whd.usa - plesk - more than just a control panel - reveal the power of web ops with plesk - jan...


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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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PowerPoint Presentation

Click to next slide after introduction!1

[music starts]Introduction by ???? - clap hands - thanks ????.

Does anyone of you play in a band? Which instrument? Anybody here who already recorded an album? [long pause] [music ends]

The producer of this music used such a mixer to tune it2

This mixer is the power to control for a music producer - you can tune speed, add effect features and scale the volume for each channel individually. [pause]

Plesk is the mixer for WebOps! It gives them the Power to control their websites and web apps. [pause]

In this talk you will learn about 3 things -1) what WebOps means2) why docker technology is a game changer and how you can monetize it3) You'll get an outlook to the future of Plesk3


Now what is WebOps actually? To explain that, let's go back to DevOps first.4


We could look up now what Wikipedia says, but text is boring.5

DEV OPSDevOpsis a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of bothdevelopersand otherIT professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.It aims at establishing a culture and environment where building,testing, and releasing software, can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably.


Lets describe DevOps.6

You build it,You run it.Werner VogelsCTO Amazon

Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon, said this legendary phrase back in 2006 regardinghow things run at Amazon, which I believe describes the core principles of DevOps best: you build it, you run it..7


Quality Assurance



DevOps is primarily a culture of collaboration and communication between Software Development, Quality Assurance and IT Operations. There is often a target conflict between Developers who want to release software often, testers who want to be sure that each release contains no major bugs and Operations that want to keep everything stable. And every change might introduce bugs and stability issues. DevOps helps to work in a team with shared targets.8

DevOps C.A.L.M.S. FrameworkC CultureA AutomationL LeanM MeasurementS Sharing

DevOps follows the conceptual C.A.L.M.S. framework for the integration of development and operations groups, functions and systems within an organization; the acronym stands for Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement and Sharing and leads to a continuous rapid release cycle with strong early feedback.9


And DevOps is often about continuously delivering small changes without breaking shit - with the help of automation.10


Based on a survey that was done by Rightscale worldwide this year, the adaption of DevOps increased from 66% last year to 74%. In big companies it is even 81% and some statistics even speak about up to 88%.

[next slide]

I mentioned that Plesk is the perfect tool for WebOps. But what is WebOps then?



I mentioned that Plesk is the perfect tool for WebOps. But what is WebOps then?12






WebOps is actually a subset of the larger DevOps movement and focusses on deployment, security, maintenance and tuning of web-based applications and systems.

DevOps (and so does WebOps) changed the way how we think now about infrastructure!13

WEB OPSWebOpsis a domain of expertise within IT systems management that involves the deployment, operation, security, maintenance and tuning of web-based applications and systems.This role is as a distinct specialty to support application developers and is considered by many to be a subset of the largerDevOpsmovement.

If you want the exact definition download my presentation from slideshare and have a look but as said, showing slides with too much text is boring, so lets skip it ;-) and lets have a look why and how it changed how we look at infrastructure today14

Servers Apps

The DevOps movement required a completely new way of managing applications. Developers think in Applications, System Administrators think in Servers. A Developer does not care if his server runs, he cares about if his app is online. Docker changed the perspective from existing server centric to application centric. It is currently probably the most talked-about infrastructure technology. But how did Docker do that?15

Well, container technology isnt new you all know Virtuozzo, OpenVZ, LXC or even Sun Solaris Zones. But they all focused primarily on virtualizing a server so dividing a big server into smaller virtualized servers.

Docker is different you do not talk about servers anymore, you talk about apps your apps. You talk about anything that fits into a container can run anywhere! Thus, Docker solved a very important aspect 16

doubled to 27%http://www.rightscale.com/blog/cloud-industry-insights/cloud-computing-trends-2016-state-cloud-survey

The usage of Docker by developers has doubled from 13% to 27% in in just one year. And further 35% plan the usage of Docker.17


In the past, Developers coded their app and it worked fine on their machine, then they deployed it to a production server and nothing worked fine anymore. Who of the developers here had already this issue? [hands up]

With Docker you can run and test your app on your laptop without having to install a lot of software manually.18


and if it works, it works also on other machines like your production server since it takes the whole configuration with it. No different operating systems anymore, no java runtime missing, no wrong php versions, no required extensions or dependencies missing.

All configuration is shipped with your app and so it has everywhere the same environment thats frictionless and I can tell you - developers LOVE it.19


And so docker provides some very cool possibilities to developers they can ship their app everywhere on every hardware without risking to break everything. Its now easy to deploy several versions of your app in a kind of staging mode and even let your customers choose which version of the site they like most.20


With the next major release of Plesk which will be released this fall, you cannot only deploy Plesk as Docker container directly from the official Docker Registry you can even run any Docker based app on your Plesk powered server with a few clicks.

Some very popular Docker apps are for example * Redis, which is a popular in-memory key/value data store and is often used as an in-memory database, message queue, or cache.* MongoDB, which is a widely-used NoSQL data store.



And we go even one step further! With the upcoming Plesk release we will provide native support of GIT as source code management solution. You can create local GIT repositories on your Plesk powered server to have version control and developer tools like IDE integration at your finger tip.

But even better, you can deploy your app or web site directly from GitHub.com, BitBucket or any other GIT Repository. Continuous Delivery will now be easier than ever before with Plesk!22

42.9% of developersused git in 2014

TheEclipse Foundationreported 2 years ago in May 2014 that Git is now the most widely used source code management tool, with over 42.9% of professional software developers reporting that they use Git as their primary source control system. 23

Stackoverflow Research 2015


Based on a research from Stackoverflow in 2015 git now has more than 69% and is still growing fast.24


And by the end of this year we will support even more development languages and frameworks out of the box than ever before we now integrated support for Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python and Django.25


Besides all these Developer Tools we also improved our WordPress toolkit which helps you to easily create and manage WordPress sites.26


WordPress is meanwhile an absolute must-have for hosters and cloud service providers: more than 26% of all websites worldwide are now build with WordPress. And this number is continuously growing. WordPress is by far the most popular way of creating websites. Based on all sites that were build with a CMS, WordPress even reaches 60%. With Plesk you can sell a fantastic WordPress out-of-the-box experience to your customers.[next slide]

Take any piece of hardware 27

Sell WordPress Hosting

+ Themes+ Security+ Backup+ Developer Tools+ Migration+ SEO

Take any piece of hardware virtualized, cloud or bare metal install Plesk and sell WordPress Hosting. And now think about what your USP is and why a Web Pro should buy from you. Use the Plesk ecosystem of Add-Ons to upsell directly during your checkout process and make more money.28

Sell Developer Hosting

Or define a developer hosting product based on Plesk, with SSH access, Python support, Docker & git.

[next slide]And do you care about speed? 29


Nothing easier than that. Plesk comes out-of-the-box with HTTP/2 support the latest version of the HTTP protocol that promises acceleration of websites especially for mobile usage. The performance of my own websites increased by 10% by just switching HTTP/2 on in Plesk - how cool is that? And now combine your Plesk hosting with CloudFlares CDN and nginx - which is also directly available within Plesk.

[next slide]And do you care about security?


And do you care about security? Nothing easier than that. Plesk has a huge ecosystem of extensions for more security. For example the Plesk firewall, automatic updates with Plesk Package Upgrade Manager, mod_security, fail2ban, CloudFlares ServerShield just to name a few. But one extension I would like to highlight specifically which is [next slide] datagrid VCTR pronounced VICTOR.31

datagrid VCTR pronounced VICTOR. Today, Im absolutely thrilled to announce that we launched VICTOR together with our friends from datagrid systems as a Plesk extension.


VICTOR continuously monitors your servers and checks for vulnerabilities. And trust me every server has vulnerabilities so the best strategy is, to use datagrid VICTOR + Plesk and gain transperency about the issues. The next Plesk release will let you install updates automatically, or on demand and VICTOR tells you which updates are critical and which not. And even more - in near future, VICTOR will tell you even what updates will introduce compatibility issues and which ones are safe. And all that based on the experience of 100s of 1000 servers worldwide.

[next slide]And do you care about scale? 33


And do you care about scale? Nothing easier than that. We will release Plesk Hub in October which allows you to automatically deploy webspaces to a pool of servers.34

You can add as many servers as you like and Plesk Hub will distribute your customers or webspaces to these servers. Nothing easier than that. 35

DockerPython & DjangogitRubyRuby on RailsWordPress Toolkit 2.0Free SSL everywherehttp250+ extensionsCLIAutomatic UpdatesImproved Migration toolingFree support30 languagenginxPlesk Hubcgroups

And there are tons of more things Im personally excited about that we will deliver with the upcoming Plesk release. Here are just some of the bigger topics besides many small but valuable improvements.

If you cannot wait for the new release, try out our monthly preview releases. You can find them on our website and as Docker Image in the official Docker Registry.

This all and much more makes Plesk the leading [next slide] WebOps platform and control panel to run, automate and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses.36

Plesk is the leading WebOps platform and control panel to run, automate and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses.

But this is not all not sure if you noticed it already, we also launched a completely new website at plesk.com. And we build our new site with Plesk and our integrated WordPress toolkit. Check it out!

Besides that Im also happy to tell you that Plesk is becoming a standalone company as of now! With this decision we are able to fully focus on making Plesk the best Control Panel for your web sites and apps ever!

Additionally we provide from now on unlimited & free support for our partners and retail customers.

Visit our new website at plesk.com and get inspired!38

Jan LfflerCTO PleskTwitter: @[email protected]://www.slideshare.net/jlsoft/

...or discuss with us how we can help you, just come by to our booth 31!

The one important thing to remember is: [next slide]

Plesk is the power to control your app!


Plesk is the power to control your app!

Now download the latest version and start building!

And while you do that, [next slide] turn the volume up and feel the power!40

[music starts]And while you do that, turn the volume up and feel the power!

[long pause] [next slide]

Thank you for joining us![music ends]41

Thank you for joining us!42
