weekly hg guide 10 30 11

PantegoBibleChurch Become Beyond Week of October 30-November 6 Belong Welcome Welcome guests to your group; if you haven't had guests in a while, encourage your group to invite someone next week. Opening Prayer Thank you God for the Spirit who provides everything we need for knowing You and serving You! Family Time Brainstorm as a group to see if you can think of the 'fruits of the Spirit' from Galatians 5:22 -23. Have someone write them down. Take a look at the passage to see if you named them all. You may want to write each 'fruit' on a separate sheet of paper & use them as flash cards to help memorize them. Ask people to share when they’ve seen the fruit of the Spirit in someone else in your HG. Kids Time ° Ask kids: What's your favorite fruit (apple, banana, orange, etc)? Share/remind them of the 'fr uits of the Spirit' from Ga- latians 5:22-23.  Ask : Which of these are easy for you express; which are more difficult for you? Encourage kids that the Holy Spirit is the one who helps them to act in these ways. He also gives people special abilities (spiritual gifts) to serve others! (mention some spiritual gifts found in I Corinthians 12:8-11). ° Have kids draw a pictur e of their favorite fruit. Fruits of the Spirit are the ways we act like God. The Holy Spirit also gives different spiritual gifts to Christians so that everyone’s needs can be met. Write out different spiritual gifts on separate  sheets of paper. Then place all of their ‘fruit’ drawings & your ‘gifts’ lists in one baske t. God is all of these fruits (a ll of the time) & He is the source of all of these gifts (all of the time). He is a great God & He is also good because He shares all o f these wonderful things with us! Adult Time ° We know that the Holy Spirit works to transform us to reach our potential as God's children. A part of this transforma- tion includes giving believers power & tools for joining in God’s mission.  Luke writes in Acts, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”. As a part of our spiritual transformation, the Holy Spirit imparts fruits of the Spirit & spir itual gifts. Create a list of 'fruits' & 'gifts' of the Spirit. What is distinct about the two categories? You may compare the list in Galatians with 1 Cor. 12:4-11. (1. Fruits are qualities of God that we all should grow-in as a part of our renewed nature. 2. Specific & differing gifts are given to believers for the work of ministry.) ° Paul often talked of the unity & diversity of Christians as the ‘body of Christ’. Discuss what gifts each person in your group thinks they may have, & how those gifts may compliment others' gifts in your group. You may pass out paper & have each person draw what part of the ‘body’ they a re (i.e. gift of teaching = mouth; serving = hands; evangelism could be hands or feet; etc). ° Encourage your group to all go take a spiritual gifts assessment & compare the results next time you gather. Prayer Time Thank God for all of His gifts to people & thank Him for giving spiritually-gifted people to the church so that our needs would be met! Community Calendar Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away! Consider how your HG might express thanks to othe rs in your Community Group. Also consider if there are any families in your area that might need a little extra love & support throughout the holidays. Church Calendar Remember: Operation Christmas Child is in full swing. Stop by the Lobby boot h on Sunday to pick up informat ion about your OCC Shoebox. Collection Sunday is November 20th. Organize your HG to participate in this wonderful ministry.

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8/3/2019 Weekly HG Guide 10 30 11

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Week of October 30-November 6 Belong


Welcome guests to your group; if you haven't had guests in a while, encourage your group to invite someone next week.

Opening Prayer

Thank you God for the Spirit who provides everything we need for knowing You and serving You!

Family Time Brainstorm as a group to see if you can think of the 'fruits of the Spirit' from Galatians 5:22-23. Have someone write them

down. Take a look at the passage to see if you named them all. You may want to write each 'fruit' on a separate sheet of 

paper & use them as flash cards to help memorize them. Ask people to share when they’ve seen the fruit of the Spirit in

someone else in your HG.

Kids Time

° Ask kids: What's your favorite fruit (apple, banana, orange, etc)? Share/remind them of the 'fruits of the Spirit' from Ga-

latians 5:22-23.  Ask : Which of these are easy for you express; which are more difficult for you? Encourage kids that the

Holy Spirit is the one who helps them to act in these ways. He also gives people special abilities (spiritual gifts) to serve

others! (mention some spiritual gifts found in I Corinthians 12:8-11).

° Have kids draw a picture of their favorite fruit. Fruits of the Spirit are the ways we act like God. The Holy Spirit also gives

different spiritual gifts to Christians so that everyone’s needs can be met. Write out different spiritual gifts on separate 

sheets of paper. Then place all of their ‘fruit’ drawings & your ‘gifts’ lists in one basket. God is all of these fruits (all of the

time) & He is the source of all of these gifts (all of the time). He is a great God & He is also good because He shares all of 

these wonderful things with us!

Adult Time ° We know that the Holy Spirit works to transform us to reach our potential as God's children. A part of this transforma-

tion includes giving believers power & tools for joining in God’s mission.  Luke writes in Acts, “You will receive power 

when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”. As a part of our spiritual transformation, the Holy Spirit imparts fruits of the

Spirit & spiritual gifts. Create a list of 'fruits' & 'gifts' of the Spirit. What is distinct about the two categories? You may

compare the list in Galatians with 1 Cor. 12:4-11. (1. Fruits are qualities of God that we all should grow-in as a part of our

renewed nature. 2. Specific & differing gifts are given to believers for the work of ministry.)

° Paul often talked of the unity & diversity of Christians as the ‘body of Christ’. Discuss what gifts each person in your

group thinks they may have, & how those gifts may compliment others' gifts in your group. You may pass out paper &

have each person draw what part of the ‘body’ they are (i.e. gift of teaching = mouth; serving = hands; evangelism could

be hands or feet; etc).

° Encourage your group to all go take a spiritual gifts assessment & compare the results next time you gather.

Prayer Time

Thank God for all of His gifts to people & thank Him for giving spiritually-gifted people to the church so that our needs

would be met!

Community Calendar 

Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away! Consider how your HG might express thanks to others in your Community Group.

Also consider if there are any families in your area that might need a little extra love & support throughout the holidays.

Church Calendar 

Remember: Operation Christmas Child is in full swing. Stop by the Lobby booth on Sunday to pick up information about

your OCC Shoebox. Collection Sunday is November 20th. Organize your HG to participate in this wonderful ministry.

8/3/2019 Weekly HG Guide 10 30 11

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