
Kada Hotić - I testifiy - I declare Before war I lived in Srebrenica. I was living there with my family. There was me and my husband with two kids, son Samir and Lejla. In Srebrenica there were also two of my brothers with their families. War came unexpected, after some political turmoil, forming political parties, proclaiming BiH as independent country, as so otherts ex countries of Yugoslavija already became independent. At the begining Serbs took Ministry of Internal Afairs, know as Secretariat of Internal Afairs - SUP and they put the order called as Police Hour - they limited motion of people around city. They were pressing muslims to give up their weapons, if they had any. In those terrors they catched 29 persons and killed them infront of SUP, and they burned alive 8 immobile people inside of their homes. I don't know why, but in april 1992. Serbs attacked us with mine thorower, and that was beginning od our suffering, fear and slaughters around city of Srebrenica. All villages of Srebrenica were burned down, and all of them who survived had to run to city od Srebrenica. We were being aware of danger, so we run to the forest, all of us finding our way to run. Me and my family, my brothers and neighbours were at Stari Grad close to the forest, so thats why we went to those forests. That april 1992. it was snowing, so we spent our nights and days on snow. After snow than rain came. In that run there was 56 of us, grown women, men and some kids. At night I was going to our houses to take food and bring it to kids and to us adults. Also some other women were going to their homes to take food, and we spend 11 nights like that in forest. May 7th in Srebrenica we saw black dense smokeand houses were burning. Serbs robed and set on fire all muslims homes, and then left the city. They went to hill, from where they bombed us every day with weapon of ex nation army. Only Serbs could have that weapon, because Serbs from Serbia were delivering to them. These weapons Serbina army from Serbia took, so muslims can't use them. It is known to everyone that president of Serbia, Milošević, had access to that weapon where he was at the top of Serbian army. In that time in Bosnia was EMBARGO on weapon and by that they forbid us to defend ourself. Everyone who is attacked have

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Kada Hoti - I testifiy - I declare

Before war I lived in Srebrenica. I was living there with my family. There was me and my husband with two kids, son Samir and Lejla. In Srebrenica there were also two of my brothers with their families.War came unexpected, after some political turmoil, forming political parties, proclaiming BiH as independent country, as so otherts ex countries of Yugoslavija already became independent. At the begining Serbs took Ministry of Internal Afairs, know as Secretariat of Internal Afairs - SUP and they put the order called as Police Hour - they limited motion of people around city. They were pressing muslims to give up their weapons, if they had any. In those terrors they catched 29 persons and killed them infront of SUP, and they burned alive 8 immobile people inside of their homes. I don't know why, but in april 1992. Serbs attacked us with mine thorower, and that was beginning od our suffering, fear and slaughters around city of Srebrenica. All villages of Srebrenica were burned down, and all of them who survived had to run to city od Srebrenica.We were being aware of danger, so we run to the forest, all of us finding our way to run. Me and my family, my brothers and neighbours were at Stari Grad close to the forest, so thats why we went to those forests.That april 1992. it was snowing, so we spent our nights and days on snow. After snow than rain came. In that run there was 56 of us, grown women, men and some kids. At night I was going to our houses to take food and bring it to kids and to us adults. Also some other women were going to their homes to take food, and we spend 11 nights like that in forest.May 7th in Srebrenica we saw black dense smokeand houses were burning. Serbs robed and set on fire all muslims homes, and then left the city. They went to hill, from where they bombed us every day with weapon of ex nation army. Only Serbs could have that weapon, because Serbs from Serbia were delivering to them. These weapons Serbina army from Serbia took, so muslims can't use them. It is known to everyone that president of Serbia, Miloevi, had access to that weapon where he was at the top of Serbian army.In that time in Bosnia was EMBARGO on weapon and by that they forbid us to defend ourself. Everyone who is attacked have right to defend... But bosnian Serbs were getting weapon from Serbia. I am always saying that we were in advance convicted to death from world, because they didn't defende us, and they didn't allow us to defend.if there is EMBARGO to the weapon, that is prohibition to defend ourself. People in Srebrenica was forced to defende, but without weapon there was no use.Fast they start bombing us with airplanes. People who have some knowledge about airplanes say it was MiG airplanes, and those Serbian owned and army of Serbia. Dead bodies were everywhere. We buried them around on hills, just to make some kind of grave for them and to take them off the streets and from the city.Fast we had lots of people from other municipalities comming to us. They were running from death, running from Serbs who were also attacking their regions. They couldn't defend, they had to run. Srebrenica was full of people at that moment, all buildings, houses, markets and other social places were full of people. Children, women and man.That suffering lasted until april 1993. Filip Morion, legate of UN came to Srebrenica and he saw that difficult situation in Srebrenica so he manage to declare Srebrenica and epa as 'Protected and demilitarized zone.'Because of the fact that Srebrenica was surounded by Serbs from the beginning of war, no one could come in or go out from the city. There was no electrycity, water of phone, all of it was dead. We were cut off from the world, and no one knew about us. People start to die because of the hunger, because all of the food was finished.we were sentenced to the death.Because of the state of the hunger, us women were forced to sneak to the teritory which was controled by Serbs. So, at the night we are going to Bratunac municipality and in villages we are stealing corn which was left on fields. Then we were bringing it home so we can eat something.Those were superhuman efforts, because in there we were going trough the woods hiding from etniks. Some of us died by stepping on mines which serbs put because they noticed we are comming.All of the suffering stopped little bit when world find out about our disaster and they organized humanitarian help which was comming with airplanes. They were throwing food with parachutes on reagion od Srebrenica around the woods. Even it was difficult to collect packages arounf the forest, because we never knew at which area it will fall, people felt better because we had at least comething.Later food was comming with trucks and it was delivered to people. That was not enough because there was not enough salt, so we were eating unsalty food as beans and bread. Other food we didn't have. All of that was tolerably until general of Serb army, Ratko Mladi, tohether with Serbs from Bosnia and specila forces of Serbia, and with serbian president and leader Radovan Karadi, violentlyattacked Enclave Srebrenica and epa. At the begining of july those attacks were being strong. Even we had troops of UN Holland army, which had their stations around Srebrenica, Srebs destroyed these stations and came inside of city without resistance at 11. July and Srebrenica was given from UN to Mladi.Then slaughters begin and all terrifing crimes which they made infront of our eyes. They raped many women and girls, they killed newborn babies. Simply we were watching how one nation is being destroyed. They separated men from women and children. They separated girls, and they never came back alive.One part of men went trough the forest to try to reach teritory which was under the control of bosnian army, in direction of Tuzla. That trip was so heavy that Serbs found them, catch them and killed them all at the end.With fall of Srebrenica it was evidenced by us that it was killed over 10000 persons.I lost my husband, son, two brothers, brother of my husband and also big number of people from my extended family. I lost my city, my work, my house. I live in someone else city, where nothing is mine.After our deportation from Srebrenica to Tuzla, we organized there our organization for searching missing and killed persons. Also we are fighting that true about our ruination is known in world, that it is proven and that war criminals are faced with the face of justice.I am Kada Hoti, active member of organization 'Mothers of Enclaves Srebrenica and epa'.I am fighting for true and justice together with my women which are carrying same pain and destiny.