wesley pettit


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W e s l e y P e t t i t




















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a r e q u i e m o f r e f l e c t i o n

a s e c r e t r e a d i n g r o o m

t h e s . t . e . m . s t u d i o

t h e e l a s t i c t e r m i n a l

t . v . a . re g e n e ra t i o n

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A requiem of ref lect ion is a student reading center nest led on the s ide of the famous lawn at the Univers i ty of Virg in ia . The s i te is on ax is with common pedestr ian trave l and adjacent to Thomas Jeffersons rotunda library. An innovat ive use of br ick and heavy timber construction create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that is as much fun to exp lore as i t is to f ind a pr ivate p lace to study. Specia l attent ion and care was g iven to the subt le trans i t ion of spaces from so l id to void . Wal ls of taper ing th ickness a l low for a p layfu l use of l ight and shadow, which frame the cafe, reading rooms, open a ir deck and scu lpture garden .

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A secret reading room is a fancifu l imagining for the headquarters of an i l lustr ious secret society, uphold ing the tradit ion of the University of Virginia. Buried into the ground just outside the window of Edgar A l len Poe’s own room, the unassuming pressence of the reading room is marked on ly by a ta l l ch imney protruding from the surface. Be low the dug-out courtyard l ies the h idden room used for myster ious gather ings of the societ ies members , which can on ly be accessed by a sta irway des igned to p ivot downwards into the space. Layer upon layer of h idden meaning is embedded into the structure itself, including dimensions driven from once understood mathemat ica l sequences .

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2A S E C R E T R E A D I N G R O O M

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The S.T.E .M. Studio provides a bright atmosphere for adults taking c lasses in science, technology, engineering, and math on Magnol ia Ave. , Knoxvi l le, TN. Cons t r ucted from the panels of d iscarded shipping containers , the pro ject encourages a new way of th ink ing and learn ing . A s ing le e longated space, def ined by a tw i s t i ng scupltural cei l ing, hosts an array of computer stat ions for students who cannot take courses from a convent ional co l lege. Mult i -use c lassrooms protrude from the exter ior wal l fac ing a publ ic courtyard . A saw-tooth composit ion of ta l l windows and rust ic stee l panels d i rects l ight in long streaks across the inter ior.

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3T H E S . T. E . M . S T U D I O

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The E last ic Termina l is a conceptual model of a mult i - funct ioning form to enhance the exper ience of future transportat ion . Appl ied in three d i fferent sca les th is pro ject demonstrates a use at the leve l of the pedestr ian , the motor ist , and of mass trans i t . The smal lest sca le i l lustrates i ts use as a pedestr ian br idge and b ike renta l un i t . At a larger sca le the form is adapted into a vending-sty le car renta l machine, with underground storage units . The largest sca le serves as a centra l t rans i t hub where interstate, t ra in , and bus a l l pass through or stop in the exchange of merchandise and passengers . For every model the arms of the star shaped pattern respond to major avenues of c i rcu lat ion and d irect ion .

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4T H E E L A S T I C T E R M I N A L

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T.V.A . Regenerat ion was an energy focused re-use of the Tennessee Val ley Author i tys east tower in downtown Knoxvi l le, TN. Carefu l ly researched environmenta l loads drove the des ign and choice of mater ia ls , as wel l as construct ion methods . Pre-fabr icated l iv ing units rep lace the bui ld ings outdated concrete sk in and provide comfortab le c i ty l iv ing whi le dramat ica l ly redus ing overa l l costs . A b io-swale and grey water system compl iment a lush green addit ion to the adjacent Market Square whi le paying a tr ibute to the overa l l miss ion and success of the T.V.A’s energy standards . A ca lcu lated formwork of terra cotta panels and sun shades wrap the lower p iece of the bui ld ing , which hosts pub l ic and bus iness spaces .

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T. V. A . R E G E N E R AT I O N


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The St i r l ing Engine is a hand constructed model based on the invent ion of Robert St i r l ing that is des igned to demonstrate a new way of looking at natura l resources and waste. Th is compact contrapt ion uses the heat from a candle to power two smal l fans , ut i l i z ing thermodynamic propert ies . Through pass ive techniques th is model expresses a des ire for eff ic iency and detai l whi le exhib i t ing a c lever way of turn ing wast heat into a usefu l breeze.

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