weight gain with clozapine compared to first generation

Weight Gain With Clozapine Compared to First Generation Antipsychotic Medications by Nancy H. Coveli, Ellen M. Weissman, and Susan M. Essock Abstract Few studies have examined gender differences in the propensity to gain weight on clozapine. Weight gain increases risk for many medical illnesses and is of par- ticular concern for people with schizophrenia who are more overweight than the general population. Long- stay patients in Connecticut state hospitals were ran- domly assigned to switch to open-label treatment with clozapine (n = 138) or to continue receiving first gener- ation (conventional) antipsychotic medications (n = 89). Using survival and random regression models, we examined percentage of body weight gained during 2 years for patients assigned to clozapine versus those who continued taking first generation antipsychotic medications. We also examined the impact of gender on weight gain. Patients who switched to clozapine gained a greater percentage of weight (13 pounds, 7%) than did patients remaining on first generation med- ications (5 pounds, 4%) at the end of 2 years. Normal- weight patients on clozapine were more likely to become obese (body mass index [BMI] ^ 30). Patients gained weight whether they switched to clozapine or remained on first generation antipsychotic medica- tions, but weight gain was significantly greater (1 BMI unit) in the clozapine-treated group, particularly among women. Keywords: Clozapine, weight gain, antipsychotic medication, gender, conventional antipsychotic Schizophrenia Bulletin, 30(2): 229-240,2004. Weight gain is associated with most first generation (i.e., older or so-called conventional) antipsychotic medica- tions (Doss 1979; Harris and Eth 1981; Bernstein 1987; Brady 1989) and second generation (so-called atypical) antipsychotic agents (Casey 1996; Brown et al. 1999; Tollefson and Kuntz 1999). Of the second generation antipsychotic medications, there is evidence that cloza- pine and olanzapine may produce the most weight gain (Sussman 2001; Vanina et al. 2002). In a meta-analysis, Allison et al. (1999£>) calculated standardized weight gain after 10 weeks of treatment with various antipsy- chotic medications at standard doses using a random effects model and found the following: clozapine 4.45 kg gain, olanzapine 4.15 kg gain, sertindole 2.92 kg gain, risperidone 2.10 kg gain, and ziprasidone 0.04 kg gain. Among first generation agents, thioridazine/mesoridazine was associated with the greatest weight gain, 3.19 kg, and haloperidol, 1.08 kg; molindone was associated with 0.39 kg weight loss. Placebo-treated patients lost 0.74 kg. Converging evidence from studies using a variety of designs demonstrates a strong association between cloza- pine treatment and weight gain. These include nonexperi- mental studies (Cohen et al. 1990; Lamberti et al. 1992; Leadbetter et al. 1992; Umbricht et al. 1994; Heimberg et al. 1995; Frankenburg et al. 1998; Spivak et al. 1999; Henderson et al. 2000; Simpson et al. 2001), prospective studies using clinically based assignment to clozapine or other antipsychotic medications (Hummer et al. 1995; Kraus et al. 1999), and double-blind randomized con- trolled trials (Bustillo et al. 19%; Wirshing et al. 1999). Methodological issues determine the inferences we can draw from existing studies. Nonexperimental studies that lack comparison groups do not establish whether the weight gain associated with clozapine is greater than that associated with other antipsychotic medications or greater than that expected over time alone. In prospective studies examining outcomes associated with treatments selected by the prescriber (rather than random assignment to treat- ment condition), differences may result from selection bias (i.e., differences in the patients selected for the differ- ent medications) rather than differences in the effective- ness of the medications themselves. On the other hand, double-blind randomized controlled trials have high inter- Send reprint requests to Nancy H. Covell, Ph.D., Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Research Division, 410 Capitol Avenue MS#14RSD, P.O. Box 341431, Hartford, CT 06134; [email protected] us. 229 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/schizophreniabulletin/article/30/2/229/1857124 by guest on 04 January 2022

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Weight Gain With Clozapine Compared to FirstGeneration Antipsychotic Medications

by Nancy H. Coveli, Ellen M. Weissman, and Susan M. Essock


Few studies have examined gender differences in thepropensity to gain weight on clozapine. Weight gainincreases risk for many medical illnesses and is of par-ticular concern for people with schizophrenia who aremore overweight than the general population. Long-stay patients in Connecticut state hospitals were ran-domly assigned to switch to open-label treatment withclozapine (n = 138) or to continue receiving first gener-ation (conventional) antipsychotic medications (n =89). Using survival and random regression models, weexamined percentage of body weight gained during 2years for patients assigned to clozapine versus thosewho continued taking first generation antipsychoticmedications. We also examined the impact of genderon weight gain. Patients who switched to clozapinegained a greater percentage of weight (13 pounds, 7%)than did patients remaining on first generation med-ications (5 pounds, 4%) at the end of 2 years. Normal-weight patients on clozapine were more likely tobecome obese (body mass index [BMI] ^ 30). Patientsgained weight whether they switched to clozapine orremained on first generation antipsychotic medica-tions, but weight gain was significantly greater (1 BMIunit) in the clozapine-treated group, particularlyamong women.

Keywords: Clozapine, weight gain, antipsychoticmedication, gender, conventional antipsychotic

Schizophrenia Bulletin, 30(2): 229-240,2004.

Weight gain is associated with most first generation (i.e.,older or so-called conventional) antipsychotic medica-tions (Doss 1979; Harris and Eth 1981; Bernstein 1987;Brady 1989) and second generation (so-called atypical)antipsychotic agents (Casey 1996; Brown et al. 1999;Tollefson and Kuntz 1999). Of the second generationantipsychotic medications, there is evidence that cloza-pine and olanzapine may produce the most weight gain(Sussman 2001; Vanina et al. 2002). In a meta-analysis,

Allison et al. (1999£>) calculated standardized weightgain after 10 weeks of treatment with various antipsy-chotic medications at standard doses using a randomeffects model and found the following: clozapine 4.45kg gain, olanzapine 4.15 kg gain, sertindole 2.92 kggain, risperidone 2.10 kg gain, and ziprasidone 0.04 kggain. Among first generation agents,thioridazine/mesoridazine was associated with thegreatest weight gain, 3.19 kg, and haloperidol, 1.08 kg;molindone was associated with 0.39 kg weight loss.Placebo-treated patients lost 0.74 kg.

Converging evidence from studies using a variety ofdesigns demonstrates a strong association between cloza-pine treatment and weight gain. These include nonexperi-mental studies (Cohen et al. 1990; Lamberti et al. 1992;Leadbetter et al. 1992; Umbricht et al. 1994; Heimberg etal. 1995; Frankenburg et al. 1998; Spivak et al. 1999;Henderson et al. 2000; Simpson et al. 2001), prospectivestudies using clinically based assignment to clozapine orother antipsychotic medications (Hummer et al. 1995;Kraus et al. 1999), and double-blind randomized con-trolled trials (Bustillo et al. 19%; Wirshing et al. 1999).Methodological issues determine the inferences we candraw from existing studies. Nonexperimental studies thatlack comparison groups do not establish whether theweight gain associated with clozapine is greater than thatassociated with other antipsychotic medications or greaterthan that expected over time alone. In prospective studiesexamining outcomes associated with treatments selectedby the prescriber (rather than random assignment to treat-ment condition), differences may result from selectionbias (i.e., differences in the patients selected for the differ-ent medications) rather than differences in the effective-ness of the medications themselves. On the other hand,double-blind randomized controlled trials have high inter-

Send reprint requests to Nancy H. Covell, Ph.D., ConnecticutDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services Research Division,410 Capitol Avenue MS#14RSD, P.O. Box 341431, Hartford, CT 06134;[email protected] us.



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Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004 N.H. Covell et al.

nal validity but may lack generalizability for clinical pop-ulations that have a broad range of comorbid psychiatricand medical conditions.

Together, the evidence suggests that patients takingclozapine are at increased risk of weight gain compared topatients taking other antipsychotic medications (exceptpossibly olanzapine). Few studies have examined whetherthis increased risk varies by gender. One study used clini-cally based decisions to assign individuals to a regular orrestricted diet and found that, among dieting and nondiet-ing inpatients taking clozapine, nondieting women gainedthe most weight during 6 months of clozapine treatment(13.5 pounds gained, n = 9), followed by nondieting men(4.5 pounds gained, n = 21), dieting women (1 poundgained, n = 5), and dieting men (16 pounds lost, n = 5)(Heimberg et al. 1995). Another study of 46 women and50 men who had been diagnosed with chronic schizophre-nia noted that weight increase while taking clozapine wasrelated to clinical response in female but not in malepatients, but it did not compare the relative weight gainfor men and women. Female responders (n = 17) gainedmore weight (24 vs. 9.5 pounds) than female nonrespon-ders (n = 29) (Bai et al. 1999).

Weight gain is problematic for patients with schizo-phrenia for several reasons. First, the most obvious con-cern about weight gain is an increase in health prob-lems, most notably cardiovascular problems (Kannel etal. 1996; Solomon and Manson 1997), including hyper-tension, coronary heart disease, and stroke (Bakx et al.1999; Kawachi 1999). Additionally, because a largerproportion of patients with schizophrenia smoketobacco compared to the general population (Dalack etal. 1998) and tobacco use also increases cardiovascularrisk (Jacobs et al. 1999; Price et al. 1999), weight gainrepresents a further increase of cardiovascular risk in analready high-risk cohort. Weight gain leading to over-weight and obesity increases risk for diabetes (Sakuraiet al. 1997; Solomon and Manson 1997; Kawachi1999).

A second concern about weight gain for patientsswitched to clozapine is that weight gain may present abarrier to medication adherence (Fleischhacker et al.1994). Being overweight may trigger patients' concernsabout appearance and health and may produce physicaldiscomfort. Patients who gain weight may also experiencepsychosocial stigma and discrimination (Kawachi 1999),and weight gain has been associated with reduced qualityof life (Allison et al. 2003). Some researchers have notedthat weight gain influences medication adherence(Fleischhacker et al. 1994). Medication nonadherence ispredictive of increased relapse rates (Weiden and Olfson1995). Increased relapse is associated with increased bur-den of illness on patients and their families and poorerlong-term outcome for patients, as well as greater eco-

nomic and social costs (e.g., more disruptive behaviors)(Weiden et al. 1997). Furthermore, overweight individualsappear to sustain greater costs for health care than do non-overweight individuals (Gorsky et al. 19%), perhaps as aconsequence of their increased risk for general healthproblems.

None of the studies cited above adequately addressthree important weight-related issues encountered whenprescribing clozapine in routine clinical practice. First,given that nearly all antipsychotic medications have thepotential to cause weight gain, do patients switched toclozapine gain significantly more weight than they wouldhave gained had they continued treatment with otherantipsychotic medications? Second, does gender play arole in susceptibility to clozapine-associated weight gain?Third, does baseline weight status influence susceptibilityto clozapine-associated weight gain?

The present study analyzed data from a randomizedclinical trial examining the cost-effectiveness of clozapinecompared to usual care among long-stay state hospitalpatients (Essock et al. 1996a, 1996Z», 2000). In this study,we examined differences in weight gain for patients ran-domly assigned to begin a trial of clozapine versus remainon the first generation medications typically used in statehospitals at the time of the randomized trial (hereafterreferred to as "usual care"). We also examined the effectof gender on weight gain during treatment with clozapineor usual care. The study has a hybrid design; it is a ran-domized open-label study conducted in a routine practicesetting. This design provides the advantages of randomassignment (e.g., no selection bias) while maintaining fea-tures of routine practice such as no exclusions based oncomorbid disorders or other illness features and no restric-tion on clinical decision making apart from the randomassignment to clozapine versus usual care, thus ensuringbroader generalizability.

MethodsSubjects and Procedures. All subjects were inpatientsin Connecticut's state hospitals. Subjects were eligibleto participate if they (1) had a chart diagnosis of schizo-phrenia or schizoaffective disorder, (2) had failed torespond to adequate trials on at least two differentantipsychotic medications, (3) had a current hospitaliza-tion of at least 4 months, (4) had been hospitalized forat least 2 of the 5 preceding years, and (5) had no med-ical contraindication to clozapine (a detailed descriptionof the eligibility and screening criteria and demographiccharacteristics of the sample appear in Essock et al.1996a, 1996b). These eligibility criteria were designedto capture those individuals for whom the U.S. Foodand Drug Administration had approved use of cloza-



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Weight Gain With Clozapine Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004

pine: "...severely ill schizophrenia patients...who failto show an acceptable response to adequate courses ofstandard antipsychotic drug treatment" (SandozPharmaceuticals Corporation 1991). Of the 227 eligiblepatients who provided written consent to participate, abiased-coin randomization strategy was used to assign138 study participants to begin taking clozapine and 89to continue receiving first generation antipsychoticmedications (Essock et al. 1996a). Specifically, the first84 study participants had a 50 percent likelihood ofbeing assigned to clozapine, and patients 85 through227 had a two-thirds likelihood. This unbalanced ran-domization was used to speed the rate at which peoplereceiving care in state hospitals had access to a trial onclozapine while, at the same time, preserving random-ization. (While the state had a limited number of cloza-pine "slots," the pressure to fill these slots quickly wasenormous given that clozapine was the first newantipsychotic in decades; the increase in the likelihoodof assignment to clozapine accomplished this morerapid filling of clozapine slots.) In each group, 39 per-cent of the study participants were women (Essock et al.1996a). Two patients who were randomized to cloza-pine but who never began taking it were excluded fromthe analyses reported here. Of the remaining 225, 3 hadno weight measure following baseline and were alsoexcluded from the analyses.

The goal of the larger study was to examine cloza-pine's cost-effectiveness in routine practice settings.Therefore, treating psychiatrists were allowed to prescribepatients assigned to usual care any combination of firstgeneration antipsychotic medications and ancillary med-ications available (those prescribed included haloperidol,chlorpromazine, thiothixene, fluphenazine, thioridazine,loxapine, perphenazine, mesoridazine, trifluoperazine,molindone, chlorprothixene, anxiolytics, antidepressants,lithium, carbamazeapine, valproic acid, and anti-extrapyramidal side effects [EPS] medications); none ofthe other second generation antipsychotic medicationswere available when this study began in November 1991.Similarly, for patients assigned to clozapine, treating psy-chiatrists could prescribe any first generation antipsy-chotic medication or ancillary medications in addition toclozapine.

Measures. We collected demographic data, a dailyrecord of medication, and weights from informationavailable via chart review. When more than one weightmeasure was available in a given month, we used themost recent weight for analysis purposes. We also com-puted body mass index (BMI—body weight in kilo-grams/square of height in meters). Patients were classi-fied as normal weight if their BMI was < 25, as

overweight if their BMI was in the range from 25 to29.9, and as obese if their BMI was £ 30 (Calle et al.1999). Clinical research staff rated patients' psychiatricsymptomatology every 4 months for 2 years using theBrief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS; Overall andGorham 1988).

Statistical AnalysesBaseline characteristics. To examine baseline group

differences, we used t tests and one-way analyses of vari-ance (ANOVAs) for continuous variables and chi-squarefor categorical variables. All probabilities reported are 2-tailed with a significance level of 0.05.

Weight gain over time. We examined weight gainthrough time using two methods. First, we used randomregression models (Hedeker and Gibbons 1996). In con-trast to repeated-measures ANOVA, random regressionmodels retain individuals with missing observations andmodel more than one person-specific effect (Gibbons etal. 1988, 1993). We included the following covariatesbecause they had a potential relationship to weight gain:age at randomization, gender, dosage, baseline BMI,and whether the patient's psychiatric symptomatologyshowed improvement during the course of the study (assuggested by previous research, e.g., Lamberti et al.1992; Leadbetter et al. 1992; Bustillo et al. 1996), withimprovement as defined by Kane et al. (1988) as a 20percent or greater improvement in total BPRS scoreand either a total BPRS score of 17 or less (with itemsscaled 0 to 6) (Thompson et al. 1994) or a ClinicalGlobal Impressions score of no more than "mildly ill."We included all group-by-covariate interactions—groupby age, group by gender, group by dosage, group bybaseline BMI, and group by BPRS response. Becauseweight gain can follow a nonlinear trend, we appliedquadratic models to each analysis and used the highest-order model that represented a significant improvementin log likelihood over the lower-order model (e.g., usingquadratic over linear). For the random regression mod-els, we report the number of patients, rather thandegrees of freedom, because the resulting z scores arebased upon the standard normal distribution (which hasno associated degrees of freedom).

Second, we applied survival techniques to examinewhether there was a difference in the proportion of sub-jects with a minimum weight gain of 7 percent, 10 per-cent, 20 percent, 30 percent, and 40 percent above base-line over time between the two treatment conditionsfollowing methods used in a previous study (Umbrichtet al. 1994). We ran separate analyses to test for signifi-cant differences between the clozapine and usual caregroups using the Wilcoxon-Gehan chi-square test (Lee1992) at each level of weight gain.



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Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004 N.H. Covell et al.

We performed regression analyses and survivalanalyses in two ways. First, we analyzed all data fromthe groups as randomized ("intent-to-treat analysis")for 6 months (during the period prior to the time physi-cians were free to prescribe clozapine outside of thestudy's protocol; see Essock et al. 1996a for a detaileddescription). Second, we repeated the analyses exclud-ing data obtained from individuals who left theirassigned treatment, subsequent to their changing treat-ment condit ion. Treatment-condit ion crossoversoccurred for two reasons. First, 58 patients assigned tousual care began taking clozapine once clozapine wasno longer rationed and physicians were free to pre-scribe it. Second, 46 patients assigned to clozapinestopped taking it during the 2-year period because ofagranulocytosis or other low white blood cell counts (n= 8), medical concerns (n = 12; hypotension = 4, othercardiac problems = 4, other medical problems = 4),poor clinical response in the absence of medical prob-lems (n = 7), poor clinical response in addition to med-ical issues (n = 8; hypotension = 3, seizure = 2, seda-tion = 1, other = 2), or patient/family preference (/i =11) (Essock etal . 19966).

Groupings eliminating ("censoring") crossovers canbe constructed several ways. For example, one couldexclude all data from crossovers (i.e., examine only thosepatients who remained in their assigned condition for dieduration of the study), or one could censor data fromcrossovers from the time of crossover onward.Eliminating crossovers entirely may be useful whenexamining symptom improvement (as a "best case" sce-nario including only medication responders). On the otherhand, when examining potential adverse medicationeffects, as is the case in the present study, censoring datafrom the time of crossover onward allows one to retain asmuch relevant data as possible by permitting subjects tocontribute observations as long as they remain in theirassigned treatment condition. This is particularly impor-tant when there is an association between the outcome ofinterest and dropping out of treatment. For example,patients who stop taking clozapine may do so, at least inpart, because of weight gain; analyses that use data fromsubjects up until the time they leave the assigned treat-ment condition capture weight gain data prior to crossoverdiat would be excluded if data from such crossovers werecensored entirely. Similarly, patients assigned to usualcare may experience a change in their patterns of weightgain if they subsequently begin taking clozapine. Hence,in analyses that censor data following crossover, their datawould be excluded once they began taking clozapine, butimportant information would be lost if their data wereexcluded entirely. Note that data from patients assigned tousual care were only censored when they began taking

clozapine. There were 12 patients assigned to usual carewho began taking another first generation antipsychoticmedication. Because we were interested in comparingclozapine to the range of "usual care" medications avail-able, we included these 12 patients in the analyses exclud-ing data following crossover.

Gender and weight gain. To identify any differen-tial effect of gender on weight gain, we categorized menand women in each treatment condition (clozapine orusual care) by the maximum percent of weight gained:lost weight or gained nothing; gained greater than 0 per-cent and less than 10 percent of their baseline weight; orgained 10 percent or more of their baseline weight. Themaximum percentage of weight gained is based on thehighest recorded monthly weight compared to weight atbaseline. We used chi-square analyses to determinewhether the distribution of patients in each weight changecategory differed for men and women. We used two timeframes for the analysis: 6 months and 2 years after treat-ment entry. For the 6-month analysis, we did an intent-to-treat analysis, because during this time there were only 16crossovers, all of whom were individuals initiallyassigned to clozapine. For the 2-year follow-up, we cen-sored data following crossover. We repeated all analysesusing a 20 percent weight gain to define weight gain cate-gories (i.e., lost weight or gained nothing; gained morethan 0% and less than 20% of baseline weight; or gained20% or more of baseline weight).

Change in weight status. We examined whether sub-jects assigned to clozapine or usual care were more likelyto change their weight status (i.e., BMI categories: normalweight, overweight, or obese), comparing weight status atbaseline and maximum weight status, using chi-squareanalyses. For example, are normal-weight patients morelikely to become overweight when switching to clozapineas compared to continuing with usual care? We conductedsimilar analyses stratifying treatment group by gender (i.e.,women assigned to clozapine, women assigned to usualcare, men assigned to clozapine, and men assigned tousual care). Because reducing a continuous variable (BMI)to categories may attenuate group differences, we alsoexamined the maximum change in BMI from baseline as acontinuous variable. Using this variable, we applied t teststo examine differences in treatment assignment, and one-way ANOVAs to examine treatment assignment stratifiedby gender. We performed both intent-to-treat analyses andanalyses where we excluded data following crossover(hereafter, "crossovers excluded").

We used SPSS statistical software for all analysesexcept the random regression modeling, which usedMKREG, a computer program for mixed-effects regres-sion analysis with autocorrelated errors (Hedeker andGibbons 1996).



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Weight Gain With Qozapine Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004

ResultsBaseline Information. The number of weights availableper patient ranged from 2 to 27 (mean and median were15 weight observations per patient) for the 2-year studyperiod. Groups did not differ significantly with regard tobaseline weight (clozapine: mean = 169 pounds [standarddeviation (SD) = 41] and BMI mean = 26.7 [SD = 6], n =106; usual care: mean = 175 pounds [SD = 40] and BMImean = 27.3 [SD = 6], n = 76).

Weight Gain Over Time. The random regression analy-ses showed that patients who switched to clozapinegained more weight than patients who remained on firstgeneration antipsychotic agents. The group-by-time inter-action was not significant for the intent-to-treat analysesfor the first 6 months of the study. However, when datafrom patients who discontinued their assigned treatmentwere censored following crossover to the other treatmentcondition, patients assigned to clozapine gained a signifi-cantly greater percentage of weight over baseline than didpatients assigned to usual care (figure 1; z = 3.1, n = 166,p < 0.005 for the group-by-time interaction, and z = -2.6,n = 166, p < 0.01 for the group-by-time squared interac-tion). Among patients with weight data available at studymonth 24, patients assigned to clozapine had gained anaverage of 13 pounds (median = 10 pounds, SD = 18.6pounds; mean and median 7% gain, SD = 12.4%; n = 16),whereas patients assigned to usual care had gained anaverage of 5 pounds (median = 6 pounds, SD = 14.7pounds; mean 4% and median 5% gain, SD = 8.7%; n =13). Comparable differences were found at study month22, where the n's were larger (n = 28 for clozapine and n= 18 for usual care). Baseline BMI was significantly nega-tively related to weight gain in the quadratic model ofintent-to-treat analyses and marginally related in both lin-ear and quadratic models when data were excluded fol-lowing crossover, with more weight gain seen amongthose with lower baseline BMIs. None of the other covari-ates was significant in any of the random regression mod-els.

The survival analyses yielded similar findings. Figure2 is a survival curve for patients in the clozapine andusual treatment groups showing the proportion of patientswho gained less than 20 percent of their baseline weightover time, (i.e., proportion of patients maintaining aweight of less than 120% of their baseline weight). Whenwe censored data following crossover, patients assigned toclozapine were significantly more likely to gain at least 20percent of their baseline weight over time than patientsassigned to usual care were (x2 [Wilcoxon] = 7.9, df= \,p< 0.005). Patients assigned to clozapine were also signifi-cantly more likely to gain at least 30 percent of their base-

line weight over time than patients assigned to usual carewere (x2 [Wilcoxon] = 6.7, df = 1, p < 0.01) in thecrossovers-excluded analysis. At other levels of weightgain, there was a nonsignificant trend toward greaterweight gain over time for the group assigned to clozapinein the crossovers-excluded analyses: 7 percent weightgain, x2 [Wilcoxon] = 2.5, df = 1, p = 0.11; 10 percentweight gain, x2 [Wilcoxon] = 2.8, df=l,p = 0.09; and 40percent weight gain, x2 [Wilcoxon] = 2.3, df- 1, p = 0.13.Four of the patients assigned to clozapine (4%) gained atleast 40 percent of their baseline weight, while none ofthe patients assigned to usual care gained even 30 percentof their baseline weight (crossovers excluded). Thegroups did not differ under the intent-to-treat analyses atany level of weight gain, although there was a trend forpatients assigned to clozapine to gain more weight thanpatients assigned to usual care. For example, using intent-to-treat analyses, 17 percent of patients assigned to cloza-pine compared to 9 percent of those assigned to usual carehad gained 10 percent or more of their baseline weight by6 months.

Change in Weight Status. Intent-to-treat analyses didnot yield any significant findings when maximumchange in BMI was analyzed as a continuous variable.However, when we excluded data following crossover,patients assigned to clozapine showed an increase ofabout 1 BMI unit more than patients assigned to usualcare (f( 161) = 2.5, p < 0.05; mean maximum BMIincrease = 2.33 [median = 1.27, SD = 3.11] for cloza-pine and 1.36 [median = 0.96, SD = 1.85] for usualcare). About one-third of all patients with baselineBMIs in the normal range changed weight status(became overweight or obese) regardless of treatmentassignment (clozapine vs. usual care). When weexcluded data following crossover, we found a strongtrend that patients with baseline BMIs in the normalrange were more likely to become obese (BMI £ 30)when switched to clozapine compared to patientsreceiving usual care: 12 percent became obese in theclozapine group (n = 6 of 49), and 0 percent becameobese (0 of 31) in the usual care group (x2 = 5.5, df= 2,p = 0.065). Although the finding was not statisticallysignificant, among patients who were overweight atbaseline, a higher proportion of those who switched toclozapine became obese (n = 8 of 20, 40%) comparedwith those receiving usual care (n = 5 of 18, 28%).Intent-to-treat analyses yielded no significant findings,although again, there was a suggestion that beginning atrial on clozapine might be associated with weight gain(e.g., 23% of overweight patients who switched toclozapine compared to 17% of those remaining in usualcare became obese in the first 6 months of treatment).



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Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004 N.H. CoveU et al.

Figure 1. Percentage of weight gained over baseline, crossovers excluded1




8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Study Month

Clozapine (N=98) D Usual Care (N=68)

1 Mixed regression lines showing changes in percentage of weight gained by study month. Points (closed triangles and open squares)represent actual group means, z » 3.1, n - 166, p < 0.005 for group by time, and z « -2.6, n = 166, p < 0.01 for group by time-squared.

Relationship Between Gender and Weight Gain.Intent-to-treat analyses did not yield any significantfindings when maximum change in BMI was analyzedas a continuous variable. However, when we excludeddata following crossover, there were significant groupdifferences (F(3,162) = 3.3, p < 0.05). Post hoc Tukeytests indicated that women assigned to clozapine showedsignificantly greater increases in BMI than did menassigned to usual care (mean maximum BMI increase =3.03, median = 1.62, SD = 3.72, for women assigned toclozapine and mean maximum BMI increase = 1.26,median = 0.77, SD = 1.48, for men assigned to usualcare, p < 0.05). After 2 years, a significantly higher pro-portion of women taking clozapine gained 20 percent ormore of their baseline weight in the crossovers-excludedanalysis (x2 = 17, df = 6, p = 0.01) (table 1). Twenty-nine percent of women assigned to clozapine gained 20percent or more of their baseline weight compared tomen assigned to clozapine (13%), women assigned tousual care (8%), or men assigned to usual care (2%).

Intent-to-treat analyses and crossovers-excluded analy-ses with a 10 percent weight gain criterion yielded nosignificant findings.

We found a significant gender-by-treatment effect forchange in weight status from normal BMI to obese (BMI£ 30) (crossovers-excluded analysis [x2 = 18.0, df= 6,p <0.01]). Among patients with normal baseline BMI,women assigned to clozapine were more likely to becomeobese (28%, n = 5 of 18) than were men assigned toclozapine (3%, n = 1 of 31) or women or men assigned tousual care (0%, n = 0 of 9 and 22, respectively). Therewas also a slight trend for women who were overweight atbaseline to become obese if switched to clozapine (71%,n = 5 of 7) versus usual care (50%, n = 3 of 6) and com-pared to overweight men assigned either to clozapine(23%, n = 3 of 13) or to usual care (17%, n = 2 of 12) (x2

= 9.1, df = 6, p = 0.17). Obese individuals tended toremain obese in all groups. The intent-to-treat analysisshowed no significant difference in weight gain amonggroups.



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Weight Gain With Clozapine Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004

Figure 2. Time to 20 percent weight gain, crossovers excluded1

. . .

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Study Month

Clozapine (N=98) ^Usual Care (N=68)

1 Survtval functions showing the proportion of patients who had not gained at least 20% of their baseline weight, x2 - 7.9, dl •= 1, p <0.005.

Table 1. Number and percentage of men and women whose maximum gain over 24 months wasgreater or less than 20% of their baseline weight (x

2 = 17, df = 6, p = 0.01)

Weight loss or no change0% < gain < 20%Gain £ 20%

In the regression model

Assigned to Usual CareMen, n (%) Women, n (%)

8(19%)34 (79%)


when data were

6 (24%)17(68%)2 (8%)

censored Discussion

AssignedMen, n (%)

15(25%)37 (62%)8 (13%)

to ClozapineWomen, n (%)

11 (29%)16(42%)11 (29%)

following crossover, the gender-by-group term wasnot statistically significant above and beyond the sig-nificant group-by-time interaction and other modelvariables (baseline BMI, dosage, age, and response asdefined using the BPRS). Although not significant,there was some suggestion that gender influencedweight gain on clozapine (e.g., the group-by-genderestimate indicated that women assigned to clozapinewere expected to gain an additional 1.7% of theirbaseline weight compared to individuals in othergroups).

Patients randomly assigned to switch to clozapine treat-ment gained significantly more weight than patientsassigned to continue with usual care, which consisted oftreatment with first generation antipsychotic medications.The difference in weight gain between the two groupsbegan shortly after randomization and continued to growthroughout the 2-year study, with patients assigned toclozapine gaining an average of 1 BMI unit more thanthose assigned to usual care. Most patients entered thestudy already overweight (BMI 25-29.9) but not yet obese



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Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004 N.H. Covell et al.

(BMI £ 30). Among these individuals, there was a non-significant trend for sufficient weight gain to cross thethreshold into obesity for patients who began a trial withclozapine. Among individuals who began the study at anormal weight, 12 percent of those who switched to cloza-pine but none of the patients who continued taking firstgeneration agents gained sufficient weight to be catego-rized as obese within 2 years.

Women who switched to clozapine were more likelyto experience significant weight gain, with an averageincrease of 3 BMI for women assigned to clozapine.Among patients who began the study at normal weightsand were switched to clozapine treatment, women weresignificantly more likely to become obese. To date, therehas been little information to guide physicians when con-sidering gender differences in drug effects on weight(Sussman 2001). These data provide the first empiricalevidence of a gender difference in susceptibility to weightgain when switching to clozapine treatment from otherantipsychotic medications.

Regardless of the underlying mechanism, significantweight gain is cause for concern because of the healthrisks associated with it (see Casey and Zorn 2001 for areview of the pharmacology of weight gain with clozapineand other antipsychotic medications). Nearly one-third ofwomen taking clozapine gained a significant amount ofweight (20% or more of their baseline weight). Nearlytwo-thirds of patients with schizophrenia were alreadyoverweight before beginning clozapine treatment, a find-ing consistent with other studies (Umbricht et al. 1994;Allison et al. 1999a).

Our results, taken together with reports that clozapineis associated with increases in serum triglyceride levels(Gaulin et al. 1999), and with reports of increased risk ofdiabetes (Henderson et al. 2000), hyperglycemia(Lindenmayer et al. 2001), and insulin resistance(Melkersson et al. 1999), suggest the need for preventiveand ongoing interventions for individuals switching toclozapine treatment. This appears to be especially impor-tant for women and for patients who are overweight priorto initiating clozapine treatment.

Given the clear deleterious effects of weight gain,clinicians should provide counseling and medical care tosupport the modifications in behavior and diet (e.g.,increased exercise, decreased caloric and fat intake) nec-essary to control weight gain. Evidence from several stud-ies suggests that dietary interventions may attenuateantipsychotic-associated weight gain. For example, in onestudy, 31 individuals with severe and persistent mental ill-ness who were residing in a residential center and takingatypical antipsychotic medications were provided with alow-fat, low-calorie diet and followed for 1.5 years(Aquila and Emanuel 2000). The average body weight for

this group did not increase significantly through the 1.5years of followup, although 12 (43%) of the 28 individu-als available for followup at 18 months had experiencedsome weight gain (Aquila and Emanuel 2000). For thegeneral population, one commercial weight loss programthat targeted increased exercise coupled with decreasedcaloric and fat intake was found more effective than briefcounseling and self-help for weight loss (Heshka et al.2000). Some evidence suggests that this same commercialprogram may also be effective for individuals with schiz-ophrenia (Bah1 et al. 2001; Aquila 2002), particularly menwith schizophrenia (Ball et al. 2001).

The additional weight increase of about 8 poundsover 2 years for patients switched to clozapine comparedto usual care should not dissuade psychiatrists from con-sidering suggesting a trial on clozapine. Depending uponthe individual, the benefits associated with clozapinemay override the risks associated with the weight gain.Risk/benefit statements can be difficult to quantifybecause the value of the potential outcomes (e.g., reduc-tion in psychotic symptoms and negative symptoms,weight gain) varies across individuals. However, giventhat approximately one-third of otherwise treatment-refractory patients do respond well to clozapine (Kane etal. 1988; Breier et al. 1994; Essock et al. 1996a;Rosenheck et al. 1997), it appears that, for manypatients, the potential benefit is worth the risk of weightgain, particularly if weight gain is addressed preventa-tively. Our results also underscore the fact that, despitesignificantly greater weight gain for patients switched toclozapine, about one-quarter experience weight loss orno weight gain, and about one-half experience onlymoderate weight gain (between 0% and 20% of baselineweight). Although some patients, particularly women, dogain substantial weight after switching to clozapine, notall do so.

We note the following limitations of this study.First, we relied upon weights recorded in patients' med-ical records; therefore, the data were less complete thanif a weight measure had been obtained at every researchinterview. It is possible that in addition to weights takenroutinely, some patients may have been weighed selec-tively (e.g., when weight change was noticed or whenthe patient was medically ill). We also recognize thatweight and BMI alone are not sufficient predictors ofhealth risk. Future studies should also include measuresof abdominal adiposity, which has shown a relationshipto increased health risks, including increased risks ofhigh blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, andmetabolic syndrome (Janssen et al. 2002). Measures ofwaist circumference, although less accurate than com-puted tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, arethe most accurate assessment of abdominal adiposity



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Weight Gain With Clozapine Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2004

that can be practically carried out in routine practicesettings (National Institutes of Health 1998). Second,based on our methodology, we cannot compare whetherclozapine and other agents differ in their inherentpropensity to cause weight gain (i.e., if given toantipsychotic-naive patients). Patients in this study hadbeen taking antipsychotic medications for several years,and most were already overweight, so we could not iso-late whether the additional weight gain was due to aparticular medication or the cumulative effects of yearsof treatment with antipsychotic medications. To helpaddress this issue, future studies of individuals in theirfirst psychotic episodes should monitor weight gain.Our methodology does address questions more com-monly encountered in routine clinical practice: Arepatients who switch to clozapine treatment likely togain more weight than they would have if they stayedon their current treatment? Who is at greatest risk forweight gain? Finally, we did not have access to infor-mation on exercise and nutritional intake for this sam-ple. Such information would have been useful in com-paring those who gained weight to those who did not.

Strengths of the study were as follows: (1) randomiza-tion minimized concerns about nonequivalent groups thathampered some earlier studies, and (2) by comparingclozapine to a range of first generation antipsychotic med-ications, we addressed the concern about using haloperidolas the sole comparison agent. However, we recognize thatby comparing clozapine to a variety of conventionalantipsychotic medications, we may not have estimatedclosely the expected weight gain with clozapine comparedto any particular agent. The 2-year study design also pro-vided an opportunity to examine weight gain over a rela-tively long medication trial.

In conclusion, switching to clozapine appears toincrease the risk for weight gain over and above thatexpected from remaining on first generation antipsy-chotic medications, especially among women. Thisweight gain has the potential to increase health problemsand pose barriers to adherence. Clinicians should discussthe risk of weight gain with their patients who are con-sidering taking clozapine and offer dietary and otherinterventions, particularly for female patients. However,clinicians should also bear in mind that many patients donot gain weight when switched to clozapine, or gainonly modest amounts. This suggests that, except for rarepatients, the potential for weight gain should not pre-clude a clozapine trial when it is clinically indicated.Simultaneously, clinicians should be proactive in pre-scribing dietary changes and exercise to minimize poten-tial weight gain. The present study was conducted whenclozapine was the only available second generationantipsychotic medication. Because some of the other

second generation antipsychotic medications also appearto be associated with weight gain (Umbricht and Kane1996; Song 1997; Zimbroff et al. 1997; Osser et al.1999), future studies should continue to monitor weightto determine the relative liability for weight gain amongall of the first and second generation antipsychotic med-ications. Future studies also should gather informationabout exercise and dietary intake to help inform behav-ioral interventions that may minimize weight gain andthus reduce medical morbidity and improve adherence.


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This research was funded in part by Public Health Servicegrants ROl MH-48830 and R19 MH^6306 from theNational Institute of Mental Health (Susan M. Essock,Ph.D., Principal Investigator), as well as by theConnecticut Department of Mental Health and AddictionServices, Hartford, and the Mental Illness Research,Education, and Clinical Center of the Veterans IntegratedService Network 3. Support from the PsychologyDepartment and the A. J. Pappanikou Center at theUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs, and from the

Medication Effectiveness Research Program at YaleUniversity, funded by grant R24 MH-54446 (Scott W.Woods, M.D., Principal Investigator), is also gratefullyacknowledged.

Preliminary findings were presented at the 40thAnnual New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit meeting ofthe National Institute of Mental Health, Boca Raton,Florida, May 31, 2000.

This research is the product of the collaboration ofmany individuals, both within and outside the ConnecticutDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Inparticular, we would like to thank Donald Hedeker, Ph.D.,of the University of Illinois at Chicago for his consulta-tion on the statistical analyses, and Sally Clay for her edit-ing of the manuscript.

This article does not express the views of theDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services orthe State of Connecticut. The views and opinionsexpressed herein are those of the authors.

The Authors

Nancy H. Covell, Ph.D., is Assistant Research Professor,Connecticut Department of Mental Health and AddictionServices, Hartford, CT, and Assistant Research Professor, theDepartment of Psychology, University of Connecticut,Storrs, CT. Ellen M. Weissman, MX>., M.P.H., is AssociateDirector for Evaluation and Health Services Research,Veterans Affairs New York Healthcare System, MentalIllness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC),Bronx, NY; and Assistant Clinical Professor, Department ofPsychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.Susan M. Essock, Ph.D., is Professor and Director of theDivision of Health Services Research, Department ofPsychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY;and Director for Evaluation and Health Services Research,Veterans Affairs New York Healthcare System, MIRECC.



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