webquest for english 9h warwick high school

WebQuest for English 9H Warwick High School

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English 9 Honors: Futures. WebQuest for English 9H Warwick High School. Introduction. What will you do after high school? Objectives research a college, military branch, or vocational trade of interest create a PowerPoint with MLA citations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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WebQuest for English 9HWarwick High School

Page 2: WebQuest  for English 9H Warwick High School

IntroductionWhat will you do after high school?

Objectives 1. research a college, military branch, or vocational

trade of interest2. create a PowerPoint with MLA citations3. persuade peers to consider your college, military

branch, or trade

Components • At Least Two Sources • Note-taking• PowerPoint with parenthetical documentation and

a Works Cited slide

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IntroductionInternet Reminders

1. Do not visit other websites beyond the ones provided for this project. Failure to comply will cause your internet privileges to be revoked.

2. Take care of the computers. Do not damage them in any way. You will be held responsible for any damages.

3. Secure and conceal your electronic devices. This is not the time to charge your iPOD.

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IntroductionSteps:1. Select your Career Pathway by clicking

here. Make sure you click on the “pathway map” or “careertech.org” link.

2. Write down or type your discoveries.3. Remember, you are finding the

following information for your Career Pathway: overview, high school preparation, entry requirements, skills and qualities, and advancement and promotion.

4. If you cannot locate all of the information, then visit US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook.

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Career Pathway

Career Pathway

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Career Pathway

Occupational Outlook Handbook

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SourcesSource #1: Secondary Source

Official Website1. Locate the official website for your

college, military branch, or trade.2. When you locate your information, you

must skim it to make sure it is a source you can use: a description or overview, what you need to enter, how you can achieve or be promoted, and how many people currently enrolled or employed.

3. When in doubt, ask for help.

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Sources• For colleges:

– by state, click here.– by state, click here.– by college, click here.

• For a trade, click Bureau of Labor Statistics.– Once there, type your trade in

the search bar. – Ask for help.

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SourcesSo, you want to serve your country!Click on the icon that represents your branch of the military.

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SourcesCreate a bibliography card for

your first source. These next few slides will help

you to write your first bibliography card.

First, make sure you have an index card.

Second, follow the instructions, especially punctuation.

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SourcesBasic Structure of a Bibliography Card

Type of Source Source # “Title of the Article.” Title of Website. Date of Last Update OR Date Web site Accessed. Web site address

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SourcesSample Bibliography Card: College

Website 1“About William and Mary.” The College of William and Mary Website. 23 Mar. 2014. http://www.wm.edu/about/index.php

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SourcesSample Bibliography Card: Military

Website 1“About the Army.” GoArmy.com. 23 Mar. 2014. http://www.goarmy.com/about/index.jsp

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SourcesSample Bibliography Card: Trade

Website 1“Carpenter.” Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook Ed. 23 Mar. 2014. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos202.htm

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Taking NotesYou will be required to take notes:Direct Quotations (require “” around all


Paraphrases and Summaries (brief and in your own words)

You must use the four required categories to create your notes.


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Taking NotesPlagiarism: the act of intentionally or

unintentionally treating work done by someone else as though it were your own

Plagiarism will result in an automatic F for the entire project.

Give credit where credit is due. When in doubt, ask your teacher.

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Taking NotesDIRECT QUOTATION: repeats the word of

the source exactly. Quotation marks are used around the quoted material.

• Use when the source material is especially well-stated—that is, when it is memorable because of its succinctness, its clarity, its liveliness, its elegance of expression, or its other exceptional qualities.

PARAPHRASE: repeats an idea from the source but uses different words.

• It is a good way to check that you understand the main point and details in what you are reading. It should be about the same length as the original.

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Taking NotesEffective Note Taking:1. Keep your topic, controlling purpose, and

audience in mind at all times. Do not record material unrelated to your topic.

2. Make sure that your paraphrases correctly reflect the meaning of the original.

3. Be accurate. Make sure that the direct quotations are copied word-for-word, with capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar precisely as in the original.

4. Always double-check page references. It’s easy to copy these incorrectly.

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Taking NotesThe Required Categories:• Overview: Job description (What are your

typical/daily duties and tasks? Where will you work? How many hours/days per week?)

• High School Preparation: Career Specific Courses (program of study), Extracurricular Activities, and Service Learning

• Entry Requirements: What do you need to do or accomplish before you enter your career? (Education, experience, training)

• Skills and Qualities: Which skills and personal qualities should you have? (Compare to your personality test results).

• Advancement and Promotion: How can you earn a raise? How can you advance? What additional training might you need?

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Taking Notes

Category Source #Written information from your sources.

(Type of note-taking)

Basic Structure of a Note Card

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Taking Notes

Overview Source 1“The University of Notre Dame, founded in 1842 by Rev. Edward F. Sorin, C.S.C., of the Congregation of Holy Cross, is an independent, national Catholic university located in Notre Dame, Ind., adjacent to the city of South Bend and approximately 90 miles east of Chicago.”(DQ)

Sample Note Card

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Taking Notes

Entry Requirements Source 1Potential students need a high school diploma, a minimum score of 1390 on the SAT, and rank in the top 25% of their class.(P)

Sample Note Card

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Taking Notes

Achievement Source 1“Virtually 100% of Notre Dame graduates are placed in gainful employment, graduate school, volunteer work, or military service within the six months following graduation. .”(DQ)

Sample Note Card

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The ProductPOWERPOINT—• WORKS CITED PAGE: Bibliography

cards in alphabetical order, single-spaced, indent after the first full line.



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The ProductSuggestions for an “A” PowerPoint:

– Include parenthetical citations. You are basically typing your note cards in the order of your outline using introductory information.

– Do not “dump” the quotations. Introduce them. The summaries and paraphrases do not necessarily need to be introduced.

– Follow the directions.– Of course, ask for help!

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The ProductWhen you are ready to type your

PowerPoint, go to “File: Save As.” You must save your document using the following file name: LastNameFirstNameIt should look like this:SmithJohn

Choose Hand Ins, then English, and CUllison. Save your document in your class period. PowerPoint presentations will not be printed.

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The ProductSaving your PowerPoint:

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The ProductMinimum of 12 slides with Title Slide: must include MLA

Heading, Career Pathway, College, and/or Military

Slide 2: Mandala Slide 3: Short-term Goals Slide 4: Long-term Goals Slide 5 and subsequent slides:

Career Pathway, College, and/or Military

Works Cited Must be in order