what is the google display network and how can i get great results?

Getting the most from the Google Display Network With: Jim Banks @jimbanks http://www.spadesmedia.com 1 Wednesday, 30 May 12

Post on 12-Sep-2014




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The Google Display Network is the largest contextual advertising network available. In this presentation Jim Banks explains some Google Display Network changes, best practises on maximizing your return on investment.


Page 1: What Is The Google Display Network And How Can I Get Great Results?

Getting the most from the

Google Display NetworkWith: Jim Banks


1Wednesday, 30 May 12

Page 2: What Is The Google Display Network And How Can I Get Great Results?

Getting the most out of GDN• What we are going to cover in the next 45 minutes

• What is the GDN?

• The history of the GDN

• The GDN eco-system

• Why is it so important?

• Modern day Pareto’s Law 10/80/10

• Recent changes in the way GDN operates

• Best practises for GDN account structure

• Secret tricks for GDN best results

• Q & A

• Special Offer for those that stay to the end

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So what is the GDN?

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The official Google description

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Most advertisers depiction

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What sort of sites can you advertise on using GDN ?

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What type of creatives can you run?

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The types of targeting you can do

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The history of the GDN

•March 2003 - Google Adsense is BORN

•August 2004 - Google become a public company

•October 2004 - Smart Pricing is introduced

•October 2006 - Google buys YouTube ($1.6 billion)

•April 2007 - Google buys DoubleClick ($3.1 billion)

•November 2009 - Google buys AdMob ($750 million)


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Acquisitions for GDN

Not specifically for GDN but important....

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_acquisitions_by_Google

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Why is GDN so important?

• 87% market share

• Higher in some countries

• Lower in others

• Important to know the market share - opportunity knocks

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Payout 51% for search traffic and 68% for content

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Modern Day Pareto’s Law

•The current Pareto’s Principle

• 80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers

• 80% of your sales are made by 20% of your sales staff

• 80% of the rubbish comes from 20% of the slides

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My Take On It

•10% of your GDN results will be awesome

•80% of your GDN results will be average

•10% of your GDN results will be a disaster

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Focus on the 20% first

•10% of your GDN results will be awesome

•80% of your GDN results will be average

•10% of your GDN results will be a disaster

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Recent changes in GDN

• Much more emphasis on mobile and video

• Complete separation from Search - Display Network now has it’s own tab and management

• Keyword level data

• Display Ad Builder - Super simple process

• Topic Targeting - e.g. Automotive/Real Estate

• Interest Categories - https://www.google.com/adplanner/

• Much bigger account limits for structuring campaigns

• Opened up Video - Much easier to create and to buy

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Account Structure

• Separate Everything

• Search

• Display

• Mobile

• Video

• Countries

• Use Adwords Editor to replicate and then switch

• Use Adwords Editor as much as you can

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Tricks for best results on GDN

• Tag URL’s using “Value Track”

• Find the “remnant inventory”

• Change your persona to see different ads

• If you are using remarketing, then don’t add any restrictions, the remarketing will add the restrictions

• Go down to page level when getting placements - Different bid price per placement....eventually - start aggressive to be seen

• Use Doubleclick Ad Planner

• Check for advertising page for publishers - More sophisticated usually = higher CPC but possible direct buys

• Use all the extensions you can

• Social for search +1

• Sitelinks for important parts of your site - Products/Services

• Call for mobile campaigns - Make sure it is a used phone

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Value Track

• {creative} - will show the creative ID - good for split testing

• {keyword} - the keyword used (for GDN will be closest match keyword) - there is no match type in GDN

• {placement} - the domain name of where the click took place

• {target} - the placement category (if used)

• {aceid} - the control or experiment ID if using Campaign Experiments

• {adposition} - the position your ad was in - e.g. 1t1 = page 1 top position 1

• E.g. - htttp://www.example.com/?target={target}&placement={placement} would become http://www.example.com/?target=%2Fentertainment%2Fcelebrities&placement=gmail.com

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Find the remnant inventory

•Unsold inventory = house ads

•Google Chrome


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Change your persona• https://www.google.com/ads/preferences/

• Fewer ads: Those who are opted-in see 7% fewer ads than opted-out users.

• More relevant: Opted-in users are 33% more likely to click on ads than opted-out users.

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• Only Google call it remarketing, everyone else uses retargeting

• A lot of people only focus on non-buyers

• Upsell with a remarketing campaign for buyers - People that bought A also bought B

• Segment your site

• Smallish windows of opportunity to “stalk”

• Don’t add any traffic restrictions

• Set a high budget

• Set a frequency cap around 3 per day to avoid being creepy

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Page Level Placements

•Use Xenu Link Sleuth - http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html

•Use Scrapebox Sitemap Scraper to find pages in a site

•Find sites that rank for your keywords and the underlying pages

•Use Content Bully to find placement opportunities

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Content Bully

•Not actively taking new clients


•CLick on My Content Bully Download the Windows or Mac Standard Version will provide top 10

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Check for advertising page

• Very few good examples on GDN

• Err on the side of caution unless big budget

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Use all the extensions you can• Google +1 will have impact on results

• Will influence organic results

• Sitelinks help grab more space from competitors and make your ads stand out

• Use day-parting and add in a number for live leads

• If you don’t have a mobile site Google/Dudamobile are giving you a free site for a year

• http://www.howtogomo.com

• Need more convincing on mobile?

• http://www.ourmobileplanet.com/

• http://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/insights/

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Use AdPlanner

• Proper media “planning”

• https://www.google.com/adplanner/

• Drill into a site

• Find similar sites

• Guide you on demographic/audience

• Research - Plan - List - Export to CSV - Export to Adwords

• Search for sites or placements or audience

• You need to practise making lists/plans/research

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Tricks for best results on GDN

• Understand how running Adsense works as a publisher

• Use the Adplanner to research and refine your media buy - Know your ideal user and replicate

• Know the best size ads to target - Popularity vs. competitive - Above the fold

• Visit sites that send you a lot of traffic and work out a site specific strategy - even if the strategy is to kill the source

• Use day-parting - Time of day and bid price increase, day of week, hour of day - 90% of fraud happens between 1am and 7am

• Track everything - Conversion Tags, Google Analytics - Whichever tool you feel comfortable with, but be consistent

• Don’t use automatic tagging with Adwords/Analytics

• Know the demographics - Run each in separate ad group - Consider running state by state, even city by city

• Don’t auto optimize too soon - Personally, I never let Google control my campaigns. I may lose out, but at least I know

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Understand Adsense (GDN) as a publisher

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Tips•There is a lot of talk about media BUYING but

not a lot of PLANNING

•The majority of the “data” is available at little or no cost

•“Out of the box” Google Adwords is terrible - Most of the harmful features are OPT-OUT

•A lot of the magic happens with UGLY BANNERS

•Google Translate does just fine for international campaigns

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Talking of tips.....

• Covered a small amount

• Break-out

• Beginners

• Intermediate

• Advanced

• Guerilla

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Q & A

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Thank You For Your TimeContact me

E-mail : [email protected]

Skype : jim_banksAIM : jimbanks46

Live : [email protected] : @jimbanks

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