week 12 listening of cet4 jessica [email protected]

Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica [email protected]

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Page 1: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Week 12 Listening of [email protected]

Page 2: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com


Page 3: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

  A1 Gore calls global warming an “___①___ truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a __②____. But the real truth is that we don't know enough to ___③____ global warming, and - without major __④____ breakthroughs - we can't do much about it.

  No government will __⑤__ rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on ___⑥___usage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show they're "doing something "Consider the Kyoto Protocol ( 京都议定书 ).It allowed countries that ___⑦____ to punish those that didn't. But it hasn't ____⑧___ CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990),and many signatories( 签 字国 ) didn't adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets.

Page 4: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

  A1 Gore calls global warming an “___①___ truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a __②____. But the real truth is that we don't know enough to ___③____ global warming, and - without major __④____ breakthroughs - we can't do much about it.

  No government will __⑤__ rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on ___⑥___usage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show they're "doing something "Consider the Kyoto Protocol ( 京都议定书 ).It allowed countries that ___⑦____ to punish those that didn't. But it hasn't ____⑧___ CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990),and many signatories( 签 字国 ) didn't adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets.

inconvenient, solution, relieve, technological, adopt, electricity, joined, reduced,

Page 5: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Dictation 1. M: You look so nervous, Rose. are you all right? W: Frankly speaking, I’m on pins and needles. I’m going to give a presentation

to a group of important visitors this afternoon. 2. M: You look so upset, Su. What’s worrying you? W: My son Jack made me extremely unhappy. He seems to be playing video

games all the time. Whenever I talk to him he turns a deaf ear to me. 3.W: David, you don’t look happy, anything wrong? M: Well, you know, my mother died three years ago. And

since then my father has lived in an apartment on his own and has very few friends.

4. W: Michael, I don’t know what’s happened to mother. Her memory seems to be going. I have to remind her almost everything.

M: Don’t worry, Marry. She’s just getting old. 5. W: I’m worried about sending my son Peter to college. You see, nowadays,

many college students behave rather strangely. They don’t seem to be interested in their study.

M: Just a few. Most students all concentrate on study.

Page 6: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

He is a student.He’s a student.He has been a college student.He’s been a college student.

Page 7: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

辨音练习 -- /f/,/v/, /s/, /z/

Listen to the following words, and pay attention to the differences

ferry – very fault – vault life – live leaf – leave safe – save half – halve

sink – zinc loose – lose rice – rise seal – zeal racer – razor fussy – fuzzy

1.ferry, 2. lose, 3.vault, 4. rice, 5. leave, 6. razor, 7. halve, 8.fussy


Page 8: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com


1. We saw a (vole, foal) by the river.2. She bought an expensive (fan, van).3. We’re hoping for (peace, peas).4. The (price, prize) was wonderful.5. The (fines, vines) are quite high.6. The USA has (fast, vast) motorways.7. It was full of (lice, lies).8. Be careful, don’t (sip, zip) it too fast.9. She heard a (bus, buzz).10. The old man only has a few (pence, pens) left.

Page 9: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Tongue twist

She sells seashells on the seashore. And the shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure. ‘cause if she sells shells at the seashore,The shells she sells are seashells, for sure.

Page 10: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com


1. /s/ after voiceless consonants:2. /z/ after voiced consonants or

vowels3. /iz/ after /s, ʃ, tʃ, dʒ /

Page 11: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com


1. /s/ after voiceless consonants:2. /z/ after voiced consonants or vowels3. /iz/ after /s, ʃ, tʃ, dʒ / books /s/ maps /s/ boys /z/ Dogs /z/ teaches /iz/ dishes /iz/ Differences

Page 12: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Pair work

Enjoy a movie clipWork with your partner and finish the

following tasks

Page 13: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Enjoy the movie clip

When I first came to China, I went to an ________ friend’s home and I looked at all the ________ on her wall and I said, “Oh! I like this painting.” In English it just mean you’ve _______ many paintings, this one is very nice. But my friend was thinking differently because she is Chinese. And so when I went home she handed me a __________. When I got home and opened it up I found the painting. I was so shocked and I was surprised. I almost __________ because that was never my thinking and I thought “Oh dear, there is a difference in our ________, and there is a difference in our language.”

Page 14: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Fill in the form

In Asian society In the west

I like your sweater.

Page 15: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Fill in the form

In Asian society In the west

I like your sweater.

I don’t like your sweater.

A way to open a conversation.

I want your sweater.

Your sweater is very nice.

Your sweater is very nice

A way to make people happy.

Page 16: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

Enjoy the movie clip

When I first came to China, I went to an ________ friend’s home and I looked at all the ________ on her wall and I said, “Oh! I like this painting.” In English it just mean you’ve _______ many paintings, this one is very nice. But my friend was thinking differently because she is Chinese. And so when I went home she handed me a __________. When I got home and opened it up I found the painting. I was so shocked and I was surprised. I almost __________ because that was never my thinking and I thought “Oh dear, there is a difference in our ________, and there is a difference in our language.”

artist, paintings, painted, package, fainted, culture

Page 17: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com

1. A. Monitor student’s sleep patterns. B. Help students concentrate in class. C. Record students’ weekly performance.. D. Ask students to complete a sleep report. 2. A. Declining health. B. Lack of attention. C. Loss of motivation. D. Improper behavior.. 3. A. They should make sure their children are always punctual for

school. B. They should make sure their children grow up in a healthy

environment. C. They should help their children accomplish high-quality work. D. They should see to it that their children have adequate sleep.

What message did the researcher intend to convey to parents?

Passage 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~~

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

What were teachers told to do in the experiment?

According to the experiment, what problem can insufficient sleep cause in students?

convey: make sth. understood/ knownsee to it that: try to do, remember

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

06.12  听力短文 1

Page 18: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com


inconvenient,solution, relieve,  electricity,  emission adopt 

音标 词性 解释 ( 英文 ) 例句 造句 (global warming)

1. couple ['kʌp(ə)l] n. a pair; adj. few例句 :The couple have no children. 造句 : Every couple years my parents travel abroad.


Page 19: Week 12 Listening of CET4 Jessica yjjessica2011@qq.com


单词 ( 音标 , 词性 解释 ( 英文 ), 例句 , 造句global warming)

5 个短对话听力练习 ( 写句子 )短文音频 , 跟读

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