well arranged speaking excercise basic foundatioin book 600 1

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By dhruv jain

The book comprises -Speaking English basis spoken English Techniques of practicing vocabularies Techniques of forming questions speaking drills/for effective communication The usage of prepositions with examples The usage of conjunctions

acknowledgements i would like to propose my acknowledgement and the words of my special thanks to the following ladies and gentleman. first, i would love to praise heartily my mom for her an interrupted support for making this book to be possible. without her support this book would not have been achieved. Next, ato tadesse birhane,general manager of nassa mobile and computer maintenance training center for his technical and priceless moral support. -ato Mohammed, and sahalu amare for their advice and co-operation. my special thanks goes to teacher hilish,for showing me this path and push me to look beyond it , Mr.robin, for his moral support advice and help aswellas reviewing the manuscript and edit the errors there of for teacher nebil salih for his inspiration and co-operation and encouragement and for his moral support finally i would love this book in memory of this book to my beloved mam hidija Mohammed .

Introduction The most important facing every one daily basis is effective communication still knowing how to communicate effectively is important. This book basic foundation of spoken English will show you the way to speak excellent English. This book basic foundation of spoken English for Ethiopians is designed with concise and easy presentation to help those people who have no base to speak English accurately .the book is intended mainly for beginners and pre-intermediate levels to those who need change and apply the language in there day to day activities and as well as it was designed to have them base how to speak English .it will also be useful for intimidate and advanced level learners who have got difficulties in speaking The book there for comprises vocabulary, speaking exercise, dialogues, and techniques of forming questions. Basic foundation of spoken English is a unique book in its kind it is also involved how to build simple sentences, to be source full, in vocabulary to have basic speaking skill . This book presents various parts of language and explanation how they should be used in order to secure effective expression At the final page of the book involved speaking exercises. Especially this part gives a wide opportunity to practice the tips given above. by practicing these phrases and memorize it hoped that you can overcome some of the language problem .you can easily quire the skill by simply practicing the expression the modes and samples are complimented with pictures for further clarification Part one Table of contents Part one Profession. The usage of being verbs questons on proffession Present continuous tense.. Important words and expressions The future tense Speaking ability .. Conjunction and the usage Preposition and the usage. personal questions.. self and family introduction part two techniques of forming questions verb to do and the usage wh questions and the usage yes or no questions the opposite words (suffix and prefix ).. common people mistakes.. basic speaking phrases.. part three speaking exercise .. Professions Techniques of describing jobs Vocabulary Types of professions Jobs and Professions Managementbanks restaurants

president, - banker chef vice-president - bank officer - head cook executive officer (CEO); - accountant - cook director, - book keeper -maitre deputy director -economist teller -head waiter managing director, - casher -waiter financial director, - auditor - barman marketing director; -bartender general manager Medicine -waitress assistant manager - doctor manager; - physician personnel manager - family production manager - dietician marketing manager - general practitioner sales manager -eye specialist project manager -ear specialist Accountant -throat specialist Actor - heart specialist Actress -cardiologist Athlete - surgeon Author - pediatrician Baker - psychiatrist dentist Banker - pharmacist Barber - veterinarian Beautician - nurse Broker -paramedic Burglar -ear specialist Butcher Chauffeur Chef Clerk Coach Craftsman Criminal Crook Dentist Doctor Editor Engineer Farmer fire fighter fisherman judge lawyer magician mechanic musician nurse pharmacist pilot poet policeman politician printer professor rabbi priest pastor sailor salesman shoemaker soldier tailor teacher veterinarian waiter waitress watchmaker supervisor, inspector;

Sales and stores sales representative sales manager; salesperson, salesman salesclerk cashier; seller buyer wholesale buyer wholesaler retailer distributor advertising agent;

Art and creative work musician, composer, singer, dancer; artist, painter, sculptor, architect; film director producer, art director actor, Actress cameraman; writer, author, playwright, dramatist scenarist; Journalist reporter, correspondent, photographer designer, fashion designer, dress designer

School and college Principal dean professor Teacher Student pupil; schoolteacher college teacher university teacher head teacher senior teacher English teacher history teacher math teacher (BrE)

Construction Engineer technician, mechanic; builder, construction worker repairer; welder, bricklayer mason, carpenter, plumber painter;

Science Scientist Scholar Researcher explorer; mathematician, physicist, chemist biologist astronomer; Historian archeologist, Economist Philosopher psychologist; Law and order judge, lawyer, Attorney legal adviser; police officer, policeman traffic officer, detective; guard, bodyguard;

Other expert specialist analyst, consultant, adviser; computer programmer computer operator; systems analyst, software specialist; web developer web programmer, webmaster, web designer; pilot flight engineer flight navigator flight attendant stewardess; Driver taxi driver bus driver - truck driver; car mechanic; firefighter librarian farmer tailor, model politician priest travel agent hairdresser, hairstylist, barber beautician cosmetologist; cleaning lady cleaning woman Janitor Related terms to hire, to fire, to quit one's job; unemployed, jobless; to look for a job; to apply for a job; letter of application for a job, resume, CV, interview; contract, work agreement; employer, employee, staff member; to be on staff; temporary worker, freelance worker, freelancer, season worker; to work full-time, to work part-time, to have a part-time job, to work overtime; pay, wages, salary, income, bonus, tips; to be paid by the hour, to be paid by the month; monthly pay, weekly pay, hourly pay, yearly pay, annual pay; gross pay, net pay, take-home pay, overtime pay; taxes, expenses, deductions; fringe benefits, sick leave, maternity leave, holiday, vacation, pension plan; medical insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, life insurance; She gets ten dollars an hour. She is paid ten dollars an hour. Her hourly pay is ten dollars. He gets two thousand dollars a mont

Places of work Office agency company firm plant, Factory Hospital hotel school shop.

Describing a job an interesting job a boring job a good job a difficult job, a challenging job a well-paid job, a highly paid job a low-paid job, a badly paid job; a full-time job, a part-time job, a permanent job, a temporary

questions on the profession What is your name? What is your professions; What are you ? Are you a teacher /are you a doctor?/a psycatrist ? What is your job? Where do you work? How much are you paid? How much do you get per a month? Which hospital are you working? What is your position? Is your work permanent or temporary? how much do you get per a month?how much are you paid? How money years of working experience do you have?

ASKING QUESTIONS RELATED TO TEACHER Are you a teacher? What teacher are you? What are you teaching ? Where are you teaching at? Which school are you teaching at? How long have you been to this work? How much do you get per a month? Are you working in a private school or in a governmental school? What subject are you teaching? Is your work permanent or temporary? How money years of working experience do you have?

Excercise1 are you a doctor? Are you a nurse? Is she a nurse? Is she a psychiatrist? Note If you want to ask the same question says What about you ? How about you ? And you ? Excersice 3 I am a doctor are you a doctor? We are doctors. How about you? are you doctors? I am a nurse, what about you are you a nurse? I am a psychiatrist what about you are you a psychiatrist? We are teacher s what about you are you teachers? Exercise 2 I am a nurse what about you are you a nure? I am not a nurse I am a teacher. I am a student how about you ?are you a student? No I am not a student I am a governmental worker I am an accountant what about you are you an accountant I am not an accountant I am an adviser. I am a dentist what about you are you a dentist Yes I am a dentist too. Excerseise3 Other ways of introducing by using of I am a student of grade 9 I am a nurse of SELAM hospital I am a teacher of physics Exercise 4 Form a long dialogue by asking related question on his /her profession What is your profession? What is your work? What is your job in Gondar? What is your work in azozo What do you do for a living in Gondar? Taking about a student I am a student Which grade are you ? I am a student of grade 4 When did you go to school? I go to school in 1996 Are you clever student Yes I am one of a clever students Is your school big Yes our school is pretty big and nice

taking about teacher What do you do? I am a teacher What teacher are you ?what subject do you teach? I am a teacher of physics Where do you physics I teach physics at fassileddes school Which university /college/secondary y school /elementary school do you teach How money years of teaching experience d o you have? do you love your profession Are you happy with your work When did you get employed in this school Taking about the profession doctor What do you do I am a doctor Where do you work at? Which hospital do you work at Which clinic are you serving for how long have you been to this work introducing other profession This is my father Solomon he is a doctor he works at black lion hospital This is my mother ,hellen she is a house wife this is my elder brother selam he is a university student in mekele university This is senit she is my elder sitst e she is s nurse of selema hospital Notes on profession we mostly have the same word both a man and a woman job title woes like doctor, teacher and nurse no differencebut, here are a few examples of when we used different words for men and women job position men woman actror= actress hero= heroine waiter= waitress wizard witch executor = executer barberry = hair dresser bussines man = business woman king = queen bar man barmaid boy scout girl guides bus conductor bus conductress chairman chair woman head master head mistress host hostess king queen land lord land lady prince princess steward stewarder manager manageress police man police woman Speak English by using continuous form present continuous tense and the usage Definition. it is used to express an action that talking place in the time of speaking Forms+s+oxilary verbs +mv+ing+objects Based on the above formula speak about your activity if it is on going Forming questions by using continues form Are you listing? Are you studding? Are you reading? Are you watching? Is she reading? Is she writing? Is she playing? Forming sentence by using continuous form I am reading a book . I am listing radio program Iam watching a movie with my friend She is reading a fiction He is writing a letter usage (it is used to describe an action is ongoing. here are some action verbs used to show activities washing driving helping going doing watching forms= s+is/am/are+action verb(talk)+direct object use this formula and speak your action is on going. e.g.; I am talking the guy at this moment. Forming questions by present continuous tenses Are you driving? Are you washing your clothes? Are you dancing? Is he teaching? Is he reading books Is she singing a song/ Are you practicing English now? Are you discussing with them? Are you writing English films? Response to the above questions i am writing letters to my friend please dont disturb me. i am washing my clothes now call me latter She is reading books please speak slowly he is watching a move inside We are celebrating the holiday

n.b The difference b/n being verbs and auxiliary verbs Being verbs is used to express some one to being I am a doctor (being ) auxiliary verb is used to express an action some one does She is an accountant (being)she is washing clothes (action ) We are students (being ) we are cleaning the compound(action ) They are teachers( being ) they are drinking coca colla (action ) Model dialogue Jeni where are you doing right now? I am here in the bed room What are you doing right there in the bed room? I am reading What are you reading? I am reading a book What book are you reading? It is a ficton What is the title of the fiction you are reading I am reading the fiction entitled love unto death What is love unto death dealing about? Love unto death was written by Ethiopian the famous autor hadis alemayehu and it is dealing about the two romantic life of two couples it is a romantic fiction book Wow how interesting! so what page are you reading so far? I am reading 300 pages and 200 pages left me. Okay I would love that if you lend me the book after you finished Yes I will Exercise 2 Hello jhon Hello alex What are you ding? I am watching tv Is there a new thing on tv? Sure I am watching ETV programme What programme are you watching is there s serous drama on tv? Yes, there is a serious drama on tv entitled sew leses it is prettysuspense drama Great, what episode is that by now? It is episode 23 What is sew lesew (menchin to menchin ) dealing about can you tell me a bit about it ? Sure Sew lesew is the most watched ETV drama telecast the across Ethiopia and it is dealing about the social life of the people. Well I will watch it in the future thank you for the information see you some day You are most welcome see you n.b the difference b/n what are you doing and how are you doing what are you doing is used to express what some one doing while how are you ding is a type of greeting mostly used by Americans here are what are you doing in sentence examples What are you doing here? What are you doing you guys here? What is your brother jeni doing there with you r sister? What is your sister sable doing there with alex in the bed room ? What is your father doing right here with mrs senit How are you doing in sentence How are you doing How are you doing ? How are you doing romedan? How is fasting doing ? How is work doing /how are you doing with your work? How is your health doing right now? How are you doing with the holiday ? Speaking ability vocabularies on speaking ability - Superficial speaker - some English - Good speaker - little English - Native speaker -intermediate speaker - Perfect speaker - no English Accent types Classical accent First language seconded language Home language Asking about for a skill questions on speaking ability Do you speak English? Do you speak any English? How much do you speak English? /how do you speak English ? are you fluent in English? what is your level of English? do you learn English language ?in which school you are attending? what is the advantage of English language? Have you been learning English? Which language school have you been learning?

Can you speak and write English? How money languages do you speak? Can you speak good English? What is your original language? What is your second language? how money local and foreign languages do you speak? Are you an American Whats your mother tongue language? Can you speak and write good English Can you communicate with people very well? What languages do you speak a part from English? You speak a very good English have you ever been somewhere out of Ethiopia? Can you be able to speak like natives? Do you communicate with foreign very well? Do you have a good accent? Have you been learning a language? Have you ever spoken with a foreigner? Asking about nationality Where are you from? Are you an American? Are you from speaking English Countries? Which speaking countries are you from? The way to responding I am originally from America I am from speaking English countries Positive Responses on skill Yes I speak English I speak English more than you I speak a good English I speak a little English I speak some English I speak some amount I speak very well I speak perfect English I speak as much as natives Negative responses I speak no English No I dont speak a good English I speak only a few words I speak a little not quite as much as you I speak English but I could not write them I speak English but I have got some difficulties with English grammar I speak English but not more than you List of countries nationalists and their languages

Country nationality language England English English Spain Spanish Spanish United States American English Uruguay Uruguayan Spanish Turkey Turkish Turkish Sweden Swedish Swedish Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabic Ethiopia Ethiopian Amharic Russia Russian Russian Holland Holland ditch Philippines Filipino Filipino Morocco Moroccan Spanish Italy Italian Italian Greece Greek Greek Germany Germany German France French French Denmark Danish Danish China Chinese Chinese Argentina argentine Span Important words and expressions To change the subject By the way By the by Ok fine Right Now Alright Ok now To indicate an example For example For instance (to take an example) In particular Particularly Specifically To illustrate To demonstrate To indicate time After Before Currently Eventually Lastly Finally Firstly First of all In the first place Secondly In the second time Previously To begin with To start with For one thing For another thing To indicate doubt Most likely Mort likely Probably Possible Probably

Focusing and linking As far as concerned With refereance to As regards Speaking about Talking about Talking of Speaking of To indicate more information Besides Also First, second, third, finally Firstly secondly thirdly As well as that In addition In addition to this Further more Infact More over On the top of that What is more? Incase Another thing is Foremost Approving what someone says Honestly Of course Truly It is true Sincerely Frankly Certainly Without double Absolutely Right fully Surly Genuinely To return on the previous idea Any way As I was saying To come to my point When I move back to my point What I was trying to say is Like I was saying To indicate a cause or a reason Therefore Since Because Because of For so Then Due to For the reason that As In as much as To compare or contrast Where as In comparison In contrast However Although On the other hand Like wise Similarly But Yet Even so Nevertheless All the same To conclude In closing Given these facts To sum up the for going For the aforementioned reason In general Broadly speaking In some case I n many cases In all case In most case On the whole To great extent By and large Apart from To finalizing our speech To sum up Briefly In conclusion In short To cut a story short Over all T o summarize In summery In brief To put it briefly precise

The oposit of some English words The opposite of some English words can be made by using the prefixes un- in- im ir un and when you add non dis-un in-ir and prefixes with words the words becme ipposit meaning list of works are showing opposite meanings are called antonyms .here are some anotnyms lists study them . By adding( a) Words that take a as a negative prefix always begin with a consonants Affirmative negative Political a political Sexual a sexual Theist a theist Remember not all words that appear to have a negative prefixand negative prefix are negative Word does not mean Alike not like Discuss not cuss Universe verse Important not portent involve not volve right not right by adding ( non ) words that take non-as a negative prefix may begin with a vowel or a consonant affirmative negative Vegetarian non vegetarian Muslim non Muslim Christian non Christian Native non native Verbal non verbal Arebs non Arabs Essential non essential Delivery non delivery Sense non sense Fiction non fiction Conformist non conformist Entity non entity Commercial non commercial

By adding DIS Words that take dis-as a negative prefix may begin with a vowel or consonant Affirmative negative Advantage dis advantage Obedient dis obedient Obey dis obey Appear dis- appear Respectful dis -respectiful Agree dis -agree Satisfied dis -satisfied Qualified dis -qualified Comfort dis- comfort

(By adding Un) Affirmative positive Forgettable unforgettable Lucky unlucky Friendly unfriendly Tidy untidy Skilled unskilled Lock unlock Interesting un interesting Usual un usual Comfortable uncomfortable Necessary un necessary Prepared un prepared Helpful un helpful Dress un dress Employed un employed Healthy un healthy Just un just Known un known Load un load Truth un truth

True untrue Educated un educated Forgettable unforgettable Lucky unlucky Friendly unfriendly Tidy untidy Skilled unskilled Lock unlock Married unmarried Available unavailable Do undo Attend un attend Authorized un authorized Happy un happy Able un able Interesting un interesting Usual un usual Comfortable uncomfortable Necessary un necessary Prepared un prepared Helpful un helpful Dress un dress Employed un employed Healthy un healthy Just un just Known un known Load un load Truth un truth

By adding in Words that take in as a negative prefix can begin with vowel except I OR U AFFIRMATIVE Effective in effective

Efficient in efficient Visible in visible Exact in exact Formal in formal Significant insignificant Credible incredible Convenient inconvenient Direct indirect Accurate in accurate Capable incapable Definite indefinite Complete incomplete Fertile infertile Efficient in efficient Correct incorrect Accurate in accurate Justice in justice

By adding ( M) Before words that begin with M or p the prefix is IM Affirmative negative Possible impossible Polite impolite Probable improbable Moral immoral Balance imbalance Material immaterial Prudent imprudent Morter imorter Movable immovable Measurable immeasurable Mature immature Patient impatient BY adding (IL) Words that takes il as a negative prefix always begin with the letter l Affirmative negative Legal illegal Legible illegible Literate illiterate Logical illogical By adding (ir) Words that take ir as a negative prefix always begin with the letter r before r the prefix is ir Affirmative negative Rational irrational Regular irregular Responsible irresponsible Resistible irresistible Reconcilable irreconcilable

BY adding (IL) Words that takes il as a negative prefix always begin with the letter l Affirmative negative Legal illegal Legible illegible Literate illiterate Logical illogical By adding (ir) Words that take ir as a negative prefix always befin with the lette4r r before r the prefix is ir Affirmative negative Rational irrational Regular irregular Responsible irresponsible Resistible irresistible Reconcilable irreconcilable

FAMILY INTRODUCTION Vocabulary on (Family and Relatives) Family Husband - grand son MIND wife, - grand daughter - intelligent spouse; - grand daughter - broad mind Father - grand child - sharp mother, - grand children -keen parents; - great grand father -bright son, - great grand mother - quick daughter, - great grand child -agile child, - step father - wise children; - step mother -clever brother - step brother -folish sister - step sister -narrow minded siblings, - half brother -silly twins; - half-sister grandfather - adopted son grandmother - adopted daughter grandparents; - adopted child Foster daughter foster child; Relatives by marriageage groups father-in-law - child mother-in-law, - baby son-in-law, - infant sons-in-law - boy daughter-in-law, - girl daughters-in-law; - teenager brother-in-law - adolescent brothers-in-law, - adult sister-in-law, - adult sisters-in-law; grownup -young man Middle-aged man Middle aged woman Old man Old woman Personal questions Whats your name? Can I have your name ? Where were you born? where did you grew up ? Can I have your address? where are you from/what is your nationality? where do you live? How old are you? are you a student, which grade are you? what is the name of your school? Do you have nick name? Where is your city of birth? Where is your country of birth Do you have a job/work/?? what is your profession? how much do you get /how much are you paid? what is your field of work? do you love your mom? how much do you love her? do you have a lover? do you have a fiance? do you live with your families or alone ? What is your work? What do you do for a living/what is your profession? Family questions Do you have a family? How money brothers and sisters do you have do you have brothers and sisters? how old is your sister/brother? are you married/what is your martial stutus ? do you have a life parterner ? when do you get married? Are you from a large or a small family? -Are you the 1st child from your families? -Who is the 1st child/ first born? -Who is the youngest child in your families? Who is the eldest child in your families

Is your brother and sister older than you are? Are your brother and sister older or younger that you aere ? Who is the youngest and the smallest one in your family Are your brothers and sister preey as you are ? do you have children? how money children do you have? what is the name of your first son? what is the name of your fierst doughter./ What is the name of your father? What is your fathers name? How old is your father? How old is he? what is the name of your mother? how old is your mom ? Does she has a job? Whats his job? What does he do for a living? How could you describe his Behavior How could you describe His physical appearance? Whats the name of your mother? How old is she? Whats her job? Where does she work? ways of responding on Family introduction important terms About Family I have a family I have ---- brothers and ---- sisters I have neither brother nor sisters Hana is older than I am Daniel is 3 years older than I am They are all younger I am the oldest of the family The youngest and the smallest one is birhanu Dawit and ephrem are twins Dawit is hans some as me Yes I am from a large family totally we are 10 10 I am from a medium family to tally we are 6 No, I am from a small family totally we are 4 I am the 1st child from my families No I am not, I am the 3rd one I am the eldest child from my families, and yonas is the and child in our family I have a daughter,my first daughter is hellen. I have kids I am not married, I am still a student i am not married i am still abatchlor I am not married, I am still a student and am dependent from my family I am not married for a moment I have a finance, I am getting married very soon I dont have any intention to get married for a moment I am not married, I am still a worker I am engaged I am not married, But I have a fiance I am not married I am a single/free/spinster I am not married But, I have a fiancy? I am not married But I have a lover? I am not married, I am dependant from my families I am not married, I am still a bachelor I got married a couple of yeares a go, but now divorced

Describing the (physical appearance ) Vocabularies Appearancecharacter height attractive, pleasant - tall good-looking, personality - very tall beautiful good-tempered - quite tall handsome, good- natured -six feet tall pretty, easy-going -not very tall cute, weak nice; - terrible character - short plain - bad- tempered -average height plain-looking, - ill-natured - midedle height unattractive, ugly; - friendly -he is average height ;she is of middle height well-dressed -sociable nicely dressed - out going casually dressed, - unfriendly poorly dressed - hostile neat, clean -unsociabe untidy -strong Dirty -tough Charming - independent

immature; Dependable Reliable Trustworthy Honest unreliable, dishonest; reasonable sensible Unreasonable Unpredictable Impulsive Ambitious hard-working, energetic, lazy; disciplined, organized, careful accurate Undisciplined Disorganized Careless Inaccurate inattentive; attentive, alert perceptive Observant insightful, thoughtful considerate; Aggressive pushy, self-centered, selfish, egoistical inconsiderate; -self-confident, shy timid, Modest humble; Haughty Arrogant impudent; Stubborn obstinate; moody, -melancholic self-conscious Touchy sensitive; humorous, amusing - funny - Interesting - dull, - boring; - generous, - unselfish, - kind, - kind-hearted; economical thrifty stingy, miserly, greedy; formal official informal casual; Strange odd, weird, eccentric crazy. relaxed

vocabulary Weight and Build I am thin quite thin slim, Slender Skinny mediumbuild, Overweight fat; strong, muscular, athletic. Hair Dark fair, black, red brown blond chestnut brown white, gray long short medium-length shoulder-length; Straight Curly wavy, Thick thinning, Bald Hairless shiny smooth neatly combed; Dull tousled, dishevele describing beauty and hair I am fat and have paunch I am Bold I am a Handsome boy and have curly hair

Social interaction with people I am . hard worker I am friendly with people I am Sociable with people I am polite to speak She is generous She is Intellectual and helpful Describing the IMAGE I am Beautiful lady, and I am black beauty I am Charming lady, and Im white skinne - she is Gorgeous lady and she is light skinned Good looking and I am brown skinned Beautiful, and I am black skinned THE USAGE OF CONJUCTIONS Definition Words that link two parts of a sentence are called conjunctions (see "to conjoin"). The most common ones are 'and', 'or' and 'but': Here are some coordination conjunctions comely use for - and - so - not only but also Neither - although - how - even through Both ..and - as soon as - as if -since - nor -where - when ever - until - either. Or -where ever - which ever - still - and - as though - whatever -other wise - though - before - if - therefore - after - after - by the time -so - Till - yet - even if -neither nor Until - incase - both When - both . . . and - but - or rather . . . than - yet whose - unless while -while as long as - only if as much as not only nor but also - only unless Here are some teckniques of forming sentences in conjunctions exercise 1 i sent you letter but you have not replied to me she is so beautiful but she si shy i am interested to learn a language but i have no money to pay to school i asked my dad for a permission but he was not volentier tome it hyas been 2 years since we met but i havent met her so far i spoke him personally but he was not happy you made a very long speech but interesting. she works a lot but she doesnt get a lot of money i studied very hard but i couldnt pass the exam i wish i could, but sorry i cant come to your party because -i cant stay long because i have a serious appointment with my father she never tak to you anymore because you disappointed her -i dont think i can come to your school today because i am seriously sick they are not interested to borrow you for money because they need it. he doesnt help you because he is poor. when ever -come to my home when ever you like tell her to call me when ever she is free do let me know when ever you are free when ever i want a help i will inform you before looka tthe instuciotin berfor you use the cosmotics i have something to tell you before you go before we got to the cinima ,let us call my f riends call me before you do your home works ask her what she wants beforeyou invite her. if.... i will go,if you want me to go. if you say so,it is okay if you dont do what i tell you,you will die if you dont understnd me ,it is ip to you as soon as -please give him my message as soon as he comes as soon as he arrives,pleaxze do let me know give me back my money as soon as you get a money form the bank i will give you a prompt response as soon as you get my message or which one is your favorite food or drink? Pepsi or coca which places of Ethiopia you visited gondar or Axum. tell me at what time is best for you at 4 or 6 which mobile is are you interested to buy nokia or tell me this or that. whcih of the following is correct this one or that one i may come to your home today or tomorrow -otherwise run away otherwise they will kill you -give her some present other wise she never talk to you pay some money other wise you will be dismisal and she is strong,and helthy. i have bought a new car and anewmobile. may father and your father love each other. you are tall and handsome.


Prepositions of place and direction AT He is at the airport; at the train station at the bank; at the office at work at home; at school at the university at the tennis club. She is at the doctor's; at the dentist's; at her sister's. AT She works at a bank at a library at a hospital at a newspaper at a plant; at IBM. We ate at a restaurant at She stayed at a small hotel. He studied economics at a business school; at a technical school. AT Turn left at the traffic lights at the bank at the school; at the church. He is standing at the bus stop at the corner of the street at the door; at the window. She is sitting at her desk; at the table. AT It is at the top of the page at the top of the list at the bottom of the page at the end of the list at the beginning of the book at the end of the chapter at the end of the street; at the top of the mountain at the bottom of the sea at sea level; at a height of 25 meters; at a distance of 200 meters. She lives at 15 Main Street. AT They are at a concert at a party; at a meeting at a conference; at a football game at the movies; at the cinema; at the theater; at the opera; at dinner at lunch. IN IN: The key is in this box; in your bag; in my pocket in her hand; in the desk drawer in the living room; in the corner of the room in the kitchen in the hall in the closet in the car. There are four rooms in his house. There is no elevator in this building. It was very cold in her apartment; in the office; in the theater.

IN: He is sitting in an armchair; in a rocking chair; in a wheelchair. They walked in the park; played in the garden. We saw flowers in the field; clouds in the sky. balloons in the air. birds in the trees; animals in the woods; fish in the river. I was born in 1965 I visited my parentes in summer I arrived in londan. IN He is in the army in bed in class; in prison. in jail. AmE: to be in the hospital;. BrE: to be in hospital IN: She lives in a large house in a small apartment in a large city; in the center of the city; in a small town; -in the country in a village; -in Paris; in London; in England in the United States; - in the North - m in the South. What is the largest country in the world? IN I read it in a book; in a dictionary; in a newspaper. I saw it in a film; in a movie; in a dream. I know the man in this photograph. I like the landscape in this picture. She looked at herself in the mirror. IN: The house is in the center of the picture, with the forest in the background and the mountains in the distance. He is sitting in the sixth row. Please stand in line. IN:

There is a hole in your coat a pain in my foot. There were tears in her eyes; strange thoughts in his head.

ON: The book is on the table; on the shelf; on the windowsill; on the floor. The picture is on the wall. Read the text on page 5. She is sitting on the sofa on the bed; on a chair; on a bench on a stool. He walked on crutches for a month. ON: There is a smile on his face; a hat on his head; black shoes on his feet; a shawl on her shoulders; a stain on your coat ice on the water; snow on the roof. Fruit grows on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. ON: We spent our vacation on a small island in the Caribbean Sea. London is on the Thames River. Our house is on the left; on the right on the corner of the street. Her apartment is on the third floor. She lives on Green Street. ON: They are on the train to Bern on the plane to Rome. Who is that boy on a bicycle? She got on the bus on Oak Street. ON I saw it on TV. I heard it on the radio. I spoke to her on the telephone. I found it on the Internet. On math On weekends On July 3 On the party. On the holiday On time On Monday. Useful phrases Come to the party on time. There is a best party on Monday We go to church on weekends. Keep in touch on Monday. Professions( as) As an accountant As a mangeer As a merchant Examples I work in dashen bank as an accountant. I am working here to this college as a manager. I work privately as a n accountant. Note: at, in, on AT/IN: She works at a bank / in a bank. He works at a library / in a library. I ate at a restaurant / in a restaurant. AT/ON: She will wait for us at the corner of the street / on the corner of the street. IN/ON: There are a lot of people in the streets / on the streets. AmE: She lives on Main Street. BrE: She lives in Main Street. inside, outside INSIDE What is inside this box? Are there any people inside the house? Stand inside the circle, please. OUTSIDE He left his dog outside the house. There was some sound outside the door. by, beside, near, next to, against BY (She is standing by the window; by the door by the car; by the table. She sat by his bed. Let's take a walk by the river. BY (They went by the post office; by the bank; by the church. He went by me without saying hello. BESIDE Stay beside me. She sat beside his bed. He waited beside the door. Put the napkin beside the plate. NEAR by, beside): He sat near the door near the window near the stage. Their house is near the lake near the river; near a nice park near the subway station; near the school. NEXT TO): The post office is next to the bank; next to the drugstore next to the gas station. Their house is next to our house. She sat next to me on the bus; in the theater; in class. AGAINST The table stands against the wall. He placed the ladder against the wall. She leaned against the wall; against the back of her chair. The rain is beating against the window. He threw the ball against the wall. AGAINST The red looks darker against the black. below, under, above, over BELOW : below the horizon below sea level below zero below average; below the norm; below the surface; the rooms below us the text below. Antonym: above. UNDER) under the table under the chair under the roof; under the sky under the floor under the carpet under the bed under the pillow under the blanket under the bridge under a tree under water under the surface under the skin dark circles under her eyes the ground under his feet. Antonym: over.

ABOVE (above the horizon above sea level; --above zero above average; the picture above the piano the rooms above us the text above the sky above. Antonym: below. OVER the roof over your head; the sky over the city; the clouds over the mountains. Her apartment is directly over mine. The plane flew over our house over the city; over the fields; over the lake; over the ocean. He jumped over the fence; over the stone. Antonym: under. in front of, behind, opposite IN FRONT OF The garden is in front of the house. The bus stop is in front of the building. His car is in front of the garage. He stood in line in front of me.

BEHIND The garden is behind the house. The bus stop is behind that building. The boy hid behind a tree. Stand behind the line please. He stood behind me. OPPOSITE ( The bank is opposite the post office. My hotel room is opposite yours. He sat opposite me. to, toward, into, out of TO the road to Boston; the flight to London; my trip to Italy; the way to his house the village is to the north of the city She went to the store; to the bank to a restaurant to the center; to the cinema to the theater; to the party; to the kitchen; to the door; to the doctor to the park; to the lake to the sea; to the mountains. Go to page 5. I am going to the cinema I am flying to Germany. I just came to say you good bye/ TOWARD He went toward that building toward the river toward the station Toward the center. INTO Come into the room Into the house. Get into the car. He poured some tea into her cup. He got into trouble; into difficulties. Her teddy bear fell into the water. This river flows into a large lake. He went into accounting Into banking. Translate this passage into English; From English into Russian. Snow turned into rain. OUT OF to go out of the room to go out of the building to run out of the door to look out of the window to take a handkerchief out of the pocket to get out of the car; to get out of the cage. through, across, around, past THROUGH road through the village a path through the forest. He went through the park; through the tunnel through the building. He walked through the door through the gate. She looked through the hole through the glass through the window. ACROSS There is a bridge across the river. He went across the street across the park across the bridge. Several fallen trees were lying across the road. The bookstore is across the street. Do you see that yellow building across the street? AROUND Go around this house. There is a large park around his house. He travelled around the world. We took a walk around town. The bus stop is around the corner. PAST She walked past him past the post office past the bank; past the school. ALONG the book shelves along the wall; the trees along the road to walk along the road to walk along the street; to walk along the river; to sail along the coast; down, up DOWN to go down the stairs; to go down the hill; to go down the ladder. Go down this street and turn left. They sailed down the river on a raft. UP to go up the stairs; to go up the hill to climb up the ladder. Go up this street and turn left. The ship sailed up the river. between, among BETWEEN The bank is between the post office and the bookstore. The sofa is between the table and the bookcase. Tom is sitting between Lisa and Ella. There is no train between Redford and Bedford. AMONG Your book is probably among the other books on the table. She is among her friends now. Is there a doctor among the guests? They shared the money equally among the members of the family. Prepositions of time at, in, on AT My train leaves at three o'clock; at 9:00 a.m.; at 10:00 p.m. I called him at seven in the morning; at nine in the evening; at ten; at about five at noon; at midnight. They are going away at the beginning of October at the end of March. He started to work at 15 / at the age of 15. AT at present, at the present time; at the moment at this moment at the same time; at Christmas / at Christmas time at noon; at night; at dawn; at sunset; at first; at last; at the latest. Preposition in questions : At what time did you arrive in Gondar? At what time did you go to the party; At what time did you meet him ? At what time was your appointment ? At what time did you meet your wife? Response: I arrived at 6 oclock i I went to the party at 9 oclock I met her at the gate of fassil castle IN I went there in the morning; in the afternoon in the evening; in winter; in this month in this school in 2years. In addis abeba In September In this hospital. In my extra time in spring in summer in 2days in 2 years in the weekend in 1965. in autumn; in the fall. in the middle of June. The action takes place in the future; in the present in the past. IN I was there in May; in November; in 1985; in 1991; in 2007; in 2010; Such hats were popular in the '60s; in the 1950s; in the twenties; in the 19th century. IN He will come back in a minute; in ten minutes; in an hour; in half an hour; in a day or two; in five days; in a week; in a month; in a year; in three years. ON I will do it on Monday; on Wednesday; on Sunday; on Christmas Day on Labor Day. She was busy on Friday morning; on Saturday night; on Thursday evening. He works on Tuesdays; on weekdays; on weekends. ON He left on May third on June 1st on January seventh; on the 10th of August on the sixth of November. She was born on December 3, 1985 (Read: on December third / on the third of December nineteen eighty-five.) for, since FOR She talked to him for five minutes for half an hour for an hour. He has been waiting for three hours; for two days; for a week for six months for a year; for years for a long time. SINCE I have been waiting here since noon, since morning, since two o'clock. He has been sick since yesterday; since Monday. She has known him since childhood since 1998; since 2005; since last year. from...to, from...till, from...until, from...through FROM ... TO): Banks work from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This bank is open from nine to five. He works from nine to six; from Monday to Friday. She was busy from two to four. He lived in Boston from 1980 to 1985. They live in their summer house from May to October. He was in college from 2003 to 2007. FROM ... TILL, FROM ... UNTIL Banks work from 10:00 a.m. till/until 5:00 p.m. This bank is open from nine till five. He works from nine till six; from nine until six; from morning till night; from ten in the morning till seven at night. He lived in Boston from 1980 until 1985. They live in their summer house from May till October. FROM ... THROUGH): He works from Monday through Saturday. He works Monday through Friday. Where are you from I am from a rich family I am from a large family. He lived in Chicago from 1986 through 1995. They live in their summer house from May through October. while, during WHILE It happened while we were watching TV; while she was listening to music; while he was sleeping while they were eating lunch; while she was on vacation. The telephone rang while I was making breakfast. DURING ( It happened during the lesson during the flight during the concert during lunch; during her vacation during her trip to London. He worked during the day during the night; during the week during the weekend. before, after, by, till, until BEFORE He called me before eleven o'clock; before dinner before the concert before his exam before my trip before he went home. AFTER She called him after six o'clock after dinner after the concert after his exam after work after she finished her work. BY We have to be there by nine o'clock. They should receive our report by Tuesday. She submitted her application by the first of June. He promises to finish his new novel by the end of the year. TILL Banks work till 5:00. The post office is open till seven o'clock. He slept till ten. He lived in Chicago till 2005. They will stay there till Friday. Please wait till tomorrow. UNTIL Banks work until 5:00. He slept until ten. He lived in Chicago until 2005. They will stay there until Friday. Wait until tomorrow. They worked in the yard until it grew dark. TILL, UNTIL Banks do not open until 10:00 a.m. He will not get up until ten. He did not visit New York until 2010. She did not visit him till today. The repairmen did not leave until they fixed everything. Some other prepositions by, with BY The lock was repaired by a locksmith. This novel was written by Theodore Dreiser. His brother was killed by a robber. The dog was hit by a car. The village was destroyed by the hurricane. Their houses were destroyed by fire. WITH He opened the door with a key. The teacher made corrections with a red pencil. Cut it with a knife and eat it with a fork, not with a spoon. She saw it with her own eyes. He made this table with his own hands. I live with my families. I came to Gondar with the best friend of mine. He visited fassil castle with his girl friend. by, in, on BY (travelling) She came here by bus. We went there by taxi by car By boat By bicycle. by bus by train by plane. He likes to travel by car. He usually travels by train. IN She came here in a car. She went there in a taxi. She likes to travel on a train. She does not feel safe on a plane. She does not like to travel on a bus. We went there on foot. A Typical Day Time expressions usually, often every week Usually Regularly Often frequently; Sometimes rarely; seldom; never; day every other day every week every month every year; three times a day twice a week once a week; once in a while now now today at the moment at this moment at present; at the present time; tomorrow, next week tomorrow the day after tomorrow. one of these days next week. next month next year next Friday; next spring next autumn; in a day or two in a week in a year; in five years a week from now a year from now five years from now soon; quite soon sometime soon; sometime next week; yesterday two days ago last week Yesterday the day before yesterday the other day . last week; last month last year; last Monday; winter; last summer; three years ago a month ago a week ago an hour ago; ten minutes ago; two days later a week later a year later five years later at two o'clock, in the morning for thirty minutes in the morning in the afternoon in the evening; at noon; at night; at dawn at midnight after midnight; tonight; at eight o'clock at eleven o'clock; at 9:15 at nine fifteen at 10:30 at ten thirty at 7:00 a.m. (at seven ['ei'em]) at 10:00 p.m. (at ten ['pi:'em]); at nine in the morning; at three in the afternoon at eight in the evening at ten at night; during the day during the night during the week during the weekend; for ten minutes; for half an hour for an hour for three hours for a day or two; for six days; for a week; for two months for a year for fifteen years; on Monday in May in winter on Sunday on Friday on Saturday on Mondays on weekdays on weekends; in August in January; in winter in spring in summer in autumn / in the fall;

Part TWO

Forming questions and the usage VERB TO DO AND THE USAGES What is action verb: An action verb is a verb that describes an action, like run, jump, kick, eat, break, cry, smile, or think. Here are some examples of action verbs in sentences. The action verb is kicking. It describes what Solomon is doing. TECKNIQUES OF FORMING QUESTOINS BY USING VERB TO DO FORM: DO..DID..Does FORMULA = VERBTO DO+ SUBJUCT + ACTIONVERBS+OBJUCT FORM(direct objuct) Do+ i/you/he/she/it/they +the action verb (speak) +objuct . ex.do you speak english? SOME ACTION VERBS USED TO SHOW ACTIVITIES ARE: SPEAK - study - talk - move interview - manage Decide - cook - drink - print kick -drive catch - practice - make - wash complete - kill inspire - search - move - kick - dance - - run ignore - define - respond - lecture - sing - offer motivate - observe - relax - improve - work - design shock - check - listen - collect - teach - make perform - consult - solve - leave - write - climb give - achieve - come - love - discover -run understand - play - serve - write - eat - catch drink - walk -drink -improve - create - sit sell - establish - print - collect - paint order - - cost - wash - give - inform process - pass - kick -study - fill

HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES of forming questions with the verb to do Use this Formula to form questions Verb to do (do/did/does subject (i/you/he/she +subjects) Do you speak English? Do you go to the cinema today? Do you come to the cinema today night ? Do you smoke cigarette ? Do you drive a car? DOES IS USED FOR PRESENT ACTIONS FOR THIRD PERSON SINGUALARS he/she/it Does she sing a song of teddy afro VERY WELL Does she smoke cigarette Does she call you ? Does she play a piano? Does she always go to church? Does he speak French accurately? Does he come here? Does she know you are here? Does anyone mind if smoke here? DID IS A VER B DO FORM AND IT IS USED to take ALL PERSONAL Pronouns to ask question s PAST ACION OR EVERNTS Did (Asking for past actions :- used for all personal pronouns? Did you eat your lunch? Did you come to the party? Did you celebrate your Birth day? Did you have a quality time with your families ? Did you meet your wife? Did she love you from the bottom of her heart Did they order you to buy fruits? Did he design the hotel? Did he paint it? Did she wash your cloth? Did you eat your breakfast today? Did you eat your lunch? Did you come to the party? Did you celebrate your Birth day? Did you have a quality time? Did you meet your wife? Questions with verb to do+ have Do you have a car? Do you have a job? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have your own home?

yes or no questions - is he your teacher - yes he is, no he isnt - is it raining hard out side - yes it is, no it is nt - is it your first time to be here - yes it is ,no it isnt - are your friends at home - yes they are no they arent - are you happy in your life - yes i am ,no i am not - are you the first child from your families - yes i am ,no i am not - was your exam good - yes it was, no it wasnt - was he a student - yes it was, no it wasnt - was she a secretary - yes she was, no she wasnt - were they on the party yesterday - yes they were, no they werent were you excellent in mathematics? - yes i was no i wasnt were they happy with the film - yes they were no they were not do you go to the party - yes i do no i dont do you love her so much - yes i do, no i dont do you understand me - yes i do no i dont di d you go to the church - yes i did no i dont did ou get the ticket - yes i did no i dont did she give a good lecture today - yes i did no i didnt does she speak englishy very well - yes she does,no she doesnt does your father know you are here - yes he does,no he doesnt does she smoke cigarate? - yes she does ,no she doesnt can i speak to you in person ? - yes you can ,no you cant can you drive a car/ - yes i can, no i cant can you write letters - yes i can ,no i cant can you borrown me some money ? - yes i can, no i cant can you swim very well? - yes i can,no i cant can i smoke here? - yes you can,no you cant may i come in - yes you may,no you may not may i iopen the windo? - yes you may ,no you may may i go out - yes you may,no you may not could you help me how to solve this problem? - yes you could no you couldnot could you give me a brif information about fassil castle? yes i can ,no icant could you wait me out side for a moment? - yes i could no i couldnt could you show me the bus station? - yes i could no couldnt will you be here to night? - yes i will no i will not will you close the window - yes i wil,no i will not will you show me your rewared ? - yes i will, no i won't

Ways of forming Questions by wh questions What are wh questions What, when, who, which, whose, where,

By wh Questions lool the functions of wh questions What Asking for things When (Asking for (places) Whose (Asking for possessions Whom (Asking for (persons) Which ) Asking for (alternatives) ( How) Asking for( conditions) Why ( Asking for reasons ) Some Exampleswith ( What ) Whats your name? Whats your second name? Whats your fathers name? What is your job/work/ occupation? Whats your nationality? Whats your Mathers name? What does he do for a living? asking questions (what )in continous action What are you doing? What are you writing? What are you watching? What are you drawing? What are you reading ? what are you working?

When (Asking for past actions) When was your Birthday? When did you come here? When did you go to school? When did you meet your wife? When was the party? Asking for present actions When is you Birthday? When do you come here? When do you go to school? When do you invite me? When is the party? Where Where were you born? Where is the place of the party? Where do you live? Where is selam? Where did you celebrate your birthday? Whose :- Asking for possessions Whose bag is this? Whose car is this? Whose dog was died? Whose bicycle was stolen ? Whom :- (Asking for someone) Whom do you love among you families? Whom do you prefer, coca or pepsi? Whom do you appreciate most? Which :- Asking for alternatives Which one is your favorite drink ? Which house is yours? Which is the best place for entertaining yourself? Which one is your daughter? How :- (asking for conditions) How did you come here? How was the party? How often do you come to the Language School? How was the holiday? How old is he/she? Why :- Asking for reasons:- -why are you here? why did you got to the party

Questions are asked with modal auxiliary verbs By Modal auxiliary verbs asking something politely Can will Could would Shall Should Can Could May might Look at some examples may i come in Can you borrow me some money? May I smoke right here? Could you come tomorrow morning at my home? Shall I invite you for a dinner will you open the window? would you come to my birth day party? Asking about duration For how long Asking about frequents How of ten

Asking Durations For How long For how long have you been here? - For how long did you stay In Addis Ababa? For how long you visited Ethiopia? For how long have you smoked cigarette? For how long have you been teaching this course? How often -- How often do you come to the language school? How often do you go to church? How often do you go to sodere? how often do you come to this place ? Common people mistakes Hereunderbelow is the common people mistakes and the right form of speaking presented as follows study them carefully Wrong right He is a thie.he is a thief Sorry I am late classsorry I am late for class My sister is doctor .my sister is a doctor He afraid me ..he is afraid of me I afraid death..i afraid of death You are teacheryou are a teacher She is lazy..she is a lazy girl I am hear you ..i can hear you I am go to school..i go to school Full the cap.fill it the cap I will return back this morning I will return this morning You are clever student isnt it ..you are clever student dont you I am understand .i dont understand This is my father car this is my fathers car Can you borrow me 1 RS ..can you lend me 1 RS My dog is dead .my dog died I have finished my pen/exercise book..i have used up my pen /exercise book I am finding my book .i am looking my book Please fill the gap .fill it the gap Give me water give me some water /a glass of water I can to do it ..i can do it A long man came today .a tall man came today I told to them ..i told him Give me the paper ..give me a pieces of paper /a sheet of paper Give it for me .give it to me He is drunkard manhe is drunkard I must to write a letter ..i must write a letter Add for me suger in my tea..add for me spoonful of suger in my cup of tea I gave the book for him.i gave the book to him Look me properly ..lookat me properly Please wait me out side.please wait for me out side I have new s for you.i have some news for you I want to have a tea..i want to have a cup of tea I will give you information ..i will give you some information I listen music.i listen to a music She wrote me a lettershe wrote to me a letter I am wanting water ..i want to have a glass of water You should to write a letter.you should write a letter We went to bahardar and enjoyedwe went to bahardar and we enjoyed our selves She is not so beautiful like her father .she is not so beautiful as her father He is clever like his brother he is clever as his brother If you will come I shall see you .if you come I shall see you


Form:s+ WILL + infinitive (without "to") for all persons (will do; will look). BrE also: I/we shall; he/she/it/you/they will. Bassed on the above formula speak your future action

Meaning: The action will happen in the future.

Adverbs of time: tomorrow; next week; soon; in a few days; in a year; in 2020. Example 1`

Maria will go to Chicago next year.

We will be home after eight.

We'll be glad to see you.

It will be dark soon.

I think he'll return next week.

I will probably see him in a few days.

He will not tell her about it.

She won't go to the party with us.

They won't be able to help us.

No future tense is used in subordinate clauses of time and condition. (See Word Order in Complex Sentences in the section Grammar.) Use the simple present instead of the simple future.

We wll go for a walk when it stops raining.

She will call him when he arrives.

Please call me as soon as he comes back.

They will wait until he returns.

I'll visit her if I have time.

I will ask him about it if he calls me.

Note: Preplanned actions

The verb "will" does not express a preplanned action. The present continuous (with adverbs referring to the future) is used instead of the simple future if it is necessary to show that future actions are preplanned. The phrase "be going to" is widely used in speech and writing to show preplanned future actions.

I'm visiting Anna tomorrow. I'm going to visit Anna tomorrow.

He's leaving on Tuesday. He's going to leave on Tuesday.

What are you doing tomorrow? What are you going to do tomorrow?

We are not going to buy a new car this summer.

I'm not going to discuss it with them.

Take your umbrella. It is going to rain.

(Differences in the use of "will, be going to" are described in Russian in the commentary to the song Queen - We Will Rock You in the section Hobby.)

Note: Actions according to schedule

The simple present is used instead of the simple future for future actions according to schedule / timetable, usually about the work of public transportation, stores, cinema, etc.

Our plane departs at five tomorrow.

The train arrives late at night.

The bank opens at 10:00 a.m.

The concert starts in two hours.

She works next Saturday.

When do we start?

The same adverbs of time as those used with the simple future tense are used with preplanned actions and actions according to schedule.

The function of will and would in our daily communication Asking some one for help Would I help you to clean the black boared Will I swiech of the light Will is used giving instruction Will you stand up! Will you open the door for me? Will you be quite fro a moment Will you swith on the light? For making request would is used Would you please swith of the light? Would you please keep your sound down Would you bring for me my bags? Woud you help me copping down these files ? Would is used for asking another person to do for you a favour would you like to help me how to solve this problem Would you please help me cleaning the black board Would you get me a cup of coffee Would you please open the door for me? Would you please get me a taxi To state offering will and would can be used Would you like me to help you with your math problem Would you like me to teach you English Language? Would you like me to help yu carring the bags

Basic speaking phrases which you can use in everyday conversation

Here are important basic phrases for a better communication The usage of have/had/having (Have ) is used to express possession Do you have a car? I have a car Do you have families? Yes I do Do you have a luxury house? Yes I have a nice and a luxury house Do you have a car? I have a new model car (Have) have also different speaking functions other than possessions The meaning of have= make = take = prefer Example = I want to have a speech in front of students. Have a speech = means make a speech What do you want to have? Tea or coffee I would rather have Pepsi/I want to have Pepsi=I want to have means I want to drink Do you want to have something to drink No thanks, I need to have eat before drink Need to have=eat Which of the bags you want to take it. the small one or the bigger one? I want to have the small one =I want to have means I want to take It is nice to have you here Mr. George? To have you here (to meet you ) I have a special guest to night Have a guest (invited guest ) How much do you want per a month? I have per a month 600 Ethiopian RS Have means =get/make Have also different speaking functions for a best wish to some one . Have a nice day Have a colorful time A good time Have a great date with your girl friend Have a nice time Have a nice vacation Have a nice trip Have an enjoyable time Have a nice weekend The usage of having The term having has different speaking functions Having = taking something food, bath Preparing something, invitation Passing something like celebrating a holiday Catching something Examples What are you doing here in the living room ? I am studying? Why are you studing? I am studding because we are told having abase in math subjects are important Having abase= catching

We are having a farewell party in our residence .would you care to come? having here means (preparing ) We are having a great party We are having a little party We are having a farewell party We are having a picnic programme would you care to come ? In other words, we are preparing a party. Having = passing I am having lovely time with my girl friend . Having= passing In other words I am passing a lovely time. Having = take Example Where are you jhon ? I am in the bath room What are you doing in the bath room I am having a bath Having a bath =taking The usage of had Had is the past form of have and it is used to express past possession s Examples I had a car I had a doughter I had a house had also have different speaking functions other than possessions I had my luch at 3 pm Had my luch ate Had = pass I had a good time in bahardar I had a good trip Had means= pass Had = made I had a good speech Had means made The usage of did you have Did you have =receive Pass Prepare Get/ find Examples Did you have your dinner ? Did you have your lunch? Did you have your break fast Did you have your break fast means =(eat) Did you have coca colla (drink) Did you have coca colla means drink coca colla Did you have= pass Did you have a good time with your girl friend ? Have means = pass Di you have a good time in London (enjoy) Did you have a quality time in London ? (enjoy ) Did you have a good time with the holiday ? Did you have a good time means (pass) did you have a colorful time with your boy friend in awassa? Did you have a colorful time (pass ) Did you have unforgettable time Did you have a good flight Did you have= receive Did you have money from your father? Did you have means= receive Did you have a letter from your father Did you have a book from Solomon. Did you have a message today morning? Did you have a text from john? Did you have a phone call from America? Did you have a word with aster (talk) Here are important basic phrases for a better communication The usage of have/had/having (Have ) is used to express possession Do you have a car? I have a car Do you have families? Yes I do Do you have a luxury house? Yes I have anice and a luxury house Do you have a car? I have a new model car (Have) have also different speaking functions other than possessions The meaning of have= make = take = prefer Example = I want to have a speech in front of students. Have a speech = means make a speech What do you want to have? Tea or coffee I would rather have Pepsi/I want to have Pepsi=I want to have means I want to drink Do you want to have something to drink No thanks, I need to have eat before drink Need to have=eat Which of the bags you want to take it.the small one or the bigger one? I want to have the small one =I want to have means I want to take It is nice to have you here Mr. George? To have you here (to meet you ) I have a special guest to night Have a guest (invited guest ) How much do you want per a month? I have per a month 10000 RS Have means =get/make Have also different speaking functions for a best wish to some one . Have a nice day Have a colorful time A good time Have a great date with your girl friend Have a nice time Have a nice vacation Have a nice trip Have an enjoyable time Have a nice weekend The usage of having The term having has different speaking functions Having = taking something food, bath Preparing something, invitation Passing something like celebrating a holiday Catching something Examples What are you doing here in the living room ? I am studying? Why are you studing? I am studding because we are told having abase in math subjects are important Having abase= catching

We are having a farewell party in our residence .would you care to come? having here means (preparing ) We are having a great party We are having a little party We are having a farewell party We are having a picnic programme would you care to come ? In other words, we arepreparing aparty. Having = passing I am having lovely time with my girl friend . Having= passing In other words I am passing a lovely time. Having = take Example Where are you jhon ? I am in the bath room What are you doing in the bath room I am having a bath Having a bath =taking The usage of had Had is the past form of have and it is used to express past possession s Examples I had a car I had a doughter I had a house had also have different speaking functions other than possessions I had my luch at 3 pm Had my luch ate Had = pass I had a good time in bahardar I had a good trip Had means= pass Had = made I had a good speech Had means made The usage of did you have Did you have =receive Pass Prepare Get/ find Examples Did you have your dinner ? Did you have your lunch? Did you have your break fast Did you have your break fast means =(eat) Did you have coca colla (drink) Did you have coca colla means drink coca colla Did you have= pass Did you have a good time with your girl friend ? Have means = pass Di you have a good time in London (enjoy) Did you have a quality time in London ? (enjoy ) Did you have a good time with the holiday ? Did you have a good time means (pass) did you have a colorful time with your boy friend in awassa? Did you have a colorful time (pass ) Did you have unforgettable time Did you have a good flight Did you have= receive Did you have money from your father? Did you have means= receive Did you have a letter from your father Did you have a book from Solomon. Did you have a message today morning? Did you have a text from john? Did you have a phone call from America? Did you have a word with aster (talk) The usage of get Here are some phrases which include the word get in different categories TO GET + direct object = to obtain, to receive, to buy I got my passport last week. (to obtain) Did you get my message(recive) She got her driving license last week. (to obtain) They got permission to live in Switzerland. (to obtain) I got a letter from my friend in Nigeria. (to receive) He gets $1,000 a year from his father. (to receive) She got a new coat from Zappaloni in Rome. (to buy) We got a ne