west - evols at university of hawaii at manoa:...

I n ill ill i! e r mm 'mm 11 i i m i ri3& rn , I! I L I 1 .3 P it HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS INSTINCTS THAT ARE LOST. . TT V justness partis. business partis. r tial Advertiser O. P. CASTLE. J. B. ATHERTON. s. n. castle. Walker & Redward, prtUSHED LEWIS & CO.; FORT STREET, Importers, 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers In (J?EXCC,,tSU,"layS' ..uTrioss : CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, rear Contractors & Builders ..vrKr.Eu" ntha 7. 11 .h 50 00 Or Is Man Really Heir of All tue Facul- ties of the Animal Kingdom? If the doctrine be true that man is real- ly the heir of all the various species and genera of the animal kingdom, it seems a little hard upon us that, even by way of exception, we inherit none of the most marvelous instincts of those species and genera, and have to be content with those greater but purely human faculties bv which even the most wonderful of the animal instincts have leen somehow ex- tinguished. Sir John Lubbock maintains with a good deal of plausibility that there tire insects, and very likely even lugher animals, which perceive colors of which we have no glimpse, and hear sounds which to us a re inaudible. Yet we never hear of a human retina that includes in its vision thoso colors depending on vibra- tions of the ether which are too slow or too rapid for our ordinary eyes, nor of a human ear which is entranced with mu Groceries and Provisions. Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. 6 00 -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- - Jobbing: Promptly Attended to. G-ener- al Merchandise. 2rice House Goods a Specialty "SI 181-t- f 76 KINO STREET. ..,,v AAZETTE CO., P. O. Box 423. Bell Telephone No. 2. -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - 511 tf B. LEVY & SON, jjjiatss arfls Kobala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. P&ia Plantation, Papaikou Sugar Co. Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. A. II. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Commissson Merchants Park Beach Hotel aWERS & COOKE, In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND PRODUCE Opposite Kaplola.nl Park, Waikiki. Dealers iu inuiber aud Ml Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sona Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson Wo r rTcnarerl In fill nrilPTd of all kinds in our line, and make a specialty in packing all Finest Bathing Place on the Islands. Kinas ox iruiiior long aisiaucw irm. ,4ll Kinds of building Materials. ltf ST STREET. Honolulu1 MARKET, William McCandless.) r4 to rv.iiers iu Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special sic that to the great majority of our species is absolutely inaudible. Again, we never heir of a human being who could perform the feat of which we were told onlv the other day in a bloodhound. In a dark night it followed up for three miles the trail of a thief with whom the bloodhound could never have been in contact (he had just purloined some rolls of tan from the tanyard in which the dog was chained up), and finally sat down under the tree in which the man had taken refuge. Whv, we wonder, are those finer pow- ers of "discriminating and following the track of a scent which so many of the lowei animals possess, entirely extin-imish- Ml in man. if man be the real heir Elegant Rooms, gas and water In each, attention. 628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 1742, E. T.. MARSHALL. Honolulu. SlUAVIsG MACHINES. La Beef, Vel, Muttou, Etc.. 118-6-m Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Extensive Grounds, well shaded; The Table Is supplied with the best the market affords. ti Queen Street, Fish Market, , orders carefully attended K.-e- d to vessels at suort Ci". i kinU9 ""Pi?11 to ZPIOZSTEER Billiard Room and Bowling Alley- - .H,!iOUt' . Gr. "WEST & UU., No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu. Attached. nam s j. ALFRED MAG00N, J "T" - TTT till LUC fuii information to tourists as to the TCpW Pianos Noiv Orr&iis, New Parlor Sets, Kai routes of travel, foT scenery aud curiosities; on also current rates for horse hire aud guides AND itf vhant Street. Honolulu. TABLS the other islands of all the various genera which show powers inferior to his own? We see no trace in animals of that high enjoyment of the finer scents which make the bes- oming of the spring flowers so great delight (o human beings, and yet mer. are entirely destitute of that almost un- erring power of tracking the path of an odor which seems to be one of the princi- pal gifts of many quadrupeds and some birds. It. is the same with the power of IjiYVAlLLANCOURT ASHF0RD, Hg Js J Et Y . Rnaooa nri rarria7fs will be furnished at spe New Bedroom Furniture, New Dirndl .Furniture, !.ew I'uture Mouldings and Frames, Easels, Brackets, Etc. cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggage t to Tune wagODSwill meet every steamer. peui ri- - for permanent boarders. A wagonette will Blfj, OIICHUI, provided for the use 01 guests ai prt- -i iekuowletlsuiens Capitol Building, adjoining General Post onice. zL'jtL just from the States, who We have in our employ a first-clas- s Upholsterer thoroughly understands all of the latest fashions m his line of work. Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 0. N. ARNOLD, Prop. 3.')-li- u Rich and Delicious ice cream maae uy 71 Hotel Street. Both Telephoues 74. m T. WATERH0USE. Importer and Dealer in Lambrequins a, Specialty. and Polisher as ever did work We have in our employ as good a Piano Tuner of this kind here. a dog or cat to find its way back to a home to which it is attached, but from which it has been taken by a route that it cannot possibly follow on its return, even if it had tho" power of observing that route, which usually it has not had. Nothing could be more convenient than euch a power to a lost child. But no one ever heard of any child who possessed it. Still more enviable is that instinct pos FILTVJ; PRESSES. klEA.Ii MERC HAND IS iB . "Q . Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. Lambrequins Si 55-- Queen street. Honolulu, ltf sessed by so many birds of crossing great Cornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames maae iu JAPANESE GOODS! atjhau Plantation, 1 Hawah, March 9, 1888. ( Tlisdca htou r Locomotive "Works, San Fran- - ci?ro. ....... .'ck i- -a aed two of your 30- - tracts of land and sea without apparency any landmarks or seamarks to guide for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in this We have the exclusive Agency cliniVcrwi 1! liter Presses this season. They H. HACKFELD & CO., itral Commission Agents Cor. Fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf them, and of reaching a quarter or. .no globe which many of them have never c- - ron ve:- - t, easily handled and are working countrv, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin ictireMo ar satisfaction. I can recommend a We have Just Received an Assortmmt of Fine Japanese visited before, while those wno nare visited it before have not visited it often ,,.tma.-..- . lout r n them. All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan. - Q-OOCls- Very respectfully yours. (signed) . A. Mookb, Manager Paauhau Plantation. enough to learn the way at least, by any mle which, in like circumstances, would Fancy BEAVER SALOON, G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street. be of any use to human intelligence. The pirett, Opposite "Wilder & Co.' SUCH AS migratory birds must certainly be in pos - n 1 I B MaiMMa,Ma " Janfinese Green Tea, put in faruy j Presses are being carried in stock . in session of either senses or instincts en- tirely beyond the range of human imag oi ot tht low urice E. J. NOLTE, PROPRIETOR. i Lnnches Served with Tea, CoCee, sMi NVattr, Ginger Ale or Milk. raw-cover- ed boxes; just the thin 3 tor j I d 'e OUIU " J - ' Honolulu-- to meet the demand, c I 65O.00-- in ination, and yet no one ever heard or tne A LE I S FOE ,ipti from a a. ta. till 10 p. n. survival of such a sense or instinct m any member of our race. It may be said, in- - a consignment is now on me Itisdon Iron & Loco. Works, Sa Francisco. 32 123.2m feters' Requisites a Specialty. fWd that men have either inherited or reproduced the slave making instinct of R. W. FRAZER, presentation. Paper, Silk, Satin Screen and IIa.n-.n- s Iict vires Handkerchiefs of Japar?e Silk. Blinds made of Split K.unboo. Varietv of Bamboo Articlen. Fans of every description. Boxes and Jars covered wi beautiml colored straw. , . , rp., r frr bata. fttc miwe o? fcorea EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, ERCHAT TAILOR, Cw.Eing ud Alakea Sts., Honolulu. -- And Just Laudetl In Fine Order.- - apv j 1 ti! guaranteed. 1" Ponrv Hardv.arc of at', isint??. Barrel Shooks aud Heads, A.x Handles, Pick Handles, Hofl Handles. METROPOLITAN Silk Crepe pud vSat.in Cloth, for chairs, tables, d oovs and windows. ir V -- ..n,'! f f'nrcflain and Lac- - GERMANS MARKET. Galvanized Barb Wire. Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Naila (asst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. Canal Baarows,' Nests Trunks. urpp, . . . proprietor. ered ware. etc., etc. i - fort Street, Honolulu. some of the military ants, tnougn mat unfortunate and degrading instinct does not appear to have been inherited by any of her higher animals which intervene between the insects and our own race; but this only enhances tho irony of our destiny, if we do, indeed, in any sense inherit from these insect aristocracies one of the most disastrous instincts of the audacious but indolent creatures which fight so much better than they work. If we have not inherited the architectural instincts of bees or beavers, nor the spin- ning instincts of spiders, nor the power of tho dog to track out its home, it is a little 6ad that we should have inherited the one disastrous instinct of the ant by which it makes itself dependent on a more timid and industrious species of its own race, and thereby loses the power to help itself. What is still more curious is that even where human beings have wholly excep--1 Hnnal and unheard of powers they betray -- r pn HUTTON AND VEAL. bAlVLfltAl , OU., 3P Noxt doer to Castle & Cooke, Jfb Saunage, Pork, Etc., :in f HL. tionoiuiu. 108-- 1 m Jtijonhand. Shipping served on short Meat Company, Second-han- d Iron Safes. Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, Metalio Paint. Fire Clay, Marble Dust. FIRE OFFICE, iron works co., SUN Ste am Enfjines mx k . O T. O N 0 O N . Established 1710, "r .mils. Coolers, lirnsa nl Urn Castiusrs, 81 ILINU STREET, "Electric" Kerosene Oil no traces of the exceptional and unheard f'1? of eveT description made to Fii:. , attention raid to ships' black- - of powers of the race3 whose vital organi- - yitinn we are said to inherit. xne insurance' Reeled n an v. y desoripUon of m " ork executed on the shortest ltf Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster, Rosendale Cement. Portland Cement, Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns occasional appearance of very rare math- - property at enrran: n pi- - ,......327,333,700 Total Sum Insured lu 1- - ROYAL SALOON, Agents, and paid Claims rof b,r: Local 3 te::lf;inie G. J. WALLER, Uon of the ief the Manapemnnt nf G. W. Xaefarhae & Co. lm A' Ken a for V iwalian Islands. U , H unci Cumberland Coal. Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstoneg, Hair MattrenBes, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black, Three-quart- er Bnbber Hose, S-p- ly, Ox Bows, Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches. L.XA.QE2. 'n a. varIety of te best Wines, 'auP gUj Cold beera on drau-- Dt at ematical powers, for instance, so far from being in any sense explicable from below, looks much more like inspiration from above. The calculating boy who could not even give any account of the process whereby he arrived at correct results which the educated mathematician took some time to verify, certainly was not reviving in himself any of the rare powers of the lower tribes of animals. Nor do the prodigies in music who show-suc- h marvelous power in infancy recall to us any instinct of the bird, the only musical creature except ourselves. Still less, of course, does great moral genius, the genius of a Howard or a Clarkson, suggests any reminiscence of what hap- pens in the world of animal life. Spectator. The Ileason TV! . itf THOMAS LINDSAY Hs.4 ' mo 1 His Tii3Ufactnring A- - H. RASEMAN, Bashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top Carriage., Hand Cart., Baby consigned to us-- and a First-clas- s Carriage. Carriages-t- he best ever Jewclrv Esiahlishraeiit D. WHpLESALE AND RETAIL ?t A till Tt1nw.fr TlAntr C. BBEWER Sd CO. - auufactiirer. i!Lt, tUp tairs) ltf rum N iuvih street to H E, Thomas Block, King Street. H. E. jMIcIntyre & 33ro., IMlV-T.-iEB- AT?I DEAXEBH IN BUTCHERS Fax.!cul attfotioa f0 repairing. .1. . iAY '& GRAIN i J.TvlES. OABTY Accord in? to an old supers;! ioi- - or the nieaia.val church, whenever a cock crows a lie is heing told. The reason that coefc. crow so persistently in the early momms hour-i- s because the worung papers are being et up. American -- brew. tat-- ' ' ;c 1- - er is a "fatal delect iu tU? plan to -- t i criminals by electricity. i-I, ?t with a streak of liehtnin elirri-- : ; ; , ntirel v the dull thud whfch no well - ' ed execution can do without. Nes. v. Groceries, Prov-- - io- -? A.NP Can te i'cur. J nn t doo; to the P. O. A. CfSc-j- Me.rcfcrt Street. SREET, . Honolulu, l.H. 37, 66, 75, 180 t AST CORNER FO- - New ooods received by V- -- Produce by every 5;" -- Vrs soUcite l city free of charge. - Telephone 2ffo. Si Hack t; y HID TV .tJC NXTE 110. , Savy Contractors, -- I'cUv l Mutual 590. f3T "Kelt 'liow Police Static ff

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Page 1: WEST - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38898/1/1888102901.pdf · Janfinese Green Tea, put in faruy j Presses are being carried

I n ill ill i! er mm 'mm 11 i i m i

ri3& rn ,I! I L I 1 .3 P



INSTINCTS THAT ARE LOST.. TT V justness partis. business partis.r

tial AdvertiserO. P. CASTLE.J. B. ATHERTON.s. n. castle.Walker & Redward,prtUSHED LEWIS & CO.;


Importers, 'Wholesale and RetailDealers In

(J?EXCC,,tSU,"layS'..uTrioss :


Shipping and Commission Merchants,rear Contractors & Builders..vrKr.Eu" ntha7. 11 .h 50


Or Is Man Really Heir of All tue Facul-

ties of the Animal Kingdom?If the doctrine be true that man is real-

ly the heir of all the various species andgenera of the animal kingdom, it seemsa little hard upon us that, even by way ofexception, we inherit none of the mostmarvelous instincts of those species andgenera, and have to be content withthose greater but purely human facultiesbv which even the most wonderful of theanimal instincts have leen somehow ex-

tinguished. Sir John Lubbock maintainswith a good deal of plausibility that theretire insects, and very likely even lugheranimals, which perceive colors of whichwe have no glimpse, and hear soundswhich to us a re inaudible. Yet we neverhear of a human retina that includes inits vision thoso colors depending on vibra-

tions of the ether which are too slow ortoo rapid for our ordinary eyes, nor of ahuman ear which is entranced with mu

Groceries and Provisions. Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.6 00


Jobbing: Promptly Attended to.G-ener- al Merchandise.2rice House Goods a Specialty "SI

181-t- f 76 KINO STREET...,,v AAZETTE CO.,

P. O. Box 423.Bell Telephone No. 2. --ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -511 tf

B. LEVY & SON,jjjiatss arfls Kobala Sugar Co.,

Haiku Sugar Co..P&ia Plantation,

Papaikou Sugar Co.Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. II. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.Commissson Merchants Park Beach Hotel


In Foreign and Domestic

FRUITS AND PRODUCE Opposite Kaplola.nl Park, Waikiki.Dealers iu inuiberaud


Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.

Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.

D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.The New York and Honolulu Packet Line

The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.Dr. Jayne & Sona Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson

Wo r rTcnarerl In fill nrilPTd of all kinds inour line, and make a specialty in packing all Finest Bathing Place on the Islands.Kinas ox iruiiior long aisiaucw irm.

,4ll Kinds of building Materials.

ltfST STREET. Honolulu1


William McCandless.)r4 to

rv.iiers iu

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special

sic that to the great majority of ourspecies is absolutely inaudible. Again,we never heir of a human being whocould perform the feat of which we weretold onlv the other day in a bloodhound.In a dark night it followed up for threemiles the trail of a thief with whom thebloodhound could never have been incontact (he had just purloined some rollsof tan from the tanyard in which the dogwas chained up), and finally sat downunder the tree in which the man hadtaken refuge.

Whv, we wonder, are those finer pow-

ers of "discriminating and following thetrack of a scent which so many of thelowei animals possess, entirely extin-imish- Ml

in man. if man be the real heir

Elegant Rooms, gas and water In each,attention.

628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

E. T.. MARSHALL. Honolulu. SlUAVIsG MACHINES.La Beef, Vel, Muttou, Etc..118-6-m Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Extensive Grounds, well shaded;The Table Is supplied with the best

the market affords.ti

Queen Street, Fish Market,

, orders carefully attendedK.-e-

d to vessels at suortCi". i kinU9 ""Pi?11 to ZPIOZSTEER

Billiard Room and Bowling Alley- -

.H,!iOUt' . Gr. "WEST & UU.,No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu.Attached.namsj. ALFRED MAG00N,

J "T" - TTT tillLUCfuii information to tourists as to the TCpW Pianos Noiv Orr&iis, New Parlor Sets,

Kai routes of travel, foT scenery aud curiosities;onalso current rates for horse hire aud guidesANDitfvhant Street. Honolulu. TABLSthe other islands

of all the various genera which showpowers inferior to his own? We see notrace in animals of that high enjoymentof the finer scents which make the bes-oming of the spring flowers so greatdelight (o human beings, and yet mer.are entirely destitute of that almost un-

erring power of tracking the path of anodor which seems to be one of the princi-pal gifts of many quadrupeds and somebirds. It. is the same with the power of

IjiYVAlLLANCOURT ASHF0RD, Hg Js J Et Y . Rnaooa nri rarria7fs will be furnished at spe New Bedroom Furniture,New Dirndl .Furniture,

!.ew I'uture Mouldings and Frames, Easels, Brackets, Etc.cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggaget to Tune wagODSwill meet every steamer. peui ri--

for permanent boarders. A wagonette willBlfj, OIICHUI,

provided for the use 01 guests ai prt- -iiekuowletlsuiens

Capitol Building, adjoining GeneralPost onice. zL'jtL

just from the States, whoWe have in our employ a first-clas- s Upholsterer

thoroughly understands all of the latest fashions m his line of work.Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 0. N. ARNOLD, Prop.

3.')-li- uRich and Delicious ice cream maae uy

71 Hotel Street.Both Telephoues 74.


Importer and Dealer in

Lambrequins a, Specialty.and Polisher as ever did work

We have in our employ as good a Piano Tunerof this kind here.

a dog or cat to find its way back to ahome to which it is attached, but fromwhich it has been taken by a route that itcannot possibly follow on its return, evenif it had tho" power of observing thatroute, which usually it has not had.Nothing could be more convenient thaneuch a power to a lost child. But no oneever heard of any child who possessed it.

Still more enviable is that instinct pos


Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. LambrequinsSi 55-- Queen street. Honolulu, ltf

sessed by so many birds of crossing greatCornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames maae iuJAPANESE GOODS! atjhau Plantation, 1

Hawah, March 9, 1888. (

Tlisdca htou r Locomotive "Works, San Fran- -

ci?ro........ .'ck i- -a aed two of your 30- -

tracts of land and sea without apparencyany landmarks or seamarks to guide

for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in thisWe have the exclusive AgencycliniVcrwi 1! liter Presses this season. They


itral Commission Agents

Cor. Fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

them, and of reaching a quarter or. .noglobe which many of them have never

c-- ron ve:- - t, easily handled and are working countrv, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin

ictireMo ar satisfaction. I can recommendaWe have Just Received an Assortmmtof Fine Japanese visited before, while those wno nare

visited it before have not visited it often,,.tma.-..- . lout r n them.

All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan.- Q-OOCls-Very respectfully yours.

(signed) . A. Mookb,Manager Paauhau Plantation.

enough to learn the way at least, by anymle which, in like circumstances, wouldFancyBEAVER SALOON,

G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street. be of any use to human intelligence. Thepirett, Opposite "Wilder & Co.' SUCH AS migratory birds must certainly be in pos- n 1 I BMaiMMa,Ma "

Janfinese Green Tea, put in faruy j Presses are being carried in stock. in session of either senses or instincts en-

tirely beyond the range of human imagoi ot tht low uriceE. J. NOLTE, PROPRIETOR.

i Lnnches Served with Tea, CoCee,sMi NVattr, Ginger Ale or Milk. raw-cover- ed boxes; just the thin 3 tor j


d 'e OUIU " J - 'Honolulu-- to meet the demand,c I 65O.00-- in ination, and yet no one ever heard or tneALE ISFOE,ipti from a a. ta. till 10 p. n. survival of such a sense or instinct m any

member of our race. It may be said, in- -a consignment is now on me

Itisdon Iron & Loco. Works,Sa Francisco.32 123.2m

feters' Requisites a Specialty.fWd that men have either inherited orreproduced the slave making instinct ofR. W. FRAZER,

presentation.Paper, Silk, Satin Screen and IIa.n-.n- s

Iict viresHandkerchiefs of Japar?e Silk.Blinds made of Split K.unboo.Varietv of Bamboo Articlen.Fans of every description.Boxes and Jars covered wi beautiml

colored straw. , . ,rp., r frr bata. fttc miwe o? fcorea

EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,ERCHAT TAILOR,Cw.Eing ud Alakea Sts., Honolulu.

--And Just Laudetl In Fine Order.- -apv j1

ti! guaranteed. 1" Ponrv Hardv.arc of at', isint??. Barrel Shooks aud Heads,A.x Handles,

Pick Handles,Hofl Handles.

METROPOLITANSilk Crepe pud vSat.in Cloth, forchairs, tables, d oovs and windows.ir V --..n,'! f f'nrcflain and Lac- -GERMANS MARKET.

Galvanized Barb Wire.Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Naila (asst'd)Horse Shoe Nails.

Canal Baarows,'Nests Trunks.

urpp, . . . proprietor. ered ware. etc., etc.i -

fort Street, Honolulu.

some of the military ants, tnougn matunfortunate and degrading instinct doesnot appear to have been inherited by anyof her higher animals which intervenebetween the insects and our own race;but this only enhances tho irony of ourdestiny, if we do, indeed, in any senseinherit from these insect aristocracies oneof the most disastrous instincts of theaudacious but indolent creatures whichfight so much better than they work. Ifwe have not inherited the architecturalinstincts of bees or beavers, nor the spin-ning instincts of spiders, nor the powerof tho dog to track out its home, it is alittle 6ad that we should have inheritedthe one disastrous instinct of the ant bywhich it makes itself dependent on a moretimid and industrious species of its ownrace, and thereby loses the power to helpitself.

What is still more curious is that evenwhere human beings have wholly excep--1

Hnnal and unheard of powers they betray



Noxt doer to Castle & Cooke,Jfb Saunage, Pork, Etc.,:in f HL. tionoiuiu.108-- 1 mJtijonhand. Shipping served on short Meat Company,

Second-han- d Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalio Paint. Fire Clay, Marble Dust.FIRE OFFICE,iron works co., SUNSteam Enfjines

mx k .

O T. O N 0 O N .

Established 1710,"r .mils. Coolers, lirnsanl Urn Castiusrs, 81 ILINU STREET, "Electric" Kerosene Oil

no traces of the exceptional and unheardf'1? of eveT description made toFii:. , attention raid to ships' black-- of powers of the race3 whose vital organi- -

yitinn we are said to inherit. xneinsurance' Reeled n an v. y desoripUon ofm" ork executed on the shortest

ltfDowner's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).Plaster, Rosendale Cement. Portland Cement,

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanternsoccasional appearance of very rare math--property at enrran: n pi- -

,......327,333,700Total Sum Insured lu 1- -

ROYAL SALOON, Agents, and paidClaims rof b,r: Local

3te::lf;inie G. J. WALLER,Uon of theief the Manapemnnt nf

G. W. Xaefarhae & Co.

lm A' Ken a for V iwalian Islands.U , H unciCumberland Coal.

Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstoneg,

Hair MattrenBes, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Bnbber Hose, S-p- ly, Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

L.XA.QE2.'n a . varIety of te best Wines,'auP gUj Cold beera on drau--


ematical powers, for instance, so farfrom being in any sense explicable frombelow, looks much more like inspirationfrom above. The calculating boy whocould not even give any account of theprocess whereby he arrived at correctresults which the educated mathematiciantook some time to verify, certainly wasnot reviving in himself any of the rarepowers of the lower tribes of animals.Nor do the prodigies in music who show-suc- h

marvelous power in infancy recallto us any instinct of the bird, the onlymusical creature except ourselves. Stillless, of course, does great moral genius,the genius of a Howard or a Clarkson,suggests any reminiscence of what hap-

pens in the world of animal life.Spectator.

The Ileason TV! .

itf THOMAS LINDSAYHs.4 ' mo 1 His Tii3UfactnringA-

- H. RASEMAN,Bashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top

Carriage.,Hand Cart., Babyconsigned to us-- and a First-clas-s Carriage.

Carriages-t- he best everJewclrv EsiahlishraeiitD.WHpLESALE AND RETAIL

?t A till Tt1nw.fr TlAntr

C. BBEWER Sd CO.-auufactiirer.

i!Lt, tUp tairs) ltf rum N iuvih street to

HE, Thomas Block, King Street. H. E. jMIcIntyre & 33ro.,

IMlV-T.-iEB- AT?I DEAXEBH INBUTCHERSFax.!cul attfotioa f0 repairing..1. .


Accord in? to an old supers;! ioi- - or thenieaia.val church, whenever a cock crowsa lie is heing told. The reason that coefc.

crow so persistently in the early mommshour-i- s because the worung papers arebeing et up. American --brew.

tat-- ' ' ;c1-

-er is a "fatal delect iu tU? plan to-- t i criminals by electricity. i-I,

?t with a streak of liehtnin elirri-- :; ; , ntirel v the dull thud whfch no well

- ' ed execution can do without.Nes. v.

Groceries, Prov-- - io--?

A.NPCan te i'cur. J nn t doo; to the P. O. A.CfSc-j- Me.rcfcrt Street.

SREET, . Honolulu, l.H. 37, 66, 75, 180t AST CORNER FO-


New ooods received by V- --

Produce by every 5;" --Vrs soUcite lcity free of charge. -

Telephone 2ffo. Si

Hack t; y

HID TV .tJC NXTE 110. , Savy Contractors,--I'cUv l Mutual 590.f3T "Kelt 'liow

Police Static


Page 2: WEST - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38898/1/1888102901.pdf · Janfinese Green Tea, put in faruy j Presses are being carried



v JSan Francisco, October Oth, per S. S. JUS!Zealamlia. t J

(From our Special Correspondent.)

chan method has been discoveredof ditching zinc with hydrogen andmaking zinc water, which, when appliedto certain woods makes them absolutelyfireproof.

Judge Terry has applied toMhe bu-pre- me

Court for a writ of habeas corpus.Mrs. Terry's sentence has expired.

Congress will adjourn to-da- y.

The river pilots and captains of SanFrancisco are on a strike.

The total imports of rice this year, upto September 30th, amounted to 37,047,-15- 9

pounds, being 1,462,420 pounds morethan during the same period in 1887.

It is proposed to carry mails by streetcars, also to fix the letter limit for do-

mestic mails at two ounces instead of

It has been a matter of considerabledifficulty to keep track of the changes in H.S (TROYAL'olfJi 4

js quitjythe San Francisco suear market since the Uacti m j

EES!. I ;

departure of the Australia. The declinenoted on the dav of sailing of thatsteamer was kert ur till 9 :30 a. m. on

x x

lGth inst., by which time the reductionin values had amounted to 7A cents onall pradps of rpfinpd susars except yel

Fence Wire,

Galvanic LUti,

Bt Coir 3ir'

lows, w hich had fallen W cents. Granvj - -

ulated was selling at 7& cents w

saccharine thermometer began to rise at4.-.0-0 p. m. on 10th inst. by cent, fol 3"For Sale at Low est rlowed by a further upward movement of

Finance Department.Honolulu, H. I., 183..

Per SteamerMr

Tax Collector District of

Sir: The Bond tiled by you having beenaccepted, your Commission is herewith en-

closed.By this Conveyance the Finance Depart-

ment send forward to your address theTax Receipt Books and Dog Tags for yourDistrict for 18SS.

Your attention is directed to the Tenderyou may accept for Taxes in accordancewith Law. You may receive any sum notexceeding Ten Dollars ($10.00) in UnitedStates or Hawaiian Silver Coin.

For any amount over Ten Dollars youwill receive only Gold Coin. All HawaiianCertificates Deposit above the denomina-tion of Ten Dollars are equivalent to GoldCoin, and you will accept them accordingly.

Yours truly,

Forty thousand copies of Mackenzie'sbook were seized by the police at Ltipsie.The book is not allowed to be sold andthe police are seizing copies exposed forsale at all the bookshops in Berlin.

It is stated that Drs. Bergmann andGerhardt will sue Dr. Mackenzie forlibel on account of statements made re-

garding their treatment of the late Em-peror Frederick. There is a fierce con-flict being waged between members ofthe medical profession.

Foreign Affairs.It is reported that Prince Christian of

Denmark will marry the Princess Maud,daughter of the Prince of Wales.

Continuous heavy rains and snow arereported in various parts of Germany.

At a meeting of the Cornmiller's As-

sociation at Leeds, the price of flour wasadvanced Is. 6d. per 100 stone, making a'rise of 8s. 6d. within eight weeks.

The British man-of-w- ar Osprey hascaptured, off Mocha, three dhows, hav-ing on board 204 slaves. The captainsof the dhows and four slaves were killedbefore the slavers surrendered.

Four German frigates lying in the bayof Naples for the purpose of firing asalute in honor of Emperor William re-

ceived orders to proceed instantly toZanzibar to protect German residents,whose lives and property are endangeredby a rising among the natives. Theycarry 1,030 men and sixty-si- x guns.

The Novosti of St. Petersburg pub-lishes three diplomatic dispatches fromRome disclosing negotiations betweenEngland and Italy for a maritime alli-ance against France. Crispi desiredSalisbury to sign a definite treat', butSalisbury declined. The agreement re-

mains, however, embodied in the com-- ,munications exchanged.

The Nachrichten holds that the publi-cation of Emieror Frederick's diary inLondon and Paris is an act of piracy andlegally punishable. The German au-

thorities, it says, will institute proceed-ing to stop any further reproduction ofthe diary.

The Pall Mall Gazette' challenges the

cent on the following morning. Theprices to-da- y are:- - Granulated 7 cents, W. .Macfarlane

lOd.i. Hcube, crushed and powdered 7J& cents,Extra C G?3 cents, Golden C 6 cents.

The stock of raw sugar at Atlantic--

TliEports on Oct. 1st was very small, andnwr 50.000 tons less than at the same

one, and to place tourth class matter onthe same footing as third class matter.

The Chinese Exclusion Act has goneinto effect and most of the Chinese pas-sengers that arrived bytheParthia,Dukeof Westminster and Belgic have beenobliged to return to China. Some werelanded as American citizens, and the"merchant" dodge is coming into highfavor, every laborer now blooming forth

Those who returnedas a capitalist. areby the Canadian Pacific steamers will belanded at Victoria, each paying the polltax of $50 to the Canadian Government.From Victoria they will walk across theborder into the United States.

Senator Stanford has returned toAmerica.

Half a dozen Gilbert Islanders werepicked up at sea and brought to SanFrancisco. They have given exhibitionsof swimming at the Cliff House, and Mr.F. L. Clarke delivered a descriptive lec-

ture of their home, thus securing enoughmoney to pay for their passage home byschooner.

General Salomon, ex-preside- nt- ofHayti, is dead.

Two paymasters of the Lehigh Valleyroad were shot dead in their saddles androbbed of $30,000.

Shipping: News.

GENUINEdate in 18S9.

Hawaiian Commercial stock hastouched $35 for sales, and is now held at MURRAY & LAMthat figure.

IniNewiork the market lor raw sugars has declined, 90 degrees beingMinister of Finance.

133-3- t 1212-l- tiquoted at G4 cents, thougn this hgure

is now almost nominal, as hardly any FLORIDA WA

Absolutely Pure- -For quiet raising, the Royal Baking Towder is

superior to all other leavening agents. It is ab-solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never fails to makelight, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withRoyal Baking Powder may be eaten hot withoutdistressing results to the most delicate digestiveorgans. It will keep in any climate withoutdeterioration.

Prof. II. A. Mott, U. S. Government Chemist,after examining officially the principal bakingpowders of the coifotry, reported:

"The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure,for I have so found it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Because of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the same, and the method of itspreparation, the Royal Baking Powder is un

transactions have been recorded. HoldTHE DAILY ers remain firm in asking higher figures,

but the demand for raw sugar has mater THE

iallv diminished owing to the closing ofPacific Commercial Advertiser. six Trust refineries in the East.

UNIVERSAThe American refinery is only workinghalf time, its receipts of raw sugar having been verv light for some time past. Sax Fkancisco. Arrivals: Oct. 29th,

U. S. S. Vandalia, 20 days from HonoBe just anl fear not:

Let all the e nils thou aiiu'6t at beTLy Country's, thy (iod's, and Truth's. perpumkMr. Charles liavemeyer, who is now in

Portland, will remain at San Francisco German authorities to institute proceed lulu; Oct. 19th, bktne. S. N. Castle, 18to take charge of the Trust's business ings to prevent the publication in London days from Honolulu.

FOR THEhere.doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Db. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.,"5 1221-l- y U. S. Government Chemist.

of Emperor Frederick's diary. Departures: Oct. 9th, S.S.AustraliaThe beet factory at W at3onville is inOCTOBER 29, 18SS.MONDAY,

full operation, working dav and night Handkerchief, tSamples of the raw sugar have been NOTICE,shown on the streets and are said to beSUPREME COUKT OCTOBER TERM.of a fine nualitv. lighter than the Ha- -


The Turkish government has decidedto establish an arsenal and dockyard andharbor works at Jeddah and flotilla ser-vice on the Ked sea.

A Muuich newspaper publishes detailsof the alleged plot to assasinate EmperorWilliam while in South Germany. Itsays that ten Anarchists left Switzerlandwith the intention of blowing the Kaiserinto pieces with bombs while passing

waiian. The sugar polarizes at 98 de DURING THE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OFWm. G. Irwin from the Kingdom,MIt. JUSTICE M CL'LLY PRESIDING. grees and is all sold to the California Re act for our firm underMr. W. M. Giffard will

power of attorney.finery by the Western Beet Sugar Com BATH.WM. G. IRWIN & CO.128-3- W

pany. It is believed that the highestprice realized bv the farmers for their Honolulu. Oct. 23. 1S88.

beets will be $8.50 per ton. Mr. John D through Wurtemburg. I he police were

for Honolulu; Oct. 10th, bark ForestQueen for Honolulu ; Oct. 15th, schr.Anna for Kahului.

Projected Departures : S. S. Australiaon Nov. Gth; bktnes. Planter and S. G.Wilder, brig Consuelo (date uncertain).

Auckland. Oct. 15th, S. S. Mariposafrom Honolulu.

Port Towxsend. Oct. 15th, bark At-alan- ta

from Honolulu.Hongkong. Oct. 10th, bark John

Nicholson for Honolulu.The pumps of the Hawaiian steamer

San Mateo, Cromwell, master, fromLondon, August 19th, for Hongkong,Honolulu and San Francisco, broke downon Sept. 24th, when the steamer was offSocotra, an island in the Indian ocean.

Booked for the S. S. Australia, to sailon November Gth, are G. E. Boardmanand wife, J. Hyman and wife.

NOTICE.Spreckels has been at Watsonville for informed and took the necessary precautions, and a change of route was madethe past ten days superintending the ini

tial operations of the factory.TN TROPICAL COUNTRIES IT HAS 11A a greater popularity than njPreparation, and is looked upon btttJTHE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OFDURING W. G. Irwin from this Kincdom.Eastern papers are bitterly denouncing - v.ncttu mi) pleasure of ta necessity of elegant and comfortable

by which the plotters were foiled.Everybody in London has been startled

by the great loss which Scotland Yardhas sustained, and all the wires connect-ing the detective headquarters with the

the action of the sugar trust in closing somany refineries, anticipating much distress and possible starvation to men,

Mr. rrank P. Hastings will act for our Bank inall matters of business.

CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1888. l8-3-w

Notice to Creditors.women and children during the coming local stations of this vast city have been

throbbing convulsively because SirChas. For Salewinter.

Saturday, Oct. 27.The Court opens at 10 a. m. Noon re-

cess 2:10 to 1:30 p. ni. At 3 :4S ad-

journs sine die.Law Division. J. S. Martin vs. L. B.

Kerr. C W. Ashford for plaintiff; A.S. Hartwell for defendant. Trespass.Defendant's motion iiled October 24thfor a new trial. Defendant's bill of ex-ceptions is allowed.

L. Ahlo vs. Win. Ilensy and HenryR. Macfarlane. V. V. Ashford for plain-tiff; no appearance of or for the defend-ants. Assumpsit, note $575 and in-

terest. Clerk's certificate of failure ofdefendant Macfarlane to answer beingpresented and filed, the Court ordersjudgment entered for default.

Criminal Division. The King vs.Pang Yuen Char. C. W. Ashford, Atto-

rney-General for the Crown; W. A.Whiting for the defendant. Conspiracy,second degree. . Defendant's motion forarrest of judgment overruled and excep

As reported in my last letter the Su Warren has lost Ins bloodhounds.In the furtherance of their training topreme Court of New York has granted

Attorney-Gener- al Tabor permission to 'PHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING SHE BY ALL DttUGGBcatch the Whitechapel murderer, thedogs were taken to the Common and .1 appointed and Qualified asbring suit against the Haveraeyers.

Hard on the Poor. there laid on the scent. V hen let loosewith the Will annexed of the estate of SamuelGardner Wilder, late of Honolulu, deceased,hereby notify all persons having claims againstsaid deceased to present the same, duly authen

on their last run .they were lost sight ofThe bakers of New York and Chicago And Dealers in Fancy119 1240-l- yhave advanced the price of bread one

TO LET..cent a loat in consequence oi the corneraltogether. The men in charge werefrantic. Despite the closest search thedog?, up to the present, have not beenfound. Perhaps some smart dog-train- er

in wheat. For a week back the weightof loaves has been diminished from two

ticated, with the proper vouchers if any exist,even if secured by mortgage, to Wm. F. Allen,Esq., at the bank of Bishop & Co., Honolulu,within six months from this date or they will beforever barred. A. F. JUDD,

W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed of the

Estatejof S. G. Wilder, deceased.Honolulu, Oct. 11, 1S88. 12A0-5-t 120-l- m

A T NO CHAPLAIN STREET, ONE LARGEto four ounces in lieu of an increase in J"ust .Arrived.xl furnished front room: also, a small suite ofhas made a grand haul of Warren's prizehounds.price, but now they una that such a rooms suitable for a small family. 132-l- m

George, Lusk, a London builder, whocourse is impracticable,, as for what isusually charged for the regulation loaf Ex Bark " C. R. Bishois the head of a Whitechapel vigilance

committee, received by the parcel post Meeting Notice.under the circumstances they will becompelled to give only what might be a box containing a meaty substance, and- -

tions noted. Sentenced to three months'imprisonment at hard labor withoutcosts of Court.

Divorce Division. Maria Ilageman vs.Harry Ilageman. P. Neumann forplaintiff; defendant per se. Petition fordivorce heard and divorce granted forextreme cruelty and failure to provide of

with it was a note reading: "I senddenominated a good-size- d roll.THE CLUB HOUSE

Dining RoomsThe cracker bakers between Pittsburc you half of the kidney I took from one ofTwo of those well-know- nand the Rockies have advanced the I the women. I preserved it for you THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING OF

Haiku Sugar Co. will be held at the officeof Castle & Cooke, ou MONDAY, the 29th lust.,at in o'clock a. m. J, b. ATHERTON,

133-l- t Secretary.price ol crackers irom y to cents per I touier piece 1 inea ana eat. it was verypound owing to the higher prices of flour I nice. 1 may send on the bloodv knifeDefendant also ordered to d;defendant.and lard. I that took it out, if you only wait a whilepay to the Clerk, by Saturday noon

In Ramsey .county, Dakota, there are longer."for costs or be fined for con- -next, $25 The box was taken to the London70 families utterly destitute of food and Boat For Sale.Hospital and Dr. Openshau said the con

Is the Best Restaurant in Honolulu.First-claa- s Coffee. Tea, Chocolate and Cocoa

at all hours.

A F-ul- l JVTeal, 25cts.fuel. Men, women and children are in

tents certainly came from a full-grow- nrags and have not a cent of money in the 3 For Sale byED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB 4 CO..woman. The ghastly package is now atworld. Their crops were totally de

King and Bethel itrais3Scotland Yard. It is supposed that theTHE BOAT SAVED FI?OMthe wreck of the "DunnotarCastle," and sold at auctionto tbe Kine. has lte pn re

stroyed by frosts in August, and all theirland, stock and farming implements are matter was cut from the Mitre-stre- et

victim. The handwriting of the note ismortgaged.Duty on Guars .Telly. 10x 46 Corannafitted, coppered and decked over by Mr. Rolland,and is for sale cheap for cash by

92-t- f E. R. RYAN, Boat Builder.

t "Which includes a variety of food onlyto be had here.

JJoard by tlio Week, - - $4.50.tSf' Civil and attentive waiters and first-clas- s

cooks employed. Give us a trial.123-3n- a C. CHUN HEE, Prop.

not at all like that of "Jack, the Rip-per's" letter.In a letter to C. W. Sherman, of Ho-

nolulu, Hawaiian Islands, the Secretary The Pall Mall Gazette charges that thewords "I have murdered four and willof the lreasurv savs that guava lelly, XJ.J. OEDWAY, From Liverpool,murder sixteen more before I surrenderimported from the Hawaiian Islands, ismyself to the police," written by the A Fresh Supply ofnot entitled to free entry, inasmuch as

there is no provision in the Hawaiian supposed Whitechapel murderer upon a J3AiSJ() INSTRUCT0Eshutter of the house adjoining the one in 'treaty for the admission free of duty of


IMP'OETEESmilGUINNESS'the yard of which the body of one of his

victims was found, were erased bv orderWill receive a few pupils on the Banjo,orders with E. Lycan at West & Co's.

Leave128-t- f

Iof Sir Charles Warren, Chief of Police,before the authorities had an opportunity Bottled by M. B. Foster & Sons, Loudon.

by W. E. Johnson & Co . Liverpool; mto photograph them.

tempt.Kaalemauna (w.) vs. Alika (k.) S. K.

Kane for plaintiff; A. Rosa for defend-ant. Case being called and plaintiff notbeing ready it is ordered discontinuedunless plaintiff pay to defendant on orbefore Saturday next $25, when it shallbe continued to the January term.

Wm. Chas. Achi vs. Isabella Achi. A.Rosa for plaintiff ; no appearance of orfor defendant. Plaintiff's motion fordiscontinuance is allowed.

Awai (Ch.) vs. Mary Ana. S. K.Kane for plaintiff; defendant per se.Divorce granted for adultery of defendant.

Annie Harrigan vs. George Harrigan.A. Rosa for plaintiff; defendant per se.Divorce granted for habitual intemper-ance of defendant, and the order of Mr.Justice Preston of Sept. 8, that defend-ant pay Mr. Rosa for attorney's fees andcosts, stands.

Ellen Davis vs. Daniel Davis. A. Rosafor plaintiff, J. L. Kaulukou for defend-ant. By agreement of counsel continuedto next term.

Kala (w.) vs. Kapuiki (k.). A. S.Hartwell for plaintiff; W. C. Achi fordefendant. Divorce granted for extremecruelty of defendant, he to pay costs.

Failing to bo heard or finished thisterm, the following cases are orderedcontinued to next term : The King vs.Haawinaaupo, Keohokii vs. Palahu, Ka-hanan- ui

vs. Ashford, Kanakanui vs. Les-lie, Kekai vs. Yim Quon, Keau vs. Lopez,Trustees Bishop Estate vs. Kala, andJoliva vs. Kaulukou.

bir liichard Webster and Sir Henry Grocers & provision Dealers. OTT A 1VTT3 A CtNES

either tne iruit ot guava or the jelly madetherefrom.

The total regular and permanent an-nual appropriations of this session ofCongress amount to $422,117,038.81. Theestimated revenues for the year are$440,000,000, leaving a surplus of $17,-832,00- 0.

Sporting Matters.Director Stearns of the Detroit Base-

ball Club is authority for the statement

James have abandoned the cause of theTimes against Parneli and the Irish party. Of BenJ. and Eng. Perrier, Cflaloni-sar-Mi"- !

xnis action is construed oy many tomean that the Times has no case. 42TFRESH GOODS STEAMER.BY EVERY

183 yOf Joseph Perrier Fils & Co., tcaion.Of Veuve Amiot, Chalons,

3For Sale byThe Gaceta Official of Caracas pub

--A.. WEIR,TOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY HIS' fiends and the public generally that Lehas purchased the Blacksmith and Carriage Shop

formerly conducted by A. Morgan at Nos. 79 ana81 King street, where he is now prepared to doCarriage and Heavy Wagon Work and GeneralBlacksinithing with promptness and dispatch.Satisfaction guaranteed. 131-- tf

Annual MeetingWaihee Sugar Co.

lishes documents proving that GreatBritain has usurped possession of Vene The Liverpool and Lou-- Ed. Hoffsclilaejrer & Gzuelan territory. English authoritieshave now been appointed. Thev are STBEET9.KING AND BETHEL

150 1 203-t- fcalled commanders of the Order of St.AT'I 1 I fli mi don and Crlolbeiuicuaet anu oi. ueorge. J.ne govern-ment and press protest.

American Affairs.Dr. Samuel Kneeland, of the Institute

that Brouthers, Richardson, Bennet,Ganzel and White have been sold toBoston for next season, for $30,000. Thisis the greatest deal in the history of base-ball.

John L. Sullivan is recovering and hasaccepted the position of sporting editoron the New York Illustrated News.

Teemer and O'Connor have signedarticles to row on the Potomac on No-vember 24th for the championship ofAmerica. The winner will go to Aus-tralia to try conclusions with Kemp.

Mr. W. A. Kinney of Honolulu hashad a talk with President Spalding at

ESTABLISHED 1836. Grandof Technology in Boston, died of heart THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WAIHEECo. will be held on MONDAY, Novem-ber 12, 1888, at the office of C. Brewer & Codisease at Hamburg. During his verv vueen Hireei, uocoiuiu, at 10 o'clock a. m.extensive travels he visited the Hawaii Assets

Net IncomeClaims Paid

.$ 40,000,0009,079,000

. 112.569,000J. O. CARTER, Secretary,an Islands. mmARTJ. C. Flood, of San Francisco, is dvinsr

from Bright's disease at Heidelbenr. DPiESSMAIQiXG.Germany. He is attended by Drs. Erboiiicago. KinDey stated that there were

Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills, Dwellingsand furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop fc Co.1188-6- m I

two good baseball teams in Honolulu. Co. t 10and Kussmaul.Mr. J. C. Klein proceeds bv the Zea- -and suggested that a match be plaved at nounce a grand exhibition of ongm

RS. M. B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCEDtbe business of Dressmaking rntir,Honolulu on tne morning of tne arrival landia to Samoa as special correspondent I Ifor the New York World, San Francisco ilkof the American teams, with one of the OIL PAIXTIH&Examiner and the Associated Press. iici jcsiutfuue, o. to ueretania streetopposite tbe Hotel. Tho patronage of th iaii.B'local clubs, and that the two American In the case of the political murder, the IS respectfully solicited. Satisfaction tni.amn.clubs play together in the afternoon. To

Blue Ribbon Concert.The Blue Ribbon League entertain-

ment on Saturday was not so largely at-

tended as on former occasions. Proba-bly the light showers which fell duringthe early part of the evening preventedmany from coming. Nevertheless therewere among the audience some newfaces who apparently were interestedwith the exercises.

The opening piece was a piano solo by

teed 88-t-fshow the good quality of the Honolulu For HoDftkonir & Yokohama Water Colors,men, Mr. Kinney referred to HarrvEngraTint'Whitney who was second baseman of HeliotypeB,NOTICE, . . fl.the Amherst College baseball club, and .nd ttCD,w'

Gravuresis now captain ot the Honolulu team.Ir. Mackenzie's Defense. AND AFTER OCTOBER 1 PHnnrwO1? alone authorized to sign the firm name.The New York Herald has nublished U-l- m QUONQ SAM KEE & CO.complete Dr. Mackenzie s book relative

Which Will be offered iorat their Salesrooms (up-tJr- s

On Friday, Octoberto the death of Emperor Frederick of 12

jury returned two verdicts, one to theeffect that Harrington was justified inkilling Donahoe, and the other decliningto place the crime upon anybody. Har-rington is allowed out on $20,000 bail.

Coal for San Francisco is being broughtfrom the Eastern States and from Japan.The price continues to advance.

Lacey, caller of the "clock" game,has been found guilty by a jury. Thecases of the 300 have not yet been tried

Tom Reed, of Maine, will visit Califor-nia before the elections to speak on be-half of the Republican party.

On the Republican municipal ticket ofSan Francisco six ladies have been nom-inated as school directors. One of them,Mrs. Nellie L. Weaver, is known on theHawaiian Islands, where her father in

German'. The title of the work is

The Nippon Yusen IUisha'g AlSteamship

"Taliasago Hani"BROWN, COMMANDltB,

Will be due here from Tokoha ma on or aboutthe 13th of November, and will leave for

above ports, positively, on

Rev. A. D. Bissell, which he played insuch a manner that assured those pres-ent of his very high capabilities as amusic teacher. The other pieces were asong by Mr. McGuire, readings by Mr.P. C. Jones and Miss M. Ella Spooner,which were both masterly efforts and ac-cordingly well received. The next was aduet by Mrs. E. C. Damon and MissBeckwith, the ladies displaying beautifulyocal powers.

The speaker of the evening was the

The canvases fromabore comprise

artists of



Broiled Steaks and ChooiMoraing and evening. Also,,

Hot Dinner from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.Ai.d best Coffee, Tea and Chocolrte in town

. 124-- If

narselddorff,London, 3Iunich,

"The Fatal Illness of Frederick theNoble, by Sir Morel! McKenzie. ' Marknow how plain a tale all put vou down.'

Henry IV., Part I, Act II., Scene IV."Dr. McKenzie declares that Emperor

Frederick received his death-blo- w onApril 12th, when, through the clumsi-ness of Dr. Bergman, a false passage wasforced through the patient's trachea.

The Herald interviews several NewYork physicians about Mackenzie'sbook. Dr. John Peters savs that un- -

-Art entres.

and otherParisisted in introducing the public schoolsystem of the United States. NOVEMBER 17), 1888. aRev. W. C. Merritt, of Oahu College. In

the course of his remarks he gave an ap-proximate estimate of the cost of the At a pyrotechnic display at Ouinov TheFinesfcCoIlecte;III., a large amphitheater collapsed andIiouors of all kinds drunkBDintuous in i iKfK, -

1 For Kent or For Sale.the Hawaiian Kincdom during the past fun Rmn'm, T?r,i05 euZ 5,000 people were hurled to the groundin the dark, all being injured, and half

Chinese passengers for Hon gkong will betransferred at Yokohama by firat steamer leav-ing that port. brousht to theseyear to be over $1,000,000, and the cost

per capita, over $18. Much other telling and tnat frot. v an liergman was one of of them very seriously. EverDr. l3aul (jibier has been sent bv ththe conspirators whom Mackenzie did

most to defeat. Peters gays Frederick'sand practical inf,1ttioni was discloseday: viii tto his hearersJ PLEASANT COTTAGE .j. iuper--3" For Freight or Passior accommodations, apply to

10 a ioInrxUd.In Perfect Onior. r

French Government to study yellowfever in Florida.. Secretary Whitney states that Englandwill not be able to cope with the UnitedStates navy wijen the new-- war vessels

aiau S I

lite was undoubtedly prolonged by Mac-kenzie.

The German booksellers ordered 75,-00- 0copies of Dr. Mackenzie's history of

the case of the late Emperor Frederick.

ir Mill, Hamakua,grinding sugar on the A few minutes walk from the Post Offlci

The FHawai;5th pr Apply to Win. G. Irwim & Co.: w.

11 hegare completed, 168 tf HUGO 8TANGENWALD, UJ) 127-t- f

Page 3: WEST - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38898/1/1888102901.pdf · Janfinese Green Tea, put in faruy j Presses are being carried


SE tiades in latitude"JJ, H I.. 3 dep. S. and longi- - HIL0 NEWS LETTER.tude '-

-5 V. Crowed the in o28 ,Irff. W. June 30th! Los the K--


-- ""huidesr, W. Were 21 d;iv "frnm r.n ,T,. u Items of Interest The0 Schools andthe Atlantic to 50 dpc. sin,tio i..:c.:iay()ieroi This CELEBRATED BEER

r' ml i from Waianae LACES AND EMBROIDERIESISTEW MILLINERY, Comes all the way n ICK from

Iloads.There are three men in Hilo locked

"P, who it is thought know about thelate murder at Honomu.The Andersen murder case will be

tried next month at Waimea.It is expected there will be a Govern-

ment school instituted in place of theForeign school at Hilo.

IV-"- " ... from Molokai. St. Louis.AT THE3

with almost a constant succession of head'winds August 9th sighted and" passedCape liorn, mountain tops covered withsnow. Carried N to N'W winds to latitudeK deg S. longitude 83 deg. V, wheremef l.he,.yK tra,,es which were li-- htbaffling throughout. Crossedequator in longitude' 121 deg. y ul9 h of October Lost the SE trades' h)latit-ude 5 deg. . longitude 123 deg. V Tool-the- E

trades m latitude 10 Ntudei29 deg W From the fee of iSfyling antasket Roads until the SE tradeswere encountered in the Po;k lr.

V V''M',,,r'Macaul:iV, 1U

i..i,no:i. 152 days Popular Millinery House, 104 Eort Street,..jfrotuKoolau.

Oct. Health is very 1ST. S. SACHS, - Prop.A Fine Assortment of

10 days of fair wind. Sifted Highest Premium .--i) Awarded Wherever ExHiBiTD.(- i-

lhe Hilo Board ofhealthy.

There was a churchtr.mi ivauau h PiHnif

, F refill a"from nanaici sociable at the

ana madefollowing day at dayhght. Captain John!son was tormerlv in pnmm9nAfkf&K, ..ni I Maui and nouse of A. B. Loehpntata; ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCINGS, in white, cream and ecru;Edward May, and Captain Newell bavinfrom Main.

l iV't',r' from Ib.niakua

."'it--- ''

smce.which was free to all no assess-ments.The Hilo Road Supervisor has a rod

in pickle the back to tickle of the manwho wrote the article on Hilo roads inthe Bulletin. If he is caught he will beburied in the muddiest, nnrt rf tho

"CT lVUI".,neu ine new Hawaiian ironbarkioohing Suey now on the way fromGlasgow to ban Francisco,, Captain John-son was ordered from Manila to return andjoin the Amy Turner. There were 7steamers and 90 sailing vessels sighted

L'l dayski. . Paid,'K ..l- -

yju mi; ige irom lioston ,ffndnhe niu.les that he has spoken so un- -


WHITE and COLORED EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES,With materials and edgings to match ;

NEW SHAWLS and SCARF SHAWLS; cream light blue and pink;

Hosiery, Corsets & UnderwearAll Sizes and Qualities;

Ladies' Jersey Vests, Silk and Merino, at Special Low Prices !

DIKD.jvTTKIAY, Ucl. - .

tor tneOtertiui WIIITNEY-At.Peleka-ne. Honolulu, Oct-ober 27th, Mrs. Captain B. Whitneyaged 50 years, 9 months, and 18 days!Leaves a husband and live children to

papersn ournner loss, an Franciscoplea.se copy.for Kahului and

in. for MoloKai, oM.'brt'or, CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS

junuiy or will Dray over him.Mr. A. T. Atkinson, Inspector-Gener- al

of Public Schools, arrived at Hilo onthe 16th inst. by way of Puna. He vis-ited the Government school on the 17th,and on the following day went to Olaato look after the educational interests inthat benighted section. On Saturday anormal class was held at the Unionschool, Hilo, nearly all the teachers ofthe Hilo district being present. On thefollowing Monday Mr. Atkinson lefttown to yifcit the schools on the planta-tion. It is seldom so energetic a gentle-man appears in town. Always glad tosee him, for he has an extra amount ofspecial ability for the grand work inwhich he is engaged. J. A. M.

Hilo, October 25th.

maenvood, for Waialua,'1:1111. . ...


See new " To Let."Molokai and iaui...'i u" k'ooklU.

:ffrjiizu for Koolau, Oahu.


latest Style ETats and Bonnets,TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED.

60-2- w

of Prod m e.Ha'H rue. Mi9. pkgd.



-- i... 1"--N


A pet dog wants its owner.

A circular from the Minister of Financeappears officially.

Adjourned annual meeting HaikuSugar Company at 10 o'clock.

Mr. J. T. Arundel, the well-know- n

Pacific trader, remains here a short time.

Sugar has taken the not unexpectedfall on the eve of the new crop's







TvURLVG MR. FISHEL'S ABSENCE, WHO WENT EAST TO BUY HISPalama yielded the usual Saturday

"$ CoM5SO &Hfl

X-- HOLIDAY GOODS, our Entire Stock ofwith sharp cries of "haulnight s noise,in.


Makee, Oct: rV pcrtiiirJam.'siVral'l''"-?- -

, Vf.Ti,Mro. por S S Zealandia,v"ExL rrhur-ttm.Ca- pt V A 1)

Servant, tffctor Anthony J T

tFO.Lf, I' M Cooke, hhrhohVWtuH.aalo. lr M Croman,

A New Captain for the Hyacinth.Captain Acland of the British Navy

arrived by the steamer Zealandia to re-

lieve Captain Bourke of the Hyacinth.He is accompanied by his steward, Mr.W. Hobbs. Captain Acland's last shipin commission was the Miranda on theAustralian station. During the recentnaval maneuvers on the coast of theUnited Kingdom, however, he was incommand of the cruiser Ampion, thatvery skilfully broke the enemy's block-ade of Loch Swillv. Captain Acland willlikely have the offer ofwhen the Hyacinth leceives a new crewat Hongkong" in March. He has beenhere before on one of Her Majesty's flag-ships.

A Newspaper Envoy.Mr. J. C. Klein, a San Francisco

journalist, paid us a pleasant visit duringthe Zealandia's stay. He is on his way

Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,Mr. Atkinson, Inspector-Gener- al ofSchools, is back from his extended touron Hawaii.

Fancy Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gaps, Millinery,r, l'aul ilamu, Vj a lanyui k

V I II tt licncK, Aiiss iiiu-xi- -

1:A letter from Hon. Alex. Young (in

type) and several country letters arecrowded out.

h wile ami imani. j ji ivt-n- -

Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices in order to make room for New Goods.

For Sale on Draught, at'iVlil, ftlu",,l"i ';er Viii' ent, C E Williams,

wk.C H KUu-trel- , Father Syl- -

We will offer the biggest Bargains in Dry and Jbancy doods in this country.

Our $5 Hats will be sold for $2.75 ; our $6 Hats, $3.75 ; our $3 Hats, $1 .75 ;

our $10 Hats, $6; $15 Hats, $8.75.

Mr. J. S. Webb, ex-Secreta- rv of theForeign Otlice, took passage bv the Zea

THE "PANTHEON."landia for Sydney.

VVe Have Eemnants in all DepartmentsMr. W. J. Smith, Secretary of the

:tr.m-i- t fur tne toionies.uiii iht tni r Mikaliala, Oct'ffili-NX- . H H Wilcox, M A Gon-.- ,:

,: l.encer, H T Faye, 5 Chi-- v


H'ir.,akuii via Lahaina, per stnirvii- - W Ketrh, Miss LillianJM Hurner, C 11 Carter, and 14

to Samoa by that steamer, with full30--tf

The Hisdo'nBoard of Education, is home from hispowers, to describe the situation in thatvacation on the Coast.disquieted country, for the Examiner ofthe above city, the iNew York vVorld,


Boy's Fine Straw Hats only 25 Cents each ;Our Linen Lawns Take the Cake! Price our Ribbons:

U. S. S.theSenreant Barrington of Iron and Locomotive Works,and the Associated Press. On his reVandalia is laid up at the Mare Islandk.ai.Kr strnr Waialeale, Oct 2S I naval hospital with acute rheumatism. turn Mr. Klein will devote a month to

doing these islands. He gives the im Corner of Deal and Howard Streets,Our Stock of Ribbons is Complete and you may expect Bargains..lirnA o deck passengers.

San Francisco Californiapression of a genial, active, and wideThe reception of the Y. M. C. A. to itsawake newspaper man.returned delegate to the World's Con W. II. TAYLOR President

vention, Mr. C. M. Cooke, will be oneDC"We MUST and we WILL sell in order to make room for New Goods.



Builders of Steam Machineryof the early events.

Eleven arrests were made on Saturday,

il.x., ptT stnir Likelike, Oct 28? Baldwin, Miss (iiles, V High,?KeI!ett and 2 children, Mrs PJiluothievs and child, W Good-ifiiile- v,

Mrs Aehuns, Miss MaryiJl'Jlire ullicers, 2u lepers, and 1

Jt'iiand Hawaii, per stnir Kinau,i H.Miby and 2 children, G Irvine,i.;on, Chun Lung, T C Alain a,1st Y Ainu, Geo S Bond, W Jr.i on, (ieo Campton, H It Bry-H- M

Inernv. lion J I Dowsett,jr.

In all its branches.Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines 4 Boilers,OHB. J-- FISHEL.two of them for opium. Three entries

appear on Sundav, one old offender for High Pressure or Compound.61-- tfarunKenness leaving uau. STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,

with hulls ot wood, irou or composite.The Kamehameha Preparatory School ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad

visable.will open w, with Miss C A.J K Ward. Mrs M PuniSTEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs conKeamer as principal and Miss HighlandiiwiQ deck passengers. H E A. L T HMiss Lillian Lyman as teachers. structed with reference to the trace In which

they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SHIFTING NOTES. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making MachineryHis Excellency L. A: Thurston, Minmade afte the moat approved plaus. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

Death of Mrs. Capt. Whitney.Heartfelt sympathy will be generally

accorded Capt. B. Whitney and family,in their bereavement of wife and mother.Mrs. Whitney died on Saturday, thefuneral taking place at 3 o'clock the fol-

lowing day, from the family residence toNuuanu Cemetery. Kev. Dr. Beckwithconducted the services at the house andthe grave. The funeral was very largelyattended.

Hawaiian Hotel Arrivals.John Kennedy, Phila-

delphiai October 27 --23

; Morus Juda, wife and child,San Francisco; John T. Arundel, Lon-

don, England; Valdemar Knudsen, Bos-

ton; Capt. W. A. D. Acland and serv-ant, H. B. M. Navy; Scott B. Wilson,Waialua; W. Goodale, Hamakuapoko;II. P. Faye, Mana, Kauai; John M.Horner, Hawaii.

Colonel Macfarlane.Col. Geo. W. Macfarlane has unfor-tunatel- y

been stopped at New YorkVm

steamer Ewa has been ister of the Interior, has returned haleand hearty from the Coast, with the Is Best Maintained bv JSTonrishing

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anytlie Marine Railway,dnier halani brought 1.728 bags welcome information that Mrs. lhurs--

ton's health is improvingsize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtotjethtr, or Sheets rolled, punched and Aackedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

The annual session of the Planters HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water

FOOD.In this Climate something more than Food is required.

"W YET H S 'Labor iind Surmlv Company opens at 10 Pipes made by this establishment, riveted by

hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork bein? far superior to haud work.

"') hides from Hamakua, 11a- -

in bark II. Hackfeld has beenBrewer's wharf to the Oceanic

-- pCumpany's wharf.er Likelike arrived on Sunday!uM:mi with ISO bags sugar,

'ar.o,3obags Potatoes, ami 153dairies.

o'clock this morning, in the room of the

'' iii'.



j!!;- -

M i ir

til - !

!!!! i.

ri'...J. iii


'- !

i'i )

0 '!



;'; "'




Chamber of Commerce, Campbell sSHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam

block, Merchant street. Winches, Air and Circulating rumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

A Portuguese through his national in SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Home Safety Boiler.5tr Mikahala arrived Sundav tprnretar. Mr. Vivas, complained to the

Jlr.r'i lT.iM; nn I . i i . .Lnf n PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for Irrigation orLIQUID .-

-. MALT .-

-. EXTRACT1 II .1 . 1 III II Nf .1 III! a 1 Vcity works purroses, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

va wheels.his travels, with an attack of erysipelasdeemed me uaisu w

in the morning for selling dairy produceut his house on Sunday.IVvant will Iphvp tit-mn- r-

caused bv cold contracted in Montreal.tuf San Framrisoo. She J. N. S. Williams Honolulu.A rtriv.atfi letter from San Francisco THIS "WlIsTT.MiL'ar from spvtr:l p!ist.iii? SUPPLIES Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreck:.s Block.

A rumor was current at Nawiliwiii, states that the Colonel had been offerediuornin'. 41-3- m A cent for the Hawn. Islands.tliPi itosition of Chamberlain to Kingimau arrived on Sunday Kauai, on Saturday evening, wane iue

steamer Mikahala was ready for Hono-lulu, of a serious stabbing affair which'LM.Ull ;in. HauMii, 1.fi Contains AI.I th Nutrient Properties of MALT with the Least Possible

4,0S A ba's 13 bundks Amount of Alcohol. CHIT ON & CO.,Kalak&ua.

Police Court.Saturday, Oct. 27th.

N;is hides, 2 horses. 11 Diss. had taken place at warnawa, out- - noparticulars were obtained.As sundries. :o:- -

The Koloa Sugar Mill, Kauai, has Importers and Dealers InAnnie,"Mary and Lizzie Kapule, andKoi, disturbing quiet of the night, $4

:jaa bark W. IJ. (lodfrey was'rV "an railf,i-c- harbor to--

1 American bark Alden..--

J 'wNanuimo, 15. C, and bothBENSON, SMITH & CO., Agents.nnwi.pd trrindint? sucrar tor tne season,

each including costs.etl Mo .1 rri . i. 125-3-t

M J Aiiey ioiivr o l i

and the Lihue Sugar Mill has renewedoperation. The Waimea Sugar Mill isundergoing an extensive overhauling,i - .uiit-ii nn ti... ,i . Chinese & Japanese Goods

SPECIAL. BUSINESS ITEMS.receiving new boners, eic.

,ne B. (.lodfrey for llono; d"n csefor Kahului.

CSv1 b,arntine Amelia, Cap42 NUUANU STREET.The band concert announced for Emma Vnr stvlish millinery ero to Sachs' storerj V ;vua11. arrived from Port HAWAIIAN GAZETTE


There vou will always rind choice goodsr..mrrt on Saturday aiiernwu si i

011 fe:iturday evening,-,- ;.v;A.uays. with 492.OOO feet and latest styles.


my 20 cords wood Good goods, at low prices, can always bestopped alter tne nrst iwo uumucio v,

played, owing to a lady being on heriQti,i,o,l in the vicinity. This evening'itJiMV, v uuul'ison, aim nas

Book and Job Printing Establishmentti,u v. inri will inve a concert at the same-- '"'Pany'a wharf.'b?,xi'eneiiced a verv severe wr- - nrkTPt and Under Wear co to

Sachs' store. There's where you will rindnlace. when the new pieces pruuuocu iuiet to southwest on the?- -t f r. what you want.J;nis umthere t0 Vort had light Saturday will be executed.

B. Godfrey. Cap r 'J: J57 Merchant Street, Honolulu, n. I.A more complete stock of Dress Goods,

could not be displayed than that now ex-

hibited at Sachs' store, 104 Fort street. Itcomprises all the new shades, plaids and32t, , .:ori Sunday, October The Kwa Lepers.

Contains Larsen and Hopkins and? : . " warfare Bay, 15. C.f a , Vdl W Messrs C Brewer A: Health Officer Reynolds returneu irom

Have constantly on hand Silk, Satin,Crape, Grass Cloth, Embroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs, Silk and Craje Shawldand Scarfs.

A great variety of Chinese and Japa-nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lac-quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold" and Silver Jewelry, setting withTiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklaces, Etc.

An assortrnent of Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specif'.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets

Tables, Chairs and Settees.

Ewa about o O ClOCJt caiumrtj ui0w.Wr r ?-?- .whali" barkT.a::i Y fornUi' ll7 davs out:iiiT .. fe4Tl Francisco! The

iancy sinpcu wv-w-- j.

Drink Moxie at the " Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.

Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's)They brought three female lepers ana TAXES, 1888!forlodged them in the lirancn iiospuauV'UC , boara the W. B.

viltf7a interviewyritl with

vov-nr11- for his vessel andr 7 ,

or 6,111 Francisco.coughs.nfnr TCn returned on Sunday.

4f. chrtt. that narrowly missed Magazines at Graenhalgh's, 106 FortS. FOSTER & CO.,

WHOLESALE GROCERSt- - rutthinc was heard of the fugi street.Van Oierendorp,iled

atT fro,.Sun Francisco. Shoes attivemale leper and his abettor. Mar-

shal Soper will issue posters this morn- - Ladies' glace trim. CottonFishel's. Tax elector's Noticein ? 32 cabin Pas-S- r

' Vor Auckland, 5ianu-'- p for Houolulu, 21

?M H,,, 1 , ,1ur Sydney. Freieht

int? at Ewa, onermg ;pioo -ana Uverv to the ..ce

A full assortment of Flowt?r Pots, Arti- -Purchasing Agents.Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricator

for the throat.: Get your newspapers at Graenhalgh's,100 Fort street.

1 1- - A.- - - - - -

lv,!,ZtU1"- - W2for Auckland Lpc r y.'r--or lniormaviuu -T::i::

!o 22 Veathpr.n.f.i i,. 'i jLrfnin .. . nt Tahiti Lemonaue uepoi,Milkuber rUjerIv and:u,t0-'t- h fin ' mJerating; Oct-:.- M

f. J weather. Ti?otit T.; pa j r.

i . . ;r w " "IsZeat- - District of Honolulu, Island of OahuJI I hrt t . . -

1 trainer.-- I

r ii. invited to11 -- 3 m

. iiaciiieij)

arrest of Aik,uaiani ana xuanui ,

committing an assaultchargeduion a Police officer with a deadPyWeapon on the 24th inst. Captain Hop-

kins will return to Ewa on that businessearly this morning.

Band Concert..i ;ti :

'uc VUlOil at 4 p. m.1 r"f j Tn

Sole Agents for

Simpson's Top-o-C- an Brand

Diamond Oreamery

BUTTER.f& bark A m.y Tlirnpr. f!an- -

rrivpil r w., j....-- tn. i.v .i r r-- !

'.MJI t(MU I The Roval Hawaiian liana win giveas

' our-c- f

t tLisevening ai Dog JFonnd.A SMALL ; I T DOG, WHICH THE

k ;;uaiR5 0tt. luusor keroslne oil

W.,!o"oS2ia- - Tlie captain far- -a concert this Monday

o'clock. Fol- -

PAYERS IN THIS DISTRIlTAX notified that the Taxes for '

rent year will be dne and payable at thethe undersigned, No. 38 Merchant strcity, on the .FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER1868. OfSce open from 8 a. m. to 5 p ?

Any person desiring to pay his taxesabove mentioned date can do so at.'--,

tor's office as above Indicated.

at 7:30 .r;) (it'amltt.

er: Left.Joraudum of the Cvbt vi nave, v j,.. &

property ana paying for this notice.ogramme :fSh-- Sn rds mVd3jT by qpplymg at tbia ofiBce

rpHIS CELEBR vTFi EU .TEI; ISX of the finest qua.ity, irae upon the

Danish and American, sytx combined.Packed in herrretic iMy .led tins, andwarranted to ket-- ir i

.Muller.Rossiniand Dagger. ..

i immide.ie e?y weather. Ju- -

ii n ii. in in X" i WANTED. tT AlWmounts remaining unpaid t i

FIFTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER NE villibe liable to an ADDITIONAL TEN P4.l; 'El T.and costs of collection. 1



sia--M- :ii in the Forest (new;....Eilenberg--Tro.Kvdmr Verdialama. Iwna, Mala ike Ao."Bivouac Petrella

PJ-- Vivat Zk0.ff

st,. Tvr a Qf a T.T. FAMILY. 'A JAP--

i.)26 and 2 3 C

SAN FRAN'T.' ln latitude

4 w.and lost theACICFELD

129-l- w

CAL. CHAS. T. GULlCVv,Tax Collector, District of He nr.! A ;

Honolulu. Not. 15, 1883. 131 f t ? i tanese preferred if he can Bpk Enslih.street,

Apply to J. T. and H. Waterbouse. Queenwharf. iog

Oct. 22.1883,. M i r v .11 us Tower ahroacnl.j.. iii Ponoi.

Page 4: WEST - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38898/1/1888102901.pdf · Janfinese Green Tea, put in faruy j Presses are being carried


nurd abotrtiaontnli

Australian Mail Service. TTOLEWIS & CO. B.REHLERs.--Just Received ia ..,

2 On account of the extreme dull times, which hasnow lasted for several months,

1111 Jne of.GENTLEMEN'S v AND


fhw new and fine Al eteel steamship

Have Jut Received ex $. S.


N. Z. Smoked Haddock

New Zealand Potatoes3f-t- f

m irv wrnriz OF HARNESS i cotton --Bathing Suits-An- a,,4 ff I --:vv-tel-iiVrSfe- 7 ttqc o.Tv,Miafprl n that it is too laree for the Store6 fc MARIPOSA" ALSO- -

Ladies' Black DiamondO--

DyOf th Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

at Honolulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

that I keep: I have therefore come to the conclusionj to sell all my

Sydney Stock and Kellegore SaddlesAT SYDNEY PRICES. AND ALSO, MY

H NTEBPBIS H tSTIu future Mrs. E. G. Small win , .P ji"-- u io do rt ' 1 F,,1-- tf


174 Telephone 55.READY-MAD- E HARNESS

At Reduced Prices for 60 days only.Nov. 18th, 1888,

And will leave for the abave port with malls andnoAQfinffapD r m n r u hnii t that fi at oSugar Plant tfor Sale. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR As mv Harnesses have stood trial here for ten years, it is of no use to me to

1 a. . l r i T . . 1 1 r tV n in ii tl n rn--lxo. 17 Jmma Street.

The undersigned begs to Inform the public ofmeasurement. Directions for self -- measurement w?ll give?be oV'ip Vmk,Br

uiukb any commeius on my ciass 01 wors . uiu), x m oaj, mcj cwo mauuof the very best of material, and by the best workmen in the Kingdom, andsuperintended by myself.

u i 4. t ...:n 4- - 1.-- . C A A 1 n Cnl11a "Rooraf ilii iiiia y uuiiimet;, j. win give yuu a ciitiiico iu uuy kjavaviico, jvnji ""o,tj : ,i : t : .1 1 i i i A i? ; ,1 ; T f oil Irinds on1 Wiute Slnrts, Over Shirts and Xiaht'rUlllWJ UtlS, XVlUllig UUUlCiS UUU. xXarilllgill, UlU.. XViUlllg UCggUlO Ul "uo, tauu.

Harnesses at reduced Drices. ' All narties orderina: from the islands will have the A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every ord er.same benefit as those here. Island order,o

AuuuiJO.uia.Tiursa,appiy to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AOKNTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine Al steel steamship

"ZEALANDIA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due a (Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

Oct. 27, 1888.

The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO.Kohala, is offered for sale. The machinery is

In perfect working order, and consists of

One 2(5x43 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

etc., complete.One pair of boilers, 6x20.One Double Effect, 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weaton Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of Clariftei'Cleaning Pann, Coolers and other Machinezusually found lu a well appointed Mill.

(DC7m With this assurance on my part, will you come and look for yourself.

CLI.S. HAMMER, l-- Bell Telephone 140

118-2- m Old Corner Harness Shop.WING WO CHAN & Co., iUUAM


Also, a number of

California and Island Mules.Cane Carta and General Plantation Implements.

And will have prompt di3patcn with mails anasaengers for the above ports.


GOMES & WIOHMAN'SAllVAfV Will r CI nltrAn r F I m mw4 j.... I - w..7, "a F, . , Y . " c "a" I COMJUUDATIONS, apply to GOODSWm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,A LABGE INVOICE OF TINE JEWELEY Suitable for Christmas and New Year'sAGENTS

For further particulars apply to

J"olin HindiMaunger Star Mill,

tf Kohala, Hawaii. EX BARK VELOCITY, FROM CHINA,Of the Latest and Prettiest Designs.




Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc., Etc.

113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall


Chinese & Japanese Goods,Something new in Honolulu;

Extension Veranda Chair!At Exceedingly Low Prices.


A Special Line of Alarm Clocks at $1.75 Each.Fire Crackers, New Designs In Cups and

Saucees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyGoods

At Greatly Reduced Prices.

Ebony and Marble Diningroom Sets,Matting in all variety and colors,

Silks, Satins and Pongee,Silk in all shades;

Mantel and Hearth

City Market, Nuuanu St.Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,

Dairy-fe- d Pork and Cambridge Sausage,fresh every day.

Corned Beef and Pickled Tongue alwayson hand and put up in quantities to suit.


Regular shipments by every steamer.

oEXF These Goods have all been personallv selected in the States, guaran-

teeing thereby a choice selection of the Newest and Latest Designs.Sample packages of Goods sent to any part of the Kingdom.Having every facility requisite for a first-clas- s Jewelry Manufacturing Estab-

lishment, we feel confident that we can manufacture anvthing that may berequired in the Jewelry and Silverware Line.


Best Oolong Tea, Choice Manila Ci116-l- yPOST OFFICE BOX NO. 255.

Watch Repairing and Engraving in our well-know- n manner.XsX. B. All meats delivered everymorning within a radius of three milesof the city.

My prices are as reasonable as any-where, and all orders attended to with

GOMES & WICHMAN, Fort Street.P. O. Box 343.BTJHACH ! 106


promptness and dispatch. 114-l- m






The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES.

Stands First Among is Leafling Life Assurance Companies of the World,

Beware ot Imitations,Which are being put upon the market.

In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Incomein Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surplus and '

Assets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,ana in an otner important Respects.


sold onlj bj Assets. Dec. 3J, 1887, $84,478,904 85.LIST OF OFFICERS:

V. C. Joues. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter. Treasurer and Secretarylion. W. F. Allen Auditor

It having come to our notice, that an inferior

quality of Gin, purporting to be J. J. Melchebs'"Elephant" Bra:?d, is being offered for sale in

this market, we have to

Caution tlie PublicThat we are the Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Is-

lands, for the said Brand, and that every genuinebottle bears our " Sole Agency " label.

W. C. PEACOCK & Co.,

Sole Agents for J. J. Melchers'

Schiedam, W. Z.

CoBenson, Smith &DIRECTORS:

lion. C. E. Bisbcp. Hon. II. Waterhouee

Outstanding Assurance $483,029,563New Business of 1887 138,023,105Surplus (4 per cent. Standard) 18 104 255Increase in Surplus during the Year 1748'37Increase in Assets during the Year 8'8G8432Total Income .'.'.. 23,24o!849Premium Income 19 115 775Percentage of Assets to Liabilities. . . . .."...................". 'l27'l-- 2

A Careful Study of the aboye Proyes Conclusively that the Equitable Society. is the most Profitable and Secure Life Assurauce

Company for intending Assurers.


Sole Agents in the


PACIFICHardware Company, L'd.


VZT Have Just Opened

Buhach Producingand Mfg. Co.

94 1236-6r-a

STOCKTON, CAL.78 aul2tf


The Manhattan Life Insurance Companyof lSTew ITork.

New Lines of GoodsINT NOTT,Which will repay inspection. Claus Spreckeis Wm. G. Irwin.

In th Salesrooms on the second floor are 3T Assets over 911,000,000. Net Surplus over 62,000,000.CLADS SPEECKELS & CO.,many arii0ie entirely new to this market.-- O

BJSTKEIiS.Special Goods at Special Prices!JtfM?(rvA rAiVcr1Household! Goods in large variety Honolulu HAW AT IAS ISLANDB

POSITIVE RESULTSOf a Policy in the Manhattan Life on the New Plan,

Age, 30; amount of. Policy, $10,000; term, 20 years.Complete Lines

f7 --j . i , , , I Draw Exchange en the principal parts o thejictru are, AgriculturalThe Annual Premium will be. ......8 301 SOWill receive deposits oa open account, makeImplements, Etc. collections and conduct a general banking andThe 20 .payments will amount to........'... . niAAt the end of that time the Company will return to the holder'lnVash".:".: o".700 OOexchange business.

I'lantation Supplies, Kerosene Oil of Thus the flO.OOO Insurance will have been secured at the net cost for 20years of onlyOr Jl.68 for ?l.00.n innnrk'Ak'lVl"..

best quality. Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav 336 OO1or if the Cash be not drawn the Policy will become paid up for 10,050 00

Ings Department subject to published rules andregulations. ' !7oc3tf

I !.PK110 are fixed in a Positive Contract. thP fnil ina90 1288 Pacific Hardware Co.. L'd Honolulu

LOVE'S BAKERYxto. 73 Nunnnn Street.

Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.meaaue Deine payable in the event ofUAMAT TTT the death of ThereU MAEKET. 13 no forfeiture of Payments dn discontinuance of policy after three years! a

Cash or Paid up Value being Guaranteed by the Terms of(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)MRS. HOBT. LOVE, ... Proprietress. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Ironthe New York Law,No. 6 Queen Street, Flsb Market, Ho

nolulu, H. I.Every Description of Plain and Fancy

a thFe OfficeFlheAgent" a'S n the 10 and 15 years' P,ans- - w"te' - applyBread and Crackersyx.r-j-ii- c itxauuttitau a is me simplest lorra 01 policy in existence to

overSOyea" Igo"' haTing bee ori8inated an'd ad"Pti by thf, Company' 1876.Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, FishF EES h GEO W. LINCOLNVEGETABLES. ETC.,Soda Crackers


80-t- f . 1235-t-fAlways Kept on Hand. TJSaloon BreadAlv h on Hand.

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to. n tiMJL1 BEEAD The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertiser !

ip and 77Kinp Stro3t:Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortL SPECI4LTY. notice.

talaL. er Promptly Attended;to. 0'Are tb . Finest Aavertlaiug Mdiu.ms in the KJosdoia.Telephones !N"o. SIS1722xnBell Tipiioaa Ho. 375,