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Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017

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Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards



Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017

Benefits of being nominatedBeing nominated for the 2017 Westpac Rotorua Business Awards provides you and your business with:

Finalists and winners also receive:

• A chance for you to review your business practices

• A great team building exercise

• A chance to put your business in the spotlight with key local publicity

• Independent feedback from expert judges

• A useful benchmark of your progress and achievements against competitors and other sectors in the local business environment

• Opportunities to network with other business leaders and professionals

• Reward and acknowledgement of the contribution made by employees in growing and developing your business

• A means of engendering pride in your business

• An opportunity to focus on your business, its core strengths and the competitive advantages that make you a worthy candidate for business excellence

• Public recognition of outstanding business success and achievement

• Rights to use the 2017 Westpac Rotorua Excellence Business Awards logo for promotion and marketing purposes

• On-going promotional opportunities to demonstrate leadership and excellence

• An opportunity to celebrate their business’ many strengths and unique qualities

• For category winners, a prestigious trophy


What happens once I have beennominated?You will need to ‘accept’ the nomination and sign a declaration form stating that you are financially viable, and you agree to the terms and conditions, including the judging of the Awards.

To help you consider the benefits we will provide you with a very broad outline of the areas that the judges will be asking about.

Workshops will be provided for nominees/entrants to gain further insight into the preparation of your entry to the Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards.

How do I enter if I have not been nominated? A business may enter the Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards by completing the Entry form without a prior nomination

If you require any other information please contact the Chamber office 07 346 3657.

So, what does the judging involve? The Official Entry Form will need to be completed.

The Convener will allocate two judges to each category.

The allocated judges will review your entry and visit you (and any of your management team that you may wish to involve) and go through an interview process that will take up to one hour.

If you are successful in this stage of judging you will be announced as a finalist. Following this announcement, your financials will be requested by the Convener and sent directly to the independent accountant.

As a finalist, you will be invited to a make a 30-minute interactive/visual presentation to the full panel of judges and you may be asked some further questions about your organisation.

Be assured that all information shared with the judges will be treated in strict confidence with all judges being required to sign a confidentiality agreement with you.

Important Dates for 2017 Nominations open: 26 April

Nominations and acceptance by: 19 May

Workshops for Entrants: 19 May and 16 June

Entries close: 14 July

Preliminary judging: 24 July – 15 August

Finalist Announcement: 4 September

Finalist judging: 23 – 24 September

Gala Awards Night: 7 October at the Energy Events Centre

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017


The Judging ProcessStage 1 - Nominations and/or Entries OPENAnyone can nominate a business for the Awards. The nominations open on Wednesday 26th April and will be launched at the Business After 5 function hosted by the Westpac Bank.

A business may enter the Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards by completing the Entry form without a prior nomination.

Stage 2 - Nomination acceptanceIf nominated, you will need to ‘accept’ the nomination and agree to the terms and conditions, including the judging of the Awards. At this stage acceptance may be verbal (to the Chamber CE) however the declaration must be signed when the entry is received.

Nominations acceptance to be completed by 19 May.

Attend one of two workshops for prospective entrants on 19 May or 16 June. When will judging take place?

Preliminary judging is to be completed between 24th July and 16th August . You will be contacted by your allocated preliminary judges who will establish a mutually agreed date and time to visit your business. You will need to ensure that you are available for judging over this period.

Stage 3 - Complete the Entry FormComplete the official entry form and sign the declaration on page 8. Entries close 14 July.

Stage 4 - Preliminary judgingWho are the preliminary judges? The preliminary judges are drawn from the wider business community and have given their time voluntarily to undertake the judging duties. All judges have participated in a workshop so that they are assessing to a standardised process to produce a transparent and consistent judging outcome.

What are the preliminary judges looking for? The judges are looking at ten areas: These comprise of: Executive Summary with ten components; 1. Vision, Leadership and Governance 2. Customer Focus 3. Quality and Systems 4. People Management 5. Innovation and Knowledge 6. Planning and Strategy 7. Marketing 8. Business Performance/Financial 9. Health and Safety 10. Community and Environment

Under each of these headings you will be asked to respond to a number of standard questions (5-9 per section). Your response to the questions will be assessed and marked individually by the preliminary judges.

Who should be involved in meeting with the preliminary judges? This is up to you, depending on the size and nature of your business. You may choose to have two staff members join you, in most cases we would expect your team to be between 1-3 persons.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017


What preparation should you do? The preliminary judges are looking at your ability to supply unrehearsed answers to the questions. You will have the ability to respond based on the established processes and systems that you manage in your business. There may be some areas that you have not fully initiated in your business and these will be identified as potential developmental areas. You should have various documentation at hand that will support your answers (e.g. Vision Statement, Marketing Plan, Business Plan, Performance Management information, Health and Safety Manual etc.). Please note no formal presentation will be permitted.

How long should preliminary judging take? One hour has been allowed for the preliminary judging process. It is very important that the interview process move along at a good pace so please choose a meeting place that is quiet, comfortable and will ensure no interruption. One of the judges will be responsible for timekeeping. Answers and/or examples should be provided in a succinct manner keeping to the essence of the question. Preliminary judges will ask for additional detail if they consider it required. If there are areas where the business has limited process or systems then it is best to acknowledge that weakness and move on to areas where you can illustrate strengths. If time permits, a quick tour of your facility may be able to be undertaken.

What happens after the preliminary judging? Preliminary judges will complete their assessment and report their feedback to all the judges in all the categories to identify the finalists. Once the finalists for each category have been identified, the Convener will contact each finalist to seek financial information for the independent accountant. The judges are not privy to this information. The purpose of the accountant is to confirm to the judges that your business is financially sound. To note, all financial information is confidential to the finalist and the Accountant only.

Stage 5 - Finalist Announcement A Finalist Announcement will be made on 4 September 2017. Finalists will be in contention for an Award to be announced at the Gala Awards Night. If announced as a finalist you will then enter the finalist judging round.

Stage 6 - Finalist PresentationsFinalist judging will be undertaken on the weekend of the 23 and 24 September 2017 at Toi Ohomai campus. You will be contacted to be advised of the date and time for your presentation. As a finalist, you will be allocated a 30-minute time slot to present and outline your business to the full panel of judges. This is the last opportunity to “wow” the judges. Hint - this might be a great time to bring in your suppliers, customers and team.

Stage 7 - Gala Awards nightAll results will be revealed at the Gala Awards Night held on 7 October 2017 at the Energy Events Centre. You will need to purchase tickets to this event. These will be available online at www.rotoruachamber.co.nz

Stage 8 - FeedbackAll entrants will receive formal written feedback in early November 2017.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017


The Fine PrintTerms and Conditions of Entry

• The 2017 Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards are run by the Rotorua Chamber of Commerce, in consultation with partners and sponsors. The competition is designed to identify and celebrate business and recognise the contribution of businesses to the creation of wealth in the Rotorua region. The organisers reserve the right to limit the number of entries in any one category.

• No existing sponsor (naming, key, category nor supporting) may enter the Awards.

• Nominees (accepted) may be displayed on the 2017 Westpac Rotorua Business Awards website and/or Facebook page, and may be used for other promotional activities.

• Finalists for the 2017 Westpac Rotorua Business Awards will be announced on the 4 September and winners will be announced at the Gala Awards Night, Saturday 7 October, at the Energy Events Centre, Rotorua. Finalists are encouraged to attend the Gala Awards Night.

• Preliminary judging will be held between 24 July – 15 August and finalist judging will take place on the 23 -24 September, and nominees agree to make themselves available during these time periods.

• Any information gathered during the awards and judging process will remain strictly confidential.

• Decisions made by the judges are final and may not be disputed.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017


Your chance to shine.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards


Nomination to Enter Business Excellence AwardsTo help us to support you during your entry preparation, tick the category or categories that you wish to enter and email this form back to the Chamber of Commerce – [email protected] If you prefer you may hand deliver to our office at 1081 Hinemoa Street, Rotorua.

Business and Contact Details

Business Name:

Contact Person:

Position in Business:

Street Address:

PO Box:



Category / Categories:

Signed by:

Full name:


Nomination acceptance:I formally accept the nomination; I declare our organisation is financially viable and I agree to the terms and conditions, including the judging of the awards.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017


We would like to thank our Major sponsors, Westpac, for making this event possible

Manufacturing and Trade Business Award For organisations whose main business is to manufacture and/or distribute goods, and for trades people.

Employee of the Year To recognise that person within your organisation that has walked that extra mile in meeting the needs of your customers.

Emerging Young Leader of the Year To recognise the rising star working in the Rotorua Business Community, aged between 18 and 40. They will be making a considerable contribution to their organisation through leadership and innovation, including extending their involvement and leadership within the wider community.

Customer Service Award To recognise organisations that have developed a positive culture of customer service.

Excellence in Sustainable Practices Award To recognise organisations who practice cultural, environmental, social and economic bottom lines.

Social Responsibility Award To recognise organisations which have made a strong contribution back to our society and the environment.

Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award To recognise year 11-13 students who have shown an innovative approach to business, fundraising, or community support.

Service Provider Business Award For private sector organisations that are primarily set up to provide services (rather than products) to their clients.

Retail Business Award For private sector businesses selling goods to end users from permanent premises that are open for at least 30 hours per week.

Hospitality and Attractions Business Award For organisations that are engaged in providing goods and services in the hospitality or tourism sector.

Emerging Business Award For private sector businesses that have been in operation for less than two years.

Community Organisation Business Award For organisations outside the private sector including not-for-profit, education, and local government.

You may enter only one of the categories marked with an

asterisk, but you may enter as many of the other categories as

you wish. If you have any questions please phone 346 3657.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017


The Entry TemplateThe template requires information on the following areas of your business. These headings only apply to the categories marked * on the Awards Categories Form. You are encouraged to focus on the key areas of your organisation and to use your imagination and initiative. You may add appendices, but the document must be self-contained.

There is a separate entry template for Employee of the Year, Emerging Young Leader of the Year, Social Responsibility and Customer Service Awards ,Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Excellence in Sustainable Pratices Awards

All templates are available to download from the website www.rotoruachamber.co.nz by clicking on Business Awards. Alternatively email the Chamber on [email protected] or phone 346 3657.

Executive Summary To enable the judges to get a quick overview of your business. A brief history and description of your business. A description of what makes the business unique to the market and excellent in business. Please provide a summary of key business achievements and results; and why you believe your business should be an Award Winner.

1. Vision, Leadership and Governance Discuss the style of leadership within your business. Describe your vision for the business. How is your vision communicated throughout the business?

2. Customer FocusWho are the customers of your business and how do you manage and develop customer relationships? How do you measure your customers’ satisfaction? What changes have you implemented from customer feedback? What do you have in place to grow your customer base?

3. Quality and SystemsDescribe your business quality management system. Describe how your staff contributes to the quality management system.

4. People ManagementDescribe the organisational structure of your business. Describe how you evaluate the performance of your staff. Outline the incentives that you use to encourage

and inspire your staff. What staff training do you provide?

5. Innovation and KnowledgeDescribe the following - innovative products or services created, processes or technology developed or used, and/or people employed in an innovative role to further a culture of innovation. How do you encourage and introduce new ideas? How do you use innovation and knowledge to manage performance improvement?

6. Planning and StrategyExplain your business planning process - its format and time frames. How are plans implemented, communicated, reviewed and updated?

7. MarketingDescribe your marketing plan. How do you measure and review the marketing plan’s effectiveness and ensure its currency and relevance? Describe a significant opportunity in the market place that you identified and pursued in the last year.

8. Business Performance/Financial Describe the financial and operational reporting systems of the business with reference to what data is collected, frequency of reporting and how the information is used in the management of the business. Describe the Key Performance Indicators / Key Measures specific to the business. Describe what element of your company’s performance over the last year you are most proud of and why. You may provide statistics and graphs to support your statement.

9. Health and SafetyProvide evidence of Health & Safety policies and procedures together with documentation of Risk Management and Incident Reporting.

10. Community and Environment Provide evidence of involvement in social, community or environmental initiatives for both the business itself and/or for individual staff members.

Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017



Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards 2017


Westpac Rotorua Business Excellence Awards