what can i see

What Can I See? Artifact By Alexa, Shelby, Ashley, and Kameron

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What can i see Artifact


Page 1: What can i see

What Can I See?Artifact By Alexa, Shelby, Ashley, and Kameron

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Connective Tissue:

Loose Ordinary Fibrous: The tissue is loose because it’s stretchable and ordinary because it’s one of the most widely distributed of all tissues. Unlike the other types of connective tissue, it’s ordinary. The bundles of collagen are a pinkish color and the elastin fibers and cell nuclei are a purplish color. Areolar tissue is also another name for loose ordinary connective tissue and contains several fibers known as fibroblasts and macrophages. (2 pg. 135-136)

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Connective Tissue:

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Contains predominantly fat cells and fewer fibroblasts, mast cells, and microphages. Tissues form support around the kidneys and functions as a storage place for food and insulates material to conserve body heat. (2. pg. 136)

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Slim, branching fibers with reticular cells that overly to compose the reticular meshwork. Tissues form the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. These tissues also function as part of the body’s defensive mechanism from harmful substances and microorganisms. (2, pg. 136)

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Dense Regular Fibrous:

Consists of fibers packed densely in the matrix. The bundles of fibers are arranged in regular, parallel rows. Has predominantly bundles of collagenous fibers and is flexible but can have great strength. This tissue structures in the muscle to bones, such as tendons and ligaments (2pg.


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Dense Regular Fibrous:

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Dense irregular Fibrous:

Bundles of fibers are intertwined to form a thick mat of strong connective tissue that can tolerate stresses applied from any direction. They form the strong inner skin layer known as dermis and the outer capsule of organs such as the kidney and the spleen. (2,pg. 136-137)

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Dense irregular Fibrous:

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Also called the osseous tissue, is made up of mature cells of the bone called osteocytes and re embedded in a unique matrix of material which contains organic collagen and miner salts. Osteocytes also trap and stop making new bone matrix The bone salt, known as the inorganic material, makes up for about 65% of the total matrix material and is responsible for the hardness of the bone. They are the organs of the skeletal system which supports and protects the muscles. (2, pg. 139-140)

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Stratified Cuboidal Tissue Type of epithelial tissue, which means it has

uninterrupted layers of cells, cells are attached to each other, is polarized, and it is separated from other tissues by a basal membrane (11).

“Stratified” meaning there is more than one layer of cells (11).

“Cuboidal” meaning the cell is square shaped and not flattened. It also has a round, centrally placed nucleus (11).

This type of tissue is usually glandular tissue (11)

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Stratified Cuboidal Tissue

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Glandular Tissue

Usually made up of serous or mucous membranes (12).

Secrete enzymes, hormones, or mucous (12).

Organized into acinus, tubule and cord (12).

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Glandular Tissue

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Hyaline Cartilage

Makes up embryotic skeleton (13) Occurs in adults in the ends of bones

in free-moving joints as articular cartilage, at the ends of the ribs, and in the nose, larynx, trachea, and bronchi (13)

Glossy blue- white in appearance (13)

Resilient (13)

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Hyaline Cartilage

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Very strong (13). Found in invertebral disks and at

insertions of ligaments and tendons (13).

Similar to fibrous tissues (13). Large proportion of dense collagen

bundles oriented parallel (13).

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Elastic Cartilage

Found in the ear and epiglottis (14). Primary fibers of elastic and type II

collagen (14). Young tissue richer in cells than adult

tissue (14).

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Elastic Cartilage

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Considered connective tissue because it has the same origin as other connective tissues and connects body by delivering oxygen, nutrients and taking away wates, CO2 and toxins (2).

Made up of leukocytes (white blood cells) and erythrocytes (red blood cells) (2).

Hemopoiesis – constant reproduction of red blood cells

Study histology in blood smears (2).  

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Simple Squamous

· Simple squamous epithelium consists of only one later of flat, scalelike cells

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Stratified Squamous

· Stratified squamous epithelium consists of multiple layers of cells with flattened squamous cells at the outer surface of the epithelial sheet

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· Stratified transitional epithelium is a stratified tissue typically found in body areas such as the walls of the urinary bladder. The ability of transitional epithelium to stretch protects the bladder wall and other structures that it lines from tearing when stretched with great force

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Simple Columnar

· Simple columnar epithelium consists of a single layer of cells, many of which are modified with goblet cells, cilia, and microvilli. Simple columnar epithelium makes up the surface of the mucous membrane that lines the stomach, intestine, uterus, uterine tubes, and parts of the respiratory tract.

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Stratified Columnar

· Stratified columnar epithelium has multiple layers of cells, however only the most superficial layers are truly columnar in appearance. This form of tissue is found in very few places of the human body, such as the male urethra.

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· Although pseudostratified columnar epithelium appears to be stratified, only a single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells touches the basement membrane.

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Simple Cuboidal

· Simple cuboidal epithelium is composed of one layer of cuboidal cells resting on a basement membrane. This type of epithelium is found in many types of glands and their ducts, as well as inside the ducts and tubules of the kidneys.

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Nerveouse Tissue:

Organs include the brain, the spinal chord and the nerves

Consists of two kinds of cells: nerve cells and neurons (2) (pg145)

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Smooth Muscle Tissue:

Also called visceral muscle tissue Found in the walls of the viscera (2)


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Skeletal Muscle Tissue:

Composes muscles attached to bones

May have a length of more than 3.75cm but have a diameter of only 10 which gives them their threadlike appearance (2) (pgs143-144)

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Cardiac Muscle Tissue:

Makes up the wall of the heart Also called striated voluntary

muscles (2) (pg145)