welcome back ladies! - sam beau patrick · 2018. 6. 19. · 1 welcome back ladies! lets launch into...

1 Welcome back Ladies! Let’s launch into module 4 of the 8 week Life Transformation Program. It’s time to study the impact of food as it relates to emotions, as they often are synergistic and derail the best of our plans to eat sensibly. Firstly this module will provide a solid overview on nutrition. We will address the basics of food; the effects food has on the body and how to read food labels. Then we will assess emotional and habitual eating. I will furnish you with ideas and inspiration to compile a tailor made eating plan for your tastes and needs. It is critical to nourish your body, mind and soul with nutritionally balanced, clean food resulting in physical improvements as well as numerous health benefits. Eating Yourself Lean is a vital part of becoming a happy female. Follow my lead and you will feel: More beautiful More calm More nourished More soulful And less stressed More beautiful More peaceful and calm More nourished More soulful and centered And, as a result less stressed www.sambeaupatrick.com

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Page 1: Welcome back Ladies! - Sam Beau Patrick · 2018. 6. 19. · 1 Welcome back Ladies! Lets launch into module 4 of the 8 week Life Transformation Program. Its time to study the impact


Welcome back Ladies! Let’s launch into module 4 of the 8 week Life Transformation Program. It’s time to study the impact of food as it relates to emotions, as they often are synergistic and derail the best of our plans to eat sensibly. Firstly this module will provide a solid overview on nutrition. We will address the basics of food; the effects food has on the body and how to read food labels. Then we will assess emotional and habitual eating. I will furnish you with ideas and inspiration to compile a tailor made eating plan for your tastes and needs. It is critical to nourish your body, mind and soul with nutritionally balanced, clean food resulting in physical improvements as well as numerous health benefits. Eating Yourself Lean is a vital part of becoming a happy female. Follow my lead and you will feel:

More beautiful More calm

More nourished

More soulful And less stressed More beautiful More peaceful and calm More nourished

More soulful and centered

And, as a result less stressed


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This week our journey covers. Module 4 – Eat Yourself Lean

- Know Your Nutrition

- Assess Your Eating Habits

- Eat to Nourish

- Establish Your Eating Plan

You will:

Learn about the the 3 basic food groups – proteins, fats and carbohydrates

and their affects on the body

Learn how to read nutritional information/labels on food products

Determine if you are an emotional eater

Discover natural alternatives to the sugar fix

Learn how to control the 7 main reasons people can’t lose fat so you can

dismiss yoyo dieting

Furnished with meal ideas and a weekly food planner to aid healthy eating

with tasty and nutritious recipes

Able to design your own healthy diet to encompass good nutrition and


“Let food be your medicine”

Your tool kit includes; videos, activities and notes

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1. Know Your Nutrition


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Notes: Food Basics

All foods are broken down in the body into 3 basic food groups namely: proteins, fats and carbohydrates (fibre is a type of carbohydrate). Most foods are predominantly one food source such as oil. Others all three food groups, e.g. milk contains some carbohydrate (sugars), fats and proteins.

Carbohydrates (Carbs) are foods predominantly derived from plant sources (i.e. originated from the ground). Carbs are a good source of energy and provides the brain with thinking fuel.

The Right Balance

Proteins 20-30%

Fats 20-30%



Oil is 100% Fat

Milk is part Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat

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Examples include: sugar, jams, bread, flour, pastas, rice, all fruit, all vegetables and alcohol. In essence, your body receives sugar from jam, as it does from pasta and fruit. All carbohydrates provides the body with glucose and energy. Your body breaks down carbohydrates into a common basic unit called glucose. There are six different forms of glucose (or sugar) and you may be mindful of some of them: fructose, galactose, sucrose and maltose. Carbohydrates are used, in the first instance to provide your body with energy. The amount of energy generated by 1 gram of glucose is 4 Calories (Cals) or 16 Kilojoules (KJs). One teaspoon is 5 grams. Therefore 1 teaspoon of sugar contains 5 x 4 = 20 calories, or 5 x 16 = 80 KJs. If you consume more sugar (energy giving foods) than your body requires at any given time (or as your blood sugar starts to rise, after eating a carbohydrate source), glucose converts to glycogen where it is packaged and stored in the muscles, liver and spleen. If your blood sugar spikes too quickly “lipogenesis” is activated which is the process of making fat. Therefore it is important not to consume excessive carbohydrates unless you burn them otherwise carbs will turn to fat. Therefore excessive sugar consumption often leads to problems with insulin levels and obesity. For example, you don’t require a bowl of energy giving pasta if you are about to sit down to computer work. Match your food intake to your predicted output to avoid switching on lipogenesis (or fat making).

Vegetables are an excellent source of Fibre and Carbohydrates

Grains should be reserved for young active adults or athletes exercising at least 2 hours a day.

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You should consume no more than 40-50% of your daily energy needs derived from carbohydrates. If you are exercising more than 2 hours a day, this may increase to 55-60% as carbohydrates are necessary for endurance exercise and training. This is not recommended for office workers or regular jobs. Fibre is the indigestible part of carbohydrates, called cellulose. It adds bulk and weight to faeces and aids cholesterol reduction. I.e. it adds weight assisting bowel motions. . Alcohol is considered a carbohydrate providing more energy (more calories/Kj) than standard carbohydrates. Alcohol contains 7 calories (28 Kj) per gram. Calories from alcohol are “empty”, lacking in nutrients and high in terms of calories/kilojoules. The exception is Stout, which is considered a good source of protein. In excess alcohol is converted into fat by the body, hence the adage beer belly.

Activity: What facts have you learned about carbohydrates for you to

consider adjusting your diet consumption?

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Notes: Proteins

Proteins are generally animal products or produced by animals (e.g. milk, eggs). However beans, legumes, tofu and nuts are also high in protein and for many vegetarians their preferred primary source of protein intake. The basic unit of protein are called amino acids. Some amino acids are made by the body and others are not. Those that are not are called essential amino acids and need to be consumed for a healthy, balanced diet. This is crucial for vegetarians as they may be lacking essential amino acids, primarily contained in meat..

You should aim to consume 25-30% of your daily calorie intake from Proteins. This is particularly critical for growing or lean bodies. Proteins (amino acids) build new tissue (important for body builders and people seeking increased strength and power); repair tears, injuries and develop regulators in the body such as neurotransmitters and increases the body’s immune system. Your body does not use proteins for energy in the first instance. However, if your body is starved as a result of exhausting all available glucose and glycogen and you have low fat stores, it will use muscle (protein) for energy. When this happens

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you end up with muscle wasting and this is considered catabolic metabolism which is against growth (anabolism) which is much more beneficial Ideally you want to retain optimum any muscle mass, as this is one of the most effective anti-ageing strategies. Muscle wastage occurs during famines. You may recall pictures of prisoners of war who look emaciated – all skin and bones. This is because their muscle is the last remaining fuel source available for the body to draw on for energy from. This can be avoided every day by consuming nutritious food sources and protein.

Activity: What sources of protein do you eat regularly? Do you include

essential amino acids in your diet? If not, what adjustments in your diet

would you consider?

Notes: Fats

Fats are used in your body for a variety of purposes. Fats are necessary for making the “cell membrane” ring. All body cells are surrounded by a ring of fat to ensure

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you are insulated, warm and protect all organs (for example your heart and kidneys to prevent any trauma as you walk and run). Fats contain the fat-soluble vitamins e.g. Vitamin A, D, E, K. By not consuming fats, you avoid these vitamins and the substantially negative effects on your health. Fats assist foods tasting good and create a delicious and addictive smooth texture. Sources of fats include: oils, butter, margarine, hidden fats (like in meat) nuts, cream and ice cream. Fats are often considered a precursor to weight gain. However the main problem is eating too many carbohydrates. In fact some fats aids in weight loss! Fats are either saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fats are derived from animal sources (e.g. pork crackling) and palm oil. They are solid at room temperature and challenging for the body to break down. Saturated fats are associated with a higher incidences of heart disease, mature onset diabetes and other degenerative diseases. Conversely, unsaturated fats are beneficial to eat. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are fats your body is unable to produce therefore an essential diet requirement. There are two types of EFAs: linoleic and alpha linoleic oil referred to as Omega 3s assisting the prevention of heart disease, depression and arthritis. Sources of foods rich in Omega 3 include flaxseed oil, olive and sesame oils (generally all plant and nut oils), and fish oils mainly in deep sea fish, including sardines, tuna and salmon. These fats are liquid at room temperature.

You should aim to derive less than 30% of your daily calorie needs from fats.

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Activity: Do you eat more saturated than unsaturated fat? If so, consider

how you can shift this balance?

Activity: How much do you know about sugar? Complete the quiz below.

1 Sugar is necessary for the body to function

True or false?

2 Sugar is best consumed on its own

True or false?

3 Sugar provides energy

True or false?

4 Brown sugar is healthy, white sugar isn’t

True or false?

5 Sugar is labelled on all packaging and cans

True or false?

6 Chocolate contains more sugar than a cola drink

True or false?

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Answers following....

1. False. Our body needs sugar, or carbohydrate from other foods to create and

sustain energy.

2. False. Sugar and carbohydrates generally are best consumed with protein.

3. True. We can acquire a quick energy ‘fix’ from sugar but generally it isn’t long

lasting. Sugar causes insulin levels to spike and can lead to insulin resistance later

on. There are more effective ways to increase our energy levels.

4. False. Although genuine brown sugar (molasses and similar) are considered

healthier than white sugar, the truth is that many forms of white sugar

masquerade as brown sugar (due to colouring and additives).

5. False. Sugar isn’t always labelled accurately or clearly (to be discussed further

later). Food manufacturers use various terms to substitute the word sugar.

6. Partially True & partially False. It depends on how much cocoa and sugar

contained in the chocolate. Dark chocolate is bitter tasting and has very little

sugar, while the cheaper chocolate brands are often high in sugar content. A cola

drink typically contains a lot of sugar ( 6 or 7 teaspoons) and the diet variations

aren’t necessarily any better. Therefore it is worth considering filtered water as

an alternative.

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Video: Food sources reviewed

Video: Foods and blood sugar levels


Notes: Sugar and the Body

Most natural sugars are wrapped in other foods reducing the impact on our

bodies. Consider an apple or orange. It’s sweet, but you chew on the texture of

the fruit which contains bulk or fibre which is filling. Contrast this with refined

sugar. It doesn’t offer any fibre or bulk so there’s nothing to signal when to stop

eating and more likely to feel ill before feeling full.

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The Body’s Feedback:

Refined sugar Whole or unprocessed foods

Generally our bodies don’t signify if we are consuming too much sugar, so a

conscious decision must apply . This learning process reflects the essence of this

workbook. Sugar is contained in a variety of foods we consume daily, even

‘savoury’ foods including ketchup and sauces, as well as cakes and biscuits. We

are accustomed to the taste of sugar and therefore expect the desired taste

without evening noticing our excessive sugar consumption.

Activity: Nominate ways you research the amount of sugar you consume


I read food packaging labels.

I read drink packaging labels.

I count the number of sugar spoonfuls I put in hot drinks e.g. coffee and tea.

I estimate how much sugar in desserts, cakes etc.

I count the number of sugary snacks I eat e.g. chocolates, sweets

I am aware of foods with higher glycaemic content than others

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Notes: Are you insulin resistant?

Study the chart below. It reflects a vicious cycle. You feel hungry and tired so you

eat sugar for an energy boost. This produces insulin , but your body cells built

become resistance to insulin, so the excess sugar is stored as fat, which in turn,

makes you resistant to exercising, which results in you feeling hungry and tired.

And so the whole cycle is re-ignited and begins again. It is important to be aware

of insulin resistance, as it is a precursor to developing Type 2 diabetes if not

detected early.

A diagnostic blood test or glucose challenge will identify insulin resistance.


Insulin Resistance

Eat Sugar

Make insulin

Cells resist


Sugar is stored as


Feel hungry

and tired

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Activity: Insulin Resistance

Many people become insulin resistant, especially as we mature. The body

produces Insulin as a result of eating carbohydrates, particularly sugar. Medical

tests can identify insulin resistance. The following concerns and habits highlight if

you are potentially at risk:

The following are a concern Serious Not serious

Weight gain I am unable to shift

Carrying excessive weight around the belly area

Food cravings, particularly for something sweet

Food binges

Poor sleep, no energy

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, PMS or menopause

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Constantly tired and hungry

Score 2 points for a serious concern and 1 for not serious. If your score is more

than 10, further investigation should transpire. If between 4 and 10 points, it

would be helpful if you acquired a heightened ‘sugar awareness’. Less than 4

points, it is unlikely to be any concern at this juncture but may escalate later in


Activity: hidden sugars

How much ‘hidden sugar’ are you eating daily?

Sugar is in many processed foods. Sugar is referred to in a variety of names and

descriptions. Are you aware of these? Are you able to identify them on food

labelling? Test your knowledge in this quiz.

Circle names which mean sugar

Barley Malt Glucose Maltose

Brown Sugar Grape Sugar Mannitol

Cane Sugar Grape Sweetener Maple Syrup

Corn Sweetener High Fructose corn syrup Sorghum

Corn Syrup Honey Sorbitol

Dextrose Inverted Sugar Sucrose

Fructose Lactose Sugar

All the above examples are sugar!

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Notes: Glycaemic Index

The rate a carbohydrate raises insulin is called the Glycaemic Index (GI). It is measured against glucose, which has a rating of 100. Glycaemic indices of carbohydrates are rated out of 100. Carbohydrate Table and associated Glycaemic Index

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Carbs listed in the red zone should be considered less than Carbs in the green zone for your meal plan as it is preferred to consume lower glycaemic index foods. A snapshot of low GI foods at mealtimes are: Breakfast –porridge with apple pieces & soy milk Morning tea – small handful of walnuts and an apple Lunch – salad with salmon Dinner – roast chicken with peas and roasted carrots Healthy Snacks – berries with LSA OR a vegetarian menu example: Breakfast –scrambled tofu, mushrooms and tomato Morning tea – small handful of almonds Lunch – salad with quinoa and legumes Dinner – chilli con carne with cannelloni beans Healthy Snacks – coconut ice cream and almonds

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Notes: Food Labels

Below is a label from a tin of pink salmon. Labelling has improved in recent years, however reading the ingredients is advised.

Nutritional information

Servings per package 4

Serving size 79g drained mass

Qty per 79g

Qty per 100g

energy 476Kj 603Kj

protein 18.1g 22.9g Fat, total 4.5g 5.7g

- saturated 1.0g 1.3g - trans <0.1g <0.1g

- polyunsaturated 1.5g 1.9g - omega 3 1.2g 1.5g

+ EPA 455mg 575mg

+ DHA 570mg 725mg - monounsaturated

2.0g 2.5g

carbohydrate <1.0g <1.0g

- sugars <1.0g <1.0g

sodium 410mg 515mg

potassium 245mg 310mg

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Things to note: Servings per package: this tells you how many serves are found in each tin/package. In this example there are 4. Serving size: is the weight/amount constituting one serving. In this case 79g. Qty per serve: is a breakdown as it applies to each serve (defined above) Qty per 100g: this is an effective way to judge foods as 100g is represents 100%. Protein = 22.8g per 100g means the products is 22.8% protein. Energy: refers to how many kilojoules the food provides. Sometimes this is cited in calories, but the more recent measure is kilojoules (approx 4 Kj = 1 calorie) Protein: how much protein in each 100g serve. Anything above 10g (or 10%) is a good protein source. You should aim for 80-110g of protein per day with zone. Fats, total: (this index is generally not as well broken down as this label). It is useful to know the Omega 3 foods. Fish (caught in the wild are a great source of Omega 3s) and drained of their Omega 3 to create fish oil tablets. If you are sourcing Omega 3 from tinned/packaged fish be mindful of the alternative. This example is particularly high in Omega 3. Carbohydrates: illustrates how much the product is carbohydrate (or sugar). Sometimes products highlight their GI (glycaemic Index). This refers to how quickly the carbohydrate in the product morphs into sugar. A high GI (>55) becomes sugar very quickly, a lower GI is slower and therefore healthier.

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Sodium: indicates salt content. Daily limits are 2400mg in Australia. If you have kidney disease or high blood pressure you should aim for less than 1500mg per day. Potassium: this label refers to potassium levels. Some labels refer to Magnesium, and other minerals found in the food. Ingredients List This list outlines everything incorporated to prepare the food. Preservatives, chemicals, artificial flavors, colours etc.. should be declared within this list. A word of caution. Some companies use ambiguous words to avoid transparency in their labeling. For example in lieu of writing “621” they cite monosodium glutamate or flavour enhancer. Monosodium glutamate is used to enhance flavour in foods, particularly take-aways and savory chips. It has been linked to asthma attacks and death, as well as headaches, dry mouth and a causative factor of nightmares. The ingredients list indicates the most dominant food first and all remaining contents in descending order. In this example only pink salmon and salt were used. If you are seeking additional information about additives or other food packaging labeling the following websites are useful recommended resource: www.foodstandards.gov.au and www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info

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Activity: Do you typically read food labels? YES/NO

If not, what would motivate you to do so?

Do you think it is valuable knowing how much sugar (and other substances) you are consuming? Why?

Do you tire easily? Is there a pattern with your tiredness and sugar consumption?

Notes: Food and Energy

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Many people struggle with their relationship with food. From anorexic models promoting stick-thin figures to chemically engineered processed foods tempting us to eat it more. It’s no doubt it’s challenging! Hidden sugar plays a pivotal role in chemical engineering so becoming savvy about reading and assessing labels is critical. Equally important is identifying ways to increase your energy levels than via a short-term sugar fix. Sugar and stress are often associated. People create bad habits with sugar due to unresolved stress and feelings of constant tiredness and seeking an instant energy boost. Some of the primary reasons people eat too much sugar and possible solutions summarised:

Becoming accustomed to the taste and eating sugar becomes habitual

Enlighten Your Taste Buds, use fresh herbs, hot and cold foods, lemon or lime

Experiencing feelings difficult to process and substituting sugar as a form of relaxant

Complete the quiz to identify if you are an emotional eater and complete the simple experiment

Seeking instant energy

Natural Alternatives to a Sugar Fix

Video: Gluten explained


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Notes: Gluten Intolerance

As discussed in the video, gluten is a protein molecule (correctly called the gliand fraction) found on the exterior of certain grains including wheat, rye, barley and oats. People have an intolerance to these grains or an allergic reaction. Gluten intolerant symptoms encompass bloating, gas, sometimes reflux and variable stools – diarrhoea, constipation as well as more severe allergic reactions causing severe stomach cramps and low energy levels due to low iron absorption. When the immune system is activated an auto-immune condition may be triggered. There are numerous auto-immune conditions including Coeliac’s Disease. An allergy or boost to the immune system sometimes triggers the body to turn on itself, fighting “good” cells within your small intestine. This is why the resultant damage from coeliac disorder is serious as it decreases the body’s ability to absorb valuable nutrients such as iron and calcium.

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As mentioned in the video, latent symptoms of gluten allergy include anaemia (low iron levels) and calcium deficiency. You Tube features a very good gluten intolerance explanation from Dr Rodney Ford. Refer to the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBTyZtpHOno (to open the link use your mouse and hold down the left side and highlight the link and press Ctrl C. This will open your web browser. Place the cursor in the “web address section” and Push Ctrl V and this will paste the link for activation). Dr Rodney Ford is a Sydney-based paediatric gastroenterologist. Search other clips on You Tube to review his work and his reader-friendly books, highly recommended for parents with children suffering from gluten intolerances or allergies. Notes

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Activity: Are You Sensitive to Gluten?

Fill in the Health Queen Gluten Sensitivity Questionnaire (HQGSQ). This is not a diagnostic tool, but outlines a few possible precursors.

0 = never 1 = rarely 2 = 3-6 times a week

3 = Several times a day

Excessive belching, burping and/or bloating

Flatulence immediately following meals

Lasting Indigestion and fullness

Excessive flatulence and bloating

Abdominal cramping, aches and pains

Specific foods and beverages aggravating indigestion and bloating

Roughage or fibre cause constipation

Stool – undigested food present

Stool – yellowish, strong stench

Painful, uncomfortable bowel movements

Bright red blood

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following bowel movement

Crave sugar/breads/sweets or alcohol

Frequent or urgent urination

Bad breath and/or body odour

Headaches or migraines

Behaviour problems or mood swings

Pimples or acne Eczema or psoriasis

If you have 10 or more points, you could have a gluten intolerance or allergy.

Notes: How do prepare meals that are gluten free?

Simple! The key is to prepare yourself to cook from raw ingredients and generally the less cooking or altering, the better. For example, from garden to plate, or farm to plate is ideal. This means basic meals incorporating meat + vegetables or salad, stir-fries, soups and roasts. There is little scope for elaborate creamy sauces, crumbed meats, thickeners etc. Desserts need to be fresh and basic too, like berries, apples and nuts.

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Examples of gluten-free meals: Breakfasts:

Scrambled eggs


Mushrooms, tomatoes and beans


Polenta Snacks:

Apples + nuts

Hummus + rice cakes

Cheese + crackers

Seeds plus fruit


Salad and meat

Stir fries with meat + vegetables

R ice dishes

Steamed vegetables and fish Notes

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2. Assess Your Eating Habits Are you an Emotional Eater?

People often eat not because they are hungry but because they have feelings that are difficult to process. An example of this might be someone who is angry but avoids conflict. So instead she substitutes venting with eating. to suppress her feelings of anger (temporarily). This masquerade creates many problems. Signs you are an emotional eater include:

You have a weight problem

You find it difficult to stick to a diet

You are sluggish in the mornings

You have food cravings e.g. sugar, chocolate

You know you should exercise but you’d rather snack instead.

You binge eat

You hide your eating habits (eg sneaking into the pantry) But the most important emotional eater sign is how you feel. You are likely to:

1. Experience mood swings 2. Feel depressed or anxious 3. Lack energy 4. Suffer from low self-esteem 5. Feel angry or resentful 6. Feel guilty after eating

Eating the wrong foods can significantly alter your hormonal balance; therefore critical to address.

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Activity: Are you an emotional eater? Which if the above apply to you?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to more than three of the above category, then it is likely you are an emotional eater. This equates to people using food to control or suppress feelings. If you are answered ‘yes’ to more than six questions, then medically consultation is recommended.. I am inviting you to try an experiment and request that you are completely transparent declaring your food consumption and answer the associated questions specifically – this will facilitate greater insights to any emotional eating patterns.

Activity: Foods and Emotions

Before and after you eat, over the next three days, fill in a food and feeling diary. Eat regularly, whilst recording what you are feeling prior to eating and following. Day 1

What I ate How I felt before How I felt after

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Day 2

What I ate How I felt before How I felt after

Day 3 What I ate How I felt before How I felt after

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Consider the following to identify conclusions:

1. Did you experience any emotional changes or shift in your energy levels as a result of eating? If so, describe the feelings you experienced clearly?

2. Did you notice you felt hungry after feeling emotional in relation to an

issue? If you sense a correlation, describe it?

3. What did you learn, if anything, about your relationship with food as a result of recording your feelings before and after you ate certain foods?

4. What adjustments would you be willing to implement immediately to facilitate more positive and healthier eating habits? Be specific and provide measurable actions, for example: Instead of eating an entire packet of chips I will tip a handful into a bowl and refrain from anymore.

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3. Eat To Nourish Kick Start your taste buds

Many people have become used to the taste of sugar and gluten without noticing. The best way to kick start your taste buds is to shower them with freshly prepared whole foods. Plan a week of menus around simple vegetables, fruits, fish, meat (if you eat meat), nuts, pulses and grains. Eat raw as much as possible or lightly steamed. Add ½ cup of herbs to your meals and fill up on salads first. Load your plate with all the colours of the rainbow – the more natural colour the better. Did you know carrots came in so many different varieties and shades?

Consider rice alternatives to gluten products (rice pasta, quinoa, brown rice) or cease grains altogether. You will consume enough fibre from vegetables and 1-2 pieces of fruit a day. By the end of the week you will harness a revitalized palate and no longer crave sugary laden foods. A little sugar will only serve as a great treat! Natural Alternatives to the Sugar Fix

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Exercise Regular exercise is one of the best alternatives to sugar and creates energy. Plan aerobic and anaerobic exercise if possible and invite a friend to join you – more fun and motivational! Remember, if you have the ability to manifest a sugar habit, you can also create healthy habits.

Healthy Food Eat low GI snacks & meals. Plan your meals and prepare healthy snacks for those low energy moments.

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Activity: Fill in each leaf with something you are prepared to implement

towards attaining more energy, without sugar.

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Notes: 7 Reasons People Don’t Lose Fat.

There are a plethora of reasons why people don’t lose fat. I consider dieting

unnecessary and short term but instead advocate creating better eating

choices daily. If you wish to lose fat and become leaner, ensure you have a

clear goal to motivate you, a timeframe for specific measurable results and

your commitment is clear and concise to avoid the yo-yo lose-gain-lose-

gain cycle.

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The 8 week Eating Plans that go with this program are to resensitise your

palate, help you fall in love with food again and to lose some weight.

The optimum premise to eating correctly, is a relaxed and happy state and

settled before we eat. Fall in love with food supplying your body with

nutrients aiding your longevity and well-being.

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4. Establish Your Eating Plan

Notes: Eat Breakfast like a QUEEN, lunch like a PRINCESS and dinner

like a LADY.

Plan your breakfast as the largest meal of the day. This is when you need optimum energy to get you through the day ahead. I eat salads and a good source of protein. Regularly my breakfast is at 10am when I feel hungry! Ensure lunch is your second-largest daily meal. If you enjoy carbs ( grainy/rye bread, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, etc) and are trying to lose weight, make lunch your last carbohydrates meal. Dinner should be the smallest daily meal since you don’t burn much energy sleeping. Some people use a side plate in lieu of a dinner plate to control the portion of their dinner meal and their hunger remains satisfied. If you are experiencing more than three meals a day, apply these principles ensuring your larger meals for the morning leading towards your last meal the smallest.

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Notes: Brilliant Breakfasts

Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism eg breaking the fast and provides the energy for the day ahead. Without breakfast your body runs on empty, not unlike a car with no fuel. Tips to start your day:

On waking – quarter to half a fresh lemon in a glass of warm water

Fresh vegetable & fruit juice e.g. carrot, celery, beetroot, apple

Rolled oats/porridge with skim/soy milk, fruit and LSA mix

Smoothie – skim or soy milk, natural yoghurt, half a cup of berries, add

protein powder if you like, blend together & enjoy

Rye toast with avocado and tomato

Wholegrain toast and poached or scrambled eggs

Hot cook up with chicken fillet or fish and vegetables

Miso soup and salad

Breakfast burrito – mountain bread wrap with boiled/scrambled egg,

tomato, avocado and spinach.

Activity: Jot down some breakfast ideas you would consider

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Notes: Fun and Funky Lunches

Do you find it challenging, frustrating and maybe overwhelming to find healthy affordable snacks and lunches you actually feel like eating around lunch time? Important considerations for a FUN and FUNKY lunch are:

a. Convenience b. Palatability c. Cost-effective d. Healthy

When shopping there are limited items on aisle shelves encompassing the above. If you are a parent we owe our children a healthy start through nutritious food and lead by example, as children mimic our eating habits. 5 steps to preparing a healthy lunch: 1. Buy all the things you need for the week on a Sat/Sun 2. Prepare all lunches on a Sunday night (it will only take an hour – as opposed to an hour every night) 3. Freeze lunches and place in separate containers before freezing 4. Allow one day a week for a treat (eg, scroll, pizza slice etc)

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5. Keep it simple and repetitive – if the menu is healthy and you love it, don’t vary it. Some lunch suggestions: Lunches

Sandwiches (rye, multigrain or non-wheat much better than white)


Tuna bake




Ploughman’s lunch (make an attractive lunch with celery and carrot sticks, cheese cubes, ham or chicken breast and dollop of mayonnaise)

Celery with philly cheese

Fruit salad Snack Ideas

Nuts (almonds, pecan nuts, walnuts, macadamias)

Seeds (sunflower, pepitas, sesame)

Date logs or natural fruit logs (watch for colours though)

Rice crackers and cheese

Cheese sticks

Boiled eggs



Bliss balls

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Activity: Write down some lunch ideas you are willing to try

Notes: Delicious Dinners

As cited earlier, dinner should be your smallest daily meal. Dinners

Chicken/lamb/beef stir-fry with vegetables

Grilled fish and salad with toasted almonds

Chicken/lamb/beef curry with vegetables

Lean steak and steamed vegetables or salad

Beef and vegetable kebabs (on a stick) with salad

Chicken and vegetable casserole

Tuna and vegetable frittata

San Choi Bow

Vegetable soup

Salmon patties and salad

Prawn and vegetable stir-fry

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If you are cooking for others not reducing their carbohydrates intake, add pasta, rice, bread, potato etc to tailor each meal. This avoids cooking separate meals. Keep it simple and healthy!

Activity: Write down dinner ideas you are willing to consider and how

you will modify cater for other family members.

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Notes: An example of my daily meal plan.

MON Breakfast Rye toast with boiled egg

Snack Rice crackers and avocado Lunch Casserole leftovers

Snack Handful of nuts

Dinner Chicken and vegetable stir fry Snack Yoghurt with LSA mix


Breakfast Porridge with banana Snack Half a protein bar

Lunch Tinned tuna and salad Snack Boiled egg

Dinner Steamed chicken breast and vegetables

Snack Yoghurt with LSA mix WED Breakfast Rye toast with poached egg and avocado

Snack Apple and almonds Lunch Steamed chicken breast and salad wrap

Snack Bliss ball Dinner Bolognese mince & vegetables (on salad not pasta)

Snack Half protein bar

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THURS Breakfast Muesli with banana and strawberries

Snack Half protein bar

Lunch Bolognese mince and vegetables Snack Handful of nuts

Dinner BBQ marinated steak Snack Hot chocolate (cocoa & stevia) with rice milk


Breakfast Porridge with banana Snack Protein shake

Lunch Steak and salad wrap

Snack Handful of nuts Dinner Fish parcels and salad

Snack Yoghurt with LSA mix SAT Breakfast Rye toast with poached eggs, tomato and mushrooms

Snack Half tub greek yoghurt with berries

Lunch Casserole leftovers Snack Handful of nuts

Dinner Lamb and vegetable curry Snack Hot chocolate (cocoa & stevia) with rice milk


Breakfast Porridge with banana Snack Date log

Lunch Casserole leftovers

Snack Boiled egg Dinner Tuna and vegetable frittata

Snack Yoghurt with LSA mix

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Activity: Create your own EAT YOURSELF LEAN Eating Plan!

MON Breakfast

Snack Lunch


Dinner Snack


Breakfast Snack


Snack Dinner


WED Breakfast

Snack Lunch


Dinner Snack

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THURS Breakfast


Lunch Snack

Dinner Snack


Breakfast Snack


Snack Dinner

Snack SAT Breakfast


Lunch Snack

Dinner Snack


Breakfast Snack


Snack Dinner


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Activity: Time to write your EAT YOURSELF LEAN Shopping List & drop

into your local supermarket/farmers markets to prepare delicious,

nutritious options when hunger strikes. Think FRESH.

Examples of Ingredients to help you get started: Breakfast

- Eggs (free-range best)

- 100% Rye bread

- Bananas, strawberries, rock melon

- Tomato, mushrooms, avocado

- Rolled oats

- Milk (skim, rice, almond, soy etc)

Snacks - Brazil nuts, macadamias, almonds

- Greek/natural yoghurt

- LSA (Linseed, Sunflower Seed, Almond) mix

- Apples

- Frozen berries

- Protein bars

- Cocoa & Stevia natural sweetener


- Mountain bread wraps

- Tinned tuna (John West is recommended)

- Spinach/rocket/lettuce – whatever you prefer

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- Carrot, beetroot, cabbage salad mix (or make your own)


- Chicken breast

- Lean steak

- Extra lean mince

- Lamb

- Fish

- Assorted vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, pumpkin,

zucchini, squash, green beans, capsicum, mushrooms etc

Condiments & flavours: To make food tasty, some basic ideas:

- Good oils: olive oil, avocado oil

- Good oil for cooking at high temperatures: coconut oil

- Balsamic vinegar, garlic, onion, shallots, lemon juice, ginger, soy

sauce, honey

- Fresh herbs: basil, coriander, chives, mint

- Spices: Turmeric, cumin, fennel seeds,

- Toasted nuts (almonds, pine nuts), seeds

- Sea salt and cracked pepper

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My commitment to change The steps towards providing yourself with the BEST nutrition possible are imminent. Complete a commitment to change and continually improve foods you consume to move towards the best possible nourishment. I _____________________________ (your name) declare on this day ____________________________________ in the year 20____ I will be mindful about eating, select only the best food for myself and family and nurture myself with an array of variety. Signed __________________________________ Working through the Eat Yourself Lean Workbook has probably been

challenging, especially if you need to make adjustments to your eating habits.

Sugar is built into our culture and it is a challenge to avoid it. However the

significant health gains by limiting sugar are substantial as are the benefits of

enhancing your energy levels, better weight control and reduced mood swings.

Understanding the way sugar impacts the body (creating insulin) and accepting

hidden sugars in processed foods is a commendable step forward, as is

implementing a few simple daily habits. It takes about thirty days for any new

activity or routine to become habitual, so allow a month to work towards

achieving your strategies.

Continue your journey to learning about fresh and healthy eating ideas. Flick

through at recipe books, use the internet, talk to friends about healthy recipe

ideas. Discovering is insightful!

Next week we address Maintaining the Momentum. To recap we have covered four core areas: Achieve Hormone Happiness, Address the Stress, Release the

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Tension and Eat Yourself Lean. It is time to explore how to maintain hormonal harmony and ultimately being a Happy Female in Program 5. Maintain the Momentum, also evaluates goal setting and tactical action plans. My goal is to introduce permanent change in your life for a better quality of life, and if you go off your path, harness the ability to seamlessly get back on track.