what can we do to solve the flooding and soil erosion problems at our community garden

 Shgt bgn wo mj tj sj`vo tho d`jjmanc gnm sja` orjsajn prje`ols gt jur Bjllunat Cgrmon: 

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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Page 1: What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Shgt bgn wo mj tj sj`votho d`jjmanc gnm sja`

orjsajn prje`ols gt jurBjllunat Cgrmon:

Page 2: What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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]j gnswor thas quostajn wo noom tj stopegbk an talo gnm `jjk gt whon tho cgrmon

wgs darst eua`t…

Page 3: What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Shon tho ejxos woro eua`t, sjlo spgbos woro `odt an-eotwoon sjloeglejj stgkos.

Ranbo thon g `jt jd tho eglejj hgs ljvom gpgrt muo tj tho hogvy wanm gnmrgan. Gs g rosu`t, `jts jd sja` hgs eoon wgshom gwgy thrjuch tho cgpseotwoon tho stgkos.

Rj, whgt hgs bgusom thoso prje`ols:

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Rjlo jd tho p`gnts hgvo maom muo tj andostgtajn…

… gs wo`` gs tho oddobt jd tjj lubh hogvy rgan. ]horo hgvo njt eoon lgny

p`gnts crjwanc an jur @uzjn ejx djr tho pgst twj ljnths. So hgvojesorvom thgt thoro hgs sanbo eoon gn anbrogso jd d`jjmanc an thas ejx.

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Gdtor `jts jd masbussajns, wo hgvo mobamom jn tho dj``jwanc `gyjut djr Vhgso ]wj!Vhgso ]wj

]ho e`uo ejxos gro tho jracang` ejxos.Eglejj

Lanmgngj Vg`gwgn @uzjn Ejhj`

Shgt bgn wo mj tj sj`vo thoprje`ols:

Page 7: What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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]has as g `ast jd whgt nooms tj eo mjno tj alprjvo tho prjmubtavaty jd ogbh ejx.]j romubo orjsajn, wo wa`` eo ro-g`acnanc tho eglejj stgkos sj thgt thoro gronj spgbos eotwoon thol. ]has logns thgt g`` stgkos wa`` hgvo tj ljvom b`jsortjcothor.

Rtop Jno9


7. Uoljvo crgss eotwoon ejx gnm pgvolont.5. Uog`acn g`` tho eglejj stgkos sj thgt thoy gro b`jso

tjcothor. Lgko suro thoro gro nj spgbos an eotwoon.2. Oxtonm tho ejx usanc now eglejj.


_so waro tj ijan tho stgkos tjcothor.

Shgt mj wo hgvo tj mj tj bhgnco tjtho now `gyjut:

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Rtop ]wj9


7. Uog`acn g`` tho eglejj stgkos sj thgt thoy gro b`jso tjcothor. Lgko surothoro gro nj spgbos an eotwoon.

5. Dj``jw tho logsurolonts jn tho njtabo ejgrm gnm roljvo tho eglejj

drjl tho e`uo grog gnm ljvo at tj tho jrgnco grog.2. _so waro tj ijan tho stgkos tjcothor.

Rtop ]hroo9

7. Dj``jw tho logsurolonts jn tho magcrgl gnm uso stranc gnm eglejjstabks tj lgrk tho poralotor an tho grog thgt jur now eom wa`` eo eua`t.

5. Uoljvo tho crgss drjl tho grog wath tho rjjts sj at bgn eo trgnsp`gntom.2. Mac up tho crjunm.

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Rtop Djur9


]has wa`` eo mjno gt jur gdtor sbhjj` gbtavaty jn Somnosmgy, Moboleor 8 th jr jnRgturmgy Moboleor 77 th .

7. Dj``jw tho logsurolonts jn tho magcrgl gnm ljvo tho ontaro ejx tj thoomco jd tho pgvolont.

5. Ljvo tho tro``as tj now `jbgtajn.2. Uog`acn g`` tho eglejj stgkos sj thgt thoy gro b`jso tjcothor. Lgko suro

thoro gro nj spgbos an eotwoon. _so waro tj ijan tho stgkos tjcothor.=. Dj``jw tho logsurolonts jn tho njtabo ejgrm gnm roljvo tho eglejj

drjl tho e`uo grog gnm ljvo at tj tho jrgnco grog.

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Rtop Davo


Gdtor gmiustanc tho eglejj gnm ro-grrgncanc tho ejxos antj tho dj``jwanc`gyjut, wo wa`` eocan tj eua`m tho now rgasom eom jn Rgturmgy, Moboleor 77 th gt jur Bjllunaty Cgrmon Eua`m.

7. Dj``jw tho logsurolonts gnm lgrk tho poralotor.5. Uoljvo tho crgss.2. Mac up tho crjunm=. Eua`m tho donbo?. Da`` tho rgasom eoms wath sja`

Lanmgngj Vg`gwgn @uzjn Ejhj`

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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8/8/2019 What Can We Do to Solve the Flooding and Soil Erosion Problems at Our Community Garden

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Ey bgranc gnm bj``gejrgtanc tj sj`vo prje`ols an jur vory jwnBjllunaty Cgrmon, wo gro eoanc c`jeg` batazons whj masp`gyjur sbhjj`-wamo cjg`s, anvj`vanc jur bjllunaty an sustgange`osj`utajns gnm pjsatavo gbtajn thgt sgdocugrm jur onvarjnlont

So hgvo tho pjwor tj Bhgnco JurSjr`m!


Bgn wo sj`vo thod`jjmanc gnm sja` orjsajnprje`ols gt jurBjllunaty Cgrmon: