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  • 7/31/2019 Where Did Silas Go


    66 JSNT 8 (1980) 66-70



    Allan Wainwright



    One of the unsolved problems of New Testament history is

    that of the date and destination o(Galatians.' > In the centurysince the classic restatement of the North Gala'tian view by

    Lightfoot /!/, and the detailed advocacy of the South Galatian

    theory by Ramsay /2/, no consensus has emerged; and the work of

    these two giants still provides the fullest and most cogent

    expositions of the alternatives in respect of destination. On

    the question of date there are three groups of possibilities:

    an 'early' date, after Acts 15:1 but before the meeting

    described in Acts 15:6ff (e.g. Duncan in the Moffatt

    Commentaries /3/) ; a 'middle' date, from either Corinth or

    Antioch during the course of or at the end of the Second

    Missionary Journey (e.g. Ramsay himself /4/, Zahn /5/, Bacon

    /6/ and, more recently, Bornkamm /I/ and Filson /8/) ; and a

    'late' date during the course of the Third Missionary Journey

    and roughly contemporaneous with Romans. Such a 'late' date is

    required if the North Galatian hypothesis is held, but is

    linked with the South Galatian theory by, e.g., John Bligh /9/

    and J.A.T. Robinson /IO/. In view of the wide division and

    spread of opinion it would seem that the comment of Kirsopp

    Lake in 1938 is equally valid today: "It is impossible to fixthe time when Galatians was written, or the persons to whom it

    was addressed" /ll/.

    It is, however, the purpose of this paper to draw

    attention to an episode in the life of Paul which appears to

    have been overlooked hitherto in discussions of the question,

    and which may provide a clue suggesting that a 'middle'1 date is

    to be preferred; and so supporting the South Galatian


    This episode is that referred to in Acts 17:14-16 and I

    Thess 3:1 2 Paul had been forced to leave Beroea and had

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    Wainwright: Where did Silas go? 67

    to rejoin him as soon as possible. Their arrival is reported

    in Acts 18:5, when Paul had left Athens and was active in

    Corinth. I Thess 3:2, however shows that Timothy - and so,

    presumably, Silas also - had joined him at Athens. Timothy had

    been sent to Thessalonika, leaving Paul alone. Hence our

    question, "Where did Silas go?".

    The importance of this question becomes clearer when we

    consider the position at Thessalonika. The church there was in

    the middle of a grave crisis, both doctrinally and in its

    everyday life, needing all the help and support that could be

    given. Paul would have gone himself had not "Satan hindered"

    /12/. In his stead he sent Timothy, young both in years and in

    the faith - a clear case, we might think, of a boy being sentto do a man's job. Why not Silas, a "leading man" in the

    Jerusalem church /13/, mature and older in Christian life and

    experience, able and strong enough to be entrusted by the

    church at Jerusalem with a mission requiring both tact and

    force of character? The only rational explanation is that

    Silas was needed for a mission even more urgent, which perhaps

    only he could perform /14/. It is our suggestion that this

    mission was to deal with the crisis in Galatia.

    One of the stumbling blocks to all theories regardingGalatians has been its total lack of reference to the meetingand letter described in Acts 15 - so much so that the vastmajority of commentators accept that, even if it is notcompletely unhistorical. Acts 15 presents a greatly exaggeratedand idealised picture of what happened, or that in some way orother the narrative of Acts must be re-organised /15/. If weare to regard Acts 15 as reliable, it is hard to see a betterargument than that of Lightfoot /16/, which is, basically,

    that the 'decrees' of the council were not relevant to thesituation in Galatia. Nevertheless, this is very much in thenature of special pleading /17/. The suggestion of an 'early'date is an attempt to cut the Gordian Knot by suggesting that,as the council had not yet taken place, no reference to itsresult was possible. But even this fails when we consider thesituation required by this hypothesis - that emissaries of theJerusalem church were unsettling the Galatians, and that Paulwas on the point of setting out for Jerusalem to get the mattersettled. In these circumstances, Paul could hardly but say,

    in effect, "Hold hard: I'm going to get this matter sorted outwith the leaders at Jerusalem". But not merely does he not dothis he positively rejects the idea that a legal ruling from

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    68 JSNT 8 (1980)

    Diametrically opposed to this view is that put forward by

    Ramsay /18/, that the major issue dealt with in Galatians was

    the meaning of the Apostolic Decree, and in particular the word

    ("necessary things") /19/. One cogent interpretation

    is that while only these basic things are necessary, more is

    required for perfection: that while gentiles need not accept

    circumcision and the law, they will be better equipped for

    salvation if they do. In Ramsay's words "...this expression

    can plausibly be interpreted to imply the ellipsis, 'but, if

    you voluntarily undertake a heavier burden, we shall praise you

    for your zeal in doing more than the necessary minimum'," /20/

    and the corollary was that it was from jealousy that Paul was

    keeping his converts at the lower stage, that when he told them

    that the ceremonial law was unnecessary he had become their'enemy' /21/, and that he was trying to hold them back in the

    spiritual stage while carrying forward to the perfect stage

    only some special favourites such as Timothy. An argument such

    as this could have been presented in very powerful terms by the

    circumcision party: and we would hardly be surprised if the

    Galatians, with all the fervour typical of new converts, were

    to accept avidly the possibility of progressing further in the

    faith which had, even at the level to which they had already

    progressed, provided such inspiration.

    If something like this was indeed the teaching of the

    Judaisers, it will be obvious that to combat it required

    (a) a refutation of the argument that "this is what the

    decree really means" and

    (b) a powerful counterblast to the general argument that

    perfection can be obtained through the Law.

    In other words, rebuttal was needed both on the basis of

    authority and on the basis of theology. Galatians provides the

    second in the clearest possible way, and Paul was uniquely able

    to write it. On the question of the interpretation of the

    Jerusalem decree, however, he had no more authority than the

    Judaisers and would have appeared to have had less, since they

    came from Jerusalem, claiming the as their mentors /22/.

    Amongst Paul's circle, though, there was one man who more than

    any other was fully able to provide what was needed. Silas had

    been commissioned - indeed, mentioned in the Apostolic letter

    by name - to deliver and explain what had been decided. Paul,

    by himself, could not deal authoritatively with the

    interpretation of the decree: Silas, so far as we know, hadneither the personal experience nor the theological depth to

    deal with the profundities of the question itself But Silas

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    Wainwright: Where did Silas go? 69

    an overwhelming refutation of the arguments of the Judaisers.

    Here then is the reason why Paul makes no mention of the

    decree. Not merely was it unnecessary for him to do so: once an

    authoritative interpretation of the decree had been given, to

    raise the issue again would have suggested that after all there

    was something left unresolved. Instead, he contents himself

    with insisting that there was no opposition or contradiction

    between himself and the leaders of the Jerusalem church, and he

    omits altogether any mention of the council, since that would

    have been a matter fully dealt with by Silas.

    It is suggested, therefore, that the answer to the question

    posed in the title of this paper is 'Galatia'. This explainswhy Luke makes no mention of Silas joining Paul at Athens - he

    wishes to gloss over the whole incident as much as possible as

    a battle won and best forgotten, mention of which was irrelevant

    to his aims. This solution enables us to give the most natural

    explanation to the events narrated in Gal. 2, and to the

    expressions in Gal. 1:6 and in 4:13. We are

    able to give a greater degree of credibility to the narrative

    in Acts 15, and above all we see more clearly the basic message

    of the letter, "So far from circumcision and the Law leading to

    greater perfection, they negate true faith in Jesus Christ" -though the working out of this last point requires a full-scale

    commentary rather than a single article.


    /I/ Lightfoot, J.B., St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians /2/,London & Cambridge, 1866.

    /2/ Ramsay, W.M., St. Paul the Traveller and Roman Citizen,1st edn London 1895, 4th edn, 1898; Historical Commentary onSt. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, London, 1899./3/ Duncan, G.S., The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians,London, 1934 (Moffatt New Testament Commentaries).

    /4/ St. Paul the Traveller... pp.l89ff./5/ Zahn, T. (ET), Introduction to the New Testament.Edinburgh, 1909, Vol.1, pp.l93ff.

    /6/ Bacon, B.W., The Story of St. Paul, London, 1904, pp.229ffpp.229ff.

    /!/ Bornkamm, G., Paulus, Stuttgart, 1969. (ET, Paul, NewYork & London, 1971.) Appendix I./8/ Filson F V A New Testament History London 1965

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    70 JSNT 8 (1980)

    /9/ Bligh, J., Galatians, London, 1969, who assigns the final

    composition of the letter, using material formulated very much

    earlier, to A.D.57.

    /10/ Robinson, J.A.T., Re-dating the New Testament, London,

    1976, pp.55ff; cf. also Jewett, R. Dating Paul's Life, London,

    1979 pp.57 & note, 103.

    /Il/ Lake, K. & S., An Introduction to the New Testament,

    London, 1938, p.125.

    /12/ I Thess. 2:18.

    /13/ Acts 15:22.

    /14/ Ramsay's suggestion (St. Paul the Traveller..., p.240)that Paul sent Silas to maintain communications with Philippi

    does not meet the objection stated: nor does that of Kirsopp

    Lake and Cadbury (Beginnings of Christianity IV p.224) that

    Silas remained with Paul at Athens, on the evidence of in

    I Thess 3:1.

    /15/ E.G. Bornkamm, op.cit. c.4; Jewett, op.cit. pp.79ff; Lake,

    K. The Beginnings of Christianity London, 1933. Vol.V pp.l95ff.

    On the reliability of Acts generally see Jewett op.cit. passim.;

    Haenchen, E., in Studies in Luke-Acts ed. Keck, L.E. & Martyn,

    J.L., London, 1966, pp.270ff.; Haenchen, E.(ET), The Acts ofthe Apostles, Oxford, 1971.

    /16/ Op.cit. pp.l26f.

    /17/ Lightfoot's point that "There is no reason for supposing

    that the decree was intended to be permanent and universal"

    seems amply refuted by Gerhardsson, B. Memory and Manuscript,

    Uppsala, 1961, pp.245ff.

    /18/ Historical Commentary... pp.258f; cf. p.326.

    /19/ Acts 15:28.

    /20/ Historical Commentary... p.258.

    /21/ Gal.4:16.

    /22/ Gal.2:9.

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    ^ s

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