weekly evangel - ifphc.orgifphc.org/digitalpublications/usa/assemblies of god usa/pentecostal... ·...

, V "And this Gospel at th e Kingdom shall be preached (pub - li sh ed. Mark 13:10) in all th e world tor a wit ness unto all nati ons; and the n shall t he e nd co me." Matt. 24:14. WEEKLY EVANGEL PUbli Sh ... ", In t b e intel'cats M the Gen- (' r al 0 f Coo. endeav(.)rtng to keep the unl ty or thp- S p 1 r I t In the bon d" of until we all come Int o the u ni ty ()( faith. "Go Ye Into All The World And Preach The Gospel To Every Creature" AXOTIIER S('1I00f_TlAHTFORD . .\ T..\. Beginning- Dec:'c- mber 001 wish to an noun ce that following the convenlion here to be held fro m Decembf'r 1 st to 5th. WE' will have a Bib le School for thc' training of the young preachers and J lropl!' wl10 desire to enter the work of the Lord and obtain better preparation for same. A Drief cou r se in Bible Histor:t. a study of the s'J)ec ia l t ruth s fnr this <18:· a nd age in the form of topics. 'I'raining in vo cal music and grammer, with specia l evangelistic serv i ces at night. \\'e purpose to include much pray er and waiting on God for a specia l enduerueht of pow (' 1' fr om on hi g h, and gifts of th n Hol y Gh ost according to Hi s own w11l. Ther e will be no certain charges malle, but each must bring his own toilet outfit blanl<ets, pillow and a hundred-fold secration and a teachable spirit. Besideg this bring all the rood and money God will give you. Each church in Southern Alabama, i\ris- sisslppi and Florida should send in to thl,) school th ose workers in their midst whoB e mini s try shows they have been called to the work, and should administer to their temporal needs while here. to come should correspond Jes sup, Hartford, Ala. All expecting with W. H. YI ("J'OHIOCS NOTE Elder A. B. Cox sends wo rd from )Iaryland, wh ere he has been holding meet- ings with much victory. He writes as foJ- 10 ws:- "The battle is on. The Lord tru ly ha!i met us wonderfully. ,Ve wrote you b9- fore "'If the great revival. We had to CIO!=ld on account of cold weath er. The M. Church is holding a r evival now . Scores of convicted Rauls are go ing to the al tai' and some are finding God, 'fhey welcomeu us l"'eutecostal people .... 0 \\Q'i'K WILD l.Item. 1Ve pr ayed down the power on the seeking ones until they verily shook unde r the 'Pow- er of God. Th e peop le, however, did not under s tand it and would each time pull the seekers up and seat them and even whell their hnnds we re up and shaking thl.)- would hold their hand s. ,Ve are praying' the Lord to work mightily anyway anJ save and baptize many. \Ye are progr essing fine with Ollr two story building and basement . \Ve hope to dcuicate it by Dec. 20th, D. V. , an rl have a large revival to follow. \Ve ask any Spirit-filled workers who feel led II) come ove r and he lp us to write us for the lneeting at that time . I want good Jiable workers. 1\'rite at once. Rememb£r us in your prayers for this gr eat time. Dl.:LUTH, CO:,\,VEXTION._ Bro ther Ne\'c's Homo partl y d estroyed by Fire. The Convention is over. Severa l wero bl esse dl y saved, a numb er healed, and Quite a f ew sought the baptism in the Spirit. Thr ee we re und er th e power one night and one came through. So many sinners came, and a.tte ntion was given them. It was a seed-sow ing time. Fully 2000 were turne 'l away one nlgbt. This we e k, Brother Vln- gr en of Para, Brazil. will preach in Scandinavian language and It may be that th e break will come th is week. There Is bl esse d unit y in the assembly. It may be said ot the saints her e, "Be hold, how th ey lov e one anoth er. It Brother Neve was burned out yesterday afternoon. Mo the r w en t out for awhile and the children got p la y in g with match e3. One little cu rl y head ran up stai rs from frlgbt and hid under the b ed where be w as found unconscious fr om smoke. A doctor was called and some kind of a machine was used on him, and he is alright t oday. The fire was caught in time so that our effec .. s are uninjured, but for the smell of smoke. The downstairs is burned out completely you migbt say. I am so ilappy in the love of J esus this morning. Bless His name. The Lo rd I. good, His mercy endureth torever. It is great when joy gets tu ll -r ull ot glory .- Edw. Armst ron g. He that loveth noc knowrth not Goel fol' God is lo\"e. John -l·R. "Ev('n' on· ... that loveth is lJorn of God and kllOW(.'t'l God, 1 John -1: 7. "He that dwellcth in love dwellE-th in Gocl. and God in him. 1 John 4:] 6. Jf we 10"p onc anoth('l'. G(' 1 dwelleth in us and Big lo\"e is Ill'de-cteft in li S. 1 J ohn -1: 1;). confess that Jesus is thc Son oC God. (;(/,1 dw e ll eth in him and he In GOd. 1 J ohn 4: 15. \\'hosoeyer dOE"th not righteousnes::; is not of God, Brithel' he that loyeth no hi s brothel'. 1 John 3: 1 O. Herehy ppr- ceive 'w e th e love of God in that lIe laiel down His life fo r us, and we ought to In:· down Ollr li ves [or the brethren. But who so ha th this world' s goods and seeth hi s brothel' have n ee d, and sil utt eth liP hiS bowels of from him. how dwelleth the love of GJd in that m an? 1 John 3: 17. If ye 10"e me, keep my mandments. John 14: 15. 1f a man 10\"e me he will keep my ord John 14: 23. By thi s shalJ all men know that ye are my di sc iples when ye hav e love one to an- other. John] 3: 35. Thi s Divine make s US one with "1 in them and thou in me, that they may be made pe rf ect in one, and that til,. world may know th [4t thou hast sent me and ha st loved th em as ha st loved me." John 17 :23. 'Y0 may speak in the tongu es or men anJ angel s, under s tand all mysteries, and prophesy, and give OlJr goods to feed th cl pOOl', and our body to be burn ed . if it were possible to do so without love . and it profits nothing . These all pas s away, but lov e never fails. Gall is love and God calJ- not fail. Glory to 1he Lamb. is lov e in action. Is 10vc eu ,lurln tAmperan r iff 10"e controllinlr. meekness is love taking no count at sell. joy is l ove realizing. peace Is lov e com mit- ting and confiding, godliness is lovt:! stamping the image of Jes us on our sou l !;', hop e is love anticipating, and fai th is love ap'p ropriating, believing the promises. Love takes no a cco unt o[ se lf but see;o: the -we lfare of oth ers, and abOVE) all geel'.9 the glory of God. Lov e's chief delight ;, to do the will o[ God, and mak es the r ecord o[ that will, the Bible, the mo st int erest ing of all book s. Glory , llallelujah!!! How glad to believe the reco rd that God has gh'e n of Hi R Son, and is the reco rd that God hath given to us ete r- nal lif e and that life is in Hi s Son. 1 John 5: 11. Th ere are three that bear witness, and th ese thre e are one, and lov e gives glad a sse nt, foJ' who soe ver believ- eth that. J es ns is the Christ is born of God. and everyone that loveth Him that bega t l oveth Him al'3O that is begotten of HitI' .. and by this we know we lo ve the child r en of God , when we l ove God and kecp Hi s commandments. \Ve love God because He first l oved us . \Ve were overCome by His lov e, His goodness l ed uS to repen t- ance, even so mu st we overcome by tllcl l ove ot God s hed abroad In our hearts by the Holy Ghos t. , Lo\'(' mOH'd tht' Jphovnh tn gin' lli" only hf'gott(,l1 Ron thut 1H'lh'Yt'lh 0:1 liim s houLI not ppri<::h h'l hUn' lifl', alHI our !'ah"at Vt is in b('lh ,"ing llim anti n'(,l'iving llim in loYl'" 11(' thnt hath thl' Son hath lirt .... anll Ill' that Iwth not thl' o[ (;otl hath no t. I ft'. for in Him lift' atllt that Iifl' i:'> tltt· light of l1l('n. 1 John :l I:! Lm",· is the- pllrl'nt of nil f::rnrt' . h('11('.- tll('J't' ('an be no IlI'rfpction without lon' O:vine 10\"(' lavish in Ilrovi. iot( . hUl vflry ('xncting in its T'l'quirC"l11cntA and will bC" bfied with !-ihort of p{'r" (('('tion. The pure love of husband or wif' dC"mands purity ill 1h(' companion. Goort par ents lov(' th eir childl'f'Tl and r ('qulre th('m to he good. God and wn lil S to he IIk(' Him. If we love God Wi" want to b(' like H im, An1('n! Bless Hls li o ly Love waits for ulld (\('\'clopmrnt , and h as long: paUen('(' for the ript'l1pd fruit. The same <Iunllty of lov(': in will give us pati('IH'C wilh th:..' (, rI'ing. Love r ebuk A s in but w eps on'!' tho silln (':r. L ove enables liS to mrN (' \'ery test wheth(':r tri('d by th(' law. our cOll5cielH'(' Or the world. l .l{)v(' is the ful- filling of th e law 0111' con};('ience is [it'd with nothing sho rt of loving obedicnct) to th e \\' ol'd or God when tho 'Y01'(1 Is known-and love bringR the gT('atcsl blesi- ings to th o world. L oyC hid es a multl - tudc of s in s by sE'ei ng them away. So the Kln-hlack becomes blood-red an-1 then snow-white.· 1: 18. H ye lo\'e the things of th e world. the love of the Father is n ot in you. So 1f )'d be risen wilh Chrigt seek which ar e above. Set your nftectiollH on things aho\te, not on things on the earth.- Our love determines au!· relallon to OUI' conduct, character and destiny. It we love God we will obey Him, if we love our brethren we will do more for them than for ourselve s, if we 10\'e our n eigh bor s as ourselves we will to t.hcm as we would ha ve them do u if we lov(' our en rm ies we will pray em lil{c JC 'H1!-: d id. Thus it is pro v\ t OU I' (' la tio n to God is that of c hildr en )\11' co ndu ct IS joyfu l obedience, OUI' character is Christ· likf'. and our desti ny is heav en. Gl o ry to OU I' coming J(ing! To know that you lov e God settles ;til questio ns, "rol' all things work togeth er f or good to th em that love Cod." No," comes th e f< upl' emf' question : "\\'ho K hatl sepa rat e us from the love ot Christ? Rha ll tribulation , or persecution, 01' famine, 01' nak e dne ss, or perll, or s word? I am pe rsuaded that neither death nor lire, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other c reature , shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. GLORY!: JJord he lp me l ovo Thee more and till my soul Is lo st In love. To all Saints In Christian love.-Arch P. Collin •. Evangel Day December lOth ls Evangel Day. Th e campaign i8 nov.· on for new sub- sc riptions and we are trusting God to give us tl ve thousand (5000) new sub<JcriptioDs by J anuary the 1st. 1\'e are counting un el"ery memher of the E"a ng el Famity to help. And now there is another matter. Some ot the brethren have suggested tbat a day be set apart to take a s pec ia l ofter- in g among the saints In the dltferent as - semblies tor the publishing work. Funds are greatly needed tor the extension ot the work, tor the clearance 01 the machinery and the meeting or obliga- tions tor operating expenses. The Puu- Hshing House is now on a basis tor doint; a most gl orious work tor the Master, anll an opportunity is now given to each 8.l9SeDl- bly to take hOld and give an otte r ing to the Lord tor this work. The day has been apPOinted, Sunda.y, December th e 10tb, is E ,·a.ngel Day, and all Assemblies ot God who are In co-operative tellowshlp with our testimony and work for GOd, will au tbat day have the glorious privilege or contributing togetber tor the great work or God now opening up before us, Praise the Lord! Let everybody take this mat- ter on thclr heart, and, In addition to the new subscriptions whlcb the Evangel Fam- ily will "3ecure, let everyone make an ortel'- Ing unto the Lord on E\,AXGEJ, DAY Sunday, December lOU1, lOl lS. 1'11.00 I'Llt \K-\H . .\ )1 \1\\ EI.Ots SI\.I\EEliS IIE\I\ . \J .. fA'''' ( aUf. Brothcr.\ (" Garr (>n'\ word from Lila as follows are now in sixth w('f'k of r('\'hol in 1..08 AngelCoti Go(1 hnH dotH' grt'at In ollr midst All kinds of ha\'p hf'f'n proyt.'d o\"cr nnd SOllll t \I:onllt·rfu1 ca;::es or have fnkpn pla('p. . Slstf'r Ettl>r Us younK as ,\-"lwl1 h('r(t bf't:'trf' nnd thl) Lord ('('rlainl) ht'3nl hl'r IlraYf'r in lwhnlf of tht' Pt1ol)ln of 1,08 .\lIgplp Drt'adful Consumption. TUJ 018 and ,m('h Iikt' htt\'e 1Ic'('11 lu-'alcd Onf' WUH prayed for nnd th(' tnmor pnss('ci aw:.tY It hUll (.·ighl roots nnd wpighell onf' pound an(1 :\tHl1 y {'ould be' written or thp wond(lrful things th Lord done in the !)ix wepk!4 in .\n gplf>s th,Lt aro ind(>(l'd. Pray for saints on Ow Pariflc Cousl. The arO ,' ho X('w 16 pn,:co IUlp<'r \\ 111 ('ontain a. blJ;! I'ofroll,l! nrtirl(> on th e hl"'tOl ':'- of the .\ po .. toJic Or P('nte<'o..,tul :\10\'NI1('nt. Th e- !<;uh..,C',·iption of ;\our frlm.1d"f o:..houlct ktnrt n ow ",0 as not to ml.,'i thf'i wonderful .\ 1 X'I'J.:HPIIE1 En 1" fJ' O' · Gl · ' ·;S lX 'I' HI-; SPIH I 'r. lIe has to thee. HI, glory ha. shown upon thpe. Hf' hath thy spirit. IIp h ath Quickened thy body. II., h ath mad(' thf"'e to !=Itanci In lIls name nnet d('clarC' rlghteouRneAK, IliA salvation and praiAf'. Oh glvo thank' unto the God or a ll glory and Oh glv .... unto Ill s name, tor li e bath bought His peopl e with a pri re. hath redecmed thorn Rncrlflce of His only sOn. He hath made abundant propitfntiu'\ "'(o r thetr sins. He hath loo sed their fetten, He h ath set thcm free. Stand fast, thol'cfore, )'e ransomed of tho J .. ord, in that liberty wherewith Christ hath madC' YOll fre('. \Yalk before Him in In holine 'iR , in purity of hrart, [01' o ur Gael u consulll- Ing fire. Ollr God Is a God . our Go:I IH a holy Cod : nnd th ey that kno w Tli:3 namC'. that follow Ill s way, must walk with Him in sc>paratenC'f;s of hf'al't and lire. ne ye clean that bonr the vf'ssC'ls or th e Lord . l' nto you cometh thi s word, unto yO :1 who have profe9Red HiH name. Sland, aull having done all. stand , for thc grace of Gar! hath come nigh unto you, and yo have see n His glory, and yo have fc lt His power, and ye have heard 11is voice. Be stroI.1g thcn In tho Lord and In the 'Power at HI .. might. This Is the day or His goodness. or Ills mercy, at His loyo . Already the night draweth near, the shadows of darkness are over the l and. Walk In the light while ye hav e the light. Stand ye In the st r ength at God that your hearts may be Quicken ed to r esist and ove rCom e that darknoss whi ch 1s ove r the peop le. A wake thou tbat sleep- est, ar ise tram the dead and Christ shall give thee light, li ght! light!! Behol d, He Is the light! He Is tbe lig ht! Look unto Him &11 ye children ot God. Look unto Him more diligently. Seek HI. tace. Humble yourselt betore Him . Receive with meekness His Word that your so u ls may be st r engthened and your lives mny be purl t ied and you may not be tound wanting in the day at His appearing, tor He sha ll come, the Lord ot Glory, the l ong- expected One. La! He comes, He comes quickly. Arise and shine tor thy light has come and tbe glory ot the Lord ha. risen upon tbee. Rejoice then, ye redeem· ed ot the Lord, for your salvation Is at band. and the hope ot your expcctatlon drawcth nigh . Blessed be the God whe> hath not delaycd to reveal unto us tbe tul- ne ss or His salvation. H a ve you see n the Big BIble OttOI' on Pug" 4? A New BJJ( J6 puge W eekly Paper t.> Co mmence Jan . 1st f - --

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Page 1: WEEKLY EVANGEL - ifphc.orgifphc.org/DigitalPublications/USA/Assemblies of God USA/Pentecostal... · V "And this Gospel at the Kingdom shall be preached (pub li shed. Mark 13:10) in

, V

"And this Gospel at the Kingdom shall be preached (pub­li shed. Mark 13:10) in all the world tor a w it ness unto all nations; and the n shall t he e nd come." Matt. 24:14.

WEEKLY EVANGEL PUbliSh ... ", In t b e intel'cats M the Gen­(' r al A8~.,mbly 0 f Coo. endeav(.)rtng to keep the unl ty or thp- S p 1 r I t In the bond" of ~ace until we all come Into the u ni ty ()( th~ faith. "Go Ye Into All The World And Preach The Gospel To Every Creature"

AXOTIIER S('1I00f_TlAHTFORD . . \ T..\.

Beginning- Dec:'c-mber 001

wish to an noun ce that following the convenlion here to be held fro m Decembf'r 1st to 5th. WE' will have a Bible School for thc' training of the young preachers and Jlropl!' wl10 desire to enter the work of the Lord and obtain better preparation for same. A Drief cou rse in Bible Histor:t. a study of the s'J)ec ia l t ruths fnr this <18:· a nd age in the form of topics. 'I'raining in vocal music and grammer, with specia l evangelistic services at night.

\\'e purpose to include much praye r and waiting on God for a specia l enduerueht of pow(' 1' from on hi gh, and gifts of th n Hol y Gh ost according to His own w11l.

There will be no certain charges mall e , but each must bring his own toilet outfit blanl<ets, pillow and a hundred-fold COI~­

secration and a t eachable spirit. Besideg this bring all the rood and money God will give you.

Each church in Southern Alabama, i\ris­sisslppi and Florida should send in to thl,) school th ose workers in their midst whoBe minis try shows they have been called to the work, and should administer to their temporal needs while here. to come should correspond Jessup, Hartford, Ala.

All expecting with W. H.


Elder A. B. Cox sends wo rd from Sha~~, )Iaryland, wh ere he has been holding meet­ings with much victory. He writes as foJ-10ws:-

"The battle is on. The Lord tru ly ha!i met us wonderfully. ,Ve wrote you b9-fore "'If the great revival. We had to CIO!=ld on account of co ld weath er. The M. ~.

Church is holding a revival now. Scores of convicted Rauls are going to the a ltai' and some are finding God, 'fhey welcomeu us l"'eutecostal people .... 0 \\Q'i'K WILD l.Item. 1Ve prayed down the power on the seeking ones until they verily shook under the 'Pow­er of God. Th e peop le, however, did not understand it and would each time pull the seekers up and seat them and even whell their hnnds were up and shaking thl.)­would hold their hand s. ,Ve are praying' the Lord to work mightily anyway anJ save and baptize many.

\Ye a re progressing fine with Ollr two story building and basement. \Ve hope to dcuicate it by Dec. 20th, D. V. , an rl have a large revival to follow. \Ve ask any Spirit-filled workers who feel led II) come over and help us to write us for the lneeting at that time . I want good r6~

Jiabl e workers. 1\'rite at once. Rememb£r us in your prayers for this g reat time.


Brother Ne\'c's Homo partl y d estroyed by Fire.

The Convention is over. Several wero bl essedly saved, a number healed, and Quite a few sought the baptism in the Spirit. Three we re und er th e power one night and on e came through. So many sinners came, and a.ttention was given them. It was a seed-sowing time. Fully 2000 were turne'l away one nlgbt. This week, Brother Vln­gren of Para, Brazil. will preach in th~

Scandinavian language and It may be that th e break will come th is week. There Is blessed unity in the assembly. It may be said ot the saints here , "Behold, how they love one anothe r . It

Brother Neve was burned out yesterday afternoon. Mother w en t out for awhile and the children got playing with match e3. One little cu rl y head ran upstai r s from frlgbt and hid under t h e bed where b e was found unconscious from smoke. A doctor was called and some kind of a machine was used on him, and he is alright today. The fire was caught in time so that our effec .. s are uninjured, but for the smell of smoke. The downstairs is burned out completely you migbt say.

I am so ilappy in the love of J esus this morning. Bless His name. The Lor d I. good, His mercy endureth torever. It is great when joy gets tu ll-rull ot glory.­Edw. Armstrong.

He that loveth noc knowrth not Goel fol' God is lo\"e. John -l·R. "Ev('n' on· ... that loveth is lJorn of God and kllOW(.'t'l

God, 1 John -1: 7. "He that dwellcth in love dwellE-th in Gocl. and God in him. 1 John 4:] 6. Jf we 10"p onc anoth('l'. G(' 1 dwelleth in us and Big lo\"e is Ill'de-cteft in li S. 1 J ohn -1: 1;). \\'ho~oever ~hall

confess that Jesus is thc Son oC God. (;(/,1 dwe ll eth in him and he In GOd. 1 J ohn 4: 15. \\'hosoeyer dOE"th not righteousnes::; is not of God, Brithel' he that loyeth no his brothel'. 1 John 3: 1 O. Herehy ppr­ceive 'w e th e lov e of God in that lIe laiel down His life fo r us, and we ought to In:· down Ollr li ves [or the brethren. But whoso hath this world's goods and seeth his brothel' have n eed, and sil utteth liP hiS bowels of compas~i(\:1 from him. how dwelleth the love of G Jd in that man? 1 John 3: 17. If ye 10"e m e, keep my COTIl~

mandments. John 14: 15. 1f a man 10\"e me he will keep my "·ord John 14: 23.

By this shalJ all men know that ye are my disciples when ye have love one to an­other. John] 3: 35. Thi s Divine low~

makes US one with Jequ~. "1 in them and thou in me, that they may be made pe rfect in one, and that til,. world may know th [4t thou hast sent me and hast loved th em as thol~ hast loved me." John 17 :23. 'Y0 may speak in the ton gues or men anJ angels , understand all mysteries, and prophesy, and give OlJr goods to feed th cl pOOl', and our body to be burned . if it were possible to do so without love. and it profits nothing . These all pass away, but love never fails. Gall is love and God calJ­not fail. Glory to 1he Lamb. l{indne~s

is love in action. Jon~suffer i ng Is 10vc eu,lurln tAmperan r iff 10"e controllinlr. meekness is love taking no count at sell. joy is love realizing. peace Is love co m mit­ting and confiding, godliness is lovt:! stamping the image of Jesus on our sou l!;', hope is love anticipating, and fa ith is love ap'propriating, believing the promises.

Love takes no a ccount o[ self but see;o: the -we lfare of oth e rs , and abOVE) all geel'.9 the glory of God. Love 's chief delight ;, to do the will o[ God, and mak es the record o[ that will, the Bible, the mos t interest ing of all books. Glory , llallelujah!!!

How glad to believe the r eco rd that God has gh'e n of HiR Son, and lhi~ is the reco rd that God hath given to us eter­nal life and that life is in Hi s Son. 1 John 5: 11. There are three that bear witness, and th ese three are one, and love gives glad assent, foJ' whosoever believ­eth that. J esns is the Christ is born of God. and everyone that loveth Him that bega t loveth Him al'3O that is begotten of HitI' .. and by this we know we love the child ren of God , when we love God and kecp His commandments. \Ve love God because He first loved us. \Ve were overCome by His love, His goodness led uS to repent­ance, even so m ust we overcome by tllcl love ot God shed abroad In our hearts by the Holy Ghos t.


Lo\'(' mOH'd tht' . \Imi~hty Jphovnh tn gin' lli" only hf'gott(,l1 Ron thut who~np\'('r 1H'lh'Yt'lh 0:1 liim s houLI not ppri<::h h'l hUn' (,H'rlaslinl~ lifl', alHI our !'ah"at Vt

is in b('lh ,"ing llim anti n'(,l'iving llim in loYl'" 11(' thnt hath thl' Son hath lirt .... anll Ill' that Iwth not thl' ~nn o[ (;otl hath no t. I ft'. for in Him i~ lift' atllt that Iifl' i:'> tltt· light of l1l('n. ~\mf'l1! 1 John :l I:! Lm",· is the- pllrl'nt ~rnce of nil f::rnrt' . h('11('.­

tll('J't' ('an be no IlI'rfpction without lon' O:vine 10\"(' i~ lavish in it~ Ilrovi. iot( .

hUl vflry ('xncting in its T'l'quirC"l11cntA and will bC" ~at bfied with nothill~ !-ihort of p{'r" (('('tion. The pure love of husband or wif' dC"mands purity ill 1h(' companion. Goort pa rents lov(' th eir childl'f'Tl and r ('qulre th('m to he good. God 10\'(~s U~ and wn lil S

\I~ to he IIk(' Him. If we love God Wi"

want to b(' like H im, An1('n! Bless Hls li o ly ~amr~ Love waits for ~rowth ulld (\('\'clopmrnt , and has long: paUen('(' for the ript'l1pd fruit. The same <Iunllty of lov(': in U~ will give us pati('IH'C wilh th:..' (, rI'ing. Love r ebuk A s in but w eps on'!' tho si lln (':r. Love enables liS to mrN (' \'ery test wheth(':r tri('d by th(' law. our cOll5cielH'(' Or the world. l .l{)v(' is the ful­filling of th e law 0111' con};('ience is satl~~ [it'd with nothing sho r t of loving obedicnct) to th e \\'ol'd or God when tho 'Y01'(1 Is known-and love bringR the gT('atcsl blesi­ings to th o world. LoyC hid es a multl ­tudc of sins by sE'ei ng them wa~hecl away. So the Kln-hlack becomes blood-red an-1 then snow-white.· I ~:;. 1 : 18.

H ye lo\'e t he things of th e world. the love of the Father is not in you. So 1f )'d

be risen wilh Chrigt seek tho~e thing~

which are above. Set your nftectiollH on things aho\te, not on things on the earth.­(.~--

Our love determines au!· relallon to ao~ ,

OUI' conduct, character and destiny. It we love God we will obey Him, if we love our brethren we will do more for them than for ourselves, if we 10\'e our neigh bors as ourselves we will to t.hcm as we would have them do u if we lov(' our e nrm ies we will pray em lil{c JC 'H1!-: d id. Thus it is pro v\ t OU T· I' (' la tion to God is that of children )\11' condu ct IS

joyfu l obedience, OUI' character is Christ· likf'. and our desti ny is heaven. Gl ory to OU I' coming J(ing!

To know that you love God settles ;til questio ns, "rol' all things work togeth er for good to th em that love Cod." No," comes th e f< upl'emf' question : "\\'ho Khatl sepa rate us from the love ot Christ? Rha ll tribulation , or persecution, 01' famine, 01' nakedness, or perll, or sword? I am persuaded that neither death nor lire, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. GLORY!:

JJord help me lovo Thee more and mor~ till my soul Is lost In love. To all th~

Saints In Christian love.-Arch P. Collin •.

Evangel Day December lOth ls Evangel Day.

Th e campaign i8 nov.· on for new sub­

scriptions and we are trusting God to give

us tl ve thousand (5000) new sub<JcriptioDs

by J anuary the 1st. 1\'e are counting un

el"ery memher of the E " a ngel Famity to

help. And now there is another matter.

Some ot the brethren have suggested tbat

a day be set apart to take a special ofter­

in g among the saints In the dltferent as­

semblies tor the publishing work. Funds

are greatly needed tor the extension ot

the publl~hlng work, tor the clearance 01

the machinery and the meeting or obliga­

tions tor operating expenses. The Puu­Hshing House is now on a basis tor doint; a most g lorious work tor the Master, anll

an opportunity is now given to each 8.l9SeDl­

bly to take hOld and give an otter ing to

the Lord tor this work. The day has been

apPOinted, Sunda.y, December the 10tb, is

E ,·a.ngel Day, and all Assemblies ot God

who are In co-operative tellowshlp with

our testimony and work for GOd, will au

tbat day have the glorious privilege or

contributing togetber tor the great work or God now opening up before us, Praise the Lord! Let everybody take this mat­ter on thclr heart, and, In addition to the new subscriptions whlcb the Evangel Fam­ily will "3ecure, let everyone make an ortel'­Ing unto the Lord on


Sunday, December lOU1, lOl lS.

1'11.00 I'Llt \K-\H.

. \ )1 \1\\ EI.Ots SI\.I\EEliS IIE\I\ .\J ..

fA'''' . \II ~('I~. ( aUf.

Brothcr.\ (" Garr (>n'\ word from Lila ~\n~(>lt·:-; as follows • \\~e are now in th~ sixth w('f'k of th~ r('\'hol in 1..08 AngelCoti Trlll~' Go(1 hnH dotH' grt'at thln~s In ollr midst All kinds of tlIRea~,' ha\'p hf'f'n proyt.'d o\"cr nnd SOllllt \I:onllt·rfu1 ca;::es or h(,l\lin~ have fnkpn pla('p.. Slstf'r Ettl>r ~pf'mc;. Us younK as ,\-"lwl1 h('r(t bf't:'trf' nnd thl) Lord hn~ ('('rlainl) ht'3nl hl'r IlraYf'r in lwhnlf of tht' Pt1ol)ln of 1,08 .\lIgplp Drt'adful ('atlC'('r~. Consumption. TUJ 018 and ,m('h Iikt' htt\'e 1Ic'('11 lu-'alcd Onf' f.i~·t·r WUH prayed for nnd th(' tnmor pnss('ci aw:.tY It hUll (.·ighl roots nnd wpighell onf' pound an(1 thn·(>-fIunrt('r~.

:\tHl1 y l('~timonicH {'ould be' written or thp wond(lrful things th Lord ha~ done in the pn~t !)ix wepk!4 in L,o~ .\n gplf>s th,Lt aro mnr\'£"lon~ ind(>(l'd. Pray for th~ saints on Ow Pariflc Cousl. The m~cting8 arO C0I111nuln~ .

, ' ho X('w 16 pn,:co IUlp<'r \\ 111 ('ontain a. blJ;! I'ofroll,l! nrtirl(> on th e hl"'tOl':'- of the .\ po .. toJic Or P('nte<'o..,tul :\10\'NI1('nt. Th e­!<;uh..,C',·iption of ;\our frlm.1d"f o:..houlct ktnrt

now ",0 as not to ml.,'i thf'i wonderful ~to'·r·

.\ 1 X'I'J.:HPIIE1 En ~fHSS.\GE 1"

fJ'O'·Gl· ' ·;S GI \' I '~ '" lX 'I'HI-;


lIe has tom~ to thee. HI, g lory ha. shown upon thpe. Hf' hath rf>rr('~hcd thy spirit. IIp h ath Quickened thy body. II., h ath mad(' thf"'e to !=Itanci In lIls name nnet d('clarC' HI ~ rlghteouRneAK, IliA salvation and Hi~ praiAf'.

Oh glvo thank' unto the God or a ll glory and holine~8. Oh ~h"(' prai~(', glv .... hon~r unto Ill s name, tor li e bath bought His peopl e with a pri re. 1I~ hath redecmed thorn b~ Rncrlflce of His only sOn. He hath made abundant propitfntiu'\ "'(or thetr

sins. He hath loosed their fetten, He hath set thcm free. Stand fast, thol'cfore, )'e

ransomed of tho J .. ord, in that liberty wherewith Christ hath madC' YOll fre('. \Yalk before Him in mt'('knes~. In holine'iR , in purity of hrart, [01' our Gael I ~ u consulll­Ing fire. Ollr God Is a knlou~ God . our Go:I IH a holy Cod : nnd they that kno w Tli:3 namC'. that follow Ills way, must walk with Him in sc>paratenC'f;s of hf'al't and lire. ne ye clean that bonr the vf'ssC'ls or th e Lord .

l ' nto you cometh thi s word, unto yO :1 who have profe9Red HiH name. Sland, aull having done all. stand , for thc grace of Gar! hath come nigh unto you, and yo have seen His glory, and yo have fc lt His power, and ye have heard 11is voice. Be stroI.1g thcn In tho Lord and In the 'Power at HI .. might. This Is the day or His goodness. or Ills mercy, at His loyo. Already the night draweth near, the shadows of darkness are over the land. Walk In the light while ye have the light. Stand ye In the strength at God that your hearts may be Quickened to r esist and overCom e that darknoss whi ch 1s over the people. A wake thou tbat sleep­est, ar ise tram the dead and Christ shall give thee light, li ght! light!! Behold, He Is the light! He Is tbe lig ht! Look unto Him &11 ye children ot God. Look unto Him more diligently. Seek HI. tace. Humble yourselt betore Him . Receive with meekness His Word that your sou ls may be st rengthened and your lives mny be purl t ied and you may not be tound wanting in the day at His appearing, tor He sha ll come, the Lord ot Glory, the long­expected One. La! He comes, He comes quickly. Arise and shine tor thy light has come and tbe glory ot the Lord ha. risen upon tbee. Rejoice then, ye redeem· ed ot the Lord, for your salvation Is at band. and the hope ot your expcctatlon drawcth nigh . Blessed be the God whe> hath not delaycd to reveal unto us tbe tul­ness or His salvation.

H a ve you seen the Big BIble OttOI' on

Pug" 4?

A New BJJ( J6 puge W eekly Paper t.>

Commence Jan. 1st f

- --

Page 2: WEEKLY EVANGEL - ifphc.orgifphc.org/DigitalPublications/USA/Assemblies of God USA/Pentecostal... · V "And this Gospel at the Kingdom shall be preached (pub li shed. Mark 13:10) in

-----------T ;

Weekly Evan gel A Penteooltal NewlllPoper pnblbbed weekly

with the .sceptlon o f one week durlnS' the meeting of tbe OenerM Counoll of the AI· .embUu of GOd, and Chri.tmlU week:. 50 l .. uu per yeAr.

pubUlhed in tho lntereat. of tho GenorAI A .. elllbly of O od "Dd for fellow.blp in a.nft the promulgation of tho GOlpel of the KiDi'dom 1Jl all tho enrth.

PubUlbed by THE GOSPEL PUBLISamO BOUSE, ~838 ElutOD Avenue, St. Loull, Mo.

(Owned b7 tho aenoral Conno11 of tbe AI· umbliea of Ood.)

KANAOmO COMbtITTEE. J. W. 'WELCH ............... .' Editor J. B. PLOWER .. . ............ omco Editor Wm. O. SCHELL ........... BopruentaUve

EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERY. 3. W. WELOH Chairman .. .... St. Lontl, Mo. J. B. PLOWER Sec'y ........ St.. LOui. , MO. ;rOB. 0 0 BE1II', Tr..... . ....... Luc •• , Iowa. E. N. BELL ....... . ... .. .. SprLnlftleld, MO. S . A. Brown ............. .. . New York, N . Y . A. P . COLL:Ilf8 ............ I"ort Worth. Tn:. A NDS EW L. FBASEB ........ Chicago, DI. A . G. OAB.. . ........... L o a AnKel .. , Ca.Uf. 8. A.. ,JAKXE80 llf ..... .. ....... Dlt11"a, Tn:. D . W. XE1I.a ..... . ........ Clevela.nd. Ohio B . 1". L A WHENCE ... .. .. ... 8prinlff1eld, Mo. D. B. McDOWELL ........ Tot-tanvl1le, X. Y. WXLL C. T .OTTE:R. ..... ..... Port,ll\ud, Oro.

8UBSC.lPTIO N PBIOE: '1.00 per yea.r, 60 0\8. for aix month a, 25 ct •. for threo wonthe.

AU aub.orlption. shonld be .out by Poet"l or Expre. . Money O rder., made payltble to The Goapel pubUehing Bonn, St. Loui., Ko. Do not send oheck. or draft. escept you .. dO. lOot •. for eschAnge to the I\lUOUDt.

Su'bacription •• articlos for PllbUcAtion. orden for Blbl.a and orgAna! ~tc .•• hould be addre .. ed to t.he Goapel pubUah1Dg Bonao, 2838 Ea.ton Avenue, St. Louia, MO., to Inaure prompt -.t· tention. Art101u for pnbllcatlon should be written on ono aide of paper and be brief I\Dd to the pOint. aa fl\r a. It 1a po .. lble.

All mattere for pubUcatlon mu.t reaoh our omce DO later than ThurtldA7 of oacb week.

Entered aa .econ4·01n. ... ml\tter Mn.rob 24, 1915, at the ro . t omce n.t Bt. LouiS, MI .. ourl, under the Ao of Mn.roh 3. 1879.

The numbor of tbia pe:por IS l18 If thl. Dumber appears on the ",d· drea. In.bel 011 the wrappor In whioh your l)apor 1. mailod to yOll, It ludlcatoa that your sub.oriptlon ox· Viro • this wook. PIOalO ronew at onco.

The timo of expiration for your IiJUbiOrlp­tlon 1. IndJoa.ted by tho numbor whioh "''Ppen.r. on the yellOW n.ddre.. label Ituok on the WTRpper of your paper, or on tho upper right ha.nd corner of your paper providing It 0.00. not oorne to yon In a WTl\pper. For tn.t8onoe, ahould we receive a Bnb8lerlptlon from you for ono year n.nd tho pre cent 1811\\0 of t.he papo'1' be No. 100. we would add fifty to the numb or, putttnl' 1'11"0. 150 on the l\ddro .. labol on your papor. which mca-ns that you.r papey would ellplre with W eekly EVBni'.1 No. 150. U a .Is. lllonth' liubBcrlptlou, we would add 25 to the uum.'bor of the present 1 •• uo which Indi­catel that your l)aper would O][VirO in twent7· fivo weeks from the llumber with which your sub.cription commonced, and so on.

Tho number of each hultto 1. prlned on tho left haud cornor of the (rout pago a. well a. here, n.nd tWa numbol' ia movod up 1 on.ch woek.

Wheneve r 70ur .ubaoriptlon expire., if It ~ uppeu that yon do not t'l081re to 0011-......... papor any longer. plealo drop UB a ..a ... tell your \lo.tma.ter to notify n. to

... IItop ~ apor. Xl we 40 not he'\r from yon .. -. hen your sublcription 1. out, we wU1 If for gra.nted tha.t you dec1re ". to continue tbe p.per to your ",ddr"' .. nd .0 will expect to reoelve a renew .. l from you shortly

\\'e of en speak of what we call the for­eign fields and refer to preaching the G03-pel tn other lands as thougb It were 0.

work entru'Sted luto the hands of a few chosen one~, who are especially called and commissioned to go Into tho rield. afar. So many times we havo heard that God bas called someOno to China or India or some other country far from their na­Uve land as though It wero something In the naluro of a special and unusual re­Quirement oC God.

It Is not really a speelal call nor Is It a special commt"J8ion which is required. It Is simply the call oC Gad given to all In obedience to which one Is to yl ld his life for sCTYice, to heed God's command. to

obey tbat command by going Corth as lIe directs.

It Is all one whether Jle sball direct ~~ to China. Or to India. or to Texas, Or to Xew York, and they wbo go to distant lands are simp ly obeying Ood's command to go. nnd going they rind tbelr true Cleld ot ministry. The oI3am call, bowver, \<3

given to all. the call Is to sacrlClce and Rcrvtcc. Separatton frOm the (ormur things Is a part oC obedience.

There are tbree words whl('h begIn with the letter "S." Separation. Sacrifice, Ser­vl ce. The~e arc k ey words which tnd!­calfi' what God's eall and command to gil ImpllE.'s. Separation first. There mU!!t br a loosening o f the tteo.t, a breaking of the bands. a readjustment oC the lHo ~Ince it ha"3 not been in accord with God's purpo e and has not he ld to the things wbi('h God rC\lu!rcs of us, nor the things which He can uge for Ills g lory. The cnll of the world and the pull the old Ues al'<> Im~IRlcut and <st rong but God says "Separ· alp. " aod we must obey.

Xo man can ~atlsry the demancl09 of tbe divine wili who is unwilling to rendju Rt hIM Ilfe o r who Is not wllllng to follow God's directions. God called to s(\pnratlon III the past. We baye manr ~xample, oC It in His \\·ord. )1any are seen to ha\ e obeyed. to finrl God "-l hand to mPN heir every need and to le~d them into ever),


" r , I I


patb to which Ire has brought them. Go'] I~ calling to separation now, "Come ye apart awhile."

God's thought for us may be seen In hi s attitude toward Tsrael to vdlOm He said by III. prophet lIosea. "I wtll allure hor and bring b er Into t h o wllderne~~ and speak comfortably unto hoI'." The ma~­glnal r MUng he re glv"" us this "I will speak frl ndly to h er heart ." God's rlo­~II'O is to have u s to lTim !ic lt for awhile. lIo wishes to get us Into th o wlldernrss or place apart. ITe wlsbes to s peak. H e is friendly toward our Interests. He know'3 what Is best and we do nol. l1 e can speak In our hearts. ITo wants to do 80 . \Ve must come aside with Him Reparation from mucb that has us Is needful. We mnst not only consent to separation but we mus t move III tho matter . lTe does tho calling, we mU"3t respond and obey. First things como [Irst In God's order. epara­lion to be tree from entanglements mu s t prccede a lite ot service which will pro­ducc the true fruit.

Tho partially separated IlCe Is lltlgect much with the elements oC tho unholy au,l tho truit Is sour ,:..rrnl'es and undo\lc lopCtl pOJllcgrn.nlLtes. It there wero morc truly flc parnted ones , separated from sin aod the world, released from the bands and tics of th e natural, the restraint or th o flesh, Ood would havo more opportunity to glo"try I11m selC In llvcs of service.

Th ero Is a thought to bo added to all tbl s In relation to se paration. \Ve arc to sC' parato FROM blndranc<'s of every nll~

tlll'O, to be separated UNTO 111M, that, being pliabl e in His hand s, lIc may semi ti S forth in trtle service, for we aro sor­vantlj .

In Rom. 6: 22 wo read 01 being made fr ee from. sin that w may become s rvan lH to Cod, and that we shall have fruits unto Holiness and the end everlas ting life. lI erc are cvidenlly two distinct matters or o('curren('c, on e being deliveran ce aull separation from si n-a thing that is pos-81hl0 for us and c~('ntlal-the other Is to become servants to God. Th ey who nro r('ally s uch will serve Him In glad ob <lience to nis command and for such R(' rvl co have the enduement of power \'..Jdch ITo has promised.

The fruits are what God wanls-the fruits of JIollness. Simply put. tbl~ meaus the result of purtty Of heart and Hfe, whic!:l Iml>1ics an absenco of sel f-wil l and th9 presence of humble a nd trustful obedi­ence. To r each aud to bold the place oC a servant oC God Is to lay the wholo IHe down unto God and to continue to allow !lIm Ills way with u s. In shor t It bring' us to offering our lives a living ~acrtfice, holy and aoceptable unto Him. A sacrifico Is that which Is required or the thing neces­snry to ,aUsCy God. The demand mado upon us is tbat we PRESENT OUR­S~;LVES. Th e sacriflce Is to be II. llvlng saeriflce, 1. e .. a sacriClee oC llfe. with this further tbought III it that It l~ to be 1\11

ever-contin uing sacrifice, presented tu God. to remain upon the altar untl! He shall consume It wholly unto ITlm.elr. Fol­lowing this line oC thought we are led t o see that God's desire Is to have US that He may work HIS WILL In US, flrst mak­ing us what He would have us be; then that He may work out His will Ulrougll us, his 4SeT\~ants, and that Ills will for us may finally be done. God has purposod great things for us and He wlll bring us Into the m all not only bere In a Hre oC ser­vice, but afterward In tile r ealm or eternal greatness toward which we are moving.

Beloved, hearken. Oet God 's though~ for your life. Move out In separation from every tie that binds to a life of selflshneS<! and self-wil l. Separate yOurselves untu God to hecomo His se rvant. Draw nigh unto God and pre51ent yourself to Him. Yield yourselves to Cod as they who are nlive from the dead and your members as instrument9 of righteousness unto Ood. Look upon your life as a sacrlrlce offercu to meet God's demand. Treat it as such from this lime on . Expect that God will lay His hand upon you {or good. Be ready to rc~pond and He will give you your place in Ilis service and wbether the commacd shall be to go to China to teach or to r~­main in America to perform the tasks which He may require ot you, all will be w~ll. "~hen the day of your r e lease from the toil and trial of service shall come, you 4Shall hear Him say "'Yell dOlle."

How high arc the ways of God and bow hie;h are His thoughts for us. How truly v.·ondcrfu} it is that GOd is e,'erywher t '

present and that He Is Interested In all the needs of the whole world. He is e o-

I SUNDAYS~~ ])ecember 12, JOJ;).

JF.JlO\·.\Tf YJ.;.\ RXS O\·J.~ rt n.\CJ{SLm-TXG ISH .\Io~ I,.

the un~tab l e hearts ot the people went out after st range gods. This tollowed after they bad departed from tbe true God, and that was Lhe constant tendency. "Tal\O heed brethren. lest there be In any oC you an evil heart of unbelief, in de parti ng Cram tbe Ilvlng God." lIeb. 3: 7-12. Satan has always been on the alert to h inde r if possible God's people from real iz ing God's best purpose. The human heart clings tJ

I,csson Texl :-lIos. 11: 1-11. tb e visible thin gs; but' without faitb it Is Gol<kn 1'o,t:-[ d rew them with corus impossible to please God." And It was

oC a man, with bands 01 love. !los. 11:4. to foster this faith In the Invis ible God ] .endj n!( Thou!(ht:-The love of God. that J ehovah had Ume and again granted 1. Ood's rclatlon to J~ra()J. va. 1-4. It them marvelous s upernatural manlfesta·

I ~ Important that the book at lIosea be tions of His pow er and presence in thei r r ead over one Or more times carefully in midst. For all this God says "my peopi") the preparatlon oC the lesson. Th e prO- are bent to backsliding from me." The phet's whole mes~age is a marvelous reve- very tact that IIis love for th em Is so stror:~ tation of God's tender love tor His wand er- and lrue, necess itates their chastening be­Ing people as contrasted with that people'~ cause 01 this persistent r e bellion and dls­persistent Ingra tltude and di sobedience. obedience. Heb.12:6. It Is for this velY This prophet 1I0sea s tood for Clfty years reason that God has hact to allow same 01 between Israel and h r fate-----a. messenger us to come under the "yoke of the As­of m e rcy. It is s ignificant that his name syrian " Lev. 26:31.33. Ou r relusal to go and that of Jesus bear the same mean- God's way removes us from the place or fng, "'Salvalion" or Hsavlor." Perhaps he His covenant btOSBillgs. In response to tho was symbollc of that greater Savior who call to worship and serve J ehovah "none was to deliver the peopie from the very at nil wou ld exalt him." Psa.119:67. root at th e ir difficulty-thei r s ill S. Matt. 3. God's mercy " f)()n them. vs. 8-1l. 1: 21. This chapter bas been call ed God's How God cllngs to them In splto 01 all! lament for Israel. Tbe llfe 01 the whole Hi s Judgments are r emedial and are tem-nation Is compared to that of an Individu al. pered with mercy. v. 8 portrays all the The proph e t goes away back to the beglu- anguish 01 tho "mother-heart of God." ning "when Israel was a child." Mark And ought not we who have recelyed ot th e tende r fath~rly yearning for the 'words tbat sam e yearning s pirit to grieve as deep­"I loved him, and called my son out of ly over wandering ones today until it be· t<;gypt." Ex. 4: 22, 23; Deut. 4: 20- 40. A. comes the very cry 01 our hearts, "How In our own case It was all a matter of sball I give thee up, Ephraim?" Thel'i3 free grace and unmerited favor on God'''3 is a sad lack of such nursing fathers an.l part. Dellt. 7: 6-1 O. So God loved h im mothers In I s rael today. I·Tad th ere been as a son; taught him to walk; lifted hi~ more, perhaps wo would not havo lost so burdens and provid ed for him as a natural many of our preciou s young people . We father would fol' hls well -beloved child. all need a deeper and fuller manifestation vs. 3, 4. The picture here of Cod's ])1'0- of God's divine love within our hearts . A vision is full and deep, as well as tender closer r endering of "my repentings ~re and pathetiC. An d has 110t God been simil - kindled" would be, "1 am wholly over-arly gracious and provident in His dealings come with sym pathy ."----Cam. Bib. Th ere with a ll of U'S. "Full of com-passioD, and Is 'Sweet promise for future days in versps gracious, 10ngsufle ring. and plenteous In 10.11. It Is the thought 01 restoratlon to mercy and truth." Psa. 86: 15. "Ye havod favor; ot a glad return from all the lanus not chosen me but T have chosen you." In which they have suffered bondage to The references to Ephraim throughout the their own land and homes. God's dealings chapter and book as well, practically means with man prove Him lo be Infinile in mer­Israel, as their hislory was Identical after cy. And today as th en the ruptue aDder .reroboam. "His mercy flow s an end less stream,

!lJ. l-..l'" u~ waDderl~::.._v.:.os,". ___ T".h.ro' all •. ternlt.:l-lho same." 2, 6-7 . Not oncE>, nor t 'lVlco hut contin ually - ALICE REYNOLDS FLO;\,VER .

gaged in establishing an eternal economy which will include wonders upon wonders revealed to us. In tho midst of all thd -splendor oC It the Church wlll hold a cen­tral place, a place of sacred nearness to Himself forever. HOW wonderfUl Is God in His greatness and Ilis giory. How un­searchable are His judgments and Hil:J ways past finding out. 'Ve sba ll lndeo<l "Know If we go Oll to know the Lord," but when we have gone on into the great eternity and on until we can no longer compute the paooage of days, sUIl there wil l be 'those things which we are yet to know. Glory to God! Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that would be­set us and let us RU:-I THE RACE with patience, so running that we may gaIn the glorious prize oC the high calling of God In Chrisl.-J. W. W.

Brother J. E. Brooks of Swords Creek, Ya.. sends us an a rticle on unity and Church condltlons, In which he gives real advice and some Umely admonltlon . Wo wlll not be able to publlsh It In full but are unwilling to miss altogether the goo.l ad vicc of our brother whom wo do not know personally. H e says In part, "It wo are to reach as a peoplo tho condlUons commonly accepted 8S criptura l fOr the Church we mu s t come to such a state ot hurul1ity and obedienco that the true frUIt. at the Spirit may develop In us. Love Is truly of God and Is a true fruit of tho Spirit. Lo,e Is the true bond oC fellowship. Love nourishes the body of Chris t and when thus nourlsbed the body Increases . This love seems to have been in th e early church and was a t rong factor In their unity so clearly seen as they appear be­ing all of one accord in one place. Th:s seems to have continued as they were stead fast In the Apostl cs ' doctrine and faith. God being with them, signs and won­d e rs proving it, and the Lord added to th~ Church many who were saved. The Apos­tles, with great power, gave wItness of the resu rrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all. "·here loye is abundant unity is found and where there is unity there is power and great faith, but

humillty must underll e It all. Jesus pray­ed for the disciples and all who shoul d be­lleve through tbelr word tbat they might be one as Thou Father art In me and I tn Thee, that they all may be one In us. We are as trul}" incl ud ed as any in this pray~ e r , so we are to be one, held together by divine love, kept in the unity oC the Spir­It. bavlng the power oC the Holy Ghost coming upon us. We are to be true wit· nosses unto J esus, not dIvided, not seIt­willed, not contentious but learnIng 0r Christ and being meek and lowly oC heart. \\·s are to yield ourselves unto GOd that He may use us In a fruitful servIce for His glory.

Truly our brother In VirginIa is right in all thl B and, although we have not given his message In full, for lack ot space, let us heed the good word of warning and with him strive to reach very soon the be~t

possible condlUon of love and unity in bumllity for His glory who loved us and gave His Son to die for uS.-Edltor.


Cornln~, Ark.

The moetlng Bllil go"" on h ere with !n­terest. Souls are coming through in ai­most every service. We are looking for Bro. Rodgers to help us for a lew days. Pray for us.-H. E. Reed.

SWlday, December 19th 1. E,·angel Day. Wbat are rOu going to do on that day?


Or LICe and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter. One oC the most remarkable books publisbed oC God's wonderful works or beallng and sav­ing poV\'er. A few of these wonder­ful books left.

Price $1 .50.

THE GOSPEr, PU13LTSUl~G HOUSE 28.18 Easton Ave., St. Loo.ls. )10.

Page 3: WEEKLY EVANGEL - ifphc.orgifphc.org/DigitalPublications/USA/Assemblies of God USA/Pentecostal... · V "And this Gospel at the Kingdom shall be preached (pub li shed. Mark 13:10) in


WEE K LYE V A N G:....:E::.:L~ ________________ _

, SEEK YE TJ-m f,ORD. Psa 69:32. Amos 5:4.

4IYour beart sball live that "Seek the Lord," Oh trust not in your migb t.

KOf in your arm of boasted ~trength, YOur glowing prospect bright.


For "all as grass shall fade away," Thus plainly speaks God 's writlen ",,'ord

There is a certain, surer way, M. M. PINSON

"Your heart sball live that seck the Lord."

Second Article

The first article on this subject dwp.'t

God's "Spirit slri\' ing long with men, largely \vith the Sonshtp of Christ, giving \\"hose thought!'; so oft are yain sc ripture showing thnt He wa~ and is, the

'ViiI Dot strive always; hear yo tben 8011 of God. So this article will deal wit!l Hi s w ord so clear and plain; .

~the subject or what Christ 1'5 to the SlUuer. Humble yourself and ask lIi s will <4 ~. Shun not to beed His blessed word ~:.~.~. God declares ill His Book that by on~

So shall ye l{now llis pleasant patbsL~~.:t maD sin entered into the world, (Rom. 6: "Your heart "Sball IIvo that see~.:;o.tbe 12.) and death by sin' and so death passeJ Lo d" ~:'''1;, . . ,

r . :~:, upon all men, tor that all ha\'e sin ned-or,

Darkness is gathering evorY\\·her.~. < in whom all ha."o sinn ed. Therefore, as hy And souls arc drifting fast '~~'( the offence of one, judgment c..1.me upon

Awav from faith's strong moorlbg place, all men to condemnation (Rolll. 5:1 ) OJ'iven beforo the blast. ,""'- of One

llow may I stand the tempest kt:eIl even so , by the righteousness I take me to God's faithful word. (Christ) the tree gift came upon all moll..

And deeply to my sou l He speaks. unto justification or life. Thiog passage "Your heart shall live thht seek the of scripture ahows the whole world under

Lord." ',)~ .:,-

Death paS"Sod on all; the <t~ irest flower Blooms but to swiftly (He;

And f i eld s once fresh with heavenly dew Now parched and barren lie;

\\' ould you a fruitful planting be, Hearken then to lJis .holy \Vord­

So sha ll you thrive c'ontinunlly, "You r heart shall live that seek the

Lord." ;.'" ... ~~,,""

"Seek then His ~a'ill;" His gifts or love, His vouchsafS'di,P(essin gs sweet

Are gra n ~ed b1)~ lead thee on To daily wo~p at His feet.

Abide in Ch rj~bJ.he heavenly Vine, Feed eveH~ll·. the Living \Vord;

Ane! you slvi'llgrow in richest grace, "Your Qeart sha ll live tbat seek the


REQUESTS POR PRAYER. Pray that a Pentecostal outpouring may

eorne upon Center Valley. Ark. --:0:--

Pray fo r Si ster Lillian Trasber of Egyrt 'who has been suffering from illness. a~­

-cording to ber last letter to us. --:0:--

Pray that I may be healed of rheuma­tism and of rupture, and that I may r e­

-cel"e the baptism or the Holy Gbost.-J. H. 'Reed, Inwood, I Ud.


"'~ill the saints e-verywL~c~ tJl~ray tbat I may be filled with all the fullness ()[ Cod.-". M. Haines. Gatesville. Tex.

--: 0:--

Please pray tbat I may be healed of catarrb of the bead and tbat I may receive 1.he baptism.-George Grttfin, Vine Grove, } {y.

--:0:--Please pray for my h ealing ( r om rupture.

~T. L. Penick. Rosboro, Ark. --:0:--

Please pray fo r the bealing o! my bOdy :as I am troub l ed In my eyes n erves and

lleart. I deSire to be healed for His glory. 1I1,·s. E. L. B r own , Healdsburg. CaW.


Pray for the h ealin g of my year old gran d-dau ghter who

<deaf. --:0:--

li ttle fo ur was bor n

Pray for bealing of cancer of a sister tn

Ellston, I owa. She deSires special and -earnest prayer.

By Mrs, Alice R. Flower

condemnation. Therefore, there was a necessity for n remedy for sin to be lH'O­

vided. John tho Baptist, wben he came On the scene, said. "Behold the Lamb o! God which taketh away the sin o( the world.'· (John 1: 29.) That meant a sacrl-fice for sin!

Now there had been many lambs-as

sacrifices for sin,-the virtue o( whicb all depend ed on tbis one lamb (Christ) whlcl\ was "slain from the foundation of the world.' · (Rev.13: 8 . ) Sin Is an awful thing, and Cod looks on it as such, man cou­

demned on account of It, and nothing but the shedding of blood can purge or clean-scl from ~in. (ITeb. 9:22.) Christ is tho theme of the song that wc read of In R ev. 5: 9 as th e "Iamb slain," "\Vorthy art

Thou to take the Book and open the seal s thereof; for Thou wast slain. and hast redeemed \IS to God by Thy Blood out of every kindred , and tongue, and peopl" .... and nation; Anel hath made us unto our

God Kings and Priests: and we shall reie:n on the earth." '\'ha t think ye of Christ'?

0, say! that is not n ea r all of it! John "'3aid, "And 1 beheld, and I heard the voic~ of many angels round the throne· ••

tho number of them was ten thow~anrl

times ten thousand, and thousands Jf

thousands; -saying with a loud voice, 'V01'­t;.hy In the Lamb thaT w-us sl ain to r cehe

power, and ri ches, and wisdom, and str ength, and honor, and glory, and blC6~­

ings ." (Seo R ev. 5:11-14.) Somo people, in thoso days of higher

criticism, n ew thoughtlsm and many other "Isms," are trying to get the poople to look away from the shed Blood of Cbrl~t to somo theory 01' doctrine of men. But,

when we come to the 'VoW of God, and r ead Peter's writings. we find him telling­us about our being "redeemed by the pre­cious Blood of Christ, as o f a lamb with­out blemlogh and without spot: who verity was foreordained betore the foundation

of th o worlel, who was manifest In thesn last limes for us." (See 1 Pel. 1: 1 8-21.) There is no hope In trusting In tho flesh. · 'AII !lesh Is as grass, and all glory o! m a ll i s as the f I owe~ of gra,ss, the grass witbel'­eth and th e nower thereo ! !alletb away.'· (1 Pel. 1:2 4. ) "Bu t thanks be unto Go<1 which giveth us the victory through OUI'

Lord J esu s Christ." 1 Cor. 15: 57. The r eason the sinner hasn't victory Is

because he has n't accepted the Christ, tho one that died for him . "For when we

w ere yet without strength, in duo time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcel y (or a rigbteo u"3 man will one die: yet per­adventure tor a good man sarno would even

dare to die; but God commended His lo'·e towards us, In that wbile we were yet Bln­

ners, Christ died tor us." O. listen, yOll

tr mliling bellcver who are "w('ok in thf~

failh·' (Horn. 14.1.) belle. this mossago "much moro then, being now Justified 0)' Ht Blood, we sha ll bo t:ayed from wrath through Him, For it, when we wero

enemies. w \\ ere r('conclled to Ood by the death o( 111"'3 on, much more being rccon·

clled we shall be snved by HI. li fe." "otic' that we uro rE'conClled to God by the d<'nth of His Son, The devil would 11(1'''e U3

doubt that, and go on ILtter "works" or "theories." But we are not snvad by works of rtghteoufmess we havo doue, but "bj

grace are ye SRvC<l, through faith, that no t of yourselves, It Is the (ch rlsl) o! God.'·



"The wagt)'J of s in Is death, (why wtll an Intelligent being go on sorvlng the devIl?) but tbe girt o! God Is etertlal life through Christ Jesus our Lord," (Rom.

6:23.) What think yo of Christ? Do you believe you can have eternal lifo by believing on 1 lim? That Is exactly whot the Bible t aaches. Tho IOath e r loveth thu Son and hath given all things Into TfLi hands. ··Ile that belIo"eth on tbe SOli hath everlasting Ufe." nut listen, Hlnner, "he that believeth uot the Son shall not fie' life: but tho wralh of Cod nbldeth on him . . (See St. John 3:5-36.) God Is much con­cerned about thl"3 lost world-p~ol>le. } le so Illan I fested Ills lovo I n the gIrt or 11 is SOil that anyone In r cadlng tho Blhl o can

see that God l oves sinners. 'For God se'lt not His on into tho world to coudeUlII thll world; but that the world throl1~h II!TtI

might be saved. H e that h~llcvcth on 11 1m Is not conde mned : (0, thank COd, '·\\'o are justified hy fallh through OUI' Lo rd J esus ('hrist." Rom. 6: 1.) but. he that h~ lieveth not is condemned already, bc('au"lp

he hath not bcliE"vcd on tho namo or thl! only begotten Son of God." (See fit. John 3:15-18.)

Some peOple look upon rejecting Je!~119

Christ, the "Son of God" as a small mal ter, but Ood hath salll , "[-10 thai lWIi(>yQUl.. nor the record that Con gave ot His Son hath mado God a lia r ." (See 1 John 5: 10 \ . \\'e ta l{e the witness or m en , why should wo

doubt tho rocord God has given UR ot III'! Son? "And thi~ i8 tho record that GO·I

bath given to Us etornal life, and the lIro I~ In Ifls Son." This Is why Christ could say: " 1 am tho \\'ny, tho Truth , and tho Lifo, no man cometh unto the Fathol' bllt by Mo.'· (St. .John 14:6.)

ChriRt Is to divino truth s, which Uocl has given us n record of, what the "hub" Is lO tho "wbeoi"·-and tho spoke. of a wagoo wh oel must centro in the "bub,"

without the "bub" tho SPokes aro no gooll. So all tbe truths center In Chl'lst. No Cb riogt , no SavioI'. No hrlet. no ternal

lite for tho ballover. Thank Goel, we havo a Christ, yea. a ri sen Cb rl st: "And t! Christ be Dot risen, then is Our prcachln,{ vain, and your faith is al so vain. And H Cbrlst Is not raised, your faith Is vain; ye are yet In your sins."

The Christian has hope, not on ly In thl, IIfe,- lf that were a ll he would be of all men most m I"erablo. (1 Cor. 15: 14. 17. 19.) "But when CIl rl st , who Is our Life shall appear, then shall yo also appear with Jllm In glory." Col. 3:4. Romembe,·. Christ Is our Life. he that bath not the SOli of God hath not 1i!e." What think ye of Christ?

Yours seeking the lost for Chrlsl.-)l. M. Pinson. 1 639 84 Ave., Oakland, Cal.

1i In aanma frnm tqe If(tug'a ~ttr~eu

A beautiful little book of Pentecostal poetry specially a­dapted for gift pur­poses.


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There are two kinds of circumcision, one

outer and ons inner. One is In the flesh. the other III the heart. One Is made by tho hand O! man, the Olher by the Lord.

J ewish Circumcision, fn GeneSiS, Chapter 17, GOd gave llw

covenant of circumcision In the flesh to Abraham, a sign o! the faith by wb leh be bad already been justified before be was circumcised. See Rom. 4: 9-25. Later circumcision was incorporated into the

Law under Moses and became binding O!l all Israelites forever. The Jews stil i strictly observed it in tbe time or Christ, and all orthodox Jews do so sllll, to this day, all over the !ace of the earth. But this Is in the lIesh, not In the spirit; mad~ by man, not by tbe Lord. It does not ebange the heart nor save lhe soul. It be-

longs to tho old order and not to tbe new. Truo C'hrJstJun Cl r cu m('lslon,

True ChrlHtian circumcision 15 in strict contrast to that In tho flesh In every par­ticular. Paul says, "Thoy are not ull I srael that are or Israel," Rom. 9: O. That is, tbey are not all spiritual or aa\'ed IRrael that arc the fleshly sons at Jacob who wn~

named IsraeL Likewise, In speaking of spiritual J ews and spiritual circumcision, Paul says. "For be is not n Jew who is ont! outwardly; neither is that circumcision

which Is oulward In tho flesh: but he is Il.

Jew wbo Is one inwardly; and Ci rcum cision

Is that of the heart, in the spi rit not In tho letter; wbose praise Is not o! men. but of God." Rom. 2: 28-29.

So then, outward circumcision In tho flesh was only a type. only a tOken, a seal

or sign of the Inner euttlng Or cbanging o! th{' Il(-art In one who becomes thereby a

child of God. God bas promised saying, "From al your rlltblnes3 and from all your Idols I will el(-anse you, J\ new hC2Tt n.1HO will I give you, und a n~w spiri1. will I put within you; and I will tako: away the stony heart· ••• and r will glvo you a hoart or flesh_ J\nd I will put my Spirit within you" Ezek. 3G~2;;-2-.

Xow this chang;ng of the hard stony he~I' of unbel1£>f Into the soft, ylf>ldlng. obey- "

Ing heart or fnlth called a. hpart of nesh. one on which and In which God can wrlto -;. his own law or will. IA the circumcising of .... \

the heart under gracl", It Is called tho circumcision at' Christ, or true Christian rircumcislon, h(\cau~e Christ 'P~rform8 It. nOt man, It Is not a cutting of the OUt­wnrd tie h, n'i \VaH the old J ('wish cirC'unI­

r\t;ton, but a culling inside th man In the

hcarl. In tho will, In the "plrlt o! man. Bnptl"l11 find C'lrr1l111cl ... lon.

naptlsm l!i now the npw typC', symbol or tok n of this changing. this cutting, thl~

circumCising ot th heart. Paul, speaking

of our being- mado tull or complete III

Christ. say9, "In whom ye were also clr­('ull1C'IH£'d with a circumcision not made

with han"s, In th,> putting orr o! the body o [ the fl('sh, In the clrcuTllci~lon or Christ;

haying ho('n burled with 111m In haptisrn,

whrreln yo wero also ralHC'cl with HiJ~l

through fnlth In the working or (;0<1:'

Col. 2:11-12. Tn nnoUH'r plat'(' lit' Fp('nk~ of (h(> "was!J­

Ing (till' lu\'(:or) ot rOJ.,"cn('ration and tl1f" rr>­

nowlng of the IIOly Gbost." Tit :!!l. A~aln 11('1 Hays, "lIa\'!ng our heartH ~prin­kled from an £'\'11 ('ons{'i(,llre and our bOil.'

\\'as)J('d In tHlre wut('r."lll~b. 10: :?:!. ~\galn. "Ari9P, and 1)(' unptizl'cl and wash uwr.r thy !olin~, c:lIling on thl' name of thp I..elr!I. •

\ct~ 2~ J i. , . gain, "H.f'lwnt, alld l)(' bUIJ­lIll'!1 in (UpOIl) thl' I1an1l' or J('3UH Christ

for (unto or In rcf"n'IlCl' to) tlw reml~­sion ()f itlH, ami yp tihnl1 rc'c'pin' tlw ,;Itt of the lIoly Ghost" A"'tH :! :l~.

Xow _Il all t1H'80 pa!-'Rar,l' tJ1('t'l~ i:-; u r,h f('r('ncp both to wut('r hnptism Hlld to th·~

work of tli{' ~plrit, n J'('ft.'r1'nce to the out­wnni tokpn ami to tll,. Inward rl'ality, 1'h(' (> t\\'o I Jlf'H ~hould not hp('olllP ('Ol!­

fusNI ll'st wp lak(> Ol1t' for till' othl'r, 14·~t

w(\ ~{'(I Ih(' outwar(l tOkr'n and 10..;1' :!-<Ig'.t of-the- inw'nrd worK or the' SpirIt.

"0'0 a 1 '(' \\ ThlnJ., ..... : 1. ..... 1 \\'h om," that Is III Chl'lst. So

then tl11~ Hpirltual rlrcumchilon is "In C'hrlst." not in ",at r.

2. " .\ c lr'(,1I111f'j"llon tlot nw(!o wilh

111111<1 -; ," Now th o preAcher can baptize you In water wllh his handA, but ncltlh~r

1119 hondH no!' tho wa.ter can rrach thl' heart lnHldo lhe candlda.tl'. II ('nco the hear t Is not Clit Or clrculTIcised hy water bapti sm.

~. Thi s CircumCising I~ clOIl(l "In th o

Jlllttlll~ off 1ho hod ,l ' of ,h (' n t"~ h, In Iho dl'­

l'uJIl('l!-do ll o f ( from Or l1,r) C !trl .. t,"

Now how Is I hi. old body put off? Bollt outwardly and Il)wardly. On tho f"..;ld o w o are "cruclflod with Ch r lgt," our "tre~­paSRCS are forgiven," wo arc made 'new crcatul'o~ In Chriflt," we arc "raised witn 1Iim," we nro "renew('d lJy tho Holy

Gbost," our "hearts nre sprinkled (Wltli lhe blood)." It Is done by ·'tho circum­ci sion of Christ," that IR, it 1s a work don") by h1"18t. It Is a ··ralslng with 111m by tho working o! Cod.'·

But o lltwJU'd l ~' we put lhe old man oe in bapll3m by "washing away our 81111:1," by "wafihlng our body (by baptism) in pure wal<~r," hy being "burlE'c1 with 111m In bap­tiKJll," by "tho wlu;hlng of regen eratioll,"

lJy bring "Daptlz d unto the r mission llf Our 81119." etc.

4, u1'h rou)dl FnHh." H this circulI!­clsion Is "through faith," It is no t theJi through watf>r, only as faith and ob('dlf'ncQ to \\'nt('r haJ1ti~m may work togother. Fail h wll h dlsooedlcnce Is dead,

-'ow In the mind or Goel, the outw:t.rrl tolten Is closely r eIn ted to th e inward work.

Tid !; i s "IRO truo in the t eaching nnd practico or the apostles, and tho long de~ lays in modorn times lJetween the tim€.' of cOl1v('n:;lon and ob{'dlenco to baptism aru

wholly unwarranted by Scripture. Dut, be· cau~E' the outward tok{'n und the inward work of henrt rircuillchdon nrc closely 1'1;­

laled In the mind of God, Is no reason for confusing the two. \Ve should <;('C'k, how­

CV('r, to approach the normal Bible stnoll­areI whero obNllencc is with such repent­RIlce, faith and 8wiftness that the burial o[ the old man In th£' WAtery grave will IJI)

close ly aSSOCiated with tbe raising up In n J1e\\'ne~~ of life throug-h the power of tho Holy Uho~t. Th(,1l the ~I'PAtIlI;~:';S find th~

glory ot the ~jUlJ>l(' gospel will return to liS and be wondrous In our e:\'es.'-l<: .. 'i,

Page 4: WEEKLY EVANGEL - ifphc.orgifphc.org/DigitalPublications/USA/Assemblies of God USA/Pentecostal... · V "And this Gospel at the Kingdom shall be preached (pub li shed. Mark 13:10) in


TllI'n' is J,:.rf'oIt,'r nf'l'd for mlHHlllllary flln,l14 At (lib IIIUi' (!i.11I :llly linlll Kill('" (;(1d rlrHt PPIlI'l'll out til(' IIlIlr !-Ipll'it in Lult!'1' 1<.;lIn ll1i" "111' ;-\nt Old\' fl"P ('ollcittlul1A (11\ lhn rlt It! h.It'Il· r hp(,:lIuif' or ,11(' \\,:\1., hut !:ttIHII'f\ n\ 'I· ,in('II'II1' ~ I1I1.t PI'HctIC('M hn\'" flO fllIl'll till-' nllnds IIr thl' 1"~I'Jllf' Ihnt 1It1 r 11.1\1 Hlm"'Jt ("I 'ltll'! 111j'l Inl M!III!1l1 \. fl' tel Ihlll"I·"d • .,f I't't ,t.d III !:I 11111. I' I'K Ill" 1;1111 ""I,,'uti.'"1 11'101111 t: ~I f'II' I', ir !'I1I!"t. n.llll'I' thl'nll~t IJI"

(;J.;OIt(;I '; ( ' . ,\"\1) .\1\BIIo; SI,.\(n.;H . China.

\\.(' lIn"<' thp oVPl'slghl of fI\'(' 1l1iRHioll'.:.

and an orphnnnJ!.f' during thp nh~('n('e 01'

B"othf'r 1l1ld Rlst('r Lawler in Am£'rirn . Thrrp nfl' many H'lIt!; to bt' lInle! and n family of nhol1t thirty to h(' fpel and cloth­(>(1 1'h(ll"(' I HIRO th Rupport of Our prpr­iou~ nan,,£, hrptht'll In Ill(' GORIWi who a l'('

at th('o ~tatlonR In th('o IntrT'ior, \\'0 are

df'p(>ndin~ upon Phl! 4 1 fl, PraIHt' (;0".

1f the Lore! dOPR not fo; llC'Nllly ullclertak(' "'f:

mny. thronrh Jork of rund~, hf' c'oll1J}<,ll(o(1 to ('In~(' lIll nm(' IUlJ'tR of til(' work. Ilow· ",'pr, by tl1(' 111'1p of God, w(, Illt'nn to hOltl

onl n!.:. lon~ ns 110t'Rlble bcrorr WI"' do so, n~ w(' h('I1I'\-'('o In going on to )JORHP~R tllp lanel for I\:in~ ,) ('~us. \\ 'C' COV('t youI' pra.y­


D " "J!) A . B.\ nTIl. Chinn .

Ood hnR ('a1J~d 111(' to • hanghai u l1 rl w£' hn\"{' I£'tt il onK Jlong \\'p 1\1'(' nil we!L

Bro, ' t'rank l)('nm~Y'R wlf{' died n nd " 'OR

buriN1 luHt w('rIt i n H ong Kong. Pray for HrotlH'r J)('lI ll('Y,

EIH,(,JI I{IHSC' JI"\I ,:l1.


I am , 'pry ~I'nt(>rul to yOU fol' s('n d l l, g

nl(> t1w ]'~\"nn~(' 1 so r £'g l11nrly and hn.ve oftt'n wanlrcJ to write hilt hnv(' hnd nIl

Ulll'~UIlIl)' hufl,y limp. JoJ li zn WitH awny for two month!; nlHl J had all hcr work In arl­

(lit ion to my ow n to ... ee t o, and a ll th'~

~J)l'in~ thrrf' was ~u('h a run of inquirers, Jla1"clly on (,\"("lIing wou ld paSB without

l111f'l1i PI'S ('omin~ 10 r ead and finel out ahout tlip. '\'('Ird of Iitp anel it wa~ 1\0 h l {'~sed to

he nhl~ to point th em to .J e~us. the an i\' t1'11(\ !=;uvior. Rnrl to gh'c th£,nl Ills \Vonl ':'\0 m.Hl co01l'th unto the ]"nth("1' pXCO,'t hy . T(\," 3Ild to !o'(>e many find the SOViOl'

in 111m Thf'rp. h3~ bf'('n Quite a ('ali for wr·pl;s to tlu' \'lllng('R but I hnv~ h('el1 un­

~lhle to f{' pOll(l. fir~t be('nll$l~ of l ack 0: fund . and R"('ondly . h('cQu!';c it iR not safe fOr n woman to go alone i n to th('se vil ­

h~l'~, 1 am hoping to hnve rCinforcemonts ~:(wn anel ] hON' it will be po~sible to vi ~it them . 1\ray the I.lOrd lay it upon th e heart:! of the r('ndpr~ to pray very specially for

t h~~(> villaJ!cR. Thr homes arc all 90 scnt­ter('(1. Th(> mountains ar e so Heep and

prf'cipitoUA. The p r ivation s are so many and Ou r h enlt h not th e very best, yet th o cry com es "Come ov er Rnd give u s th" lI~ht." and w E' dare not re[use, but abov ;'!

all e lse we feel the need of deep unlte'l and conc(>ntrated prayer. If the enemy

Is to be routed In these places the peo­ple of God must get down on their knee3 to tIo it and h e must be routecl and we mU!:lt give ours:eh "es to much prayer.

God did marvellously heal me in ID)'

fingers, First one and tben another on

my right band became sore, swollen and full of pus. but Jesus Hlmsnlt was my surgeon and Physician and tbey were beal­ed without any medical aid whatever ancJ my general health hn! Improved consider­ably . Several who doubted Divine heal­Ing were cOIlvlnced of the trulh of healing in the Atonem()nt and my own faith WRS conside r ably strengthened as well. Then a dear li ttle Mohammedan boy was beal ed of consumption . H I. m other Is greatly un­der the Influence o f the Mohamm edan Mul­lag, o r pr lesls, and when the boy took III thf'Y told ber t o otfer endless flRcritices,

etc" each day ~d " tsi ng so mething fresh , but the boy berame stead ily worse. They took him to an I ndian Doctor but his med i ­cines did him no good, ThE' mother sen t for me one night at ] 1 o'clock. J w ent ltt once and the poor little cha p d Id look bai. 1 told her I could not pray for hIm until Fihe t h rew a way all tbat m edi cine and r e­moved all th e charms and beads, ~c. She



(:hllllrf'n In Ihf' PPl1tl'('ol'!.tnl mnvI'mf·nl. and Wf' llil\'/' lint IJI'pn d<tilll{ our duty \\'f' mu'\t nrlf.ll' lind Hh"kl' our!';f'lVf'!-I 1L1l11 do what Wf'

rQn tn n'I,l'\'fl Ihf' dlRtrNIH find 111·"d nf thl' ml~­Rlnllllrlf'~, ('oml' \Ip to nil' 11I']p of thf' Lord nnw. \\'n will ,..-1;ully fun\lInl mOIlf'Y. to nny 1Il'l'dv mlloll'linnflP·. ~f'llil Itll mif.lMlollHry otf('r-11110:9' to J \V, WI·lf'h. Trt' Isurl'r, :.!"':l~ Eat-:-tOn A\f', Sl. J,()lIIH, '10,

dill f'O ImmNliutely and I lalel hands on h~,.:, hl'arl alld IlI'n.yC'(i ror him nnel nil the rest­Ie IR tOH Ing ('NHled und tlw iloy rell asleep. PI'III~(' the name of .Jesus, The rhild hD:{

bee II HH w('11 as pO~Hible evcr since, r IHIV(' much to thank C;oc! for all tIlis

),(>011'. :\Iy IW('ltS IHl\'e bN'1l Hupplied, my hN1rt ('nco\lrn~('{I, my fnlth Ktr('ngl hcnecl '['IH're hn!-l 1101 fnilN) 011(' good thing o r on,.

word or nIl the proml se~ Of 00<1. I ha\'(' found tlH'111 to be yca and nm('n in Christ J (,RU!ol my L ord, In sorrow .T eRus has bena

my romro!'t, in sirkn(lRR my health, h) w('nkllPss my strength , In loneliness m\' ('om pan lon , In Jl rplf'xlty my wisdom and

my nll and In a l l. as lie ~nlcl 'li e would he. We know w(' wi ll have n real hard fig!1t this wlntC'1' bccnuf>e of t h e rage of thn £,Ilerny n~llln~t us aB he s£'e~ his time is shOl't a n el Ko ul s ar c a(~cepting the Lord, but wO Imow that JesuR w!ll ever l ea .. l forlh to Il'lumph and thut Ihe lIoly Spirit abides to comfort. Continue to pray for us lln d for the five l adR who confessed thf'ir fa ith in Jcsus, for the Girl' s schOOl, fOI' the womrll in the Z('nnnns and above ::tIl for the villages that many m ay be brou g1lt

into living touch with J es \l ~.

)I t\ H11i: ,l l'ERG);~XHI~~r .

,Jn pull ,

1 believe nothIng Is too small In God's handA ~nd in 11ls slgbt that H e ('anQot u se

to "i ~ hOllol' nnc1 ~loI'r, n<.l Iro cal1s us n i~ IIU Ie olles even as H e did Samue l to TI:s work. I surely believe with ull my h eart

that God has called me to Il ls work, as young as I am. and I am wi lling to follow

Him all the way. I have gone to school to !)tudy this l an gu age, which is very h a r ,1. l1 n.\'e gone f or one year and w e see the need of anoth{'l', to ~peak the langua!;'e correctly as interpreter in 1 rig work . 1 am by faith going for another year, l ook~

lug to Him to ~ullply the means. M ay II !=\J)f'ak to us and may we ob£'y and be us('­fuJ in H is hands in bringing many to Him who may be ready for His coming. The reWAI'd will be great i n heaven. Your lit­tlc sister In J esus, ;\I11. l'ie Juer genseu ,

VBK\ T HI<IKL1'S SEE:"\ 1:,,\ i\:"\S\\,~~R TO l'R.\ Ym~.

Dr :\Inriu. A. Ge" ber, )lis~iolHlI'y for

T UI'ker· For some week s th e l etter s from the

Orphans llome near Cesal'ea, Turkey. have been coming to me again regularly. Thl~

last lelter Is dated Oct. 12th and the let­t e l' be"lns "It Is the prayers of God's chil­dren thnt caused llS to be kept and p!"o­

tec ted tn such a time as w e are in, with our dear large Orphan family." In every

leller they tell about great needs which cannot be described and say that every day trom morning untH evening they have

to send away hungry. needy orphans and w idows, fr om the door of the Orphan's nome. without being able to help them anrl the Increase of them Is constantly through massacres aDd war. One who has never done such work as to Bend pleading, hun­gl'Y people a war from the door with noth­ing to h elp them cannot understand v r r ealize what it means, It was always my hardest work when in Turkey and I orten had to do It with pain In my heart. The condition now is such as never has been In all the bloody his tory of Turkey. 1 am sending nil tbe money which comes to my hands to the Orphans Home there and God has fed and kellt \Inl!l now. F00d is v ery expensive so that it tak es much to keep a family of nearly two hundred peo­pl e alive.

1:p to th e beginn ing of the war th e dear Christian people at Europe undertook th ~ su pport of a child or more until the child had rtnlshed school or learned a trade lJy which he could ea rn his own bread. The

Bupport of on!? orphan in OUf Home Is $10. a year, and with thtH t11(' child geLe, a hOIllt",

(ooel, clothing, Fehool and a trade. ba' ~ room to shE"ltC'r 300 chl1dr~n.

:\fmtl or our d~ar old supporters in Eur­OPf" cannOl help U~ any more. Therefor·~

1 u~k the dear rearlers in t he name of t~w

Lord. UI)on the b •• ls of the Word or God (JaR. 1:27 and JaB 1:17, 23), and in the nnme of the starving orphans, will t1H'Y not 1H'lp to save Home of theRe poor Orphans from physical and ~J)jritual starvation' J

Til C'rc are some houRes around u s which 1 ('ould rent to accomodate even morc than 300 if I had the monry. I would Ceel guilty befor('l Goel if 1 woul(1 not make th(,R~ necds knowJl while the Lord has plneN }

me in that position where T know the con­

ditions and am able to reach thE'm as the Apostlf' Paul in that ~ame land !-;aw nnd knew the nCf!d~ and brought them bf'for~

the Churche~. Throll~h the Amcric9.:1 Board, whose hf'adquarters are in Boston, I am ahle to Renrl o llr money sa fely to th:1.t Orphans Homn and thank God none has

.yf'l becn lost so far, and Our only trust l~ in the Lord in whose hands we arc.

All the lelte )'s from the Orphans !Jome art"' "cr y short as the Censor does not per­mit long lettcrs to be written. "y address for this winter is 260 \V, 121st St., N~w

Yo rl' City.

Thnnl<r::givlng Day w ill hf' over when YO ll read these l ineR, hut it is not over in my

heart to thank and to praise my Dear Lord fOl' what He has done for me and foJ' th'~

work in Turkey during this past yeur th r ough Ilis 'Peopl e In America and I deep­l y thank all of you dear on es for your pray­ers and help. urcly the RE\VARD b

nca l'. H all el ujah!



WINNIPEG MANITOBA CONVENTION. Annual Fnll Convf'ntton of the Apostolic

Fnlth A~f'I(>rnbl y l o('ntNl nt 228 I{lng St' .. 'Vln· nlpf"g, 'Man i t oba, ("nnuda will be hf'ld from 1)f'('('rnhC'r 3rd to 1 2th. Inc!. Special workC'l's will i>(l on hand t o s\ludst. For further in· formation ndd re~R ,,~. E, Moody. 27 Fawcett A\,E',. " ' lnnipE'J.:', M ani t oba, Canada.


J anuary 23rd to 30th. 1916,

A cO\.lflcli of s:lints nnd mlnlstel'~ for .'TII South(ll'n )11 !'I!'IOU 1'\ (\·Jz. South of th(' j\JI~SO\lll R"'('r) \'\'111 ('on"l"n(> In Spl'ln~flelr1, ))0. At abo\'c c1at with pm'pose o f getting aCQualntcd

nnd lO ('on~l(lf'I' W:l~'R nlld m(·anf.l (It ('O-Olwr::t­lion AIHI or (xtl'llfIln! lhf' l"'ntt'('f)!u'al woro(;. througbout thl!'! "','('Uon. Hoom8 nnd IWII!-; w!ll hI' pr()\'h1f'tl. \'1 ftors mll!'l hr- JlI'!-,IUI','d ./) tak,' (',Irl' of till Ir o ..... n lI'anspnrl:!uolI to fill'" from thl" mr,N1tw and rhf'_r honrd whllf' hf'r~, f'IKII"11 J \\', \",·Jeh_ B. F Lawrt'",·(· ~1. y F/·r~u!'Qn. CvrHl~ (;('0. \\", I.awsoll. ::\Ir". ),Iary A, _Arthur, "'m. E. GII(>~, J, H. Flower.

PEYI'ECOs'r .\ I, CO:l'\'E:I'TIO:l', TOJ;EDO,


The Flr"3t Pentecostal Convention will be held at Toledo, Ohio beginlng Decem­ber 51h, Jar-ling ten days. Pastor J. H. Kline of Ol'trolt in charge, For informa­tion writ(\ Pastor JI. \\'alls, 3146 Sum mil

St., ToledO, Ohio.

A )IID-\\'I"\ 'I' EH C.HII' )IEETI:I'G

A )Hd-\\"inter Camp 'feeting wil l be

held from Decem her 15th to January 1511I fol' the saintf; in East Texas and \\'es:.

Louisiana, at Elton, La. Two large build­ings on the Collf'gc grounds have been giv­en us free of rent for the meeting. F;or i;'t­formation address Harvey Shear 1', laton,

Loui siana.

A GF.:I'EIUI , ('0:1' \ "0('.\'1' 10:1' .\:,,\D II"\'I\' '\ I, .

H ot Rpring's , A .. kansa", ,JunlU\t·~· 14 to 23. 1016, n.\'.

The !=\e J'\'jces wi ll be h eld in the A~sembl r

of God huiJding at 222 E. Grand Avenue . The Revival will begin .Ian. I, and con­tinue till Convocation and may continue

aftel'. Exp('ct to have some o f the leadil:!g

brethren to be with us to minister the \Vord o( the Lord, a l so many oth er worJc­

C'rs and visitors, V isiting ~ai nts can ReCU l'e rOOID':'; v ery

reasonable neal' th e Church, also m ea is. but we may Ilaye a d in i n g room run on the

free-offering plan, that is fol' th e Conven­

tion. }i'01' further information write-H. ~\ .

Goss, 222 E. Grand Aven u e, Hot Springs,.


The NC'\~ 10 pago paper win contnln a big' stron~ articl o on the history o f th~

j\Jluo;;tolic or P('nt.ecostal !'fol'oment. ThfJ suhscription of your friend .... sh ould start n(nov &0 M not to m.i,ss this wonderful


Suuda:\', )cccmnel' lnt11 j$ R,'nng-cl Day. " 'hat lU'C ~'ou ~o i ng to do on that day 'r­Soo AnJlouncemcn t on J ,l~e G.

A Genuine Oxford Teacher's Bible

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th'e plan , whereby every member o f the Evung-el Fumily, who desires to, cun shu.re in the low price, w e can offer this genuino Oxford BIble with Teachers Hell'S together with our paper, the "~eekly El'angel tor only $1.1)5, prnctically the value of tho Bible nlone were It bought separ ate from the paper.

Tlds offer Is good tor aU who send us thcir renewal or new subscriptions now. If you are already a subSCriber to th" \\T eekly Evangel and d esire one of the:-o Bibles, secure one new subscription at $1,00 and send u s 05 cta. extra, and w e will send yon tJIe Dible, Detter still, YOI1 can send u s five new yearly subscriptions

to the 'Veekly Enmgel nnd we will send you the Bible free o f cost.

Remember the price for both the Bible and the ,,'eekly Evangel for ODe year i s

only ~ 1.1):>"

Speci men of Type

PSALMS. Da • .;d imp/.oreth God'. aid.

9 Bebold, 0 0 God our shield, a.nd .. Geo. l$, 1.

look upon the face of thine anointed. "r'h~l.l. 10 For a d-.r in thr courts i, better JOI. aU

tha.:l a. thoU8&Jld S I had rather h.: Do c..w 4.a¥

3 loBe merciiul unto me, 0 Lord: for I er y unto thee 'da.ily. 4 Rejoice thesoul of thy ser\'ant : cfor­

unto thee, 0 Lord. do I lift up mY80ul. 5" For thou. Lord. art good. and ready

to f Orj, .. -i"e; a.nd plenteous in mercy unto all them that- call upon thee.

doorkeeper LD the house of my God. ~ n 'Ai: than to dwell in the tents of wicked'il r~ ...... ""­II For the LoRD God u ... SUD a.nd Z'!:" ~ 6 Gi \'e ear, 0 LoBL\ unto my prayeri