what is ppi?

and why do so many want to help me reclaim it?

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Post on 20-Aug-2015



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and why do so many want to help me reclaim it?

You’ve seen the ad’s...

Normally very serious people walking towards the camera, or in a call centre looking busy....

Serious, AND in a call centre... sometimes.

...or maybe you’ve had one of those automated phone calls....

(...we don’t do that by the way)

All saying....

...you’ve been mis-sold PPI!

...and that’s all good and everything.


What’s PPI?!

Even this guys confused! Although thats likely becasue he’s a dog.

Payment ProtectionInsurance

but that’s not the whole story....

Simply put, it’s a type of insurance that is designed to protect your monthly repayments, should you not be able to make them, through illness, an accident or redundency.

Sounds like a pretty handy safety net right?

Well, you’d be right thinking that, because it is. The problem is that it was mis-sold by lenders to a lot of people who didn’t need it, or even know that they were sold it.

Do you want to see the ducks again?

See, this picture makes sense now.

The duck is the lender, the ducklings the sales person and the women cooing over the ducklings is the mis-sold customer.

Were you mis-sold

Payment ProtectionInsurance

Soooooooooo, the question is?

Well.....PPI has been found to have been mis-sold on

Mortgages Credit Cards Loans Hire Purchases

So, there’s certainly a possibility...

PPI was systematically mis-sold mainly because it made lenders more money and the sales person a handsome bit of commision.

Plus, it was easy to sell because it seemed like a sensible and ideal cover.

Especially, if the sales person left out the exclusions that would prevent a payout or the true cost of the cover.

There were a variety of reasons why PPI was mis-sold...let’s take a look at some of them...





Was it conditional or compulsory?

Did you have all the facts?

Your JobMedical Exclusion

The Cover Term

PPI is optional. If you were told that you had to have the cover, or that your application would have a better chance of being accepted, then you may have been mis-sold PPI.

Were you told about PPI? Were you told the full cost including interest? Was the full extent and limitations of the cover explained. If No, to any of these questions, then you may be entitled to a refund.

Jobs within the public sector include some pretty awesome employee benefits, such as full sick pay. This outweighs the benefits of the PPI cover. Which means it should never have been sold to people in the public sector.

Other exclusions included if you were in the armed forces, unemployed, retired or self-employed

Many policies have exclusions on payouts if the policy holder had a pre-existing medical condition; since this may hinder you from earning. Was this explained to you?

Sometimes the term of the PPI cover is not the same as the length of the financial product you are paying to protect. If it was shorter or longer then you may be paying for something you cannot use, and may be entitled to a refund

You might now be thinking

I have been mis-sold

Not cool, right?The Office of Fair Trading (OFT), claim that only around 20% of the money collected in premiums is ever paid out in claims.

So, imagine how much profit the banks and lenders were making out of this?

Around £5 billion!

FYI This is 1 billion Dollars

Well, the Financial Services Authority got a bit concerned over this and ended up taking the banks and lenders to court.

They Won!As a result, new rules mean that any one who has been mis-sold must be given a refund, plus interest by the bank/lender who mis-sold the PPI cover.

This isn’t compensation, but rather a refund, which must put the consumer back into the same position they would of been had they not been mis-sold too. Including any interest incurred on the amount.

Awesome, news! What now?

Well, you can do one of two things. You can apply for a refund yourself, or you can pass the hassle onto a claims management company like Brunel Franklin.

Well, sell it to me then! Why Brunel Franklin?

We thought you might ask that. Here’s a couple of reasons why we could make you’re life easier....

• We make the process simple and do all the leg work• We’ll handle your claim even if you’ve been previously rejected. • We’ll aim to get you the maximum refund and if we don’t think it’s appropriate, we’ll take the case to the Financial Omsbudman Service (FOS)• There’s no upfront fees. You only pay if we win your case.

More Info?We’d be happy to talk to you more about PPI and help you find out if

you’ve been mis-sold too.

0800 054 51 54 | [email protected] | www.brunelfranklin.com


Image Sources

Thumbs Up - www.flickr.com/photos/62337512@N00/3958637561

Dog - www.sxc.hu/photo/1382251

Singer - www.flickr.com/photos/andytrax/7615388928/in/photostream/

Venus Flytrap - www.scx.hu/photo/1234315

Net -www.sxc.hu/photo/1352530

Desk Lamp - www.sxh.hu/photo/572766

One Billion Dollars - https://sites.google.com/site/artmarcovici/one-billion

TV - www.flickr.com/photos/25666278@N04/6960435830

Telephone - www.flickr.com/photos/68134955@N07/7778462254/