what are binaural beats? - sync mind€¦ · gamma rhythms modulate perception and consciousness,...

WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS? How to use and Benefits. Binaural Beats Tools Mind Sync

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  • WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.

    Binaural Beats Tools


  • Binaural Beats Tools

    MindSync www.syncmindglobal.com 2

    WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.


    Binaural beat recordings are specially generated sounds, designed to alter our brainwaves and consciousness. The basic idea behind binaural beats is that our brains operate at certain bandwidths, which are measured in frequencies. Our brainwaves change depending on how we are feeling, and what we are doing. Using binaural beats we can emulate natural brainwave frequencies and then slowly change them to another brainwave frequency. This is based off the theory of entrainment.

    When the perceived beat frequency corresponds to the delta, theta, alpha, beta, or gamma range of brainwave frequencies, the brainwaves entrain to or move towards the beat frequency. For example, if a 315 Hz sine wave is played into the right ear and a 325 Hz one into the left ear, the brain is entrained towards the beat frequency 10 Hz, in the alpha range. Since alpha range is associated with relaxation, this has a relaxing effect, or if in the beta range, more alertness.

    An experiment with binaural sound stimulation using beat frequencies in the beta range on some participants and the delta/theta range on other participants found better vigilance performance and mood in those on the awake alert state of beta- range stimulation.

    Binaural beat stimulation has been used fairly extensively in attempts to induce a variety of states of consciousness, and there has been some work done in regards to the effects of these stimuli on relaxation, focus, attention, and states of consciousness. Studies have shown that with repeated training to distinguish close frequency sounds that a plastic reorganization of the brain occurs for the trained frequencies and is capable of asymmetric hemispheric balancing.

  • Binaural Beats Tools

    MindSync www.syncmindglobal.com 3

    WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.

    Be sure to give yourself enough listening time! The brain requires about 7 minutes to entrain, or fall in sync, with the audio stimulus. Give yourself at least 15-30 minutes of listening time to experience the benefits.You can meditate with your eyes open, and focus on a candle or an object to help focus your mind; or, you can meditate with eyes closed, and focus solely on the music. Experiment with both to see what works best. Beginners usually find eyes-closed meditation to be easier because there are less distractions.

    You must use stereo headphones for binaural beats to work.

    Why? Because the ‘beats’ themselves are created in your brain. The word binaural means “having or relating to two ears.” It works like this: each ear receives a slightly different frequency at the same time, and the brain perceives the tone that is the difference of the two. If 210 Hz pulses into one ear and 200 into the other, the brain will process the two sounds into a 10 Hz frequency, which happens to be the same frequency produced by the brain during meditation.

    When you start listening to your track, focus your attention on the music so that you help your mind settle into a relaxed state. Omharmonics tracks are interesting so they hold your attention, and soothing to promote relaxation – a very pleasant, easy way to meditate! Be patient. Training and developing your brain takes time. Imagine if you were an athlete and you wanted to run a marathon but wanted to skip the training – good luck, right? While binaural beats put your brain into a meditative state, they do not have any special powers to create specific changes in your brain.

    So if you’re looking for a personal development quick fix, you won’t find it with binaural beats! All they do is open the door – you must enter and do the work yourself!

    HOW TO USE BINAURAL BEATSFind a comfortable place free of distractions. It’s important not to listen to binaural beats when you need to do something that requires your full attention like driving. Avoid any tasks that are mentally demanding because the meditative state is not conducive to quick, action-oriented critical thinking.Listen to binaural beats when you want to relax, clear your mind, get your creative juices flowing, engage your intuition to help solve problems and for personal development work such as repeating affirmations and doing visualization.

  • Binaural Beats Tools

    MindSync www.syncmindglobal.com 4

    WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.


    At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviours is the communication between neurons within our brains. Brainwaves are produced by synchronised electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other. Brainwaves are detected using sensors placed on the scalp. They are divided into bandwidths to describe their functions (below), but are best thought of as a continuous spectrum of consciousness; from slow, loud and functional - to fast, subtle, and complex.

    It is a handy analogy to think of brainwaves as musical notes - the low frequency waves are like a deeply penetrating drum beat, while the higher frequency brainwaves are more like a subtle high pitched flute. Like a symphony, the higher and lower frequencies link and cohere with each other through harmonics.

    Our brainwaves change according to what we’re doing and feeling. When slower brainwaves are dominant we can feel tired, slow, sluggish, or dreamy. The higher frequencies are dominant when we feel wired, or hyper-alert.

    The descriptions that follow are only broad descriptions - in practice things are far more complex, and brainwaves reflect different aspects when they occur in different locations in the brain.

  • Binaural Beats Tools

    MindSync www.syncmindglobal.com 5

    WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.

    ALPHA WAVES (8 TO 12 HZ)Alpha brainwaves occur during quietly flowing thoughts, but not quite meditation. Alpha brainwaves are dominant during quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. Alpha is ‘the power of now’, being here, in the present. Alpha is the resting state for the brain. Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning.BETA WAVES (12 TO 38 HZ)Beta brainwaves are present in our normal waking state of consciousness. Beta brainwaves dominate our normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards cognitive tasks and the outside world. Beta is a ‘fast’ activity, present when we are alert, attentive, engaged in problem solving, judgment, decision making, or focused mental activity. Beta brainwaves are further divided into three bands; Lo-Beta (Beta1, 12-15Hz) can be thought of as a 'fast idle', or musing. Beta (Beta2, 15-22Hz) is high engagement or actively figuring something out. Hi-Beta (Beta3, 22-38Hz) is highly complex thought, integrating new experiences, high anxiety, or excitement. Continual high frequency processing is not a very efficient way to run the brain, as it takes a tremendous amount of energy.GAMMA WAVES (38 TO 42 HZ)Gamma brainwaves are the fastest of brain waves and relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas Gamma brainwaves are the fastest of brain waves (high frequency, like a flute), and relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas. Gamma brainwaves pass information rapidly and quietly. The most subtle of the brainwave frequencies, the mind has to be quiet to access gamma. Gamma was dismissed as 'spare brain noise' until researchers discovered it was highly active when in states of universal love, altruism, and the ‘higher virtues’. Gamma is also above the frequency of neuronal firing, so how it is generated remains a mystery. It is speculated that gamma rhythms modulate perception and consciousness, and that a greater presence of gamma relates to expanded consciousness and spiritual emergence.

    Brainwave speed is measured in Hertz (cycles per second) and they are divided into bands delineating slow, moderate, and fast waves.


  • Binaural Beats Tools

    MindSync www.syncmindglobal.com 6

    WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.

    1. Increased RelaxationBinaural beats allow you to tap into relaxation at the touch of a button, which is great if you’re under a heavy schedule with minimal time to yourself. By listening to a theta recording you can go from highly-strung to ultra chilled in just a few minutes.

    2. Better SleepThe knock on effect of being able to relax on demand is better sleep. By listening to binaural beats on a daily basis the mind is entrained to learn to relax on demand. There are also specific recordings, such as our Perfect Sleep recording, designed to aid deep, restful sleep and prevent an overactive mind at bedtime.

    3. Deep MeditationOur brains are so used to running in high activity frequency zones that centering the mind for meditation is near on impossible. Binaural beats aid meditators in achieving low brainwave frequency while at the same time maintaining a high level of consciousness. No matter the type of meditation you are practicing, binaural beats will help you access the realm of higher awareness faster, and help you stay there for longer.

    4. MindfulnessEven when we do get time for ourselves it’s tough to remain undistracted, even if no one else is around. The mind is easily scattered, and is usually everywhere but in the moment we want it to be. Binaural beats enable you to truly access the present, to really be in the now and let go of attachment to the past and thoughts of the future.

    5. Increased PositivityStudies have shown that the calming effect binaural beats have on the brain boosts positivity in everyday life. Users consistently report feelings of increased optimism, contentment and happiness.

    BENEFITS OF BINAURAL BEATSAs life’s pressures increase, financially, personally and socially, our ability to relax is reduced, and as such we turn to various aids to help us achieve that mental calm humans require as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Sometimes we find sanctuary in Starbucks and a book, and other times more holistic activities such as massage therapy, yoga and music.

    Binaural beats are capable of cultivating relaxation even during times of high stress, and as such have been labelled the digital drug with remarkable relaxation and meditation powers. The beats are effective in freeing the mind and creating that realm of calm space we all need, daily.

    The popularity of binaural beat downloads has soared in the last few years as more scientific studies emerge documenting the benefits, and as the medical profession increasingly turns to using theta therapy to cure behavioural and cognitive disorders.

    Binaural beats can be listened to anywhere, anytime, but are most effective when listened to in an environment conducive to relaxation, such as lying on the sofa, or even performing yoga or tai chi.

    By simply putting on a pair of headphones and pressing play, you can drift off to a realm of peace, while at the same time manifesting the following benefits in your everyday life.

  • Binaural Beats Tools

    MindSync www.syncmindglobal.com 7

    WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.

    6. Increased ConcentrationWhile binaural beats technology is widely known for relaxing the brain, the recordings can also be used to increase focus and concentration. Binaural beats are capable of eliminating stress and pressure from the mind, thus making us more focused and attentive.

    7. Body HealingObviously binaural beats can’t directly heal illness, but science has long since proven the intrinsic link between mental health and physical health. By relieving the mind of stress and anxiety the body will naturally become healthier and stronger.

    8. Lower StressPerhaps the most highly documented benefit of binaural beat technology is stress relief. Binaural beats transport the user to a place of tranquillity, to another world where there is peace from the tension and challenge of everyday life. Over time this calm disposition will manifest itself in the user’s everyday life experience.

    9. Eliminate AnxietyLike stress, binaural beats provide sanctuary for those suffering anxiety and related symptoms such as panic attacks and irrational thought processes. Listening to binaural beats can help alleviate anxiety around specific life situations.

    10. Spiritual ConsciousnessOver the last few years an increasing number of people have begun using binaural beats recordings to open their “third eye” and gain access to spiritual consciousness, higher learning and heightened awareness of self. In addition to varying forms of meditation, Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming are two commonly sought after higher consciousness states achieved through the use of binaural beats.

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    WHAT ARE BINAURAL BEATS?How to use and Benefits.

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