when you know these, pharmaceuticals you will abandon, wellness you will join, first vita plus you...

WHEN YOU KNOW THESE, Pharmaceuticals you will abandon, Wellness you will join, First Vita Plus you will choose first AGAPE FOUNDATION (AGASOFT) August 2015 1

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Page 1: When you know these, pharmaceuticals you will abandon, wellness you will join, first vita plus you will choose first


WHEN YOU KNOW THESE, Pharmaceuticals you will abandon,

Wellness you will join, First Vita Plus you will choose first


Page 2: When you know these, pharmaceuticals you will abandon, wellness you will join, first vita plus you will choose first


You will not hesitate to abandon or lessen your loyalty to the Pharmaceutical

Industry the moment you know these:

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What Makes You Hesitate from Joining the WELLNESS Industry?Because, like most of us, we still trust the pharmaceuticals?Consider these facts: Pharma kills 19 patients per minute while marijuana which was ruled out as illegal drug kills no one. So which is safer: Pharma’s legal prescription drug or illegal drug marijuana?

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What Makes You Hesitate from Joining the WELLNESS Industry?• Because, like most of us, we still trust the pharmaceuticals?• Consider these facts:

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Medical-Pharmaceutical System, the No. 1 Killer in the U.S.A.

Dr. Gary Null“Death By Medicine”


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What makes Pharmaceutical system the No. 1 Killer of the Americans?Answer: It kills 783,936 people a year, using Lazarou’s data on ADR.Whereas, the No. 1 killer disease, Heart attack, kills only 699,697 every year while only 553,251 died of cancer.


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What makes Pharmaceutical system the No. 1 Killer of the Americans?Answer: It kills 999,936 people a year, using Leape data on ADR.Whereas, the No. 1 killer disease, Heart attack, kills only 699,697 every year, while only 553,251 died of cancer.


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Medical-Pharmaceutical System, the No. 1 Cause of Bankruptcy among

Families in the U.S.A.

Dr. Gary Null“Death By Medicine”


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Answer: Using the Lazarou’s data on ADR, the Pharmaceutical system kills 783,936 people a year at a horrific cost of $ 282 Billion a year. The cost as well as the loss of a family member to disability or death which oftentimes means loss of income spells bankruptcy. Today, 60% of America’s families are bankrupt. Especially when the illness is cancer, the medical bill can easily zoom up to over a million dollars due to chemotherapy.


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What Makes Pharmaceutical System The No. 1 Cause Of Bankruptcy In America?Answer: Using the Leape data on ADR, the Pharmaceutical system kills 999,936 people a year at a horrific cost of $ 468 Billion a year. The cost as well as the loss of a family member to disability or death which oftentimes means loss of income spells bankruptcy. Today, 60% of America’s families are bankrupt. Especially when the illness is cancer, the medical bill can easily zoom up to over a million dollars due to chemotherapy.


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When you know this, you will quickly join Wellness


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What Makes You Hesitate from Joining the WELLNESS Industry?• The Wellness Industry focuses on Health and Wealth. • It aims for permanent (not temporary) healing and lasting (not occasional) Health.• It holds the knowledge of the true and deeper causes of illnesses which we must

observe and watch to gain our two goals on health (namely: permanent healing and lasting health) and our other goal of wealth.

• Wellness does not only mean physical health but also mental health and emotional health which includes beauty, high I.Q, peace and happiness.

• This Total Health can lead to Wealth – Wealth in the pocket, Wealth in the Mind and Wealth in the Heart.

• Wellness Companies save many patients rejected (could not be healed) by the Pharmaceutical Industry.

• Big Pharma, as ancient Sorcery, uses poison/chemical drugs which contribute to more illnesses in the long-run; Wellness Industry promotes God’s fruits and herbs (Genesis 1:29; Ezekiel 47:12; Revelation 22:2-3).

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What Makes You Hesitate from Joining the WELLNESS Industry?

• Wellness Industry owns the Electron Microscope which can magnify tiny things 50,000 times or more. Pharmaceutical Industry uses the outmoded Light Microscope which can only magnify 2,000 times. Therefore, Pharmaceutical Industry cannot see the love, wisdom and beauty and glory of God’s fruits and herbs, and Wellness Industry can see the danger of Pharmedicine, e.g., that each medicine creates an average of 70 side effects and long-term poisonings!

• Only the Wellness Industry glorifies the leaf and the fruit, and consequently, glorifies God. Church-Religion does not; Pharmaceuticals does not. In effect, the Churches are leading you to the Pharmaceuticals.

• Big Pharma, as ancient Sorcery, uses poison/chemical drugs which contribute to more illnesses in the long-run; Wellness Industry promotes God’s fruits and herbs (Genesis 1:29; Ezekiel 47:12; Revelation 22:2-3).

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The Wellness Industry is Biblical; the Pharmaceutical Industry anti-Bible• There is burning hot today a killer hatred among doctors versus the herbs and the local herbalists and their modern equivalents, the

Wellness enthusiasts. • As an example, the district public doctor in Jagna, Bohol, is on an ongoing war versus the surviving old mananabang herbalist who lives in

Can-ipol, Jagna.• This doctor has been persecuting and every now and then attempted to prosecute (put to prison) this old woman who has in her records

countless of successful baby deliveries and healings which span many decades.• Also another case somewhere in Ubay, Bohol, the mayor jailed one male herbalist who is known to be capable of healing mental illness. He

only released him after he realized that many patients who got healed by him started to gather to protest. He was afraid of losing votes.• Those who use natural methods and promote God’s herbs as advised in Genesis 1:29; Ezekiel 47:12 & Revelation 22:2-3 are labelled “quack

doctors” (fake) while those white-uniformed doctors are fuming with hate vs God’s herbs and His herbalists.• Who is the fake, the real quack? Those who use God’s herbs or those who use poisons (drugs)? Who is the impostor?• Does not the Bible talk about impostors who wear white clothing (e.g., uniform and robes)?• Who is the impostor? The arrogant medical doctor who extracts money from you up to the last centavo until you wallow in debts or the

humble herbalist who does not even ask for a fee?• Who is the Biblical: those who use fruits and herbs as taught in Genesis 1:29; Ezekiel 47:12 & Revelation 22:2-3 or those who use poison

drugs (chemicals) which according to American authorities cause an average of 70 side effects (poisonings)?• If the Pharmaceuticals is biblical, then, why is it that IN THE U.S.A. IT IS CONCLUDED AND PROVEN THAT THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IS

THE NO. 1 KILLER OF THE AMERICANS AND ALSO THE NO. 1 CAUSE OF BANKRUPTCY WHICH NOW AFFECTS 60% OF AMERICA’S FAMILIES?• And if the Pharmaceutical industry is an angel, then, why is in the whole U.S.A. from the beginning up to the present, its chemotherapy is

97% failure, and only 3% of chemo patients survived?• And why is it that Pharmaceutical system is tagged as the No. 1 killer of the Americans and the No.1 cause of their family bankruptcy?

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The Wellness Industry is Biblical; the Pharmaceutical Industry anti-Bible

• O yes, the pharmaceuticals is also biblical: Just replace in the Bible the words “sorceries/sorcerers” (King James Version) or “practitioners of magic” (New International Version) with the word “Pharmaceuticals”. Strong’s Concordance and Webster reveals that in the original version, the word translated to “sorceries/sorcerers” (King James Version) or “practitioners of magic” (New International Version) is the Greek word “Pharmakeia” which means pharmacy or pharmaceuticals or “pharmakos/pharmakeus” which means pharmacists and doctors or “pharmakon” which means “Pharmedicine.”

• Such as:• Revelation 9:21 [NIV] Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts [pharmakeia, pharmaceuticals], their sexual

immorality or their thefts. Note: In King James version, magic arts = sorceries. Mankind refuses to abandon pharmaceuticals• Revelation 18:23 [NIV] The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be

heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's great men. By your magic arts or spell [pharmakeia, pharmaceuticals] all the nations were led astray. Babylon the Great (e.g., Vatican-England-USA) deceives the Whole World via Pharma chemicals (Pharmaceuticals)

• Revelation 21:8 [NIV] But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts [Pharmakos/ Pharmakeus, pharmanufacturers, pharmachemists/ pharmacists/doctors/ patients], the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

• Revelation 22:15 [NIV] Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts [Pharmakos/ Pharmakeus, pharmanufacturers/ pharmachemists/pharmacists/ doctors/ patients], the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Participants of the Pharmaceutical industry shall be in the Lake of Fire, outside the New Earth and the New Jerusalem.

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The Book of Revelation on Sorcery-Pharmakeia-Pharmaceuticals



You will not hesitate to abandon Sorcery-pharmaceuticals Industry and join the Wellness Industry after you know this!

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Mankind Refuses To Abandon Pharmaceuticals

Revelation 9:21 [NIV] Nor did they repent of their murders,

their magic arts [that is, pharmakeia, pharmaceuticals],

their sexual immorality or their thefts.

Note: In King James version, magic arts = sorceries.


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Babylon The Great Deceives The Whole World Via Pharma Chemicals (Pharmaceuticals)

Revelation 18:23 [NIV]

The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again.

Your merchants were the world's great men. By your magic arts or spell

[pharmakeia, pharmaceuticals] all the nations were led astray.

• Note: Babylon the Great (Illuminati) in this end-time is global in scope, mainly controlled by the following sovereign city-states: 1) Vatican City – spiritual Headquarters of end-time Babylon; 2) London City – financial/ economic Headquarters of Babylon; and 3) USA – military Headquarters


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Participants of the Pharmaceutical Industry shall be in the Lake of Fire

Revelation 21:8 [NIV] But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile,

the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts

[Pharmakos/ Pharmakeus, pharmanufacturers, pharmachemists/

pharmacists/doctors/ patients],

the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.

This is the second death.20

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Participants of the Pharmaceutical industry shall be outside the New Earth and the New Jerusalem

Revelation 22:15 [NIV]

Outside [the city of New Jerusalem and New Earth]are the dogs,

those who practice magic arts [Pharmakos/ Pharmakeus,

pharmanufacturers/ pharmachemists/pharmacists/ doctors/

patients], the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and

everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 21

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Origin & Identity of Pharmaceuticals

“Pharmacy,” “Pharmaceuticals” = 1. Pharmakeia in Greek = 2. sorcery in KJV = 3. magic arts in NIV“Pharmacists” or “Pharma-chemists” = 1. Pharmakeus/Pharmakos in Greek = 2. sorcerers in KJV = 3. “practitioners of magic arts” in NIV

KJV = King James Version of the Bible NIV = New International Version of the Holy Bible


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Origin & Identity of Pharmaceuticals

“Pharmacy,” “Pharmaceuticals” = 1. Pharmakeia in Greek = 2. sorcery “Pharmacists” or “Pharma-chemists” = 1. Pharmakeus/Pharmakos in Greek = 2. sorcerers Sorcery - the use of poisons classified or nicknamed as drugs presented as medicine to produce a magic effect (here today, gone tomorrow), a fake short-lived “healing,” not permanent but temporary; in the long-term, no healing occurs but poisoning prevails and takes its tool (e.g., an average of 70 side effects and diseases).

Source: Webster Collegiate Dictionary


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Thus, the final warning

Rev 18:4 [niv]“Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will

not receive any of her plagues’…” as well as widowhood and loss of children!


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Let’s go to God’s Herbal Health System Promoted and Patronized by the Wellness Industry

• Rev 22:1 [niv]Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

• [kjv]And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

• Rev 22:2 [niv]down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

• [kjv]In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.


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The Wellness Industry includes:

• Natural Food supplement companies• Clean, Free, Renewable Energy (CFRE), e.g., solar power• Organic Agriculture/ Permanent Agriculture (Orgaculture/

Permaculture) to restore the Eden state, e.g., long lifespan of 900 years plus, lasting youth. Youngevity = Youth + Longevity

• ZumGa = Zumba + Yoga• Any system or practice that promotes health (wellness) of

mind, spirit and body

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No More Illness, No more tears, pain and death

• Rev 22:3 [niv] No longer will there be any curse [e.g., illness]. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.

• Rev 21:4 [niv] He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

• [kjv]And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

Adverse Drug Reactions refer to complications resulting from the use of one or more prescription drug.

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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

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Prescription Drugs Proven More and More Harmful

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Only the Wellness Industry Tells You the Truth…

…and forewarns you of the danger of big Pharma’s move: start to convert our children as their new market as early as possible!

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First Half of Expanded Pharmakeia, The Manufacturing Industry: Sows the Seeds of Illness and Death, that Chemicals

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Only the Wellness Industry Tells You the Truth…

…about the dangers of chemicals and exposes the Manufacturing Industry as first part of the Conspiracy to sow the seeds of illness (chemical poisons) throughout your body which seeds the Pharmaceutical Industry, the second part of Expanded Pharmakeia, will harvest later.

The Manufacturing Industry makes people into “patients;” the Pharmaceuticals Industry finished these patients.

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Learn from the Case of the USA

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Learn from the Case of the USA

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Learn from the Case of the USA

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And when you will know this, you will first select to join First Vita Plus, one

of Wellness leading companies

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Why Choose First Vita Plus?

• First Vita Plus is owned and managed by one of the country’s top 50 entrepreneurs, Ms. Doyee Tumpalan, a grand-daughter of Marikina Shoes’ founder

• First Vita Plus has over 20,000 from rags-to-riches millionaires, e.g., from balut vendor, or security guard or janitor or construction worker, etc. The next fastest company has 900 millionaires. This shows the confidence people are giving to First Vita Plus.

• First Vita Plus is based on organic plantations based in the Philippines, hence, we have control over the quality and purity of our ingredients

• First Vita Plus is based on the country’s top 5 herbs (malungay, dahon ng sili, saluyot, uray/kudjapa and talbos ng camote) and top fruits (guyabano, magosteen, etc.)

• First Vita Plus is supported and prescribed by over 500 doctors of PGH, St. Luke, Cebu Doctors, etc.• First Vita Plus is formulated by former DOH sec Dr. Jaime Galvez-Tan, with UP scientists and doctors, for over 10 years of research.• First Vita Plus has a genuine list of difficult illnesses repeatedly healed among many patients (ask your dealer for a copy). This authentic

list includes cancer of many types, psoriasis, diabetes, and others which doctors and hospitals cannot address.• First Vita Plus obeys God’s Healing & Healthcare system which is: Fruit-based, leaf-based, natural and organic. Read Genesis 1:29,

Ezekiel 47:12 & Revelation 22:2-3: And fruits shall be your food (preventive medicine) and the leaf shall be your cure (curative medicine) and the leaf shall be for the healing of the nation… and there shall be no more curse (illness, etc.)

• Effect of fruit-leaf diet in Genesis 1:29 was the generation of Adam (930 years old) up to Noah (950 years old). Ezekiel 47:12 and Revelation 22:2-3 prophesies that mankind will return to that original diet of youth and longevity.

• The Pharmaceutical industry violates the Bible because it uses not fruits and leaves, but sorcery’s poisons/chemicals (Revelation 9:21; Revelation 18:23; Revelation 21:8; Revelation 22:15. The modern word for “sorceries,” “sorcerers” in these verses

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Why Choose First Vita Plus?• First Vita Plus obeys God’s Healing & Healthcare system which is: Fruit-based, leaf-based, natural and

organic. • Read Genesis 1:29, Ezekiel 47:12 & Revelation 22:2-3: “And fruits shall be your food (preventive

medicine) and the leaf shall be your cure (curative medicine) and the leaf shall be for the healing of the nation… and there shall be no more curse (illness, etc.).”

• Effect of fruit-leaf diet in Genesis 1:29 was the generation of Adam (930 years old) up to Noah (950 years old): Long lifespan of over 900 years. Both youth and longevity (youngevity). Dies young at 900.

• Ezekiel 47:12 and Revelation 22:2-3 are prophesies that mankind will return to that original diet of youth and longevity (youngevity). The raw food diet of fruits and leaves.

• The Pharmaceutical industry violates the Bible because it uses not fruits and leaves, but poisonous chemicals, thus: It is the No. 1 cause of death in America today.

• Replace the King James Version’s “sorceries/sorcerers” with its modern meaning “pharmaceuticals” in Revelation 9:21; Revelation 18:23; Revelation 21:8; Revelation 22:15.

• Greek word for Pharmaceuticals is “pharmakeia”; King James Bible: sorcery. NIV: magic arts. • Read these verses using pharmaceuticals, instead of sorcery.

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You Want to Know More About Wellness in general, and First Vita Plus in particular?

• You are invited to attend our First Vita Plus Power of 3 this coming Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 1 P.M. at Bohol Wisdom Gymnasium

• Admission ticket: P 30.00• This can open the way that can make you an able protector of

the health, prolonger of the lives and guardian of the wealth of your family…which you are not now…