what have you learned from your target audience


Upload: shanejackson123

Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: what have you learned from your target audience


Page 2: what have you learned from your target audience


During the focus group we played our music video for our class and let them watch it and we record what they said after watching It a couple times. They said that the narrative shots were very good and helped develop the story of the video very well. Everyone in the small group liked the night shots as they it was very effective and the lighting from the car headlights worked well and add to the atmosphere of the music video. They also thought that he cut well on the beat and the fast cutting on chorus as the song speeded up was effective and worked well. Over all the feedback from the group was helpful and great to receive as it helped us develop our music video and our editing because we now knew what we need to make it work for our target audience.

Page 3: what have you learned from your target audience

Female Aged 16This female fully understood the narrative of our music video and their favourite shot was when Chris and Courtney were in the tunnel because of the lighting we used to highlight them. They preferred the performance shots because they looked like an actual band and made the shots look more convincing, they also thought that the band and the actors played their parts very well. They also preferred the cuts compared to the dissolves that we used.

Page 4: what have you learned from your target audience

Female Aged 16This female found the narrative very easy to follow and to understand which is what we aimed for and there is nothing that they don’t understand. They preferred the performance shots this was because they could see the emotions in the actors eyes and because of this they said they played their parts brilliantly. Their favourite shot in the music video was the barn shot but they said it looked like a run down brick room. This person also preferred the cut shots compared to the dissolves.

Page 5: what have you learned from your target audience

Female Aged 16This female understood the narrative clearly and didn’t have any questions about it. They preferred the narrative shots to the performance ones because they were interesting to watch but they said their favourite was when they were singing in the garden and it focused in on the lead singers face because he was a very convincing singer which is good because that was him singing and if he wasn’t convincing it wouldn’t have worked. They also said the rest of the band was conniving and the actors used in the narrative parts of the song. This person thought that the cuts were better then the dissolves that we used .

Page 6: what have you learned from your target audience

This female didn’t understand the narrative as they thought they didn’t understand the plot of the video which is different to other people. A lot more people understood the narrative compared to those who didn’t. Like the other person they preferred the shots in the garden with the band as they thought it was unique to any other shots used. They also preferred the performance shots to the narrative because the band was likely and funny and they thought it was entertaining and they played their roles well.

Female Aged 17

Page 7: what have you learned from your target audience

Male Aged 16This male didn’t fully understand the narrative as they didn’t understand the story or what was going on. Like most people this person also preferred the performance shots because they were dramatic and showed there emotions very well and along with the actors (Chris and Courtney) and this is why said they played there parts very well. There favourite shot was the tunnel shots as they thought it was dramatic, effective and an interesting shot to look at as a viewers point of view. They also preferred the cuts over dissolves.

Page 8: what have you learned from your target audience

Male Aged 16This male clearly understood the narrative mainly because of the lyrics fitting the video well which made the narrative clearly understandable. There favourite shot was the performance ones also the roadside I would presume this was because they are unique to many shots in this video and compared to others shots in music videos. This person unlike the others preferred the narrative shots to the performance ones as they thought they were too dark which we tried to fix using the flitters to make it lighter and colour corrections. This person thought that the music was too loud over the singing which we couldn’t doing anything about this is the only person to say this. Just like most people he preferred the cuts to the dissolves.

Page 9: what have you learned from your target audience

Male Aged 16This male along most people clearly understood the narrative of the music video thanks to the lyrics and video matching well. This person preferred the shots as it build up the star image of the band and there lives and I think during this shots the star image was build up to make them look like real stars. There favourite shots was of them in the abandon building as it fit the video well and built up the story line. He also thought that the actors and the band played their roles very well and there emotions were clear and this helped develop the star image and the music video itself. Just like everyone else he also preferred the cuts compared to the dissolves.

Page 10: what have you learned from your target audience


For the focus group we a group of people of which this music video would appeal to and we got them to watch our music video and we asked them questions about the narrative and shots that they preferred. As they answered them we recorded their response and we uploaded them to sound cloud. This focus group was very helpful because we as able to find out if our audience understood our music video before we had finished it and if the shots we used were effective and if they were we could use a shot like that again further into the video,

Page 11: what have you learned from your target audience


For my target audience profile i created a slidey with a collection of images that relate to y target audience. Such as images of relationships and friends which are two of the big things for our TA. I also images like YouTube and food. I also picked out certain words that relate to my TA and words that my TA might have experienced or are under pressure about like exams and studying. This gives me a better idea of what the stereotypical person likes.