welcome to the euregio meuse-rhine. euregio meuse-rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3...

Welcome to the Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine Euregio Meuse-Rhine

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Page 1: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Welcome to the Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-RhineEuregio Meuse-Rhine

Page 2: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Euregio Meuse-Rhine Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristicscharacteristics

4 millionen inhabitants3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the

Netherlands 10 700 km²3 languages: Dutch, French, GermanFive different cultures5 partner regions:

Provincie Limburg (the Netherlands) Regio Aachen (Germany) Provincie Limburg (Belgium)Province de Liège (Belgium)Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft


Page 3: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristicsEuregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics

Connectivity to densely populated areas such as Dusseldorf, Cologne-Bonn, Brussels, Amsterdam and Frankfurt within a radius of 300 km

More than 2/3 of the population of Western Europe lives in a 500 km perimeter

Around 1.5 million workers Around 30.000 cross-border workers Around 200.000 Enterprises 4 Universities 10 Graduate schools 300 research and excellence centres About 114.000 students (including technical colleges)

Page 4: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Staat Belgien Niederlande Deutschland

Region Wallonische Region Flandern

North Rhein- Westphalia

Community German- speaking


Frensh Communit


Flamish Community



Province Liège Limburg Limburg

Dietrict 5 District


9 84 48 26 47

Different administrative structures

Page 5: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

New governance instruments New governance instruments

European Gouping of Territorial Cooperation EGTC

The EGTC is a new European legal instrument designed to facilitate and promote cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. Unlike the structures which governed this kind of cooperation before 2007, the EGTC is a legal entity and as such, will enable regional and local authorities and other public bodies from different member states, to set up cooperation groupings with a legal personality. For example, an EGTC or EGTC members can be:

Member States regional or local authorities associations any other public body

Page 6: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

European Grouping of Territorial European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)Cooperation (EGTC)

The EGTC is unique in the sense that it enables public authorities of various Member States to team up and deliver joint services, without requiring a prior international agreement to be signed and ratified by national parliaments. Member States must however agree to the participation of potential members in their respective countries.The law applicable for the interpretation and application of the convention is that of the Member State in which the official EGTC headquarters are located.An EGTC convention sets out in particular:

An EGTC convention sets out in particular:

the name of the EGTC and its headquarters the list of members the area it covers its objective its mission its duration

Page 7: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Three phasesThree phases

Overcoming the national and linguistic obstacles Opening the borders > more mobility > more obstacles New governance tools needed

The Euregio Meuse-Rhine since 1976The Euregio Meuse-Rhine since 1976

Page 8: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Reorientation after 30 yearsReorientation after 30 years

Vision: «Accelarate and deepen cooperation »

7 core areas:

- Economic Development (Sustainable Growth, Environment and Employment) - Knowledge Institutes - Labour Market and Education - Health Care - Mobility und Infrastructure - Culture and Tourism - Security+ Climate as a transversal objective

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A VisionA Vision

EMR surrounded by metropolitan areas

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EMR: Powerful region in EuropeEMR: Powerful region in Europe

Polycentric metropolitan area EMR?

Page 11: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

New EMR-StructureNew EMR-Structure

Economic Development

Knowledge Institutes

Labour Market and Education

Health Care

Mobility and Infrastructure

Culture and Tourism




Metropolitan Area EMR

Economic and Social Council

Temporary Committees

Secretariat / Office

StrategicSupport Groups


Board of Directors

Euregional Council


Page 12: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Revenues and ExpendituresRevenues and Expenditures

Expenditures  20092010 

Office expenses    

Personnel expenditures   216

Translation costs   16

Expenditures „Board of Directors“   16

Expenditures „Euregional Council“   17

Expenditures „Economic and Social Council“   17

Administrative costs   30

Accounting costs   10

Expenditures „print products“   3

Automatisation   7

Telephone costs   5

Other costs such as representation costs, …   38

Subtotal   375


PR activities   170

Activities of Networks and Temporary Committees



Total   584

Revenues 2009 2010

Contributions of the partner regions   510

Interests   25


Total   535

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Euregio Meuse-Euregio Meuse-RhineRhine

Page 14: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Priorities of the Operational ProgrammePriorities of the Operational Programme

1. Strengthening of the economic structure, promotion of knowledge, innovation and creation of more and better jobs

2. Nature and environment, energy, natural resources and mobility

3. Quality of life

Budget for the period 2007-2013: 72 million ERDF

INTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-RhineINTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Page 15: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

1. Strengthening of the economic structure, promotion of knowledge, innovation and creation of more and better jobs

Promotion of entrepreneurship Competitiveness Promotion of innovation and technology Promotion of the cooperation between research

institutes and enterprises Cross-border labour market Tourism

INTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-RhineINTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Page 16: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

2. Nature and environment, energy, natural resources and mobility

Preservation of nature and landscape Support of production and use of renewable energy

resources Improvement of local public transport

INTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-RhineINTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Page 17: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

3. Quality of life

Promotion of cultural diversity Cooperation in the field of public safety Improvement of health care Reduction of burdens for cross border workers to

promote mobility

INTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-RhineINTERREG IV-A Programme Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Page 18: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Priorities % of the budget

Budget of the programme

ERDF EU-inter-

vention rate

Co-financing, private or

public contributions

1. Strengthening of the economic structure, promotion of knowledge, innovation and creation of more and better jobs

65% € 93.658.295 € 46.829.147 50% € 46.829.147

2. Nature and environment, energy, natural resources and mobility

18% € 25.936.143 € 12.968.072 50% € 12.968.072

3. Quality of life 11% €15.849.865 € 7.924.933 50% € 7.924.933

4. Technical Assistance

6% € 8.645.381 € 4.322.690 50% € 4.322.690

TOTAL 100% €144.089.684 € 72.044.842 50% € 72.044.842

The INTERREG IV-A- Budget in detailThe INTERREG IV-A- Budget in detail

Page 19: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Overview of the total investment in cross-Overview of the total investment in cross-

border projectsborder projects

1991 – 1993 INTERREG I 67 million €

1994 – 1999 INTERREG II 75 million €

2000 – 2006 INTERREG III 108 million €

2007 – 2013 INTERREG IV 144 million €

Page 20: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Project selection criteriasProject selection criterias

Distinct cross border nature of the project content, organisation, finances and personal on both sides of the border

Innovative idea Clear added-value for Euregio Meuse-Rhine Clear and measurable objectives Sustainability of the project Attention to principal of equal opportunities Maximum duration of the project = 36 month Exclusion of double financing

Page 21: Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Euregio Meuse-Rhine characteristics 4 millionen inhabitants 3 member states: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands 10

Project selection criteriasProject selection criterias

Who can apply?

Public bodies Legal entities (public and private) Private companies The initiative must fit into the priorities of the operational

programme The total costs of the project should be of min. 100.000


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INTERREG IV-A EMRINTERREG IV-A EMRJoint technical secretariat (JTS)Joint technical secretariat (JTS)







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Consultation and decision procedure of the INTERREG-IV-Consultation and decision procedure of the INTERREG-IV-A programmeA programme

Trilingual project outline to be submitted to the regional

Trilingual project outline to

be submitted to the regional

managers Sketch-CALL

Check and discussionof the outline in the JTS

First assessment of the outline by the

programme partners GO / NO GO

2nd MeetingGO / NO GO:

Preparation of the Monitoring Committee

Technical assessment by JTS and control of accordance by

programme partners

Official submission of the project proposal

to the JTS in compliance with the remarks formulatedby the programme partners

Submission for decision to the

Monitoring Committee of the EMR

(3 times/year)

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Theory and practiceTheory and practice

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Successful projects Successful projects

Please visit us at the Biomedica on the 17th and 18th March 2010 in Aachen (Eurogress)

EMR Life science regionEMR Life science region

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A TaskForce facilitating commuter mobility in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Reducing barriersThe Commuter TaskForce is an INTERREG project launched by the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. The aim of this project is to reduce or remove the main barriers to job-related mobility within the border triangle Aachen, Maastricht, Hasselt, Lüttich und Eupen.

Successful projects Successful projects

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„ „ ““

EPICCEPICC Euregional Police-Information-Euregional Police-Information-Cooperation-CentreCooperation-Centre

Successful projectsSuccessful projects

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Programm Evaluation Programm Evaluation

Project evaluation Interim Program evaluation ( Technical evaluation

of the program management) Ex-post evaluation (by the EU- Commission, DG

Regional Policy)

INTERACT New iniciative Territorial Cooperation projects 2007-2013:

INTERACT Project Evaluation and Selection Manual

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Progress report and outlook on Progress report and outlook on INTERREG V INTERREG V

48 projects approved so far 97% of the budget committed

What we want for INTERREG V The further strengthening of cross-border strands (A) A set of priorities which is focused but matches the needs

of the programme area A simplification of the administrative procedures for

applicants and programme management More proportionate control mechanisms

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Any questions?Any questions?

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