well done!! kla improvement citizenship award pdhpe award ... · kla award pdhpe merit award...

KLA Award PDHPE Merit Award Improvement Award Citizenship Award KR Jemimah J Harry S Sunni J Chaz C Yr 1/2K Jordan O’H Jack B Lucy F Oliver B-D Yr 1/2M Tyler S Tiani H Angus G Ayla B Yr 2/3CL Louise P Astrid T Remy L-C Cody F Yr 3/4AP Michael M Nakeita B Natasha F Marley B Yr 4/5FP Tex U-R Sari T Halla D Chelsea W Yr 5/6S Anika R Cael B Misha R-S Tiare L Weekly Awards—Congratulations to the following students who will receive an award at Friday’s assembly tomorrow at 10.00am. The host this week will be KR - Mrs Robert’s class. Parents are invited to attend. Front Page News by Yr 1/2K—In 1/2K we’ve been talking about celebraƟons and especially Christmas. The kids shared what they love and the Christmas tradiƟons in their families. CHRISTMAS On December the 3rd I set up my Christmas tree and decorate it too. I decorate it with Ɵnsel, lights, angels, ribbons and stars. On Christmas eve I go to my Grandma’s beach shack. I eat my dinner on the verandah. I eat seafood for dinner and my sister has nuggets, chips and sauce. I watch for the brightest star before dessert is ready. I think it is Santa’s sleigh. When I’m watching the stars I listen to the roaring waves. We bake date pudding for Santa and milk too. My sister puts carrots out for the heard of reindeer. I put the tree on the verandah so it is easy for Santa to put the presents under the tree. In the morning we have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Then we open our presents and then go to the beach for a cool oand surf. I love geƫng beach toys like remote control boats. I cannot go to sleep because I’m too excited. I set up the charger for my remote control car that I got last year. I love collecƟng shells and fossils from the beach. I use the shells to make decoraƟons for the tree. I put liƩle Santas in the shells and some under the tree too. I love Christmas when my family is there for the celebraƟon. By Jack On Christmas eve friends come to my house. AŌer they go, we put out lots of carrots for the reindeer and some cookies for Santa. My friends Mums and Dads give us presents. We give them presents back. We have a special dinner and a special dessert too. By Seamus Silver Ribbon/Gold Medallion Awards The following students will receive silver ribbon or gold medallion at assembly tomorrow for excel- lent behaviour. Well done!! Sunni J Olivia L Kasey B Summa G Nino G Adam P-A Geordon D At Christmas Ɵme I cannot fall asleep because I’m too excited. For breakfast, lunch and dinner we have special food. In the aŌernoon we have turkey. At night we have roast. We also leave out carrots and water for the reindeer and beer for Santa. This year I’m going to have two Christmas trees. The one at my Dads is green and the one at my Mums is white. We are going to have a great Christmas this year. By Savannah On Christmas eve, if I have not put all the decoraƟons on the tree, I put them on. We think of things to put out for Santa and the reindeer. When I go to bed I can’t get to sleep because I get excited that Santa is on his way. On Christmas morning Dad gets his Santa costume on and gives out the presents to everybody. At lunch Ɵme we go to my Nana’s house and we give out the presents there. It is fun to get them. For lunch we have vegetables, fruit, Christmas ham and Christmas pudding. I love Christmas! By Payten

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Page 1: Well done!! KLA Improvement Citizenship Award PDHPE Award ... · KLA Award PDHPE Merit Award Improvement Award Citizenship Award KR Jemimah J Harry S Sunni J Chaz C Yr 1/2K Jordan


Merit Award

Improvement Award

Citizenship Award

KR Jemimah J Harry S Sunni J Chaz C

Yr 1/2K Jordan O’H Jack B Lucy F Oliver B-D

Yr 1/2M Tyler S Tiani H Angus G Ayla B

Yr 2/3CL Louise P Astrid T Remy L-C Cody F

Yr 3/4AP Michael M Nakeita B Natasha F Marley B

Yr 4/5FP Tex U-R Sari T Halla D Chelsea W

Yr 5/6S Anika R Cael B Misha R-S Tiare L

Weekly Awards—Congratulations to the following students who will receive an award at Friday’s assembly tomorrow at 10.00am. The host this week will be KR - Mrs Robert’s class. Parents are invited to attend.

Front Page News by Yr 1/2K—In 1/2K we’ve been talking about celebra ons and especially Christmas. The kids shared what they love and the Christmas tradi ons in their families.

CHRISTMAS On December the 3rd I set up my Christmas tree and decorate it too. I deco‐rate it with nsel, lights, angels, ribbons and stars. On Christmas eve I go to my Grandma’s beach shack. I eat my dinner on the verandah. I eat seafood for dinner and my sister has nuggets, chips and sauce. I watch for the brightest star before dessert is ready. I think it is Santa’s sleigh. When I’m watching the stars I listen to the roaring waves. We bake date pudding for Santa and milk too. My sister puts carrots out for the heard of reindeer. I put the tree on the verandah so it is easy for Santa to put the presents under the tree. In the morning we have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Then we open our pre‐sents and then go to the beach for a cool off and surf. I love ge ng beach toys like remote control boats. I cannot go to sleep because I’m too excited. I set up the charger for my remote control car that I got last year. I love collec ng shells and fossils from the beach. I use the shells to make decora ons for the tree. I put li le Santas in the shells and some under the tree too. I love Christmas when my family is there for the celebra on. By Jack On Christmas eve friends come to my house. A er they go, we put out lots of carrots for the reindeer and some cookies for Santa. My friends Mums and Dads give us presents. We give them presents back. We have a special dinner and a special dessert too. By Seamus

Silver Ribbon/Gold Medallion Awards The following students will receive silver ribbon or gold medallion at assembly tomorrow for excel-lent behaviour. Well done!!

Sunni J Olivia L Kasey B Summa G Nino G Adam P-A Geordon D

At Christmas me I cannot fall asleep because I’m too excited. For breakfast, lunch and dinner we have special food. In the a ernoon we have turkey. At night we have roast. We also leave out carrots and water for the reindeer and beer for Santa. This year I’m going to have two Christmas trees. The one at my Dads is green and the one at my Mums is white. We are going to have a great Christmas this year.

By Savannah On Christmas eve, if I have not put all the deco‐ra ons on the tree, I put them on. We think of things to put out for Santa and the reindeer. When I go to bed I can’t get to sleep because I get excited that Santa is on his way. On Christmas morning Dad gets his Santa cos‐tume on and gives out the presents to every‐body. At lunch me we go to my Nana’s house and we give out the presents there. It is fun to get them. For lunch we have vegetables, fruit, Christmas ham and Christmas pudding. I love Christmas!

By Payten

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Yr 1/2M  This Friday 30th November Mrs Currie has organized a whole class posi ve behavior reward of a class sleepover in the school hall. They will enjoy some games and spaghe for dinner followed by a movie and lights out. In the morning they will have breakfast and go for a walk to the beach, going home at 9.00am. What a great reward! Make sure your child has returned their note to the school and if they cannot make the sleepover students can s ll join in some of the ac vi‐

es, just let Mrs Currie know on the note.  

GARDEN HELP NEEDED NEW SHADEHOUSE The School Garden is looking for people to help Max and Anaheke re‐locate the old shade house from behind the 1/2M’s classroom to a more useful posi on in the garden. We would like the help of people who are willing and capable of some heavy li ing to help move the structure. Max will be co‐ordina ng this job. GARDEN FLAGS As the summer approaches we also need shade for our exis ng plants and have been preparing some recycled garden fabrics for making of some new garden flags. We are looking for people to help to sew these flags onto rope so we can string them up over the long garden beds. These flags will also help with keeping the unwanted birds out of the garden. Please contact Anaheke if you can help ‐[email protected]  Beach Safety Excursion for Kindergarten to Year students Stage 1 teachers have collaborated with the Brunswick Heads Surf Lifesaving Club to help prepare our K to Yr 2 students for the school holidays. All students will be walking down to the beach next Friday 7th December. They will be par cipa ng in water and sand ac vi es under the supervision provided by 17 trained lifesavers from BH SLSC. Parents are welcome to come and help, any assistance would be ap‐preciated. There is no cost but permission notes will need to be re‐turned by Wednesday 5th December, with all details completed. There are five main messages which all parents can reinforce when at the beach with their children. These are: 1. Swim between the flags 2. Always swim with an adult 3. Reapply sunscreen hourly during water ac vi es 4. Use boards outside the flags 5. Be aware of brown snakes in the dunes.


Our next monthly mee ng is Wednesday  December  12th  2012  at 6:30pm  in the School garden. To mark a very successful year we will be having our mee ng first then celebra ng all our achievements, please BYO and bring a plate of nibblies to share. Childcare is provided for children preschool age and above, we would love to see you there. Our November mee ng was held last week and P&C can announce we will be subsidising the End of Year Celebra ons at Murwillumbah Pool allowing the cost per student to be reduced to $10 per child. This is a fun day for all the kids and we hope this helps the parents out! The annual Christmas Raffle will be held over the next few weeks and once again there are some fabulous prizes. 1st prize is a sur oard, 2nd prize a voucher for Dominics Restaurant, 3rd prize scuba diving gear and 4th prize a Woman's Weekly cookbook. Tickets are going home with this newsle er and will be drawn at our final assembly on Wednesday 12th December.

Principal’s Comment  Dear Parents/Guardians, Drama c Ac on Today we had the opportunity to watch the Yr 10 drama students from Mullum High strut their stuff as they per‐formed a few skits for us. It showcased the rich array of skills students can pick up in our local public high school. Our budding actors and actresses experienced first‐hand the pathways open to them should they wish to pursue just what’s involved in such an ac vity. Our year 6 students spent another day at Mullum High this week con nuing their prepara on for gradua on to Even Bigger School next year. They all come back from these days excited about what the future holds – which is just what we should all be feeling all the me. Year 5 Vs Wild Next week our year 5 students are off into the wild at Mebbin Springs. They will be faced with plenty of ac vity, camping out overnight, facing personal and team chal‐lenges – and having plenty of fun. They’ll come back to school a much more cohesive bunch ready to be a great year 6 next year. The personal quali es that emerge amongst the group over such an experience are many. There’ll be those that li their performance levels to meet and beat the chal‐lenges and there may well be those who struggle to do this but are always encouraged to do their best. When they return to us at the end of the week they’ll know who the best leaders are and I can tell you they’ll know who to elect as next year’s school captains. This will be a real proving ground for anyone with such leadership aspira ons. I’m looking forward to spending a couple of nights up there with them. A Bright Future for Brunswick Public School As we busily race to the end of the year we are focussed on ge ng our assessments completed, wri ng up reports and generally finishing off as many things as we can. This doesn’t mean we’ve lost sight of the big picture – our vision for the future. Over the next couple of years we will be working hard at:

improving the way we track your child’s progress;

using this informa on to more closely personalise the ac vi es we organise for them;

developing the so‐called skills for the 21st century – crea‐ve thinking, problem solving, working in teams, etc;

doing a lot more co‐opera ve work both within our school and across our community of public schools in the valley to ensure we provide something for everyone;

working more closely in partnership with our communi‐ty; and

generally raising the bar in everything we do academical‐ly, behaviourally, crea vely and physically.

It will be an exci ng me to be part of our school commu‐nity.  Have a good week. Mick

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News from the canteen: salad bowls are now available, a delicious fresh, healthy lunch choice thanks to the lovely Lyn who has been doing a fantas c job all year in our canteen. Small bowls are $3.50 and large $5. Quiches are also now for sale at $2! The canteen will open in 2013 on Monday 4th February 2013.  We would like to thank the Brunswick Heads Hotel once again for their ongoing generosity and support. They ran a raffle on Melbourne Cup day and are dona ng the proceeds of this to our school. Thank you so much for suppor ng your local school!

Lastly MOVIE NIGHT‐ 8th December 2012, 5.30pm

“The Sandlot Kids” A delicious selec on of food will be on offer once again, soups, hotdogs, hummous and vegie s cks, popcorn, ice‐cream and drinks! We are asking for dona ons of cakes and soups 

from parents.   Come along and support the school and the girls’ so ball team who will be helping out on the night. Next year the lovely Naomi who runs the Uniform Shop is unable to con nue so we are looking for someone who may be able to help out and take over, let the office know if you can help! Thanks to Naomi for doing such a great job this year! If you would like to be involved in P&C but are unable to get to mee ngs, please email [email protected] to be put on the list.

COMMUNITY NEWS Small family seeking a long  term  rental  in Brunswick Heads or sur‐rounds, 2 to 3 bedroom, with a yard would be ideal. N/S, N/D, drug free, good references, able to pay bond and maintain gardens. Please phone Kylie on 6689 7280.  Ocean Shores Community Children’s Christmas Party Community minded groups across the Ocean Shores area are proud to provide a fun, fabulous and FREE children’s Christmas party for all at the Ocean Shores Community Centre—3.00pm Sunday 9th December 2012. Santa will arrive on the big, red fire truck to meet all the kids. There will be lots of yummy munchies and drinks for the kids. So come along and enjoy the magic that Christmas brings. If you would like to help in any way or need more informa on please phone 6680 2029. Copying and Plagiarism Copying other people’s work and rpesen ng it as your own is plagia‐rism. It’s an increasingly common problem in the online world where material can easily be copied and pasted from websites. Students need to acknowledge the ideas of others when they use them in projects, assignments and assessments. Find out more at: h p://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/homework‐and‐study/homework‐ ps/copycats‐beware GOLF—Junior Development Gala Day FUN! & FUNDAMENTALS! NRDGA and Jack Newton Junior Golf in the Brunswick Valley Region.

When: Thursday 10th January 2013, 9.00am to 2.30pm Where: Mullumbimby Golf Club

Phone Gerard Wilkinson on 0419 708 676 for more informa on. Num‐bers are strictly limited, so get in quick.


November 2012 Friday 30th ‐ Yr 1/2M Mrs Currie’s class sleepover in the

school hall. December 2012 Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th—Year 5 Outward Bound Exc. To

Mebbin Springs Friday 7th ‐ Kindergarten to Year 2 Beach Safety Exc. Last day of Sport Saturday 8th ‐ Movie Night Monday 10th ‐ Elec on 2013 Leaders Gold Medallion Excursion Tuesday 11th ‐ Year 6 Farewell at BH Bowling Club Wednesday 12th ‐ End of Year Assembly/Presenta on and

Thank you Morning Tea for all our wonderful volunteers

P&C Mee ng Friday 14th ‐ End of Year Day of Celebra on Exc. to Mur‐

willumbah Pool. Wednesday 19th Last day of school for all students 2012 20th & 21st ‐ Staff Development Days January 2013 Wednesday 30th ‐ First day of school 2013 for Year 1 to Year 6

students. Wednesday 30th, Thursday 31st and Friday 1st Feb—Kindergarten

students and parents will be having individu‐al Best Start appts with their teacher.

Monday 4th Feb ‐ All Kindergarten students first day. Canteen opens for 2013. Thursday 7th Feb ‐ BHPS Swimming Carnival for students 8

years and up at Mullumbimby Swim Pool Friday 15th Feb ‐ Brunswick Valley Swimming Carnival

Page 4: Well done!! KLA Improvement Citizenship Award PDHPE Award ... · KLA Award PDHPE Merit Award Improvement Award Citizenship Award KR Jemimah J Harry S Sunni J Chaz C Yr 1/2K Jordan