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Upload: johannes-van-den-eerenbeemt

Post on 04-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine

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A retirement home for happy and healthy people > Where people are supported to stay active and do

the things they are able to. > Where people still contribute to their environment in

their own way and time. > Where doors are always open and visitors are

welcome any time of day. > Where there is little to no management. > Where young and elderly people share a good time. > Where they talk about people instead of clients.

Keep on doing the things you have allways loved and still love to do.

It is time for social innovation!

> Over the last century healthcare has made wonderful progress. A lot of technological and medical innovations became possible. We now can treat diseases at a cellular level and even at a molecular level.

> Social innovation is as important as technological and medical innovation. However since The Plague we are still separating the sick from the healthy.

Our definition

Social innovation is changing behavior and social norms that emanates from social conviction. Re-evaluating social (non explicit) convictions frees the way for social innovations supported by the right technological and medical innovations.

Social convictions in healthcare > We need more care. >  There is not enough budget, which inhibits us to

provide good care. Therefore we need more money.

> People are happy when someone else provides them with care and relieves them from daily worries.

> Society needs to take care of seniors. > Seniors in retirement homes have no to little

value to society.

Think different > Happy people are healthy people.!> We need less care.!> We need less money for care.!> People want to be independent.!> Professionals together with family and

caregivers need to take care of seniors. !> Seniors have a great value to society.!

Business case 1: Home made meals

It is a misconception that cooking and buying groceries yourself would be more expensive than a meal service. It is actually cheaper! It is not only cheaper, it also has a social impact to cook for each other, it creates a more active lifestyle. So it makes people happy and healthy.

Cooking and buying groceries yourself.

Business case 2: Activities

It is very beneficial for seniors to stay active, involved and engaged with others.

> Being active increases engagement, improves confidence, resilience and control, reduces anxiety and depression, as well as reduces symptoms of disease and improves function to help maintain independence.

Stay active, involved and engaged.

Business case 3: Social contribution

Seniors made a positive net contribution of £40 billion to the UK economy in 2010. Furthermore, as the overall number of people over 65 increases and people remain healthier for longer, opportunities to make a positive contribution through work or volunteering will grow. As a result, by 2030, the positive net contribution of over 65s will rise to an estimated £77 billion.

Valuing the Socio-Economic Contribution of Older People in the UK

Social contribution.

We believe this radical new healthcare business model increases wellbeing and health, and reduces care consumption!

Imagine 5% increase of seniors in a retirement home that would

cook, for two. That is 10% more of those cheaper meals.

5% increase of seniors being more active, for example by cleaning their own room. In only 3 months 65-95 year olds can rejuvenate 20 years of lost strength through activity and exercise. That is a lot of rejuvenated years.

5% increase in socially active seniors, for example running a library. That is a lot of net contribution euro's.

That is a lot more happy and healthy people.

There is an increasing number of people who are thinking the same.

European Union about active ageing (2012) “Active ageing means growing old in good health and as a full member of society, feeling more fulfilled in our jobs, more independent in our daily lives and more involved as citizens. No matter how old we are, we can still play our part in society and enjoy a better quality of life. The challenge is to make the most of the enormous potential that we harbour even at a more advanced age."

So how do we start? We made a roadmap to start tomorrow. From little things big things grow.


This radical new healthcare business model was generated by CareToDesign. Our aim is a human centered healthcare service delivery system that corresponds to the real needs of patients and their relatives and that guarantees accessible healthcare for all in an ever more constraining environment.

Ideas worth spreading

This idea was sent to:

> “How to radically improve Healthcare” > Singularity University > www.singularityuniversity.nl

Contact us

Daniëlle Hoek Mail > [email protected] Twitter > @daniellehoek Linkedin > daniellehoek

Johannes van den Eerenbeemt Mail > [email protected] Twitter > @johannesvde Linkedin > jacvdeerenbeemt

Inspired by: >  Daan Dohmen, “De e van e-Health. Juiste energie voor optimale

implementatie van moderne technologie in de zorg thuis”, 2012. >  Jaap Maljers, presentatie OpschalingsTOP, 29 november 2012. >  www.m-ict.nl/opschalings-top >  www.behaviourmodel.com >  Dan Pink's talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what

really motivates us at home and in the workplace. >  www.theRSA.org >  Gezelligheid in huis door samen koken en eten:

www.moderne-dementiezorg.nl >  Why active ageing is good for heart and mind:

agescotland.wordpress.com >  The benefits of staying active for the elderly : 305fit.org >  Gold age pensioners : www.goldagepensioners.com >  European Union on active-ageing : europa.eu