welcome to the office

Welcome to the office GOOD TO see you again! The Midcounties Co-operative

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Post on 28-Mar-2022




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The Midcounties Co-operative
It’s an opportunity to say hello in person to colleagues, old and new, and to get the most out of that one day a week.
Whether you are familiar with our support centres or you’re visiting for the first time, you can find out more about the different offices including, location, access, and their amenities, in the links below.
From 1st November, all our support centres, Co-operative House in Warwick, The Waterfront in Walsall, The Millhouse Chipping Norton and Holyoake House Manchester, will be fully reopened and we are excited to see you.
Co-operative House Warwick
GOOD TO generate ideas
Who needs to play ping-pong with emails when you can just have a conversation?
It’s good to make our lives easier!
Let’s make the most of that 1 day a week! Any questions, speak to your line manager.
Clean & Disinfect Wash Your Hands Avoid Touching If you feel ill, STAY at home
Let’s make the most of that 1 day a week! Any questions, speak to your line manager.
GOOD TO be safe
Whether it’s “I can’t see you” or “you’re on mute”, it’s just not the same when it comes to being in one place and doing things face-to-face.
The atmosphere of a productive space that helps us connect, collaborate, and create is also the perfect mentoring place.
The support centres are there to enhance our working ways and so be sure to make the most of your office days.
As colleagues return to the office, we are taking care of things to make it safe, but we are asking you to do your bit too.
All colleagues entering our support offices will have their temperature checked, and throughout the offices, there will be sanitising wipes and gel available for your use.
All offices are frequently cleaned with attention to high traffic and touchpoint areas. To help our cleaners be as effective as possible, we would ask that you help keep surfaces and desk areas tidy so that they can be easily wiped down.
It’s important that we all continue to look out for and be considerate of others, and below are some of the steps we can all take when we are in the office.
Office etiquette
You must not attend if you (or someone you live with) are displaying signs of COVID-19.
On arrival, get off to a safe start • Your temperature will be checked • If signing in use your own pen whenever possible • Wash your hands for +20 seconds at the nearest facility before starting work • Thoroughly clean your workstation area before starting • Wear a face covering when moving around the office
Respect others • Coughs and sneezes – “catch it/ bin it / kill it” • Stay alert and stay safe when working on site
Remain “Distance Aware“ • Respect others who wish to remain “at distance” • Wear face coverings when walking around the office • Try to avoid congestion, for example, enter and exit the building promptly
Work safely all the time you are in the office • Clean your workstation at start & end of your time in the office and throughout the day • Open doors and windows whenever possible for good ventilation • Wash/sanitise your hands more often for 20 seconds throughout the day • Wipe down photocopier keypads after each use • Practice “clear desk” policy to allow improved cleaning • At the end of you working day, wash your hands for 20 seconds before going home
Communication • Report all accidents as usual • Inform us of any concerns around our COVID -19 measures • Support and encourage others to maintain safe working practices • Regularly check Colleagues Connect for updates
No more bad connection. No more jittery videos. No more hassle! Isn’t it nice to talk in
person again?
GOOD TO catch up
“ ”
Being in the office isn’t just about facilities and a working space, it’s the human connections that we make that matter too.
From a simple smile and a wave hello to taking the time to take a break together or helping to do something good for our communities, it’s better when were together and it’s good for our wellbeing too.
Across the offices there’s always something going on, from festive celebrations, to charity events and more. We’ll be sure to let you know and how you can get involved.
At all support centres
4th November - Diwali celebrations Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. Diwali, which for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations, is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil, and light over darkness.
The festival is widely associated with Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity, with many other regional traditions connecting the holiday to Sita and Rama, Vishnu, Krishna, Yama, Yami, Durga, Kali, Hanuman, Ganesha, Kubera, Dhanvantari, or Vishwakarma. Furthermore, it is, in some regions, a celebration of the day Lord Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana after defeating Ravana in Lanka and serving 14 years of exile.
You can join in the celebration by simply bringing in fairy lights, battery operated candles and anything else that is full of light and celebration. You can also celebrate by bringing in sweet treats that can be shared with everyone – Diwali sweets would be things like Malpua, Wheat Laddu, Soan Papdi, Besan ki Barfi, Karanji, Khoya laddu, Gujhiya, but any treats would be welcomed.
What’s going on in November in our support centres
Guy Fawlks was tried and found guilty of treason and summarily hung, drawn, and quartered.
The traditions of burning an effigy of Guy Fawlks and lighting fireworks have developed over the years. The Local Connection: The Co-conspirators gathered in The Red Lion pub in Dunchurch, Warwickshire, to await news of their success, they fled when it became apparent the plot had failed. The building still stands in Dunchurch, now called Guy Fawkes House, it has a blue plaque commemorating the connection although Guy Fawkes himself never set foot inside!
There will be a fun quiz taking place, organised locally at each office, entry will be £1 with monies raised going to charity partners.
19th November - Children in need
The annual BBC Children in Need appeal will be on 19th November. The Society is happy for colleagues to get involved and support the campaign through organising fundraising events. Click here to find resources.
Watch the Children in Need launch video here!
At Co-operative House - Warwick
Flu Clinics Starting from 2nd November and then every Tuesday throughout November our colleagues from Your Co-op Pharmacy will be on site so you can get your Flu jab whilst in the office.
If you are eligible you can get your free NHS flu jab or take advantage of a limited number of private flu vaccinations at our colleague exclusive price of just £10 (this price is inclusive of colleague discount and cash/card will be accepted). To book and find out more about eligibility for a Free NHS flu jab click here.
For more information regarding these activities please speak to your Colleague Council representative or your line manager.
19th November - Pay Day Drinks On 19th November all colleagues are welcome to join us for drinks and a catch-up at The New Bowling Green in Warwick from 5pm.
For any colleagues driving, there is St Nicholas Car Park behind the venue (free after 6pm), the Warwick train station is within walking distance and the venue is around 1 mile from head office.
You can find out more about the venue here. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with Meg Heaton - [email protected]
Monday Night Football Every Monday from 6pm – 6:55pm we get together to play football (anything from 4 – 10 players a side) on the astroturf at St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre. The session is completely free, so all you need to bring is your football kit and your A game! There are changing facilities in Warwick Head Office, and you can also use the fa- cilities in the leisure centre itself (just let them know you are there for football when walking in).
Parking is available at the leisure centre and is free from 6pm, so you will need to pay 55p for the half an hour leading up to this time.
If you’d like to get involved or find out more, please email Dan Alsworth - [email protected]
5th November - Bonfire Night - Charity Quiz Bonfire Night originates from the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, a failed plot hatched by English Catholics to assassinate the Protestant King James I of England and replace him with a Catholic head of state. The group lead by Robert Catesby, planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament on November 5th using gunpowder, the man who volunteered to enter the cellars and light the fuses was Guy Fawkes. The plot was foiled when an anonymous letter alerting the authorities was sent, possibly by one of the conspirators who was unhappy with the loss of life the act would result in. Bonfires were lit across the land to celebrate the King’s survival and Parliament agreed to mark the date as an annual day of celebration and thanksgiving.
The Midcounties Co-operative
Let’s make the most of our time in the office and the benefits of
being together.
If you have any questions regarding your return to the office, the policy for agile working is a helpful document that can be accessed here,
or please speak to your manager.