what is differential geometry?

What is Differential Geometry? Zhiqin Lu UCI, Recruitment Day April 3, 2009 Zhiqin Lu, UC. Irvine What is Geometry 1/14

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Page 1: What is Differential Geometry?

What is Differential Geometry?

Zhiqin Lu

UCI, Recruitment Day

April 3, 2009

Zhiqin Lu, UC. Irvine What is Geometry 1/14

Page 2: What is Differential Geometry?

Triple integrals


xdxdydz ,

where W is the regionbounded by the planesx = 0, y = 0, and z = 2, andthe surface z = x2 + y2 andlying in the quadrantx ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.


~ N




>< 0


+ ~


'<: II

Figure: From Vector Calculus,Marsden & Tromba

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Page 3: What is Differential Geometry?

Triple integrals


xdxdydz ,

where W is the regionbounded by the planesx = 0, y = 0, and z = 2, andthe surface z = x2 + y2 andlying in the quadrantx ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.


~ N




>< 0


+ ~


'<: II

Figure: From Vector Calculus,Marsden & Tromba

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Page 4: What is Differential Geometry?

How to compute integrations over an n-dimensional object?

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Page 5: What is Differential Geometry?

An example

Zeros of a quintic polynomial:

Z 50 + Z 5

1 + Z 52 + Z 5

3 + Z 54 + 10Z0Z1Z2Z3Z4 = 0

in C5.

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Page 6: What is Differential Geometry?

Figure: From Wikipedia, the intersection of the quintic Calabi-Yau threefold toour three dimensional space

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Page 7: What is Differential Geometry?

How to study high dimensional geometric object?

Use Partial Differential Equations;

Use Linear Algebra

Use Abstract Algebra

Use the results in all other math/physics fields.

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Page 8: What is Differential Geometry?

How to study high dimensional geometric object?

Use Partial Differential Equations;

Use Linear Algebra

Use Abstract Algebra

Use the results in all other math/physics fields.

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Page 9: What is Differential Geometry?

How to study high dimensional geometric object?

Use Partial Differential Equations;

Use Linear Algebra

Use Abstract Algebra

Use the results in all other math/physics fields.

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Page 10: What is Differential Geometry?

How to study high dimensional geometric object?

Use Partial Differential Equations;

Use Linear Algebra

Use Abstract Algebra

Use the results in all other math/physics fields.

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Page 11: What is Differential Geometry?

A simple example


∮xdy − ydx

x2 + y2= 1.

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Page 12: What is Differential Geometry?

A simple example


∮xdy − ydx

x2 + y2= 1.

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Page 13: What is Differential Geometry?

A non-trivial example

How many holes in the quintic Calabi-Yau manifold?

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Page 14: What is Differential Geometry?

In 1977, S. T. Yau was able to solve the following PDE


g1,1̄ + ∂2u∂z1∂z̄1

g1,2̄ + ∂2u∂z1∂z̄2

g1,3̄ + ∂2u∂z1∂z̄3

g2,1̄ + ∂2u∂z2∂z̄1

g2,2̄ + ∂2u∂z2∂z̄2

g2,3̄ + ∂2u∂z2∂z̄3

g3,1̄ + ∂2u∂z3∂z̄1

g3,2̄ + ∂2u∂z3∂z̄2

g3,3̄ + ∂2u∂z3∂z̄3

= eF det

g1,1̄ g1,2̄ g1,3̄

g2,1̄ g2,2̄ g2,3̄

g3,1̄ g3,2̄ g3,3̄


where gi j̄ and F are given functions. After that, we are able to tell thetopological properties of the manifold.

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Page 15: What is Differential Geometry?

Linear algebra

Hodge theory!

Zhiqin Lu, UC. Irvine What is Geometry 10/14

Page 16: What is Differential Geometry?

Linear algebra

Hodge theory!Zhiqin Lu, UC. Irvine What is Geometry 10/14

Page 17: What is Differential Geometry?


Differential Geometry is not a separate math field, it brought differentfields like PDE, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, Lie group theory,

functional analysis, and many others together.

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Page 18: What is Differential Geometry?

UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li,

Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng,

Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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Page 22: What is Differential Geometry?

UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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Page 23: What is Differential Geometry?

UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,

Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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Page 24: What is Differential Geometry?

UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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Page 25: What is Differential Geometry?

UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu,

complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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Page 26: What is Differential Geometry?

UCI’s Geometry / TopologyGroup

Peter Li, Geometric PDE, Analysis on manifolds;

Chuu-Lian Terng, Differential Geometry, Integrable systems

Ronald J. Stern,Smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic contact topologyand geometry, knot theory

Zhiqin Lu, complex geometry, Mirror symmetry.

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http://math.uci.edu/˜ zlu/geom-topo-group/index.php

Members of the Geometry & Topology Group at UCI work in manydifferent fields and have expertise in a diverse set of techniques. We havelively and well-attended seminars, and one of our key goals is thecross-pollination of ideas between geometry and topology.Our faculty consists of active researchers in many areas of geometry andlow-dimensional topology including geometric PDE, differential geometry,integrable systems, mirror symmetry, smooth 4-manifolds, symplectic andcontact topology and geometry, and knot theory and its invariants.Our faculty is highly-regarded. All have NSF Grants and one of itsmembers, Peter Li, was elected to the American Academy of Arts andSciences. The Geometry/Topology Group at UCI has a long-standingcommitment to excellence in graduate and postdoctoral training: wehave produced some outstanding graduate students, and we have beenfortunate to have recruited and mentored exceptional postdoctoralfellows.

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Welcome to UCI!

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