western-bracken water district foster, kentucky info/inactive or... · fqr:m for 1iling rate...

ISSUED NoverOOer 1 P.S.C. Xy. No._4 __ 3 Cincds P.S.C. Ky. lfo, __ _ WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT of FOSTER, KENTUCKY Rates, Rules and Regulations for Furnishing Water Service AT We.stern Section of Bracken Co., KY Filed with the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF KENTUCKY ,19 sa._ EFFECTIVE .November 1 19..sa_ PUBlJC SER'JICE COMMISSION EFFECTIVE ISS1JED BY: Western-Bracken Water Djstttj; DEC 15 1993 PURSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:0 11 ' BY: .Baxier Courts Iieasurer

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Page 1: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

ISSUED NoverOOer 1

P.S.C. Xy. No._4 __

3 Cincds P.S.C. Ky. lfo, __ _




Rates, Rules and Regulations for Furnishing

Water Service


We.stern Section of Bracken Co., KY

Filed with the


,19 sa._ EFFECTIVE .November 1 19..sa_


EFFECTIVE ISS1JED BY: Western-Bracken Water Djstttj;


DEC 15 1993


BY: .Baxier Courts Iieasurer

Page 2: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules

Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation

Al new Service Ccmectms $350.00

Rates Monthly

Class C


Fnt Next Next Over

1,000 galons 2,000 gallons 2,000 gallons 5 ,000 gallons

$8.51 romon bil 3.51per1,000 gallons 2.89per1,000 gallons 2.26per1,000 gallons

Elcld.. Fnt 1,000 gallons $8.51 miinun biB Over 1,000 gallons 2.26per1,000 gallons

& ercrat to lodngg mtmn Frst 10,000 gallons $32.61 rnili1un bil Over 10,000 gallons 2.26 per 1,000

WESlEAN-BRA.a::Efll WA 1ER DISlRICT RT .2 Box227 Foster, Ky 41043

Phone: 741-5774 CU.SSC First 1,000 $8. 51 nininurn bil He>4 2,000 3.51 per 1,000 gallons Neii« 2,000 2.89 per 1,000 gallons Ow,- 5,000 2.26per 1,000 gelons Reading. .•....•........•...•....•..••.......•.................................

Ccinsurlption. ••.••••.••••.••••..•••.••••••..•.....••.•• •••·•·••••·· ••......

Tax ............................................................................ . UtiityTax.................................................... ................. ~er Read Balance.. •....•......•••.••.••..•.•.•...•..••..............••......•..•....•..• Total .................................................................•.•.......

1MSpenaltylidded15th of following~ Subiect to cisconnect 20th.

For Western-Bracken Water District Comnurity

P.S.C. No.------­

IDJioill_ Sheet No. ----&.--

C8nce1mg P.S.C. No. ___ 2 _

lld!mL Sheet No. __ ___,_

WesterrH:lnlcken Waler District

Foster, Ky. 41043

"C" Rate.

$ .......•..•...• Tax S .............. .

"Utity $ ............. . Tax

Balance$ ............ . Total $ .............. .


JUN 2 5 1992 Oat. lssue__J:11J 22 1992 Date Effective ___________ _

bstJed bli · IJ ~ ~ Tit1e IreaJUfJSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:011 . Name of Of fleer SECTION 9 ( 1)

Issued bq the authority of an lrder of the Pub1ic Service Commission of Kentucky W. case No. 8~uei~&~OCft

Page 3: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

. ,

Form fo r f iling Rate Schedules For Western - Bracken _ _.:_:_-",,C:;:-o-=-mm=--u-n-i~t,-y=--, -, -,~~---. --,.,,...,..- - ,-.,,-

P.S.C. NO . __ __...__ ___ ____ _ • O..._r.__il..$g"""i...,n,...a...._l __ SHEET NO. __ l_,4~--

Western-Bracken Water District CANCELLING P.S . C. NO. l --=--- --Name of Issuing Corporation ~0 r~i~g~i~n~a~l~_ SHEET NO. __ l ____ _


All new Service Connections $350

RATES: Monthly

Cla~§ C

' First Next Ne~ Over


. First Over

1,000 gallons 2,000 gallons 2,000 gallons 5,000 gallons

1,000 gallons 1 1000 gallons

· Commercial to Loading Station

First Over

10,000 gallons 10,000 gallons

liestern School

First 40 1 000 gallons Over 40,000 gallons

$8.51 MinilllllN Bill J.51 per 1,000 gallons 2.89 per 1 1000 gallons 2. 26 per 1,000 gallons

$8.51 Minimum Bill 2.26 per 1,000 gallons

$32.61 Minimum Bill 2.26 per 1,000 gallons


2. ~pflt@l'1Vl:,OOO gallons


DATE OF ISSUE_~S~e~p~t~e_mb_e=--r___,,5~1_19=--8_4~---- DATE EFFECTIVE November 5, 1984

/J Cvf4;z ~ .SSUED BY TITLE Name of Officer

Issued by authority of an Order of the Public Service Commission of in Case No. 9126 dated November 5, 1984

Page 4: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms


P. S. C. Ky. No. __ 4 _____ _

___Q[gm,....· .-1.....__ Sheet No. _ l __ _

Cance11lng P.S.C. Ky. Ho. ___ 3"----

_QdgmL_ Sheet No. 1


Tnis schedule of Rules and Regulations governs the fil1lisilng of waier service by Wesiero Bracken Waier Disirici hereinafter referred to as the Utility and apples to all service received from the Utility. No employee of ildividual director of the Utiity is permitted to make an exception to Rates, Rules or Regulations. All Rules and Regulations are to be in effect so long as they are not in con11ct with Public Service Commission Rules and Regulations. The Utilify is further subject to all Rules and Regulations of the Commission even though not contained herein.


These Rlies and Regulations mav be received, amended, supplemented or other'llise changed from time io time subject to approvai of the Public Service Commission, and shall have the same force as the present Rules and Regulations.

Service Area

9 utiity fl81lishes water service to Western section in Bracteo County Kentucky


Water set":ice is available to any domestic and commercial consumers within the Utmty's area


The Utity is responsible for water failure onlv when in control of the Utmty's emplovees. No constBTier is paid damages for equipment unless such damages are specifically found to be caused by an act of negligence on the part of the Utify or its emplovees.


Consmier shcMI protect the equipment of the Utility on his/her premises and shaii not interfere with the Utiiiiy' s propertv or permit



DEC 15 1993 Date Of ISSUE _ _,....,..Nov....,_ _ ___.1.___ __ __.199_3'----- Date Effective _..,....,.......11...,.,..._ __ ..,...~.........., .......... ~--93..__.._

Month DmJ Vear Month PURS~ IO 807 KAR WY 1 • ECTION ~~,6_,

~DBY: _ __ ~Ba~rto.ll<l.~~eour~t-s_~~=---~T~reasur~~u:1..-___ _ _ __ 8~~-dft!N'U~!!Jt1Vr~..o-e-~~-......,.-x~-Gffi,,_,___ W' Name of Officer Title ~

Page 5: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms


ilierference except by duly authorized representatives of fue Uhlitv.


4 P. S. C. Ky_ No.-------

__J}[gm~· ...._l __ Sheet No. __ 2~

Cancelling P.S.C. Ky_ No. --~3-

Each prospective customer desiring water service is required to sign the District's Standard Water Service Contract before service is supplies bf the District No service Yll11 be mtalled ~ there is a main distribution line existing along the road from 'llhich service is requested If service is desired on the same side of fue road as the waier main, the meter shaii be instarled within frve (5) feet of the water ma.in. If service is desired on the opposite side of the road from the water main, the service line \liill be run under ihe road and the meter insiaiieci on the private properiv arljarent io fue highway right of~·- if ihe ciisiance from fue main io eiiher side of the road is greater that fifty (50) feet, customer will be required to pay the cost of installing the pipe for the additional footage. A contribution in aid of construction as provided in the Schedule of Rates and Ch<1rges must be paid on all new connections to the existing water line. ~ for service connection instaJlation w not be processed if the applicant is indebied to the District on a past due accouni, WI debt, or in ail'f other fashion Ylhatsoever.


District fnai/ refuse to connect or mav discontinue service for the violation of any of the Rules and Regulations, or of the customer service contract District mav discontinue service to customer for theft of water or the appearance of water theft devices on premises of customer. The District shall not be require to restore service tmtil the customer has complied "Nith all rules and regtjations of the Commission and the District has bee reimbursed for estimated amount of the service reidered and for any cost incurred by reason of the fraudulent use. Al disconmuance of service is subject to the Notice Requirements of 807 KAR 5:006, Section 14.

Date OF ISSUE_.....,....;oNov......,.,_ __ ~1-----1...,.99~3.__ __ Month Day Year



DEC 15 1993

POOSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:011 •

Date Effective -..,...,Hon,._.11...,..,th __ 8_V_· ----=-~~EC~T-=-~-(r~-,.=v-=----


.aEDBY=~-~-=Baxt==«...........,Courcr:=-~~ ........... ~'-'-----T=r=eas~oc......,..~.___~-----~F~os~t=~~-~Ken ......... tucku......,.J_4~D=4~3=---~ • Name of Officer Tme Mdrress

Page 6: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms



P. S. C. Ky. No. _____ _...__ _

__(}[gm&.,..-_l.___ Sheet No. __ 3~_

C..s-.oceUmg P.S.C. Ky. No. ----"-3 __


Bills for water service furnished by the water system wift be mailed no later that the 20th day of e<.leh month (if Sunday or hoidav then next business day) and wiB be due and paiJable by the 15th day of the folowing month (if Sundav or holiday, then next day). A ten percent (10%) late pavment penalty charge wiB be applicable after the due date of any account Failure to receive bill will not r~ customer from payment obigations. Should bill not be paid~ above, the District mav ai any time subsequent to twenty-five (~'5j days after mailing date of the original biD, and upon at ~t five days (5) written notice, discontinue service. A termination notice shall be exclusive of and separate from the originaJ biil, if prior to discontinuance of service, ihere is deiivered to ihe District's Office payment of the amount in arrears, then discontinuance of service shall not be made, or ~ to residential services where a. written certificate is filed, signed by a. physician, a. registered nurse, or a public health officer stating that is the opinion of the person ~ the certification, discontinuance of service wit! aggravate an ~.isting illness or ilftrmity on the affected premises, service shaJI not be

lllilfontinued until the affected resident can make other living arrangements or until thirty (30) days e~se from the time of the 9tricf's notification. Bils paid on or before the final date of payment shall be ptl!Jable at the net rates, but thereafter the gross raies shaJI appiy ~ provided in ihe Scheduie of Raies and Charges. Shouid the iinai date for payment of ihe biii ai the net raie rans on a. Smdaf or holiday, the next business day foRowing the final date will be held as a. day of grace for delivery of payment.


The Utility will require from any customer or applicant for service a. cash deposit to secure payments of bills in the amount of $40.00, which does not exceed 2 months average customer of appic:ants bil The District mav at its option return the deposit to the customer after one year, if a satisfactory payment record has been maintained. The customer will be paid interest in the amount actually earned by the District while the District retains the deposit. When a. deposit has been returned and the customer fais to maintain a satisfactory paiJment record, as defined in the Utility's tariff, the Utility mav require that a deposit be rmrle. The amount of the deposit will be figured as stated previously. The Utifrtv may also require an additional deposit be rmrle if there has been a substantial change in the customer's usage or the customer's classification of service changes_ See 807 KAR 5-QOG Section z (31,._ ~ and m+ Upon termination of service, the deposit may be applied by the District against any~ bills of the customer, and if

Date OF ISSUE_-.-uNovx..1.-__ ~l ___ _Jl99~3.__ __ Month Day Vear



DEC 1 5 1993 Date Effective --=-=-1""=1-=-----=--1~----:-='9~3~-

Month PutlSUA.Ji8'tO 807 KAR 51J'T", SECTION 9 (1)

aiJED BV- Baxter Courts ~ Treasurer RV- fOSo4'!~~3 ._, ------,Name~~m~Of~fi~cer1:..-.:-____ -1..1.~I~lt~~'-------__..J~P\JeL-.,,.lue~~'§En~~llllfilllllil9llilcalil~SIONflroQ;M•ANA~G~rn----~

Page 7: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

e P. S. C. Ky. Ho. -----~­

__Dl:IJ108-· _1 __ Sheet Ho. __ 4 __

Western-Bracken Water District Cancelling P.S.C. Ky. Ho. 3

_QdgilaL_ Sheet Ho. 3


' . <Jl1f ~remains after such appiicaiion is made, said baiance shai be refmded io customer, if new address is avaiabie.


The point of deivery is the point where the meter is located on the customer's premises. AU 'Wier lines, pUnbing, and eqUpment beyond the meter shall be ilstal!ed and mailtained by customer.


Customers 'Wo have ful1iled tt-.ei' contract terms and wish to discontinue service must give at least three (3) dav written notice, or n person,.to that effect, unless contract specified otherwise. Notice to discontlwe service prior to the expiation of contract term

~not relieve customer from M'f minimum or guclOllteed ~t lllder contratt or rate. Notice may a 1 so be given 9'1ia telephone .


Al service ines beyond the meterilg point shooid be mtalled of materials consisting of copper, galvarized, or PVC pipe with ratilg of not iess ttm 160 psi. the size of the service line beyond the point of deivety should not be iess than 3;4·; however, a larger size mav be needed to provide adequate service. If the customer 's point of use is at a higher elevation that the poirt of deivery, the customer should consult with a reputable engineering firm to size the service ine from the point of deUvery.


The customer must agree to permit the District to iay, maintain, repair, or remove such waier iine8 which is the property of the District located on the customer's properti/ with the right of ilgress and egress over customer's property. The District's~ authorized representative andior other duly authorized employee of the State Health Department beari1g proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon aJI properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, ~ement, ~'and testing, in accordance with the provisions of these Ruies and Reguiaiions. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION


DEC 1 5 1993

Date Of l.5SUE _ __,...,.Nov-..,.,... __ -:!'-1 ___ _.l...,.QQ!"-"3~-- Date Ef f ect1ve __ 1 ..... 1--'-PU.;;..;R....;;S_U_A~NT=1.,,..,iT0~80 ...... 7.._........KA .... R_ 5:_o....,.1,.....,3.____ Month Day Year Month ~TION 9 (1) Vetr

~D BY: __ ___,,,,......Bax""*""t~er"='Cour~_..ts.._.k:...__ ___ ___..Ir...,.easur""'9a.,.,.,er..._ ______ 8_~_~ ...... ur ..... ~=fi=v~,...,E~$ .... ~--SIO·~~--"'-AN .... AG .... 3t_R __

Name of Officer Title Adctress

Page 8: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms


P. S. C. Ky. No. ______ 4 __

__!k:_CJioa.._1 -- Sheet No. __ 5 --

Dmcelli.ng P.S.C. Ky. No. ___ 3 __

__j)[jgiml__ Sheet No. __ 3 __


INTFRRI IPTinN nF SFRVlrF 11 I I h=' II 1y1 I ''H' I ys Mb' I Y 'Wh

The District will use reasonable diligence in supptving water service and shall make effort to notify affected customers in the event of a service interruption and approximate tine of service restoration


Tne service connection supplied by fue Disirici for each cusiomer has a defme capaciiy, and no addition io ihe equipmeni or ioad coonec:ted thereto wil be allowed except by consent of the District Faiklre to give notice of additions or changes in load, and to obtain District's consent for same, may render the customer Hable for any damages to any of the District's lines or equipment caused by the additioMJ or changed installation, as determined by a court of B'11 having jurisdiction over the parties.

CU$tomer shall notify the District inmediatefr/ should the service be oosatisfactory for any reason, or should there be any defects, trouble or accidents affecting the supply of water. Such notices, if verbal, should be confirmed in writing.


CU$fomer shali pay the cost of any special instlllation necessary io meet his peculiar requiremenis for service oiher ihai the standard water tap_

Date OF ISSUE _ _...,.Nov.....__ __ _._l ___ _.;199~3'----Honth Day Year



DEC 15 1993

PllSSllANT IO 801t<AR5-011, SECTION 9 ( 1)

Date Effective ~lll 8~

MllJEDBV: ___ _..B~ax=ter~eou"""""r~~~~"""-----I~r=easur.._..~er.__ _______ ~F~os=t=er+-~Keo~tuctg..u.&~._._4104 ......... 3..__ __ _ • Name of Officer Title Addrress

Page 9: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms


P. S. C. Ky. No. 4

__Q[ginal Sheet No.__,..__ __

Cance1ting P.S.C. Ky_ No. 3

__Ddgml___ Sheet No. _ 4....____



This schedule of Rules and Regulations is a part of all contracts for receiving water service from the District, and applies to all service received from tile District, whether the service is based upon contract, agreement, signed application or other'l/ise_ A COPf of this schedule, together with a copy of the District's Schedule of Rates and Cfl.arges, s.tm!I be l!.ept open to inspection at the Office of the District


No person shall mariciously, willfully, or negfrgently break, damage, destrO'J, uncover, deface, or tamper with any structure ~urtenance, or equipme.11t which is part of the District's 'Yater wort.s. f.~ person violating this provision shall be subject to · tiooance of water service and shall pay cost of repairing or replacing the pipe or appurtenances as may be determined bv a

of law having jurisdiction.


District ffial/, at the request of the customer, relocate or change existing District owned equipment Customer shall reinburse the District for such changes at actual costs including appropriate overhead

Date Of ISSUE. _ __..Nov....,__ __ ...... 1 ____ 199""""'3"-----Mooth O&iJ Year



DEC 15 1993

PURSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:011 .

B~-~ Date Effective -~1...,1 ,,------=--l.__ ____ =9...,,3.___

Mooth Day Year

~DBY: ___ -!:!:Bax~tu~Cour~~ts:_..!~::...!....----T~r=easur~~u..__ _______ ~F~os=t=u~.~Ken"'-=tucku==~~4~104=-:.;:3.,___~ W Name of Officer Title Addrress

Page 10: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms



P. S. C. K!J. No. ------=-4 __

_JJ[gjoa.._1 -- Sheet No. _ __,_7 -­

Cancelling P.S.C. K!J. No. --~3 __

These Rules and Regulations mav be revised, amended, supplemented, or otherwise changed from time to tine by either of the two (2) folloV/ing methods:

a By order of the Pubiic Service Commi3sion upon formai appiicaiion by ihe District and after hearing, as proviciecl by Commission regulation set forth in 807 KAR 5:011, Section &.

b. By issuing and iiiing on ai ieasi twenty (20j daY$ notice to fue Commission and me pubUc an proposed change$ in ihe Ruies and Regulations, as provided by Commission regulations set forth in 807 KAR 5:011, Section 8.


L case of conflict between any provisions of any rate schedules and the Schedule of Rules and Regulations, the rate schedtE shajj appiv.


The Disirict wiii implement upon PSC approval a purchased water adjustment designed to recover fue increase costs of ...ater purchase due to the fact that the District is not financially able to absorb the increased costs from its supplier.


The Utility ffiai/ at ant/ time deemed necess...;wy, suspend water service to any consumer of consumers for the purpose of maki\g repairs, changes, or improvements upon any part of its system. The Utility shall give reasonable notice of such suspension of service


Date OF ISSUE _ _.....Nov......,.,.. __ -,!-1 ____ 199 ............ 3.___ __ Month Day Year


DEC 15 1993

PURSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:011 • Date Effective _....,....,.....1ca.,..,1 ,....---Ji-s....,.el":lc~ __ N_9_,( 11-1.:-:i.---:-:-"'9...._3 __

MontJey: _ ~< Yetr PllBLIC MANAGER

~UEDBV: ___ ~B8xt~u~eourcia.!!...~~~~z::..._----Tllr~easur!>!:Y!..~«--------~F~os~t~«,~Ken......,,..~!XA~-4~104 .......... 3~-~ • Name of Officer Title Mdrress

Page 11: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

P. S. C. Ky. No. ____ 4......_ _

e __ 0r'"-1gm,..· _1.____ Sheet No. __ 8 __

Western=Bratteo Water [)jstrjct Cancellilg P.S.C. Ky. No. __ .;;;;.3 __

__![jgiml_ Sheet Ho. _6 __ _


rne Utiiify shall be responsible for mainteimce of that portion of the service line mtaled bv the Utitv m the comoner shall be responsi:>le for maintenn:e-of that portion there of mtalled bv constJner.


The Utmty ffiai/ at its cfiscretion ilstall ~ts through out the system These hydrcr\ts ~e to be Used bv the Utity for ftJShilg of distri:iution system ines. They mav be used, as a convenience, by local fire departments. They ARE NOT fre hVQrcllts m the Utity DOES NOT guarantee the pressure or the YOime of water avaiab1e at these hVdralts. New hydrants wi 11 be i nsta 11 ed in , accordance with 807 KAR 5:006, Section 10{2b).


9rre follmvilg charges for special services shall be made:

t Seryjce Comectioo Ci@mes· A Ciwge of $20.00 shai be made for ai 3efvice comeciions made cimg regticw workng hcus, \I/here service has pr~ been terminated,except that there shall be no comection cbclrges made for service oo the origilal · installation of faciities. If service is connected other that dtmg reguitv' working hcus, the ctwge shal be $24.00.

2. Seryice Be-Conoectioo Cb;cge:r A Ciwge of $20.00 shall be made for cil service reco111ections made mmg regtiar workilg hotl's, e:x'.cept that there shal be no connection charges made for service on the ongra mtalation of facities. If service is reconnected other that dllrDl regular 'lr'Ori:ing hours, the ch<f'ge shaii be $"24.00.

3. Meter Reading Redieck Cbarges· A Charge of $10.00 shall be made for a trip to recheck a meter readitg when the customer r''"''f "' .. tts the meter to be rechecte.ed for a correct rea.d!ng and the meter '!!aS not misread.



DEC l 5 1993

PURSUANT TO 607 KAR 5:011 •

Date Of !SSUE _ ___.,,,Hov....._ __ _,_1 ___ __,199~3.._ __ Month ~ Yefl"

Date Effective -~11.:-:--~-=~E5"'c_r1_o_N~9.,11-(~1 >"-=~-­t-mth

Page 12: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

P. S. C. t-'4 Ho. ____ 4 __ _

--Or~CJll8~· -1.___SheetNo._9~~-

Cancellilg P.S.C. Ky. No. __ 3 __

~ SheetHo. 7

4. Meter Test Upon a payment of $25.00 a customer mart have his meter tested provided r~ bf the customer is not more frequent than once each tweive (12) monihs. If such iest shoW3 fue meter to be more than iwo percent (2~) fast, arenm of the $25.00 ctwge shell be made cm the bil ad;med accordi'lglf. No charge for testilg the customers meter will be made if the meter has not been tested withil the periodic tine recprement of 807 KAR 5:066 (ta).

5. PSC Meier Test Comfliailt /.J"f customer of the District fTICI¥ request a meter test ht' written appic:ation to the Conwnissioll

6. Seryjce lnvestigamo Cfwge: A clwge of $1;.00 per b1> shal be made for service invesiigaiion cbilg regt& ..-ormg hoers, if i'lterruption of service is not caJSed bf faire of the District's facities. The ctwge for i'lvestigatiao after workilg tors wil be $15.00 per trip. /.J"f maintenance and repair of facities beyond District's deiYery poilt is the responsUty of the customer .

•. Coobixrtjoo ii Aid of Construction: The estabished contrbrtion fee is based on the Siie of meterilg eqlipment miaiied as noted below.

5/8 or 314 i'lch meter $350.00

Al others:----------~-- Actual costs

· Date Of ISSl( Nov l 1993 Date Effecti'le Month Dag Yew

-ISSUED BV: Baxter Cotrts 1Jer Treasurer Nmne of Off tcer Title

11 f'mth



DEC 1 5 1993

PURSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:011 • SECTION 9 (1)



Foster KeotocbJ,__.4...,,Xl4........_3 __ _ Acktress

Page 13: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms



P c: r ~ .. Nn 4 I•"""·-· ·'-~''"""• -----'-----

___Dr.gm_· _1.___ Sheet No. _ ...... 1..,..0 __

Cancelling P.S.C. Kg. No. __ _.;;3'----

At least once anooa11v the Company will monitor the ~ of each customer according to the follo\vilg procedure:

t The et.istomer' s annual usa.ge for the most recent 12 month period 'Hit be corri.pared v,.rith the ap.nuaf usage from the 12 months irmediately preceding that period

2. if ihe annuai usage for ihe iwo periods are subsianiiaiiy ihe same or if anv difference is known io be aiiribuied io unique circumstances, such as unusual weather conditions, common to all customers, no further review wil be done.

3. !f the ~.JaJ 1i<qges differ by 25 percent (25%)or more and ca..rinot be attributed to a readily identified common cause, the ~ will compare the customer's monthly usage records for the 12 month period with the monthly usage for ihe same months .. preceeding year.

4. if me cause for ihe usage deviaiion cannoi be deiermined from cmiysis of fue cusiomer' s meter reading and biiiing records, the Company will coo'latt the customer by telephone or in 'Writing to determine whether there have been changes such as different number of household members or work staff, :additional appfiances, changes in business volume, or kno-..vn leaks in customer's service lines.

5. Where the deviation is not otherwise explained, the Company will test the customer's meter to determine whether it shows an average error greater than 2 percent (2%) fast or $low.

6. The Company wili notify the customer of the invesiigaiion, its findings, and anv reflllds or backbiliing in accordance with ..wz... KAR 5 · 006 Section 10 (4) and (51.

In addition to annual monitoring, the Company 'Uill immediately investigate usage deviations brought to its attention as result of its on-going meter reading and billing processes or customer inquiry.

Date Of ISSUE_~Nov......_ __ _._1 ___ ___.199..........,,3....__ __ Month Day Year



DEC l 5 1993

Page 14: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

' . P.S.C. No.-------

• Western-Bracten water omrtt

bm. Sf'.eet No. __ 11 __

Cancelting P.S.C. No. __ 3 __

Al new SerYire CIJr!f'!ettions $350.00

Rates Monfhli/

Class c First Ne.'4 Next Over

1,000 gallons 2,000 gaJ!ons 2,000 gallons 5 ,000 ga!lons

Commercial to Loading Station First 10,000 ga!!oos Over 10,000 gallons

BlllllG FORM

WblERH-BRACIGH WATER DISTRiLi RT 2 Box ll7 Fostet, Ky 41643

Phone: 747-5891 CLASS C


$8.51 minimum biD 3.51per1,000 gaftons 2.89per1,000 gallons 2.26per1,000 gallons

$32.61 m!nimum bi!! 2.26per1,000

Rist 1,886 $8.51 minimum bill Hext l,886 151 pet 1,600 qulloos Hext 2,668 2.89 pet 1,006 gollons Ovet 5,666 2.26 pet 1,666 galkw Re<Ming,__ _______ _

Consumption. __ , __________ _

TID!~--- --·-----Utilitq Tax ______ _ Balance ________ _

Total ------

16% penoltq added 15th of followinq month. Subject to disconnect 28 th.

Orignfil_ Sheet No. 9

Western - Boci::~ Wotet District

Fostet, Kq. 41643

lox Utilitq

Tax BIJ!mce Totul

'L Rote

l'.-­J __ J __

$ __ _

" _. __



DEC 15 1993 Date of Issue NoverOOer 1 1993 Date Effective Noverber 1 1993

PUflBUANT TO 807 KAR 5:01J\t Tltle IrPMJCef SECTION 9 (1) ~"'


Issued bg: -~Baxt~_er"'-!!"Cour~t~s-~......._ ______ _ Name of Officer

Page 15: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

for Westem:Brrlen Wster [)jstrict Communibj

' . P.S.C. No.

~ SheetNo.

Western=Bracten Water Djstfict . Cancelting P.S.C. Ho.

Ct_._ Sheet No.



Tabulation Form to be used for purchased water adjustments in accordance with 897 KAR 5:607, Purchared Water Adjustment Clause, as adopted by the Public Service Conwni~·$iort

Vo.lume of Y!ater purchased for 12 month period ending ____ (which is 'llithin 3 months of effective date of

~Jpp!!er'3 ni!e ~-) 1 __ M Ga!.

Cost of new Rates $ ___ _

9 Coot of B~ R4!1.tes $ ___ _

Total mange!$ coot3 ( 2- 3) $ ___ _

Volt.me 30!lj for ~ period ~ is ltern 1 __ M Gal.

PWAperM ~sold(4/5) c.

Note t Item 1 c<n10t, for this computation table, exceed Item 5 divided by 85.

In the event a refi.lld is received from supplier for amounts previously paid, the following tIDulatioM wlbemade·

- PUBllC SERVlCE COMMISSION 1 Total refund received $__ OF KENTUCKVEY


OEC 15 1993





2. Total Momt of water estiriated to be sold duritg two month period beginning with the first day of the month f0i'lowing receiptoftherefimd ___ M Gal.


av· ~ ~c wfuViCE St0N MANAGER

Date of Issue November 1. 1993

~Jed bi,t: _ _,Ba""""""'Yt...,er._C ... .:t'll .... [J[ ..... fa.__""'.~"'""-------­Name of Officer

Date Effective Noverber 1, 1993

Page 16: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

.. P.S.C. Ho. _____ 4'---_

Ori9.ilitl.. Sheet No. -~13;:;;____

C8ncelting P.S.C. No. -~'-----

QdgooL Sheet No. -----'-'--



3. Reftn:I factor per mit of wafer sold (item 1 divided by Item 2) c.

4. Refund factor mav be adjusted in the final month to more acctl"ately reflect the amount to be refunded.

• Date of lss(re Noyember 1 1993

~by: _ _.Baxt_ ..... er....._Cour~ts-...... ~=-------­Name of Officer



DEC 1 5 1993

PURSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:011 , SECTION 9 ( 1)

8~uc~~~G;: . Date Effective Noverber 1 1993

Titre __ ....._Tr ..... ~,__!.C....,.ef~-------

Page 17: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

Westem-Bracken Water District

&ttion 1. PUI;pose The pwpose. of this Pl&.11 ~ to prnv.ide. fo1 t~ decl&Jatioil of official phases of water supply shortages and the implementation of voluntary and !n3.nd.3.tory vt3.ter conserw.ti-n me3.S1J.Its tbumgh:m.t the Western-Bracken Water District in the event a shortage is declared.

Section 7. P..Jinitions These terms are applicable only fur this plan unle:;s specifically noted.

a. aCusto:meza sh&ll Ii1e.an &IlY person or entity using water for &.ny purpose from the Western-Brack.en Water District"s water distrubution system and for whir.h 3. reg1.:iJ3.r ch3.rge is m3.d.e or in C3..Se of bulk s3Je.s a C3.sh th3.rge is mad.e 3.t the point of de.livery.

... ..,.Yoot-o..:I n1of-oy" .. l.. .. 11 ID"'"'"" ftl<>t-or t-kt .............. nm· t-Y.Wln ..... d by tl..,,. n; ... tnlC-..... U. .L .&~\.C.U. ft'"''"'"".& 9'li\lil. 1""*"'1 n' "''-""' ._liQ. ......._, """"" & .. .l.V'U.\L\AAA .liC AM~ ._

into its distribution system, including wa.te.r offered for sale.. Uses of treated water are. classified as follows:

Class 1 (Fssentia.1 Water Use.rs·

The following uses of water, listed by site or user type are essential

Domestic: water ne~sary to sustain human life and the lives of domestic pets, livestock, and to maintain minimum standards of hygiene and sanitation.

Health Care Facilities: patie.ilt C&.Ie. &.ild re.b.abilitatm.

Water Hauling: s3lts of dome.stir, use where not re-3..SOM.bly 3.w.ilable e.lsewhere.

. PU~i:c-111'"'r- COMM'~S!ON Pu.hire U:ie- fuefJ'Phtir111 Health &.ild Public ri:rntettiuil r1m:n.-.ses if ~nr.df=-i --~: .: ... ~:;:"."'K~· v' 11

"" · -o o> r r r-- , r-- 1~ ~\tf-.1 nJ\...-1

approved by Health ~ials. EFFECTIVE

Class 2 (SociaUy ox F.conomically lmpoxtant Uses· JUN 0 1 'i995

The following use:; of water, mted by ~ite and user type are sociallyRURSUANT TO 807 KAR 5:011. Economically important: SECTIOH ? ( ~) a / ,, }f~

BY: --.::,~!ftf:~W#n:~-:.~-~---·:.::!~ .. ---Domestic: Personal, li1-oouse. wate.I use indudir1g Kitchf.n, B&.throooiP,Riifft.F~if.fCf. COMMISSION

W1..t~r H1..n Jing: Non-d.omesti&, when other soJJ.Ite.s 3.Ie not Ie3.sonably 3.w.ilable elsewhere. (restricted for use in Bracken County).

Commercial ud Cmc Uses: Commercial car and truck washes# Laundromats, Restaurants, clubs and eating places, Schools, Chuxches,motels, ootels, and similar establishments.

Page 18: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

011.td.oor non-commerciai watering: Minimal watering of vegetable gardens, and t1ees to p1ese1ve them. Ag1:icultUial irrigation fo1 pioduction of food and fibe1 or maintenance of livestock.

Class 3 (Non-essential)

Any waste of water is non-essential The following listed by site and use or non-essential

Puhlic Use: Use of fire hydrants (excluding Class 1 & Class 2) including fire s.ppt'n.tus and. fire drills. Flushing sewers and hydrants, except where needed to ensUie pub~ health and safety.

Commercial and Civic uses: Serving water in restaurants, clubs, or ea.ting pl8.ce.s, exrept by ~lJ.stom.er req11e-~t. F8.il1J.!e. to !tpt'.ir 8. ~ntrollable lM.k.

Oma.mental purposes: fountains, pools and artificial waterfalls.

011.td.oor watering: Use of water for dirt control or compaction, Watering of annual or non-woody plants, lawns, parks, golf courses, and other recreational ue.as. Wash:ir1g sidewalks, walkways, diiveways, puking lots, tennis coUits or other hard surfaces. Washing down buildings or structures for purposes other than imme.d.iftte fire prote-etim. Fh.1.shing glJ.tters or permitting water to rlJ.n or accumulate in any gutter or street

c. "Basic entitilement" shall mean the monthly usage for a customer during the same. month of a pre.ceding calendar year or the average. pe.r customer usage. for ea.ch class of service during the same month of the preceding year. PUBLIC S~RVl~~.S.?J•iM !SS ION

Q, KE!\, I vvk Y

d. ·c _ .:i_ ~ - l a 'L~ 11 'L~ bl & ft EFFECTIVE urtau~ e.nt1t e.me.nt SJ.m.ll me.an t1m- mont y usage. 1or a customer a e.r any

~1J.It8ilmen.t perrent8.gt h3.s bP....en 8.ppliM_ JUN 01 1995

e. ·cUit~~ent• shall mean the zeduction in entitlement by some peIM~~f~o 807 KAR 5.011

meet antJC:ipated water shortage. SECTION 9 ('!) · '

BY: a~~'U..:v (l,, /1',zcl, f. Water Shortage Response Phases· rnfi rK:1Pli8!:!csF.~:;~c;t:~;~~~i<lf::'7

aAdY.isory• shall mean that conditions exist which indicate the potential for serious treated. water supply shortage.

0 Alen· ~hull Iiltwi the wate1 ~u.pplie~ we t-on~:i:;tently below ~eason&l ave1ages, and if they continue to decline, may not be adequate to meet normal needs.

"Emergency" shall mean that water supplies are be.low the level necessary to meet normal needs and serious shortages exist in the area...

Page 19: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

Any wae who vi.late.s any prov=..siort of Sectiorts 5-7 rt1ay be subject to dlscorartectiort of service by the District. Said disconnection may be made by any employee of the District,, if ml3.tim are committed in their presents. The District may be permitted a re-connection fee pursuant to its' turif schedule. Further. any peisOit(s) who if.aJlatts prnvisioits of SectIDil 6 shall upoil wilvictiort be fir1ed ilot to exceed $250.00. Further any person(s) who violates Section 7 shall upon conviction be fined not to exceed $500.00 and/or 60 days imprisonment. Each day of violation of provisions of Sections 5_,6,7 shall constitute a separate offense.

Section 9 Stmability If any of the provisions are declared unconstitutional, or the. appJXation thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the constitutionality of the. remainder of the. provisions and its applicability to other persorts &Ild cirtUii1Stillces shrill not be affected thereby.

Sf.r.tinn 10 EffP.~tive Date These provisions shall be come effoctive 11pon the filing of and the approval of the Pub~ Serm Commission.



JUN 0 1 ·1995

PURSUANT TO 807 Kf\f'1 5:011. SECTION 9 (i )

BY: __tk.1..ffr~ f0..:.~"P.'1.~ FOR Ti1lPUBi.fC SEFi\i!CE COMMiS3~JN

Page 20: WESTERN-BRACKEN WATER DISTRICT FOSTER, KENTUCKY Info/Inactive or... · Fqr:m for 1iling Rate Schedules Western-Bracken Water District Name of Issuing Corporation Al new Service Ccmectms

"Rationing• shall mean that procedures must be established to provide for the e.quitabie. distribution of criticaily-limite.d watu suppi:ies, in order to baiance demand and limited available. supplies, and to assure that sufficient water is available. to preserve. public health and safety.

Section 3 Applicability The provisions of this plan shall apply to all retail and _ .. i. ... 1 ... _ ... 1 _ ____ ... ... __ .. _ _ .. L .. 1. .. w7 __ ... __ n_ __ .... __ •~----- n.:_-.:_ ... nn .. _ w WJ.~ttJ.~ 1,;w; wm~.1~ u1 t.ire. w e:1n.e.1a-D.1u.-=1L.ea w u.1.e.1 u~ u.u;L "'~J.l

implemented, this Plan be.comes We.stern-Brack.en Water District"s Water Shortage. Response. Regulation.

Section 4 Pu-Juatirm of Water Slmtage. Adyisoxy shall be. made. when eve.r the supply of treated water is projected to be below the demand or if there are per=ts of low water press111e. in one. or more. ue.as of the. distributim system due to system failures or the State. Division of Water issues a Water Shortage. Watch which includes the District"s ftlta. If an •Advisoxy8 is issued it shall re.main if effect until the. shortage has been corrected. During an •advisory" all water leak sh:mM re elimfill}_te.d., re.q11e..st wh.mtuy conservation of t'll Clt'.ss 3 Wt'.ter u.se., re.quest also that wholesaie. customers re.quest their customers conserve Class 3 wa.te.r use..

Str.tion .5 Du1ftration. of W"ter Shortage Alert skill be m3.d.e when ever the s11pply of treated wate.r is projected to be below the. demand and if the. supply continues to declirtc, there. may not be. suffJC:ient supply to meet the normal needs. Is &ii • Alut• is issued it shall remain in effect until the. shortage has been corre.cte.d. During an .t'lert• ft11 ltl}.KS sh311 be e1im.mt'.tM., prohibit l}ll Cll31..SS 3 Wl!ttI 1J..St-S,C11Ttt'.il e.ntitile.me.nt to all customers by the percentage. as the projected shortage, may begin billing customers in excess of the. curtailed e.ntitle.me.nt at the normal rate. plus an excess usage charge of $5.00 per 1,000 gal, limit water hauling to domestic use. in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundries, and for the survival of liYeStock

Section 6 Dttlaxa.ti@ of Wate.x Shorta.ge Emexgency shall be made. when the projected demand falls below the. supply 01 the.1e. are. periods of no wate.1 in any section of the District d11e to low s11pply or system ft'.ihne.. If an "Emergency• is issued it shall re.main in effect until such time that the supply is adequate. to meet the. demands and there are no are.as of the. District which are e.xpe.rie.ncing low water pressure. When an ·emergency• is issued all leak shall be eliminated, all Cw$ 3 wate.r _w:e. s~ ~prohibited, All Class 2 w~te.r use. s~ be prohibitef- FRV!CE COMMISSION except dome.stJC ~e. m ~1tc~ns, bathrooms & la.un~ies. Prohib~t all w:atefl&.~ KENTUCKY except for domestJC use m kitchen, bath and laundries, and surVlval of livestock. EFFECTIVE Be.gin bill in customers for water use in excess of entitlement at the. rate. of $10Jl0

per 1000 gal JUN 0 1 .t995

Sectma z Dtcl&.I&.tiun. of WateI Sl«ta.ge RatX.Uir1~ sh&ll be. issued when S~ANT TO 807 KAH 5:011 . falls below the level necessary to meet the essential needs and mandatory SECTiON 9 ( 1) .. rat.,ning is re.quired to insure. adequate. water is available to maintain p~~:!-::-_,f~_-:2~-- _ and safety. If "rationing!! is necessary all water leaks shall be e.iiminate.8if1l.D'e!M S£R\.'iGE cz:r:\RMi:SS\OJ

2 and Class 3 wate.1 use shall be. prohibited, all water haulirtg shall be. prohibited, Implement servU. intenupt:io:ns to portions of system, begin billing customer for excess usage. at the. rt'.te. of $17.00 pe.r 1,000 gal