“what once began as an idea continues as a tradition!”

Melbourne 21st - 30th September Perth 6th October Newcastle 6th October Auckland 13th - 14th October Sydney 24th - 25th November /macedonianfilm @macedonianfilm macedonianfilmfestival.com.au Australasian premiere of Milcho Manchevski’s award winning masterpiece Mothers MFF2012_A2_poster.indd 2 9/16/2012 9:54:24 PM

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Page 1: “What once began as an idea continues as a tradition!”

Melbourne 21st - 30th September

Perth 6th October

Newcastle 6th October

Auckland 13th - 14th October

Sydney 24th - 25th November



Australasian premiere of Milcho Manchevski’s

award winning masterpiece


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“What once began as an idea continues as a tradition!”


Our mission is to honour, promote and nurture Macedonian cinema from

local and international artists, while fostering cross-cultural communication.

The Macedonian Film Festival group is a not for profit organisation

comprised of enthusiastic volunteers with a common interest in supporting

the art of cinematography from Macedonia, both locally and abroad.

Since its inception, the MFF has had the support of the Macedonian

Consulate General in Melbourne, Ministry of Culture of Macedonia, Film

Fund and Cinemateque of Macedonia.


Our vision is to showcase films by Macedonian film makers and films

promoting Macedonia from around the world, to the Australian and New

Zealand public. We also encourage new and emerging talent by offering them

the opportunity for their films to be shown during the festival.


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ЗА ФЕСТИВАЛОТОна што некогаш започна како идеја, продолжува како традиција!

Голема чест и задоволство ни претставува да Ви го презентираме 4-иот по ред Македонски филмски фестивал во Австралија и втор по ред во Нов Зеланд.

Македонски филмски фестивал започна како идејаи разговор помеѓу неколкумина пред само неколку години. Денес е веќе традиција со која се стремиме да ја постигнеме нашата најголема цел, промовирање на македонскиот талент и идентитет, како и зачувување на македонските културни вредности и македонската култура.

МФФ ви нуди единствена можност да ги погледнете на филмско платно најдобрите остварувања на македонската кинематографија и со тоа да ни помогнете да го промовираме македонскиот талент како и историјата и стремежите на современата Македонија на пошироката јавност во Австралија и Нов Зеланд.

Оваа година со гордост Ви го претставуваме филмот „Мајки“ на еден од нашите најдобри режисери, Милчо Манчевски како и филмот „Панкот не е мртов“ на Владимир Блажевски, филм кој е добитник на многубројни награди и ги освојува фестивалите ширум Европа.

Филмовите ќе се прикажуваат во Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth, Sydney како и во Auckland во Нов Зеланд.

Како културен настан, Македонскиот филмски фестивал ја поддржува слободата на мислата и информацијата, како и различностите во културното изразување кои им овозможуваат на поедицните да ги споделат своите идеи, вредности и искуства.

За крај, сакаме да искажеме голема благодарност до сите наши спонзори и поддржувачи како и голема благодарност до Министерството за Култура и Министерството за Надворешни работи на Република Македонија.

Доколку и Вие сакате да учествувате во организацијата на Македонскиот филмски фестивал 2013 или да се промовирате како спонзор, Ве молиме да не контактирате преку електронска пошта: info@macedonianfi lmfestival.com.au.

Од тимот на МФФ 2012

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The cinematic history of Macedonia started over a century ago with the

Brothers Manaki in Bitola which was at the time a very important cultural

centre in the Balkans.

Already noted photographers, their first “moving pictures” was of their

114 year old grandmother, an extraordinarily expressive and suggestive

piece which became the starting point of the Macedonian cinematic opus.

The first Macedonian feature film was Frosina released in June 1952,

the first colour feature film Miss Stone was released only 6 years later,

and was given an honorary diploma at the Festivals in Edinburgh (1960)

and New Delhi (1961).

Over the years, the nation’s cinematography captured the history, culture

and everyday life of the Macedonian people in such a unique way and

technique that kept one generation’s traditions available to the next.

Macedonian cinema received world recognition in 1994, when Milcho

Manchevski’s Before the Rain swept festivals in Europe with 16 major

awards, including the Golden Lion at Venice, and received an Oscar

nomination for best foreign film.

The Vienna Courier heralded “Before the Rain means the return of the

power of the European film”.

Still, the best is yet to be seen, and there is no better time than the present,

at the Macedonian Film Festival 2012.

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Mothers Majki

Year: 2010 R (18+) MacedoniaDirector: Milcho Manchevski Genre: Drama, DocumentaryDuration: 123 minLanguage: Macedonian, English, (English subt.)


Award for

Film as Art








Two nine-year-old girls report a flasher to the police even though they

never saw him. Three filmmakers meet the only residents of a deserted

village – an elderly brother and sister who have not spoken to each other in

16 years. Retired cleaning women are found raped and strangled in a small

town. The fiction slowly turns into a documentary. film.

Marking the return of Milcho Manchevski, MOTHERS portrays all types:

dedicated, neglectful, loving, absent. Through these women, Manchevski

renders the faces of human tragedy and joy. Employing an innovative

structure, the three stories in MOTHERS highlight the delicate relationships

of truth and fiction, of drama and documentary. What is the nature of truth?

Directed with a keen eye for contemporary Macedonia, the film eschews

neat narrative devices and pushes the viewer to confront their own

definitions of filmic reality. In a traditional structuralist manner, the structure

of the film itself (two parts fiction and one part documentary) becomes part

of its message.

Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) 2011- Germany // Toronto International Film Festival

2010-Canada // ICFF Manaki Brothers 2010, Bitola-Macedonia // Sao Paolo International Film

Festival 2010-Brazil // Brno Cinema Mundi 2011-Poland // Cleveland International Film Festival

2011, Cleveland-USA // Sofia International Film Festival 2011-Bulgaria // Vilnius International

Film Festival // Istanbul International Film Festival 2011-Turkey // Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

International Film Festival 2011 - Spain

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Year: 2011 R (18+) MacedonianDirector: Vladimir BlazevskiGenre: ComedyDuration: 104 minLanguage: Macedonian, English (English subt.)


Audience Award

SIFF 2012




“Crystal Bear”


IFFCV 2011





Best Screenplay

Monaco Charity

Film Festival




arity yyy y yy yyyyyy


Mirsa is the former singer in what was once the most popular punk band

in Macedonia, but it broke up years ago. He’s now forty, still living with his

mother, and he occasionally sells drugs for Albanian dealer Gzim, who in

return supplies him with grass on the cheap. Then one day Gzim comes up

with an idea: Mirsa ought to get his band back together so they can perform

at a benefit concert in Debar, a Macedonian city with an Albanian majority


Punks Not Dead Pankot ne e mrtov Mirsa has an almost herculean task ahead of him: after a period of 17 years,

to locate and convince all the band members, some of whom left Macedonia

after the break-up of Yugoslavia, to perform together once again in concert.

On a minimum budget, director and screenwriter Vladimir Blaževski has

turned in a punchy independent road movie about people for whom punk

isn’t just music, it’s their whole life. He also uses black humour and insight to

touch upon more serious issues and, thanks to the documentary techniques

he employs in the film, he manages to achieve a sense of absolute

conviction. –KVIFF

International Short Film Festival Asterfest, Strumica, Macedonia 2012 // European Film Festival

Palic, Serbia 2011 // Motovun Film Festival, Croatia 2011 // Raindance Film Festival, London –

UK, 2011 // Thessaloniki International Film Festival Greece 2011 // Sligo New Music Film Festival,

Ireland 2011 // Gijon International Film Festival, Spain 2011 // Kolkata International Film Festival,

India 2011 // Leskovac International Film Festival Serbia, 2011 // Belgrade Author’s Film Festival,

Serbia, 2011

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Level 1, 158 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Australia 3000


438 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria 3056Ph: (03) 9387 1201 www.astirimages.com

Bit PlayerYear: 2011 R (18+) MacedoniaDirector: Igor AleksovGenre: Drama (short)Duration: 22 minLanguage: Macedonian (English subt.)

Sister Anna listens to the radio while cleaning the monastery yard. Among other

news there is information about a new film by cult director of the communist

era, Vojo Pandilovski. While listening to this, Anna thinks back to her youth in the

seventies when she dreamed of becoming an actress. Her appearance at a casting

call for her first role destroys her dreams. Chosen to be featured in a rape scene the

young director, Pandilovski, does the unthinkable. Her attempt to search for justice

begins her hellish journey from her dream of being actress, through Communist

torture and finally to life in monastic quarters. It’s a story of double standards

between the Communist regime and a bit player, hypocrisy and the cruelty of the

past. -MFF2011, Toronto



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FILMS Date Time Venue

VIP Opening Party Friday, 21 September 7:00pm Sun Theatre, Yarraville

I’m Yours / Little Match Girl / Mothers Friday, 21 September 9:00pm Sun Theatre, Yarraville

Bit Player / Punks Not Dead Saturday, 22 September 8:00pm Sun Theatre, Yarraville

End of the World / Punks Not Dead Friday, 28 September 8:30pm Readings Cinema, Epping

Glow / Mothers Sunday, 30 September 7:00pm Readings Cinema, Epping

Melbourne 21 - 30 September

Glow / Mothers Saturday, 6 October 7:00pm Readings Cinema, Belmont

Perth 6 October

Little Match Girl / Mothers Saturday, 6 October 7:00pm Readings Cinema, Charleston

Newcastle 6 October

Bit Player / Punks Not Dead Sunday, 14 October 7:00pm Academy Cinema, Auckland

Auckland (NZ) 13 - 14 October

Bit Player / Punks Not Dead Saturday, 24 November 8:00pm Hoyts Paris EQ, Sydney,

Reddakh / Wrong Game / One / End of the World / Glow Sunday, 25 November 4:00pm Hoyts Paris EQ, Sydney,

Escaping War / Mothers Sunday, 25 November 7:00pm Hoyts Paris EQ, Sydney,

Sydney 24 - 25 November

Little Match Girl / Mothers Saturday, 13 October 7:00pm Academy Cinema, Auckland

All festival films are restricted to 18 years and over. Please check the film classifications. Films will commence at the advertised starting time, ending times may vary according to the session program. Dates, times and programmes are correct at the time of publication, but may need to be altered. Please check our website for updates. All non-English films have English subtitles where specified.SESSIONS

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Belmont Reading CinemasCnr Knutsford Ave & Fulham Street, Belmont 6104 WA

Perth Newcastle Reading Cinemas Charlestown Square, 30 Pearson St, Charlestown


Auckland (NZ) Sydney Auckland Academy Cinema44 Lorne Street,Auckland Central

Hoyts Cinema Paris EQ Lang Road on Bent Street,Moore Park

Open Night (VIP Party & film) $50

All tickets, all sessions $15* All prices include GST

Tickets at box office or moshtix.

com.au for VIP party tickets

Tickets at box office or iconiccinemas.co.nz

Festival tickets, once acquired are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced or refunded. All seating is unreserved.

Sun Theatre8 Ballarat St, Yarraville Victoria 3013(03)9362 0999

Readings CinemasCrn High & Cooper St,Epping 3076 VICPhone : (03) 9408 8888

Tickets at box office or readingcinemas.com.au

Tickets at box office or readingcinemas.com.au


Trulase Beauty310 Burwood Road, Belmore NSW 2192

Phone: 8084 9946 | Mobile: 0433 771 916Email: [email protected]

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off your next treatment.

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Tickets at box office Tickets at box office or readingcinemas.com.au

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Little Match GirlYear: 2011 R (18+) MacedonianDirector: Filip MatevskiGenre: Drama (short)Duration: 10 minLanguage: Macedonian (English subt.)

The film is based on the story “The little girl with the matches” by Hans

Christian-Andersen. The main character in the story is a little girl, a

homeless orphan who instead of begging is selling matches on the side of

the street. The movie follows the death of the little girl who dies from cold

on New Years Eve.

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The action takes place in one day, on the street and in the fancy part of the

town. It is a hot day in August. There is a truck parked with watermelons for

sale. A father and his son, both farmers, are selling the watermelons. The

son, 15-year-old Dime, glares at a girl who lives here, the 14-year-old Eli.

They grow to like each other, exchange shy glances, their first meeting is

puzzling. The fluid creates a frail glow of first love …BUT! The adults from

both sides take part in the naïve and innocent game.

GlowYear: 2011 R (18+) MacedoniaDirector: Tomislav AleksovGenre: Comedy, Drama (short)Duration: 22 minLanguage: Macedonian (English subt.)

End of the WorldYear: 2011 R (18+) MacedonianDirector: Jani BojadziGenre: Drama (short)Duration: 21 minLanguage: Macedonian (English subt.)

At the end of summer on Balkan has great drought. The migratory birds

who are thirsty and cold are dying on the way to their home .Two people,

father and son, are trying to make money by searching sources of water,

which is old family tradition. One day they will find the gold cable. The son

will cut the cable, although his father says no, but the cable was powered

the Sun and the Moon. While they dig, stars like lampions are disappearing

one by one. The Moon disappears last....

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A gamer suffers a major family financial problem and becomes one of the

best players on Conquer Online, an online multi-player game.

Year: 2012 R (18+) MacedonianDirector: Vladimir MitrevskiGenre: Documentary (short)Duration: 28 minLanguage: Macedonian (English subt.)


A man wakes up in a middle of a dark, isolated forest. No signs of people,

civilization… no memories of a previous past, no identification… he’s ALONE.

Wondering through the ruins of some desolated concrete object, he finds a GIRL…

scared, silent. He leaves her, promises he’ll return after he finds some help,

someone to explain. In the forest, he finds remains of a forest camp… and remains

of people… evidence of a brutal massacre. And then, the terrifying screams, non

human or animal, appear throughout the forest. In the same time, the MAN and the

GIRL step into a frantic run and hide game with the faceless persecutors. Somehow,

they escape. Or were they sparred?

Year: 2009 R (18+) MacedonianDirector: Vardan TozijaGenre: Drama (short)Duration: 19 minLanguage: Macedonian (English subt.)

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Escaping WarYear: 2012 R (18+) EnglishDirector: Omer ZekirovskiGenre: Drama (short)Duration: 10 minLanguage: English

“Wrong game” is a triller drama in which we are acquainted with the life

stories of two ex best friends from childhood, Paul and Bill who are also

leaders of two known city gangs. The story begins from the moment when

Paul gets out of jail and Bill preparares prepared for revenge on the murder

of his father, a policemen shot by Paul by mistake when he was being

arrested. Their “mutual” friend John, previously working for Bill and now

is working for Paul is making this story more dramatic when trying to help

himself is making it hard for his “friends”.

Wrong GameYear: 2012 R (18+) MacedonianDirector: Ben KumanovskiGenre: Documentary (short)Duration: 10 minLanguage: Macedonian (English subt.)

Escaping War is a journey into the lives of two individuals faced with death

and destruction during wartime. In 1948, Doksa was expelled from her

village in Aegean Macedonia during the Greek Civil War. In 1992, Serge

found himself trapped between the fighting during the Siege of Sarajevo.

This is not a historical or political documentary, but a milestone in storytelling

composed of the true accounts from those who were directly and deeply

affected. This is Escaping War.

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To contact the volunteers organising the Macedonian Film Festival,

please do so at [email protected]

The Macedonian Film Festival is made up entirely of volunteers that donate their time, skills

and effort to run the festival each year.

We would also like to thank the Consulate-General of the Republic of Macedonia in Melbourne

and the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia to Australia for their support in realising this

year’s festival.

Melbourne (HQ)Sonia Pilovska

Mary Sabotkoski

Beti Necovski

Ljupka Arsovski

Darko Sabotkoski

SydneyBetty Babamovski

Peter Bosevski

AucklandBojan Suleski

NewcastleAnthony L askovski

SupportersIgor Zvezdakoski

Milorad Dodevski

Anton Blajer

Macedonian Film Festival Incorporated

ABN: 67 264 725 389

Email: [email protected]

The Macedonian Film Festival organisers

would like to thank our valued national and

local sponsors. Without their financial and in-

kind support, the festival would not be possible.


Llyod’s International College

SilverGlobal Pictures

Astir Images


Ray White Real Estate,

Ilija Menkinoski – Melbourne

Sash Petrovski - CommBank

De Niro Restaurant

Ray White Real Estate,

Zarko Bozovik – Auckland

Steve & Natalie Vrtkovski

King Pin Bowling Lounge

Glamorous Photography

Fusion English


M16 Productions

Leb i Sol on Tour

University of Wollongwong - Macedonian


Macedonian Community Council of

Melbourne and Victoria Inc

Bona Fides Cafe Restaurant

Media Partners


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Melbourne | Sydney | Newcastle | Perth | Auckland