western spirewpreschurch.org/spire/jan18spire.pdfstephani beato and husband jim are expecting a baby...

WESTERN SPIRE January 2018 “He sends out his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow, and the waters flow.” ~Psalm 147:18 Friends in faith, I have been thinking a lot about travelling recently. Over the past month and a half, Elena, Atticus and I have driven to Ontario, Canada, Newport News, Virginia, and Southern New Jersey. Being on the road, behind the wheel is something I have always enjoyed, especially when it is with someone you love to share the adventure. Of course, it’s a lot different with a toddler… and we are very glad to be home. As I have been reflecting on traveling, I have been remembering a book I read a couple of years ago: Cheryl Strayed’s memoir, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. In this book, Strayed recounts her journey hiking a large portion of the Pacific Crest trail in California and Oregon. The trail itself extends from the California border with Mexico, winding its way through mountains and valleys all the way to the Washington border with Canada. Strayed describes the low point her life had reached after the death of her mother and her attempts to numb the pain with drugs when she set out on this pilgrimage alone. Yet despite her beginning alone, and the importance of learning to live and hike alone on the trail, she develops some very interesting, life changing relationships on her journey. The Gospel story is packed with stories about journeys. In fact, the entirety of Scripture could be seen as one, long journey toward the fulfillment of God’s kingdom. But it is Jesus’ life and ministry that I am thinking about today. Today, as I am writing this, we are approaching Epiphany, the day we remember the three wise men that travelled a great distance to honor the child Jesus, whose own ministry is one long journey toward Jerusalem. If we look at scripture closely, we notice that Jesus is never in one place very long, and is most often teaching “on the way” to some place. What is your journey? What path are you walking today? This week? This year? Some of us have encountered great difficulties that seem to have halted our progress completely, while others of us feel, with the New Year, a sense of reinvigorating refreshment. Wherever you are on the way, I encourage you to share your story with someone else, to listen to their story. In the midst of this sharing, may we find that we are all walking toward the same God, whose Christ we follow. Grace and peace in Christ, our constant traveling companion, Pastor Kyle

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    January 2018

    “He sends out his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow, and the waters flow.” ~Psalm 147:18

    Friends in faith,

    I have been thinking a lot about travelling recently. Over the past month and a half, Elena, Atticus and I have

    driven to Ontario, Canada, Newport News, Virginia, and Southern New Jersey. Being on the road, behind the wheel is

    something I have always enjoyed, especially when it is with someone you love to share the adventure. Of course, it’s a lot

    different with a toddler… and we are very glad to be home.

    As I have been reflecting on traveling, I have been remembering a book I read a couple of years ago: Cheryl

    Strayed’s memoir, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. In this book, Strayed recounts her journey hiking

    a large portion of the Pacific Crest trail in California and Oregon. The trail itself extends from the California border with

    Mexico, winding its way through mountains and valleys all the way to the Washington border with Canada. Strayed

    describes the low point her life had reached after the death of her mother and her attempts to numb the pain with drugs

    when she set out on this pilgrimage alone. Yet despite her beginning alone, and the importance of learning to live and hike

    alone on the trail, she develops some very interesting, life changing relationships on her journey.

    The Gospel story is packed with stories about journeys. In fact, the entirety of Scripture could be seen as one, long

    journey toward the fulfillment of God’s kingdom. But it is Jesus’ life and ministry that I am thinking about today. Today,

    as I am writing this, we are approaching Epiphany, the day we remember the three wise men that travelled a great distance

    to honor the child Jesus, whose own ministry is one long journey toward Jerusalem. If we look at scripture closely, we

    notice that Jesus is never in one place very long, and is most often teaching “on the way” to some place.

    What is your journey? What path are you walking today? This week? This year? Some of us have encountered

    great difficulties that seem to have halted our progress completely, while others of us feel, with the New Year, a sense of

    reinvigorating refreshment. Wherever you are on the way, I encourage you to share your story with someone else, to listen

    to their story. In the midst of this sharing, may we find that we are all walking toward the same God, whose Christ we


    Grace and peace in Christ, our constant traveling companion,

    Pastor Kyle

  • 2

    Preaching and Worship

    January 2018

    January 7, 2018 Baptism of the Lord

    Epiphany Party Annual Reports Due

    Reader: Peter Fadden Ushers: Deb Trombino Toddler Room: Logan & Kelly Babcock

    January 14, 2018 Second Sunday after Epiphany Communion Sunday Special Coffee Hour for Sue Petura

    Reader: Rena Haigh Ushers: Deb Trombino Toddler Room: Carol & Andy Sloan Communion Elders: Dave & Pat Pinkney, and Steve Kennard

    January 21, 2018 Third Sunday after Epiphany

    Reader: Sandy McMenamin Ushers: Deb Trombino Toddler Room: Katie Mitchell

    January 28, 2018 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

    Annual Meeting

    Reader: Don Dantz Ushers: Deb Trombino Toddler Room: Sue Leonard

    A SPECIAL COFFEE HOUR ON JAN. 14TH TO WELCOME SUE PETURA! For the last few months we have all been enjoying the music of our "co-organist", Sue Petura. But she's up there in the choir loft, and we are down there in the pews, and it's hard to get to know each other that way! Come to Coffee Hour on January 14th and give Sue a good WPC welcome. --The Worship Team

  • 3

    Warning: Don't Let your Punch Punch a Friend!

    For those of you planning a party, reception, shower, etc., please consider more than the obvious limiting of alcohol. Heart patients cannot have anything containing grapefruit juice, because it interferes with their medication. This includes soft drinks like Squirt and Fresca, and probably many others. Be sure to read the ingredients in ANY product you plan to use in a punch. It could be of critical importance!

    The deadline for the next SPIRE is Tuesday, January 16, 2018.

    Thank you!


    I want to thank the WPC Property Committee Members for taking on the task of cleaning out and organizing the Women’s Association’s storage closet. WOW! What a terrific job they did. Thank you so much.

    Tricia Owen, President WPC Women’s Association

    Dear Friends & Family at WPC- Words cannot begin to express the deep gratitude we feel for your

    amazingly generous gift to our adoption. Because of you, we are a major step closer to bringing our daughter home to her forever family. Thank you for this gift of love. Merry Christmas! The Delhagens

    Your Property Team would like to remind you that we have a monthly point person on call. If you spot an urgent issue that needs

    attending, please contact the appropriate person rather than the person you may have reached out to in the past.

    Month Name Home Phone Cell Phone Email Address January Steve


    N/A 860-471-5444 [email protected]

    February Phil


    585-385-6189 585-259-6932 [email protected]

    Thank you! We appreciate all the members of our congregation being eyes and ears for our facility.

  • 4

    Beanies for Babies and Cold Weather Projects

    Reverse Advent Calendar for the Food Pantry

    Thank you. The outpouring of gifts given to families who come to the food

    pantry was overwhelming. Every week another pew was filled with paper

    products, soaps, and cleaners. Through these many small gifts, many families will

    be served.

    The Generosity Team

    Join us Wednesday, January 10th

    11:00 – 1:00

    in the Fellowship Hall

    for fellowship and crafting.

    Bring size 3 needles or

    a K or H crochet hook

    If you have red yarn,

    bring it along.

    I’ll bring flannel for those who

    don’t knit or crochet. Please

    bring scissors and tape


    Hope to see you there.

    Have a question? Call Irene.


    [email protected]

  • 5

    WPC Semi-Annual Rummage Sales Change

    Dear church members, I have had the honor for the last 15 years of organizing and running the Women’s Association’s

    major fundraiser, the WPC semi-annual rummage sales. I have enjoyed this task for all these many years and the joy of

    working with all of you, the volunteers. I have so appreciated each time you have stepped forward when asked over the

    years and said “yes, I’ll help”. Without your assistance, this fundraiser would not have survived. Our rummage sales

    have evolved over the years as I have tried to steer it forward with diverse, and I hope you feel, positive changes. Your

    acceptance, support and encouragement for these various improvements to boost our sales as well as the test trials you

    were willing to try before incorporating them into this fundraiser (i.e., the selling of baked goods and soups) has been

    greatly valued.

    Besides being a fundraiser, I have always felt that our rummage sales have been an ongoing service as well to the many

    local people in need living in the Palmyra community that attend our sales. Our rummage sales have been and continue

    to be an avenue and place for them to feel they can purchase many items they want at low cost from the countless

    donations you, our members, have provided. Items that they may not otherwise have been financially able to buy. I

    want to thank you for your continued contributions of all your “stuff” over the years that have made our rummage sales

    profitable but for also making this happen.

    Coordinating and running the rummage sales has been an exuberant and fun challenge for me over the years but after

    giving it much thought, I think the time has come now for me to step down from this responsibility. To allow someone

    else to take over the managing of this event with their new energy and ideas. I will continue to volunteer for this event,

    but I am pleased to announce that Jody Pruitt has accepted this challenge and will become my replacement. To help her

    with this task, she is asking that someone else at WPC step forward as well as she would like a “partner” to assist her in

    the coordination and handling of our rummage sales. Please let Jody know your interest to help. She can be reached

    at: [email protected] or home phone 315-331-3211. I have assured Jody that I will do all that I can to help her in

    having a smooth transition now that she is my replacement. Thank you, Jody, for your willingness to help keep this

    fundraiser a part of our church.

    I also want to give a special shout out to Lois Daniels for her tireless efforts to promote our semi-annual rummage sales.

    Almost from the beginning when I volunteered to manage the Women’s Association’s rummage sales, she agreed to

    help me promote them by becoming my Publicity Chair. I cannot thank her enough for her wonderful dedication, efforts

    and talents in getting the word out to the public over the years. Thank you, Lois. You are the best.

    I also want to thank Terry Goodwin who so graciously stepped forward a few years ago and took over as my Publicity

    Chair when Lois felt it was time to hand over this responsibility. I am so grateful for his continued commitment,

    dedication and efforts to carry on what Lois started as well as his talents and innovations he has brought to this

    responsibility. Thank you, Terry, for your ongoing support.

    Thank you all. It has been my great pleasure to serve.

    Tricia Owen


    mailto:[email protected]

  • 6

    The WPC


    Are In

    We have plenty of directories for everyone.

    Your Di r e ctory is wait i ng in the church office t o be

    pick ed up at your convenience .

    THANK - YOU to all who had a part in putting

    this together .

    Many Hands M ake Light W o rk

    Enjoy your

    ne w

    Directory !

  • 7

    The prayer concerns listed are current as of 12/31/17. Please remember that all prayer requests are automatically removed from the list after one month unless the giver specifically requests continuation. Our Prayer Concerns Grieving: Family & Friends of Harry Bell (requested by Peter Fadden) Family & Friends of SaraLee Pindar (requested by Robin Lostetter) Serving in Armed Forces: (Please contact church office if no longer serving) Jeffrey Bavis, Kyle Chapman, Bill Henderson, Tim Henderson, Jake Hewitt, Adam Hill, Dylan Howard, Sarah Jagger, Joe Krebbeks, Patrick Magno, Brandon Maxwell, D.J. Phee-Henderson, Jill Pearce, Adam Stephens, Adam VanNatta, Logan Warner, Shod Williams Expectant Mothers: Lauren and Ben Squier are expecting a baby due in January 2018. Ben is the son of David and Patti Squier. Stephani Beato and husband Jim are expecting a baby due in April of 2018. Jim is the son of Ray and Muffie Beato. Others for whom prayers have been requested: All caregivers, All victims of violence, hatred and hunger, Gene Bucknam, Bucknam Family, Harold M. Delhagen, Joy, Nancy, Skylar and Bud, Bonnie Olson, Bonnie Stevens, Uncle Lee Please pray for those who wish to remain anonymous as they, too, need our prayers. Others for whom we continue to pray: Barbara Bucknam, Peter Bush, Doris Chriswell, Tracy D’Arduini, Craig Giles, Barry Logsdon & wife Kimberly, Gillian Olson, Jeffrey Rush, Pat Saggese, Fran Storm, Mark Trombino, Grace Williams Congregation members in nursing homes or shut-in: Peg Eskild, Jamie Hemmings, Alice Marks, Bev Mouton Prayers of Intercession are offered each day by our Pastor and Deacons. To request prayer for yourself or another please complete the prayer request card in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. Please remember that all prayer requests are automatically removed from the list after one month unless the giver specifically requests continuation. In the event of an emergency for which prayer is requested, please call Deacon Terry Goodwin @ Home 315-986-2932 Cell 585-943-1704 [email protected] You may also call the church office 597-9171 to communicate your request through the Deacons Emergency Prayer Chain.

  • 8

    January Toddler Schedule Below is the Schedule for staffing of the Toddler Room during the 10:00 AM Sunday

    morning service. Thank you in advance for your extremely important mission of

    providing infant and toddler care. Please arrive about 10-15 minutes early. If you find

    you are not available on your assigned date, please find a replacement. Many, Many


    The Nursery is located on the second floor, room # 5 – South Side - Snack will be in the cupboard and a Vacuum will be hanging around. Age appropriate toys will be available as well as a

    changing table. Please let Jody know when we need to refill the snacks

    Once again Thank -You for your help!

    01/07/18 Logan & Kelly Babcock 315-210-0368

    01/14/18 Carol and Andy Sloan 315-597-5182

    01 /21/18 Katie Michell 315-597-5653

    01/28/18 Sue Leonard 585-734-4027

    02/04/18 Rena Haigh 315-597-5971

    02/11/18 Maxine & Kelly Babcock 315-210-0368

    02/18/18 Sue Pringle 315-597-9533

    02/25/18 Jan Taylor 315-597-4293

    03/04/18 Irene Fadden 585-802-7594

    03/11/18 Ruth Dantz 315-597-2143

    03/18/18 Jody Pruitt 315-331-3211

    03/25/18 Nancy Talma 315-597-5003

    *If anyone or anyone you know is interested in joining the team in providing infant and toddler care during the 10:00am

    service please contact Jody Pruitt, we would love to have you! Also, if you are no longer able to help please let Jody

    know as well. Thanks ~ the CE Team Jody Pruitt 315-331-3211 [email protected]


  • 9


    January 4 Marietta Koeberle January 4 David & Amie McMullin January 6 Sally Chase January 8 Chris & Katie Mitchell January 12 David Taylor January 14 John & Kathryn Hutton January 16 Erika Mitchell January 19 Olivia Hess January 22 Lynn Malboeuf January 24 Norman Underwood January 28 Jonathan Maok January 29 Roxanne Dobson January 30 Raymond McKeown

    If you are an active member and we have missed your birthday or anniversary, please contact the office at 597-9171 so we can add it to our list next time. If your anniversary or birthday is missing, it means it was not in the Data Base, which is where we get the list.

  • 10

    JANUARY 2018


    1 New Year’s Day Office Closed

    2 2 pm Deacons

    3 1 pm Mission/Social Concerns

    4 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir


    6 Epiphany of the Lord

    7 Baptism of the Lord

    Epiphany Party Annual Reports Due

    8 4:30 pm CTNS Board

    7 pm Fellowship

    9 11 am Lou Trombino’s Memorial Service

    7 pm Worship

    10 11 am – 1 pm FH Women’s Gathering

    6:30 pm Property 7 pm Christian Ed.

    11 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir 7 pm 200th Committee FH


    13 9 am to 11:30 am Junia Gathering

    14 Communion Sunday Special Coffee Hour to welcome Sue Petura

    15 Martin Luther King’s Birthday Office Closed

    16 SPIRE DEADLINE 7 pm FH Generosity Team

    17 7 pm Finance

    18 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir





    23 7 pm Session


    25 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir



    28 Annual Meeting


    30 6-9 pm King’s Daughter’s Mtg. FH


  • 11

    FEBRUARY 2018


    1 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir

    2 5-9 pm Set Up for Pasta Dinner

    3 2-7 pm CTNS Pasta Dinner

    4 2 pm American Legion Service

    5 4:30 pm CTNS 7 pm Fellowship

    6 2 pm Deacons

    7 11 am – 1 pm FH Women’s Gathering 1 pm Mission/Social Concerns

    8 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir 7 pm 200th Anniversary



    11 Communion Sunday Sweets & Treats


    13 SPIRE DEADLINE 7 pm Worship

    14 ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30 pm Property 7 pm Christian Ed.

    15 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir



    18 No Sunday School

    19 President’s Day Office Closed


    21 7 pm Finance

    22 6 pm Bell Choir 7 pm Choir




    26 27 7 pm Session
