what actually is brazilian?


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Page 1: What actually is Brazilian?

What actually is Brazilian?

Brazilian body waxing is the rising beauty procedure being adopted majorly worldwide. This

procedure has gained popularity as of its clean and smooth results. Today both and men are

ready to pay dollars for undertaking this procedure professionally.

But where does this trend initially originated?

In ancient days, women & men both use to remove their body hair using a razor. This procedure

was very painful, also need to be repeated regularly at short intervals in order to avoid the hair.

This was similar to shaving, as hair is not being removed from the root the grown back hair will

be thick and pop up very soon after the procedure. Actually shaving promotes hair growth, so

there will be more hair back giving an ugly and hairy look. Also the blade used is very harmful to

the skin and sometimes bruise it too and this is not also a permanent solution for hair removal.

Then started the waxing genre. Waxing was though little painful but the effects were much

better than the other methods. The hair is being removed from the root during this so

comeback of hair will be for longer period. Also, the grown back hair will be lesser thick giving

you a clean and smooth look for longer. This can be even done at home, but if one wants

professional touch taking from a professional salon will be better.

When you go to a waxing salon in San Diego there are number of options offered to choose

from. One can choose from variety of procedures. Be it just a brow or the complete body hair

removal they cater all your requirements. The professional staff their will try their best to make

your experience a less painful one. They are trained in that field with many year of practical

experience and know better the skin types and their hair growth factors.

Being in San Diego Brazilian Body Waxing takes the top slot. Both men and women are lately

admiring it effects and engage in taking this procedure at a salon.

Brazilian body waxing was introduced in the United States by the seven Brazilian born sisters

around 1987. Since its origin the Brazilian wax has become one of the most popular and well

known types of waxing procedure which is majorly being adopted by people around the globe.

A Brazilian removes hair from your entire body, in the front, back, and everything in between

too. Waxing the private area completely was somewhat new to the western cultures, but

developed largely in the 20th century. In the United States, the hair removal of the pubic area

was not common until the late 1990s. However, around 2000, this procedure became much

popular and the majorly undertaken treatment of hair removal by American and English


Page 2: What actually is Brazilian?

While the Brazilian wax in San Diego has only become popular in the Western world since the

late 80’s, its history can be seen back to the ancient Egypt 3,000 years ago. The procedure was

majorly used in traditional pre-wedding ceremonies and other religious festivals. A hairless

body was considered as the symbol of purity in those times.

Today, Brazilian Waxing San Diego has become much popular, not just with the celebrities but

with an increasing number of women and men around worldwide. This has now become the

basic need of fashionable people.