welcome to shabbat parshat vayishlach announements at ... · welcome to shabbat parshat vayishlach...

Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach at Anshe Sholom B’nai lsrael Congregation December 1 – 2, 2017 / 14 Kislev 5778 540 West Melrose Street, Chicago, IL 60657 (773) 248-9200 www.asbi.org Repeat Evening Sh’ma: December 1, after 5:05 PM Latest time to recite Morning Sh’ma: December 2, 9:20 AM Daily Services: December 3 – 8 The recitation of “tal u'matar” in the Amidah begins in the Ma’ariv service this Monday, December 4. Shacharit: Sunday 8:30 AM Monday & Thursday 6:45 AM Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 7:00 AM Mincha, followed by Ma’ariv: Sunday through Friday 4:05 PM Readings for Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach Torah: Haftorah: Bereshit 32:4-36:43 Obadiah 1:1-21 Hertz: Page 122 Hertz: Page 137 Kaplan: Page 154 Kaplan: Page 1078 Stone: Page 170 Stone: Page 1141 SCHEDULE FOR SHABBAT Friday, December 1 Light Candles 4:02 PM Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv 4:10 PM Saturday, December 2 Hashkama Minyan 8:00 AM Shacharit with sermon by Daniel Atwood 9:00 AM Yaakov, Eisav, and the Ethics of Partnership in our Polarized Society Youth Tefillah Groups (see inside for details) 10:30 AM Daf Yomi & Parsha Discussion with Dr. Leonard Kranzler 12:30 PM Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudot 3:50 PM Havdalah 5:02 PM Welcome to our newest member, Isabel Singer, who has joined our ASBI community. ANSHE SHOLOM TRIBUTES In Honor Barry Mogil in honor of the minyanaires In Memory Kathye Simon & Aharon Baruch and Family in memory of Rhoda Gellen, a”h Donaons received aſter November 29 will be listed in next week's bullen. Many thanks for these generous donaons. ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you to this week’s volunteer Tot Shabbat leader, Daniel Chiat, and volunteer readers, David Dror, Ari Goldberg, Adam Pershan, and Preston Wolin. STAY IN TOUCH WITH ASBI Stay updated on the status of the Eruv at twier.com/lakefronteruv. To set up an appointment with Rabbi Wolkenfeld, email [email protected]. If there is an urgent maer that you need to discuss with him, please call his cell phone at 917-621-5678. Adam R. Straus Memorial Mikvah: To make an appointment, email [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance. Get Social with ASBI: “Like” ASBI’s Facebook page at Facebook.com/asbichicago and search “ASBI Congregaon” at YouTube.com. Inclusivity at ASBI: We have a Braille siddur available above the chumashim and an accessible bathroom on the other side of the lobby from the Sanctuary. If there are other resources that would be helpful, please email [email protected]. ASBI is excited to welcome back Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinic Intern Daniel Atwood this Shabbat. Daniel will deliver the sermon Shabbat morning: “Yaakov, Eisav, and the Ethics of Partnership in our Polarized Society”. Daniel’s next visit to ASBI will be January 5 - 6. If you are able to host Daniel overnight or for a Shabbat meal, email [email protected]. Daf Yomi at ASBI Parcipants from all backgrounds and all levels of experience are welcome and encouraged to join us each weekday morning following Shacharit for the synchronized and coordinated study of Talmud, based on a 1923 standardized calendar in which the enre Talmud is studied and completed, one double-sided page each day, by Jews around the world, every 7.5 years. ASBI ANNUAL MEETING The annual Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregaon general membership meeng will take place next Sunday, December 10, at 10:00 AM. At that me, in addion to the presentaon of annual commiee reports, Board elecons will take place. Vong will be open to every person who is, at the me of the elecon, a full member in good standing of ASBI. Food in the JCC Lower Gym This is a friendly reminder that unless there is a Kiddush set up there, no food is to be brought into the JCC Lower Gym. We have a babysier in the Lower Gym during Kiddush so that parents may eat elsewhere. There was a recent complaint from the JCC about finding food and gum stuck to the floor of the Lower Gym aſter our Kiddush, so please help us be good neighbors! Minyan Sign-Up We have created a new minyan sign-up page for weekday Mincha/Ma'ariv minyanim. Please use this link to sign up in advance for weekday minyanim which you can aend in the coming weeks: asbi.org/minyan-sign-up. Help us create a stronger, more reliable minyan this winter!

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Page 1: Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach ANNOUNEMENTS at ... · Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach at Anshe Sholom B’nai lsrael Congregation Thank you December 1 – 2, 2017 / 14

Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach at Anshe Sholom B’nai lsrael Congregation

December 1 – 2, 2017 / 14 Kislev 5778

540 West Melrose Street, Chicago, IL 60657 • (773) 248-9200 • www.asbi.org

Repeat Evening Sh’ma: December 1, after 5:05 PM Latest time to recite Morning Sh’ma: December 2, 9:20 AM

Daily Services: December 3 – 8 The recitation of “tal u'matar” in the Amidah begins in the Ma’ariv service this Monday, December 4.

Shacharit: Sunday 8:30 AM Monday & Thursday 6:45 AM Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 7:00 AM

Mincha, followed by Ma’ariv: Sunday through Friday 4:05 PM

Readings for Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach

Torah: Haftorah: Bereshit 32:4-36:43 Obadiah 1:1-21 Hertz: Page 122 Hertz: Page 137 Kaplan: Page 154 Kaplan: Page 1078 Stone: Page 170 Stone: Page 1141


Friday, December 1 Light Candles 4:02 PM Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv 4:10 PM

Saturday, December 2 Hashkama Minyan 8:00 AM Shacharit with sermon by Daniel Atwood 9:00 AM Yaakov, Eisav, and the Ethics of Partnership in our Polarized Society Youth Tefillah Groups (see inside for details) 10:30 AM Daf Yomi & Parsha Discussion with Dr. Leonard Kranzler 12:30 PM Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudot 3:50 PM Havdalah 5:02 PM

Welcome to our newest member, Isabel Singer, who has joined our ASBI community.


In Honor Barry Mogil in honor of the minyanaires

In Memory Kathye Simon & Aharon Baruch and Family in memory of Rhoda Gellen, a”h

Donations received after November 29 will be listed in next week's bulletin. Many thanks for these generous donations.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you to this week’s volunteer Tot Shabbat leader, Daniel Chiat, and volunteer readers, David Dror, Ari Goldberg, Adam Pershan, and Preston Wolin.


Stay updated on the status of the Eruv at twitter.com/lakefronteruv. To set up an appointment with Rabbi Wolkenfeld, email [email protected]. If there is an urgent matter that you need to discuss with him, please call his cell phone at 917-621-5678. Adam R. Straus Memorial Mikvah: To make an appointment, email [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance. Get Social with ASBI: “Like” ASBI’s Facebook page at Facebook.com/asbichicago and search “ASBI Congregation” at YouTube.com. Inclusivity at ASBI: We have a Braille siddur available above the chumashim and an accessible bathroom on the other side of the lobby from the Sanctuary. If there are other resources that would be helpful, please email [email protected].

ASBI is excited to welcome back Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinic Intern Daniel Atwood this Shabbat.

Daniel will deliver the sermon Shabbat morning: “Yaakov, Eisav, and the Ethics of Partnership in our Polarized Society”. Daniel’s next visit to ASBI will be January 5 - 6. If

you are able to host Daniel overnight or for a Shabbat meal, email [email protected].

Daf Yomi at ASBI Participants from all backgrounds and all levels of experience are welcome and

encouraged to join us each weekday morning following Shacharit for the synchronized and coordinated study of Talmud, based on a 1923 standardized calendar in which the

entire Talmud is studied and completed, one double-sided page each day, by Jews around the world, every 7.5 years.


The annual Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation general membership meeting will take place next Sunday, December 10, at 10:00 AM. At that time, in addition to the

presentation of annual committee reports, Board elections will take place. Voting will be open to every person who is, at the time of the election, a full member in good

standing of ASBI.

Food in the JCC Lower Gym This is a friendly reminder that unless there is a Kiddush set up there, no food is to be

brought into the JCC Lower Gym. We have a babysitter in the Lower Gym during Kiddush so that parents may eat elsewhere. There was a recent complaint from the

JCC about finding food and gum stuck to the floor of the Lower Gym after our Kiddush, so please help us be good neighbors!

Minyan Sign-Up We have created a new minyan sign-up page for weekday Mincha/Ma'ariv minyanim. Please use this link to sign up in advance for weekday minyanim which you can attend

in the coming weeks: asbi.org/minyan-sign-up.

Help us create a stronger, more reliable minyan this winter!

Page 2: Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach ANNOUNEMENTS at ... · Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach at Anshe Sholom B’nai lsrael Congregation Thank you December 1 – 2, 2017 / 14



Thank you to everyone who has participated so far in the 5778 Yom Kippur Appeal! While we are moving closer to our goal, we still have a ways to go, and we need everyone to participate in this

critical fundraiser.

If you could please take a moment to visit asbi.org/yka and make a contribution that you are comfortable with, it will be appreciated

by all and hopefully allow us to reach our goal!

Contributions made before December 31 are deductible against your 2017 income taxes.

Your YKA Gift Could Have Twice the Impact! If your employer matches donations to a charitable organization, email [email protected] to learn about doubling your tax-deductible contribution to ASBI!

$129,800 of $156,000 goal


53% of ASBI Members


Hachnasat Orchim - Hospitality at ASBI

Anshe Sholom is famous across Lakeview and the United States for its warm community and abundant hachnasat orchim - hospitality.

This week, we are launching a new initiative to proactively find Shabbat dinner hosts who will commit weeks or months in advance to set extra places at their table for those interested in being a guest.

To learn more about this initiative or to sign up as a host, visit asbi.org/hospitality. Please feel free to let the hospitality committee know if you have any questions by emailing [email protected].


Page 3: Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach ANNOUNEMENTS at ... · Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach at Anshe Sholom B’nai lsrael Congregation Thank you December 1 – 2, 2017 / 14

UPCOMING EVENTS ASBI Young Professionals

National Brownie Day Shabbat Dinner Friday, December 8, 5:15 PM

Did you enjoy "National Chocolate Cake Day" last year? In the much-anticipated sequel, ASBI YPs present "National Brownie Day", coming soon to a shul near you! Brownies to be preceded by dinner.

Rated C for chocoholic.

Kabbalat Shabbat 4:05 PM Dinner 5:15 PM

Followed by an Oneg

ASBI Members: $15 per person | Non-Members: $18 per person Please register at asbi.org by Monday, December 4.

ASBI Members: Log into your account to redeem your member discount.

Please note: a limited number of seats may be available after Monday, December 4, but be sure to register early because the price increases to $20 on Tuesday, December 5.

Registration is required to attend. The ASBI Young Professionals Committee organizes Shabbat dinners and social events for young adults in

their 20's & 30's.

Hanukkah Fudge Happy Hour Monday, December 18, 5:00 - 6:00 PM

at Windy City Sweets (3308 N. Broadway)

Celebrate Hanukkah with a fudge happy hour at Windy City Sweets. Free fudge for all ASBI Members! Be sure to bring your Hanukkiot so

that we can all light them together.

Introduction to Jewish Life & Practice Monday, December 11, 7:00 PM at ASBI

Join Rabbi Wolkenfeld for this ongoing class on the fundamentals of Jewish life and practice, for those interested in conversion to Judaism

and open to all in the community. New participants are always welcome.


Beit Midrash Wednesdays Join us at ASBI for a series of accessible and thought-provoking shiurim.

All classes are scheduled for 8:00 - 9:00 PM.

Who Are We & Where Do We Come From: A History of Modern Orthodoxy in Four Episodes, with Rabbi Wolkenfeld

Wednesday, December 6: “Things Fall Apart: Modern Orthodoxy as Seen from Right & Left (2000 - 2017)”

View additional upcoming BMW classes at asbi.org/event/BMW.

Call for Artists! On Motzei Shabbat, January 27, we will hold our first-ever

ASBI Community Art Show!

Do you draw, paint, or doodle? Then this is for you! Opening night will be a proper artsy gathering with food,

wine, music… black turtlenecks, etc….

To submit artwork, you must be an adult and a member of ASBI. We are accepting 2-D art only and 1 - 2 pieces per person, depending on interest. Please consider donating a portion of your art sale(s) to the shul. To make a submission, email Sara Thobe at [email protected] or Yarden Cottrell at [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 11.

Page 4: Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach ANNOUNEMENTS at ... · Welcome to Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach at Anshe Sholom B’nai lsrael Congregation Thank you December 1 – 2, 2017 / 14

Prayer for the United States and Its Government based on "deSola Pool Siddur"

God on high, bless this our country, the United States of America, and all who dwell therein. Bless the constituted officers of government of this land. Set into their hearts the spirit of wisdom and

understanding to uphold peace and freedom.

Security—If you see something, say something. As part of our ongoing effort to improve safety and security at ASBI, all members of the

Congregation are invited to submit recommendations, comments, questions, or concerns to the Security Committee at [email protected].


December 9 Vayeshev

Taken Taken

December 16 Miketz


December 23 Vayigash


Contribute to ASBI by leining or sponsoring Kiddush or Shalosh Seudot! Sponsorship or co-sponsorship* is a great way to celebrate your own or a loved

one’s birthday/anniversary/milestone. Many menu and pricing options are available. Please email [email protected] for details.

Email [email protected] if you are interested in reading Torah.

*You may co-sponsor a Kiddush by contributing a smaller amount.

Dedication Opportunities Honor your loved ones with a dedication plaque or book plate.

Kiddush Sponsorship Shalosh Seudot Sponsorship Coffee Bar Sponsorship Starting at $950 Starting at $118 $72 for 1 month

New Koren Siddur

Small Leaf Tree of Life

Large Leaf Tree of Life

Stone Tree of Life

Memorial Plaque

$54 $180 $360 $1,080 $680

YOUTH TEFILLAH GROUPS Group leaders and babysitter are subject to change without notice.

Tot Shabbat (children 2 and under, with a parent) 10:45 AM in the Social Hall with Daniel Chiat

Gan (ages 3-JK) 10:30 AM in JCC Lower Gym with Tara Holden

assisted by Sidonia Ohringer & Maayan Jankelovics

Yeladeinu (K-2nd grade) 10:30 AM in JCC Room 204 with Tracey Meyers, assisted by Aaron Faier

Na’areinu (3rd-5th grade) Cancelled this week

Tefillah Off the Deep End (6th-7th grade) 10:30 AM in the Beit Midrash with Kristin Ammon

Babysitting Services (for children ages 1 through 7 only) with Sylvia Staples

9:30 AM until Kiddush in ASBI Playroom | Kiddush until 1:00 PM in JCC Lower Gym

Steve Miller Hayley Leventhal Barbara Pjetrushi David Schwartz

Executive Director Executive Assistant Custodian Director of Family Education & Programming

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Rabbi David Wolkenfeld [email protected]

OFFICERS – 2016-2017 / 5777-5778

President – Jeremy Treister Immediate Past President – Rabbi Paul Saiger Vice President - Ways and Means – Ross Weisman Vice President - House – Margalit Segal Vice President - Membership – Danielle Gershon Vice President - Ritual – Dr. Ira Halper Vice President - Education – Anna Pomson Vice President - Financial – Asher Zarkowsky Recording Secretary – Ruth Lipman

BOARD OF DIRECTORS – 2016-2017 / 5777-5778

Dr. Stuart Sprague - Chair Julia Aaronson Beverly Agdern

Linda Cohen Herbert Eiseman Aaron Feigelson

Steve Feiger Eytan Fox

Joseph Goodman

Seth Greenberg David Harris

Ira King Michael Leib

Norman Levitz Jennifer Loeb Ava Madoff

Michael Newberger Scott Newberger

Erica Phillips Jacques Aaron Preis

Linda Saiger Rabbi Melvin Shapiro

Alan Skidelsky Adam Smoler Naomi Sugar

Andrew Weprin


Adam R. Straus Memorial Mikvah: [email protected]

Dedications and Donations

Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation is indebted to Judge Abraham Lincoln Marovitz, a”h, for his generosity to the synagogue and to the Marovitz Scholarship Fund.

The George Kranzler Library of Judaic Classics is donated in loving memory of Mr. George Kranzler by the Kranzler and Saltzman families.

The Learning Center was dedicated on 29 Av 5761 in memory of Rose and Dr. Abe Aaronson who inspired us in learning and charity.

There is a sense of wholeness and artistic integrity in our sanctuary, thanks to our beautiful stained-glass windows on the east wall, dedicated in memory of Bernard Preis, a”h.

The windows on the south wall are dedicated in memory of George Friedman, a”h.

The Louis A. Lerner Institute of Torah Texts sponsors all of the Torah text classes at ASBI.

Chesed: Linda Saiger & Sara Wolkenfeld Mikvah: Ruth Lipman Education: Anna Pomson Ritual: Dr. Ira Halper Family: Jennifer Loeb Security: Oren Dekalo Hospitality: David Eisenstein Social Action: Irene Lehrer Sandalow Israel: Herbert Eiseman Young Professionals: Ann Levenson, Kiddush: Beverly Agdern Ava Madoff, Elana Pentelnik, Debi Schrimmer

Gabbai: Dr. Josh Ehrlich Gabbayit: Karli Salinger