wellesley, thursday, july 14th, 1904....idknck.-north rad of lath liar. zorra rav/aroc* eoaroffiot....

Wellesley, Thursday, July 14th, 1904. A ste rn $ank of C QrtQka Capital A uthorized (11,000,000 00 Capital P aid Up - 435.C00.00 R ehERVE A5D UNDIVIDED PROFIT* - 235.000.00 Assets over . . . . 4,450.000.00 Savings Bank Department. ABE YOU SAVING MONEY ? If so. don’t you want your money to draw interest? Money loaned to relatives ami friends often takes wings and flies. As a general rnle it is safer and letter to place yonr money in a bank even at a lower rate of intorest. Wo pay the highest intorest on savings consistent with safety. Intorest allowed from day of deposit and com pounded half yearly. A General Banking Bcsixehk T ransacted. W . E3. WEST*. MANAGER WELLESLEY BRANCH. WM. GUISTER. M. D., C. M-, *>onToronto Hospital. Orrics Hoc**:-* «»• !<••• i H. HILTS enti st Wellesley W ill be in Millbank on the second Tuesday of each month. E. P. CLEMENT, K. C. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public, Conveyancer. Etc. CMBr. «1 Qomiii s*., <, mk>»Ii« PoMIe Library BERLIN. ONT. Monay to Loon on Mort«a«« of lUal Estate, —THE— ftlbion« HOTEL. JOHN MAYER, PROPRIETOR,; WELLESLEY. , HTED throunhont on «h* ■""*»«*» pUn an<l wall lisbtrel and li«at«<l in • vary room. LJKor *OOHi * * , Krary accommodation for tha Trsvslllns Publ e. ^ Oofxl Htebllnx and Hoatlara. ffi ® S AifKRlCA’H Q » BEST • Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. Now* from all of tha world -Well wrl». tan <.rlalnaUtorlaa- An:wara to quarl*.- Articlo. on Health, Iba Homa. n.w Ihjik. an I on work about tha Parm andGardan THE W EEKLY INTER OCEAN la a mamLar of lha Aaaoclatad rraaa. ID only Wa.tarn Nawapa^ar rwtalvin* tha.n- tira teUfrapblc nawa aarrlco of tha N »» York Han and St^olal calda of t^.Naw York World—<lally roport» from o»®r *.'•»• apaolal corraapondanta throufboot tha TIME TABLE of the Preston and Berlin Electric Railway. ■ Cars leave Berlin for Preston— «.I0. 9.00. 9 15 and 10.55 a m; 12.10.1 20.2 30,3.40.5 00.6.15. 7.20. 8.25 9 35. 10.30 and 11.20 p.m. (Last cur runs to Preston only.) Leave Preston for Berlin—7.40. 8.35. 9.15. 10.20 and 11.35 a. in 12.45, 1.55, 3.05, 4.12. 5.25, 6.40. 7.50, 9.00. 10.10 and 10.55.p.m Leave Gnlt to connoct nt Preston as follow* 7.05, 7.35, 8.45,9.45. 1.20, 2.30, 3.40, 4.50. 5.55. 7.12, 8.25, 9.30, 10.10. Cars leaving Berlin ut 9.00, n in., and 5.00 Hnd 6.15 p.m. connect with C P R trains ntGalt without change Tiwoc Marks Demons Copyrights &G. Arrow.*- ' and daecnetUr. n r roKklf na^an»>i. i n r m < « « Iraawtwiaar »• nrraniKii t« yr».» ivUaMaUa. C..r.muiiw> »V*i.a•ttiHIri* r. initial. Ilaiult-nk <4i l*alrM an-i: Iran liM—» kifeiicv fur eacuriii? n lm lt. 1 ‘ ttimu UUa tbrnvrh Mann A "V*. r*«lr *j wrM•v'luc, aiibuMcb«r;a, la lh- Scientific Jimeiican. AhandanwifTr llln»tTa«»1 w»A»r. |nrr<-1r rnUtii 'i r.f » " » •rwiiiib.- J .ut.ial. Tann*. f t a t rtf. four iu.iMiia.fL tc.il l>y«ll n*a*.i«a.‘ar. IWUNN & Hew Yort David R u d y ^ Licensed Auctioneer ind VALUATOR For tlio Counties of WATERLOO. PERTH and OXFORD. IDKNCK.-North rad of lath liar. Zorra rav/aroc* eoaroffiot. OWara mar l.r lafl at tha WELLESLEY MAPLE LEAK OFFICE. whara dat.acan l, tnn-l IlharnDarni* madr Small Farm for Sale. /JKING part lot t. • on.*. North EaathvA, r* In tTul'.nrUla. aooth of Llaboa. A «ood lar«a frauta houaa. aitoatad on twalva acra* of *oo<l farming land. On tha prorrrty la also a «ood barn with drivtnc ahaJ, pf« atnble ate. Laud nil undvr cultivation and wall fanca'i. Two «ood wall*. b^ y ~ ’ *“ * LiaboB P. O. High Quality of our Gold Rings Is What Counts ! Our Rinat ara on top Ixcauaa tbay ara tha boat that can lw madanndara tha atnndard 'or duality. You can Im- plicitly r. ly on our Itlnira 1*1tie atrletly thn quality of «old they nro •tampml W# iw m r Im them. Our prirca ara a* low a» it ia lowiblr to aall for and fur- nlah tha quality taprraantad. Wo bara I,»<Ii. m' ] ii.carat Solid Gold Rl»«< at ( 1 .J6 ,|UQand R.»etch,which ara not N a ira for prica and quality. W# koap a apaclall)’ lar*a llna of Ibk and l»-k aoliil sold WaJ.lln* Hlne*. E. J. ROOS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Central Block, WATERLOO. LINWOOD AT PLAY. A Bust V illage T akes a Day Ofp And Has Lots or F cn. In the matter of sports Lin wood knows but little of fractions. It is generally the whole bog or none— mostly the porker. And so tho civ. ic holiday last Thursday was a sac- cos* from cock-crow until tho last head nebo got hotter. Linwood weather was contracted for. nml the goods were delivered ; just enough min the day boforo to mako tho ex- cuso to get off tho farms an easy task. And every one who could, got off the farms and came to town, between 1200 and 1500peop]o being on the grounds. Tho Linwood Brass Band who are building op for them- selves an enviable reputation, fur- nishod tho music which wus enjoy- ed by all. The calithmnpian parade in the forenoon created an immonso a- rnount of fun. Tho costumes had been prepared with great can*, and there was a keen contest for the prizes, which wero awarded us tol- lows: 1st. I’foffer and Williams 2nd. Sharpe, Baker and Anient ;3rd, Kocblcs; 4th, Karloy and Lnnt/.. The hfternoon sports commenced with a football match between tho Lakeside*, of Waterloo, Hnd the Mncton Maple Le-tfs. After one ol tho lest contests ever seen here the gnme ended in a tic—2 goals each. Tlie baseball tournament • Milver- ton won from Sc. Clements, score 2 to 1 ;thcn St. Clements defeated St. Jacobs, 3 to 3. Milverton get. ting tirst money and St. Clements Hocond. The athletic contest* resulted follows: 200-yurd ri co—1st A Smith ; 2nd A Cress. Boys’ moo— 1st C. Zilliaz, 2nd M. Dockert. 100-yurd race— 1st Meinke. 2nd A. Smith. Egg ruco— 1st B. Hochn ; 2nd C. Zilliaz. Girls’ rnco—V. Smith. Considerable interrat contort'd in the single t urn-out contest. There wero nine entries and tho prizes were awarded sa follows: 1st, Jos. McCardle 2nd. I. S. Iv. Weber 3rd, D. Schmidt. LINWOOD July il. eta. Miss Jennie Baker, of Atwood, was visiting ut her home hen; Iasi week Mr. J. W McKinley, of Toronto. «pt»nt a tew days last week in Lin wood. Mr. J W. has some gcxul friends in town who are nlwnyi glad to see him drop in Mr and Jir-.. Ballnntyno, of At woisl, were visitors at Mr. Frank Baker’s last Thursday. The masons 'tarted work nt the new Lutheran Church on Monday About 500 tuba of butter wore shlpjied from boro on Monday, lie- ing put on at Newton 8tution. How is that for Linwood businbssuiou. Ono Dollur Saved Represents Ton Dollars Earned. Tlio average man does not save to exceed ton j*<r cent of his earnings. He must spend nino dollars in living oxi>cns«‘s fqr every dollar saved. That being tho caso ho cannot lie too careful ubont unnecosiiary exi>ensos. Very often a few cento properly in- vosUhI. like buying soods for hip gardon. will save several dollars out- lay Intor on. It is tho same in buy- ing Chamberlaiu’« Colic.Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a fow cents, and a bottle of it in tho house often save* a doctor’s bill of sovoral dollars. For sale by A. J. Saunders. Druggist, Wollesloy. Tho Maple leaf and tho Farmer’s Sun to Jan. 1, 1905, for 65 oent.s. ____ WELLESLEY COUNCIL. Tho municipal Connon/ of tho Township of Wollesloy, met pur- suant to adjournment, on Monday, the 4th of July, 1904, nt ten o’clock, u. m., at the Township Hall, Cross- bill. All members were present, the Reeve in the chair. Minatesof June session were read and abop- tod. Communications, bills nml ac- counts were presented and after being rend, it was moved by A Heipel seconded by R. J. Kerr that thn following accounts be paid and that the Roovu issue his orders for thorn which were accordingly signed by him as follows, viz: J S Zehr. for taklnlf down old bridgo........ 7tS ........ 6 5U F S Sj eis. ID lbn spikes....... 40 G F Schmidt, 2 concrete cul- verts ............................... L BaevhVr, new bridge .... Thn Municipal W<.rld sup- plies re ditches and water course n e t .................... . R Cro'iks, 36 rods of wire »enco .............................. D Patterson. 67 ditto.......... Geo Huinfz. 100 ditto........ Jiw Gn-h<>. 53 ditto............. Jacob Schweitzer, 90 ditto.. M Bowuiun. for now bridgo 30 25 A Mickus, work for Board of Health............................ I It Otmplmll, rep. culvert. Peter F Shumtuur, for two book cn«<‘* ..................... Tho* Burnett, purt pay for o|*nating r- ad-timchine .. R J Kerr, express, phone. cnrtniro.ro repairs for road- machine. ...................... W Knight. timN'r and ro- IMiring bridgi;................. J W Green, ndv. ro closing of road............................ J Plinir, for watching gate anil tilling g 'u v e l ............ R Lintick, f.*r work, lumber and repairing bridgaa.... 255 00 J Helnipet. for 4s loads of gravel (>^P.)..: .............. 2 40 —Carri«*d It was then moved by J.B.Lichty seconded by R. J. Kerr that the clerk is hereby instructed to have public notices punted, which shall pr hibit all |>arti(M from building ‘xtending thoir fences npon the highways in this municipality —Carried. < )n motion by Messrs Lichty and Daimnoier. <*uri i«al by the Reeve, aiders wen* issued to the follow- ing parties for lambs and sheep killed by a dog nr dogs unknown. ix:To E Fenton the sum of 66 for 3 lambs, and to C F Schloeter (5 is) for one sboep. Whereupon it was moved by R .1 Kerr seconded bv J B. Lichty, that J the snin of $3.o0 be paid to J. Heipel f <r {tilling a dog in the act of worry lug sheep.—Carried It was then moved by J. It. Lichty seconded by R. J. Kerr, that the clerk bo instructed to advertise for tenders for thovcon- struction of two concrete abut- ments Hnd the iron structure there- to for u now bridge over the river Xith nt lots 3 and 4 concession 1. western section, known ns the Mc- Tavish bridge — Carried. It w«s Anally movi-d br A P j Daunneier s.conde 1by J. B. Lichty, that this council do now adjourn to moot again at tit. Clements the 23rd dav of July 1901, at 2 o’clock, p. m. . —CarriM. PETER F. SCHUMMER. Clark, 4 00 25 00 2 91 3 6f 13 40 10 00 5 3( 9 <K 5 00 3 If 11 51 5 00 4 00 5 00 F. Kell’s “ Conductor’s Punch* and “ Johnny Chnuck” cigars for sale everywhere. Try one ;:tbey*r dandies. Fir TH I INK Qnite a number of the farmers in this vicinity have started haying, although tho weather is not very favorable. Among those who took in tho sports at Linwood on Thursday wero Messrs. W ill. Dahms and Joseph S. Hammond. They report having bad a splendid time. Mr. Jno. Campbell and his Mster Miss Annie took in the circus in Stratford last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wray took In tho sports in Linwood on Thursday. Mr. John K. Hammond hn* dis- posed of one of his fln« mHres to R. Hay, of Listowel, for the bnmbomo price of 6200. Our teacher, Mi*s Freeborn, is 1lending ber holidas nt her home in Millbank. Mi. Menno Schmidt is «>«.• rating his circular saw in this vicinity at present. Mr. Edward and Mi'S Clara Ham- mond, os Moryboro. sjient Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Fred and Miss Hattie Ham- mond intend taking in the Orange Walk in Listowel Tuesday. A QUESTION OF COLOIL~{ The young mao consider* himself ai man of resources, although be D nor as aure about It now as be was a few days ago. LIo has been very attentlvs! to a certain young lady, and be waa calling on ber at the time that be par- tially lost confidence in bis resourceful mind. It Is unnecessary to narrate what passed between them upon the occa- sion in question, but at the time tb« young Indy’s sister entered the room 1*> was In the act of folding the youn* lady to bis manly bosom. Of coorso be desisted at once, as young men generally do under such circumstances, but Uo was not em- barrassed—not a bit The young lady’s sister said. “Excuse me.*’ and started to leave the room, when bis resourceful mind began to work. felt that he ought to say something and say It right away. “Don’t go," be said; “we’ve Just been measuring to see wbtcb one Is the taller." She paused In the doorway and look- ed at them Intently. "You’re both about the same bright* j she said quietly, “but sister Is muck the redder." Then she wrot out. and bo was ex» barrasaed—Just a little. J SUICIDE IN MILVERTON Noah Fartooy, employed as ho*t 1 ler in Ritter’s hotol. was found hanging to one of the beams in the! stuhle lastSuturday morning. The I body was quite oold when found, j tho man having evidently hanged j himself riomotlmo daring tho night.; Eurtney bad gono deliberately j about the aot, and Stripped off all his clothes. He was about 40 yoara of ago aud unmarried. THE WILD BIRD. TVhtm the XaluralUt Gets a Chumom to Stodr Ultu at Cloa* Range. For tho greater part of the year fesu* ts th# dominant Instinct In the life of nearly every wild bud or mammal which has to contend wltb man or overt enemies of any kind. But with the periodic revival of,tho reproductive functions profouud changes occur not only In tho bodily parts, but In the In- stincts which govern their movement* and Ufa. The parental Instincts, wbteh are essential to the generation anJ successful rearing of the young, begta to assert themselves and by blocking or supplanting tbe sense of fear bold them to the focal point—tbe uest and' later the yooug—during the period when parental care and even parental sacrifice U necessary. This wonderful parental Instinct, or series of Instincts, rises gradually like a fever, reaches a maximum and then as slowly subsides. When at Its bright every sense seems to be lost In un all’ absorbing passion. This Is the time to approach tbe wild bird. We can watch sqd record wltb pencil and camera ev- ery act which occurs at tbs nest We can approach as near as w6 please and by aid of tbe tent are enabled to ana- lyse la detail tbe behavior of the same’ birds for s period of from one to three weeks.—Professor Francis B. Herrick la Harper'sWsekljr.____________ ,

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Page 1: Wellesley, Thursday, July 14th, 1904....IDKNCK.-North rad of lath liar. Zorra rav/aroc* eoaroffiot. OWara mar l.r lafl at tha WELLESLEY MAPLE LEAK OFFICE. whara dat.acan l, tnn-l IlharnDarni*

Wellesley, Thursday, July 14th, 1904.

A s t e r n $ a n k of C QrtQkaCapital A uthorized (11,000,000 00Capital P aid Up • - 435.C00.00R ehERVE A5D UNDIVIDED PROFIT* - 235.000.00Assets over . . . . 4,450.000.00

Savings Bank Department.ABE YOU SAVING MONEY ? If so. don’t you

want your money to draw interest?Money loaned to relatives ami friends often takes wings

and flies. As a general rnle it is safer and letter to place yonr money in a bank even at a lower rate of intorest.

Wo pay the highest intorest on savings consistent with safety. Intorest allowed from day of deposit and com pounded half yearly.

A General Banking Bcsixehk T ransacted.W . E3. WEST*.


WM. GUISTER. M. D., C. M-,

*>onToronto Hospital.Orrics Hoc**:-* «»• !<••• i

H. HILTSen ti s t

W elles leyW ill be in Millbank on the second

Tuesday of each month.

E. P. C LE M E N T , K. C. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public,

Conveyancer. Etc.CMBr. «1 Qomiii s*., <,mk>»Ii« PoMIe Library

BERLIN. ONT.Monay to Loon on Mort«a«« of lUal Estate,


f t lb io n «HOTEL.



, HTED throunhont on «h* ■""*»«*»’ pUn an<l wall lisbtrel and li«at«<l in

• vary room.LJKor *OOHi * *

, Krary accommodation for thaTrsvslllns Publ e.

^ Oofxl Htebllnx and Hoatlara.

ffi ®S AifKRlCA’H Q

» BEST •Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican.

Now* from all of tha world -W ell wrl». tan <.rlalnaUtorlaa- An:wara to quarl*.- Articlo. on Health, Iba Homa. n.w Ihjik. an I on work about tha Parm andGardan

THE W E E K L YIN T E R OCEANla a mamLar of lha Aaaoclatad rraaa. ID only Wa.tarn Nawapa^ar rwtalvin* tha.n- tira teUfrapblc nawa aarrlco of tha N » » York Han and St^olal calda of t^ .Naw York World—<lally roport» from o»®r *.'•»• apaolal corraapondanta throufboot tha

T IM E T A B L E of the Preston and Berlin Electric

Railway. ■Cars leave Berlin for Preston—

«.I0. 9.00. 9 15 and 10.55 a m; 12.10.1 20.2 30,3.40.5 00.6.15. 7.20. 8.25 9 35. 10.30 and 11.20 p.m. (Last cur runs to Preston only.)

Leave Preston for Berlin—7.40. 8.35. 9.15. 10.20 and 11.35 a. in 12.45, 1.55, 3.05, 4.12. 5.25, 6.40. 7.50, 9.00. 10.10 and 10.55.p.m

Leave Gnlt to connoct nt Preston as follow* 7.05, 7.35, 8.45,9.45. 1.20, 2.30, 3.40, 4.50. 5.55. 7.12, 8.25, 9.30, 10.10.

Cars leaving Berlin ut 9.00, n in., and 5.00 Hnd 6.15 p.m. connect with C P R trains ntGalt without change

T iw o c M a rks D em ons

Copyrights &G.Arrow.*- ' and daecnetUr. n r

roKklf na an»>i. in rm < « « Iraawtwiaar »• nrraniKii t« yr».» ivUaMaUa. C..r.muiiw>»V*i.a•ttiHIri* r. initial. Ilaiult-nk <4i l*alrM an-i: Iran liM—» kifeiicv fur eacuriii? n lm lt.1‘ttimu UUa tbrnvrh Mann A "V*. r*«lr *jwrM •v'luc, aiibuM cb«r;a, la lh-

Scientific Jimeiican.A handanwifTr llln»tTa«»1 w»A»r. |nrr<-1rrnUtii 'i r.f » "» •rwiiiib.- J .ut.ial. Tann*. f t a t r tf. four iu.iMiia.fL tc.il l>y«ll n*a*.i«a.‘ar.

IWUNN & Hew Yort

David R u d y ^Licensed

Auctioneerind V A L U A T O R

For tlio Counties of WATERLOO. PERTH and OXFORD.

IDKNCK.-North rad of lath liar. Zorrarav/aroc* eoaroffio t.

OWara mar l.r lafl at tha WELLESLEY MAPLE LEAK OFFICE. whara dat.acan l, tnn-l IlharnDarni* madr

Small Farm for Sale./JKING part lot t. • on.*. North EaathvA, r * In tTul'.nrUla. aooth of Llaboa. A «ood lar«a frauta houaa. aitoatad on twalva acra* of *oo<l farming land. On tha prorrrty la also a «ood barn with drivtnc ahaJ, pf« atnble ate. Laud nil undvr cultivation and wall fanca'i. Two «ood wall*.b y ~ ’ *“ *

LiaboB P. O.

High Qualityof our

Gold RingsIs What Counts !

Our Rinat ara on top Ixcauaa tbay ara tha boat that can lw madanndara tha atnndard 'or duality. You can Im­plicitly r. ly on our Itlnira 1*1 tie atrletly thn quality of «old they nro •tampml W# i w m r Im them. Our prirca ara a* low a» it ia lowiblr to aall for and fur- nlah tha quality taprraantad.

Wo bara I,»<Ii.m' ]ii.carat Solid Gold R l»«< at (1.J6,|UQand R .»etch,which ara not N a ira for prica and quality.

W# koap a apaclall)’ lar*a llna of Ibk and l»-k aoliil sold WaJ.lln* Hlne*.


Central Block, WATERLOO.


A Bust V illage Takes a Da y OfpAnd Has Lots or Fcn.In the matter of sports Lin wood

knows but little of fractions. It is generally the whole bog or none— mostly the porker. And so tho civ. ic holiday last Thursday was a sac- cos* from cock-crow until tho last head nebo got hotter. Linwood weather was contracted for. nml the goods were delivered ; just enough min the day boforo to mako tho ex- cuso to get off tho farms an easy task. And every one who could, got off the farms and came to town, between 1200 and 1500peop]o being on the grounds. Tho Linwood Brass Band who are building op for them­selves an enviable reputation, fur- nishod tho music which wus enjoy­ed by all.

The calithmnpian parade in the forenoon created an immonso a- rnount of fun. Tho costumes had been prepared with great can*, and there was a keen contest for the prizes, which wero awarded us tol- lows: 1st. I ’foffer and Williams 2nd. Sharpe, Baker and Anient ;3rd, Kocblcs; 4th, Karloy and Lnnt/..

The hfternoon sports commenced with a football match between tho Lakeside*, of Waterloo, Hnd the Mncton Maple Le-tfs. After one ol tho lest contests ever seen here the gnme ended in a tic—2 goals each.

Tlie baseball tournament • Milver­ton won from Sc. Clements, score 2 to 1 ;thcn St. Clements defeated St. Jacobs, 3 to 3. Milverton get. ting tirst money and St. Clements Hocond.

The athletic contest* resulted follows:

200-yurd ri co—1st A Smith ; 2nd A Cress.

Boys’ moo— 1st C. Zilliaz, 2nd M. Dockert.

100-yurd race— 1st Meinke. 2nd A. Smith.

Egg ruco— 1st B. Hochn ; 2nd C. Zilliaz.

Girls’ rnco—V. Smith.Considerable interrat contort'd in

the single t urn-out contest. There wero nine entries and tho prizes were awarded sa follows:

1st, Jos. McCardle2nd. I. S. Iv. Weber3rd, D. Schmidt.

LINWOODJuly il. eta.

Miss Jennie Baker, of Atwood, was visiting ut her home hen; Iasi week

Mr. J. W McKinley, of Toronto. «pt»nt a tew days last week in Lin wood. Mr. J W. has some gcxul friends in town who are nlwnyi glad to see him drop in

Mr and Jir-.. Ballnntyno, of At woisl, were visitors at Mr. Frank Baker’s last Thursday.

The masons 'tarted work nt the new Lutheran Church on Monday

About 500 tuba of butter wore shlpjied from boro on Monday, lie- ing put on at Newton 8tution. How is that for Linwood businbssuiou.

Ono Dollur Saved Represents Ton Dollars Earned.

Tlio average man does not save to exceed ton j*<r cent of his earnings. He must spend nino dollars in living oxi>cns«‘s fqr every dollar saved. That being tho caso ho cannot lie too careful ubont unnecosiiary exi>ensos. Very often a few cento properly in- vosUhI. like buying soods for hip gardon. will save several dollars out­lay Intor on. It is tho same in buy­ing Chamberlaiu’« Colic.Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a fow cents, and a bottle of it in tho house often save* a doctor’s bill of sovoral dollars. For sale by A. J. Saunders. Druggist, Wollesloy.

Tho Maple leaf and tho Farmer’s Sun to Jan. 1, 1905, for 65 oent.s.


Tho municipal Connon/ of tho Township of Wollesloy, met pur­suant to adjournment, on Monday, the 4th of July, 1904, nt ten o’clock, u. m., at the Township Hall, Cross­bill. All members were present, the Reeve in the chair. Minatesof June session were read and a bop- tod.

Communications, bills nml ac­counts were presented and after being rend, it was moved by A Heipel seconded by R. J. Kerr that thn following accounts be paid and that the Roovu issue his orders for thorn which were accordingly signed by him as follows, viz:J S Zehr. for taklnlf down

old bridgo........ 7 tS ........ 6 5UF S Sj eis. ID lbn spikes....... 40G F Schmidt, 2 concrete cul­

verts ...............................L BaevhVr, new bridge . . . .Thn Municipal W<.rld sup­

plies re ditches and watercourse n e t.................... .

R Cro'iks, 36 rods of wire»enco ..............................

D Patterson. 67 ditto..........Geo Huinfz. 100 ditto........Jiw Gn-h<>. 53 ditto.............Jacob Schweitzer, 90 d itto ..M Bowuiun. for now bridgo 30 25 A Mickus, work for Board of

Health............................I It Otmplmll, rep. culvert.Peter F Shumtuur, for two

book cn«<‘* .....................Tho* Burnett, purt pay for

o|*nating r- ad-timchine ..R J Kerr, express, phone. cnrtniro.ro repairs for road-machine. ......................

W Knight. timN'r and ro-IMiring bridgi;.................

J W Green, ndv. ro closingof road............................

J Plinir, for watching gateanil tilling g 'u v e l............

R Lintick, f.*r work, lumber and repairing bridgaa.... 255 00

J Helnipet. for 4s loads ofgravel (>^P.)..:.............. 2 40

—Carri«*dIt was then moved by J.B.Lichty

seconded by R. J. Kerr that the clerk is hereby instructed to have public notices punted, which shall pr hibit all |>arti(M from building

‘xtending thoir fences npon the highways in this municipality —Carried.

< )n motion by Messrs Lichty and Daimnoier. <*uri i«al by the Reeve, aiders wen* issued to the follow- ing parties for lambs and sheep killed by a dog nr dogs unknown.ix :To E Fenton the sum of 66

for 3 lambs, and to C F Schloeter (5 is) for one sboep.

Whereupon it was moved by R .1 Kerr seconded bv J B. Lichty, that J the snin of $3.o0 be paid to J. Heipel f <r {tilling a dog in the act of worry lug sheep.—Carried

It was then moved by J. It. Lichty seconded by R. J. Kerr, that the clerk bo instructed to advertise for tenders for thovcon- struction of two concrete abut­ments Hnd the iron structure there­to for u now bridge over the river Xith nt lots 3 and 4 concession 1. western section, known ns the Mc­Tavish bridge — Carried.

It w«s Anally movi-d br A P j Daunneier s.conde 1 by J. B. Lichty, that this council do now adjourn to moot again at tit. Clements the 23rd dav of July 1901, at 2 o’clock, p. m. . —CarriM.


4 00 25 00

2 91

3 6f 13 40 10 005 3( 9 <K

5 00 3 I f

11 51

5 00

4 00

5 00

F. Kell’s “ Conductor’s Punch* and “ Johnny Chnuck” cigars for sale everywhere. Try one ;:tbey*r dandies.


Qnite a number of the farmers in this vicinity have started haying, although tho weather is not very favorable.

Among those who took in tho sports at Linwood on Thursday wero Messrs. Will. Dahms and Joseph S. Hammond. They report having bad a splendid time.

Mr. Jno. Campbell and his Mster Miss Annie took in the circus in Stratford last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wray took In tho sports in Linwood on Thursday.

Mr. John K. Hammond hn* dis­posed of one of his fln« mHres to R. Hay, of Listowel, for the bnmbomo price of 6200.

Our teacher, Mi*s Freeborn, is 1 lending ber holidas nt her home in Millbank.

Mi. Menno Schmidt is «>«.• rating his circular saw in this vicinity at present.

Mr. Edward and Mi'S Clara Ham­mond, os Moryboro. sjient Sunday with friends in this vicinity.

Mr. Fred and Miss Hattie Ham­mond intend taking in the Orange Walk in Listowel Tuesday.


The young mao consider* himself ai man of resources, although be D nor a s aure about It now as be was a few days ago. LIo has been very attentlvs! to a certain young lady, and be waa calling on ber at the time that be par­tially lost confidence in bis resourceful mind.

It Is unnecessary to narrate what passed between them upon the occa­sion in question, but at the time tb« young Indy’s sister entered the room 1*> was In the act of folding the youn* lady to bis manly bosom.

Of coorso be desisted at once, as young men generally do under such circumstances, but Uo was not em­barrassed—not a bit

The young lady’s sister said. “Excuse me.*’ and started to leave the room, when bis resourceful mind began to work. felt that he ought to say something and say It right away.

“Don’t go," be said; “we’ve Just been measuring to see wbtcb one Is the taller."

She paused In the doorway and look­ed at them Intently.

"You’re both about the same bright* j she said quietly, “but sister Is muck the redder."

Then she wrot out. and bo was ex» barrasaed—Just a little. J


Noah Fartooy, employed as ho*t 1 ler in Ritter’s hotol. was found hanging to one of the beams in the! stuhle lastSuturday morning. The I body was quite oold when found, j tho man having evidently hanged j himself riomotlmo daring tho night.; Eurtney bad gono deliberately j about the aot, and Stripped off all his clothes. He was about 40 yoara of ago aud unmarried.

THE WILD BIRD.TVhtm the X a lu ra lU t Gets a Chumom

to S todr Ultu at Cloa* Range.For tho greater part of the year fesu*

ts th# dominant Instinct In the life of nearly every wild bud or mammal which has to contend wltb man or overt enemies of any kind. But with the periodic revival of,tho reproductive functions profouud changes occur not only In tho bodily parts, but In the In­stincts which govern their movement* and Ufa. The parental Instincts, wbteh are essential to the generation anJ successful rearing of the young, begta to assert themselves and by blocking or supplanting tbe sense of fear bold them to the focal point—tbe uest and' later the yooug—during the period when parental care and even parental sacrifice U necessary.

This wonderful parental Instinct, or series of Instincts, rises gradually like a fever, reaches a maximum and then as slowly subsides. When at Its bright every sense seems to be lost In un all’ absorbing passion. This Is the time to approach tbe wild bird. We can watch sqd record wltb pencil and camera ev­ery act which occurs at tbs nest We can approach as near as w6 please and by aid of tbe tent are enabled to ana­lyse la detail tbe behavior of the same’ birds for s period of from one to three weeks.—Professor Francis B. Herrick la Harper'sWsekljr.____________ ,

Page 2: Wellesley, Thursday, July 14th, 1904....IDKNCK.-North rad of lath liar. Zorra rav/aroc* eoaroffiot. OWara mar l.r lafl at tha WELLESLEY MAPLE LEAK OFFICE. whara dat.acan l, tnn-l IlharnDarni*

Wellesley Maple LeafISSUED EVERT THCBs Oa T

Office Nux? the Roller Mills .

Subscription 75c. a year in ad- vonoe. Otherwiso $1.00.



The resignation of the entire staff ^ paMic School teachers in the u«ir-by village of Taviiitook local­izes tho struggle over teachers' wage*. ThoinneroJreuntstancesnro not known bat the trustee board of thnt village bn-. alwitv* b«*n n strong, courageous one and the sec tion always endorse* their liberal expenditure*. Av-utuing that the teachers are satisfactory ones to the fcection in every other respect the question of salary should bo- come secondary. This applies to every school section

It is said that in the dairying sec- tion of East Zorra the rule is : “ first got your dairy-type cow, then build your farm around It to suite.*’ So with tho school. Build the school to suit the pupil. A poor teacher la dear ut any salary ; a good teacher is never over paid The certificate of qualification 1s n«t the real measure of a teacher's worth ; it is the ability to implant knowledge tn tho minds of the pupils, to reach tho depth of their awakening intel­lect to instil in them a lovoforhon- or and education, that counts, and the teacher who cun accomplish that can never bo fully paid in xnonojv'-T^n trustees are Justified in taxing ttye section heavily to re­tain such a teacher. Too often trus­tees are anxious only to keep down expenses, with iho result that com­petent teachers are constantly watching tho advertisements to see where they can bettor thcmsolves so that change* are constantly tak­ing place in the school* to tho great detriment of the scholars. Tho nation's children are its greatest

aseet and are its greatest respons­ibility. Nothing is too good for them. The price of their educa­tion is tho nation's best investment.

Dominion Auditor-General Mo- Ooug&U who for a quarter of a oen- ury past has been known as the watch-dog of the treasury has re­signed. There has for some timo past been friction between himself and the cabinet, and ho claims that tho recent changes in the law havo made it impossible for him to con soientioualy aafegard his work. In view of tho tremendous sums of money to passthrough his hands in connection with tho G .T.P. next year ho is unwilling to continne in office.

A war is on just now between thoBerlin oouncil and tho newspaper reporters. The papers have been printing something that tho conn cillors did not Hko and an unsne- OOttful attempt was mado to get tho reporter to apoligize. At pros- ont the press-men are receiving hnt scant courtesies at the Council mcotings.


Child not Expected to Live from One Hoar to Another, bat Cared by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhcea Remedy.Ruth, tho little daughter of 1. N.

Dewey, of AgnewriUo, V i. wt* seriously ill of cholera mtantum last summer. “ We gave her up nnd did not expect her to live from one hour to another,” ho anya. “ I hap­pened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­edy and got a bottle of it from tbe atoro. In five hours I snw a change for tho better. Wo kept on giving it and before she had taken tbe half ot one small bottle sho was well." This remody is for sale by A.J.Saun­ders, Druggist, Wellesley.

Parties who havo bottles and kegs belonging to mo will plenso return them without delay or they will be ohargod. P eter Glebe.

Try a Johnny Canuck" cigar when you want a roully good ono

W M SCHLIEMAN,Dealer in Tobaccos and Cigars,


Bicycle Repairing /I is our Specialty

First-class workmanship and an up to date rejxvir shop givos us fa­cilities to do anvthing in the line of Blcyclo repairing,from a pane- turo right up to a now whool.

Bring or send your whoel in and we w ill repair it as thoroughly and as Quickly as tho work can be done in Ontario.

I havo a spocinl preparation for punctures on single tube tires and autos which Is simply un­beatable.

WM. SCHLIEMAN,Nearly opposite tho Walper Houso, Berlin.

£ ye-OpenerThe nicest and most up- todato Selection of


Ever shown eon bo found at C. D. KOEHLER'S.

Prices are always reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. Call when in town whether you buy or not. c





To Horsemen.

t & ss ^ ^ s»ssest'Y oung MacQ,ueen

WUl eland a* folio**:MONDAY—coon at Phillp«W c botal; airfit

» l tb* Imperial boUI. X.w Hamburg.TUESDAY—nooa at Malcolm Roa&iv*; r.l«bt

at 8h*ka*p«aro hotal.WEDNESDAY—noon at Atnnlroa botol; night

at Conrad F*oibaftr'*.THUR8DA Y—noon at J. Pataiaon'* | night at

John B. Licbtr*.FUIDAY-uooo at Jo». OorUor'*; ni«ht, and

nntU th» following Monday bUown *UbU

To Horsemen.Tba pur* brad drdoadala StaUloa.

Lord Charming“*• ,“-.£.fsiS'tss,.r»L5r‘ •“

1 » l*h•“pajs?.g.ss;ai5?.•Tjioon at Robe t’vnbafr », town Un«


The Arcade Annex,ST ORD.



T oron toprcga lvagc G oods

Wonderful opportunities for Cheap Buying will grow out of this third car-load.


Lot 210, 1 Job lot Tablo Linen.Lot 311, 1 Job lot Table Linen.Lot 214. 1 Job lot Tablo Linen.Lot 215, 1 “ Dress Goods.Lot 216, 1 •• Dress Goods.Lot 217, 1 •* Woollens. ~Lot 218. 1 “ Prints.Lot (XX, 1 •• Grain Bogs.Lot 219, 1 •* Damnsk.Lot 320, 221, 223. 234, 225, 226, 228,

229, 231, assorted.Lot 335, 8 webs Cotton. 465 yds.Lot 236, 9 webs Tailors' Canvas 435

ydBLot 237, 15 webs Flannelette, 775

ydsLot 239, 9 wobs Gingnam, 390 yds Lot 242, 17 wobs Cheese Cloth. 835

ydsLot 243, 11 wobs Table Damask, 460

ydsLot 244, 11 wobs Canvas. C50 yds Lot 249, 18yds Flannelette, 715 yds Lot 253, 9 wobs Grey Flannel, 450

vdsLot 255, 36 wolw Print, 720 yd*Lot 256, 15 wobs Table Linen, 635

ydsLot 259, 28 wobs Print, 560 yds Lot 261, 28 •• “ 740 yd*Lot 263, 23 “ •• 460 ydsLot 264, 42 pair Cotton Blankets Lot 265, 14 webs Gingham. 725 yd* Lot 266, 38 webs Print, 775 yds Lot 268, 16 webs Cotton Flannel

778 ydsLot 270, 18 webs Flannolotto. 895 yds Lot 276, 1! wobs Flannelette 480 yds Lot 278, 11 wobs Linen Damask, 650

yd*Lot 287, 22 webs Flannelette 825 yds Lot 294, 19 wobs Flannclotlo 950 yds Lot 295, 10 webs Cotton, 435 yds Lot 297, 11 wobs Flannelette 625 yds Lot 299, 27 webs Print. 640 yds Lot 302, 23 wobs assorted, S75 yds

Lot 303, 20 webs Lining, 775 yds Lot 306, 14 web* Flannelette 700 yds Lot 307, 29 wobs Print, 575 yds Lot 316 15, webs Linen Damask. 710

ydsLot 317, 12 webs Ticking, 445 yds Lot 322, 6 dozen Damask Cloth Lot 323, 11 web* Awning. 450 yds Lot 325, 12 welis aborted. 485 yd* Lot 327, 36 weU Print. 1000 vds Lot 329, 17 well* Velveteen. 320 yds Lot 331, 33 welw Print. 9V0 yds Lot 332, 15 webs assorted, 720 yds Lot 343, 31 webs Print. 850 yds Lot 345, 22 well* Table Damask, 880

ydsLot 846, 33 webs Print. 650 yds Lot 350,10 web* Blue Flannel, 450

ydsLot 351, 28 web* Print, 576 yds Lot 352, 16 dozen Towels Lot 365. 33 welis Print. 075 yd*Lot 360, 9 webs Lining, 525 yds Lot 361, 26 webs Print. 850 yd*Lot 362, 27 web* Print, 1300 vds Lot 367, 20 webs Canvas, 990 vds Lot 369. 19 wobs Table Damask 760

ydsLot 372, 31 well* Print, 620 yds Ixit 374, 29 web* Print, 875 yd*Lot 377, 11 wobs Urey Planned, 675

ydsLot 380. 34 pair Cotton Blankets Lot 383 29 web* Print Lot 384. 26 pair Blanket*Lot 391, 41 dozen Towels Lot 392. 1 lot Cotton lo t 394, 30 web* Print, 890 yd* lo t 395, 23 webs Bat eon, 960 v.ls J** J5J» 11 w<d* Lining. 640 yd* lo t 399. 11 webs Flunnelotte, 1C75

yds5 Travellers' Trunks

Lot 400, 33 wobs Print, 1085 yd*101 4. wob* K^tnproof ClothZ10 yds

Lot 403, 1 lot Toweling Lot 404. 24 web* Linen Damask.

960 yd*Lot 406. 36 webs Print, 1550 yds Lot 414. 72 pair Cotton Blankets Lot 417, 1 lot assorted Lot 423. 13 webs Ticking, 640 yds Lot 424, 17 wobs Damask, 1000

yds!/>t 430, 30 web* Print. 625 yds Lot 432, 1 lot Whip Cord Gcods Lot 436. 20 web* assorted. 796 yds u>t 437, 21 webs Flannelotto, 1,050

ydsLot 443, 15 webs Canton Flannel,

750 ydsLot 461, 31 wobs Print, 930 ydsLot 454, 38 doz. TowelsLot 456, 11 webs Lining. 550 yd*Lot 458, 15 web* Ticking, 825 ydsP * 35. * 0,w Print* ydsLot 462, 1 lot assorted Lot 463, 11 Colored Qailt*Lot 466, 20 webs Flannelette, 975

ydsLot 467, 9 webs Cotton, 360 yds { j * .web* Canvas, 860 yd* - Lot 471, 10 webs Cretonne. 225


^ y d s 18 W°b* TtmeU,n»- Lot 477, 60 Grain Bags

L^t JI?’ J! ? inKhanb MO yd®l^ t i2 i’ J4, ? 0bH Lln‘ ng. 560 ydsJJJ’ lo0t T'sortwl- ydsH * f * ' 030 yd*

„13 *ebs assorted, 260 yds U t yd* 9 WOb® Wroy Flann« 1. 4M L°t '494. 35 doz. Towels Lot 495. 40 doz. Towels£ 2 boo’ !°i <10Z' Duster*Lot BOO, l , lot assorted. 1,000 yd*

l lot, 15 rolls Floor Oilcloth.

Wellington Street,

Next City Hotel,

W. J. FERGDSON, Stratford.

Page 3: Wellesley, Thursday, July 14th, 1904....IDKNCK.-North rad of lath liar. Zorra rav/aroc* eoaroffiot. OWara mar l.r lafl at tha WELLESLEY MAPLE LEAK OFFICE. whara dat.acan l, tnn-l IlharnDarni*

Sale Billsfej Concert Posters/*

Dodgers Programs


Cards, Circulars or any­thing in the line

of Printing.


Mil*?* Maud O’Donnol. of Water­loo, is visiting at tbo Queen's hotel.

Haying is occupying the attention of the fanner* just now. The crop is a splendid one.

Thvro will bo no Union Sunday Sehoil next Sunday. Preaching service in English at 3 o ’clock, p m.

Mr. John Albrecht, of Toronto, is homo ut present enjoying a hol- v i*it with his parents-and many friends hore.

Work iif progressing slowly on the new culvert at the fiux mill. It is expected to be ready for traffic in a couple of week*.

A fearful electric storm visited this section early on Sunday morn­ing. T ‘io thunder and lightning wero incessant aud the rainfall wan very heavy.

The bo.vling clnb tnnmtnont be. gins this week. Four rink* have Already lwen selected with Me«*r*. A. J Saunders, H. Krcutz-.viosor, Alex. McDonald nnd Wm Hogg a* nkip*. Players are r.Kjnosted to he promply on hand when thoir games nro called.

The death of Mr. Nicholas Lichty oocurred ut his home, jn**t west of S t. Agatha, last Sunday. Deceased was secretary o f the insurance so- eiot7 of the Anrah Mennonites und wa* highly thought of in tho com- inanity. A largo nnmber from this neighborhood are attending his funeral to^lay (Wednesday.)

The waa considerable fan at tho mill race in tho rear of the Maple Leaf office on Monday m rnlng. The water in tho pond had been let down and itomo carp found them- selviN stranded in small wuter-bole* in the race. Ono large one was rak od out und exhibited in a largo pan at Reiner Bros. & CoV for tho rest of the day.

Not long ago Mr. Peter McMillan. .,f Hampstead advertised the loss *.f his collie pup. It appears the pup had strayed to Wellesley and flually followed Mr. Selby Forri to his home at Crossbill. Selby did not notice that the dog wa* only a pap. but observing that it was quite lively among tbo shoep. he concluded that it was an old dog which hud probably lost it* home through sHoep-kilUng procilivitle*. k* as Mwm as he got hi* team put in ho wont to tho hitiso «nd got his gun and u fow minuto* lalej, unlmal was whore all sheop-killing dogs ought to 1*J. After sapper he opened his Maple I>v»f, saw Mr McMillan’s advertisement, then went ont and inspeotod the dead dog. and found it was the animal advertised. That was a case where the advertisement got in it* work all r ig 't—but a fow-minutes too late.

New coal furnaces are to be plac­ed In position in the Wellesley sohool daring tho present holidays.

Mr. Ed. W ittig has severed his connection with tho Wellosloy Milling Co. and returned to his home at Port Elgin. Ho loaves many friends in this place. j

Stratford Daily Herald: Mr. J W. Green, tho genial and witty itor of tho Wellesley Maple lx*af. formerely publisher Of the Taviv stock Gazette, was a welcome caller on the Herald on Friday.

Messrs. Robert and William Ro- bertson. of Toronto, are at present at the homo of their parents, Mr. and Mr* A. B. Robertson, on a hol­iday visit. Miss Grace Robertson, nurse, of the Louisville, Ky., hospi­tal, is also home on a short visit.

Rob” has become quite an expert player of tho bagpipes sinco bo left home.

While in Stratford one day last woolc wo visited the bowling green for an hour daring the tournament. About 50 buMnoss men worn engag­ed in the match, and from tho se­date mayor of the city down, they were as exited over tho fan OS a lot of little hoys. Any sport which can draw the business men of a hustl­ing town together and mako them

forget dull caro” for an afternoon is bound to do good. The thrift, tho growth, the beautv of tho Clns- aio City are evidence* that the men of that place are as earnest in their husines-* as in their paly.

BUY IT NOW.Now is tho time to buy Chamber-

lain'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It i* certain to be needed sooner or later and whon that time comb* yon will need it badly—-you win M M It aaiokly. Bay it now. It mav save life. For sale by A. J Kaundors, Druggist, WeUealoy.

Tho Maple leaf and the Farmer’s Knn t<> Jan. 1, 1905, for 56 cents.

have perished by morning. The baby was taken into the houso and properly cared for. On Saturday Mr. Lichty drovo to Wellosloy and procured papers from Magistrate J. G. Reiner and the following day Constable Mickus accompanied by Mr. Pro Isa took it to Berlin where it was placed in tho orphanage.

There was nothing upon tho child to traoo its parentage. Early on Saturday morning, however, a scorch revealed tho fact that a buggy had been driven south on tho side hne and tied to tho fence about forty rods north of Lichty’s. Tho woman had probably remained in tho buggy, bat tho tracks showed that tho man Lad orossod tho field with tho baby then turnod south in tho lano and went to tho tipper door of tho burn and loft tho help­less child jnst inside the door, ap­parently not caring whether it per­ished or not. Ho then roturnod to the boggy and drovo north to the Freeborn school when the}* turned west on tho third linn and tho tracks becamo lost. Wo under­stand tbo oonnty lias n detective working on tho case.


W ellesley A lways W ins. T heBniuK.it the Tows the W okseW k L ick ’Em. \A jolly load ol young'-gentiemen

from Stratford drove to v/elluslo.v yesterday afternoon nnd played an interesting tennis match with tho Wellesley club. The visit.in* were at a disadvantage in not being ao- unturned to cluv courts, hut the

games were nil well con cstod, the two flr.*t doubles being much more even than the score indicates. The local team ha* not given much at­tention to singles and their gcnoral ship wa* sometimes at fault, yot they wore ablo to hold thoir own a- gu'nst tho really pretty play of their opponents. After tho match un ex­cellent social timo was en joyed and warm friendships farmed - Tho fol- lowing are tho scores inado:

W. R. West ami A. Reiner(W) best F. Mucklin and G. Wilkinson (8) 5-0, 6-1.

'J. Kerr and A. Rogers. (W ) beat R. J. Stevenson and W. MavnurJ (8) 6-0. 6-2.

Ed. Reiner and A J. Saunders (W ) beat A. K Monteith urn! J. A. MeFudgen (S) 7—5. 7-5.

Kerr (W ) beat Maynard (8) 2-6.6- 1, 6-3.

Mucklin (8) bout West (W ) 4-6.6- 1. 8- 6.

Stevenson (8) l»cut Rogers (W )7- 5. 6-3.

Ed. Reiner (W ) lier.t Wilkinson (8) 6-3, 4-x unfinished.

In a social guuiedilring the match Mr. McFndgon and Miss Ina Bell inger vs. Mr. Monteith and Miss Alma Frochlic. the former lost tho first set 6-8, and won tho second 6-4.

Mr. Monteith tried conclusion* with Oonnty Councillor Alex Mc­Donald on the bowling lawn and suffered defeat by a score of 0 to 13.

Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy—The best in

Existence.T. M. Wood, manager of the Whit**

County News, Boob©, Ark., is a re­presentative southern businessman, who does not hesitate in expressing his good opinion of a well known remedy. He says, 4,lt gives me

I denature to recommend Chamber- ain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, having used it myself nnd in my family with the results. In fart I believe it to lie the liest remedy of it* kind in existence. Sold by A. J. Saunders, Druggist, Wellesley.

Estray Beast/ 0 *T -»n animal (rot • - not oak , o * Uk) for l«‘ » k,*;. pr I hi- -tut* iron l»c>ll)r i* lv- r*i»i- It. I. claim >U int(ii from you for kaoiunx m f prop­erty without M u -tM u r It nocoMln* to liw . If yi-u *<l»rrti». It In tbo W tllw lry Maple !.•--»f I urn »ur* to *•» It.


Estray Cattle

Odd Lines Broken Lots in every Department at Clearing Prices.

Every Department will be visited and all Sum­mer Goods will be cleared out regardless of profit.

This week we start on Dress Goods and Shirt Waists. Read our price list and then come and get first choice.

DRESS GOODS3 pieces Flaked Voiles shades brown, rod and black ; the regular

Milling price of this lino wns 60c, 65c nnd 75c. Special ....... 50o5 pieces Fancy Voiles, groy. brown, reseda, fawn and black ; regu­

lar selling prioo wn* 66c. Special ............................................ 60c .7 pieces snow-fhtkod Dress Good*, all new colors, all this season’s

importations; regular 60. Special............................................ 36c

SHIRT W AIST SALE.Wo are clearing out tbo hnlanco of oar WHITE SHIRT WAI8TS at

manufacturers* cost. Note the following price*:2s> Laditt*’ fine Bhirt Waists, lace und embroidery in*cr*ion, the

novelties of the season. Size* 32 to 42. Regular $1.00 and$1.25. Clearing prico................................................................ 85c

12 Ladies’ extra fine White Lawn Waist*. Insertion and Laco, siz­es 32, 36, 38. Regular price $1.75 nnd $2. Special................. $1.50

19 Ladies’ fine White Waists. Laoe nnd Insertion trimmings. Sizes32 to 40. Regular $1.60 and $1.75. 8pecial............................ $1.25


Cash and one Price Cheap Cash Store.

pH*.«U bo*<! of youn* r»*«le. nio.rly. or nil. t ie r - . Th* ovnrr i« r.qoe.r—t to proto pro- P*rty.P*y »«<*

’ WcttoUy. i*.'o

Dog Found

Und block. wltI»r**hlto Up., Tb* c .... ' f. /jur.t—I to pro*, pr»p«>ty. puy »xp,u««

.1 itk , (1 away. I<ons yCHAI'll.f jnr«U*« ho<«t. \e»l|r.!.T.


Grocery - - StoreNYw Bull i:ug und Now Goods, in-


Staple and Fancy Gro­ceries, Candies,

Nuts, Etc.

DESERTED THE BABY.A heartless cose of child desertion

occurred in Wellosloy township last Friday night, a male infant about a month or six week* old boing loft in Councillor John B. Lichtv’s barn.

Some of tbo younger members of Mr. Lichty’s family bad roturnod late from a party and when putting the hors© lu tho born tho cries of tho snfforing child wore hoard. A search was instituted when the baby was found jnst inside the door of tho upper floor where it had been lying jmrtly on a coil of ropo. It had been well dressed and apparent­ly woll fed, Ue cries no donbt boing caused by tbo onoomfortable posi­tion in wbioh it was loft, and tho cold, tho opinion being that it woold

Everything sold a* close as possi­ble t< the coot murk.

Cash tor EggsBeal Machine Oil kept on hnnd. AH kind* of FRUIT in scuson.

Lowest pric°.- Delivered.Every lino of Groceries now.fnll Choice Honey, Maple Syrup, otc. Now lino of Solus and l*1! Cakes 100-pound Img* of Granulated

Sugar *'n handAmurican and ( ’unodian'Ccal Oil Butter aud Egg* takon.


Just wiv*t of Morton’* Block,W ELLESLEY.

N E W -= > LIVE RY.

In Wellesley,

Having opened u Livery in con­nection with my stage and freight­ing businos* I nm prepared to fur­nish first -claas turn-outs. Good horses und nobby rigs.

Prices Reasonable,


&S C H O O L Z S U P P L I E S

* II

- -1P A R I S G R E B N i eGuaranteed Absolutely Pore.

Hellebore,Slug Shot,Insect Powder, Instant Louse Killer,



S c h o o l B o o k s " o f a l l k i n d s .



iT. it# if# it# it# ij

S VJwJwiv <4* 4 *1* 'I* <4*


YOU want one or ull*of tbo above article*.WE want to dispose of them.

YOT* must bny what you want at some-markot. and why not^muke that market tho

Wellesley Roller Mills ?WE want yonr trade. Call and soe o*.

O h n n n iru y — 1» givon special attention. and wo won’t kecujyoa ® waiting. Jnst givo n* a tria l:

r t r i f l t i n a ___Givo ns your gristing trade; In return wo will giveVJi lo w g - yon k ln d Qt f lou r y o a roqnjpp

SEED PEAS.—300 bushels yet unsold. Place your order now.

SEED CORN.—A lull stock always kept on hand.


Page 4: Wellesley, Thursday, July 14th, 1904....IDKNCK.-North rad of lath liar. Zorra rav/aroc* eoaroffiot. OWara mar l.r lafl at tha WELLESLEY MAPLE LEAK OFFICE. whara dat.acan l, tnn-l IlharnDarni*

Going lo r Cham berlain 's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea

Remedy.Don't pot yonn»elf In th!« m«n'» pUee,

• tmt keep n bottle of thi.i murdy inyonr borne. There ii* nothing no good for Colic. Cholera Morbus, Dysrr.t.-ry and Diarrhoea. It U equally valuable for Bamni'T Complaint an>l Cholera Infan­tum and baa eavid tbo Urea of tuora children than any other medicine in nee

When Tvdoerd with water and sweet­ened k l» pK'asaut to take.

Yon. or some one of yonr family. are anre to ne*«l this remedy sooner or later and when that time cornea yon will need it hadly; yon will need It qnlcklr. Why not bny It now and be prepared for such tm emerge ary t lYice, S3 cents.

Stage Line|.Mt- Wi ’.Im**; fet lUitttt. m nm irT o'rli - i n-lnfnllut Itnmc-li.Mt a1' . i •t»i*.« • i«* ti«». e*.» »:*!«*•- •

IV .. it. t. ..f t r*f • 1- • *rMr«.i .. • .riU.t. t y .ec .•

la d ie s , ^ o u r K in d A t te n t io n !The balance o f our large stock of Spring and Summer

be sold at greatly reduced prices regardless of profit. Caliea.iy and secune a'good selection. Stock stm well assorted^ portunity ft o purchase a stylish, up-to-date hao for li y

Men’s and boys’ Ready-Made Clothing.REDUCED PRICES TO MOVE QUICK.

Men’s regular $0.50 and $7.00 Suits for $5.00 “ “ 8.50 “ “ 0.50

Boy “ 0.00 and 0.50 “ " 4.50“ , ~ “ 4.50 and 5.00 “ “ 3.75

Everything regular. Nothing jobby. Be spry if you want a bargain.

Reiner Bros. & Co.PETER OTTMANN,

The tKvnn Siguu. •ignr of nil. Baden Hardware

f~~-' StoreDealer in -411 I niU of

Hardware and Coal.

Pho to trailerOpen Ew ry Dayi it \h Ornt N -I" ,

turn mi's I s h o p .WEI LESLEY


Wellesley. Ayrtl l"th. 1904.Wc, the nndcrMgited busincs*

men of the Viliam* .*t Wellesley, hereby promise and »xn v ti> -.-lose our n-sjicvtivo p.mv> of business, on and nftcr the tin*! Unv ot May next, nntil furtht-r notice, at 7 o'clock p.tu., CTcry evening. except Wednesday*. Saturdays. and wen Inga before holiday#.

R. J. Puns#Kkixkr Br<* * Co.PkTKR (ll.KHK FSXPIXAXD BkHI'IX L KlKIik'HII A lK R J. N . ZlNKAXX W . K ki.ti:rhokx l*. H aRRKU H. Kk: ti k^'BS H. K. Forixk CttAB. F. i >ttraxx 1' D. Kor.itt.xK A. J. Saixdebs H knky At.ter ax

Lisbon Brick and Tile Yards.

Fine-t w' Brick, wire-cut Brick, and >«<***k Brick on baud, r-.ielcd

llrtck for use in w*l - Fire brick equal to any on th- cen

ttiient.Tile >f all sire* front 2?, it ' . - up

jtc u» inche# alvray* tn kGEO. HOHL.


;SpA*cto;ties* to

Wire Feneittr. New William* Sewing Alai times, etc.ALLEN BECHTEL.


U |<ackaec* of Cam linn grown Garden Seed* for 23c.A «*ne pint tin of Maple Syrup for 10c.Poston Cereal (coil-- mixture, 1 Be. per package.A one-p <und tin «.f Baking Powder for 10 cent**.A twentieth-century Bn-om. reg 25c and 30c. for lBc A pound of natural leaf powdered Japan Tea for 9c.20 p.mnd* of Epsom Salt# for 25c.10 |K>nmU of Sulphur for 25c.A lb. pail of gold melal Symp for 95c.

original Dailey # Condition Powder, for stock, 3 for a quarter.

Jo*t north of Zchr’s Foundry, In Wellesley village.

VK1V t«<v*t«rfj » ia r «imi. cool•*’ N<« Urn v iik b r i«b > l- « » i l*U ,N»w « ,H an . |.qc.(< «'t>«Mcr* »c . lk 4u n <rof tanJ. with u*w frbe*. <uo>l orchaKl an-J trait.

Tit !• iwrfKt. T » t * i J.Ai-pl* at vac* to

CHHtS. Bn.I.ER. Pro*.CroMbiU P. O.

Farm for Sale.Being lot 12. con. w. s Wellesley/■'OSTAtN l\t« 1 --»m -« »‘ lf»**n act--. rovJ w. ha- i»,olln.h ll> .*-\t*.UcaltlTn.- . i.. writ w«»«ri-l »t'.-l » n t-i-ull pow- •r at totr. W.tt fcrcol i W t ) , « r r or-rhaol Tvr'.i, • twir hll»br«t *lvat >*•<-r»» *or-tr.t l ■ I Alt* t ank t « r « »!r«w•hot. • i'.-n t.-itit If Iw. Hi- c with fur-m n la rrllar

titwrat ar t f4.| t*rtn.APrti »*# t!w bf.r.iw* ».« the be Wr-n«J

ptv^r.rtvr, KUAtRON K t.EI-.W.UmU; P. 0.

H. K FORLER’SIf you want an Up- to-Date Buggy—r

One that ride* easy and

wcam well, GUI on


C. BLANKSTEIX. Manufacturer o f Fixt Cigars.

Berlin, Ont.-The -VI ’liaacc.*' *.c ri*c»M |v»t pr»cJUt.

t r r H tU U ; cCUat.Ti* Martlet." ik. r*rj t*%; < lU n u Utr."C .V ThuUth* oW *?*t-t*M. »vli.ltnokf


In LinwoodYorkshire PigsF O R S A L E .

C. SCHWALM.Th* itr |v<rt«st flr!*»J*l* StBlIka,

Before buying any other make try the Ds La V a l Cream Separa­tor*. They are substantial and easy to operate and wash.

TTicre are many desira­ble things, bat nothing else so gratifying a# a

r.v, % ill 4t*n<t • » follow*;i t .v.n «• Joha >nuf>. **<tii<« Hb»; U j » t holct W » t ! » l i r l.-r roar ; Hrmi K.w»t,-. r « « r rbia;<*t tirt i i *t N m I lVwb*rt » aucht at g-4»' r •.».t»\ tom at !.<• fWwbart'a- u.tbt cI tl.-r Xr*'»,ac*t «i.it.«!. « .- »n .

. at V- rrtVwrc h*t*t -N*n *. it \< >-* » rUhr at ^ar. i# . haatJl a i.. .-it «• IVt«r I lA t r * . towa lia*.i*.

H ASTINGS l*r,<|vB.

Irpostcd Boar kept for service

(Julte a number of Imported pig* in stock Just now and for sale.

N E W ^ >L IVE R Y .

In Wellesley,

Imported Shorthorn Bull rvRxu. A rcher. " for servie

F If you have, brine them to rue. I ’ll do the rest'

My Spring Stockjof

Boots and Shoeshas been purchased R i<-iit ' l ama practical and ex]*erioncid>h<4-niak er : they suit this *eeti> n . they »n> the latot styles: thev wear well; they will always *k- c. nifor- table ;Tbey will look neat; Thkt w ill St tT Yoc!

I have something for the whole family, from the tiniewt ImLy’a foot np to the eldest grand-rarvnt s.

r Prices?—Oh. ye*, they will suit you. w a. Your money earn* a whole lot for yon in my store.

Repairing Done, and Shoes made to Order.

r*J Trvtti&a SlaHu:

DAN R IN G Several registered Clydesdale breeding tuatva for sale.Pj (k -U K ik < t ;t) will *tac J a* fallow* :

Mm k Ii i i -4 »• l '* i * r L (A lf a E i f i t at tab mat 'i-or #tt^riTu«»la, r... II at HamVarc ui*Si at Riokaat Have also a few head of Short­

horn OattK* for sale. Having opened a Livery in con­nection with my stage and freight­ing business I am prepared to fur­nish first-ciaa* turn-outs. Goes! horses and nobby riga.

Pncvs Kessonable,

Merchant Tailor,I.vu at R r G . v t w . tk*B a IV t lic r. l(k t> t tkw!tic«tr. Reasonable Prices.

at K»i.l*ISarf tu-i«:.as«fct

and this fall the display of Suiting* and OvercooUng* at Berlet'* is the largest nnd moat fascinating it has ever been.**------ B

r.wWj p„IV.Ua fcot*L JOHN HILL.

HtvrtNo* nao<. ntaRK

n u l .? ^ y°n f^ tbp*v ,b®y Stylish, and they arc CHEAP.

p g o m o gWellesley

Toronto World That PleaseGrand Upright New Piano—

New improved scale, h »w

SPECIAL COMBINATION with the Bright Toronto Morning Paper.

wk.eTw SRaELa i VT »'**• - <twa.es w. r. R. r., la thvMaBaai .V *** « gy .» »T*c>aI Rarotatojwvwajaviac-^J iu s , t t tU lL a S

The World t a year. )Jbe gmday World IS a year f all 3■n» Maple Leaf *1 a year. (4.50

Repairing Farm Machinery. Implements, EnginesARK THE KIND YODa l w a y s o r r w h e n'OUR ORDER IS FIL­LED AT

Sha tting. Pulleys, etc., supplied or repaired.

Berlin.B E R L IN ,