weight loss diets – avoiding the fad diets

Weight Loss Diets – Avoiding The FAD Diets Weight loss requires a sound nutritional plan if you truly hope to achieve success over the long‐run. It is said that nutrition accounts for approximately 90% of your overall success, so it’s important to stay away from diets that aren’t going to help you out in the long‐term. Here are 3 of the popular mainstream diet strategies that are hurting your potential to lose weight and keep it off: 1. Extremely low carbohydrates Carbohydrates are an important nutrient required for proper brain function, keeping the metabolism stimulated, and keeping energy levels high. On top of these amazing benefits, without adequate carbohydrates you cannot properly fuel your workouts, thus hurting your ability to lose weight. Any diet plan that requires a very low carbohydrate plan along with high‐fat suggests a flawed plan that will only work temporarily and is not right for long‐term success. 2. Foodless dieting They are all over the place, diets that “cleanse” and promise to help you lose weight through drinking fluids only. This may seem appealing because of the fast weight loss it promises. When you see diet strategies that make big promises you must ask yourself if the plan is something you can maintain long‐term. If you cannot maintain a diet strategy for the long‐run then it is a diet program to avoid. 3. Non‐food diet strategies There are some strategies out there that are not even food related but promise quick fat‐loss, such as diet pills, creams, and flushes. While some of these products may produce temporary benefits, they are not a solution for an overall healthy lifestyle and diet. If you want to learn the real secrets to fast and long‐lasting weight loss, you must learn to use the right exercises combined with sound diet strategies that you can sustain over the long‐run. Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new weight loss guide called "Fat Loss Blueprint" Get it FREE here: Fat Loss Blueprint

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Weight loss diets – avoiding the fad diets

Weight Loss Diets – Avoiding The FAD Diets 

Weight loss requires a sound nutritional plan if you truly hope to achieve success over the long‐run.  It is said that nutrition accounts for approximately 90% of your overall success, so it’s important to stay away from diets that aren’t going to help you out in the long‐term. 

Here are 3 of the popular mainstream diet strategies that are hurting your potential to lose weight and keep it off: 

1. Extremely low carbohydrates 

Carbohydrates are an important nutrient required for proper brain function, keeping the metabolism stimulated, and keeping energy levels high.  On top of these amazing benefits, without adequate carbohydrates you cannot properly fuel your workouts, thus hurting your ability to lose weight.  Any diet plan that requires a very low carbohydrate plan along with high‐fat suggests a flawed plan that will only work temporarily and is not right for long‐term success. 

2. Foodless dieting 

They are all over the place, diets that “cleanse” and promise to help you lose weight through drinking fluids only.  This may seem appealing because of the fast weight loss it promises.  When you see diet strategies that make big promises you must ask yourself if the plan is something you can maintain long‐term.  If you cannot maintain a diet strategy for the long‐run then it is a diet program to avoid. 

3. Non‐food diet strategies 

There are some strategies out there that are not even food related but promise quick fat‐loss, such as diet pills, creams, and flushes.  While some of these products may produce temporary benefits, they are not a solution for an overall healthy lifestyle and diet. 

If you want to learn the real secrets to fast and long‐lasting weight loss, you must learn to use the right exercises combined with sound diet strategies that you can sustain over the long‐run.   

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new weight loss guide called "Fat Loss Blueprint" Get it FREE here: Fat Loss Blueprint