what everyfat girl wants july issue vol1

Full figure fashion for the fabulous Fashionista in you Chef Will gives us some scrumptious fare to tantalize our taste buds. Check out our reviews on the summer blockbusters Meet our Cover Girl Roxxanne Hooten Vacation or Staycation =Relaxation Getaways on a budget Love Life Issues? Confused? Perplexed? Ask Dr. Jan Self Esteem Get you Some!!! Mending Broken Pieces What Men Wish Women Knew About Men!! July Issue Vol.1 Cover Girl Search

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This magazine is dedicated to increasing self esteem and self worth among plus size women across the world. Beauty comes in a diversity of sizes , colors and shapes. Embrace the beauty that is you.


Page 1: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1

Full figure

fashion for

the fabulous


in you

Chef Will

gives us



fare to

tantalize our

taste buds.

Check out

our reviews

on the



Meet our Cover Girl

Roxxanne Hooten

Meet Our Cover Girl

Roxxanne Hooten

Vacation or Staycation


Getaways on a budget

Love Life Issues?

Confused? Perplexed?

Ask Dr. Jan

Self Esteem

Get you


Mending Broken Pieces








July Issue Vol.1

Cover Girl Search

Page 2: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


3 Word from Publishing Desk

4 Meet our Cover Girl-

Roxxanne Hooten

5 Vacations or Staycations


6 Shoptalk– Let‟s talk

Hair Care

7 Ask Dr. Jan

8 Full Figured Fashionista

9 Tantalize your Taste buds

10 Self Esteem

Go Get You Some!!

11 Movie Mania

12 What Men Want

Women to Know

13 Mending Broken Pieces


[email protected]

[email protected]

Roxanne Harris Enterprises

Page 3: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1



Thank you for taking the time to read our 1st issue

of What Every Fat Girl Wants the Magazine. We are

so excited to share with you and welcome you as a

part of our growing family. This has been an exciting

year for us here at Roxanne Harris Enterprises. We

have launched a new company, a jewelry line,

published a new book and now the magazine. Whew!

We have so much more in store for you in the

upcoming seasons- an exercise DVD for you,

featuring women that look like you. Plus size women

are taking their rightful place in front of the camera

and in the spotlight. Beauty comes in a variety of

shapes colors and sizes. Embrace the beauty that is


We welcome your comments and suggestions. This magazine is for You and about what

concerns you. If you would like to be our next cover girl send your photo and contact

info to [email protected] Let us know. Look for us on Face book and Twitter.

Once again we are excited to bring you this magazine every month. Subscribe so you

automatically receive your copy. Also we are holding a subscription raffle. Your

subscription enters your name in the monthly drawing to win a $15 Gift card. Thanks

again and be blessed.

Page 4: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Meet Our Cover Girl Roxxanne Hooten

Austin Texas

Roxxanne Hooten Born August 14, 1993 in Grand Forks, ND

She has lived in Austin, TX since December of 1995 She has been dancing since the age of five. She is an accomplished artist, model, choreographer, and dancer. She was the first runner up in the Austin, TX Ms. Juneteeth pageant in

2008. She was the head dancer for the 2010 Austin All Star Band Drill Team She graduated from Austin's Lyndon Baines Johnson High. She has been accepted and will attend Prairie View A&M, Prairie View,

and TX this fall double majoring in Kinesiology and Child Psychology. She would like to either work as an Athletic Trainer for a professional football team or for the FBI as a Forensic Child Psychologist.

Page 5: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Staycation or Vacations


Stayacations - Texas

South Padre Island

Named one of

America's best

beaches by the

Travel Channel,

South Padre

Island is a

small resort

town in


Texas. Separated from the mainland by

Laguna Madre, the island typically features

milder temperatures than the rest of the

state throughout much of the year.

Travelers on a budget will appreciate its

plethora of inexpensive accommodation

options, from campgrounds with RV

hookups to family motels and cottages,

many of which are right on the shore.

Collect brightly colored shells floating in

from the Caribbean. Anglers can fish for

trout, flounder, skipjack and more from

piers and jetties. When you've tired of the

beach, walk along the Laguna Madre

Nature Trail to catch a glimpse of exotic

birds and even alligators.

San Antonio

Surprise! There is no charge for

admission to San Antonio's most

famed site, the Alamo. Learn about

Texan history inside the three 18th-

and 19th-century buildings and be

sure to stroll around the surrounding

gardens. A short jaunt away from the

Alamo is San Antonio's famed

Riverwalk. You may think you're in

Italy as you saunter underneath

arched bridges or indulge in a glass of

wine at one of the many cafes and

restaurants lining the river. Consider

taking a narrated boat cruise; as of

2011, the cost is only $8.25 per adult.

Check out the nearby La Villita area,

the oldest neighborhood in San

Antonio, which is now filled with art

shops and galleries. Lastly visit at

least one of the four missions that

comprise the San Antonio National

Historic Park: Nuestra Senora de la

Purisima, San Francisco de la Espada,

San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo or

San Juan



outside of


Bermuda -

Fabulous after 400 years!

It's incredible that the gleaming island of

Bermuda is celebrating its 400th

anniversary 2 years ago. This beautiful

island was first settled in 1609 by the

survivors of a shipwrecked English

vessel, The Sea Venture. Bermuda was

the very first English colony and is the

second oldest parliamentary democracy

in the world. All I can say is „the years

have been kind to Bermuda‟ – she is as

sparkling and dazzling as ever. In case

you haven't considered the pleasures of

Bermuda in some time, here's a

refresher about the charms that have

captivated visitors for hundreds of years.

This glorious landscape is 21 miles

including quaint harbors and pink sand

beaches. Shopping and dining is top

priority with currency on par with the US


~Finding A Way 2 Your Purpose~

Rona Walton,

Travel Designer

Destynee Travel 512-524-3874/o

512-524-3875/f www.destynee.com

Page 6: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Shop Talk

With Kendra Summer Hair Care While the summer months can bring vacationing, family time and water fun, it‟s also known to bring damaged, dry, over-processed hair. So what‟s a girl to do?? Well, Kendra Timmons of Blessings Beauty Center is here is here so have no fear! I‟m going to offer you some hair care tips to help your tresses during

the heated summer season. Listen in… 1. CoverUp

When out in the sun for an extended

amount of time; protect your hair with a

cap, hat or scarf from the sun‟s UV rays

that can really affect your hair and color.

Try dark sunglasses paired with a bright,

patterned scarf, or opt for a classic

wide-brimmed sun hat. Fashionable!!!

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!!!

The heat during summer months is

definitely enough to strip our hair of its

natural oils. To keep hair at its best,

limit your use of heated styling tools

such as curling irons, flat irons, blow

dryers and hot rollers. Avoid products

that contain alcohol and formaldehydes

which can strip your hair of natural

moisture. Seek out leave-in conditioners

and leave-in moisturizers. When

shampooing, choose a good moisturizing

shampoo or sulfate free shampoo and

always follow up with a moisturizing

conditioner. Deep condition and hot oil

weekly with natural ingredients such as

jojoba oil, olive oil or castor oil if your

hair calls for it.

3. Give Your Hair A Summer’s Rest

Summer is a great time to take a

break from elaborate hairstyles that

lose shape due to humidity and

sweat. Opt for care-free and heat-

free styles such as ponytails, twists,

twist-outs, bantu knots and braid-

outs. Some, once dry and loosened

will leave your hair with some really

cute waves. You can also wear

protective styling such as braids,

cornrows or extensions to give hair a


4. Protect Your Hair While Swimming

Chlorine and salt water can wreak

havoc on our hair and lead to dryness,

breakage and split ends. Taking special

care while swimming is essential so you

won‟t have to spend much of the fall

season trying to “clean up” what

swimming “messed up”. Before diving

in, take precautions and wet hair and

follow with a leave-in conditioner

(preferably with sunscreen) to prevent

hair from absorbing salt or chlorine. It

would be wise to invest in a swim cap

for extra protection. After your dip,

follow up with a clarifying shampoo,

moisturizing shampoo and moisturizing


5. Nourish Your Tresses From The

Inside Out

Most of all, drink plenty of water and

pay close attention to your diet as your

hair needs hydration and essential

vitamins and minerals to help it stay

healthy, strong, shiny and vibrant.

There you have it ladies!! Take it all in

and PROTECT now, so u won‟t have to

CORRECT later. Until next issue,

Be Blessed!

Kendra Timmons is a Master Stylist, salon owner, educator, and

publisher who is on the cutting edge in the latest hair industry trends

and styles. She is very passionate about educating women and girls

on the importance of healthy hair care. Currently, Kendra is a

notable hair care expert for the Miami, FL based Hype Global Media

for a diversity of media and marketing focused radio infomercials

and special guest features on select international radio programs.

Kendra can also be seen as a featured stylist on the reality WE TV

(Women's Entertainment TV) cable series, "Bridezilla". Her portfolio

also includes owner and stylist of Blessings Beauty Center in

Arlington, TX ( www.BlessingsHairAndBeauty.com ), "Shop Talk with

Kendra" a blog radio show, and Next Level Salon Strategies, a

consultancy dedicated to helping beauty professionals take their

business to the next level. Kendra can be contacted online at


Kendra Timmons

[email protected]

Attn: Shop Talk

Page 7: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Q)1 Dear Dr. Jan,

I recently went back to work after taking a two

month medical leave for stress related anxiety.

Now that I'm back at work, I noticed that my

colleages treat me differently. Everyone walks

around on egg shells and I'm not asked to take

on the same amount of work or responsibility as

others. Moreover, I know that my supervisor has

lost confidence in me that I can do my job

efficiently. How can I let everyone know that I'm

no longer ill and ready to work?

Back in the Saddle

A1) Dear Back in the Saddle,

It's unfortunate that your supervisor and co-

workers do not value your decision to take time

off when you know you needed it. However, I

would guess that their main concern now is your

health and well being. Help them by explaining to

them that your time off gave you time to destress,

rest and renew your mind and now your even

more so ready to take on the responsibility of your

job. Continue to work as unto God and not man.

In time, they will see that you are more that able

to handle the work. God bless you.


I have been dating my boyfriend for the past 10

years. Each time I try to bring up the subject of

marriage he says, "We’ll get married when the

time is right". I'm not getting any younger, and I

would like to have children some day. Should I

move on or wait until the man I love is ready to

totally commit to me? - Tic Toc

A. 2) Dear Tic Toc,

You did not say whether or not you and your

boyfriend live together or not. If so, you all are

doing everything married people do without the

benefit and blessing of a legal marriage. Your

boyfriend has everything he wants from the

relationship without any of the responsibility of


You've heard the saying that "men will do as

much as you let them get away with"? Well, as

long as you allow him to keep putting you off, he

will. Let him know that you love him and that you

will no longer compromise having a legal and

blessed marriage in the sight of God. If he's not

willing to give you that then you will have to

make the decision to stay or leave him and find

someone who will fulfill your dream of marriage

and children. But, before you talk to him, pray

and seek God's will and understanding for your


Q. 3) Dear Dr. Jan,

I am what you call a people pleaser. I have a hard

Time saying no to anyone; family, friends or even

strangers. At times my inability to say no has

caused me to have to go without some essentials.

How can I turn people down without worrying so

much about what others will think? I don't know

why other's opinions of me matter so much.

- Can't Say No

A. 3) Dear Can't Say No,

All of us want to please someone sometimes.

However, it can become a problem if you try to

please all of the people all of the time. If you

define yourself by what someone else think you

will always come up short. Having a strong sense

of who you are in Christ is the foundation to

personal power and strength. Assert

yourself; knowing that you have the right to say

no without the guilt and worry of what other's

might think. If you don't already, begin to read

his word so that you will know what he says about

your character, person and spirit. Remember that

it's not what man thinks of you, but what God

thinks of you. You are fearfully and wonderfully


Dr. Jan

Ft Worth Texas

[email protected]

Attn: Dr. Jan

Page 8: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Ladies, it's S-U-M-M-E-R. Hot, sultry, and in

some places down right scorching. And we

all know what that means. More skin

showing from head to toe.

We all want to get our 'sexy on' but

remember we have a little more than the

skinny women. So, I'd like to give a little

advice about the prerequisites to this

shedding process.

Let‟s start with the proper care of the girls

during this season. You know the buxom

area. If you want to go strapless, wear

halters, or spaghetti straps, then you'll need

a good strapless bra. There is nothing worse


seeing a full figured, fat

girl, wearing a tub dress

with little support or no

support. Not cute. Not

cute at all.

Sexy does not mean

letting the girls hang out

or hang down.

If you are over a barely B which we are, if

for no other reason than our back fat, and

you can't walk into Wal-Mart or Target and

buy off the rack, then you are going to have

to spend a little do ray me. cheddar, dinero.

Ladies, the girls are worth the extra money.

They need to be pampered and supported.

This means making sure that your bra

covers all areas, back front and side,

without pinching. There is a difference

between pushing up and too small. As my

mother once told me, you don't want to

look like you have a third boob. And you

don't want the bra too loose. Your bra

should fit as smoothly as your undaroos,

panties for those under the age of 40.

If you don't know how to get the perfect fit

then go to a store like Catherine's. Have

your breast measured to get the correct

size. Try on a few to find your perfect fit

and style and purchase the best

one for you! And ladies we don't

have to go for the granny white

anymore. Buy some color!

And if you really cannot afford

the store price, write down the

brand, style and size, then go

home, find the bra for less on

line and ordered it.

Some online suggestions: Hipsandcurves for

the sexy siren in you; Women Within for

those still learning there sexy side.

You will be amazed at how well your fashion

fits when the breast are properly arranged.

And how much better your back will feel

with the correct fit and support.

Enjoy you for you!!

Olivia Williams

Austin Texas

[email protected]

Attn: Fashionista

Page 9: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Tantalize Your Tastebuds W/Chef Fleming Grilled Chicken Breast with Red Pepper Butter

yield:4 servings method: Grilling

Chicken Breast Boneless Skinless 2

Salt and Pepper TT

Garlic Chopped 1tsp

vegetable Oil 1tbsp

Red pepper Butter 2oz

Red Pepper Butter

Puree 8 oz of peeled roasted red peppers until liquid then add to butter

Cut the Breast in two or butterfly them

season the breast with the salt,pepper,garlic coat the breast on all sides

with the vegetable oil

Heat and prepare the grill

Grill the breast until done turn them during cooking to get the cross hatch


Remove from the grill and place on a plate for service place a 1/2 oz

of red pepper butter on top of each breast put in warm place so butter can melt

This is a great recipe for the summer season.

Calories per serving 240 total fat 14gms saturated fat 6g cholesterol 95mg

total carbohydrates 1gm protein 28gm vitamin A 10% vitamin C 15%

Cooking questions? Ask Chef Fleming!

Chef Fleming

Euless Texas [email protected] Attn: Chef Flemming

Page 10: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Self Esteem, Get You Some!!

Self Esteem is how you view or feel about

yourself. You can no longer allow others to dictate

to you what is and what is not beautiful. We are

all beautiful. We as women come in so many sizes

shapes and hues. Beauty is found in variety of


When you look in the mirror learn how to affirm

your own gorgeous face. I look beautiful, I am

fantastic. I will have a purposeful and prosperous


Speak to yourself and learn how to boost your

own ego and self esteem. If you don‟t speak life in

to you –who will?

Many times we wait for those closest to us to

encourage us and keep us lifted up. Don‟t look to

others to be your rocket launcher. Launch your

own rocket and watch it soar.

Self esteem is essential in order that you for you

to be victorious in this life. You will be defeated

and devoid of personality unless you go after and

develop some real self esteem.

Know your own value and your own worth. Don‟t

base it on what a man or a woman says. What

does the Word of God say about you.

God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

God says that you are more precious than Rubies.

Measure yourself against something that does not,

will not or cannot change.

Do you honestly believe that God would take care

and concern to fashion you in His likeness and not

make you the most fascinating creation. He has a

lot of other things He could do if he wanted to

make junk.

You are an essential element to life her on earth.

You are unique. No duplications anywhere.

Nobody can do it like you.

Now there is a necessary balance between self

esteem and vanity. You are not the only one that

is wonderful, fantastic and beautiful. God made a

variety of beauties to look at. Each one is special

in her own way for, her own purpose.

Let‟s not go too far. A healthy dose is all you


Mirror on the wall. Help me to be the best me of

them all.

Roxanne Harris

Hurst Texas

[email protected]

Attn: Editor

Page 11: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


On today‟s list is the Green

Lantern an extraordinarily

wonderful movie. This

movie was full of character,

intrigue, and well planned graphics. I was

captivated as well as entertained because of

the simplicity yet complex plot and setting of

the movie. Ryan Reynolds was hilarious and

he expressed the true nature of a father‟s

legacy. He is a very talented actor and I look

forward to seeing him in new movies to come.

Next up is Jumping the Broom what can I say

about such a traditional setting in the South

with superstar characters Angela Bassett is

good in anything as any character, and she did

not fail us in this movie, she always captivates the

audience and draws you in as though you are part

of the movie. An up and coming actress Paula

Patton is making her way to the top with her

charm and whit as the girl next door. Laz Alonso

an extremely attractive actor has stolen my heart

and motivated me to keep

believing in our African American men. T. D.

Jakes bring this film close to home with his

warm and inviting presence. Who can forget

Loretta Devine she always takes the audience

to a whole new level with her remarkable

acting abilities. This movie was funny and

heart warming it taught me to hold on to

traditions while incorporating something new.

Last but definitely not

least Mr. Popper‟s

Penguins I am such a

huge Jim Carrey Fan

from Ace Ventura to his

latest I am always in for

a treat when he is being

filmed, he says what

you are thinking but

won‟t say and he allows

himself to become

different people to get

the job done. I strive to

entertain people around me the way he does.

He was his original elf in this film funny,

charming, witty, and charismatic. This movie

was enlightening, powerful, and taught us the

power of family and forgiveness something we

should all put at the forefront of our

minds. Overall I loved this film.

I give all three of these movies a 5

Diamond rating. ♦♦♦♦♦

CJ Mansfield Texas [email protected] Attn:movie mania

Page 12: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


What Men Wish Women Knew

About Men


Ladies as we begin a journey down “what men

wished women knew about men Avenue”. We

begin our journey with Intimacy- say it slow

for us fellas in –ti- mi-cy-(in to me) .Ladies as

men grew from teens to men most of us

sought to add notches on our love belt. We

never were taught what intimacy was,

remember men are very visual and sometime

we lead with the wrong head. Most men do not

hug or kiss in public, why is that? The answer I

just don‟t do it is unacceptable , but as soon as

we get home we are ready to go at it-men do

not understand how intimacy should play a

part in the bedroom and how it heightens the

actions that occurs there. Intimacy and

intimate are not the same thing-look them up

with your man, it‟s time to train our sons and

daughters in this area.


Let‟s take a quiz readers, please take this with

your special one.

1. My man knows the difference between

intimacy and intimate.

Yes or No

2. I know the real reason my man does

not hug or kiss in public.

Yes or No

3. My man and I can sit in the same room

in different areas and still have


Yes or No

4. I understand small talk from my man

and how it helps my man relate better to


Yes or No

This test is best done when two parties

take the test together and share there


Next month –comments on Intimacy from


Rev. Steve Harris

Chosen Generation Fellowship

Hurst Texas

[email protected]

Attn: What men wish

Page 13: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


Mending Broken Pieces

Setbacks are set up for come back.

We as a people sometimes believe that

setbacks often come from bad choices we

make in our lives. But the truth is setbacks

Are for growth. We buy shoes that fit to tight

so we have to go back and get a bigger size,

through that experience we should learn not

to go through something but grow through

something‟s. Set ups are temporary test to

see how you will react under pressure you

can always tell the strength of the test from

the weight it bears, how much can you take

and not break? Philippians 4:11 the apostle

Paul tells the church about temporary set ups

he says” Not that I speak in respect of want,

for I have learned in whatsoever state I am,

there with to be content.

The word state is just a temporary

conditions but never let your condition

determine who you are always be content in

the test and trails you face each day.

Comebacks are the manifested results of

everything you‟ve been through, nobody

could go through what you went through the

way you went through and came out the way

you did. But you!!! Yes comebacks are a

refreshing victory through our lord and savior

Jesus Christ. So the next time it seems like

You‟re taking a step backward remembers

you‟re really gone forward. When everything

has come to a standstill and it seems like

nothing is going your way remember it‟s only

a test. Lessons are to be learned if you don‟t

learn, you‟ll continue to repeat the class.

Always know that you‟re in a win situation

when you have Jesus.



Prophet David Brooks Ft Worth Texas Chosen Generation Fellowship Broken Pieces Outreach Ministries [email protected] Attn: Broken Pieces


Page 14: What EveryFat Girl Wants July Issue Vol1


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July 30, 2011 Ft. Worth Texas

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