wed vs ondcp harding

U.S. Strategy on Rx Drug Abuse SAMHSA’s Perspec:ve Na#onal Rx Drug Abuse Summit April 23, 2014 Atlanta, GA Frances M. Harding Director SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Preven#on

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Vision Session: Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP): U.S. Strategy on Rx Drug Abuse - Francis Harding


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U.S.  Strategy  on  Rx  Drug  Abuse  

 SAMHSA’s  Perspec:ve  

Na#onal  Rx  Drug  Abuse  Summit  

April  23,  2014  

Atlanta,  GA  

Frances  M.  Harding  Director  

SAMHSA’s  Center  for  Substance  Abuse  Preven#on  

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•  About  24  million  Americans  age  12  or  older  star5ng  nonmedical  pain  reliever  use  since  2002.  

•  Rate  of  past  year  use  is  4.6  percent,  but  there  is  geographic  varia5on:  –  3.6  percent  in  North  Dakota  –  5.8  percent  in  Arkansas  

•  Of  the  10  states  with  highest  combined  2011,  2012  use  rates:  –  4  are  in  the  South  region,  3  are  in  the  West  region  

•  Of  the  10  states  with  lowest  rates:  –  4  are  in  the  Midwest  region  –  4  are  in  the  South  region  

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Soaring  Incidence  of  Deaths    due  to  Drug  Overdoses  

 38,000  overdose  deaths  (2010)  

•  5X  increase  since  1980  •  Overdose  deaths  outnumber:  •  Traffic  crashes  •  Homicides    

•  Increased  use  of  prescrip5on  opioids  to  treat  pain  

•  Misuse:  •  Drug  dependence  •  Self-­‐medica5on    •  Incorrect  doses  

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SAMHSA’s  Efforts  to  Prevent    Prescrip#on  Drug  Abuse  

•  Partnerships  for  Success  Grant  Program  

•  Preven5on  of  Prescrip5on  Abuse  in  the  Workplace  Technical  Assistance  Center  

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SAMHSA’s  Efforts  to  Prevent    Prescrip#on  Drug  Abuse  (con#nued)  

•  Opioid  Overdose  Preven5on  Toolkit  (New)  

•  Drug  Free  Communi5es  •  Substance  Abuse  Block  Grant  

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Opioid  Overdose  Preven#on  Toolkit  

•  Content  for  – Providers  – Pa5ents  

•  Do’s  and  Don’ts  •  Recognizing  overdose  •  Rescue  breathing  •  Understanding  how  Naloxone  works  •  How  to  administer  Naloxone  

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Informing  Pa#ents    about  Opioid  Therapy  

•  Expected  benefits  and  risks  •  Use  of  naloxone  and  expected  response  in  case  of  opioid  overdose  

•  Pa5ent  responsibili5es  •  Prescriber  monitoring  

•  Treatment  Agreements  

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Collaboration: Foundation for Success

Center  for  Substance  Abuse  Preven#on  

Center  for  Mental  Health  Services  

Center  for  Substance  Abuse  Treatment    

Center  for  Behavioral  Health  Sta#s#cs  and  Quality  
