what makes me a renaissance scholar?

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  • 8/14/2019 What makes me a Renaissance Scholar?


    Pamela Fox

    Computer science has the potential to be an amazing base

    knowledge for a wannabe-Renaissance scholar, at least of the

    engineering sort. It gives you the usual general education, plus some

    science, some math, some logic, and of course, programming skills.

    Once youve got that foundation, there are two distinct options: 1)

    become a code monkey, 2) realize there are approximately three

    gazillion fields that could be enhanced by a cleverly designed program.

    No offense to the monkeys out there, but Ive personally opted

    for the latter. We computer scientists know how to take advantage of a

    processors incredibly fast calculations to solve problems, and as it

    turns out, there are unresolved problems in every academic field of

    study. So I often find myself in non-programming classes figuring out

    how I can use computer science to solve the problems or answer the

    questions Ive encountered in that particular class. After becoming

    frustrated with the seemingly formulaic nature of the essays assigned

    for the upper division writing class, I chose to code a Childrens Book

    Generator for our creative assignment. I wanted to answer the

    question of whether actual human thought was required to create

    literature, and well, by coding the generator, I discovered that yes, it

    probably was which is why I can now guarantee that this essay was

    not written by a program. In a class studying Asian American literature

    this semester, we often discuss the idea of the stereotypical Asian

    face, and whether it does exist. So Im currently coding a program that


  • 8/14/2019 What makes me a Renaissance Scholar?


    Pamela Fox

    will randomly create faces from Asian and non-Asian parts, and quiz

    users on the perceived race. This program should help me discover

    exactly what makes us identify an Asian vs. non-Asian, and if we can

    actually do that accurately.

    When I began the Linguistics minor, I didnt know that I would

    later combine it with computer science. I was always intrigued by

    language, always looking to learn new languages, always searching for

    the etymological connection between languages. The introductory

    classes confirmed my sneaking suspicion that there was a deep

    universal structure common to all languages. I set the curve high in my

    intro classes I didnt mean to, but everything just seemed to

    intuitively make sense to me. I blame my computer science classes for

    my unfair advantage. In the same semester that I took the first class

    for the minor, I also took a required computer science class on

    Algorithms. There was literally one week when I got the exact same

    lecture in both classes, a discussion of the Barbers Paradox and self

    reference. Its as if someone up there had been subtly trying to point

    out the interconnectedness of these fields for a while, and finally just

    decided to kick me in the face with their point. Well, fine, I got it!

    The following summer, I was granted an NSF fellowship to

    participate in a well-known computational linguistics workshop at John

    Hopkins. There were three teams, and each had to tackle a problem

    judged to be one of the most urgent and interesting in the


  • 8/14/2019 What makes me a Renaissance Scholar?


    Pamela Fox

    Computational Linguistics world. Our team worked on statistical

    machine translation by parsing using the hierarchical nature of a

    sentence structure to teach a computer the patterns of a language. For

    two weeks before the workshop, we were given a crash course in

    computational linguistics, sampling lectures and labs from the most

    researched areas. I hated most of it. I wanted to scream at the

    researchers, NO! Stop it! Respect the beauty of language! Most of

    the research was simply using brute force to solve problems. Google

    gloated at a conference that summer that their translation results were

    the best after running 10,000 computers for 40 hours. Thats the first

    time Google has not impressed me. Thats why I was thankful to have

    been placed in a group that was were actually teaching the computer

    about linguistic structure - we could get meaningful results after

    running for just 20 minutes. My personal contribution to the team was

    creating a Multi-Tree Viewer that would view the simultaneous parses

    of equivalent sentences in multiple languages, showing the

    relationship between both their lexical equivalence and structural

    equivalence. It was a great moment when the MTV showed a sentence

    where USA and the United States of America were linked as

    equivalent phrases, because of their location in the sentence

    hierarchies and not because of any preset vocabulary knowledge.

    During lectures at the workshops, I daydreamed about the

    research that I would pursue. By the end of the workshop, I had several


  • 8/14/2019 What makes me a Renaissance Scholar?


    Pamela Fox

    project ideas that I had thought about for so long (we had a lot of

    lectures) that I absolutely had to pursue implementing them. This

    semester, Im creating a computer baby that is given sentences

    describing a 3-d scene, and then examines the scenes to deduce the

    relationship between the scene and the sentence. By the end of the

    project, I hope that my baby will understand sentences with

    prepositional relations, and I aim to prove that it is possible to teach a

    computer a language the same way that a baby learns language. Its

    my personal attack on Googles brute-force philosophy. Another project

    I dreamed up was an online site that would illustrate, on a map of the

    world, the etymological connections between words over the course of

    time. I wanted to share my love of etymology linguistics with the world

    I wanted everyone to realize the beauty of the interconnectedness of

    languages. Unfortunately, I didnt receive the grant to pursue that

    project, so in the meanwhile, I instituted a Word of the Week last

    semester. Every week, wed post flyers on campus about a word,

    focusing on its etymology.

    It feels natural that at this point in the narrative Id begin

    discussing my other minor 3-d animation. Id talk about learning how

    to draw, put life into a character, set up lights, tell a story, compose a

    scene, and Id probably tell you how I started a club for students

    interested in the spectrum between computer science and art. But

    according to the Renaissance board, all of that is too similar to


  • 8/14/2019 What makes me a Renaissance Scholar?


    Pamela Fox

    Computer Science. I was pretty mad when the board only certified my

    Computer Science and Linguistics combination, refusing to

    acknowledge my 3-d animation minor as a widely separate field. I

    understand why, of course. The 3-d animation minor is in the same

    school as my major, and therefore most likely doesnt stretch my

    mind intellectually. But it really does, especially in the contrast

    between right-brained and left-brained skills. While computer science

    is logic-based problem solving and linguistics is the study of an

    incredibly structured system, 3-d animation is the use of an artistic eye

    coupled with technical skills to create something that will entertain

    others. But thats when I had a realization- being a renaissance scholar

    means realizing that two fields that are officially widely disparate

    may actually be strung together by the same intellectual threads, while

    two fields within the same department can actually call on entirely

    different parts of the brain. So I guess that now Im thankful that my 3-

    d animation minor was dismissed by the board, as it caused me to

    realize that theres more than one way to be a vastly different field of


    And well, now I dont have to write so much.
