.lth of each month.Ticket Ofilee—Palace Hotel. 4 New Montgomery

streetGOODALL, PERKINS *CO., General Agents.Itf , 10 Manttt st ,ban Francisco.


STEAMSHIP COMPANY will digpatoti rrornBpear-streot wharf, at 10 a. m.. for the above portsCD* of their Aliron steamships. Til:

bTATKOF CALIFOKNIA-Oct. 6.18 23. Nov.an < «' •. i \u25a0. 26.

COLUMBIA— 1. 11, 21, 81, Nov. and Dec.10. *v. ;\u25a0"

Conner tine viaPortland with the Union Pact Soand other diventlig lines for all point*In Oregon,'Washington. British Columbia. Alaska, Idaho.Montana. Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, YellowstonePark and all points east and south and to Europe.

Fare to Port lana— cabin, $18; steerage, $8:round trip,cabin, $30. „

Ticket offices—lMontgomery It* aud FalacaHotel, 4 New Montgomery n.

freight office—2UU California st.6OODALL,PERK-NS

*CO., Bnpt Oc*an LineItf 10 M«rk*c*t..San Francisco.

OREGON PACIFIC R. R. CO STEAM:RFor Portland, em, Albany, Kueenn

City, Ktc.CTKAMSHIPLINETO BAY. J^n.0 BytUi*route 235 mllei by steamer <*MmSSB?

saved over any other route. . >:Rainera are o-.i.i,ofIron, with water-tight compartments Will sailfrom lion 4, seawall, foot et Battery street.Steam r WILLAMKITK VALLEY willsail fromSan Francisco THCKSDAY. December 7, at 9a. is. No rreight received after 8 o'clock a. m. onday of sailing.

Passenger rates to Portland— First class. *14;second class, $4 Albany—First Class, $12; secondclass, $7. -

r-v*-'.-i--• Ticket office, ti'J'J Market sc .

For freight rates apply toD. It.VAUGHN.General agent, section 4. seawall.


-*.\u25a0$VXl_iUlft ton steamers of the

Cyi*s IT^sC* ft' Oceanic Steamship Co.•^jy «r-^ N!v«

"ll for Honolulu,

O/ <BBfc \k^* Auckland aud Sydneytt;If

'O^^lo ViOai under:II -*<6*ttnK \\

•For. Honolulu. Apia,

il tP«?t —Hi Auckland and Byd-

II "*yfmJß^" 1 nrT< SB. Alameda,\\ Ets*flll #


—iMJMPM£ Mii For Honolulu only, S3.O^^SKjSi Australia. Saturday.*?V^®f/?S^^V>

i•-<\u25a0. A3« 1893 2 P. M\u2666c^T^^T^)^" Forpassagoorfrewht

SEVER v\u25a0 aopiytoJ.D. SPRECK-

ELS 4 BROS. CO.. 827 Market street. «_


Fren t,l»»> to H»vr<«.COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH jjigjsk\J River, root of Morton st Travelersby this line avoid both transit by English raim.yanu the dlscoinrort of crossing the chanuel lvasmall boat. New York to Alexandria. Etrypt, viaParis, firsf-cl!is« $ 60 Secon i-(-ia»s. $116.

LA GASCOGNE. Capt. Santelll, ..Saturday. {>\u25a0 iember 1(5. 10:00 a. m.LACHAMPAONE,Laurent-

Saturday, K-rember a:<, 6;00 a.k.LABKETAONE cant. Collier

\u25a0 \u25a0 . .Saturday, i•cpmber il',10:00 a. stLA BOURGOGNE, Capt. Leboenf...,.. Saturday,.' nu^ry H, 1894

JKrror fanner particulars apply toA. RiitT, Agent,

No. 3 BowlingUreen, New Tort3. T. FUUAZI* CO., Agent*, 6 Montgomery

ava., Ban Frcnclsco. \u25a0

Branch emce. IVMontgomery st. auSl tt

WHITE STAR LINE.United States and Ko?ai Malt Steamers

BKTWERMNew York,Queenstown &Liverpool,

SAIU «i -;•" V: X WK*»k,

('ABIN.*60 ANDUPWARD. ACCORD- jg^m'lug to steamer an 1 accommodations »ssm£9

selected; second cabin, 135: Ma}t*ticand ' er.tusi-Ie, »iO and 549. Steerage ticket* from Eoiland,lrrland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Dauintrk,through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tick-ets, sailing dates and cabin plans may be procuredfrom w.H.AVEitY,Pacific Mail Dock, or at thebeueral Office of the Company, 613 Market si..tinder Grand Hotel. 6. TV. FLKTUUHR,ap-jb" TnVferrSa tt. Gen. Agt. for Pacific Coajf.


(T lortnlghtly for the West Indies and \u25a0££%£&tiouthanpton, • Calling \u25a0en route •at Cheroour^,trance, and Plymouth, to land passenger*.

ibroßgn Bill*ef Lading, in connection with theFaclfic Mall 8.8. Co., tsnad for freight and traas-Bre todirect port* inEngland and «erinaay. •

abrooch tickaU from Baa Jfranslsao to Ply.\u25a0> oatb. Cherbourg, • Bouthampton. First elaat,•>!»•: third class, $97 *0. For furtaer particu-lars apply to PARKOTT *\u25a0 CO. Agents,


Vlrr\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . SOU CalUormash.

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.iii>\ ,; Intended SS. sailings from Vancouvar


TO HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA,Dec. 16-Jan. 16-Feb. 16.

ApplyM.M.STKR>.Chronlele Bld'sr.648 MABKKIST., San Francisco.

You willbe talked to death and almost murderedbefore you escape the clutches of some dealersin shoes in their highwayman efforts to sell youa belter shoe than the James Means' $4 handwelted shoe for $3 50. We are the sole agents

for this celebrated footwear and full sizes cannotbe found in any other store in San Francisco.Allother dealers offering you this shoe will giveyou either bogus, old stook, or job lots boughtfor the purpose of deceiving the public

Yours, respectfully,

iLI& OIIME,11 Third Street, S. F.
