welcome fr. derek! filemartinez (cousin of marta curry), valentin martinez and anna mirallie...

Helping parishioners grow in holiness by providing opportunies to serve God and our community through hospitality, prayer and worship, formaon and service. H o l y M a s s S c h e d u l e Mon ................... 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m. Tues ................... 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m. Wed ................... 6:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Thurs.................. 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m. Fri ...................... 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m. Sat .......................................8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Vigil Sun..................... 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon R e c o n c i l i a t i o n 1/2 hour before weekday Masses Sat ........................... 7:30—7:50 a.m. 3:30—4:30 p.m. A d d i t i o n a l C o n f e s s i o n s Available during the seasons of Lent and Advent. T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Weekly Readings .............................. 3 Mass Intenons................................ 3 Altar Server Schedule ....................... 4 Liturgical Roles ................................ 4 Sacrament Informaon..………………. 5 School Informaon........................... 7 Stewardship Informaon ................ 8 Community Events .......................... 9 Contact Informaon....................... 12 Pastor: Reverend Mahew C. McGinness Parochial Vicar: Reverend Joshua R. Evans Parochial Vicar: Reverend Derek J. Thome W e l c o m e F r . D e r e k ! It is with happy hearts that we welcome Rev. Derek Thome to our parish family! Ordained a priest of our Diocese on Saturday, May 26, 2018, Fr. Derek began his assign- ment as Parochial Vicar at our parish on Tuesday, June 19. Born to Jean and Howard Thome on December 7, 1988, Fr. Derek was the youngest of three boys. His parents now live south of Goddard and are members of St. John the Evangelist in Clonmel. Father Derek’s brother, Grant, and his wife, Leah, live in Tonganoxie. Father’s brother Jarrod and his wife, Emily, live in Wichita with their four daughters. Father Derek graduated from Bishop Carroll Catholic High School in 2007. Hav- ing thought about the priesthood only a bit while in high school, Fr. Derek aended Kansas State University and ulmately graduated with a Masters Degree in Architec- ture. Aer graduang college, certain life experiences led Fr. Derek to wonder if the priesthood would be right for him so he entered the seminary at Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, MD, to “rule it out”. While in the seminary, Fr. Derek dabbled in broadcast journalism, doing webcasts for their NCAA Division I men’s and women’s soccer teams as well as baseball. It was aer 1st Theology at the Mount when Fr. Derek recognized he had fallen in love with God and that is when he became confident in his decision to pursue a priestly vocaon. In addion to kayaking in the rivers and creeks of south central and southeastern Kansas, Fr. Derek en- joys watercolor painng as well as trying out new micro-brews. He is looking forward to geng to know his STA family and is excited about spending his first two years of priesthood here at our parish.

Upload: ngothien

Post on 15-Feb-2019




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Helping parishioners grow in holiness by providing opportuni!es to serve God and our community through hospitality, prayer and worship, forma!on and service.

Holy Mass Schedule

Mon ................... 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m.

Tues ................... 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m.

Wed ................... 6:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m.

Thurs.................. 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m.

Fri ...................... 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m.

Sat .......................................8:00 a.m.

5:00 p.m. Vigil

Sun..................... 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.

10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon

Reconciliation 1/2 hour before weekday Masses

Sat ........................... 7:30—7:50 a.m.

3:30—4:30 p.m.

Additional Confessions Available during the seasons of Lent

and Advent.

Table of Contents Weekly Readings .............................. 3

Mass Inten!ons ................................ 3

Altar Server Schedule ....................... 4

Liturgical Roles ................................ 4

Sacrament Informa!on..………………. 5

School Informa!on ........................... 7

Stewardship Informa!on ................ 8

Community Events .......................... 9

Contact Informa!on ....................... 12

Pastor: Reverend Ma!hew C. McGinness

Parochial Vicar: Reverend Joshua R. Evans

Parochial Vicar: Reverend Derek J. Thome

Welcome Fr. Derek! It is with happy hearts that we welcome Rev. Derek Thome to our parish family!

Ordained a priest of our Diocese on Saturday, May 26, 2018, Fr. Derek began his assign-

ment as Parochial Vicar at our parish on Tuesday, June 19.

Born to Jean and Howard Thome on December 7, 1988, Fr. Derek was the

youngest of three boys. His parents now live south of Goddard and are members of St.

John the Evangelist in Clonmel. Father Derek’s brother, Grant, and his wife, Leah, live in

Tonganoxie. Father’s brother Jarrod and his wife, Emily, live in Wichita with their four


Father Derek graduated from Bishop Carroll Catholic High School in 2007. Hav-

ing thought about the priesthood only a bit while in high school, Fr. Derek a!ended

Kansas State University and ul#mately graduated with a Masters Degree in Architec-

ture. A$er gradua#ng college, certain life experiences led Fr. Derek to wonder if the

priesthood would be right for him so he entered the seminary at Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, MD, to “rule it

out”. While in the seminary, Fr. Derek dabbled in broadcast journalism, doing webcasts for their NCAA Division I

men’s and women’s soccer teams as well as baseball. It was a$er 1st Theology at the Mount when Fr. Derek

recognized he had fallen in love with God and that is when he became confident in his decision to pursue a

priestly voca#on.

In addi#on to kayaking in the rivers and creeks of south central and southeastern Kansas, Fr. Derek en-

joys watercolor pain#ng as well as trying out new micro-brews. He is looking forward to ge&ng to know his STA

family and is excited about spending his first two years of priesthood here at our parish.

Page 2 | StThomasWichita.com

Please spend an hour with the Me. Share with Me your

fears, anxie#es, and joys, read My Word, pray the Holy Ro-

sary, meditate on My will for you and come to know Me,

My mercy, and My love for you.


Monday: 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday: 3:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. (URGENT), 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday: 4:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m.

Thursday: 2:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m. (URGENT)

Friday: 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., Noon, 1:00 p.m.

If you would like to commit to one of these hours or a

different hour, please call Eric or Mary Von Hoene at (316)

295-7436 or the Church Office at 683-6569.

Hospita l i ty

Prayer & Worship

Last Chance! This is the final week of photography sessions to be in-

cluded in our Parish Pictorial Directory. Families who

par#cipate will receive a complimentary 8x10 photo and

a copy of the new Directory. To schedule your appoint-

ment, please visit the parish website at


+Sco! Banks, husband of Michele Banks and father of Jack Banks, on June 14

+Rita Seidel on June 17

This Week’s Memorial Anniversaries of Parish Brothers and Sisters June 25-July 1: M. Diane

DeBroeck, Chris#ne Knoblach, Theodore Keever, Mary Ann Huycke, Jane O’Connor, Lucille Jackson, Bertha Louise Zuendel,

Sarah Horine, Jeanne McCracken Duvall, Edward S#so, Christy Razook, Alice Drummond, Margaret Jane Larson, Paul

Joseph Dondlinger, Marvin Huff, Agnes Marie Quinn, Bill Wiesner, Walt House

Parishioners Who Are Sick or Injured: Ken Anthem, George Asher, Clay Gordon, Paul Hampel, Judy Janis, Cliff Keyes,

Jack & Dixie Malone, Margaret Monnat, Tony Perez, Susan Relph, Mary Russell, Mike Smith, Pat Smith, Marie Snyder,

Robert Snyder, Megan Stadler, Phyllis Wilson, Barbara Wise, Andrew Wray

Others Who Are Sick: Emily Franklin (granddaughter of Mary Ann Lickteig), Ed Gratz (Joan & Ray Miller’s brother-in-law), Darrin

Martinez (cousin of Marta Curry), Valentin Martinez and Anna Mirallie (brother and daughter of Simona [Raul] Martinez), Carla

McKee (mother of Mark), Paxton Naccarato (grandson of Judy & David Naccarato), Paul & Maureen Pedlar, Dmetri Riedel

(grandson of Judy & David Naccarato), Mariana Salas (cousin of Ana Salgado), Rosa Lee Smith (mother of Cheri Jones), Joe Stadler

(Andy’s father), Bruce Terrell Jr.

Those in Harm’s Way: Capt. Mark Bartak, USAF (son of Sara & Gary Bartak), Sgt. Jordan Desmarteau, Army Ranger

(brother of Jason, grandson of Mitzi & the late Duane Desmarteau and Donna & Bob Peters), USAF AFC Elfie Diltz

(granddaughter of Marie & Robert Snyder and niece of Kathy Hanas), Thaddeus Dippolito (son of Lucy and brother of

Therese), CW-5 Joseph D. Eble (Godson of JoAnne & Tom Vonderbrink), Sgt. Travis Elder, Tank Commander USNG (son of

Terri Lees), MA2 Bobby Fugit, US Navy (son of Peggy & Bob), Sgt. Jason Gribbon, US Army (son-in-law of Judy and Mel

Werner), Sgt. George R. Hanna, Kentucky USNG (Son of Shelly and George Hanna), Alex Johnson, DMT US Navy (son of

Nicole & Jason Cervantes), Pvt. Marcus Mathiot, US Army (great-grandson of Margarita Schulte), Tech Sgt. Tom Randle Jr.,

USAF (nephew of Sally Porter), Captain Michael Seis, USAF F-16 Fighter Pilot (son of Mike Seis), Pvt. Blake Stubbs, U.S.

Army (son of Melissa Pa!erson), USAF Senior Airman Daniel Rose (grandson of Pat Rose), USAF Capt. Anthony Hertach

(nephew of Kay Clark), PVT Chris#an Mar#nez, U.S. Army (great-grandson of Margarita Schulte), USAF Capt. Abi Wolf

Hertach (niece of Kay Clark)

StThomasWichita.com | Page 3

Prayer & Worship

This Week’s Mass Intentions Sunday, June 24

7:30 a.m. +Jane Byrne

9:00 a.m. 2018 Father’s Day Inten#ons

10:30 a.m. +Richard Ha!rup

Noon The People of the Parish

Monday, June 25

6:30 a.m. Kathleen Varner

8:15 a.m. +2018 Father’s Day Inten#ons

Tuesday, June 26

6:30 a.m. 2018 Father’s Day Inten#ons

8:15 a.m. +Mary Villar

Wednesday, June 27

6:30 a.m. +Carolyn Buche

6:30 p.m. Ka#e Wells

Thursday, June 28

6:30 a.m. +Brian Maloney

8:15 a.m. Kay Clark & Albert Ware

Friday, June 29

6:30 a.m. Tom & Dorothy Brake

8:15 a.m. +Virginia Purinton

Saturday, June 30

8:00 a.m. +Pat Dreiling

5:00 p.m. +Alice Drummond

Readings for the Week of June 24, 2018

Sunday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-14, 14-15 [14a]/

Acts 13:22-26/ Lk 1:57-66, 80

Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Ps 60:3, 4-5, 12-13

[7b]/Mt 7:1-5

Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36/Ps 48:2-

3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11 [cf. 9D]/Mt 7:6, 12-14

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Ps 119:33, 34, 35, 36,

37, 40 [33a]/Mt 7:15-20

Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 [9]/

Mt 7:21-29

Friday: Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [5b]/

2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19

Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7,

20-21 [19b]/Mt 8:5-17

Next Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24/Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12,

13 [2a]/2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15/Mk 5:21-43

July 4 Mass at 8:15 a.m.


L iturg ica l Roles

Page 4 | StThomasWichita.com

Prayer & Worship

As a reminder, our Adoration Chapel becomes our Cry Room, during all Sunday Obligation Masses. Parishioners

with small children are to be welcomed into the Chapel pews to worship and celebrate during these masses; oth-

ers who do not have small children are kindly asked to consider sitting in the main church. Thank you!

Weekday Altar Server Schedule Monday, June 25

6:30 a.m. S Schnieders, B Nece

8:15 a.m. N Heeren, E Vu

Tuesday, June 26

6:30 a.m. Z Toon, B Nece

8:15 a.m. E Navarro, N Heeren

Wednesday, June 27

6:30 a.m. S Debbrecht, C Munley

6:30 p.m. S Higgins, L Traglia

Thursday, June 28

6:30 a.m. S Debbrecht, C Munley

8:15 a.m. S Calderon, A Schreck

Friday, June 29

6:30 a.m. S Schnieders, S Debbrecht

8:15 a.m. S Calderon, E Erdman

Saturday, June 30

8:00 a.m. S Richardson, L Reiter

June 30-July 1,


7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Noon 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Lectors T Mohr

L Smith

M Schaefer

J Schiffel

N Salgado

M Babich

C Schneider

S Ba!

D Bengtson

N Wisniewski

R Glaze

M Werner

Gi" Bearer C Labarca F Foster S Grim E McGuire S Olson Sub Needed

EMsHC L Labarca

D Chavira

R Chavira

M Rohr

L Judge

S Bartak

N Rambo

A Regan

W Appelhans

K Kryzer

D White

R Klitzke

A Wilson

Sub Needed

B Mellinger

M Ha!rup

K Clark

J Toon

S Huffman

R Wright

C Barba-Abay

M Wells

Sub Needed

I Huhnke

K Geist

G Hartman

G Bleakney

T Barr

J Werner

B West

M Orme

A Miller

K Brandt

K Morton

Ushers (Head) D Wildeman T Seidhoff J Gray B Finn M Dondlinger

H Boger

J Munley

T Sanders

Sub Needed

B Fugit

P Fugit

A Meitzner

T Hertel

S Grim

Z Woodburn

P Ahern

D Kizziar

B Barnard

J Barrier

M Morris

L Greiving

G Feuerborn

J Hale

S Miller

M Mitchell

Sub Needed

R Es#vo

Greeters P Myers

J Viurquez

R Adams

D Bui

S Labidi

J Wilbert

D Williams

A Wilson/Z Worrell

T Heeren

M Montemayor

C Friess/ M Jabara

S Mendoza

J Bird

J Farha

Coffee &


K Ross

J Rupp

K Schaefer

J Rodriguez

K Rosell

D Rweikiza

T McGuire

Y Chen

Nursery (10:30) A Zachgo J Reiter P Zachgo S Zachgo

STA Statue Children’s Liturgy K Reif

Altar Servers K Sueper

M Amphone

N Le

R Rebolledo

J Rebolledo

J Medina

J Wrinn

L Reiter

J Kor=age

M McGuire

C Nguyen

S Higgins

C Geist

J Mies

B Olson

T Berends

H Thengvall

L Price

MCs T Clevenger E Truong G Woodburn M Ngugi P Daood T Ellio!

Fa i th Format ion

StThomasWichita.com | Page 5

Sacraments Bap$sm: Classes are offered bimonthly. First #me parents

are required to a!end a bap#sm class prior to scheduling a

Bap#sm. The next class is July 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., in the

Assembly Room. Please call 683-6569 to register.

Sacrament of Matrimony: One of the engaged pair or his

or her parent must be a registered and ac#ve parishioner

for six months before wedding prepara#on can begin. The

couple should make an appointment with a parish priest at

least nine months prior to the an#cipated wedding date.

The priest will set the date on the calendar (not office per-


Anoin$ng of the Sick: This sacrament is offered in the

chapel on the last Saturday of the month in the chapel fol-

lowing the 8:00 a.m. Mass or by appointment.

Devotions Adora$on Open Sunday 2:00 p.m.-Friday 6:00 p.m. except

Monday-Friday from 6:00-10:00 a.m.

Morning Prayer of the Church Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m. in

the Church Library.

Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays and Sundays, 3:00 p.m., in

the chapel.

Rosary 20 minutes before most Masses, 25 minutes be-

fore the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass.

Sacred Heart Devo$ons First Fridays a$er the 8:15 a.m.


First Saturday 7:40 a.m. Rosary, 8:00 a.m. Mass and Our

Lady of Fa#ma Prayers a$er Mass

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devo$ons Each Tuesday

following the 8:15 a.m. Mass.

Baptism Preparation Class First-#me expectant parents wishing to give the gi$ of God’s sanc#fying grace to their newborns through the Sacrament of

Bap#sm are asked to a!end our Bap#smal Prepara#on Class, prior to the birth of the baby. The next class will be held

Monday, July 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room. To register, please contact the Church Office at 683-6569.

Scripture Reflection As we celebrate today's feast, we are reminded that God creates and fashions each one of us with intent and purpose. We

are not random accidents. We are special crea#ons and wonderfully made. Each of us brings a unique twist to the one shot

at life that we are given. As people of faith and children of God, we are asked to use our specialness to announce God's

kingdom. Each of us reveals a unique part of God's face. Each day presents opportuni#es to communicate our faith to oth-

ers and to reveal God's mercy. We have the means to point the way to Christ. How can we show Jesus to others today?

Page 6 | StThomasWichita.com

The Lord’s Diner, June 30 Food Prep: Tom Sanders, Jay Lies, Jan Lies, Gabriella Gach, Rose Ann Burkhart, Jerry Burkhart, Judy

Marstall. L Gillen

Evening Shi" (5:00 p.m.): B/G/J Adams, M Babich, S Beard, C Briley, J Cillessen, K Clark, B/P Edison,

R/S Evans, J/T Feuerborn, B/M Grelinger, E/J/N Herlocker, J Hetrick, M Jarvis, H Johnson, I Johnson, K/

T Kryzer, C Lawrie, M Loy, M Lynch, A/P Malone, K/L McNeil, B Mwanga, K/M/M Onofrio, J Rempel, A/C Schafer, T Shep-

herd, J Torralbo, J Ultzsch, G/M Vall-Serra, J Wanjau, M/P Wegeng, K Wemhoff, C White, C/M Young

STA Coordinator: Jolene Boswell, [email protected], 316-634-1089

STA Scheduler: Mary Mills, [email protected], 316-214-4800

As we all know, fashion changes with the seasons! However, as the temperatures get warmer we kindly ask volunteers to

refrain from wearing any of the following to The Lord's Diner: short shorts, open toed shoes, and tank tops. This is for the

health and safety of all.

What is the gift of tears? Pope Francis has spoken a few #mes about the "gi$ of tears" or the "grace of tears." He uses these expressions when

speaking about apprecia#ng great blessings or understanding great tragedies.

If we think about when we experience tears, we see that they come at the two extremes of life: great joy and great sad-

ness. If someone can say he has never had tears, that means he has experienced neither great joy nor great sadness. Such

a person surely has lived a life devoid of personal connec#ons and empathy.

It's one thing to intellectually understand each person is a gi$ from God; it is quite another to appreciate that in our heart

and soul. It is also one thing to intellectually understand that we have sinned; tears because of our sins mean we truly un-

derstand that we have sinned against him who is deserving of all our love.

Tears are a sign that we have loved, been loved, appreciate the preciousness of life, and can empathize with another hu-

man person's suffering.

Serv ice

Catholic Care Center Opportunities Catholic Care Center is looking for individuals to assist as resident visitors (come make a new friend to visit on a regular

basis), ac#vi#es helpers (help with events or ou#ngs with our residents such as happy hour, bingo, trips to the store),

evening a!endants (sit and visit with residents a$er dinner), and day#me volunteers (various du#es during business

hours). A"en!on High School students: come get those hours you need for school next year this summer!!! If you are in-

terested contact Kellie Hunter at 744-4198 or kellie.hunter@viachris#.org.

Did you know?

How was June 24 chosen to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist? The date set for John the Bap#st's birth only came into existence once the date to celebrate Jesus' birth was set. Evidence

shows that by the middle of the fourth century Chris#ans were celebra#ng the birth of Jesus around December 25. No one

at that #me knew when Jesus was born, but the date seemed to be selected to counter the Roman fes#val to the sun god.

Once December 25 had been selected for the birth of Jesus, a number of other dates could be set, using the biblical evi-

dence at hand. When the angel appeared to Mary and she conceived, her cousin, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Bap#st,

was in her sixth month. If Jesus was born on December 25, then he had to be conceived nine months before, on March 25.

If Elizabeth was then in her sixth month, then John the Bap#st was due three months later on June 25.

Then why June 24? A rather convincing reason stems from John's witness in John's Gospel. There John the Bap#st says that

Jesus must increase and he, John, must decrease. The other Gospels also have John point to Jesus and not himself as the

chosen one of God. In making John's birth a day less than Jesus' full nine months, the Chris#an community communicated

this Gospel reality in its liturgical calendar. Thus the Chris#an community con#nued to highlight John's mission and minis-

try. Maybe we could strive toward that same mission in our own lives.

StThomasWichita.com | Page 7

Fr. Ma! asks that all giving pledges be up-to date prior to final school enrollment on

Monday, July 30, 1-7 p.m. in the School Cafeteria. Registra#on fees will also be due at final

enrollment. Anyone who has a concern with their pledge or registra#on fees,

is asked to please contact Shelly Babich, Business Manager, at [email protected]

or 316-684-9201, or Fr. Ma! at [email protected] at their earliest convenience.

Thank you!

“In a cultural climate in which moral norms are often thought to be matters of personal preference, Catholic schools have a crucial role to play in leading the younger generation to realize that freedom consists above all in being able to

respond to the demands of the truth (cf. Veritatis Splendor, #84).” (Address of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II to the Bishops of the Ecclesias#cal Regions of Chicago, Indianapolis, and Mil-

waukee (USA) on Their “Ad Limina” Visit, May 30, 1998, #3)

All-Day Pre-K Our Parish School s#ll has a few spots open in

the All-Day Pre-K classroom. Interested par#es

are asked to contact the School Office at

[email protected] or


The mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School

is to prepare students to be

a reflection of Jesus Christ through Stewardship, a True sense of belonging,

and Academic Excellence, in preparation for life eternal.

State Assessments Every spring, students at our Parish School who are in

grades 3-8 par#cipate in Kansas State Assessments in Eng-

lish/Language Arts (ELA) and math. Students in grades 5-8

also par#cipate in science assessments. We outscored the

diocesan standards for math in every grade level, 100% of

our 7th graders passed all state assessments, 24% of our

students scored at a level 4 on their ELA assessments, and

approximately 27% of our students scored at a level 4 on

their math state assessments! (Level 3 and above is college

and career ready.)

Pastora l P lanning Focus Group Sess ions

Page 8 | StThomasWichita.com

Youth Min is try

Help us welcome Fr. Derek to S.T.A.Y. with s’mores and beach volleyball! We will meet on Monday, July

25, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. on the playground. If you have roas#ng s#cks for marshmallows please bring

them along.

The next Ignite is July 11. We will be playing Shaving Cream Whiffle ball. Mark your calendars and put a can of shaving

cream on your shopping list!

Weekly Offer ing & Giv ing

Offering for June 11-17, 2018 $152,728.08

Offering Needed Each Week $98,181.00

June Offering To-Date $323,464.39

June Offering Needed To-Date $294,543.00

Tuesday, June 26 Sunday, July 1

Time 7:00 p.m. Time 8:30 a.m. Time 10:15 a.m. Time 11:45 a.m.

Segment Parishioners

ages 35-49 Segment


ages 65-79 Segment


ages 25-34 Segment


ages 50-64

Loca$on Assembly

Room Loca$on


Room Loca$on


Room Loca$on




our cool





Stewardship Bit Is 49: 1-6 / Acts 13: 22-26 / Lk 1: 57-66, 80

You have heard that being a steward is a way of life. In other words, it is not what we do -- it is who we are. In the word

stewardship is implied a level of servant hood; there is a willingness to serve God and others. Today's readings men#on a

few of the Biblical figures who were unlikely servants, raised up by God: Israel (Jacob), David, and John the Bap#st. Each

one was called into servant hood while in the womb and each allowed God to use him in the fulfillment of His plans. You

and are I no different from these great holy men. We, too, were called into servant hood while in the womb. We were

created to be good stewards of our lives and we should rejoice in it! Like John the Bap#st, we live as servants of God, al-

lowing our very existence to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives.

StThomasWichita.com | Page 9

Employment Opportunit ie s

General Opportunities Altera!ons and Sewing: Call Joyce, 744-8144

Housekeeper Available: Call Mely, 409-6302

Overnight Caregiver/Housekeeper available: Call Lupe, 806-1440

Housekeeper needed– references required. Please call 516-8082

Summer Tennis Lessons for 4th –10th Graders: Contact Jim Hunt at (316) 522-4652 or [email protected]

Midwest Catholic Family Conference Join radio and television host Dr. Ray Guarendi at the Nine-

teenth Annual Midwest Catholic Family Conference, August

3-5, where he will talk about how laughter can help your

family overcome trials. Register online at catholicfamilycon-

ference.org or call 316-618-9787. Register by July 16 and

save up to $30. For more informa#on email in-

[email protected].

Wichita Retrouvaille, July 20 In marriage, communica#on is more than just talking. At

some point, did you stop sharing about the things that were

important to you? Did your spouse? Does the distance be-

tween you seem wide? Are you already separated? Looking

for a be!er way? Retrouvaille can help and offers hope for

a be!er rela#onship. Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of vol-

unteer couples that can help you learn the tools of healthy

communica#on, build in#macy and heal, just as they have

done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Chris#an-

based, and Catholic in origin, but welcomes couples of all

faiths as well as non-religious couples. Retrouvaille can help

get your rela#onship back on track. For more informa#on

about the Wichita July 20 Retrouvaille Weekend program

for couples, contact Dacia & Kieran (800) 470-2230 or visit

our website: HelpOurMarriage.com

Bags to Riches Catholic Chari#es is now collec#ng new and gently used

designer handbags for its annual fundraiser for shelter ser-

vices. Take dona#ons to St. Joseph Pastoral Center, 437

North Topeka Street, call (316) 264-8344 or email


Host Families Needed We are currently seeking host families for several 15-18

year old boys and girls from countries such as Brazil, Cam-

bodia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan and Thailand

among many others. Contact Kate Foss 316-993-4013 or

[email protected] for more informa#on.

GriefShare Meeting, June 26 A GriefShare mee#ng will be held at 7:00 p.m. at St. Eliza-

beth Ann Seton, Adult Library, 645 N. 119th

St. W., Wichita.

The topic for this mee#ng is “Stuck in Grief”. The group

meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday. For more infor-

ma#on, call Candi Spacil at (316) 721-1686 ext. 237.

Around Town

Food Service Associate, St. Thomas Aquinas School St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School is accep#ng applica#ons for a Food Services Associate. The individual will be responsi-

ble for helping with meal prepara#on and lunch service. The posi#on is approximately 25 hours per week; school days on-

ly. Some heavy li$ing is required. E-mail inquiries to Ashley Hogan at ahogan@s!homaswichita.com; or call 316-214-3396

for more details.

Director of Liturgical Music, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception The Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep#on is seeking a part-#me Director of Liturgical Music. Our Cathedral is well

known for its tradi#on of outstanding liturgical music, and we are seeking a gi$ed, energe#c, strongly faith-filled person to

lead our liturgical music program and con#nue that tradi#on. The Director will lead the parish choir and associated music

opera#ons in planning, execu#on and celebra#on of parish liturgies at Church holy days and Diocesan special events.

For informa#on regarding requirements, please check the job pos#ng at h!p://catholicdioceseofwichita.org, Ministries &

Offices, Human Resources.

Stewardship Council Chair: Bre! McMahon

Parish Council Chair: Tim Link

Jill Aus#n

Alice Daood

Dee Dee Dewell

Carol Dodds

Rick Dodds

Karen Hurley

Michael Jorgensen

LeRoy Kreutzer

Sandra Londono

Victor Lyczak

Yvonne Murtha

Cur#s Richardson

Trent Shepherd

Jana Ultzsch

Donald Weidler

Emeline Abay

Patrick Ahern

Kay Auer

Karen Balbierz

Jim Flax

Melissa Grelinger

Jeff Grier

Mari Ann Heeren

Brian Kaiser

Pete Krsnich

Chris Magana

Mark Niederee

Drew Porter

Twila Purrity

Sounida Truong

Sunday, June 24 Monday, June 25 Tuesday, June 26 Wednesday, June 27

6:30 a.m. Mass

8:15 a.m. Mass

9:00 a.m. Rosary Makers

6:30 p.m. Legion of Mary

6:30 a.m. Mass

6:30 p.m. Mass

Thursday, June 28 Friday, June 29 Saturday, June 30 Sunday, July 1

6:30 a.m. Mass

8:15 a.m. Mass

3:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet 8:00 a.m. Mass

CHURCH SCHOOL1321 N Stra{ord Ln, Wichita, KS 67206 • 683-6569

[email protected]

1215 N Stra{ord Ln, Wichita, KS 67206 • 684-9201

[email protected]

Business Manager ................................................................ Shelly Babich

[email protected]

Director of Stewardship & Planning .................................. Traci Kennedy

[email protected]

Accountant……………………………………………………………………….Sara Bartak

[email protected]

Stewardship Coordinator ................................................... Krista Onofrio

[email protected]

Leader of Youth Ministries…………………………………….……..Laura Gouvion

[email protected]

Church Office Associates ...................................................... Maria Hertel

Sarah Mendoza

[email protected]

Parish Office Hours………………………9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

School Principal ................................................................... Mary Sweet

[email protected]

Assistant Principal ..................................................... Stephanie Warren

[email protected]

Administra$ve Assistant ................................................ Marilyn Francis

[email protected]

School Office Associate ....................................................Jen McMahon

[email protected]

School Recep$onists ......................................................... Jill Boulanger

Anne!e Meitzner

Recep#[email protected]

Join Us This Week

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Wichita, KS @STAWichita


P a s t o r R e v . M a t t h e w C . M c G i n n e s s , 6 8 3 - 6 5 6 9 , F r M a t t @ S t T h o m a s W i c h i t a . c o m

P a r o c h i a l V i c a r R e v . J o s h u a R . E v a n s , 6 8 3 - 6 5 6 9 , F r J o s h @ S t T h o m a s W i c h i t a . c o m

P a r o c h i a l V i c a r R e v . D e r e k J . T h o m e , 6 8 3 - 6 5 6 9 , F r D e r e k @ S t T h o m a s W i c h i t a . c o m