website analysis for

Website Analysis for http://www.athomemoms. com/

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Post on 20-Dec-2014




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Website Analysis for

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Design Analysis:Use of SpacingSince this website has many sections and a lot of content, the spacing can be used in a better fashion so that the information displays in a more easy to read manner and the page does not look cluttered. In the slide on the right hand side we have shown by using black areas the spacing that could have been put to use.

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Design Analysis: Navigation

Current Navigation Suggested Navigation

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Design Analysis: Using BreadcrumbsWe suggest adding breadcrumb navigation on all pages to make it

easier for the website users to go back to the previous pages.

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Footer: Detailed sitemap styleCurrent footer

Suggested footer

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Design Analysis: Important Pages

Important pages such as advertise us page should have the benefits of advertising on the website more clearly explained, have sign up forms on the same page and have effective call to actions.

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Competition AnalysisWebsite: overall design of the website is visually appealing although not perfectly user friendly.

Mentioned below are some distinct features of this website.

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Competition Analysis Website:

Help text

Right on of the most noticeable areas of the home page, the website provides a very clear indication of how to use the website. Considering that this website has a lot of sections, this is a very user friendly feature that will help website users not to fell lost.

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Competition AnalysisWebsite: http://www.wahm.comArticle Categories and BlogPlacing the articles in categories is a good way of organizing them. It lets the users to choose the articles topics/categories they want to read rather then having them look for articles belonging in different topics from one articles list. In the blog they have articles that are more informal and less in word count. Comments option makes the website more interactive.

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Competition Analysis http://www.wahm.comForums

Having a forum on the website makes the website more interactive and adds a new avenue for placing adverts.

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Competition Analysis http://www.wahm.comJobs PostingsThe Jobs postings are presented in a very organized way. The box shown on the right are featured postings and below this box are the normal postings.

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Competition Analysis: http://www.wahm.comJob Search A search widget that allows you to search specific jobs in specific locations is a very helpful feature. This site uses a third party script from indeed

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Competition Analysis http://www.wahm.comFooter NavigationThe footer navigation is very well presented and organized under different headings. Having a detailed footer navigation makes it easy for the users to navigate the site as they do not every time have to scroll up to the top or side navigation bars to refer to the site index.

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Analysis of The overall design of the website is not very visually appealing but there are some features that the website has that are very user friendly that are mentioned below.

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Competition Analysis

AdvertsThe advertisement banners are displayed in a very attractive way.

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Competition Analysis

Jobs CategoriesTo jobs are categorized in clear labels which makes it easier to view jobs.

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FAQs sectionThe website has a FAQ section which addresses many common questions that a web user may have regarding the legitimacy of the jobs posted on the website, the business etc.,

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Competition Analysis: the website design is simple but it contains a lot of user friendly features and elements that are mentioned in the next slides.

Page 19: Website analysis for Intro and Call for actionsThis website has a good introduction text and video that explains the purpose of the website. It also has clear call for actions to register or post a job displayed very prominently.

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Competition Analysis Top menusThe top menu bar lists all the sections and sub pages very clearly. We suggest both the top menu and left menu for your website.

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Competition Analysis Job search boxA helpful job search box shows on all the pages of the website that allows the users to do a quick search.

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Google AnalyticsBounce RateThe Bounce rate of the website is over 50%. Bounce rate means how many people reached the website and left it in less than 30 seconds. So for all the traffic the website is getting, more than 50% of it is bouncing out of the website. The overall design and user friendliness helps in lower bounce rates.

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Google AnalyticsBounce KeywordsAs you can see on the right the main keywords have the maximum bounce rates. Sometimes the bounce rates are high because the visitors coming on the site are searching for something the site is not offering and thus when reaching the site they leave. But in this case the traffic that the site is getting from search engines like Google is very focussed.

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Google AnalyticsNew Vs Repeat VisitorsThe repeat visitors count on the website is low and can be increased if the work from home jobs and other sections are regularly updated. The visitors will come back regularly to check the latest on the website.

Important pages like home page has the maximum no. of drop offs.

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Google AnalyticsMain Entry PagesThe home page gets the maximum new and repeat visits.

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Google AnalyticsMain Exit PagesHome page is the main exit page which is a concern. Please see 10 most exit pages on the website mentioned on the right hand side.

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Google AnalyticsVisitors GenderThough the website is targeting moms, it is surprising to note that majority of the visitors are actually men. This means that the website focus should be moved from women only and be made to be more generic (both genders centric). The imagery, the color scheme, content tone etc., has to be appropriate so that it does not give a message that the site offers opportunities only for women.

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Google AnalyticsTraffic from Search EnginesThe website is getting most of its traffic from Yahoo and Bing (MSN search engine). Google being the third source of traffic right now can get the site more visitors as more people in the world use it over others. So if proper Search engine optimization is done addressing the on page and off page factors the visitors can greatly increase from Google.

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Google AnalyticsMobile Traffic32% traffic that the website is getting is through some mobile devices. Thus it is good idea to have a separate Mobile version of the site to make it easy for the visitors to browse the website on mobile devices.

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We suggest adding some goals to your website to track how the visitors are interacting with your website and

if they are completing the desired steps.