weekly independent. (elko, nev.). 1902-09-19 [p ]....joint ui-ndeivou, wife, daughter and woher...

AliliKLY INP15PKNDKNT. KUll) \ Y SKPT. ll». IUt-2 FROM SXTUKDAY'S DAILY. Salmagundi. Judge lMbot returned from Lincoln county »eet«srduy. Joint Ui-ndeivou, wife, daughter and wo her returned fnnii S.in Francisco laut evening. Mrs. lieu. il. Uinmiifiii returned latit rvou.iiK from her viait to the wvuli-ni j.:« r of the Suite uud Sun Frunciaco. A CtiiutttuiMi mil I'ortu^uea-i wo uiun applied 'or a marriage li enue in Carson Tliurjiluy, hut the county clerk refuwd to issue it. I'lie Fusion Statu ticket appears i;i this IBB ii0. A press of oilier matters precludes a review of the ticket today. This will appear in Monday's issue. Mrs. Kllin Campbell lain just received a tine lino of "Heady to wear hats" that will i ii tercet the hidiee, She has also received her stock of full dress goods, See her uew ad. Ted Mu) and l-'red D. Lynch of Salt Lake have boeu employed hy Mr. (ju trills as tnusicinns in the Club Saloon. ITiey are excellent in their line. Drop in during the evening and listen to their sweet music. M. 11. Dunton of Tuscorora lias announced hiimtolf in the i'unet-ltoviuw as a candidat > for county coaimissioner from the uortliern district. Mr. Dunton is a wide a.va^e, thorough going man and if placed ou the ti-rket will make Iiik opponent hustle. I'he Silver I'.irty Stats .om u ittee hat* pla 'ed itich trd Kirman of Ornish} county on the ticket for S-iort Term Kegotit to till the va -ancy rau-»e.l by Judge Mriok'i iue'i^ihility . Mr. Kir¬ man is one of the hri^h est young hue- inean men in t lie W<«(ero part of the State and will marto an excellent lie¬ ge lit. Joseph Mafrina's, house a mile above Sheridan, Douglas county, and all its contents were destroyed by tiro Thurs- day night. I'lie Courier says that when Mr. Mafrina saw (hat nothing coiilj tie saved it required the combined elTorla of three strong men to keep liitn from cut- tiug liis throat. There was no insurance on the building, the policy having ex¬ pired a short time ago. The editors of I* recdom, tho Manila newHpaper which dared to criticise a native ine ulier of tho C'i v i I Com mission, have been found guilty of litiel and each of them has been fined and sentenced to liilibid prison for six mouths, lliay were denied a j ury trial, were forbidden to attempt to prove their charges, and their attorney was disbar¬ red. The old Hag la having many remarkable experiences these days. . S. F. Star. I'lie itepu Idicati State convention met iu Heno yesterday . Dr. L>e of Carson was ohn*cu temporary ehairmnn and A. it. Stoddard of Virginia City temporary secretary. The usual committees were appointed and the convention adjourned until 7 o'clock I*. m. At the eveuiug session the reports of the eoniinittcM were reeaived and the permanent organization etfected. After which the convention adjourned until 1(1 a. m this morning, ll«> Hworii." "Did it ever occur to you," said a well known lawyer yesterday, "whence comes the custom of raining the right hand when the oath is (alien? No? I'm not eurprised because I don't believe there is one lawyer in ten who knows its origin. "Way back in the twelfth contury whon the common law was first put ill force, tt wan the custoai to brand all pertains convicted <if a felony on the insido of the ri^lit thumb with a lint iron It waa the law that any person bo convicted should not be allowed to testify, ao in order to be cortain that all witticaat*) were competent, the raising of the right hand, palm forward, waa re- quired. It's one of those time honored customos that has come down through tho centuries. Although branding has been done away with, tho old oath, with its uplifted hand, remains, anil probably will until tho end of liiuo."-K*. I II. I'ngne. 'Die announcement of I. ; II. I'oguo, otin of the Democratic nominee*! for member of (bo next assembly, appears today, Mr. i'ogue ia ouo of tho most highly respected citizcnn of 101 ko eounty. lie came here over thirty years ago and aettled at White (lock, where he <till resides. During all that time he has held the respect and onteem of his neighliorn and norvpd them for many years tn tho capacity of Juatico of the I'oiioo. Mr. i'ogue has never Iwen before Ilia people of Klko eounty for a public olllco unlil now, lie ban alwaya boon a eon* aislent. earnest Democrat and ahottld receive the united support of Inn party, lie ia a solid man in every tionne of the word, ouo who ean be counted upon to do his full duty an a member of Nevada's legislative body, A vote for liitn will be a rote for the liost intercuts of Mio County and State. A H**cr»wnry rrrntiitlnn, I hin'l neglect a cold. 1 1 in woi»o than un- ¦leanaiit, It in daugeroitn. Ily using )no Minute Cough Cure you ean euro it at once. Allay* inllmmation, clears the head, soothes and strengthens tho miteos membrane, Citron coughs, croup, tliroat and lung trouhlcn. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately, Children liks it, Rlko Drug Company. from MONDAY'S DAILY. Salmagundi. Hie botrd of eqn ilization met this j morning. Judge Oeorge S. Urow,, w ex,wcU.t| I j liouitf tonight-. / 1 W.ib'ejr Johnson Mm, (Jadl of »> ells lire oil the grand jury. I'liere are Huht or .jl)e cases to be investigated by the present tfnilH, i<lry It may U? u, seas, on two or three days. ttie game warden's "buyer* has failed I" turn up with the #li;wo. if ho hIiow up before tomorrow uoou we will '¦ITer h reward for l,i,.. 1'erhaps is lost. Commissioner Snyder I, hi entered the Mght for ivuniiiiiistinn, ,,l; ,m8 uiadfa (ln excslleut commissioner uud deserves recognition by U,e county convention. Editor l'lunkett, Kd. Todd. Dan Coll, W* ' ®W"H »nd several other Tusca- rorniis are it, town. They all look well and whiu to l>e enjoying life as jt u ,n the old caiup. Charley Majer, a graduate of the State Univer-ity. will leave for Mexico tomorrow to accept a posittion with a mining company as ore buyar. Charley is well equipped for the position and lias the neceasary get-up to l>e succchh- ful. Nevada boys are all right. The tragic death of Mrs. W. M. Stewart has caused many exprewiioin of sorrow from the people of ;Elko. Those who knew her speak or her in the high¬ est terms and all lament the manuer of her dent h, Politicians from all parts of the county ire congregating in tow n for the Demo- eratic county convention aud wire pull¬ ing is the order of the day. The sonti- tnent of the delegates seems to be drift¬ ing towards (). M. L«m..i of Bdgemont for sheriff: Mr. Lxmon would make an excellent .heritf. The ticket nominated by the Republi¬ cans in probably an strong a one as they could put up. It contains the names of many excellent citizens, hut they are on the wrong side of Uie political fence to receive any support from tho I.ndefe.v. iii.xt, further than this acknowledge¬ ment of their personal worth as private citizens. tt,« Indki>emi>kmt is pleased to sate that Thomas Hunter has consented to run for lon< term Senator, lie is fho strongest man in tho county for that position and his election is assured. If E. L McMuhan of Tuscamra is nomin¬ ated for the short term Senatorship, he Will miik a strong running mate for Mr. Hunter. ("*o. S. Ilrown, the Democrntio and Silver I'urty Nominee for Judge of tho Fourth Judicial Distnct, comprising. Elko, White I'iue and Lincoln counties, came in Tuesday evening from Ely. Mr. Ilrown is a very pleasant gentleman, aud an able lawyer and uo doubt will make nn able Jndge From here he wont to I'anaca on Tuesday and -rill also go to Delnnmr. . Piocbe Record. 1'lie While Pino News of ths llll, stated that no pri .ariea were held . White I* ,.e Miun y for deleifdl-w to ti e ivjunly convention lobe held lit IJ|> ,.u the |i> It A J,. icr f.o n Kly !o tl<o lyoMT.t ikm pr in ounce i the tate- le :t false in < .'<¦ r.. particulii' Prioiari<« were held in ne irly every pri cilicl in the J county. Chore is nothii.g gained by the News it, making false statoiuents that can Ih< soeanily oont radio led. One of Elko county's delegates t<» the Ki'ptiblican State convention mot with quits a loss in Reno, lie wna treating a crowd in a saloon and laid a ?l(>0 bill on the liar to pay for the drinks. While his attention was at. trncteil in another direction, some one swiped the biuiK note and ho had to go down into his jeans aud dig up more money to pay tho bill. Those Republi¬ cans are queer fellows. There isn't any mom for doubt but that the coming winter will be "awful cold," Tho prophets all say so and the mas ih insane who disputes thom. Tlioy have found mom growing thick on the trie* aud frogs standing on their heads sunflowers pointing toward the north pole, grape vines running down the pole instead of up, and there a .thousand oilier things to show thai we will have a winter.. Ex. Count? Central I'liiniiilttur. Following ts tho now Democratic County Central Colnihittco: Elko . John Henderson, I. N. Sher¬ wood, J, K. Triplett, C. E. Mayer, J. D. Carroll. TuBcnrora. E. L. McMahnn, M. It. Duuton, II. Parker. Etlgemont Joo Curroy. Mound Valley. Ed. Carville. Wells . II. II. Coryell. Starr Valley . L. L. Ilradley. Lamoille .Ed, Lytton. Ruby Valley. Wm. Criswohl. Car lin . (leorge Mcintosh. South Fork. A, M. (Jriswold. North Fork -J. F. Ilollnnd, fJnntt If you want a lino dress shoe uo to E. Osnll. Why ? He.'ause ho carries a complete lino of the celebrated Solz shoos which are tho bent on tho market. Also the best grado of men s working shoes, and a lino lino of ladies', misses' mil children's shoes of nil kinds. Iloing a practical shoemaker I understand how to buy only tho Ix-st of goods and qunrsnteo all shorn purchas¬ ed from me. I also carry a oomplota linn of fnrnishing goods. ~ KICOM TUESDAY'S DAILY. Salmagundi. Mr. W.T. Smith Iihb sold in* Lamoille ranch to Urastus Hankins .if Hub* Valle*. I ho Kniuu jury wmn *<t i II in twHuioti at 3 ii clock, lliey will liuiuh Hie Irit-'iucHH this after no. 11 imd adjourn. Mr. Mauser is quite sick.* i ho In. nKPoa dc.it sincerely ho|ie» that lie will soon be around air win. Owing to a lack of water lot the boilers there will lie no electric light to¬ night. People must govern themselves accordingly. .) udgc Hrown returned last ni|(ht from a cumpaign trip through White Piue and IjIu-'oIm counties. lie snys the pro^po.-ts down that way look good to hi ni. Hen \iitt« has eiiIiI his residence on Missouri Flat to Domingo Agullar of North Fork. Uncle Hen has uot yet decided whether he will leave town or uot. I'he A'nter Company lute a very im¬ portant notice elsewhere. Kvery con¬ sumer of water should read it and obey the re. {licet of the Coiii|>any. Read '.he uoti -e carefully. About 1 1 o'clock this foreuoou a box of rubbish iu the alley back of Iloin- liari s store caught tire mill nave prom¬ ise of h lively biuzi. Allen Mcliride was so. hi on ttie groiui I with a King I' ire Fx i iug u'sher and the Maze was nipped before any damage waa done. A Kansas widower who i>ot married Hk'uin iu two weak* after Ins wife died, went and tried to hush up the charivari cm-vil by telling them they ought to be iifhaiued to muUe such a noise around a house where a f literal ha l occured so lately, Lost. Stray kd on Stolkm . I'he game warden's "buyer* *-bo was anxious to give us three time* the amount we pay taxes on for our Klko property. A re¬ ward of $20 wilf be paid to anyone brint.Mii>; him to this office with £10,020 to swap for a deed to the real estate -itid and peraoual properly on which we pay taxes in Klko county. This reward will not hold good unless the "buyer" with the com is produced and the sale made before oil is struck iu the Blko fields. Produce the buyer and the coin, Mr. Game Warden, and got the reward. I'he litiiKPK.iut.NT on eo more calls the attention of the peoplo to the defenseless condition of the town iu case a fire should break out. When the fire bell rang this morning, there waa no water iu the reservoir 'ind the town wna at the mercy of the tire. How loug this condition will last we do uot "know, but while it does last every person male and female should be careful in the use of water. Gardens and lawns are uot as valuable as the huildingH and other property in town. Ho careful about lire and economical in the use of water and tho town may escape a disastrous fire. I»l»l i let t'diirl . rite Disttiut C urt convened at 0 p. in. Tuesday evening lo receive the repot t of tiic L' ainl jury. The jury prest 1 1 ted its tinrd report and wna discharged. The court then ordered lhal I ip L.iwe, n:i Indian, indicted for murder. G. W. Hale, for uii assault with a deadly weapon with iutent to do bodily harm, mid Frank Fox, for robbery, appear at 8 o'clock for arraign¬ ment At 8 o'clock the defeudents were arraigned and given till 1:30 p.m. Hettember 17th, to plead to the indiot- men Is. At 1:30 p ui. Septenber 17tli, the defendants little and Tip I»we wore iu courl and through the ir counsel, Wilson A Williams, plead uot guilty. The Court then set both cases for trial at 10 a. m Monday September 20th. The dofetidaiit, Frank Fox, failing to appear, he waa given until this evening, after the arrival of the eastbound traiu, to plead to the indict ment. Fox went to Palisade la«t evening to raise money for his defense and sent a telegram from there today stutmg that it would bo ini« possible for liiin to be iu courl at 1:31 this afternoon. The point took a recesn until tho arrival of No. (5 this evening. Onmtli of slier). Iniluttrj. Tho growth of the shoep industry in the Rocky mountain Stub* in the lfint quarter of a century has been onormous, nays tho Portland (Ore ) Oregonian. It has. iu fact, lieon created in that section within Hie period, this being eapecially tho case in Montana, which State, an will bo shown by special reports soon lo bo published by the Department of Agriculture, now leads in sheep raining and the production of wool. About twenty-llvo years ago the llr<d hand of . hoop waa taken into Montana, and tliia small flock has Increased until now, according to tho department's flgurce, there are over 0,200,000 shoep in tho State, In tho year IIWI there waa 8,000, . 000 lamhn added to tho docks of Montana, and l| ,000.000 pounds of wool were produced at au average of 11,38 cents a pound. Mm; Nut In It, "My dear,* said tho gentleman with gold-riniraod glawe, "enn you rocite 'Mary Mad a Little I jamb.' " "No," answorod tlio little girl, who alsti wore gold-rimtnod glasaea. "I'he poem has little or no literary 'value and i»f spirit contrary to our modern institu¬ tions. Sineo tlio organisation of the Meat Trust, Mary would bo lucky lo gel a chop, without asmming proprietor slop of the entire animal,*- .Wnahmiftor Star. FROM WEDNESDAY'S DAILY * . Sill mag untli. Dr. Leonard write* from Dei th that be will arrive m Klko today. Eil Woo Ivor ton has piucbnscd George Heuen's livery stable. Ed w a good rustler und intends to ruu u first -cIium livery business. I'liose who patronize him will be sure of courteous treatment. Governor Sudlcr Ims appointed Ihoruad V. Julian to till tlie VHOancy in tbe Supreme Court caused by tbe resign atiou of Judge Mansey. The Gov¬ ernor baa surprised the politicians by tbe appoiutment .if Mr. Julian. It is u Rood appointment, m- vorthelees. IllA trial of Juuies J. Sliaughueusy on tbe charge of murder lie^au yesterday morning at Winuemucca. It will be remembered that Sliau.-bnesey shot and killed Ixetul Winston, a woman of the half-world, at Goloouua ou the 21th of Inst January, Nine juryme.i had been passe.! when the Silver State's report- closed, Inetbiid of going to Mexiuo as stated in Monday's paper. Charley Muyer will remain in Elko county. While making arrangements to leave for Mexico, lie wna offered the position of transit man at Ityndon tunnel . just east o' town, unci accepted it. Hp says he lias a better position than that in Mexico and will not l>e beyond the bouudii of civiliza¬ tion. Groups of politicians wore s>?nttored around the streets today pulling wires for tomorrow's convention Slates were put up only to lie broken. The seuti merit of most of the delegates seems to be that the convention must nominate the strongest ticket possible. Thie should especially be the aim of tlie ix n-J ventiou when selecting men to fill the legislative po-itions. I. II. Po^ue o' White Hock, H. II. A gee and Abuer Wiseman of Clover valley. Miles Diintou of Tuscarorn, H.II, Coryell of Wells and numerous otli>»r politicians aud solid men of the comity are in town. Some of them will go home happy and eouio will go feeling that politics is a dirty pool and kick themselves for dabbling iu it. Where only a few can be chosen, many must be left. Edward McCabe, an American, aged 4:> years, was found dead in his cabin at Fenuelon yesterday morning. There boing some suspicion of foul play. Coroner Morgan was notified yeeterday and he went up aud hold an inqueet. A thorough examination of tlie body show¬ ed no marks of violence aud the jury returned a verdict that McCabe died from heart disease, superinduced by dissipation. Hn had been drunk for two months before liis death. . Oraiiil Jury Itvpurt. Tlie grand jury finished its work at o'clock last ovon.ng and <vaa discharged. Following is the report: Elko. Nevada, Sopt. 16, 1902. lion G. E. Talbot, Judge of the 4th Judicial District Court, in and for the county of Elko, State of Nevada: Wo your grand jurors sworn the 15th day of Soptomber, 1002, bog to roport as follows: There have been presented for our consideration tho following cases: Two for assault with deadly weapon with intent to do bodily harm, two for grand larceny, one for murder, ouo lor selling liquor to Indians, ono for robbery, one for embezzlement, and oue for criminal libel. In three of the casos wo have fonnd true bills and ignored six. Tlie threo true bills are for assault with deadly weapon with intent to do bodily harm, one for murder aud oue for robbery. We recommond that tho sheriff bore- after use moro diligoneo in tho collec¬ tion of license, especially thoso of gain¬ ing, within tho county. We recommond that hereafter Justices of the Peace of tlio various townships bo more enreful in binding over to the grand jury cases of trilling naturee which should be settled in tho Justice Court. Wo recommond that tho constables of tho various townships be more particular to preserve order in their respective townships and less solicitous as to their free. Respectfully submitted, P. Oaiiat, Mel S, Halt, Foreman. Clerk. I I>«*fiioii Cannot Bo Cured by l:>enl applications an they cannot reach tlio diseased portion of tho ear. There is only ono way to cure deaf¬ ness, and that ia by constitutional reine dice. Deafness is cuusod by nn inflam¬ ed condition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whon this tubo gets inflamed you have a rutublin|t sound or Imperfect honriugiuid whon it in entirely closed deafness in tho result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out aud this tubo restored to its normal condi¬ tion hearing will bo. destroyed forevor, nine cases out of ten aro caused by ca¬ tarrh. which in nothing but an inflamed condition of tho muoous surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollar* for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) tlint cannot ho cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Mend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO. Toledo, Ohio. Hold by Druggists, 7f»c. Hall's Family Pills sro the best. Hot Chicken ' amales, Limburgcr Cheese Sandwiched nt nil hours at tho Mug Saloon. Choice Wince, Liquni Bnd CitfAr*. Fine Music by the best Talent. ? Ionopaii llltfi. FROM THURSDAY'S DAIJji. Salmagundi. Mr. Mauser U reported some l«-tter to¬ day, but he is still very sick. At tlu> session of the District Court' mat night Frauk Fox appeared and plead not ku ilty to the indictment charging him with robbery. Judge Till hot set his cuae for 2 oVlock Moudnv. for gettimr a jury iiud 7 o'clock for tak¬ ing evidence. Robert Hartley, Sprucemonl's veteran Democru', came in Inst night to attend the county convention. He paid his re¬ spects to the Imdkpendkkt offioe thin morning and told un that the world was u-ing In in kindly. Ho cauie all the way from Salt Lake, where be hail tieen at¬ tending to business, to atten<l the con¬ vention and assist in making the strung* est possible ticket, 'I*lie scar-faced Chinaman, named Ah Choo; who lived in the laundry uear the court house, was found dead in b«-«l this morning. While throning the tront-ere of the dead man into the lock yard, one of his comrades heard the jingle of coin, ami upon investigation Ins pocket* were found to contain 61* 0. Kuoiigh wu found in Inn trunk and elsewhere to bring the total of hit canitc up to £f>00. . Virginia Chronicle. Atk*»ili«*r S'fiir Karly Monday morning woven railroad laborers weie held up on a Uniou Pa¬ cific freight train a t-hort distance east of Ogdeo. The men boardeil the train at Morgan with the intention of getting a free ride into Ogdeu. Tlio train had left the station only long enough to get under good headway when three men swung tliemselves down into the freight car in which the Inbiring men were riding. The faces of the newcomers were hidden behind the folds of a bandkrechief tied ab tut the lower part of their faces; and in their hands were large calibered revolvers which they presented in a threatening manner and commanded the laborers to throw up their hands. The coinmaud was obeyed and :he robbers then proceeded to search the cloUimg of their victims for valuables Thev collected iiboul £45 in cash ami three watchee. The victims of the rob¬ bers were then forced to spring from the moviuy train. InrilMYi Murderer George Bruce, a notorious ludian out¬ law whom officers of southern California and Arizona have been hunting for sev¬ eral mouths, li..a met death in a manner as terrible as that of hi9 victim, Victoria Mnria. a comely young squaw of lies- peria. Several months ago Hruce murdered Victoria Maria by chokiug her into in¬ sensibility, then burying her alive. He was arrested and his preliminary exam¬ ination held at (Iceperia, but while offi¬ cers wore sitting with the prisoner in tho court room the Indian mails a successful dash for liberty. For months the desert ha* been scoured by officers >nd Indiana, for -.ne latter were as anxious as the officers to capture the murderer. A fow days ago he was captured by the Indians und put to a most horrible deuth. The capture was nmdo in southern Nevada and no time was lost in the execution. A rope wus fastened by slip noose around liis neck and with the othor i'ii. I tied to the horn of the saddle the murderer was dragged for over a mile across tho rock-strewn desert. The body, which was horribly lacerated, win then thrown ou a huge pile of wood and burtied. Dovloe to rrevnil CoUUIonn. Railroad collision n will became a thing of the past if n new invention of tho Rev. Kurtmann Mueller, pastor of tho German Lutheran Church at QII art- lord, S. I). cornea into universal use. Iiy it two trains cannot, it is alleged, get within 2,(<00 feet of eaoh othor on a niuglo track. When tho trains reach a point where they are 8,00t) feet apart a dangot signal in the form of an electric gloho is lighted in tho ciigiue cab direct¬ ly in front of eaoh engineer. If the engineer for uny reason fails to atop his train tho engine will automatically stop itself. The train moves 2 000 foot after the dangor signal in first displayed, and then the device automatically bbws the whistlo as a warning and stops the Itraiu. Wnftltn* fiaiiitljr Fimlntt Ticket. * Tho Washoe county DoimWratiu and Silver party convention a mot Monday nt Reno and agreed upon the following ticket: State Senator . Nate W, Roll. Assemblymen . W. D. R, Graham, Peter llnrkc, II. R. Cooke, 1'. R. McUar* ron, J. Soucherau, J . F- Croahy and A. D. Garfll n. ShorilY . John Hayes. County Clerk- -James Morrin. District Attorney . W. II, A. Pike. Assessor . William Thompson. Recorder . II. O. Ihearer. Treasurer-. Dan lloyd, Commissioners ' L. D. Ray, Rufus Kinney, Coroner . F. (5 IJpdlke. Surveyor. T. K. Stewart. Itrpiihllrnn V>*lrg*tr*. Tho Republicans held a caucus last evening and selected the following list of delcgtofl to the county convention to lie voted for at Saturday's primary: R. M. Mallolt, Clias, A. Gardner, C, B, , Wilson, S. Jacobs, B, Dotta, T. T. Tennnnt.lt.lt, Dunn, J. C, Harbinfloii, G.S.Garcia, Geo. Hruoe, B, Reinhart, Henry Jotire, Ltiuia llurkhart. (FROM FRIDAY'S DAILY.} Salmagundi. I'ho be<t brands of cigars ami tobacco at Garrccht Jfc NultV's. . Col. F. (3. Lord is the fusion nominee for Statu Senator iu Storey county. Owing to the illness of Mr. Mauser tho Elko liakery will be cluaeJ for several days. ' . .Ex Slit-rilf Campbell nnd family l»-ft for Tu-onrora tli it* forenoon to take up Hi' ir fuiuru sidece. Tim I.idei'e.id* ent wit-heii them well in their new home. Carnation chocolates. hand-made creams nnd soda water right from the fountain nt (fhrn-'chtSc Nolly's. * I'be leicpupue p'lice is miming ivitli John Hunter lis t lit* "hollo" boy. John can say "actio" and "good-t.yo" im sweetly a?» tlio best of the hello girls. I'lio wind howled at a furious rate this afternoon and a good deal of Elko's sur¬ face soil starred ou a journey toward Utah. Nearly sill the delegates to the county convention have returned to their homes nnd the town has sett led down to its usual quiet. Nearly all of our space today is taken up with the report of tho county conven¬ tion. While it may not he news to the people of Elko, it pill bo interesting readme to tho Democrats and people generally throughout the couuty, Frank Burrell, late <>f Santa Crux, an expert hair cutter aud barber, will open the Commercial Hotel barber shop to¬ morrow morning. He asks a fair share of tho public patronage. Mr. Mauaer's condition remains about tin- same. Ho is having the best of care and iu under the treatment of Dr. Hood. Everybody hopes for his speedy recovery Jerry Sheuhar. waa unanimously nom¬ inated for Reorder yesterday by tho Democratic convention of Humboldt county. Jerry has the best wishes of . lie Inijkpf.nuknt for his success. Re*. E. H. Meredith, wife and child arrived from Norfolk, Virginia, todny. Rov. Meredith is tho new pastor of the Episcopal church. The Independent welcomes liiiu ami his family to Elko. Messerly's cigar store is the place to get the best home made, white labor cigars in the market. Cigars sold by wholesale, retailor single box. None but the best tobacco used and 110 Chinese labor employed. O've tho leader, Superior and Signorita a trial. * 'Hie county convention has left a number of scars that will probably heal before the election. No one should treasure resentment becnuse hie friend or candidate boforo tho convention was not successful. It will take a united party to pull the ticket through. There were a number of reports fly¬ ing around yesterday as to which can¬ didate for the Assembly received the highest vote in tho caucus. Tho reporter heard two of tlie candidates claim the honor nnd to setth* tho dispute ho got tho oflicjal figures from tho secretary of the caucus . lliey aru as follows: WlDon, 51; I'oguo, 45; Skaggs, 44; 0 rent limine 47; Coryell, 21); Koysor, 24. William Carlin, a native of Ireland, aged about 30 years, was found dead alongside tho railornd track at tho Win¬ frey ranch near Reno Sunday. Mr. J. Engler is very busy in Now York City selecting goods for tho Engler Oo.'s store. Ho has aeloctod the ¦ proper goods for this market, the most of which are in transit. * President Stub'is will return to Reno on September 25th. Although much imp-oved in health, ho lias not entirely recovered nnd he will not bo able to do much work for soiao tiuio to come. Tho best plnco to got your work dono is at tho Golden Rule Shaving Parlors by fa, JU. Ha) or. First class work to all. Next floor, to tho Bakery Saloon. . " * N. 1'. Ouldagger, at Jones' old Stnnd, is prepared to do blacksmithing in all of its branches at prices to suit tho times. Horse shoeing and wagon work a specialty. All work guaranteed. Take your work to Mr. Ouldagger's shop if yon want it done well and at reasonable prices. ¦ * Alexander Fowler tho worthy organizer of Fraternal Order of Eagles will *>0 hero on or about tho 25th inst. For further information in<|iiiro at Tonopah Mill's. * Tho Anstin Uovaillo says: A warrant was sworn out in tho Justice Court last Friday evening for tho arrest of James W»lt on tho charge of grand larceny. On Saturday morning a similar warrant was Usueil for tlio arrest of (Jeorge Wil¬ liams. Tho "Warrants woro placed in Hie bauds of the Sheriff and his deputy and up to tho present writing no news has been heard of cither Watt or Wil¬ liam*. Tlio wnrrnnts charge the defend¬ ants with stealing cattlo and di«rlgtiring brands on cattlo belonging to others. fMueatn Your Iiowei* With Cnirarota. Cuntly Cfithfirtlc, euro constipation forever. 1 too. 28c full, «lriiKHiitt<ir"f mid mono* Lilt or D«U|tUl. Following is a list of delegates to ths Democratic county convention aa re¬ ported by tbe committee on credentials and seated by tbe oonvention: Elko:. C. E. Mayer, A. W. Hesson, L*. E. Morgan, J. T. Wright, W m . Rigsby. S. U. Uliirley, Thomas Hunter, J. D. Abel, II. Clinton, J. D. Carroll, J. F. Triplett, John Yowell. Tuscarora: . Jnhn Douglass, B. J. Byrne, proxy, B. J. Byrne, Walter II ulery, E. A. P. Johnson, proxy, T. W. Dave. M. B. Dunton, proxy, M. B, Dim ton. Hugh Jonee, Harry Parker, proxy, Hurry Parker, Oscar Graham, Sam Jonee, Harry Parker, proxy, J. R. Mason, T. C. Plqnkett, proxy, C. Steffins, Philip Snyder, proxy. Carlin:. George Mcintosh, Harve Mc- Adamp, George Arthur. Starr Valley: . Ben Armstrong, L«. L. Bradley, W. W. Weathers, W. B. Arm- strong. Wells: . Al Fisher, Peter Holm, C. B. Moore. Tomo: . W. R. Probert. Clover Valley: . W. G. Greathouse. Edgsmont: . O. M. Lamon, W. D. Plunkett proxy, Win Clawson. Jr., Joe Currey prox^, Jon Currey, V.E. Hamlin, W. D. Plunkett proxy. Mound Valley: . Ed Carville, W. 8. Clayton, Sr. South Fork: . A. M. Griswold, W. T. Craue. North Ruby: . Len Covert, George Moody proxy. Lamoillo: . Thos. McCool, Thus, Bryant. Sprucemont: . Robert Hartley. Island Mountain: . M, J. Fitzgerald J. D. Abel proxy. Mardis: . Sam Parkicson, W. W. Wej.tliera proxy. North Fork: . James F. Holland, M. S. Wilson proxy, Emory Johnson. M. S. Wilson proxy. Contact: . A, J. Rood, E. C. McClellan proxy. Tecoma: . Fred Hoppie. Al Fiaher proxy. Bullion:. R. E. Skaggs. Ruby Valley: . Oren Vaughan, Geo. Moody proxy, Hallock Station:. M. Glazer, L. L». Brail loy proxy. O'Neills:. Wm. Gilmer, Al Fisher proxy, Whito Rock: . I. 11. Poguo. Fort Halleck: . Thos. McDermott. Clover Valley: John Pbalon, O. B. Mooro proxy. Biyan: . C. B. Welshon. Weilands: . Alex Weiland. Huntington: . IF. H. Porch, John Trainer proxy, Moutaiu City: James Martin, Oscar Graham proxy, Hank Smith, Oscar Graham proxy. Jack Croak: . Chas E. Woodward, Phil Snydor proxy. Notice To Witter Cousumera, On August 27tli, wo served on all of you tho followers notice: "Owing to the extreme heat tho last fow weoks, which ban greatly decreased the river water supply, tho Elko Water Company hereby gives notice to ita pntrons to discontinue the the use of water for irrigation purposes until fur¬ ther notice. Tho supply at present is uot more than what is actually required for domestic purposes." In mnny cases no attention lias been paid to it. The reservoir is, and has been empty since Saturday morning. Beginning at noon today, Tuesday the lGth. no water can bo usod for irriga- tion, or any excopb household purposes. A watchman wiU be employed, and any violation of that request will causo tho supply to be shut oil without notice. A fine of TWO DOLLARS will be imposed for turning it on again. Care- leesiicoa or forgetfulnesa will not bo regarded aw an oxcuse, At present are without any wator for fire purposes, W. T. Smith, For the Water Company, Elko, Nevada, Sept. 10, 1902, 11:20 a.m. Ill* Sight Threatened, "Wiilo picnicking lafit month my 11* year-old boy was poisoned by some weed or plant,* save W. II, Dibble, of Sioux City, la. *MIo rubbed tho poison olT his hands into his eyca and for a while we were afraid he would loao his sight. Finally a neighbor roootnmond- od Do Witts Witch Hazel Salve. Tho first application helped him and in a fow days ho was as well aa ever.* For skin (linens ce, cuts, burns, scalds, wonnds, insect bitee, DeWitt'n Witch Hasel Salve ia stiro euro. Relieves piles at once. Bowaro of counterfeits. Elko Drug Company. To «T n* hip Tlckof F.levon of tho Elko Dolegatlon met immediately afi.ir tho convention adjourned las? evening and nominated the following township ticket: Justico of the P aoe, L. E. Morgan, Constable, T. N McCoy. Road Supervisor, Knox Crane. Tho Democrats of Humboldt oonnty helil a convention vratorday for the first time in twolvo years. Hon, Francis O. Newlands waa piosent and addressed tho convention for nearly an hour, Tho 8ilvor State aays his spoech was well roceived. \ . A

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  • AliliKLY INP15PKNDKNT.KUll) \ Y SKPT. ll». IUt-2


    Salmagundi.Judge lMbot returned from Lincoln

    county »eet«srduy.Joint Ui-ndeivou, wife, daughter and

    wo her returned fnnii S.in Franciscolaut evening.Mrs. lieu. il. Uinmiifiii returned latit

    rvou.iiK from her viait to the wvuli-nij.:« r of the Suite uud Sun Frunciaco.A CtiiutttuiMi mil I'ortu^uea-i wo uiun

    applied 'or a marriage li enue in CarsonTliurjiluy, hut the county clerk refuwdto issue it.

    I'lie Fusion Statu ticket appears i;ithis IBB ii0. A press of oilier mattersprecludes a review of the ticket today.This will appear in Monday's issue.

    Mrs. Kllin Campbell lain just receiveda tine lino of "Heady to wear hats" that

    will i iitercet the hidiee, She has alsoreceived her stock of full dress goods,See her uew ad.

    Ted Mu) and l-'red D. Lynch of SaltLake have boeu employed hy Mr.(ju trills as tnusicinns in the ClubSaloon. ITiey are excellent in their line.Drop in during the evening and listento their sweet music.M. 11. Dunton of Tuscorora lias

    announced hiimtolf in the i'unet-ltoviuwas a candidat > for county coaimissionerfrom the uortliern district. Mr. Duntonis a wide a.va^e, thorough going manand if placed ou the ti-rket will make Iiikopponent hustle.

    I'he Silver I'.irty Stats .om u ittee hat*pla 'ed itich trd Kirman of Ornish}county on the ticket for S-iort TermKegotit to till the va -ancy rau-»e.l byJudge Mriok'i iue'i^ihility . Mr. Kir¬man is one of the hri^h est young hue-inean men in t lie We of Carsonwas ohn*cu temporary ehairmnn and A.it. Stoddard of Virginia City temporarysecretary. The usual committees wereappointed and the convention adjourneduntil 7 o'clock I*. m. At the eveuiugsession the reports of the eoniinittcMwere reeaived and the permanentorganization etfected. After which theconvention adjourned until 1(1 a. m thismorning,

    ll«> Hworii."

    "Did it ever occur to you," said a wellknown lawyer yesterday, "whence comesthe custom of raining the right handwhen the oath is (alien? No? I'm noteurprised because I don't believe thereis one lawyer in ten who knows itsorigin."Way back in the twelfth contury

    whon the common law was first put illforce, tt wan the custoai to brand allpertains convicted any. Read '.heuoti -e carefully.About 1 1 o'clock this foreuoou a box

    of rubbish iu the alley back of Iloin-liari s store caught tire mill nave prom¬ise of h lively biuzi. Allen Mcliridewas so. hi on ttie groiui I with a KingI' ire Fx i iug u'sher and the Maze wasnipped before any damage waa done.A Kansas widower who i>ot married

    Hk'uin iu two weak* after Ins wife died,went and tried to hush up the charivaricm-vil by telling them they ought to beiifhaiued to muUe such a noise around ahouse where a f literal ha l occured solately,

    Lost. Straykd on Stolkm. I'he gamewarden's "buyer* *-bo was anxious togive us three time* the amount we paytaxes on for our Klko property. A re¬ward of $20 wilf be paid to anyonebrint.Mii>; him to this office with £10,020to swap for a deed to the real estate -itidand peraoual properly on which we paytaxes in Klko county. This reward willnot hold good unless the "buyer" withthe com is produced and the sale madebefore oil is struck iu the Blko fields.Produce the buyer and the coin, Mr.Game Warden, and got the reward.

    I'he litiiKPK.iut.NT on eo more callsthe attention of the peoplo to thedefenseless condition of the town iu casea fire should break out. When the firebell rang this morning, there waa nowater iu the reservoir 'ind the town wnaat the mercy of the tire. How loug thiscondition will last we do uot "know, butwhile it does last every person male andfemale should be careful in the use ofwater. Gardens and lawns are uotas valuable as the huildingH and otherproperty in town. Ho careful aboutlire and economical in the use of waterand tho town may escape a disastrousfire.

    I»l»l i let t'diirl .

    rite Disttiut C urt convened at 0 p.in. Tuesday evening lo receive therepot t of tiic L' ainl jury. The juryprest 1 1ted its tinrd report and wnadischarged. The court then orderedlhal I ip L.iwe, n:i Indian, indicted formurder. G. W. Hale, for uii assault witha deadly weapon with iutent to dobodily harm, mid Frank Fox, forrobbery, appear at 8 o'clock for arraign¬mentAt 8 o'clock the defeudents were

    arraigned and given till 1:30 p.m.Hettember 17th, to plead to the indiot-men Is.At 1:30 p ui. Septenber 17tli, the

    defendants little and Tip I»we wore iucourl and through the ir counsel, WilsonA Williams, plead uot guilty. TheCourt then set both cases for trialat 10 a. m Monday September 20th.The dofetidaiit, Frank Fox, failing to

    appear, he waa given until this evening,after the arrival of the eastbound traiu,to plead to the indict ment. Fox wentto Palisade la«t evening to raise moneyfor his defense and sent a telegram fromthere today stutmg that it would bo ini«possible for liiin to be iu courl at 1:31this afternoon.The point took a recesn until tho

    arrival of No. (5 this evening.

    Onmtli of slier). Iniluttrj.

    Tho growth of the shoep industry inthe Rocky mountain Stub* in the lfintquarter of a century has been onormous,nays tho Portland (Ore ) Oregonian. Ithas. iu fact, lieon created in that sectionwithin Hie period, this being eapeciallytho case in Montana, which State, anwill bo shown by special reports soonlo bo published by the Department ofAgriculture, now leads in sheep rainingand the production of wool. Abouttwenty-llvo years ago the llrenl applications an they cannotreach tlio diseased portion of tho ear.There is only ono way to cure deaf¬ness, and that ia by constitutional reinedice. Deafness is cuusod by nn inflam¬ed condition of tho mucous lining of theEustachian Tube. Whon this tubo getsinflamed you have a rutublin|t sound orImperfect honriugiuid whon it in entirelyclosed deafness in tho result, and unlessthe inflammation can be taken out audthis tubo restored to its normal condi¬tion hearing will bo. destroyed forevor,nine cases out of ten aro caused by ca¬tarrh. which in nothing but an inflamedcondition of tho muoous surfaces.We will give Ono Hundred Dollar*

    for any case of Deafness (caused bycatarrh) tlint cannot ho cured by Hall'sCatarrh Cure. Mend for circulars, free.

    F. J. CHENEY A CO.Toledo, Ohio.

    Hold by Druggists, 7f»c.Hall's Family Pills sro the best.

    Hot Chicken ' amales, LimburgcrCheese Sandwiched nt nil hours at thoMug Saloon. Choice Wince, LiquniBnd CitfAr*. Fine Music by the bestTalent.

    ? Ionopaii llltfi.


    Salmagundi.Mr. Mauser U reported some l«-tter to¬day, but he is still very sick.At tlu> session of the District Court'

    mat night Frauk Fox appeared andplead not ku ilty to the indictmentcharging him with robbery. JudgeTill hot set his cuae for 2 oVlock Moudnv.for gettimr a jury iiud 7 o'clock for tak¬ing evidence.Robert Hartley, Sprucemonl's veteran

    Democru', came in Inst night to attendthe county convention. He paid his re¬spects to the Imdkpendkkt offioe thinmorning and told un that the world wasu-ing In in kindly. Ho cauie all the wayfrom Salt Lake, where be hail tieen at¬tending to business, to attennd Indiana, for -.nelatter were as anxious as the officers tocapture the murderer. A fow days agohe was captured by the Indians und putto a most horrible deuth.The capture was nmdo in southern

    Nevada and no time was lost in theexecution. A rope wus fastened by slipnoose around liis neck and with theothor i'ii. I tied to the horn of the saddlethe murderer was dragged for over amile across tho rock-strewn desert. Thebody, which was horribly lacerated, winthen thrown ou a huge pile of wood andburtied.

    Dovloe to rrevnil CoUUIonn.

    Railroad collision n will became athing of the past if n new invention oftho Rev. Kurtmann Mueller, pastor oftho German Lutheran Church at QII art-lord, S. I). cornea into universal use.Iiy it two trains cannot, it is alleged, getwithin 2,(*lrg*tr*.Tho Republicans held a caucus last

    evening and selected the following listof delcgtofl to the county convention tolie voted for at Saturday's primary:

    R. M. Mallolt, Clias, A. Gardner, C, B,, Wilson, S. Jacobs, B, Dotta, T. T.Tennnnt.lt.lt, Dunn, J. C, Harbinfloii,G.S.Garcia, Geo. Hruoe, B, Reinhart,Henry Jotire, Ltiuia llurkhart.


    Salmagundi.I'ho be0 hero on or about tho 25th inst.For further information in