weld tech training

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  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Weld Tech Training

    Instructor Ray Angus

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Program Objective

    To provide technical training and information of robotic

    weld operations and provide a first response contact for

    robotic or weld related issues

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    !"pectations for a Weld Tech

    As a Weld Tech you will be the first point of contact for robot androbotic weld cell malfunction

    As a Weld Tech you will be e"pected to provide robotic support formaintenance when malfunctions re#uire the assistance of themaintenance staff to repair

    In addition to robotic troubleshooting as a Weld Tech you will bere#uired to document any issues you encountered and the time ittoo$ you to resolve those issues

    As a Weld Tech you will report to the engineer or supervisor any andall issues encounter during the shift and any measures or corrective

    action ta$en to resolve those issues As a Weld Tech you will agree to rapidly respond to all robotic weld

    cell issues minimi%ing downtime from those issues and helping toensure the dept meets its daily production schedule

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    &ourse &ontent

    ' (afety

    ) Robot anatomy

    * Teach pendent+ &ontrols and ,otion

    - Robot problems

    . (tud welding problems

    / Weld cell problems

    0 Weld Tech specifics

    1 !ngineering problems

    2 Preventative maintenance

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training




    Wor$ !nvelope3 The area within ma"imum e"tension of either the

    robot and or the positioner+ fi"ture+ and part

    Pinch Point3 Any area )ft or less between a hard surface and the wor$

    envelopeT&P3 The Tool &enter Point is the very end of the robot tool+ in the case

    of a weld gun the T&P is the tip of the wire

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    This is the wor$ing

    envelope of the robot

    arm or its potential

    range of motion

    ,a"imum rotational



    hori%ontal reach

    ,a"imum height

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Indicates the


    envelope of

    the fi"ture

    Indicates the


    envelope ofthe robot

    Indicates the


    enveloperestricted by




    envelope of

    the Positioner

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Potential pinch

    points are


  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Electrical Hazards

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Entry Detection Devices

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Emergency Stops

    There are 5manually

    activated emergency

    stops located around

    the cell+ become very

    familiar with them

    On the operator podium

    The training or multiple

    person dead man switchOn the front of the teach

    pendantThe dead man switches on

    the bac$ of the teach


    On the robot controller

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Robot AnatomyJoint 6:Roll a"is4rotates the tool

    Joint 5:Pitch a"is4angles the tool in orout

    Joint 4:5aw a"is4angles the tool left or


    Joint 3:6 a"is4moves the tool up and


    Joint 2:5 a"is4moves the tool forward

    or bac$

    Joint 1:7 a"is4moves the tool left or


    Tool:Attachment on the end of the

    robot+ ie stud gun+ weld gun

    Tool changer:mounted to the end of

    joint /

    Home limit switch:indicates the robot

    is in the home position and will not run

    a new program in automatic unless theswitch is depressed

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    Hour meter: records the operating

    hours of the robot

    Speed limiting switch:Allows the

    operator to choose between automatic

    mode+ full speed teach mode+ and

    limited speed teach mode

    ser !uttons:Allows operator to set

    up specific setting for individual users

    "ault #eset:Resets current faults on

    the robot after issue has been


    $%cle start:initiates cycle start in

    automatic mode

    &'(&"" !utton:powers up an down

    the robot

    )mergenc% Stop: stops the robot and

    activates all a"is8 bra$es

    Disconnect switch:cuts all power to

    the controller

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Teach Pendant

    and &ontrols

    )mergenc% Stop:shuts down all power to the robot

    internal and e"ternal a"is+ and applies the bra$es to

    all a"is

    &n(&ff switch: activates teach pendent to for robot


    &perating screen: show current running program+

    speed+ errors+ activated signals+ program name+ andmotion type

    *enu +e%: opens a list of menus such as utilities+

    alarms+ I9Os+ files+ status+ user +etc Primary use of

    this button for weld techs will be to view I9Os and

    clear alarms+ and enter passwords

    "unction +e%: opens supplementary menu with

    options to abort current program or change group

    $ursor ,e%s: used to scroll and navigate menus or


    Shift ,e%: must be held to allow motion in teach

    modes+ jog the robot+ or s$ip multiple pages of a

    menu+ program or screen

    'e-t(.re/ious: moves forward or bac$wards through

    menus or screens

    #eset: used to reset faults or clear errors

    H ld : d t t il t th ith t

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Hold: :sed to temporarily stop the program without

    applying the bra$es as an ! stop would

    " +e%s: toggles the corresponding menus locating on

    the screen

    .rogram +e%s: used to bring up the menus to select

    programs+ edit current programs+ or edit program data.

    Step +e%:Activate the step function of the robot+ which

    allows you to step through the motion of the program

    one line at a time

    !ac,space: delete lettering or numbering

    0tem +e%:Allows you to enter in a line number and

    jump to that line without scrolling through the program

    )nter +e%: used to select options+ programs or menus

    'umeric +e% pad: used to enter values whereprompted

    eld )nale: used to activate welding capabilities of

    the robot

    ire "eed +e%s: used to feed wire in and out of the

    weld gun

    *anual "unction ,e%: allows for e"ecution of macro


    Diagnosis ,e%: when shift is held and this button is

    pressed this brings up the error code of the robot and

    provide information on potential causes and remedys

    .osition +e%: shows the current position of the robot in

    in reference to the &artesian coordinate plane

    Status +e%: show the current status of timers+ weld

    data+ positional data+ etc

    &ne the "l% ,e%: allows you to adjust the weld settings

    while the robot is in active

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    *otion +e%s: while holding shift this allows you to jog the

    robot through a program (hift $ey must be held through

    entire motion

    $oordinate +e%: changes the motion type of the robot+

    between world+ joint+ tool+ user+ jog frame+ and path

    Speed +e%s: &hanges the speed off the robot by

    percentage of the programmed motion speedJog +e%s:Allows you to jog the robot in the direction

    specified or the joint type specified by the $ey This

    movement is determined by the &oordinate motion that is


    Dead *an Switch: This is a safety device used to ! stop

    the robot while in a teach mode If too little pressure is

    applied the robot will e stop if too much pressure is

    applied the robot will e stop Only one needs to bedepressed

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    (tud Welder Pendant&utput uttons; these buttons are used to

    select which output is being controlled

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    (tud Welder PendantHead ad/ance utton; this button e"tends

    and retracts the servo head

    #eference !utton; This button is used to

    reference the location of the stud inrelationship to the part

    $lamp utton; releases the clamp on the

    servo head which allows it to be free


    Stud "eed utton;manually feeds a stud

    "orce complete utton; this button sends afinished contact to the robot interface

    $%cle start; runs a complete weld cycle

    including servo head advance+ weld+

    retract+ and feed

    )nter utton; used to ac$nowledge an

    inputted value or fire a selected function.ower suppl% on(off This is the main

    disconnect for the stud welder power


    "eeder reset this will reset the circuit board

    in the feeder unit which also interprets

    output signals from the stud gun

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Motion Types

    ,otion types for the robot can be changed by using the &OOR> $ey on the

    teach pendent ?elow are the most common motion types and a description

    of there movements; Joint: this mode allows you to control each joint independently @or every a"is on the robot

    there are corresponding jog $eys to move in the positive or negative directions A

    demonstration will be provided

    ; orld: this mode allows you to move the three lower a"is+ or major a"is+ according to the

    &artesian coordinate system

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    External Axis

    )-ternal -is:Any a"is not used

    in conjunction with the robot+ but is

    not a part of the robots original

    design ie positioners

    To control an e"ternal a"is press

    the function $ey on the teach

    pendant+ and select change groupfrom the menu The robot is

    defaulted to group one and any

    positioners are setup to be

    additional groups ?y changing the

    group you will no longer have

    control of the robot+ but instead the

    positioner The top jog $eys will

    control the major a"is of thesecond group and additional a"is

    will be controlled by additional jog


  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Locating and Selecting Jobs and rograms

    Jos: Cobs are the high level files consisting of the

    programs used to produce the part @or e"ample the R(R

    file is a job

    .rograms: Programs are the logic or code use to produce

    the motion of the robot or produce the weld .DROP6 is a


    *acros: macros are smaller sub programs that are made to

    do common tas$s EO,!FG' is a macro

    Selecting a program: to select a program from the main

    screen or any screen+ press the (!B!&T $ey and a list of

    programs+ jobs+ and macros will come up :se the cursor

    $eys to scroll up and down and highlight the program you


    To (ee the details of the program+ its creation date+ last

    modification date+ name+ comments+ etc+ use the @ $ey that

    corresponds with details button show on the screen+ if it is

    not showing hit the ne"t $ey to cycle through the ne"t set of

    @ $ey functions

    Press the previous $ey to get bac$ to the program select

    screen To select the program highlight it and hit the enter


  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    !"# Men$s

    0(& menu: The I9O menu can be found by

    pressing the menu button on the teach pendentscroll using the arrow $eys to the I9O menu and

    then scrolling over to the digital menu This will

    bring up all digital inputs and outputs triggered

    with in the program logic of the R(R As a weld

    tech your only need to be in this menu is to

    trigger an one of the I9Os manually @or

    e"ample if the weld cell has completed weldingthe cab and does not unclamp and the door

    does not open+ you may need to manually

    trigger the signal for Hcycle complete To trigger

    the I9O you will need to enter the password first

    under the setup menu and then go to the I9O

    menu to trigger the input >o this by

    highlighting the status ne"t to the input+ and

    press the @ $ey that corresponds with the greenon button+ then immediately turn it off again+ by

    pressing the @ $ey corresponding to the red off

    button ,ost I9O have separate macro

    programs that can be ran to trigger them with

    out having to go to this menu and without

    re#uiring a pass word A demonstration will be


  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Proper (hutdown and (tart up

    In most situations there is no need to shut down the robot cells unless

    maintenance needs to be performed+ thereby maintenance willperform the shutdown+ or the weld tech is instructed by the !ngineer

    or (upervisor to shutdown for special purposes

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    !rrors and Recovery

    Robot !rrors

    &hain Abnormal !rror

    Arc (tart @ailure

    &ollision >etect

    &ontrol (top

    T' or T) selected

    Teach Pendant disabled

    Run failure3 bloc$ by other tas$


  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    &hain Abnormal error


    ; This error occurs when one of the robot motors cause the drive chain to slip This is usually

    random and rarely occurs


    ; Turn the teach pendant to on

    ; Press the menu button to locate the setup menu

    ; Bocate passwords under the setup menu

    ; !nter press the login button twice to enter the password

    ; Once the password is entered press the menu button to locate the Alarm menu

    ; :nder the alarm menu go to active alarms

    ; This screen will show you the active alarms one should be the &hain abnormal error

    ; Bocate the @ $ey that corresponds with the chain reset button and reset the chain+ hit 5es to

    reset; Eit the reset button on the teach pendent

    ; This may ta$e several attempts+ if so release the dead man switch and repeat the two

    previous steps

    ; Once the error is cleared logout and turn the pendant off and restart the cycle

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Arc (tart @ailure &ause3

    ; This error is caused when the robot goes to initiate the arc and burns bac$ the wire or the

    wire stic$s to the wor$ piece


    ; Jerify if it is a wire stic$ or burn bac$ If it is a wire stic$ trim the wire if possible and restart

    the cycle If it is a burn bac$ proceed with the following steps

    ; Turn the controller to T' mode and turn on the teach pendant

    ; Press the &oordinate button to change the motion type to TOOB

    ; Press and hold shift while pressing the C*K $ey to move the robot away from the part farenough to change the tip if needed

    ; Remove the gas no%%le and clean or replace the contact tip and diffuser if needed

    ; Once the tip is cleaned or changed+ scroll up in the program using the arrow $eys to the arc

    start line of the weld that was about to be made

    ; Turn the pendant off+ and the controller to auto mode and restart the cycle The robot may

    not go+ if this is the case+ loo$ at the pendant A yellow bo" will appear as$ing if you would

    li$e to move to this line in the program Eighlight yes and hit enter; Eit the cycle start button on the operator podium again to start the cycle

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    &ollision >etect


    ; This error is caused because the robot has collided with an object in its motion path This is

    usually a piece of tooling that never closed+ or a foreign object that was left In the cell+ or a

    part that was not located properly


    ; Put the controller into T' mode and turn the teach pendent on

    ; &lear the error by hitting the reset ?utton on the control pendent

    ; ,ove the robot so that it clears the obstruction

    ; Remove the obstruction or fi" the problem what ever it is

    ; Press the step $ey to activate the single step function

    ; Cog the robot to the point it was heading to before the collision

    ; Turn the step function off

    ; Turn the teach pendant off and the controller to auto and restart the cycle

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    &ontrol (top9>oor open


    ; This error is caused when one of the e"ternal entry device is active+ such as the garage door

    is open+ or access door is open or the hold button on the pendant was pressed This will

    cause the robot motion to come to a controlled stop+ but not activate the a"is bra$es


    ; &hec$ all doors and entry devices and verify that they have been close and there are no


    ; Press the reset button on the teach pendant and restart the cycle

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    T' or T) selected


    ; This is caused when the robot controller is still in T' or T) speed control while the teach

    pendant is turned off

    Remedy3 depending on the situation

    ; If trying to put the robot into a teach mode turn the teach pendent on+ reset the error and


    ; If trying to turn the robot into auto mode+ turn the controller $ey to auto and reset the error

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Teach pendant disabled


    ; This error is caused when trying to perform a function or move the robot while the teach

    pendant is off


    ; Turn the teach pendant $ey to on

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Run @ailure3 ?loc$ed by Other Tas$


    ; This error occurs when you are trying to run two programs at the same time When

    attempting to reset a program and return all groups to their home position+ this error may

    occur if the original program is not aborted


    ; If the robot is not already in teach mode+ turn the controller to T' and turn the teach pendant


    ; Press the @T& button on the teach pendent to bring up a menu

    ; (elect the abort all function and press enter to abort the current program ?y doing this you can not return to that place in the original program unless the line of the program is

    noted before aborting Re4running the aborted program will cause it to run from the start of the


    ; Once the e"isting program is aborted+ new programs can be selected from the select menu

    by highlighting and pressing enter

    ; Once the program is selected press and hold shift and then press the @W> button to run the

    program &ontinue to hold shift while program is running

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    T!> evice=


    ; This error is caused when there is an error in the >evice net (ystem of the PB& This error

    usually re#uires an electrician or !lectrical !ngineer to repair the error


    ; To clear this error once the repair is made+ hit the reset button on the teach pendant

    (ome suggested things to have the electrician chec$ to speed up the repair include

    ; )- volt fuse located in the rear relay bo" on the bac$ of the cell

    ; Power supply in the robot controller

    ; (ic$ relays in the relay panel

    If this error persists+ notify the (upervisor and ,!

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    !"ternal9Teach Pendant !4(top


    ; This error occurs when e"ternal emergency stop is activated There are three e"ternal e

    stops not including dead man switches which produce a different error One is located on

    the operator podium+ a second on the teach pendant+ and a third on the robot controller


    ; &hec$ the three !4(tops and reset them as necessary To reset some re#uire a simple pull

    of the button while others re#uire you to twist the button

    & t t < t d ld =

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    o &ontact

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    @eeder low


    ; This error occurs when the feeder is running low on studs This error does not usually stop

    the robot until a miss feed


    ; Jerify that there is an ade#uate amount of stud in the feeder

    ; Remove or clear any obstruction that may be causing studs not to slide down the rail

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training



  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Wrong (tud


    ; This error is cause when the gun conducts a push in to identify the stud or the ensure the

    part is in the proper location


    ; &hec$ the teach pendant and ma$e sure the proper output is selected

    ; &hec$ to ma$e sure the stud is in contact with the part and the part is not out of position

    ; Reference the stud by pressing the reference button on the pendant and hit enter

    ; Press the &ycle start button on the pendant and hit enter to fire the stud

    ; Arrow down to the ne"t line in the robot program and restart the robot

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Weld &ell !rrors

    The following are errors of the weld cell indicated % either the stac,lights7 operator podium7 or % lac, of motion from the root8

    ' If a Hclamp pressure not reach error shows on the operator podium perform thefollowing3

    ' :nclamp the part+ unload+ and reload the part and attempt to clamp it again

    ) If the first does not wor$ call maintenance and notify the supervisor

    * If the maintenance can not resolve the issue notify the ,!

    ) If the (ic$ lights or light curtain are tripped while the cell is running' Put the robot into T) teach mode and run the remainder of the program in teach mode

    ) When complete reset all errors and verify the ne"t cycle start up

    * If all signals indicate green and no errors are shown+ but the robot will not startperform the following chec$s3

    ' Jerify the sic$ lights indicate weld cell clear by displaying a yellow and green light' If not+ chec$ for obstruction if any+ or wipe the lens of the sic$ light with a clean dry cloth

    ) Jerify all light curtains are aligned with reflectors indicated by a red and green light' If not+ adjust the transmitter until the red and green lights are indicated

    * Jerify robot is in the home position' If not+ turn the controller to teach mode and run the Eome program

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    - If the operator is attempting to change over tooling and the positioner will not

    rotate chec$ the following' Jerify all clamp pressure has been reached for both sides

    ' If the clamp pressure has not been reached you will need to rotate the fi"ture manually and ensure

    both side are clamped If problem persists contact maintenance

    ) !nsure the robot is in the home position and the positioner is in the home position and

    attempt to re4clamp

    ' If the positioner is not home+ use the teach pendant to rotate the positioner until the pro" switches

    are lit* Rotate the fi"ture manually using the teach pendant and then try to reset any errors

    . &ab not identified in the fi"ture

    ' Remove the cab and chec$ the pro" (witch for damage

    ' If damaged+ contact maintenance to change out pro"

    ) If problem persists contact (upervisor and ,!

    Weld &ell !rrors &ont

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training



    As a Weld tech you will have additional responsibilities above that of clearing robot faults

    and errors One of which includes assisting the !ngineer in documenting and

    resolving downtime issues As a weld tech you will be responsible for recording any

    and all issues that occurred though your shift+ including robot error recoveries+ tooling

    repairs+ program changes+ maintenance issues+ weld issues etc At each robot

    station there is a binder with record sheets These sheets will need to be filled out for

    each issue

    (ample (heet3 >owntime Trac$ing (heet

    At the end of the wee$ they will be collected by the !ngineer and trac$ed+ generating a

    pareto chart of the issues seen and ran$ by highest occurrence @rom this chart the

    engineer will consult with the weld techs possible solutions for these issues and &Iprojects will be developed based on the findings

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Weld Touch :p PolicyAs a Weld Tech part of your job may be to touch up welds that are consistentlyout of

    position The @ollowing is !ngineering8s policy and procedure supported by

    (upervision and ,anagement+ for touching up a weld

    .olic%: To touch up a weld re#uires the deliberate manipulation of the weldprogram to improve the #uality or correct a problem caused by+ but not limited to+serious crash of the robot arm+ unwarranted change in the program+ severedamage to robot tooling+ or the loss of robotic or fi"ture positioning

    It will be left to the Weld Tech to determine if the situations re#uires a weld to betouched up after considering all potential causes and reasons why a particularweld is out of position as described in the procedures listed below The Weld Techmust understand that if the decision is made to touch up a weld+ only after theproper procedures have been followed and all considerations have been made+that the shift in which the change was made will still be e"pected to meet the >ailyProduction Re#uirements It is also re#uired+ as specified in the e"pectations ofthe weld tech+ that any changes is thoroughly documented in the downtime

    trac$ing sheets+ specifying the weld location and joining parts as well as the linelocation within the program and program name It is a part of the departments payplan to reclaim poor robotic welds Therefore+ the alternative and preferredresponse+ to touching up a weld+ is to inform !ngineering and (upervision of theissue resulting in a thorough investigation prior to any changes The line may thencontinue to operate under current conditions by repairing the welds as needed tomeet their daily production schedule

    W ld T h : P d

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Weld Touch :p Procedure If it appears that a weld is out of position or re#uires touch up in the weld program+

    investigate the following prior to ma$ing any changes to the program

    18 9erif% that this a consistent or continuing weld issue' &hec$ the ne"t * cabs that come out of the weld cell+ do they also have the same weld issueL

    ) &hec$ the previous * cabs+ do they have the same weld issueL

    * If possible chec$ the previous shift8s cabs+ do they have the same weld issueL

    28 #un the Torch mate program and chec, for an% changes

    ' Turn the controller to TI and turn the teach pendant on

    ) @rom the teach pendant under the select menu+ highlight the torchmate program and press enter

    * Cog the robot through the program then press the data button

    - :nder type+ select torchmate This will bring up a list of coordinates in 756+ verify that the topcoordinates are close to the ones below them

    . Reset the cell

    38 9erif% that the operator is loading it the same wa%' Watch him load a few cabs+ does it still have the same weld issueL

    ) Watch another certified operator load the cab+ does it still have the issueL

    48 9erif% that the parts are consistent' Try a part from another batch or contico+ does it still have the weld issueL

    58 0f the weld connects a part to an asseml%7 or an asseml% to an asseml%7 /erif%that the assemlies and the stations the% are welded in are correct8

    ' @ollow these same procedures for the assembled part

    68 9erif% the tooling has not changed or een modified

    ' &hec$ the downtime log to see if a change was made by another shift

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Weld Touch :p Procedure8 0f the weld issue still persists7 document the prolem and %our findings from

    following the procedure

    ' Record the necessary information in the downtime trac$ing sheet and email or leave a note with

    the engineer+ a more detail record of your findings from the procedure;8 Touch up the weld

    ' Turn the controller to T) and the teach pendant on

    ) Run the program in teach mode through to the weld that needs touched up

  • 8/9/2019 Weld Tech Training


    Weld Touch :p Procedure