what’s new in icu? - university of edinburgh...(jessica maclaren, research fellow, school of...

Friday 3 rd June 2016 John McIntyre Conference Centre Pollock Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh Closing Date for Bookings 23rd May 2016 An informative day for AHPs & Nurses 8th Annual Meeting We look forward to welcoming you to the 8th Annual Edinburgh Critical Care Research Group (ECCRG) study day. The aim of the day is to explore key topics encountered in clinical practice by reviewing current Critical Care practice and research. Topics Include: TRANSFERRING ICU PATIENTS HOME TO DIE - PREVENTING EARLY UNPLANNED HOSPITAL READMISSION - FOLLOWING CRITICAL ILLNESS (PROFILE STUDY) - TRACHEOSTOMY WORKSHOP - RESPIRATORY PHYSIOTHERAPY FOR HEAD PATIENTS - STAFF STRESS IN ICU - EMERGENCY MEDICINE RETRIEVAL SERVICE - PATIENT DIARIES IN ICU - MOLECULAR IMAGING - PATIENT EXPERIENCE - FAMILY INVOLVEMENT IN CRITICAL CARE This will be an educational and interactive day for AHPs and Nurses directly involved in providing care for critically ill patients. Full Day National Event - £75 per person (early bird registration) (£90 after 25 th April) Return address/Contact:- Dawn Campbell Dept Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine Room S8208, 2nd Floor, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SA Any queries please email: [email protected] What’s new in ICU? The study day is being supported by educational grants from our trade sponsors

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Page 1: What’s new in ICU? - University of Edinburgh...(Jessica MacLaren, Research Fellow, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh) 11:00-11:30 e CCooffffeee && TTrraaddee

Friday 3rd June 2016 John McIntyre Conference Centre

Pollock Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh

Closing Date for Bookings

23rd May 2016

An informative day for AHPs & Nurses 8th Annual Meeting

We look forward to welcoming you to the 8th Annual Edinburgh Critical Care Research

Group (ECCRG) study day. The aim of the day is to explore key topics encountered in clinical practice by reviewing current Critical Care practice and research.

Topics Include:







This will be an educational and interactive day for AHPs and Nurses directly involved in providing care for critically ill patients.

Full Day National Event - £75 per person (early bird registration) (£90 after 25th April)

Return address/Contact:- Dawn Campbell Dept Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine Room S8208, 2nd Floor, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SA Any queries please email: [email protected]

What’s new in ICU?

The study day is being supported by educational grants from our trade sponsors

Page 2: What’s new in ICU? - University of Edinburgh...(Jessica MacLaren, Research Fellow, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh) 11:00-11:30 e CCooffffeee && TTrraaddee

Closing Date for Bookings

23rd May 2016

Booking Form What’s New in ICU - Friday 3rd June 2016

I would like to attend the ECCRG study day. I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘University of Edinburgh’

for £75 (early bird until 25th April) or £90 (after 25th April)

or paid by ePay using link below:-

http://www.epay.ed.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&deptid=75&catid=135&prodid=2089 You will have the opportunity to attend two of the tutorial sessions outlined below. Please mark your preferences on the booking form and we will try to accommodate your selection as far as possible

Tutorial Options (Please rank 1-4 in boxes provided)

Emergency Tracheostomy Management -Traci Tracey (Helen Lyall)

Following the 4th National Audit Project (NAP4) March 2011(Royal College of Anaesthetists and Difficult Airway Society) looking at major complications of

airway management in the United Kingdom, displaced tracheostomy, and to a lesser extent displaced tracheal tubes, were the greatest cause of major

morbidity and mortality in ICU. NAP4 recommended that all patients on ICU should have an emergency re-intubation plan. This workshop will provide a

structured approach to emergency tracheostomy management. The session will cover the key principles surrounding the management of a blocked

tracheostomy tube with application of the emergency management algorithm consequently formulated from NAP4 recommendations. Audience

participation will be facilitated through scenario based teaching using the Traci Tracey model.

An ICU survivor’s perspective on his critical illness journey (John Sowerby)

Our speaker today is a former ICU patient Mr John Sowerby. Now retired John, an engineer before moving into education, was formerly Senior Education

Officer with City of Edinburgh Council. John had both hips replaced 13 years ago. However, three years ago an infection resulted in severe sepsis which

required an urgent emergency operation to remove a prosthesis and diseased tissue. There was a positive outcome but the journey via the GP, through

critical care, orthopaedic ward, discharge and rehabilitation had some surprises. This session will provide an opportunity for delegates to share the

journey with the patient and reflect on what went well and what could have been done better. John was involved in the development of the EPIC website,

an online resource developed by patients and carers to support ICU survivors and their families following their experiences of being in intensive care and

returning back to the community.

Critical Care Liaison Service and Patient Diaries in ICU (Audrey McConnachie) Recovering from an ICU admission can be a challenging experience for many patients and their families. The Critical Care Liaison Service has been set

up in order to support both patients and relatives through the journey of critical illness. This includes transition to the ward area until 6 months post

hospital discharge at a Follow-Up Clinic. This tutorial will describe how this person centred service was established, the use of patients diaries in ICU and

combining the role of liaison nurse and follow up nurse.

Work-related Stress and Well-being in Critical Care Nurses (Louise McCallum)

Within the United Kingdom, nursing is ranked as a high stress occupational group, nurses are five times more likely to report work stress than their

counterparts in science, engineering and technology (HSE, 2014). The work-related stress experiences of critical care nurses (CCNs) have been studied

extensively over the last 60 years. Within the literature, work-related stress was found to be poorly defined and research studies were often atheoretical;

in addition, the findings are contradictory, with CCNs reporting high stress levels in some, but not all studies. Few researchers have measured the effects

of work-related stress on patient safety outcomes. In this tutorial, Louise will discuss the findings of her work investigating work-related stress and well-

being in CCNs and the implications for further research.

Title & Full Name………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………

Position & Hospital………………………………………………………………………….…..…………………..………………….

Contact Address …………………………………………………………………………….…..………………..……………………


Email Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Lunch and coffee will be provided, please state any special dietary requirements: ……………….………………………….. Return address/Contact:- Dawn Campbell Dept Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine Room S8208, 2nd Floor, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA Any queries please email:- [email protected]

Page 3: What’s new in ICU? - University of Edinburgh...(Jessica MacLaren, Research Fellow, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh) 11:00-11:30 e CCooffffeee && TTrraaddee


0099::0000--0099::2255 RReeggiissttrraattiioonn && CCooffffeeee ---------------------------------------

09:25-09:30 Welcome ---------------------------------------

09:30-10:00 PPRROOFFIILLEE:: PPrreevveennttiinngg EEaarrllyy UUnnppllaannnneedd AAccuuttee MMeeddiiccaall RReeaaddmmiissssiioonnss AAfftteerr

CCrriittiiccaall IIllllnneessss (Eddie Donaghy, Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh)


10:00-10:30 PPrree--HHoossppiittaall CCrriittiiccaall CCaarree (Mark Dunn, Consultant in Critical Care, Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine, NHS Lothian & ScotSTAR EMRS)

--------------------------------------- 10:30-11:00 TThhee EEnnttaanngglleemmeenntt ooff PPeeooppllee aanndd MMaacchhiinneess:: ppaattiieennttss'' aanndd ffaammiilliieess''

eexxppeerriieenncceess ooff hhoommee vveennttiillaattiioonn iinn ddeeggeenneerraattiivvee nneeuurroommuussccuullaarr ccoonnddiittiioonnss (Jessica MacLaren, Research Fellow, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh)


11:00-11:30 CCooffffeeee && TTrraaddee EExxhhiibbiittiioonn ---------------------------------------

11:30-12:00 TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg ppaattiieennttss hhoommee ttoo ddiiee ffrroomm iinntteennssiivvee ccaarree:: sshhoouulldd wwee ddoo iitt,, ccaann wwee ddoo iitt aanndd hhooww ddoo wwee ddoo iitt??

(Tracy Long-Sutehall, Associate Professor in End of Life Policy and Practice, University of Southampton) ---------------------------------------

12:00-12:30 FFaammiillyy iinnvvoollvveemmeenntt iinn tthhee ccaarree ooff tthhee ccrriittiiccaallllyy iillll ppaattiieenntt (Claire Kydonaki, Lecturer, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care Edinburgh Napier University)


12:30-13:30 LLuunncchh && TTrraaddee EExxhhiibbiittiioonn


13:30-14:10 & 14:15-14:55 Tutorials

EEmmeerrggeennccyy TTrraacchheeoossttoommyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt –– TTrraaccii TTrraacceeyy ((HHeelleenn LLyyaallll,, AACCCCPP ((AAddvvaanncceedd CCrriittiiccaall CCaarree PPrraaccttiittiioonneerr)),, NNHHSS LLootthhiiaann))

AAnn IICCUU ssuurrvviivvoorr’’ss ppeerrssppeeccttiivvee oonn hhiiss ccrriittiiccaall iillllnneessss jjoouurrnneeyy

((JJoohhnn SSoowweerrbbyy,, RReettiirreedd EEnnggiinneeeerr aanndd SSeenniioorr EEdduuccaattiioonn OOffffiicceerr

CCrriittiiccaall CCaarree LLiiaaiissoonn SSeerrvviiccee aanndd PPaattiieenntt DDiiaarriieess iinn IICCUU

((AAuuddrreeyy MMccCCoonnnnaacchhiiee,, CCrriittiiccaall CCaarree LLiiaaiissoonn NNuurrssee,, WWiisshhaaww DDiissttrriicctt GGeenneerraall HHoossppiittaall,, NNHHSS LLaannaarrkksshhiirree))

WWoorrkk--rreellaatteedd SSttrreessss aanndd WWeellll--bbeeiinngg iinn CCrriittiiccaall CCaarree NNuurrsseess:: TThhee FFiinnddiinnggss ooff aann IInntteeggrraattiivvee

RReevviieeww ((LLoouuiissee MMccCCaalllluumm,, PPhhDD SSttuuddeenntt,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff DDuunnddeeee))


14:55-15:25 CCooffffeeee && TTrraaddee EExxhhiibbiittiioonn

15:25-15:55 TThhee eeffffeecctt ooff rreessppiirraattoorryy pphhyyssiiootthheerraappyy oonn ppaattiieennttss wwiitthh IICCPP mmoonniittoorriinngg ((JJaanniiss HHaarrvveeyy,, PPhhyyssiiootthheerraappyy CClliinniiccaall SSppeecciiaalliisstt--CCrriittiiccaall CCaarree,, NNHHSS LLootthhiiaann))


15:55-16:25 IInnttrraahhoossppiittaall ttrraannssppoorrtt ooff ccrriittiiccaallllyy iillll ppaattiieennttss (Mona Ringdal, Assistant Professor, Program Director Specialist Nursing Programme, University of Gothenburg)


16:25-16:55 LLiigghhttiinngg uupp tthhee LLuunnggss (Kev Dhaliwal, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Pulmonary Molecular Imaging, University of Edinburgh)


16:40-16:45 Close

There will be a number of trade exhibitors present. We would encourage you to visit them during the day

Page 4: What’s new in ICU? - University of Edinburgh...(Jessica MacLaren, Research Fellow, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh) 11:00-11:30 e CCooffffeee && TTrraaddee