what is the most important natural resource for the plains indians, after water? a.fish b.trees...

Chapter 2 Social Studies Review

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Chapter 2Social Studies


What is the most important natural resource for the Plains Indians, after water?

A. fishB. treesC. buffaloD. rivers

C. Buffalo

Which continent did the early people cross from into North America, according to the land bridge theory?

A. South AmericaB. EuropeC. AfricaD. Asia

D. Asia

Scientist can learn a great deal about the life of early people living in the Americas from what?

A. the landB. the peopleC. artifactsD. food

C. Artifacts

List some features that are common to most civilizations.

ways of life, religion, and learning

What was the major purpose of the Iroquois League?

A. to resolve conflicts among people and groups.

B. to establish a common language for communications.

C. to trade goods.D. to lead religious ceremonies.

A. to resolve conflicts among people and groups.

Fill in the blank:The Olmec _____________ had a strong influence on the Mayan cities that developed later.


Why were trees more important to people of the Northwest Coast and the Eastern Woodlands than they were to the Plains Indians?

Trees provided the Northwest and Eastern Woodlands regions with wood used for tools,

canoes, and longhouses. Trees were also sources of food. The Plains did not have great


Which civilization developed a counting system that included zero?

A. The OlmecB. The MayanC. the Ancient PuebloanD. The Adena

B. the Mayan

Fill in the blank:Native Americans often depended on a ________________ in order to produces more goods.

division of labor

How did the people of the Arctic learn to adapt their shelters to the resources that were available?

Because there were no trees in the Arctic, the people used blocks of ice to build

shelters called igloos. In the summer, Arctic people build shelters out of sod or lived in

tents made from sealskin.

Which natural resource is most important to people of the Eastern Woodlands and the Northwest Coast?

A. woodB. grassC. adobeD. corn

A. wood

Fill in the blank:Native Americans often held a _____________ to celebrate a cultural or religious event.


What resources, other than trees, did the Northwest people have that were important to their economy?

Salmon was an important staple, which could be dried for storage or trade. Whales also provided Northwest Coast groups with

food and other materials.

What does migration mean?

the movement of people

Fill in the blank:The _____________ of many Native American groups depended on the supply of food and other natural resources that helped them meet their needs.


What kinds of natural resources were used to build each of the following shelters- tepees, longhouses, and pueblos?

Tepees were made from animal skins and wooden poles. Longhouses were made from trees. Pueblos were build with adobe bricks.

What was used to separate the Eastern Woodlands people as Iroquoian or Algonquian?

A. the systems of government they usedB. the languages they spokeC. the crops they grewD. the types of homes they built

B. the languages they spoke.

What is the main reason that the early people were able to be less nomadic and settle in one area?

the development of agriculture

Why did the economy of Native Americans living the Arctic cause families to band together?

A. They held potlatch celebrations to share their many resources.

B. They were able to grow plenty of food in the summer.

C. They had to travel long distances to hunt seals.

D. When food was scarce, the families shared seal meat.

D. When food was scarce, the families shared seal meat.

What are some of the unique features of an early civilization you have read about?

In the Mayan civilization, powerful kings ruled. The Olmec developed a 365-day

calendar. The Mayans developed a counting system that included zero.