when we discern truth from illusion, fear is transcended...

When we discern truth from illusion, fear is transcended and we are free to be beautifully authentic, authentically beautiful, and at peace. We create stunning ripples of impact.

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Page 1: When we discern truth from illusion, fear is transcended ...truthbeautypeace.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/...I assumed, with a false sense of confidence and an anxious heart, that

When we discern truth from illusion, fear is transcended and we are free to be

beautifully authentic, authentically beautiful, and at peace.

We create stunning ripples of impact.

Page 2: When we discern truth from illusion, fear is transcended ...truthbeautypeace.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/...I assumed, with a false sense of confidence and an anxious heart, that

T R U T H B E A U T Y P E A C E . C O M C O N N E C T O N F A C E B O O K


IntroductionIn “A Course In Miracles”, a “miracle” is defined as “a shift in perception”.

My initial reaction was: “Uh, are you kidding me? A shift in perception? So not a miracle! No way.”

I liked the dictionary definition of a “miracle” much better.

mir-a-cle - /mirikəl/ - noun“A surprising and welcomed event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”

Seeing my crappy circumstances differently.Vs.A wonderful act of divinity that improves my circumstances.

The difference seemed clear to me.

For a long time, I would have assumed only the latter definition had the power to change things drastically. Miracles were a demonstration of a higher power’s influence; changing water into wine, helping the blind to see, waking the dead – you know the drill.

But changing the way you look at things? Nah. There was nothing earth-shattering about that.

Let me back up for a sec…

Just so you know, you’re connecting with a past perfectionist and rule follower. My unconscious mantra for life used to be, “get it right or feel guilty”.

I assumed, with a false sense of confidence and an anxious heart, that I had to get every aspect of my outer life “in order” before I was allowed to be happy.

Mind you, I wasn’t always that way! Once upon a time, I’d been a joyful, curious child with a sparkling perception of the world as a playground brimming with possibility.


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But as I got older, I became convinced I must have missed something. Who was I to feel happy all the time, when life was so short, and peppered with the potential for failure and what seemed like fatal mistakes?

My focus turned to control, and making sure everything – my relationships, career, circumstances, health, etc. - was just right, so I could finally feel like I had permission to be happy.

I unconsciously decided wealth, freedom, bliss… fill in the blank were simply not for me. I was never sure of the next step I should take.

I was terrified to trust my intuition, and paralyzed with fear when it came to being vulnerable and sharing my truth. I wasn’t willing to trust the process, the ebb and flow of life, a higher power.

I was convinced I’d missed something - something big. How did everyone else seem to know how this whole “life thing” worked?

Then, one day over tea with a friend, a critical truth surfaced for me.

“Annalicia,” she said over her chai, with tears in her eyes and a heavy heart, “I don’t know what I should be doing with my life.”

“No one f*cking knows,” I replied. “We’re all making this up as we go along.”

Awareness is realizing that our life could always be better. Growth is doing what it takes to make it better. When we

choose the positive over the negative, liberation over repression, truth over illusion, we become real creators. When we want to feel courageous,

more than we want to check accomplishments off our list . . . When we want to feel free, more than we want to please other people . . .When we

want to feel good more than we want to look good . . . then we’ve got our priorities in order. Divine priorities—the kind that will steer you to

the life you long for most deeply.

Dan ie l l e LaPor te


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Whoa. Who was that confident voice saying that? Was it me?!

Suddenly, the weight of the situation was lifted. Our smiles returned.

This quip would become our mantra, our liberation song, our playful poetic excerpt.

“No one f*cking knows!” we’d say, with a wink and a giggle.

(It’s worth noting here: the ol’ rule-follower jumped forward in my head to say:

“You can’t swear. Especially not the “’f’ word”. Especially not if you’re talking about spirituality. Especially not in front of family members/friends/a professional audience.

But, my true self, the one who creates her own rules, says:

“Mmmm, powerful! Swearing in the name of freedom and transcendence is as holy as a prayer and as necessary as the ‘Dear God’ and the ‘Amen’.”)

No one f*cking knows. After that realization, my mantra (“get it right or feel guilty”) and my life’s goal (get my outward circumstances “in order”) didn’t even make sense.

If we’re all making this up, what is “right” anyway? If we’re all making this up, what does “order” even mean?

My new mantra allowed me space to breathe, and gave me permission to create my own definitions for success, impact, and peace.

It encouraged me to step out of victim-mode and into creator-of-beauty-mode. It prepared me to listen to my divine guidance.

Because, simply put, only one entity f*cking knows what’s up: The Divine.

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

J o rge Lu i s Borges


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While nothing drastically changed in my outward experience after arriving at this truth, everything changed in my inward experience.


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To fear or not to fear, that is the question.

J en S incero


The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

Marce l P rous t

My life was still a hot mess, but my new understanding -- my shift from believing an illusion to adopting a new truth -- allowed me to transcend my fear, embrace my authenticity and beauty, and experience true peace.

It was as if I transitioned from looking at a river from three feet away, to seeing it from the peak of a mountain. The river didn’t change. But now, instead of only seeing the chaotic gushing, I could also take in the beauty and the peace that the river emanated.

I became hooked on the practice of “seeing things differently”, on the practice of transcending.

Opportunities to transcend and evidence of its power started showing up everywhere.

For example: one morning, I was looking for a marker cap. It had fallen under my desk and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I was on my hands and knees, my left cheek up against the carpet, huffing and puffing with frustration. Still nothing.

I had had about enough, and was ready to throw the cap-less marker away, when I had a sudden realization:

“What if I changed my position?” I thought. So, I flipped by body around. With my right cheek gently brushing up against the carpet, I saw the marker cap instantly.

Throughout this entire ordeal the marker cap stayed the same. It didn’t need to shift for me to get what I wanted, I did.

Can you see what I’m talking about now?

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Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.


Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people

who have come alive.

H . Thurman

“A Course In Miracles” says, "Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world."

Here’s my take on that.

If your goal is true peace, you will not find it by rearranging your outward circumstances. A different job, a different relationship, more of this and less of that will not create lasting, enduring peace of mind. Period.

However, if you choose to begin with peace - you insist on seeing things differently (a.k.a. practicing transcendence) - you open yourself to divine guidance and, interwoven into all your actions, will be the essence of your soul.

True peace hangs out in the space between noticing your hot-mess-of-a life, and doing something about it.

That doesn’t mean that the “doing something about it” won’t happen. It just means the transcending happens first. Not only because it’s the preface to inspiration and impactful action, but also because it’s the foundation of true peace. In fact, transcendence is the only thing that can give you true peace. The kind that is absolutely never available to you through the changing of circumstances in your outward world.

Surrendering isn’t about what you do, but who you’re being as you do it.

J en S incero


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Do you remember a time when you wanted something really, really badly?

It may have been a house, or a man, or a degree, or a career path.

You were certain that one thing would make it all better. You’d have the money, the support, the accolades.

“Then I’ll be happy,” you told yourself.

And, as luck would have it, perhaps you got that thing that you swore up and down you needed. You were excited for a while, right? Happy for a moment or two, a day or two.

But, then what happened? Life went back to how it was before, correct? Enduring peace eluded you, no?

Hmmm, interesting.

When you discover that you can control the way you feel because you can control the thoughts you think, then you are free to

joyously move about your planet, but when you believe that the way you feel is dependent upon the behavior or situations of others - and you

also understand that you have no control over those behaviors or situations - you do not feel free.



So, what is transcendence? Transcendence is discerning truth from illusion.

Illusion: I have to get it right.Truth: “Right” is a relative term that I can define. I think it means doing the best I can with what I know and what I have. Mistakes may happen, but feeling guilty serves no one.

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Illusion: Once all the outward aspects of my life are “in order”, I can be happy /or/ I can’t be happy until ______________.Truth: If I'm honest with myself, I’ve experienced happiness many times in the midst of not-so-great situations. Life will never be “in order”, unless I change the essence of the definition from outward security to inner peace.

Illusion: Everyone else has this whole “life thing” figured out.Truth: No one f*cking knows… expect The Divine! ;)

Transcendence = changing your mind about your world (instead of trying to change your world) in order to feel the way you want to feel.

It’s a willingness to shift your perception.

Transcendence is not a state, but a practice. It is not about avoidance, it’s about deciding.

Transcendence is big enough to hold space for honesty and a willingness to change perspectives.

When you transcend fear, fear will not vanish. But you won’t believe in its power, because you will have chosen to believe in something different.

Just like a hurdler practices jumping when she sees the obstacle, you can practice transcending when you notice the fear, discomfort, disappointment, or anxiety.

Try to think of one thing that isn’t part of something bigger and not made up of something smaller. You can’t. We tend to

get in trouble when we attempt to transcend and exclude something. It violates reality. To embrace the whole, we have to transcend and include.

B r i an Johnson


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In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says

that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better,

pushing right back.                                            

Alber t Camus

Why is transcendence important?Having a transcendence practice, and trusting it, makes you invincible.

You no longer have to be terrified a situation will come your way that you can’t handle. You can stop putting your dreams on hold, and can experience truth, beauty and peace now.

Transcendence is the practice of letting go and opening yourself, so divine guidance can flow to you as inspiration and love, and through you as stunning ripples of impact.

Transcendence helps you, as “A Course In Miracles” would say, “remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence”.

Transcendence: A 4-Step GuideThe “how to” is the most important part of transcendence, because without practice, there is only theory.

It’s important to note now that the practice, of transcendence can look very different, person-to-person. There is no “right” way to transcend. If it resonates and it works, it’s right for you!

Some people practice yoga or meditation to transcend. Others utilize prayer. The options are endless.

But, with endless options, overwhelm can creep in. In the name of keeping this simple and powerful, follow my 4-step guide.

Are you ready? Let’s begin.

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Step #1: Notice & Welcome the UpsetWe love to push away discomfort. We resist pain, distract ourselves from guilt, and suppress our anger…

The problem with that? It doesn’t work. Ever.

What if, instead, we got curious and open with our upsets? What if we welcomed them in, and saw them as messengers? What if we were grateful to them for showing us an aspect of ourselves that’s bubbling up because it’s ready to be healed?

This is important, listen up! Here’s the key phrase I use in this step:

“That’s interesting.”

“That’s interesting, I feel really angry.” “That’s interesting, I feel so disappointed.” “That’s interesting, the guilt is back.” “That’s interesting, I’m doing it again… spiraling out of control with my anxious thoughts and acting out on my loved ones.”

Using this phrase allows us to observe without beating ourselves up. It helps us be present while preventing mental punching and pushing. It keeps us aware without dropping a metaphoric atomic bomb in our mind. It promotes discernment and minimizes drama.

Did you know you’re actually bigger than anything you can observe?

Think about the implications of that for a minute. This means when you’re aware of your upsets, you’re “bigger” than them. Although fear may be present, you are mightier.

You – yes you – are bigger than fear. Wow!

Never underestimate our inclination to bolt when we hurt.

Pema Chodron


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Bonus: Acknowledge Your ConnectionAdd in the statement: “Other people feel this too.”

I learned this phrase from Pema Chödrön, and I find it to be a comforting reminder in the midst of a lonely upset.

Step #2: Make the Upset ConcretePinpoint where you’re feeling the upset in your body, and how it’s expressing itself.

Does your stomach hurt? Can you feel a migraine coming on? Is your heart racing, or a cold sweat creeping up on you?  

Step #3: Be Willing to See Things DifferentlyUse any or all of the following key phrases in this step. Say them out loud, chant them, or write them down.

Express them however you need to, however many times you need to, in order to believe a different, more peaceful perspective is possible.

“I’m willing to see this differently.”

“Above all else, I want to see this from a peaceful perspective.”

“I’m in ‘the river’ right now. I want to view this situation from ‘the mountain peak’.”

“No one f*cking knows. Those people judging me don’t f*cking know. I don’t know. I’m willing to be open to divine guidance.”

What we resist, persists.

Ca r l Jung


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Step #4: BreatheThink of your breath as a physical expression of spirit moving through you.

Take deep breaths, and notice the sensation of flow, freedom, giving and receiving. Become aware of how much you trust your breath (a.k.a. your spirit) to provide what is needed, and to help you let go of what no longer serves you.

Deep breaths heal.


Getting clear on how you want to feel in your life and work is more important than setting goals. It's the most potent form

of clarity that you can have, and it's what leads to true fulfillment.

Dan ie l l e LaPor te

The way will open, if you believe that it is possible.

A Course In M i rac les

Our breathing is the link between our body and our mind.

T i ch Nhat Hanh

Fear is excitement without the breath.

F r i t z Pear l , M .D .

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Bonus: Listen, and Take Inspired ActionBe mindful of the moments and days that follow your transcendence practice.

You may be nudged in unexpected directions, or filled with exciting new insights. Take note, and take action.

Awareness and action from this place is potent and powerful, and where all truly stunning ripples of impact begin.

Congratulations - you did it!Now, you might be wondering: “Alright, well how does this work in real life?”I’ve got a ton of examples for you. But this is one of my favorites:

About five years ago, my husband, Phil, and I were both on the job hunt. Things were beginning to feel desperate and fear was creeping in from every angle.

It was Wednesday and I had just had what I thought to be a very important interview that past Monday. I was desperate to hear the news.

If you will begin by identifying how you want to feel, or be, and let your inspiration to accumulate or to do come from

that centered place, then not only will you maintain your balance, but you will now enjoy the things that you do.



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That job would by my salvation, I thought. Not getting it would be more than devastating – it would unleash hell.

That evening, I headed to my A  Course  In  Miracles study group. We discussed willingness to let go of what we consider to be our salvation, and open up to new pathways of peace. The words spoke directly to my heart.

But I was stubborn. Throughout the discussion and reading, all I could think was, “But, there really is no other option for us. I really do need this job in order for us to be okay.”

Basically, I was saying, “God, you don’t get it.”

Then, as I walked back out to my car, something shifted. The anxiety became too overwhelming to be ignored. So, I leaned up against my car and practiced true transcendence…

Step #1: Notice & Welcome the UpsetI said, “That’s interesting. I’m incredibly anxious over this job. I feel like it’s the only option and if I don’t get it, we’re screwed.

Thanks for bubbling up, Anxiety. I know you’re a messenger. I know you’re here to make me aware of a part of myself that’s ready to be healed.”

Bonus: Acknowledge Your ConnectionI acknowledged, “Other people feel this too.”

I wasn’t the only one who had ever experienced fear around money. I certainly wasn’t alone in feeling anxiety in the midst of change and “the unknown”.

Step #2: Make the Upset ConcreteI thought: “The anxiety feels like a lump in my throat, and a tightness in my chest. My heart is beating fast, and my breath is shallow. My entire nervous system feels like it’s on edge.”


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Step #3: Be Willing to See Things Differently I spoke out loud:

“I was stubborn before, but I don’t want to feel this anymore. There’s gotta be another way. I don’t know what it is, but I do know that, above all else, I want to feel peaceful. I’m willing to see this situation differently.

I’m willing to see this differently. I’m willing. I’m willing. I’m willing…”

Step #4: BreatheI took a few long, slow inhales and exhales, and stepped into my car.

Bonus: Listen and Take Inspired ActionI felt a bit better. There was a sense of relief that filled my body and my mind. I still didn’t know what we were going to do, but my willingness to trust a force bigger than myself allowed me to relax.

If the story stopped here, it would be a beautiful testament to the power of true transcendence. But it doesn’t.

That’s the thing about true transcendence - the effects ripple in expected and unexpected ways.

I got home that evening and a series of fun and spacious events and conversations with Phil led to the inspired question, “What if we looked for jobs overseas?”

That night I dreamt we were living in a tropical place, making good money, and making an impact.

That next morning, I received a phone call. It was news about the job I had interviewed for on Monday, the job I thought I had to get. But guess what? Before I even heard the news, I realized I didn’t want it.


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Just 12 hours before, my life had depended on this job.

N O W , I W A S seeing


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Nothing had changed in our outward circumstances yet, but everything had changed in my inner world. Eight weeks later, we were in Taiwan, both beginning year-long teaching gigs that would rock our world, and change our lives.

The true transcendence I practiced that Wednesday allowed me to feel my fear without believing in its power. It removed internal blocks that were stopping me from recognizing solutions that had always been available, but had gone unseen. It freed me up to step into my beautiful authenticity, authentic beauty and unconditional peace. The stunning impact is still rippling.

And now, it is your turn.Now that you understand the nature & practice of transcendence, you are free to do anything.So, what will you create? How will you feel?

What miracles – yes, miracles – will unfold for you when you just give yourself space to step back, breathe, and open yourself to peace and divine guidance?

Prepare yourself for something wonderful. It’s been waiting for you all this time.

Peace out, girl!

To your truth, embraced,