what is botnet?

WHAT IS BOTNET? Milan Petrásek 21/5/2014

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Info about botnet, summary, history, technology and future


Page 1: What is botnet?


Milan Petrásek


Page 2: What is botnet?
Page 3: What is botnet?


• Introduction

• Star and multiserver topology botnets

• Hierarchical topology botnets

• Random topology botnets

• Types of attacks

• Famous botnets through history

• Summary

Page 4: What is botnet?

Intro - terms BOT or „zombie“. Short for roBOT. NET short for interNET Botnet a lot of infected computers Bot Herder or „bot master“ can control

the botnet remotely C&C Server command-and-control centre

for botnet managing

Page 5: What is botnet?

Star and multiserver topology

Page 6: What is botnet?

Hierarchical topology

Page 7: What is botnet?

Random topology

Page 8: What is botnet?

Types of attacks • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) • Adware advertises • Spyware • E-mail • Click fraud • Fast flux • Brute-forcing remote machines services • Worms • Scareware • Exploiting systems

Page 9: What is botnet?

Famous botnets through history • 2001 – First Botnet


• 2005 Torpig • 2006 Virut • 2007 Zeus – one of the biggest (compromised U.S. computers: 3.6

million) • 2007 Storm • 2008 Conficker • 2008 Grum • 2008 Lethic • 2008 Mariposa • 2009 SpyEye • 2010 Waledac • 2011 ZeroAccess • 2012 FlashFake (Mac OS X) • 2012 Jeef • 2012 Smoke

Page 10: What is botnet?

Summary • Botnets are serious problem today

– Malware as a Service

• Bleak future awaiting us – Mobile botnets on the rise

– Internet of Things botnets

Page 11: What is botnet?

IoT Botnet

Internet of Things botnets

In December 2013 a researcher at Proofpoint noticed that hundreds of thousands of malicious emails logged through a security gateway had originated from botnet that included not only computers, but also other devices – including SmartTV, a refrigerator and other household appliances.

IoT worm used to mine cryptocurrency – worm Linux.Darlloz


Infecting DVRs with Bitcoin-mining malware even easier than you suspected


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Page 13: What is botnet?


• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botnet

• http://www.welivesecurity.com/2011/06/27/tdl-tracking-peer-pressure/

• http://www.abuse.ch/?p=3499

• http://www.securelist.com/en/analysis/204792227/The_anatomy_of_Flashfake_Part_1

• http://www.networkworld.com/news/2009/072209-botnets.html

• Fortinet – White Paper: „Anatomy of a Botnet“

• Fortinet – 2013 Cybercrime Report

• Gunter Ollmann, VP of Research, Damballa Inc. – Botnet Communication Topologies