week 02 competing in a global market

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id Competing in a global market Week 2 Content : The rise of international business Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected] in a global market Jakarta, September 2008 Barrier to international trade international business International business management

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Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

Competing in a global market

Week 2

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

ompeting in a global market

Jakarta, September 2008

Barrier to international trade

international business

International business management

Page 2: Week 02 Competing In A Global Market

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

What is globalization ?

Process by which

Intro …

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Process by which

the world economy is becoming

a single interdependent system

(Griffin, 2004)

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Which one do you like ?

Intro …

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Page 4: Week 02 Competing In A Global Market

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

Which one you recognize more ?

Intro …

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Page 5: Week 02 Competing In A Global Market

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

Is this your favorite spot ?

Intro …

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Page 6: Week 02 Competing In A Global Market

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

Is this your favorite spot ?

Intro …

Source: www.irwanzulkefli.blogspot.com

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Page 7: Week 02 Competing In A Global Market

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

Intro …

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

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Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

What are exports and imports ?

Imports are products made or grown abroad but

sold domestically;

while exports are products made or grown domestically but shipped and sold abroad

Intro …

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Page 9: Week 02 Competing In A Global Market

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

The Contemporary Global Economy

Several forces have combined to spark & sustain globalization:

1. Government and businesses are aware of benefits of

globalization to businesses and shareholders.

2. New technologies make international travel, communication

Intro …

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

2. New technologies make international travel, communication

and commerce much faster and cheaper.

3. Competitive pressure sometimes force a firm to expand into

foreign markets to keep up with competitors.

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Trade Agreements

☯ General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

☯ North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

☯ European Union (EU)

☯ World Trade Organization (WTO)

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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The North American Marketplace and The Nations of NAFTA

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

The Major World Marketplace

Per capita income is the average income per person.

1. High-income countries: those with per capita income greater than $ 9,386.

2. Middle-income countries: those with per capita income of less than $ 9,386 but more than $ 765.

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

less than $ 9,386 but more than $ 765.

3. Low-income countries (developing countries): those with per capita income of less than $ 765.

international business

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The Major World Marketplace

NORTH AMERICA� World’s largest marketplace and most stable economy.

� U.S. dominates.

EUROPE� Western Europe is a mature but fragmented marketplace.

� Eastern Europe has gained importance as a

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

� Eastern Europe has gained importance as a marketplace and a producer.

PASIFIC ASIA� Nations of the ASEAN are an important force in the world economy and a major source of competition for north American firms.

international business

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Europe and The Nations of the European Union

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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The Nations of ASEAN

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Forms of Competitive Advantage

• Absolute advantage is the ability to produce something more efficiently than any other country can.

• Comparative advantage is the ability to produce some product more efficiently or better than other products.

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

produce some product more efficiently or better than other products.

• National competitive advantage is an international competitive advantage stemming from a combination of factor conditions; demand conditions; related and supporting industries; and firm strategies, structures and rivalries.

international business

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Absolute Advantage: Saudi Oil

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

Absolute Advantage: Brazilian Coffee Beans

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Absolute Advantage: Canadian Timber

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Absolute Advantage: Mexico Tequila

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Comparative Advantage: United States Movies

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Bollywood… ???

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Comparative Advantage: United States Computer

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Comparative Advantage: United States Farming

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Comparative Advantage: Guatemalan Textile

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Comparative Advantage: South Korea Electronic

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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National Competitive Advantage: French Wine

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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National Competitive Advantage: United States Fast Food

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) www.unimedia.ac.id

National Competitive Advantage: German High-End Car

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Attributes of National Competitive Advantage

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Import - Export Balances

Balance of trade is the economic value of all products a country imports minus the economic value of all products it exports.

Trade deficit occurs when a country’s imports exceed its exports (a negative balance of trade), while a trade surplus occurs when exports exceed imports (a positive balance of trade)

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Balance of payments

is the flow of money into or out of a country.

international business

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Exchange Rates

Exchange rate is the rate at which the currency of one nation can be exchanged for that of another.

1. Fixed exchange rates: the value of any country’s currency relative to that of another remain constant.

2. Floating exchanger rates: the value of one country’s currency relative to that of another varies with market

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

2. Floating exchanger rates: the value of one country’s currency relative to that of another varies with market conditions.

3. Euro: a common currency shared among most of the members of the EU

international business

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Exchange Rates and Competition

When a country’s currency rises― becomes stronger―companies based there find it harder to export products to foreign markets and easier for foreign companies to enter local markets.

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

to enter local markets.

When the value of currency declines― becomes weaker―companies based there find it easier to export to foreign markets and harder for foreign companies to enter local markets.

international business

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Going International

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

international business

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Levels of Involvement

1. Exporters : make product in one country to distribute and sell in others.

Importers : buy products in foreign markets and import them for resale at home.

2. International firms : conduct a significant portion of their business abroad.

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Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

business abroad.

3. Multinational firms : design, produce and market products in many nations.

International business management

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International Organization Structures

• Independent agents are foreign individuals or organizations that represent an exporter in foreign markets.

• Licensing arrangements are arrangements in which firms choose foreign individuals or organizations to manufacture or market their products in another country.

• Branch offices are foreign offices set up by an international or

Content :

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

• Branch offices are foreign offices set up by an international or multinational firm

• Strategic alliance (also called Joint Venture) is an arrangement in which a company finds a foreign partner to contribute approximately half of the resources needed to establish and operate a new business in the partner’s country.

• Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) involves buying or establishing tangible assets in another country.

International business management

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Content :

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

International business management

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Content :

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

International business management

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Content :

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

International business management

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1. Social and Cultural Differences

Firms planning to conduct business abroad must understand the social and cultural differences between host country and home country.

Differences in:

* Language

* Tastes and preferences

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Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

* Tastes and preferences

* Sense of value

* Shopping habits

Barrier to international trade

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2. Economic Differences

Economic differences can be pronounced.

• A firm must know how much the government is involved in a given industry operating within a mixed economy.

• The impact of economic differences can be great in planned economies.

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Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

great in planned economies.

Barrier to international trade

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3. Legal and Political Differences

Government can affect international business in many ways. They can :

• Set condition for doing business within their borders and even prohibit doing business together.

• Control the flow of capital and use tax

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Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

• Control the flow of capital and use tax legislation to discourage or encourage activity in a given industry.

• Confiscate the property of foreign-owned companies.

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Quotas, Tariffs, and Subsidies

• Quotas is a restriction on the number of products of a certain type than can be imported into a country.

• Tariff is a tax levied on imported products.

• Subsidy is a government payment to help

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Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

• Subsidy is a government payment to help a domestic business compete with foreign firms.

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What is protectionism ?

Practice of protecting domestic business

against foreign competition.Content :

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

Barrier to international trade

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4. Legal and Content Laws

Local content laws require that products sold in a particular country be at least partly made there.

Firms seeking to do business in a country must either investthere directly or take on a domestic partner.

Profits from doing business in a foreign country stay there rather than flowing to another nation.

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Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

than flowing to another nation.

Barrier to international trade

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5. Business Practice Laws

Business practice laws are laws or regulations governing business practices in given countries.

• Cartels are associations of producers that control supply and prices.

• Dumping is the practice of selling a product abroad for less than the cost of production.

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Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

less than the cost of production.

Barrier to international trade

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thank you

Content :

The rise of international business

Exclusively prepared & presented by: Anna Riana Putriya, SE, MSi e-mail: [email protected]

thank you

Barrier to international trade

international business

International business management