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webMethods Module for EDI Built- In Services Reference Version 9.0 April 2014

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webMethods Module for EDI Built-In Services Reference

Version 9.0

April 2014

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This document applies to webMethods Module for EDI Version 9.0 and to all subsequent releases.

Specifications contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in subsequent release notes or new editions.

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Detailed information on trademarks and patents owned by Software AG and/or its subsidiaries is located athp://softwareag.com/licenses.

Use of this software is subject to adherence to Software AG's licensing conditions and terms. These terms are part of the productdocumentation, located at hp://softwareag.com/licenses and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed product(s).

This software may include portions of third-party products. For third-party copyright notices, license terms, additional rights orrestrictions, please refer to "License Texts, Copyright Notices and Disclaimers of Third Party Products". For certain specific third-partylicense restrictions, please refer to section E of the Legal Notices available under "License Terms and Conditions for Use of Software AGProducts / Copyright and Trademark Notices of Software AG Products". These documents are part of the product documentation, locatedat hp://softwareag.com/licenses and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed product(s).

Document ID: ESTD-EDI-BIS-RF-90-20180807

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Table of Contents

About this Guide..............................................................................................................................7Document Conventions.............................................................................................................. 7Documentation Installation......................................................................................................... 8Online Information...................................................................................................................... 8

Part I WmEDI Package.................................................................................................................. 10WmEDI Core Services..............................................................................................................11

Summary of Elements in this Folder.................................................................................12wm.b2b.edi:convertToString........................................................................................13wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues...................................................................................... 17wm.b2b.edi:createIDOCtemplate................................................................................24wm.b2b.edi:createTemplateFromSEF.........................................................................26wm.b2b.edi:createW3CXMLSchema..........................................................................28wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess.....................................................................................29wm.b2b.edi:generateX12TA1......................................................................................31wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse................................................................................................ 32

WmEDI Migration Folder.......................................................................................................... 39Summary of Elements in this Folder.................................................................................40

wm.b2b.edi.migration:migrateTemplate...................................................................... 40WmEDI TemplateMgr Folder.................................................................................................... 43

Summary of Elements in this Folder.................................................................................44wm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getProperties...................................................................... 44wm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getTemplate........................................................................45

WmEDI TRADACOMS Folder.................................................................................................. 47Summary of Elements in this Folder.................................................................................48

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToString......................................................................49wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValues.................................................................... 51wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:addToTradacomsTransmission.............................. 57wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:endTradacomsTransmission.................................. 58wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsBatch............................................. 59wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission................................. 60

WmEDI Util Folder....................................................................................................................63Summary of Elements in this Folder.................................................................................64

wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelope............................................................................68wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelopeEDIFACT.............................................................70wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelope.................................................................................. 73wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelopeEDIFACT................................................................... 77wm.b2b.edi.util:concatStringArray.............................................................................. 83wm.b2b.edi.util:controlNumber................................................................................... 84wm.b2b.edi.util:convertToValues.................................................................................84wm.b2b.edi.util:EDIconcat.......................................................................................... 84

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wm.b2b.edi.util.FA:lite997...........................................................................................85wm.b2b.edi.util:generateFA........................................................................................ 87wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIDictionaryName...................................................................... 97wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIFFSchemaName.....................................................................98wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIstring....................................................................................... 99wm.b2b.edi.util:invoke.............................................................................................. 100wm.b2b.edi.util:makeArray........................................................................................100wm.b2b.edi.util:nullBlankCheck................................................................................ 101wm.b2b.edi.util:nullifyIfBlank.....................................................................................101wm.b2b.edi.util:pad...................................................................................................102wm.b2b.edi.util:standardCheck.................................................................................103Format Services: Inputs and Outputs...................................................................... 104wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatAN.................................................................106wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDate6............................................................ 107wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDate8............................................................ 107wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDecimal.........................................................107wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN................................................................... 108wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN0................................................................. 108wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN1................................................................. 108wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN2................................................................. 109wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN3................................................................. 109wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN4................................................................. 110wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN5................................................................. 110wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN6................................................................. 111wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN7................................................................. 111wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN8................................................................. 112wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN9................................................................. 112wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_4........................................................113wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_6........................................................113wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_8........................................................113wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime6_6........................................................113

Part II WmEDIforTN Package......................................................................................................115WmEDIforTN VANConnectivity Folder................................................................................... 117

Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................118VAN.VANConnectivity:FTPConnection..................................................................... 118VAN.VANConnectivity:getFromVAN..........................................................................120VAN.VANConnectivity:getReportFromVAN...............................................................125VAN.VANConnectivity:putToVAN.............................................................................. 126

WmEDIforTN TRADACOMS Folder....................................................................................... 133Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................134


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wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:isFileEnvelope...............................................................138wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.ui:modifyTradacomsSchema............................................... 139

WmEDIforTN Core Services...................................................................................................141Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................142

wm.b2b.editn:addAttributeTypeToBizDoc................................................................. 143wm.b2b.editn:bizdocToRecord..................................................................................144wm.b2b.editn:ediPartnerIDToTNPartnerID............................................................... 145wm.b2b.editn:getICDetail..........................................................................................145wm.b2b.editn:getTransactionSetDetail..................................................................... 146wm.b2b.editn:getTspace........................................................................................... 147wm.b2b.editn:trackEDIdocs...................................................................................... 147wm.b2b.editn:validateEnvelope................................................................................ 148wm.b2b.editn:validateTransaction............................................................................ 148wm.b2b.editn:wrapData............................................................................................ 149

WmEDIforTN Batch Folder.....................................................................................................151Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................152

wm.b2b.editn.batch:batchProcess............................................................................152wm.b2b.editn.batch:getControlNumber.................................................................... 160

WmEDIforTN CrossRef Folder............................................................................................... 163Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................164

wm.b2b.editn.crossRef:deleteEnvInfo...................................................................... 164wm.b2b.editn.crossRef:getEnvInfo........................................................................... 165

WmEDIforTN Db Folder......................................................................................................... 169Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................170

wm.b2b.editn.db:deleteControlNumber.................................................................... 170wm.b2b.editn.db:deleteFAInfo.................................................................................. 171

WmEDIforTN Doc Folder........................................................................................................173Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................174

wm.b2b.editn.doc:listTransactionTypes.................................................................... 174wm.b2b.editn.doc:saveQuery................................................................................... 175

WmEDIforTN FAReport Folder...............................................................................................177Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................178

wm.b2b.editn.FAReport:generateFAReport..............................................................178WmEDIforTN Migration Services............................................................................................185

Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................186wm.b2b.editn.migration:updateBizDocs....................................................................186

WmEDIforTN Rec Folder........................................................................................................187Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................188

wm.b2b.editn.rec:batchFailRecord........................................................................... 188WmEDIforTN TPA Folder....................................................................................................... 191

Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................192wm.b2b.editn.TPA:getEDITPAData.......................................................................... 192

WmEDIforTN Util Folder.........................................................................................................195Summary of Elements in this Folder...............................................................................196

wm.b2b.editn.util:getContentPartDataAsInputStream.............................................. 197

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wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listInSequenceDoc....................................................... 198wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listUnprocessDoc......................................................... 198wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:nextInSequenceDoc.....................................................199wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:reprocessDocument.....................................................200wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:validateControlNumber................................................ 201wm.b2b.edi.util:updateVDAEnvelope........................................................................203wm.b2b.editn.util.VersionSupport:addNewEDIVersion............................................. 204

Index.............................................................................................................................................. 207

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webMethods Module for EDI Built-In Services Reference Version 9.0 7

About this Guide

The webMethods EDI Module Built-In Services Reference describes the built-in servicesprovided with the webMethods EDI Module (EDI Module). The services that aredocumented in this guide are provided in the WmEDI and WmEDIforTN packages thatare installed with the webMethods EDI Module.

Services are also installed with a standard installation of webMethods Integration Serverand webMethods Trading Networks (Trading Networks). You will find documentationfor the built-in services provided with webMethods Integration Server in the IntegrationServer built-in services reference guide for your release and documentation for servicesprovided with Trading Networks in the Trading Networks built-in services referenceguide for your release. See “About this Guide” for specific document titles.

Document Conventions

Convention Description

Bold Identifies elements on a screen.

Narrowfont Identifies storage locations for services on webMethodsIntegration Server, using the convention folder.subfolder:service .

UPPERCASE Identifies keyboard keys. Keys you must press simultaneouslyare joined with a plus sign (+).

Italic Identifies variables for which you must supply values specific toyour own situation or environment. Identifies new terms the firsttime they occur in the text.


Identifies text you must type or messages displayed by thesystem.

{ } Indicates a set of choices from which you must choose one. Typeonly the information inside the curly braces. Do not type the { }symbols.

| Separates two mutually exclusive choices in a syntax line. Typeone of these choices. Do not type the | symbol.

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Convention Description

[ ] Indicates one or more options. Type only the information insidethe square brackets. Do not type the [ ] symbols.

... Indicates that you can type multiple options of the same type.Type only the information. Do not type the ellipsis (...).

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Part I WmEDI Package

■ WmEDI Core Services ................................................................................................................. 11

■ WmEDI Migration Folder .............................................................................................................. 39

■ WmEDI TemplateMgr Folder ........................................................................................................ 43

■ WmEDI TRADACOMS Folder ...................................................................................................... 47

■ WmEDI Util Folder ....................................................................................................................... 63

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WmEDI Core Services

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1   WmEDI Core Services

■ Summary of Elements in this Folder ........................................................................................... 12

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi folder to convert between EDI documents and ISdocuments (IData objects) and to create flat file schemas.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.edi:convertToString WmEDI. Converts an IS document (IData object)to a String, based on a flat file schema that youspecify.

wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues WmEDI. Converts an InputStream or String (forexample, an EDI transaction set document) to anIS document (IData object) based on the inputflat file schema.

wm.b2b.edi:createIDOCtemplate WmEDI. If you are using the webMethods SAPAdapter, this service creates a flat file schemafor an IDOC by querying the SAP system for theIDOC name.

wm.b2b.edi:createTemplateFromSEF WmEDI. This service will be deprecated in afuture release. Use wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse instead.

wm.b2b.edi:createW3CXMLSchema WmEDI. Creates a W3C XML schema from aSEF file on your local file system. (Because thisservice might be deprecated in the next version,you should begin using flat file schemas.)

wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess WmEDI. Processes the envelopes in an inboundnon-TRADACOMS EDI document. Accepts aninbound EDI document, converts the envelopeheader segments (ISA/IEA, GS/GE, UNB/UNZ,UNG/UNE) to IData objects, and leaves the bodyof each constituent EDI document unprocessed.

wm.b2b.edi:generateX12TA1 WmEDI. Generates an outbound functionalacknowledgment (TA1) for an X12 interchangeenvelope.

wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse WmEDI. Creates a flat file schema from a SEFfile (Standard Exchange Format from Foresight

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Element Package and DescriptionCorporation) and saves the flat file schema in theIntegration Server namespace.

wm.b2b.edi:convertToStringWmEDI. Converts an IS document (IData object) to a String, based on a flat file schemathat you specify.

The difference between this service and the pub.flatFile:convertToString service is that ithandles EDI documents. For EDI documents, it will optionally fill in the counters andcontrol numbers if they are empty. For example, if SE01 is null, it will fill in the segmentcount. If you want to control the counters or control numbers, modify the IS document(IData object) prior to invoking this service to convert it to a String.

Note: To convert TRADACOMS documents, use thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToString service instead of this service.

Input Parameters

values Document The IS document (IData object) object that you wantto convert to a String.

EDItemplate Document (optional) This input parameter is provided onlyfor backwards compatibility. It should contain a singlename/value pair that is a String named templateNamewith the value set to the namespace name of the flat fileschema to use for the conversion. This is the output from thewm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getTemplate service. Do not specify an EDItemplate.

You must specify ffSchema , EDItemplate , or nsRecord . Theparameters nsRecord and EDItemplate will be deprecated in alater version, so it is recommended that you use ffSchema .

ffSchema String (optional) The fully-qualified namespace name of the flatfile schema to use to convert the specified IS document (IDataobject) (in values ) to a String.

You must specify ffSchema , EDItemplate , or nsRecord . Theparameters nsRecord and EDItemplate will be deprecated in alater version, so it is recommended that you use ffSchema .

spacePad String How you want the resulting String to be justified.Specify one of the following:

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Value Meaning

left Left justify.

right Right justify.

none No justification. This is the default.

noEmptyTrailingFields String Whether to remove empty trailing fields from records.The convertToString service only uses this parameter for recordsthat have delimited fields. Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true The convertToString service removesempty trailing fields from the output.For example, a record with emptytrailing fields might look like thefollowing: AAA*01*02! (where ! is thesegment terminator). This is the default.

false The convertToString service does notremove empty trailing fields. Insteadit uses the field separator to denote anempty field. For example, a record withempty trailing field might look like thefollowing: AAA*01*02********!(where* is the field separator and ! is thesegment terminator).

nsRecord String (optional) The fully-qualified name of the IS documenttype on which the resulting String will be based. If you specifynsRecord , the convertToString service ignores the ffSchemaparameter.

You must specify ffSchema , EDItemplate , or nsRecord . Theparameters nsRecord and EDItemplate will be deprecated inthe later versions, so it is recommended that you use ffSchema .

Segment_terminator String (optional) The segment terminator character that youwant the convertToString service to append to the end of eachrecord in the output String.

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Field_separator String (optional) The field separator that you want theconvertToString service to insert between each field for eachsegment in the output String.

Subfield_separator String (optional) The subfield separator that you want theconvertToString service to use for composite elements.

FormatInfo Document (optional) Values you want the convertToString serviceto pass unmodified to all format services it invokes.

releaseCharacter String (optional) The character you want the convertToStringservice to use as an escape character. If one of the charactersthat you specify for Segment_terminator , Field_separator , orSubfield_separator appears in field or subfield, the convertToStringservice will prefix the character with this escape characterbefore writing it to the output String.

outputFileName String (optional) The name of the file to which you want theString output wrien. If you do not specify outputFileName theoutput is not wrien to a file.

encoding String (optional) The encoding of the InputStream passed in toedidata . The default is UTF-8.

startAt String Allows the convertToString service to start at a specificrecord in the flat file schema used to create the output string.Specify the path to the element where you want to startcomposing the output string.

sortInput String (optional) Whether you want the service to sort the inputrecords to match the flat file schema specified in ffSchema .When set to true (the default), this flag is useful in either ofthe following cases:

If the data in values is not in the same order as defined byffSchema .

If EDI transactions contain two segments with the same nameat the same level, but with distinctly different structures.For more information, see "Usage Notes" at the end of thissection.

true You want the service to sort the inputrecords. This is the default.

Important: If you select to sort the inputrecords, note that:

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The service will run slower.

All undefined records will be sortedafter the defined records.

The order of the undefined recordsappear in the final document israndom.

If there are multiple records at thesame level with the same name,the order they appear in the finaldocument is random.

false You do not want the service to sort theinput records.

countSegments String Whether to count the number of segments wrien to theoutput file.

true The convertToString service counts thenumber of segments wrien to theoutput file and returns that number inthe output parameter segmentCount .This is the default.

false The convertToString service does not countthe number of segments wrien to theoutput file.

RepeatingField_separatorString (optional) The field separator that you want theconvertToString service to insert between repeating fields of anEDI document.

EDI Module recognizes both repeating simple fields andrepeating composite fields.

Output Parameters

string String The output String that represents the data specified inthe values input parameter.

errorArray String List Error messages describing the errors that theconvertToString service encountered during conversion. If theconvertToString service did not encounter errors, errorArray isnull.

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segmentCount String The number of records wrien; only returned whencountSegments is true.

Usage Notes

You can specify the terminator or separator as a character (e.g., *), as unicode (e.g.,\u001c), as a hex character (e.g., 0x15), as an octo character (e.g., 027), or as adecimal character (e.g., 21).

When you use the convertToString service to convert an IS document (IData object) toan EDI ANSI X12 String, this service automatically:

Generates a control number for each header and trailer if the control number isnull.

Calculates and replaces segment counts, group counts, and document counts toensure that their values are accurate (only if the count is blank or null).

You can also use sortInput to handle EDI transactions that contain two segmentswith the same name at the same level, but with distinctly different structures. Forexample, assume that the flat file schema for UNEDIFACT 97A INVOIC shownbelow contains two TAX segments:UNH . TAX (in header) LIN TAX (in details) . UNT

The first TAX segment is optional. If only the second TAX segment is present in thefile, the output of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service will differ, depending on thevalue of the sortInput flag.

If sortInput is set to true, then the convertToString service assumes that the inputIData is out of sequence. The convertToString service will sort the input record sothat the TAX segment is in the header of the output document.

If sortInput is set to false (the default), then the TAX segment will appear in theoutput document after the LIN segment.


See the Tutorial.XMLtoEDI:processXMLSource service in the WmEDIsamples package, which islocated in the Technical Communities area on the Empower Product Support website.

wm.b2b.edi:convertToValuesWmEDI. Converts an InputStream or String (for example, an EDI transaction setdocument) to an IS document (IData object) based on the input flat file schema.

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Note: To convert TRADACOMS documents, use thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValues service instead of this service.

Input Parameters

edidata String or InputStream The data you want to convert to an IDataobject.

ediObject Object (optional) An object that encapsulates and keeps trackof the input data segments during processing. It is used onlywhen the iterator parameter has been set to true.

encoding String (optional) The encoding of the InputStream passed in toedidata . The default is UTF-8.

EDItemplate Document (optional) This input parameter is provided onlyfor backwards compatibility. It should contain a singlename/value pair that is a String named templateNamewith the value set to the namespace name of the flat fileschema to use for the conversion. This is the output from thewm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getTemplate service. Do not specify an EDItemplate.

You must specify EDIffSchema or EDItemplate . TheEDItemplate parameter will be deprecated in a later version, soit is recommended that you use EDIffSchema .

EDIFFSchema String (optional) The fully-qualified name of the flat file schemaobject used to parse the edidata object.

You must specify EDIffSchema or EDItemplate . TheEDItemplate parameter will be deprecated in a later version, soit is recommended that you use EDIffSchema .

delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters to use to parse the input data. Ifno delimiters are specified, the convertToValues service uses thecorresponding delimiter defined for the flat file schema.

Note: If you specify a value for one parameter of delimiters , youmust specify values for all the parameters. If you specifydelimiters, the delimiters in the flat file schema will notbe used.

Key Description

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record String The segment terminator used inthe input data.

field String The field separator used in theinput data.

subfield String The subfield separator used in theinput data.

release String The release character used in theinput data.

FormatInfo Document Values you want theconvertToString service to pass unmodifiedto all format services it invokes.

iterator String (optional) Whether you want to process segments oneat a time or process all input data at one time. Specify true orfalse.

Value Meaning

true The convertToValues service startsprocessing segment structures with atop-level record as defined by the flatfile schema. The service returns to thecaller when it encounters another top-level record in the input data. The nexttime the service is invoked, it beginsprocessing the input data where it leftoff.

false The convertToValues service processesall input data at one time. This is thedefault.

nullable String (optional) Whether to create an IS document (IDataobject) if all fields are null. Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Do not create an IS document (IDataobject) if all the fields are null. This isthe default.

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false Always create an IS document eventhough all the fields are null.

skipWhiteSpace String (optional) Whether to ignore white space from thebeginning of records. Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Ignore white spaces at the beginning ofrecords. This is the default.

false Use records as they are. Specify falsewhen the data contains positional datarecords.

keepResults String (optional) Whether you want the convertToValues serviceto return an IData object or to just validate the structure of thedata in edidata . Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Return an IData object in the outputparameter, EDIValues . This is thedefault.

false Do not return an IData object in theEDIValues output parameter. Use thisoption when validating the structure ofthe edidata against the specified flat fileschema.

validate String (optional) Whether you want the convertToValues service toreturn error messages describing how edidata differs from thespecified flat file schema. Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Return errors describing how the givenedidata violates the constraints describedin the flat file schema.

false Do not return error messages describinghow the edidata differs from the

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specified flat file schema. This is thedefault.

returnErrors String (optional) How you want the convertToValues service toreturn error messages when validate is set to true. Specify oneof the following.

Value Meaning

asArray Return validation errors with the edidatain an array called errors . This is thedefault.

inResults Return validation errors in theEDIValues object.

both Return validation errors in both errorsand EDIValues .

maxErrors String (optional) Maximum number of errors that you wantreturned when validate is set to true. When the flat file parserencounters more than the maximum number of errors withina record, the parser stops parsing and returns the parsed dataand errors processed up until that point.

flag Document (optional) Flags that you can set to governconvertToValues options.

Key Description

addRecordCount String Whether you want the serviceto add an additional field (@record-count) to each parsed record in theresulting IData object (EDIValues ). The@record-count field is used to identifythe record number of each parsedrecord.

Value Meaning

true The @record-count field isadded to eachparsed record.This field containsthe number of the

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parsed record.The first parsedrecord is 1, thesecond is 2, etc.

If there arerecords that areundefined data,the count of thenext definedrecord will reflectthe undefineddata. For example,if the @record-count fieldfor a recordis 2 and thatrecord contains5 undefinedrecords, the@record-countfield for the nextdefined recordwill be 8.

false The @record-count field is notadded to eachparsed record.This is the default.

detailedErrors String Whether you want detailedconditional validation error information.This flag is only used when validate istrue.

Value Meaning

true When aconditionalvalidation erroroccurs, the errorsoutput parameterwill contain detailinformationabout all theconditions thatwere violated. For

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more information,see informationabout validationerrors in theFlat File SchemaDeveloper’s Guide.

false When aconditionalvalidation erroroccurs, the servicedoes not providedetail errorinformation.Conditionalvalidators reportonly whether acondition failedvalidation withno additionalinformation aboutthe conditionsthat wereviolated. This isthe default.

RepeatingField_separatorString (optional) The field separator that you want theconvertToString service to insert between repeating fields of anEDI document.

EDI Module recognizes both repeating simple fields andrepeating composite fields.

Output Parameters

EDIValues Document The edidata input data in IS document (IData object)format.

ediObject Object (optional) An object that encapsulates and keeps trackof the input data segments during processing. It is used onlywhen the iterator parameter has been set to true. When allinput data has been processed, the object becomes null. Whenthe ediObject parameter is null, you should exit out of theLOOP to discontinue processing. For an example of processinga document segment by segment, see the "receiving and

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processing inbound documents" chapter of the webMethodsEDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

isValid String Whether the data in edidata is valid.

Value Meaning

true The validate input parameter was set totrue and no errors were found.

false The validate input parameter was setto true and errors were found, or thevalidate input parameter was set tofalse.

errors Document List (optional) The validation errors, if any, that werefound in edidata . Validation errors are returned in errors onlyif validate is set to true -AND- returnErrors is set to asArrayor both. The list includes the path of the errors.

Usage Notes

This service always returns the output IData object that contains the converted datain the EDIValues output parameter. When the input parameter iterator is set to true,the value of EDIValues is overwrien with the IData object for the record structuremost recently converted. As a result, each time you invoke this service to convert asegment of the input document you should save the output or map it somewhereelse.


See the sampleServices:Iterator810 service WmEDIsamples package, which is located in theTechnical Community area of the Empower Product Support website.

wm.b2b.edi:createIDOCtemplateWmEDI. If you are using the webMethods SAP Adapter, this service creates a flat fileschema for an IDOC by querying the SAP system for the IDOC name.

Make sure that the WmSAP package is installed and enabled. Thewm.b2b.edi:createIDOCtemplate service internally calls the pub.sap.client:invoke service in theWmSAP package to invoke the SAP system, and if the WmSAP package is not enabled,the createIDOCtemplate service will fail.

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Input Parameters

serverName String The name of the SAP server, e.g., WMSAP1.

packageName String The name of the Integration Server package in which tocreate the flat file schema.

targetFolder String The name of the IS folder in which to create the flat fileschema.

IDOCname String The name of the IDOC on the SAP server, e.g.,ORDERS02.

IDOCversion String The version of the IDOC.

table String (optional) Number used to control the segment namegeneration.

1: An IDOC segment will be generated as E1EDK14.

2: The same segment will be generated as E2EDK14.

CIMtype String (optional) If this is unknown, do not specify.

recordDelimiter String (optional) The delimiter character that separates eachrecord. The default is the new line character.

targetDictionary String The name of the flat file dictionary that will holdthe record, field, and composite definitions for this flat fileschema.

sourceDictionaries String List (optional) Names of flat file dictionaries in which tosearch for definitions of records, fields, and composites. If adefinition already exists, refer to it instead of creating a newentry in the targetDictionary .

overwrite String (optional) Whether you want the createIDOCtemplateservice to overwrite entries in the target dictionary if theyalready exist. Specify false or true.

Value Meaning

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false Do not overwrite flat file dictionaryentries in the target dictionary if theentries already exist. This is the default.

true Overwrite existing dictionary entrieswith values specified by this IDOC.If you specify true for overwrite , thecreateIDOCtemplate service ignores thesourceDictionaries parameter.

Output Parameters


wm.b2b.edi:createTemplateFromSEFWmEDI. This service will be deprecated in a future release. Use wm.b2b.edi:SEFParseinstead.

Creates a flat file schema object from a SEF file. The flat file schema is saved to theIntegration Server namespace. The flat file schema describes the EDI document structureand validation criteria.

Input Parameters

transactionName String The EDI transaction set name (e.g., 850) for which youwant to create a flat file schema.

SEFfileName String The full path and file name of the SEF file on your localfile system. If the SEF file is located on a Web server, usewm.b2b.edi:SEFParse.

includeEnvelope String (optional) Whether you want the createTemplateFromSEFservice to create envelope segments in the output flat fileschema objects. Specify false or true.

Value Meaning

false The createTemplateFromSEF service doesnot create the envelope segments (i.e.,ISA/IEA, GS/GE, UNB/UNZ, UNG/UNE) in the output flat file schemaobject. This is the default.

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true The createTemplateFromSEF service doescreate the envelope segments in theoutput flat file schema object.

isBigDocTemplate String Whether you will use the generated flat file schema toparse documents that are considered large. Specify false ortrue. For more information about large document handling,see webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Value Meaning

false You will not use the generated flat fileschema to parse large documents. Thisis the default.

true The generated flat file schema will nothave any nest structures. You can usethis flat file schema with iterator.

targetSchema String The fully-qualified name that you want to assign the flatfile schema that you are creating. Specify the name using thefollowing naming convention:EDIFFSchema.standard .Vversion :Tname


standard represents the EDI standard (e.g., X12).

version represents the EDI standard version (e.g., 4010).

name represents the EDI transaction (e.g., 850).

For example: EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850

targetPackage String The name of the Integration Server package in which tocreate the flat file schema.

targetDictionary String The name of the flat file dictionary to hold the record,field, and composite definitions for this flat file schema.

overwriteDictionary String Whether you want the createTemplateFromSEF service tooverwrite entries in the target dictionary if they already exist.Specify false or true.

Value Meaning

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false Do not overwrite flat file dictionaryentries in the target dictionary if theentries already exist. This is the default.

true Overwrite existing dictionary entrieswith values specified by this SEF file. Ifyou specify true for overwriteDictionary ,the createTemplateFromSEF service ignoresthe sourceDictionaries parameter.

sourceDictionaries String List (optional) Names of flat file dictionaries in which tosearch for definitions of records, fields, and composites. If adefinition already exists, refer to it instead of creating a newentry in the targetDictionary .

Output Parameters


wm.b2b.edi:createW3CXMLSchemaWmEDI. Creates a W3C XML schema from a SEF file on your local file system. (Becausethis service might be deprecated in the next version, you should begin using flat fileschemas.)

Input Parameters

SEFfileName String The full path and file name of the SEF file on your localfile system.

includeEnvelope String (optional) Whether you want this service to createenvelope segments in the output W3C XML schema.

Value Meaning

false Do not create the envelope segments(i.e., ISA/IEA, GS/GE, UNB/UNZ, UNG/UNE) in the output W3C XML schema.This is the default.

true Do create the envelope segments in theoutput W3C XML schema.

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transactionSet String The EDI transaction set name (e.g., 850) for which youwant to create a flat file schema.

schemaFileName String The fully-qualified name that you want to assign theW3C XML schema that you are creating.

Output Parameters

XMLschema String The resulting W3C XML schema displayed as a String.The actual schema is saved to a file, and the IS document typecreation uses the saved file. This output String is displayed atthe end of the service execution for informational purposesonly.

errors String List Error messages that this service encountered whilecreating the schema from the SEF file, if any.

wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcessWmEDI. Processes the envelopes in an inbound non-TRADACOMS EDI document.Accepts an inbound EDI document, converts the envelope header segments (ISA/IEA,GS/GE, UNB/UNZ, UNG/UNE) to IData objects, and leaves the body of each constituentEDI document unprocessed.

If the document is not considered large, the document body remains beneath thetransaction set header as an "unDefData" (undefined data) String. If the document isconsidered large, a pipeline with an "_RID_" (reservation ID) pointer is created, referringto the document in temporary storage. For more information about large documenthandling, see the webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

While processing the envelope, the service optionally can validate the envelope againstthe predefined flat file schema for non-TRADACOMS documents. It also can performcompliance checks against the interchanges if specified.

Input Parameters

edidata String or InputStream The EDI document input to process. Thedata type is determined by the content handler associated withthe inbound document. Input should not include manual linebreaks.

validate String Whether you want to validate the envelopes against apredefined flat file schema.

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Value Meaning

true Validate the envelope against thepredefined flat file schema and report allerrors in errorArray . This is the default.

false Do not validate the envelope.

complianceCheck String Whether you want to perform a compliance checkagainst the interchange.

Value Meaning

true Perform a compliance check. TheprocessEnvelope service stops executingafter encountering the first error. This isthe default.

false Do not perform the compliance check.

userEnvelopeFFSchema String (optional) A flat file schema that overrides thepredefined flat file schema that validate uses. If the value isinvalid, the output parameters errorArray and lastError willcontain error information.

Note: To specify a flat file schema for the EDI envelope, copythe flat file schema from the wm.b2b.edi.EDIFFSchema folderand modify its validation criteria. If you have changedthe envelope structure, the EDI Module might not correctthe compliance variation.

Output Parameters

values Document The resulting IData object with envelope segmentsexpanded. The transaction set contents will remain asunparsed Strings in the pipeline or held in temporary storage.

hasError String Whether the validation or compliance check resulted inerror.

Value Meaning

false If the validate is true, validation errorscan be retrieved from errorArray .

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Otherwise, it indicates errors fromcompliance check.

true No errors.

standard String The standard to which your EDI document adheres, e.g.,X12 or UNEDIFACT.

errorArray Document List Array of error messages.

Usage Notes

Besides serving as an envelope validation and compliance check service, this is thefirst in a series of conversion services you should invoke within a larger flow to turneach EDI transaction set into an autonomous, pure IS document (IData object). Afterit is in pure IData format, a transaction set can be individually validated, mapped,manipulated, etc.

If you are working with non-EDI flat files, do not use this service for processing.Instead, see Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide.

If the schema structure specified does not reflect the EDI envelope structure, thevalidation will fail.

wm.b2b.edi:generateX12TA1WmEDI. Generates an outbound interchange acknowledgment (TA1) for an X12interchange envelope.

Input Parameters

includeFA Boolean Whether a functional acknowledgment should begenerated in addition to the TA1 acknowledgment.

Value Meaning

true A functional acknowledgment is generated.

false A functional acknowledgment is not generated.This is the default.

edidata String The edidata received from the trading partner.

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Output Parameters

result String The generated envelope with the TA1 acknowledgment.

When the includeFA input parameter is true, the envelope willalso contain a functional acknowledgment.

Usage Notes

EDI Module supports the following error code for outbound processing of TA1segments:

001 The Interchange Control Number in the header and trailer do not match. Theacknowledgment uses the value from the header.

005 Invalid Interchange ID Qualifier for sender

007 Invalid Interchange ID Qualifier for receiver

009 Unknown Interchange Receiver ID

014 Invalid Interchange Date value

015 Invalid Interchange Time value

018 Invalid Interchange Control Number

020 Invalid Test Indicator value

021 Invalid Number of Included Group value

wm.b2b.edi:SEFParseWmEDI. Creates a flat file schema from a SEF file (Standard Exchange Formatfrom Foresight Corporation) and saves the flat file schema in the Integration Servernamespace.

The flat file schema that this service creates describes the EDI document structure (thatis, contains information about how an envelope or a document of a particular standardshould be constructed). The schema also contains validation criteria.

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Input Parameters

url String (optional) The full URL of the SEF file from which youwant to create a flat file schema. For example, if the SEF file islocated in the /pub directory of the WmEDIProduction packageon the Rubicon server, you type:http://rubicon:5555/WmEDIProduction/4010.sef

If the SEF file is on a local file system, use the SEFfilenameinput parameter instead of url and method .

method String (optional) The HTTP method; specify GET. If you specifyurl , you must specify method .

auth Document (optional) Authorization information that the HTTPservice will submit if the resource specified in url is protected.The format of auth is:

Key Description

type String Type of authentication you wantthe HTTP service to use when it submitsthis request.

Currently, only basic authenticationis supported. If you are accessing aprotected resource, set auth to Basic.

user String The user name that the SEFParseservice will submit when requesting aprotected resource.

pass String The password associated withuser .

data Document (optional) Data that you want the HTTP service tosubmit with the HTTP request. Specify your data in one of thefollowing elements:

Key Description

args Document An IS document (IData object)that contains the name /value pairs thatyou want the HTTP service to submit tothe resource in url . Create one elementfor each name /value pair, where name

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is the element's name and value is thevalue of the element.

Note that when you use args , the HTTPservice will:

Automatically url-encode thename /value pairs. You do not need tourl-encode the values.

Automatically insert the "&" characterbetween pairs. You do not need toinclude it.

Automatically prefix the entire querystring with the "?". You do not need toinclude this character.

string String A string of text that you want theHTTP service to submit to the resourcein url .

If you use string to submit data, makesure that you specify the string exactlyas you want it presented in the HTTPrequest. Also make sure you url-encodethe contents of string .

bytes String Table Data that the HTTP servicewill use to construct a query string tosubmit to the resource specified in url .Note that the bytes, input parameteris similar to args , but bytes allows youto submit unnamed values in a querystring, not just name/value pairs.

Specify each value you want to submitin a separate row in the String Table.When you specify the String, ensure:

The contents of column 0 represent thename portion of the pair (leave thiscolumn null to submit an unnamedvalue).

The contents of column 1 represent thevalue portion of the pair.

Note that when you use bytes , the HTTPservice will:

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Automatically url-encode the name/value pair. You do not need to url-encode the values.

Automatically insert the "&" characterbetween the pairs (or unnamed values)that it constructs. You do not need toinclude it.

Automatically prefix the entire querystring with the "?" character if itsubmits the data in table via the GETmethod. You do not need to includethis character.

headers Document (optional) Fields that you want to explicitly overridein the HTTP request header that the HTTP service issues.

Specify one element in the headers IS document (IData object)for each header field that you want to set, where:

The element's name represents the name of the header field.

The element's value represents the value of that header field.

If you do not set headers , the HTTP service will use its defaultheader values.

SEFfileName String (optional) The full path and file name of the SEF file onyour local file system. If the SEF file is located on a Web server,use the url and method parameters instead of SEFfileName .

EDIDocName String The EDI transaction set name (e.g., 850) orTRADACOMS file name (e.g., INVOIC), for which you wantto create a flat file schema. Specify only a single value.

includeEnvelope String (optional) Whether you want the SEFParse service tocreate envelope segments in the output flat file schema objects.

Value Meaning

false The SEFParse service does not create theenvelope segments (i.e., ISA/IEA, GS/GE, UNB/UNZ, UNG/UNE, STX/END,BAT/EOB, MHD/MTR) in the output flatfile schema object. This is the default.

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true The SEFParse service does create theenvelope segments in the output flat fileschema object.

isBigDocTemplate String Whether you will use the generated flat file schema toparse documents that are considered large. Specify false ortrue. For more information about large document handling,see the webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Value Meaning

false You will not use the generated flat fileschema to parse large documents. Thisis the default.

true You will use the generated flat fileschema to parse large documents.

version String (optional) The version of the EDI standard. ForTRADACOMS, specify the version of the TRADACOMS Filedocument type.

targetSchema String The fully qualified name that you want to assign theflat file schema that you are creating. For all supported EDIstandards except TRADACOMS, use the following namingconvention for targetSchema :EDIFFSchema.standard .Vversion :Ttransaction


standard represents the EDI standard (e.g., X12).

version represents the EDI standard version (e.g., 4010).

transaction represents the EDI transaction (e.g., 850).

For example: EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850

For the TRADACOMS EDI standard, thewm.b2b.edi:SEFParseservice creates a temporary flat file schema.Use the following naming convention for targetSchema :EDIFFSchema.Tradacoms .Vversion .Tname :TEMP_SCHEMA


version represents the version of the TRADACOMS Filedocument type (for example, v2)

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name represents the name of the TRADACOMS Filedocument type (for example, ORDHDR)

This temporary flat file schema contains all the messagescontained in the TRADACOMS file. Because the flat file parser(the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValues service) cannot alwaysproperly parse this temporary flat file schema, you shouldthen execute the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.ui:modifyTradacomsSchemaservice to split the flat file schema into one flat file schema perMHD segment in the TRADACOMS file. This temporary flatfile schema will be deleted upon successful execution of thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.ui:modifyTradacomsSchema service.

Note: You must also specify a value for the targetDictionaryparameter.

If you use the migration utilities to move templates fromversion 4.x to flat file schemas in 6.0.x, the utility creates theflat file schemas using the naming convention describedabove. For more information about migrating 4.x templates toflat file schemas, see webMethods EDI Module Installation andUser’s Guide.

targetPackage String The name of the Integration Server package in which tocreate the flat file schema.

targetDictionary String The name of the flat file dictionary to hold the record,field, and composite definitions for this flat file schema.

overwriteDictionary String Whether you want the SEFParse service to overwriteentries in the target dictionary if they already exist.

Value Meaning

false Do not overwrite flat file dictionaryentries in the target dictionary if theentries already exist. This is the default.

true Overwrite existing dictionary entrieswith values specified by this SEF file. Ifyou specify true for overwriteDictionary ,the SEFParse service ignores thesourceDictionaries parameter.

sourceDictionaries String List (optional) Names of flat file dictionaries in which tosearch for definitions of records, fields, and composites. If a

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definition already exists, refer to it instead of creating a newentry in the targetDictionary .

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

To view the flat file schema that you create using the SEFParse service in Software AGDesigner, you must refresh your connection to Designer.

If a EDI document contains multiple consecutive HL segments, this service willcreate a flat file schema that contains a single HL record. That record will be asuperset of all the HL segment definitions in the original SEF file.


See the wm.b2b.edi:createTemplateFromSEF service.

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2   WmEDI Migration Folder

■ Summary of Elements in this Folder ........................................................................................... 40

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi.migration folder to migrate previous versions of the EDIModule template to the new version.

For more information about migrating templates, see the section about flat file schemasin webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Service Function

wm.b2b.edi.migration:migrateTemplate WmEDI. Creates a flat file schema from thespecified template.

wm.b2b.edi.migration:migrateTemplateWmEDI. Creates a flat file schema from the specified template.

Input Parameters

oldTemplate Document Current name of the template that you want tomigrate.

templateName String Target name of the template you want to migrate.

documentName String Name for the new flat file schema you want to create.

targetFolder String Folder in which to create the flat file schema.

targetPackage String Package in which to create the flat file schema.

targetDictionary String The name of the flat file dictionary that will hold therecord, field, and composite definitions for this schema.

sourceDictionaries String List (optional) Names of flat file dictionaries in which tosearch for definitions of records, fields, and composites. If adefinition already exists, refer to it instead of creating a newentry in the targetDictionary .

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overwrite String (optional) Whether you want the migrateTemplate serviceto overwrite entries in the target dictionary if they alreadyexist.

Value Meaning

false Do not overwrite flat file dictionaryentries in the target dictionary if theentries already exist. This is the default.

true Overwrite existing dictionary entrieswith values specified by this template.

Output Parameters

warnings String List List of warning messages that might reflect migrationerrors.

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3   WmEDI TemplateMgr Folder

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi folder to convert between EDI documents and ISdocuments (IData objects) and to create flat file schemas.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getProperties WmEDI. Returns a list of the system properties.You can narrow the properties using the typeinput parameter.

wm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getTemplate WmEDI. This service will be deprecated in afuture release.

wm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getPropertiesWmEDI. Returns a list of the system properties. You can narrow the properties using thetype input parameter.

Input Parameters

type String The component for which you want to retrieveproperties. You can use this input to narrow down the outputlist. Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

EDI Return the properties for the EDIModule.

tn Return the properties for TradingNetworks.

server Return the properties for the IntegrationServer.

all Return the properties for the EDIModule, Trading Networks, and theIntegration Server.

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Output Parameters

propertyValue String List The list of properties.

Usage Notes

The properties are returned in the pipeline with the property name and value.

wm.b2b.edi.templateMgr:getTemplateWmEDI. This service will be deprecated in a future release.

Constructs a namespace name for a flat file schema based on a specified formula.

Input Parameters

name String The name of the template that you previously saved,e.g., 850.

packageName String (optional) Ignored.

standard String (optional) The name of the EDI standard for which thetemplate is used, e.g., ANSI, UNEDIFACT, UCS, VICS, ODETTE, orEANCOM.

version String (optional) The standard version of the transaction set forwhich the template is used, e.g., 4010 for ANSI X12, or 98A forUN/EDIFACT.

Output Parameters

templateObject Document If the flat file schema was created following thestandard described in the following "Usage Notes," thisparameter contains a String called templateName that gives thenamespace name of the corresponding flat file schema.

Usage Notes

The location of the schema (the naming convention) is determined as follows:

EDIFFstandard represents the EDI standard (e.g., X12).

version represents the EDI standard version (e.g., 4010).

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name represents the EDI transaction (e.g., 850).

For example: EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850

If the migration utilities are used to move templates from version 4.x to 6.x, they willhave been created using this naming convention.

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms folder when converting betweenTRADACOMS EDI documents and IS documents (IData objects), and when creating flatfile schemas.

Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose folder to create TRADACOMSdocuments that exceed the Large Document threshold. For information about the LargeDocument threshold, see the chapter on handling large documents in the webMethodsEDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Service Function

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToStringWmEDI. Converts an IS document (IData object) to aString based on a flat file schema that you specify.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValuesWmEDI. Converts an InputStream or String (i.e., aTRADACOMS file) to an IS document (IData object)based on the input flat file schemas.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:addToTradacomsTransmissionWmEDI. Adds message segments to theTradacomsTransmission object that thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmissionservice returned.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:endTradacomsTransmissionWmEDI. Creates an END segment for a transmission.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsBatchWmEDI. Creates a batch (BAT) segment for atransmission. This service will also add an EOB (Endof Batch) segment to close any previous batch if thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsBatchservice has been called previously on the inputTradacomsTransmission object.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmissionWmEDI. Creates an STX segment for a transmission.This service returns a TRADACOMS transmissionobject.

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wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToStringWmEDI. Converts an IS document (IData object) to a String based on a flat file schemathat you specify.

The difference between this service and the pub.flatFile:convertToString service is that thisservice handles TRADACOMS EDI files.

The service will optionally fill in the counters and control numbers if they are empty.If you want to control the counters or control numbers, modify the IS document (IDataobject) prior to invoking this service to convert it to a String.

In addition, the service will automatically provide values for the following fields if theyare not present:

Segment Field Value provided

END NMST The number of messages or batches inthe transmission.

EOB NMST The number of MHD segments in thebatch.

MHD MSRF (for eachMHD segment)

A consecutive count of MHD segmentsin the transmission or batch, startingfrom 1 and incrementing by 1 for eachMHD.

MTR NOSG The number of segments from the lastMHD to this MTR segment, includingboth the MHD and MTR segments.

Input Parameters

values Document The IS document (IData object) object that you wantto convert to a String.

TradacomsFFSchema String The fully-qualified namespace name of the flat fileschema to use to convert the specified IS document (IDataobject) (in values ) to a String.

spacePad String (optional) How you want the resulting String to bejustified. Specify one of the following:

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Value Meaning

left Left justify.

right Right justify.

none No justification. This is the default.

noEmptyTrailingFields String (optional) Whether to remove empty trailing fieldsfrom records. The convertToString service only uses thisparameter for records that have delimited fields. Specify trueor false.

Value Meaning

true The convertToString service removesempty trailing fields from the output.For example, a record with emptytrailing fields might look like thefollowing: AAA*01*02! (where ! isthe segment terminator). This is thedefault.

false The convertToString service does notremove empty trailing fields. Insteadit uses the field separator to denotean empty field. For example, arecord with empty trailing fieldmight look like the following:AAA*01*02********!(where * is thefield separator and ! is the segmentterminator).

FormatInfo Document (optional) Values you want the convertToString serviceto pass unmodified to all format services it invokes.

outputFileName String (optional) The name of the file to which you want theString output wrien. If you do not specify outputFileNamethe output is not wrien to a file.

encoding String The type of encoding used to write data to the outputfile. The default encoding is UTF-8.

startAt String (optional) Allows the convertToString service to start at aspecific record in the flat file schema used to create the output

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string. Specify the path to the element where you want tostart composing the output string.

countSegments String (optional) Whether to count the number of segmentswrien to the output file.

true The convertToString service counts thenumber of segments wrien to theoutput file and returns that number inthe output parameter segmentCount .This is the default.

false The convertToString service does notcount the number of segments wriento the output file.

Output Parameters

string String The output String that represents the data specified inthe Values input parameter.

errorArray String List Error messages describing the errors that theconvertToString service encountered during conversion. If theconvertToString service did not encounter errors, errorArray isnull.

segmentCount String The number of records wrien; only returned whencountSegments is true.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValuesWmEDI. Converts an InputStream or String (i.e., a TRADACOMS file) to an IS document(IData object) based on the input flat file schemas.

Input Parameters

tradacomsData String or InputStream The TRADACOMS data you want toconvert to an IData object.

ediObject Object (optional) An object that encapsulates and keeps trackof the input data segments during processing. It is used onlywhen the iterator parameter has been set to true.

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encoding String (optional) The encoding of the data passed in totradacomsData .

tradacomsFFSchema String (optional) The fully-qualified name of the flat file schemaobject used to parse the tradacomsData object.

iterator String (optional) Whether you want to process segments oneat a time or process all input data at one time. Specify true orfalse.

Value Meaning

true The convertToValues service startsprocessing segment structures with atop-level record as defined by the flatfile schema. The service returns to thecaller when it encounters another top-level record in the input data. The nexttime the service is invoked, it beginsprocessing the input data where it leftoff.

false The convertToValues service processesall input data at one time. This is thedefault.

nullable String (optional) Whether to create an IS document (IDataobject) if all fields are null. Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Do not create an IS document (IDataobject) if all the fields are null. This isthe default.

false Always create an IS document eventhough all the fields are null.

skipWhiteSpace String (optional) Whether to ignore white space from thebeginning of records. Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

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true Ignore white spaces at the beginning ofrecords. This is the default.

false Use the records as they are. Specifyfalse when the data contains positionaldata records.

keepResults String (optional) Whether you want the convertToValues serviceto return an IData object or to just validate the structure of thedata in tradacomsData . Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Return an IData object in the EDIValuesoutput parameter. This is the default.

false Do not return an IData object in theEDIValues output parameter. Use thisoption when validating the structure ofthe tradacomsData against the specifiedflat file schema.

validate String (optional) Whether you want the convertToValues serviceto return error messages describing how tradacomsData differsfrom the specified flat file schema. Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Return errors describing how the giventradacomsData violates the constraintsdescribed in the flat file schema.

false Do not return error messages describinghow the tradacomsData differs from thespecified flat file schema. This is thedefault.

returnErrors String (optional) How you want the convertToValues service toreturn error messages when validate is set to true. Specify oneof the following.

Value Meaning

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asArray Return validation errors with thetradacomsData in an array called errors .This is the default.

inResults Return validation errors in thetradacomsValues object.

both Return validation errors in both errorsand tradacomsValues .

flags Document (optional) Flags that you can set to governconvertToValues options.

Key Description

addRecordCount String Whether you want the serviceto add an additional field (@record-count) to each parsed record in theresulting IData object (EDIValues ). The@record-count field is used to identifythe record number of each parsedrecord.

Value Meaning

true The @record-count field isadded to eachparsed record.This field containsthe number of theparsed record.The first parsedrecord is 1, thesecond is 2, etc.

If there arerecords that areundefined data,the count of thenext definedrecord will reflectthe undefineddata. For example,if the @record-count fieldfor a record

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is 2 and thatrecord contains5 undefinedrecords, the@record-countfield for the nextdefined recordwill be 8.

false The @record-count field is notadded to eachparsed record.This is the default.

detailedErrors String Whether you want detailedconditional validation error information.This flag is only used when validate istrue.

Value Meaning

true When aconditionalvalidation erroroccurs, the outputerrors parameterwill contain detailinformationabout all theconditions thatwere violated. Formore information,see informationabout validationerrors in theFlat File SchemaDeveloper’s Guide.

false When aconditionalvalidation erroroccurs, the servicedoes not providedetail errorinformation.Conditional

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validators reportonly whether acondition failedvalidation withno additionalinformation aboutthe conditionsthat wereviolated. This isthe default.

maxErrors String (optional) Maximum number of errors that you wantreturned when validate is set to true. When the flat file parserencounters more than the maximum number of errors withina record, the parser stops parsing and returns the parsed dataand errors processed up until that point.

Output Parameters

tradacomsValues Document The tradacomsData input data in IS document (IDataobject) format.

ediObject Object (optional) An object that encapsulates and keeps trackof the input data segments during processing. It is used onlywhen the iterator parameter has been set to true. When allinput data has been processed, the object becomes null. Whenthe ediObject parameter is null, you should exit out of theLOOP to discontinue processing. For an example of using thesection about processing a document segment by segmentin the chapter on receiving and processing inbound EDIdocuments in the webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’sGuide.

isValid String Whether the data in tradacomsData is valid.

Value Meaning

true The validate input parameter was set totrue and no errors were found.

false The validate input parameter was setto true and errors were found, or thevalidate input parameter was set tofalse.

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errors Document List (optional) The validation errors, if any, that werefound in tradacomsData . Validation errors are returned inerrors only if validate is set to true -AND- returnErrors is set toasArray or both. The list includes the path of the errors.

Usage Notes

This service always returns the output IData object that contains the converted datain the tradacomsValues output parameter. When the input parameter iterator is set totrue, the value of tradacomsValues is overwrien with the IData object for the recordstructure most recently converted. As a result, each time you invoke this serviceto convert a segment of the input document you should save the output or map itsomewhere else.

By default, each recordWithNoID record appears as a child of the record above it, inan array. Alternatively, you can set a flag to mimic the handling of recordWithNoID sthat was implemented in version 4.6 of the Integration Server. That is, allrecordWithNoID records appeared as children of the root. In addition, when thewm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service returned only one recordWithNoID record, it returnedit as a single record, not as an array.

If you would rather use this kind of recordWithNoID handling, set the following flagto true in the IntegrationServer_directory\packages\WmFlatFile\config\FlatFile.cnf file:recWithNoIDLike46=true

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:addToTradacomsTransmissionWmEDI. Adds message segments to the TradacomsTransmission object that thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission service returned.

Input Parameters

TradacomsTransmissionObject The TradacomsTransmission object that thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission servicereturned.

values Document Message segments that will be wrien to theTradacomsTransmission object. You can specify one or moreheader messages, detail messages, and trailer messages. Inaddition you may specify a VAT trailer, if appropriate.

Note: You are responsible for entering segments in thesequence that the TRADACOMS standard expects. Thisservice does not sort messages into the proper sequence.

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tradacomsFFSchema String The flat file schema used to convert values to a String.

FormatInfo Document (optional) Values you want theaddToTradacomsTransmission service to pass unmodified to allformat services it invokes.

startAt String Optional. Allows the addToTradacomsTransmission serviceto start at a specific record in the flat file schema used to createthe output string. Specify the path to the element where youwant to start composing the output string.

Output Parameters

TradacomsTransmissionObject Used to write transmission information to disk or heldin memory. If the document exceeds the Large Documentthreshold, or if the outputFileName is specified, it will bewrien to disk. Otherwise, the completed document will beheld in memory. For information about the Large Documentthreshold, see the chapter on handling large documents in thewebMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:endTradacomsTransmissionWmEDI. Creates an END segment for a transmission.

This service will also:

Add an EOB (End of Batch) segment to close the batch document if thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsBatch service was invoked for thistransmission

Write an RSGRST (reconciliation) message if you set the includeRSGRSG parameterto true in the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission service.

Input Parameters

END Document

END01 StringThe number of messages in thetransmission.

FormatInfo Document (optional) Format information used tocreate an STX segment. This value should matchthe FormatInfo value that you specified in the

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wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission servicethat you used to create the transmission.

TradacomsTransmissionObject The TradacomsTransmission object that thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission servicereturned.

Output Parameters

InputStream Object The input stream containing the entire document thathas been wrien to disk or held in memory.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsBatchWmEDI. Creates a batch (BAT) segment for a transmission. This service willalso add an EOB (End of Batch) segment to close any previous batch if thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsBatch service has been called previously on theinput TradacomsTransmission object.

Input Parameters

BAT Document

BAT01 String The recipient's transmissionreference.

FormatInfo Document (optional) Format information used tocreate an STX segment. This value should matchthe FormatInfo value that you specified in thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission servicethat you used to create the transmission.

TradacomsTransmissionObject The TradacomsTransmission object that thewm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission servicereturned.

Output Parameters

TradacomsTransmissionObject Used to write transmission information to disk or heldin memory. If the document exceeds the Large Documentthreshold, or if the outputFileName is specified, it will be

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wrien to disk. Otherwise, the completed document will beheld in memory.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmissionWmEDI. Creates an STX segment for a transmission. This service returns aTRADACOMS transmission object.

Input Parameters

STX Document Contains the following information needed to createan STX segment:

STX01 Document

STDS01 String Syntax rules identifier.

STDS02 String Version.

STX02 Document

FROM01 String (optional) Identificationof transmission sender Code .

FROM02 String (optional) Identificationof transmission sender Name .

STX03 Document

UNTO01 String (optional) Identificationof transmission recipient Code .

UNTO02 String (optional) Identificationof transmission recipient Name .

STX04 Document

TRDT01 String Date of transmission.

TRDT02 String (optional) Time oftransmission.

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STX05 String Sender's transmission reference.

STX06 String (optional) Recipient's transmissionreference.

STX07 String (optional) Application reference.

STX08 String (optional) Transmission prioritycode.

outputFileName String (optional) The file to which to write the document todisk. If this field is blank, the document is held in memory.

FormatInfo Document (optional) Format information used to create an STXsegment.

encoding String The encoding used to write the document to disk.

includeRSGRSG String (optional) Whether the service creates an RSGRSGmessage as the last message in the output document.

Value Meaning

false Do not create an RSGRSG message. Thisis the default.

true Create a transmission with an RSGRSGmessage as the last message in theoutput document.

Output Parameters

TradacomsTransmissionObject Used to write transmission information to disk orto memory. If the document exceeds the Large Documentthreshold, or if the outputFileName is specified, it will bewrien to disk. Otherwise, the completed document will beheld in memory. For information about the Large Documentthreshold, see the chapter on handling large documents inwebMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi.util folder to help process document objects.

Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices folder to ensure that the fields of an EDIdocument conform to the ANSI X12 or UN/EDIFACT standard formats for various datatypes.

The wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service invokes format services when parsing a String toan IData object.

The wm.b2b.edi:convertToString service invokes format services when creating a Stringfrom an IData object.

The format services transform field values from an “internal” format to an “external”format, or vice versa. The external format is the format that will appear in the actualEDI document. The internal format is the format that the field meets in the parsed form(after calls to the convertToValues service or before calls to the convertToString service). Theinternal and external formats are stored in an external configuration file. For moreinformation about this file, see the EDI Module configuration chapter in webMethods EDIModule Installation and User’s Guide. The external formats provided match the EDI ANSIstandard formats and should not be changed. The internal formats should be modifiedto conform to your internal application formats.

Important: If a particular field does not have a value (that is, a value is not in the inputString or IData object), the format service assigned to that field will not beexecuted.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Service Function

wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelope WmEDI. For outbound EDI documents,adds a group envelope (GS and GEsegments) according to the ANSI X12,UCS, or VICS standards.

wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelopeEDIFACT WmEDI. For outbound EDI documents,adds a group envelope (UNG and UNEsegments) according to the UN/EDIFACTstandard and its sub-standards ODETTEand EANCOM.

wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelope WmEDI. For an outbound EDI document,adds an Interchange (IC) envelope (ISAand IEA segments) and a group envelope

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Service Functionif specified, according to the EDI ANSIX12, UCS, or VICS standards.

wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelopeEDIFACT WmEDI. For outbound EDI documents,adds an IC envelope (UNB and UNZ)according to the UN/EDIFACT standard.

wm.b2b.edi.util:concatStringArray WmEDI. Creates a String from the inputparameters.

wm.b2b.edi.util:controlNumber WmEDI. Creates a control number.

wm.b2b.edi.util:convertToValues WmEDI. A utility service that maintainscompatibility between EDI 4.6 and 6.x.

wm.b2b.edi.util:EDIconcat WmEDI. Returns an InputStream pointerfrom either the "unDefData" or the"_RID_" elements.

wm.b2b.edi.util.FA:lite997 WmEDI. Creates a functionalacknowledgment (997) that acknowledgesEDI documents based on input values.

wm.b2b.edi.util:generateFA WmEDI. Creates a functionalacknowledgment (FA) that acknowledgesall levels of an input EDI document.

wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIDictionaryName WmEDI. Given an EDI standard andversion, returns the name of the flat filedictionary that should be used to store thedefinitions for that standard and version.

wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIFFSchemaName WmEDI. Given an EDI standard,version, and transaction set name (orTRADACOMS file name), returns thename of the flat file schema that should beused.

wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIstring WmEDI. Creates a complete EDItransaction set (either String orInputStream type) from an EDItransaction set header segment.

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Service Function

wm.b2b.edi.util:invoke WmEDI. Executes the service identifiedby the input parameters.

wm.b2b.edi.util:makeArray WmEDI. Creates an array out of the inputobject.

wm.b2b.edi.util:nullBlankCheck WmEDI. Determines whether a specifiedString is null or contains only blankspaces.

wm.b2b.edi.util:nullifyIfBlank WmEDI. Returns null if the input is nullor contains only blank spaces.

wm.b2b.edi.util:pad WmEDI. Adds blank spaces to a field, left-or right-justifying the field as specified.Also truncates the data field if the data islonger than the length specified. Leadingand trailing spaces are deleted prior topadding spaces.

wm.b2b.edi.util:standardCheck WmEDI. Checks the input String orInputStream starting with an array ofstring and outputs the result based on thearray of string.

Format Services: Inputs and Outputs All of the EDI format services have thesame input and output parameters.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatAN WmEDI. Verifies if the input stringis alphanumeric. Returns true if theinput string is alphanumeric. ThrowsServiceException if the input string is notalphanumeric.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDate6 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "DT," with a minimum lengthof 6 and a maximum length of 6.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDate8 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "DT," with a minimum lengthof 8 and a maximum length of 8.

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Service Function

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDecimal WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "D."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN WmEDI. Verifies if the input string isnumeric. Returns true if the input string isnumeric. Throws ServiceException if theinput string is not numeric.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN0 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N0."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN1 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N1."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN2 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N2."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN3 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N3."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN4 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N4."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN5 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N5."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN6 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N6."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN7 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N7."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN8 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N8."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN9 WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDIdata type of "N9."

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_4 WmEDI. Formats fields that have anEDI data type of "TM," with a minimumlength of 4 and a maximum length of 4.

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Service Function

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_6 WmEDI. Formats fields that have anEDI data type of "TM," with a minimumlength of 4 and a maximum length of 6.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_8 WmEDI. Formats fields that have anEDI data type of "TM," with a minimumlength of 4 and a maximum length of 8.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime6_6 WmEDI. Formats fields that have anEDI data type of "TM," with a minimumlength of 6 and a maximum length of 6.

wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelopeWmEDI. For outbound EDI documents, adds a group envelope (GS and GE segments)according to the ANSI X12, UCS, or VICS standards.

Note: For UN/EDIFACT EDI documents, use thewm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelopeEDIFACT service instead.

Input Parameters

documents String List Documents to which to add a group envelope.

IDcode String The Functional ID Code of the EDI document accordingto the EDI standard.

senderQual String (optional) EDI ID qualifier for the sender ID. It is usedwith sender to obtain the Trading Networks internal ID.

sender String The sender to identify in the group envelope. Forexample, if you specify 01 for senderQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the value of the D-U-N-S number forsender .

receiverQual String (optional) EDI ID qualifier for the receiver ID. It is usedwith receiver to obtain the Trading Networks internal ID.

receiver String The receiver to identify in the group envelope. Forexample, if you specify 01 for receiverQual (indicating a D-U-

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N-S number), specify the value of the D-U-N-S number forreceiver .

grpCtlNumber String (optional) The group control number of the EDIdocument.

ctlFromTable String Whether you want the service to obtain the controlnumber for the group from the EDIControlNumber table,which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networksdatabase.

Value Meaning

true Obtain the control number from theEDIControlNumber table.

false Do not obtain the control number fromthe EDIControlNumber table. Use thevalue specified in the grpCtlNumberparameter.

agencyCode String (optional) Responsible agency code: T (default) or X.

verRelCode String EDI standard version and release code, e.g., 4010, 3040,etc.

delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters used in the outbound EDIdocument.

Key Description

record String The segment terminator for theEDI document, e.g., \u000a to use thenew line character. The default is thenew line character.

field String The field separator for each EDIsegment e.g., !. The default is the *character.

subfield String The separator for compositeelements, e.g., ^. The default is the :character.

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Output Parameters

outDocument String Contains the outbound EDI string.

Usage Notes

Only use this service for ANSI X12, UCS, or VICS standards.

All ANSI X12 documents must have a group envelope. You can add a groupenvelope either by:

Using this service and seing the addGroup input parameter of thewm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelope service to false. Use this method to control thevalues used in the group envelope because you can specify them using the inputparameters of the addGroupEnvelope service.

Using wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelope service and seing the addGroup inputparameter to true. Use this method if you do not need to control the values usedin the group envelope, that is if you can accept the defaults.

Choose only one of these methods. Failing to add a group envelope or creating agroup envelope twice will result in an invalid document.

The ctlFromTable input parameter can be used to control the group control number.If the control number is empty and ctlFromTable is set to true, the group controlnumber for the group type and version is retrieved from the EDIControlNumbertable. If ctlFromTable is set to true, make sure that senderQual and receiverQualparameters are specified.

wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelopeEDIFACTWmEDI. For outbound EDI documents, adds a group envelope (UNG and UNEsegments) according to the UN/EDIFACT standard and its sub-standards ODETTE andEANCOM.

Note: For ANSI X12 documents, use the wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelope serviceinstead.

Input Parameters

documents String List Documents to which to add a group envelope.

IDcode String The Functional ID Code of the EDI document accordingto the EDI standard.

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senderId String (optional when syntaxVersion is greater than 3) Thesender to identify in the group envelope. For example, if youspecify 01 for senderQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number),specify the value of the D-U-N-S number for sender .

senderQual String (optional) EDI ID qualifier for the sender ID.

receiverId String (optional when syntaxVersion is greater than 3) Thereceiver to identify in the group envelope. For example, if youspecify 01 for receiverQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number),specify the value of the D-U-N-S number for receiver .

receiverQual String (optional) EDI ID qualifier for the receiver ID.

ctlFromTable String (optional; this parameter is used only when thegrpCtlNumber parameter is not specified) Whether you wantthe service to obtain the control number for the group from theEDIControlNumber table, which is a module-specific table inthe Trading Networks database.

Value Meaning

true Obtain the control number from theEDIControlNumber table.

false Do not obtain the control number fromthe EDIControlNumber table. Use arandom generated number as the value.

grpCtlNumber String (optional) The group control number of the EDIdocument. If a group control number is not specified,the service obtains the control number from theEDIControlNumber table. That is, the service behaves as if thectlFromTable parameter is set to true.

prodMode String (optional) The production mode associated with controlnumber: Production (the default) or Test.

syntaxVersion String Syntax version of the envelope level.

agencyCode String (optional) Responsible agency code: UN (default) or AA.

verCode String (optional) EDI standard version code, e.g., D, S, etc.

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relCode String (optional) EDI message standard release code, e.g., 96A,97B, etc.

aACode String (optional) EDI message standard assigned code, e.g., OD,EN, etc.

password String (optional) The recipient transmission referencepassword.

delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters used in the outbound EDIdocument.

Key Description

record String The segment terminator for theEDI document, e.g., \u000a to use thenew line character. The default is thenew line character.

field String The field separator for each EDIsegment e.g., !. The default is the *character.

subfield String The separator for compositeelements, e.g., ^. The default is the :character.

release String The release character forcomposite elements, e.g., ^. The defaultis the ? character.

decimal String The release character forcomposite elements, e.g., . (the periodcharacter, which is the default).

Output Parameters

outDocument String Contains the outbound EDI string.

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wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelopeWmEDI. For an outbound EDI document, adds an Interchange (IC) envelope (ISA andIEA segments) and a group envelope if specified, according to the EDI ANSI X12, UCS,or VICS standards.

If you use the wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelope service to add group envelopes, set theaddGroup parameter in the wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelope service to false.

Note: To add an IC envelope to a UN/EDIFACT document, see thewm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelopeEDIFACT service.

Input Parameters

documents String List EDI documents to which to add an interchangeenvelope. The EDI document might be wrapped with groupenvelopes.

authQual String Authorization qualifier for the interchange envelope.

authInfo String Authorization information for the interchange envelope.

securityQual String Security qualifier for the interchange envelope.

securityInfo String Security information for the interchange envelope.

senderQual String EDI ID qualifier for the sender ID. It is used with senderto obtain the Trading Networks internal ID.

sender String The sender to identify in the interchange envelope. Forexample, if you specify 01 for senderQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the value of the D-U-N-S number forsender .

receiverQual String EDI ID qualifier for the receiver ID. It is used withreceiver to obtain the Trading Networks internal ID.

receiver String The receiver to identify in the interchange envelope. Forexample, if you specify 01 for receiverQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the value of the D-U-N-S number forsender .

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ctlVersion String Version of the EDI standard used, with a 00 prefix, e.g.,for version 4010, specify 004010.

repSeparator String A separator for the repeated occurrences of a simpledata element or a composite data structure. Length: 1.

Note: The repSeparator must be a different character than therecord , field , or subfield delimiters.

ctlNumber String (optional) The interchange control number of the EDIdocument.

ctlFromTable String (optional; this parameter is used only when thectlNumber parameter is not specified) Whether you want theservice to obtain the control number for the interchange fromthe EDIControlNumber table, which is a module-specific tablein the Trading Networks database.

Value Meaning

true Obtain the control number from theEDIControlNumber table.

false Do not obtain the control number fromthe EDIControlNumber table. Usethe value specified in the ctlNumberparameter.

ackRequested String (optional) Whether you want to request anacknowledgment for this interchange.

Value Meaning

0 Do not request an acknowledgment forthis interchange. This is the default.

1 Requests an acknowledgment for thisinterchange.

testIndicator String (optional) Whether to indicate production or test mode.

Value Meaning

P Production. This is the default.

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T Test.

delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters used in the outbound EDIdocument.

Key Description

record String The segment terminator for theEDI document, e.g., \u000a to use thenew line character. The default is thenew line character.

field String The field separator for each EDIsegment e.g., !. The default is the *character.

subfield String The separator for compositeelements, e.g., ^. The default is the :character.

addGroup String (optional) Whether you want the addICEnvelope service toadd group envelopes in addition to the interchange envelope.

Note: You must add a group envelope either by seing thisparameter to true, or seing this parameter to falseand using the addGroupEnvelope service prior to using theaddICEnvelope service. Failing to add a group envelope orcreating a group envelope twice will result in an invaliddocument.

Value Meaning

true Add group envelopes (GS and GEsegments) to the document prior toadding the interchange envelope.Note that ANSI X12 documentsmust have a group segment. Set thisparameter to true if you did not usethe addGroupEnvelope service and you donot need maximum control over groupenvelope parameters.

false Do not add group envelopes prior tocreating the Interchange envelope.Set this parameter to false if youwould prefer to use the addGroupEnvelope

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service prior to using this service. TheaddGroupEnvelope service provides morecontrol over the parameters in the groupenvelopes.

groupInfo Document (optional) Information about the group segmentsadded by addGroup .

Key Description

IDcode String (optional) The Functional ID Codeof the EDI document according to theEDI standard.

sender String (optional) The sender to identifyin the group envelope. For example,if you specify 01 for senderQual(indicating a D-U-N-S number), specifythe value of the D-U-N-S number forsender .

receiver String (optional) The receiver to identifyin the group envelope. For example,if you specify 01 for receiverQual(indicating a D-U-N-S number), specifythe value of the D-U-N-S number forreceiver .

ctlNumber String (optional) The control number ofthe EDI document.

agencyCode String (optional) Responsible agencycode: T (default) or X.

groupVersion String (optional) The group version ofthe EDI document.

justification String How you want the values for ICA header fields to bejustified. Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

left Left justify.

right Right justify.

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none No justification. This is the default.

ctlNumberWleadingZeroString (optional) (ANSI X12 only) Whether to add leadingzeros to the interchange control number to make it a nine-digitnumber.

Value Meaning

false Do not add leading zeros to theinterchange control number. This is thedefault.

true Add leading zeros to the interchangecontrol number to make it a nine digitnumber, e.g., 12 becomes 000000012.

Output Parameters

outDocument String Contains the outbound EDI string. This parametercan be validated by providing it as input to thewm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess service.

Usage Notes

Only use this service for ANSI X12, UCS, or VICS standards.


For an example of processing an outbound EDI document, see theTutorial.XMLtoEDI:processXMLSource service in the WmEDIsamples package, which is locatedin the Technical Community area of the Empower Product Support website.

wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelopeEDIFACTWmEDI. For outbound EDI documents, adds an IC envelope (UNB and UNZ) accordingto the UN/EDIFACT standard.

Input Parameters

documents String List (optional) EDI documents to which to add an ICenvelope.

syntaxId String Syntax identifier.

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syntaxVersion String Syntax version number.

senderId String The sender ID of the interchange.

senderQual String (optional) The sender EDI ID qualifier code.

reverseRoute String (optional) The sender internal identification.

Note: Do not use this parameter if you supplied a value forsenderInternalId or senderInternalSubId .

receiverId String The receiver ID of the interchange.

receiverQual String (optional) The receiver EDI ID qualifier code.

routingAddress String (optional) The receiver internal identification.

Note: Do not use this parameter if you supplied a value forreceiverInternalId or receiverInternalSubId .

ICreference String (optional) The IC control number of the EDI document.

ctlFromTable String (optional) Whether you want the service toobtain the control number for the interchange from theEDIControlNumber table, which is a module-specific table inthe Trading Networks database.

Value Meaning

true Obtain the control number from theEDIControlNumber table.

false Do not obtain the control number fromthe EDIControlNumber table. Usethe value specified in the ICreferenceparameter.

password String The recipient reference password.

passwordQual String (optional) The recipient reference password qualifier.

applReference String (optional) The application reference.

priority String (optional) The processing priority code.

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ackRequested String (optional) Whether you want to request anacknowledgment for this interchange.

Value Meaning

0 Do not request an acknowledgment forthis interchange. This is the default.

1 Request an acknowledgment for thisinterchange.

agreementId String (optional) The interchange agreement identifier.

testIndicator String (optional) Indicates the testing parameters.

Value Meaning

1 Indicates that the interchange is a test.

2 Indicates that test only the syntax of thestructure.

3 Return the request without any change.

4 Return the response without anychange except for this data elementchanging from 3 to 4.

UNARequired String (optional) Whether you want the service to create aUNA segment in front of the resulting output.

Value Meaning

true Create the UNA segment.

false Do not create the UNA segment.

addGroups String (optional) Whether you want the service to addgroup header and trailer (UNG and UNE) segments in theinterchange.

Note: You can add a group envelope either by seing thisparameter to true, or seing this parameter to falseand using the addGroupEnvelope service prior to using the

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addICEnvelopeEDIFACT service. Creating a group envelopetwice will result in an invalid document.

Value Meaning

true Add the UNG and UNE segmentsto the document prior to adding theinterchange envelope.

false Do not add the UNG and UNEsegments.

groupInfo Document (optional) Information about the group segmentsadded by addGroup .

Value Meaning

IDcode String (optional) The Functional ID Codeof the EDI document according to theEDI standard.

senderID String (optional when the valueof syntaxVersion is greater than 3)The sender to identify in the groupenvelope. For example, if you specify01 for senderQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the value of the D-U-N-S number for sender .

Note: When the value of syntaxVersion is1 and you do not specify values forthe group-level senderID , senderQual ,receiverID , and receiverQualfields, the service uses the valuesspecified in the interchange-levelsenderID , senderQual , receiverID , andreceiverQual fields. When the valueof syntaxVersion is 4 and you do notspecify values for the group-levelsenderID , senderQual, receiverID , andreceiverQual fields, the service leavesthese group-level fields blank.

senderQual String (optional) EDI ID qualifier for thesender ID.

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receiverID String (optional when the value ofsyntaxVersion is greater than 3) Thereceiver to identify in the groupenvelope. For example, if you specify 01for receiverQual (indicating a D-U-N-Snumber), specify the value of the D-U-N-S number for receiver .

receiverQual String (optional) EDI ID qualifier for thereceiver ID.

grpCtlNumber String (optional) The group controlnumber of the EDI document.

agencyCode String (optional) Responsible agencycode: UN (default) or AA.

verCode String (optional) EDI standard versioncode, e.g., D, S, etc.

relCode String (optional) EDI message standardrelease code, e.g., 96A, 97B, etc.

aACode String (optional) EDI message standardassigned code, e.g., OD, EN, etc.

password String (optional) The recipienttransmission reference password.

delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters used in the outbound EDIdocument.

Value Meaning

record String The segment terminator for theEDI document, e.g., \u000a to use thenew line character. The default is thenew line character.

field String The field separator for each EDIsegment e.g., !. The default is the *character.

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subfield String The separator for compositeelements, e.g., ^. The default is the :character.

release String The release character forcomposite elements, e.g., ^. The defaultis the ? character.

decimal String The decimal character forcomposite elements, e.g., ^. IfUNARequired is true, the decimaldelimiter is used. The default is the .character. You may enter only onecharacter. If UNARequired is false,decimal is ignored.

directoryVersionNumberString The directory version number to be placed inthe UNB01/S00103 sub field of the EDIFACT envelopeinterchange header.

characterEncoding String The character encoding to be placed in the UNB01/S00104 sub field of the EDIFACT envelope interchangeheader.

syntaxReleaseNumber String The syntax release number to be placed in the UNB01/S00105 sub field of the EDIFACT envelope interchangeheader.

senderInternalId String (optional) The sender's internal ID to be placed inthe UNB02/S00203 sub field of the EDIFACT envelopeinterchange header.

Note: Do not use this parameter if you supplied a value forreverseRoute .

senderInternalSubId String (optional) The sender's internal sub ID to be placedin the UNB02/S00204 sub field of the EDIFACT envelopeinterchange header.

Note: Do not use this parameter if you supplied a value forroutingAddress .

receiverInternalId String (optional) The receiver's internal ID to be placedin the UNB03/S00203 sub field of the EDIFACT envelopeinterchange header.

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Note: Do not use this parameter if you supplied a value forroutingAddress .

receiverInternalSubId String (optional) The receiver's internal sub ID to be placedin the UNB03/S00204 sub field of the EDIFACT envelopeinterchange header.

Note: Do not use this parameter if you supplied a value forroutingAddress .

Output Parameters

outDocument String Contains the outbound EDI string. This parametercan be validated by providing it as input to thewm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess service.

Usage Notes

Use this service only for the UN/EDIFACT standard.

wm.b2b.edi.util:concatStringArrayWmEDI. Creates a String from the input parameters.

The String starts with the value of the input parameter prepend , followed the value ofeach element in the input parameter stringArray , and end with the value of the inputparameter append . For example, if the input values were:




prepend : String to prepend

append : String to append

The final string would be:String to prependString1String2String to append

Input Parameters

stringArray String List An array of Strings to be concatenated.

prepend String String value to prepend on to the final result.

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append String String value to append on to the final result.

Output Parameters

concated String The concatenated String.

wm.b2b.edi.util:controlNumberWmEDI. Creates a control number.

The control number is a nine-digit number, based on a two-digit day, two-digit hours,two-digit minutes, and a random three-digit system count (100-999).

Input Parameters


Output Parameters

ctlNumber String (optional) description.

wm.b2b.edi.util:convertToValuesWmEDI. A utility service that maintains compatibility between EDI 4.6 and 6.x.

Usage Notes

This is an internal service. Do not invoke.

wm.b2b.edi.util:EDIconcatWmEDI. Returns an InputStream pointer from either the "unDefData" or the "_RID_"elements.

These elements are part of the output of an EDI object that has gone through thewm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service.

Input Parameters

header String (optional) String data to which the "unDefData" or the"_RID_" data will be appended.

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trailer String (optional) String data to append at the end of the result.

unDefData String (optional) Input data with type String.

reservation Object (optional) ID used to retrieve the data from temporarystorage (i.e., tspace).

Output Parameters

output String or InputStream Resulting data.

Usage Notes

If you are working with non-EDI flat files, you do not use this service for processing.Instead, see the Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide.

For more information about how to use this service, see the section about processingEDI documents segment by segment in the chapter on receiving and processing inbounddocuments of the webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

This service is analogous to the wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIstring service for traditional EDIdocuments, except that the getEDIstring service creates a complete EDI document fromthe transaction set header (e.g., ST/SE) and the "unDefData" or the "_RID_" elementsrepresenting the document content. Instead of looking for a standard transaction setheader to construct the document, the EDIconcat service looks only for an "unDefData" orthe "_RID_" element. To construct a full document, use the header and trailer parametersto insert the converted "unDefData" or the "_RID_" segment into the document's largercontext.


The sampleServices:Iterator810 service uses the EDIconcat service during processing. Thisservice is included in the WmEDIsamples package, which is located in the TechnicalCommunity area of the Empower Product Support website.

wm.b2b.edi.util.FA:lite997WmEDI. Creates a functional acknowledgment (997) that acknowledges EDI documentsbased on input values.

This service takes AK9 and ICValues IS document (IData object) as input, which isparsed and validated, and creates a 997 as output on the functional group level.

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Input Parameters

ICValues Document Parsed EDI values of envelope, including errorresults. This IData object contains only one envelope and onefunctional group.

EDI_delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters used in the outbound FA.

Value Meaning

record String The segment terminator for theFA, e.g., +. The default is the ' character.

field String The field separator for each EDIsegment e.g., !. The default is the +character.

subfield String The separator for compositeelements, e.g., ^. The default is the :character.

release String Character used to ignore a record,field, or subfield delimiter in a field.If a release character occurs in a fieldor subfield before the delimiter, it willbe prefixed with this character in theoutput.

AK9 Document The values of the AK9 segment. These valuesacknowledge the functional group listed from ICValues.

senderIDQualifier String The EDI ID qualifier of functional group level sender.

receiverIDQualifier String The EDI ID qualifier of functional group level receiver.

grpCtlNumber String The group control number of the output 997 document.

ctlFromTable String Whether you want the service to obtain the controlnumber from the EDITPA (EDI Trading Partner Agreement).Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

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true Obtain the control number from theEDITPA.

false Do not obtain the control number fromthe EDITPA. Use the value specified inthe grpCtlNumber parameter.

addGroups String Whether to add a functional group to the FA.

Value Meaning

true Add a functional group to the FA.

false Do not add a functional group to the FA.

addICEnvelopes String Whether to add an interchange envelope to the FA.Specify true or false.

Value Meaning

true Add an interchange to the FA.

false Do not add an interchange to the FA.

Output Parameters

outDocument String The outbound FA string.

Usage Notes

The service does not specify what to do with the acknowledgment that it has created.This service can be used only for the ANSI X12 standards.

wm.b2b.edi.util:generateFAWmEDI. Creates a functional acknowledgment (FA) that acknowledges all levels of aninput EDI document.

This service takes an EDI document as input, performs validation and compliance check,and creates an FA as output.

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Input Parameters

edidata String or InputStream (optional) An unparsed EDI document forwhich you want to generate an FA. Specify a value for eitheredidata or ICValues .

ICValues Document (optional) A parsed EDI document (an IDataobject) for which you want to generate an FA. This mustinclude the error results. This is typically the output from thewm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess service. Specify a value for eitheredidata or ICValues .

EDI_delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters used in the outbound FA.If you do not specify EDI_delimiters , the service uses thedelimiters from the document it is acknowledging.

Key Description

record String The segment terminator for theFA, e.g., +. The default is the ' character.

field String The field separator for each EDIsegment e.g., !. The default is the +character.

subfield String The separator for compositeelements, e.g., ^. The default is the :character.

release String Character used to ignore a record,field, or subfield delimiter in a field.If a release character occurs in a fieldor subfield before the delimiter, it willbe prefixed with this character in theoutput.

FArequest String How to handle potentially conflicting information in theEDI interchange header of the inbound document. For ANSIX12, the inbound document specification is in ISA14. For UN/EDIFACT, the inbound document specification is in UNB09.Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

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yes The FA is generated regardless ofFA specification in the input EDIinterchange header.

no If no and the input EDI interchangeheader specifies that an FA is notrequired, the FA is not generated.

depend_on_input The FA is generated based on theFA specification in the input EDIinterchange header.

FALevel String The level at which to acknowledge. If any errors occurat the level you select, the FA will list those errors at the levelselected. Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

Default Acknowledge at the envelope level(group for ANSI X12 and interchangefor UN/EDIFACT).

TransactionSet Acknowledge at the transaction set level(ANSI X12 only).

Segment Acknowledge at the segment level(ANSI X12 only).

Element Acknowledge at the element level(ANSI X12 only).

generateControlNumberString How you want the service to obtain the control numberit uses in the interchange and group headers of the generatedFA. Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

FromInboundDocumentUse the control number from thecorresponding header in the EDIdocument that is being acknowledged.For example, if generating an FA for agroup in an ANSI X12 document, usethe control number from the groupheader of that group for the controlnumber of the FA.

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Random The service randomly generates acontrol number.

FromControlNumberTableObtain the next control number fromthe EDIControlNumber table, and thenincrement the value of the next controlnumber in the table entry, so it reflectsthe new next control number.

addGroups String Whether you want to add group segments to the ANSIX12 or UN/EDIFACT FA (e.g., a 997 or a UN/EDIFACTCONTRL).

Value Meaning

true Add a group to the FA.

false Do not add a group to the FA.

addICEnvelopes String Whether you want to add an interchange envelope to theFA.

Value Meaning

true Add an interchange to the FA. This isthe default. For ANSI 12, if you add anenvelope, you will automatically get thegroup.

false Do not add an interchange to the FA.

syntaxErrorStatus String How you want the service to report the syntax errorstatus for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange.The syntax error status indicates whether there are syntaxerrors, for example, missing mandatory elements, violationof syntax rules, invalid field lengths, code list violations, orsegment repeat counts exceeded.

The service uses the syntax error status along with the logicalerror status and child transaction rejected status (if applicable)to determine the FA status for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange.

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Specify one of the following to indicate how you want theservice to report syntax errors:

Value Meaning

Rejected The syntax error status is reportedas "Rejected" if syntax errors areencountered. Specify Rejected if youwant to reject elements that have syntaxerrors.

Accepted, ButErrors WereNoted

The syntax error status is reported as"Accepted, But Errors Were Noted" ifsyntax errors are encountered. SpecifyAccepted, But Errors Were Notedif you want to know whether there aresyntax errors, but do not want to rejectan element because of them.

Accepted The syntax error status is alwaysreported as "Accepted" regardless of anysyntax errors that might be encountered.Specify Accepted if you do not want tocheck for syntax errors.

logicalErrorStatus String How you want the service to report the logical errorstatus for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange.The logical error status indicates whether there are logicalerrors, for example:

The control number in a header does not match the controlnumber in the corresponding trailer, or

The segment count in a trailer does not have an accurategroup, transaction, or segment count.

The service uses the logical error status along with the syntaxerror status and child transaction rejected status (if applicable)to determine the FA status for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange.

Specify one of the following to indicate how you want theservice to report logical errors:

Value Meaning

Rejected The logical error status is reportedas "Rejected" if logical errors are

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encountered. Specify Rejected if youwant to reject elements that have logicalerrors.

Accepted, ButErrors WereNoted

The logical error status is reported as"Accepted, But Errors Were Noted" iflogical errors are encountered. SpecifyAccepted, But Errors Were Notedif you want to know whether there arelogical errors, but do not want to rejectan element because of them.

Accepted The logical error status is alwaysreported as "Accepted" regardless of anylogical errors that might be encountered.Specify Accepted if you do not want tocheck for logical errors.

childTransactionRejectedStatusString How you want the service to report the child transactionrejected status for a group or UN/EDIFACT interchange.The child transaction rejected status indicates whether childelements of a group or UN/EDIFACT interchange have an FAstatus of "Rejected". Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

Rejected Reports the child transaction rejectedstatus as:

"Rejected" if the FA status of any of thechild transactions is "Rejected".

"Accepted, But Errors Were Noted" ifthe FA statuses of all child transactionsare "Accepted" and "Accepted, ButErrors Were Noted".

"Accepted" if the FA statuses of all thechild transactions are "Accepted".


Reports the child transaction rejectedstatus as:

"Rejected" if the FA statuses of all ofthe child transactions are "Rejected".

"Partially Accepted" if the FA statusof at least one child transaction is"Rejected", but the FA status of other

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child transactions are "Accepted" or"Accepted, But Errors Were Noted".

"Accepted" if the FA statuses of all thechild transactions are "Accepted".

Accepted, ButErrors WereNoted

Reports the child transaction rejectedstatus as:

"Accepted, But Errors Were Noted"if the FA status any child transactionis "Rejected" or "Accepted, But ErrorsWere Noted".

"Accepted" if the FA statuses of all thechild transactions are "Accepted".

standardVC String (optional) The substandard of the EDI standard. Usethis parameter in conjunction with ICValues . Valid values areEANCOM, UCS, UNEDIFACT, VICS, X12, and ODETTE.

encoding String (optional) The encoding of the data passed to the edidataparameter.

Note: When the generateFA service is invoked manually, thevalue of this parameter is passed to the edidata parameterin both the convertToString and the convertToValue services, aswell as the generateFA service.

ctlNumberWleadingZeroString (optional for ANSI X12) Whether to add leading zerosto the interchange control numbers to make them nine-digitnumbers.

Note: This parameter is applicable only when the value ofgenerateControlNumber is FromControlNumberTable.

Value Meaning

true Do not add leading zeros to the controlnumber. This is the default.

false Add leading zeros to the controlnumber to make it a nine digit number,e.g., 12 becomes 000000012.

userFFSchema String (optional) A flat file schema that overrides thepredefined flat file schema that wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues uses.

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Additional_Info Document (optional; for use with ODETTE only) Additionalinformation about the input message, to be used in theoutbound FA.

Value Meaning

Code String A qualification and identificationof the purpose and function of a textsegment. Maximum length: 3 characters.

Text String Text. Maximum length: 70characters.

MessageIdentifier Document Specifies details to include in the CONTRL message.

Value Meaning

VersionNumber String Specifies the following valuesin the output CONTRL message todetermine the schema to use:

UNH02/S00902 (second subfield in thesecond field)

UNG07/S00801 (first subfield in thesecond field, if present)

ReleaseNumber String Specifies the following valuesin the output CONTRL message todetermine the schema to use:


UNG07/S00802 (if present)

ControllingAgency String Specifies the following values inthe output CONTRL message:


UNG07/S00803 (if present)

AssociationCode String Specifies the following values inthe output CONTRL message:


UNG07/S00804 (if present)

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CodeListDirectoryVersionNumberString Specifies the following values inthe output CONTRL message:


MessageTypeSubFunctionIdentificationString Specifies the following values inthe output CONTRL message:


If no value is provided for VersionNumber, ReleaseNumber,or ControllingAgency, these input fields will take thevalues from the input document.

VersionNumber and ReleaseNumber determine the schemato use, as follows:

If you specify values for both fields, the schema used willbe EDIFFSchema.%s_standard%.V%MessageIdentifier/VersionNumber%%MessageIdentifier/ ReleaseNumber%:TCONTRL.

If you specify only the value of VersionNumber, theschema used will be EDIFFSchema.%s_standard%.V%MessageIdentifier/VersionNumber% :TCONTRL.

If you specify only the value of ReleaseNumber, thedefault schema will be used, but the UNH02/S00903 fieldin the output CONTRL message will be populated withthe value of the ReleaseNumber field.

generateAnyway String Specifies whether the generateFA service should throw acom.wm.ff.parse.ParseException exception when a delimiter ismissing at the envelope level of an EDIFACT message.

Value Meaning

true Generate a negative CONTRL messageand do not throw an exception.

Note: If you set this parameter to true, youmust also assign the values for theCONTRL message header fields inUNH02 .

false Throw the exceptioncom.wm.ff.parse.ParseException. This isthe default.

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UNH02 Document Values to assign to the CONTRL message headerfields if generateAnyway is set to true.

Key Description

S00902 String The version number of theCONTRL message. For example, to setthe version number of the CONTRLmessage to "D," set the value of S00902to D.

S00903 String The release number of theCONTRL message. For example, to setthe release number of the CONTRLmessage to "96A," set the value ofS00903 to 96A.

S00904 String The controlling agency of theCONTRL message. For example, to setthe version number of the CONTRLmessage to "UN," set the value ofS00904 to UN.

S00905 String (optional) The associationassigned code, 1 to 6 characters inlength, for the CONTRL message.

userFFSchemaForEnvelopeString Specifies the fully qualified name of a flat file schemato be used for validating the envelope. If you do not providea value for this parameter, generateFA will use the defaultschema.

Output Parameters

outDocument String List The outbound FA.

Note: UN/EDIFACT and ODETTE CONTRLs both use theversion 4 UN/EDIFACT CONTRL error codes.

Envelope Document List Summary of information about the interchanges,groups, and transactions from the input EDI document.

Important: This output parameter is for EDI Module, internaluse only. Do not code services that rely on the content

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and format of Envelope because it can change betweenreleases of the EDI Module.

Usage Notes

The service does not specify what to do with the acknowledgment that it has created.

This service can acknowledge all levels of an EDI document.

To customize the schema to be used for validating the envelope, you can copy thewm.b2b.edi.EDIFFSchema:ICS4UNEDIFACTDEF_large schema and modify thecopied schema. Be aware of the following limitations:

Do not move the top level records in this document (UNB, UNG, UNH, UNT,UNE, UNZ, UNA).

You can modify the contents of the records, but all records must be present andremain as children of the root node in this schema so that the schema worksproperly with the wm.b2b.edi.util:generateFA service.

The Ordered parameter of the root node in the ffSchema must remain set tofalse.

You can use the EDIResolveDuplicates property to control how the EDI Moduleassigns FA status when you send (or receive) a document multiple times beforethe receiver returns an FA. For details, see the chapter on reconciling functionalacknowledgments in webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIDictionaryNameWmEDI. Given an EDI standard and version, returns the name of the flat file dictionarythat should be used to store the definitions for that standard and version.

Input Parameters

standard String EDI standard name, e.g., X12 or UNEDIFACT.

version String EDI version, e.g., 4010, 96A, etc.

Output Parameters

ffDictionaryName String Standard name of the flat file dictionary that should beused to store entries for this standard/version combination.

Usage Notes

The standard and version follow this naming convention:

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standard represents the EDI standard (e.g., X12).

version represents the EDI standard version (e.g., 4010).

transaction represents the EDI transaction (e.g., 850).

For example: EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850

wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIFFSchemaNameWmEDI. Given an EDI standard, version, and transaction set name (or TRADACOMSfile name), returns the name of the flat file schema that should be used.

Input Parameters

standard String EDI standard name, e.g., X12 or UNEDIFACT orTRADACOMS.

version String EDI version (e.g., 4010, 96A, etc.) or TRADACOMS fileversion (e.g., v2).

name String Name of the EDI transaction set (e.g., 810, ORDRS, etc.) orTRADACOMS file (ACKMNT).

message String (required for use with TRADACOMS files) The headername of the selected TN document type File. For example,if you selected the TN document type ACKMNT, you wouldprovide the value ACKHDR.

Output Parameters

ffSchemaName String Standard name of the flat file schema that should beused for this EDI transaction set or TRADACOMS file.

Usage Notes

For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the standard , version , and name follow this namingconvention:EDIFFSchema.standard .Vversion :Tname


standard represents the EDI standard (e.g., X12).

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version represents the EDI standard version (e.g., 4010).

name represents the EDI transaction (e.g., 850).

For example: EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850

For TRADACOMS, the version , name , and message follow this naming convention:EDIFFSchema.Tradacoms .Vversion .Tname :Mmessage


version represents the TRADACOMS version (for example, v2)

name represents the name of the TRADACOMS File document type (for example,TLPRHDR)

message is derived from the MHD0201.

For example: EDIFFSchema.Tradacoms.v2.TLPRHDR:MLPRHDR

wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIstringWmEDI. Creates a complete EDI transaction set (either String or InputStream type) froman EDI transaction set header segment.

When processing traditional inbound EDI documents, this service should be used afterthe wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess service and before the wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service.

Input Parameters

values Document The single EDI transaction set within a singleinterchange and a single functional group. (This input object ispart of the output of the wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess service.)

Output Parameters

EDIstring Object A single EDI transaction set in String or InputStreamtype.

Usage Notes

The getEDIstring service should not be invoked within a flow service until you haveLOOPED over the interchange and group segments and arrived at the document-levelsegments.

If you are working with non-EDI flat files, you do not use this service for processing.Instead, see the Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide.

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wm.b2b.edi.util:invokeWmEDI. Executes the service identified by the input parameters.

The service you want to invoke must be defined in the fileIntegrationServer_directory \packages\WmEDI\config\services.cnf

Input Parameters

interface String The name of the folder and subfolders in which theservice you want to execute is located. For example, thewm.b2b.edi.util.

You can specify the full path for a service in theformat of folder.subfolder:service, for example,wm.b2b.edi.util:ctlNumber. If you use this format, do notspecify service .

service String (optional) The name of the service that you want toexecute, for example, ctlNumber.

If you specified the full path for the service in interface , do notspecify anything for service .

input Document Information you want passed to the service. Thisdata will be the data in the pipeline when the service isinvoked.

Output Parameters

output Document Information that the invoked service returns.

wm.b2b.edi.util:makeArrayWmEDI. Creates an array out of the input object.

For example, if the input object is an IData object, the output will be a one dimensionalIData object array. This is useful for a service that expects array input. If the input objectis an array, the output object also will be an array of the same type as the input object.

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Input Parameters

input Object The input object.

Output Parameters

type String Type of the output array object, e.g., String or Data.

array Object List Output array object of the same type as the inputobject.

wm.b2b.edi.util:nullBlankCheckWmEDI. Determines whether a specified String is null or contains only blank spaces.

Input Parameters

input String String data that you want to check for null or blanks.

Output Parameters

isNullOrBlank String Whether the input String is null or contains only blankspaces.

Value Meaning

true The input is null or contains only blankspaces.

false The input is not null or contains non-blank characters.

wm.b2b.edi.util:nullifyIfBlankWmEDI. Returns null if the input is null or contains only blank spaces.

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Input Parameters

input String String data.

blankOrNull String Whether to return blank or null if the input String is nullor contains only blank spaces.

Value Meaning

blank Returns blank if the input is null orcontains only blank spaces.

null Returns null if the input is null orcontains only blank spaces.

Output Parameters

output String Same data as input or null.

wm.b2b.edi.util:padWmEDI. Adds blank spaces to a field, left- or right-justifying the field as specified.Also truncates the data field if the data is longer than the length specified. Leading andtrailing spaces are deleted prior to padding spaces.

Input Parameters

input String String data.

length String The total length that you want the resulting field to be.

from String (optional) Whether you want the String left or rightjustified.

Value Meaning

left Align the field's value to the left, addingblank spaces to the right of the fieldvalue. If the length specified is shorter

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than the actual input data, the inputdata string is truncated from the right.

right Align the field's value to the right,adding blank spaces to the left of thefield value. If the length specified isshorter than the actual input data, theinput data string is truncated from theleft.

Output Parameters

result String The resulting String data.

wm.b2b.edi.util:standardCheckWmEDI. Checks the input String or InputStream starting with an array of string andoutputs the result based on the array of string.

Input Parameters

lookFor Document (optional) A list of name/value pairs. The name willbe compared with the starting character string of edidata . If amatch is found, the value related to the name is returned asoutput.

By default, it contains:

Key Value





edidata String or InputStream Input data.

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Output Parameters

edidata String or InputStream Reflects the input data.

standard String Returns the value portion of the name/value pair if thename matched the input String. Returns null if no match wasfound.

subStandard String Sub-standard under the standard above. For example,UCS and VICS are sub-standards under X12, and ODETTEand EANCOM are sub-standards under UN/EDIFACT.

version String Return the version of the EDI document. No value fornon-EDI documents.

Format Services: Inputs and OutputsAll of the EDI format services have the same input and output parameters.

Input Parameters

value String The field value to format.

direction String Indicates the type of formaing to apply to the field.Specify one of the following for direction :

Value Meaning

convertToString Apply external formaing.

convertToValues Apply internal formaing.

validate String The value of the validate input parameter from thewm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service. This indicates whether theservice should update the value to be validated for this field.The value is true or false.

Value Meaning

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true Set the valueToValidate output parameterwith the formaed value, so theformaed value is validated.

false Value will not be validated. Note thatvalidate is always false when directionis convertToString.

minLength String (optional) The minimum length of the field. Thefollowing describes how this field is used.

If the field is extracted via the Fixed Position Extractor,minLength is used to determine the minimum number ofcharacters to extract.

If the field is not extracted via the Fixed Position Extractorand is associated with a Length Validator, minLength is usedto determine the minimum length to consider valid.

Otherwise, minLength is not used and will not be present inthe pipeline.

maxLength String (optional) The maximum length of the field.

If the field is extracted via the Fixed Position Extractor,maxLength is used to determine the maximum number ofcharacters to extract.

If the field is not extracted via the Fixed Position Extractorand is associated with a Length Validator, maxLength is usedto determine the maximum length to consider valid.

If the maximum length is unlimited (-1) or there is no LengthValidate, maxLength is not used and will not be present in thepipeline.

FormatInfo Document (optional) Information that can be used by individualformaing services. This information is obtained from one ofthree locations:

If the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString service is invoking the formatservice, this is the value of the input parameter of theconvertToString service.

If the wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service is invoking theformat service, this is the value of the input parameter,delimiters /FormatInfo , of the convertToValuesservice

If converting fields for a UN/EDIFACT document, the EDIdocument type automatically extracts the decimal separatorfrom the UNA segment.

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The only format services that use this feature are the decimalformaing services (for implied decimal and decimal formats).The FormatInfo parameter should contain a String name/value pair named DecimalCharacter . If DecimalCharacter is ','the number would be formaed as 100,10 (European format)instead of 100.10, as is common in the U.S.

Note: Changes to the data in this object will be reflected in allother format services that are invoked during executionof the convertToStringandconvertToValues services.

Output Parameters

formaedValue String The field value with appropriate formaing applied.

meetsFormat String Whether the value could be formaed properly. It willbe true or false.

Value Meaning

true The value could be properly formaed.

false The value could not be properlyformaed.

errorMessage String If meetsFormat is false, this parameter provides a textmessage describing the formaing error.

valueToValidate String The value that will be used by the validator for this field.If this value is not present, the value passed in the value inputparameter will be validated. This field is used only when thevalidate input parameter is set to true.

Important: All service descriptions assume that the configuration file has not beenmodified from its original seings.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatANWmEDI. Verifies if the input string is alphanumeric. Returns true if the input string isalphanumeric. Throws ServiceException if the input string is not alphanumeric.

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wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDate6WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "DT," with a minimum length of 6and a maximum length of 6.

The format string for internal and external date type formats follows the conventionsdescribed in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. For more information, see theOracle documentation.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDate8WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "DT," with a minimum length of 8and a maximum length of 8.

The format string for internal and external date type formats follow the conventionsdescribed in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. For more information, see theOracle documentation.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatDecimalWmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "D."

The format string for internal and external date type formats follow the conventionsdescribed in the Java class java.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracledocumentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a String called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

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wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatNWmEDI. Verifies if the input string is numeric. Returns true if the input string isnumeric. Throws ServiceException if the input string is not numeric.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN0WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N0."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues,pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValuesservice.This method overrides all others.

Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN1WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N1."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

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Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN2WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N2."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN3WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N3."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

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Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN4WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N4."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN5WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N5."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are '.' used in the US and ',' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

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Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN6WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N6."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValuesservice.This method overrides all others.

Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN7WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N7."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

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Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN8WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N8."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatN9WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "N9."

The external format of implied decimal fields cannot be modified. The internal formatstring for implied decimal fields follows the conventions described in the Java classjava.text.DecimalFormat. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

If the FormatInfo parameter contains a string called DecimalCharacter , that characterwill be used as the decimal separator character in the formaed number. Examplesof decimal separator character are ‘.' used in the US and ‘,' used in some Europeancountries.

The value for DecimalCharacter is obtained in one of three ways:

As specified in the FormatInfo parameter of the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString,wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues, pub.flatFile:convertToString, or pub.flatFile:convertToValues service.This method overrides all others.

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Through the UNA segment in an UN/EDIFACT document. This will override thesystem default decimal separator character.

The default decimal separator for the locale of the JVM in which the IntegrationServer is running.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_4WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "TM," with a minimum length of 4and a maximum length of 4.

The format string for internal and external date type formats follow the conventionsdescribed in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. For more information, see theOracle documentation. The only symbols that are supported are ‘H', ‘m', ‘s', and ‘S'. Anyother constructs from the SimpleDateFormat class (‘G, ‘y', ‘M', ‘E', ‘D', ‘F', ‘w', ‘W', ‘a',‘K', ‘k', ‘z' and ‘'') are not supported.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_6WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "TM," with a minimum length of 4and a maximum length of 6.

The format string for internal and external date type formats follow the conventionsdescribed in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. For more information, see theOracle documentation. The only symbols that are supported are ‘H', ‘m', ‘s', and ‘S'. Anyother constructs from the SimpleDateFormat class (‘G, ‘y', ‘M', ‘E', ‘D', ‘F', ‘w', ‘W', ‘a',‘K', ‘k', ‘z' and ‘'') are not supported.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime4_8WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "TM," with a minimum length of 4and a maximum length of 8.

The format string for internal and external date type formats follow the conventionsdescribed in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. For more information, see theOracle documentation. The only symbols that are supported are ‘H', ‘m', ‘s', and ‘S'. Anyother constructs from the SimpleDateFormat class (‘G, ‘y', ‘M', ‘E', ‘D', ‘F', ‘w', ‘W', ‘a',‘K', ‘k', ‘z' and ‘'') are not supported.

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServices:formatTime6_6WmEDI. Formats fields that have an EDI data type of "TM," with a minimum length of 6and a maximum length of 6.

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The format string for internal and external date type formats follow the conventionsdescribed in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat. For more information, see theOracle documentation. The only symbols that are supported are ‘H', ‘m', ‘s', and ‘S'. Anyother constructs from the SimpleDateFormat class (‘G, ‘y', ‘M', ‘E', ‘D', ‘F', ‘w', ‘W', ‘a',‘K', ‘k', ‘z' and ‘'') are not supported.

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Part II WmEDIforTN Package

■ WmEDIforTN VANConnectivity Folder ....................................................................................... 117

■ WmEDIforTN TRADACOMS Folder ........................................................................................... 133

■ WmEDIforTN Core Services ...................................................................................................... 141

■ WmEDIforTN Batch Folder ........................................................................................................ 151

■ WmEDIforTN CrossRef Folder ................................................................................................... 163

■ WmEDIforTN Db Folder ............................................................................................................. 169

■ WmEDIforTN Doc Folder ........................................................................................................... 173

■ WmEDIforTN FAReport Folder .................................................................................................. 177

■ WmEDIforTN Migration Services ............................................................................................... 185

■ WmEDIforTN Rec Folder ........................................................................................................... 187

■ WmEDIforTN TPA Folder ........................................................................................................... 191

■ WmEDIforTN Util Folder ............................................................................................................ 195

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6   WmEDIforTN VANConnectivity Folder

■ Summary of Elements in this Folder ......................................................................................... 118

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EDI Module uses the services in this folder to enable VAN connectivity as describedin the chapter on retrieving and delivering EDI documents from and to VANs inwebMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide. However, you can use these servicesfor testing purposes if needed.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

VAN.VANConnectivity:FTPConnection WmEDIforTN. Opens the initial FTPconnection.

VAN.VANConnectivity:getFromVAN WmEDIforTN. Gets documents from thespecified VAN.

VAN.VANConnectivity:getReportFromVAN WmEDIforTN. Gets VAN-generated reportsfrom the VAN.

VAN.VANConnectivity:putToVAN WmEDIforTN.Sends EDI documents to aVAN.

VAN.VANConnectivity:FTPConnectionWmEDIforTN. Opens the initial FTP connection.

Input Parameters

serverName String The name or IP address of the VAN, e.g.,ftp.icctrade.com.

userName String Valid user on the remote VAN server, e.g., anonymous.

passWord String A valid password for the VAN user specified inuserName , e.g., someone@somewhere.

portNum String (optional) The port number on which the FTP serverlistens for requests, e.g., 4566. The default is 21.

account String (optional) A valid account for the VAN user specified inuserName , e.g., someone.

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retryLimits String (optional) The number of times to aempt to reconnectto the VAN in the event the initial FTP connection fails. Thedefault is zero (0).

dataPort String (optional) The listener port number of the data transferchannel, e.g., 3345. If you do not specify this information, theIntegration Server chooses the listener port number.

encoding String (optional) Character set in which the document isencoded, e.g., ISO-8859-1. This parameter converts the Stringobject to bytes correctly. Specify an IANA-registered characterset. If this parameter is null, the default JVM encoding is used.

waitTime String (optional) The number of seconds to wait betweenaempts to build the connection to the VAN. If you do notspecify the value, the default is zero (0).

timeout String (optional) The number of seconds to wait for a responsefrom the FTP server before timing out and aborting therequest. The default is zero (0), which signifies to waitindefinitely.

secureFTP String Indicates whether the remote FTP server is a secureserver.

Value Meaning

true The FTP server is a secure server.

false The FTP server is not a secure server.

secureFTPOption Document Includes the options securedata and auth .

Key Description

securedata Specify true to protect the FTP datachannel, or false.

auth Authentication/security mechanism.Specify SSL, TLS, or TLS-P.

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Output Parameters

sessionkey String Unique key that identifies current session information.

VAN.VANConnectivity:getFromVANWmEDIforTN. Gets documents from the specified VAN.

Input Parameters

connectionInfo Document The information needed to connect to the VAN.

Key Description

serverName String The name or IP address of theVAN, e.g., ftp.icctrade.com.

userName String A valid user on the remote VANserver, e.g., anonymous.

passWord String A valid password for the VANuser specified in userName , e.g.,someone@somewhere.

portNum String (optional) The port numberon which the FTP server listens forrequests, e.g., 4566. The default is 21.

account String (optional) A valid account for theVAN user specified in userName , e.g.,someone.

dataPort String (optional) The listener portnumber of the data transfer channel,e.g., 3345. If you do not specify thisinformation, the Integration Serverchooses the listener port number.

encoding String (optional) Character set inwhich the document is encoded, e.g.,ISO-8859-1. This parameter convertsthe String object to bytes correctly.

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Specify an IANA-registered characterset. If this parameter is null, the defaultJVM encoding is used.

timeout String (optional) The number of secondsto wait for a response from the FTPserver before timing out and abortingthe request. The default is zero (0),which signifies to wait indefinitely.

waitTime String (optional) The number of secondsto wait between aempts to build theconnection to the VAN. If you do notspecify the value, the default is zero (0).

retryLimits String (optional) The number of times toaempt to reconnect to the VAN in theevent the initial FTP connection fails.The default is zero (0).

secureFTP String Whether the remote FTP server isa secure server. Specify true or false.

secureFTPOption Document Whether and how to protectthe FRP data channel.securedata -Specify true to protect the FTP datachannel or false to not protect it.

auth - Specify the authentication/security mechanism to use if securedatais set to true. Valid values are SSL, TLS,or TLS-P.

command String The command to use to get inbound documents from theVAN. Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

GET Get only the files that you specify fromthe VAN.

MGET Get all files from the VAN.

remotefile String List Name(s) of the specific inbound document(s) youwould like to get. You must specify remotefile if you setcommand to GET.

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filenamepaern String (optional) A paern that specifies to get files with aspecific file paern. For example, if you want to get all filesending in a.dat extension, specify *.dat.

You can use filenamepaern when you set command to MGET(but it is not mandatory). When you set command to GET,filenamepaern is ignored.

inboundDirpath String (optional) Local path to the directory from which youpick up documents from the VAN.

transfermode String (optional) The FTP file transfer mode. Specify eitherascii or binary.

encoding String (optional) Character set in which the document isencoded, e.g., ISO-8859-1. This parameter converts the Stringobject to bytes correctly. Specify an IANA-registered characterset. If this parameter is null, the default JVM encoding is used.

PGPEnable String Whether you want to verify and PGP decryptdocuments. Specify true or false.

Note: PGP-encryption support is deprecated; it will not beavailable in a future release of EDI Module.

PGP-encryption is not generically supported across thewebMethods components.

Value Meaning

true Verify and decrypt the documents.

false Do not verify and decrypt thedocuments.

PGPInfo Document Information needed for PGP encryption/decryption.

Key Description

PGPprivateKeyfile String PGP private key file name, e.g., c:\PGP\private.asc. If PGPEnable is setto true, it is required.

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PGPpublicKeyfile String PGP public key file name, e.g., c:\PGP\public.asc. If PGPEnable is setto true, it is required.

passphrase String PGP password or passphrase. IfPGPEnable is set to true, it is required.

saveInboundtoTN String Whether you want to submit inbound documents toTrading Networks (wm.tn:receive).

Value Meaning

yes Submit the inbound documents toTrading Networks.

no Do not submit the inbound documentsto Trading Networks.

getReport String Whether you want to get VAN-generated reports afterreceiving inbound documents. This occurs within the samesession.

Value Meaning

yes Get VAN-generated reports.

no Do not get VAN-generated reports.

reportInfo Document Information about the reports you want retrievedand where to store them on your system.

Key Description

reports String List Name(s) of the reports youwant to get, e.g., statfile. This key isrequired if getReport is enabled.

repDir String (optional) Local path to thedirectory from which you pick up VAN-generated reports, e.g., root\records.

saveToDir String (optional) Local file path directoryin which you want to save reports.This is in addition to saving them inthe Trading Networks activity log.

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The activity log truncates messagesthat are larger than 1KB, so it isrecommended that you provide a localfile path in which to save reports thatexceed 1KB. The default directory isIntegration Server_directory\packages\WmEDIforTN\pub\VANReports.

To save reports to a directoryother than the default, thedirectory must be listed in theIntegration Server_directory\packages\WmEDIforTN\config\VANReportsDirectory.cnf file.Open the file and add any additionaldirectories in which you want to allowreports to be saved.

logout String Whether you would like to terminate the FTP sessionafter transactions have been completed.

Value Meaning

yes Terminate the FTP session.

no Do not terminate the FTP session.

Output Parameters

EDIdata Document The data content that was retrieved from the VAN.

Variable Meaning

string String The data from the VAN.

stream Object Data from the VAN in ajava.io.InputStream object.

Usage Notes

For more information about using this service to retrieve EDI documents to a VAN,see the chapter on retrieving and delivering EDI documents from and to VANs inwebMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

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VAN.VANConnectivity:getReportFromVANWmEDIforTN. Gets VAN-generated reports from the VAN.

Input Parameters

sessionkey String Unique key that identifies current session information.

reports String List Name(s) of the reports that you want to retrieve, e.g.,statfile.

repDir String (optional) Local path to the directory from which youpick up VAN-generated reports, e.g., root\records.

saveToDir String (optional) Local file path directory in which you want tosave reports. This is in addition to saving them in the TradingNetworks activity log. The activity log truncates messages thatare larger than 1KB, so it is recommended that you providea local file path in which to save reports that exceed 1KB.The default directory is Integration Server_directory\packages\WmEDIforTN\pub\VANReports.

To save reports to a directory other than thedefault, the directory must be listed in theIntegration Server_directory\packages\WmEDIforTN\config\VANReports\Directory.cnf file. Open the file and add anyadditional directories in which you want to allow reports to besaved.

transfermode String The FTP file transfer mode. Specify either ascii orbinary.

encoding String (optional) Character set in which the document isencoded, e.g., ISO-8859-1. This parameter converts the Stringobject to bytes correctly. Specify an IANA-registered characterset. If this parameter is null, the default JVM encoding is used.

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

The services VAN.VANConnectivity:getFromVAN and VAN.VANConnectivity:putToVAN invoke thisservice.

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VAN.VANConnectivity:putToVANWmEDIforTN.Sends EDI documents to a VAN.

You do not invoke this service from one of your own services. Rather, EDI Moduleregisters this service in Trading Networks as a scheduled delivery service and assigns itthe name VANFTP. You can then define a scheduled delivery queue in Trading Networksand associate the VANFTP service with the queue. When you define the scheduleddelivery queue, you specify the values to use for input when the service is invoked.

Trading Networks invokes the service to act on the documents in the scheduled deliveryqueue. When invoked, the VANFTP service extracts all the documents in the queue tosend them to the VAN.

Input Parameters

queue String Name of the queue from which to get the EDIdocuments that you want to send to the VAN. TradingNetworks provides the name of the queue when it invokes thisservice.

connectionInfo Document The information needed to connect to the VAN.

Key Description

serverName String The name or IP address of theVAN, e.g., ftp.icctrade.com.

userName String Valid user on the remote VANserver, e.g., anonymous.

passWord String A valid password for the VANuser specified in userName , e.g.,someone@somewhere.

portNum String (optional) The port numberon which the FTP server listens forrequests, e.g., 4566. The default is 21.

account String (optional) A valid account for theVAN user specified in userName , e.g.,someone.

dataPort String (optional) The listener portnumber of the data transfer channel,

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e.g., 3345. If you do not specify thisinformation, the Integration Serverchooses the listener port number.

encoding String (optional) Character set inwhich the document is encoded, e.g.,ISO-8859-1. This parameter convertsthe String object to bytes correctly.Specify an IANA-registered characterset. If this parameter is null, the defaultJVM encoding is used.

timeout String (optional) The number of secondsto wait for a response from the FTPserver before timing out and abortingthe request. The default is zero (0),which signifies to wait indefinitely.

waitTime String (optional) The number of secondsto wait between aempts to build theconnection to the VAN. If you do notspecify the value, the default is zero (0).

retryLimits String (optional) The number of times toaempt to reconnect to the VAN in theevent the initial FTP connection fails.The default is zero (0).

secureFTP String Indicates whether the remote FTPserver is a secure server. Specify true orfalse.

secureFTPOption Document Whether and how to protectthe FTP data channel.

securedata - Specify true to protectthe FTP data channel or false to notprotect it.

auth - Specify the authentication/security mechanism if securedata is set totrue. Valid values are SSL, TLS, or TLS-P.

outboundDirpath String (optional) Local path to the directory in which you dropoff documents to the VAN.

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PGPenable String Whether you want to sign and PGP encrypt documents.

Note: PGP-encryption support is deprecated and notgenerically supported across the webMethodscomponents.

Value Meaning

true Sign and PGP encrypt the documents.

false Do not sign and PGP encrypt thedocuments.

PGPInfo Document Information needed for PGP encryption/decryption.

Key Description

PGPprivateKeyfile String PGP private key file name, e.g., c:\PGP\private.asc. If PGPEnable is setto true, it is required.

PGPpublicKeyfile String PGP public key file name, e.g., c:\PGP\public.asc. If PGPEnable is setto true, it is required.

passphrase String PGP password or passphrase. IfPGPEnable is set to true, it is required.

getInbound String Whether you would like to get inbound documents fromthe VAN after sending outbound documents to the VAN. Thisoccurs within the same session. All documents retrieved aresubmied to Trading Networks for processing.

Value Meaning

yes Retrieve EDI documents duringthe same session. You must specifyInboundInfo.

no Do not retrieve EDI documents duringthe same session.

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InboundInfo Document Information describing the files to retrieve from theVAN. This parameter is required when getInbound is set toyes.

Key Description

command String The command to use to getinbound documents from the VAN.Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

GET Get only the filesthat you specifyfrom the VAN.

MGET Get all files fromthe VAN.

remotefile String List Name(s) of the specificinbound document(s) you would like toget. You must specify remotefile if youset command to GET.

filenamepaern String (optional) A paern that specifiesto get files with a specific file paern.For example, if you want to get allfiles ending in a .dat extension, specify*.dat.

You can use filenamepaern whenyou set command to MGET (but is notmandatory). This input parameter isignored if you set command to GET.

inboundDirpath String (optional) Local path to thedirectory from which you pick updocuments from the VAN.

getReport String Whether you want to get VAN-generated reports. Thisoccurs within the same session.

Value Meaning

yes Get VAN-generated reports.

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no Do not get VAN-generated reports.

transfermode String The FTP file transfer mode. Specify either ascii orbinary.

reportInfo Document Information about the reports you want retrievedand where to store them on your system.

Key Description

reports String List Name(s) of the reports youwant to get, e.g., statfile. This key isrequired if getReport is enabled.

repDir String (optional) Local path to thedirectory from which you pick up VAN-generated reports. e.g., root\records.

saveToDir String (optional) Local file pathdirectory in which you want to savereports, in addition to saving themin the Trading Networks activity log.The activity log truncates messagesthat are larger than 1KB, so it isrecommended that you provide a localfile path in which to save reports thatexceed 1KB. The default directory isIntegration Server_directory\packages\WmEDIforTN\pub\VANReports.

To save reports to a directoryother than the default, thedirectory must be listed in theIntegration Server_directory\packages\WmEDIforTN\config\VANReports\Directory.cnf file. Open the file andadd any additional directories in whichyou want to allow reports to be saved.

logout String Whether you would like to terminate the FTP sessionafter transactions have been completed.

Value Meaning

yes Terminate the FTP session.

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no Do not terminate the FTP session.

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

For more information about using this service to send EDI documents to a VANand how to set up the scheduled delivery queue, see the chapter on retrieving anddelivering EDI documents from and to VANs in webMethods EDI Module Installationand User’s Guide.

This service will not publish a Notification Failure document if it is unable to connectto the VAN.

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc folder to extract information aboutTRADACOMS files.

Use the service in the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.ui folder to split a TRADACOMS flat fileschema into multiple flat file schemas: one flat file schema per message in the File.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getContentPart WmEDIforTN. Returns a TradingNetworks bizDocEnvelope contentpart object that represents therequested content part.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getDocumentPartInfo WmEDIforTN. Returns informationabout the detail messages ina TRADACOMS file that iscontained in a Trading NetworksbizDocEnvelope.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getDocumentStream WmEDIforTN. Returns thedocument input stream of aTRADACOMS file that is containedin a bizDocEnvelope.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getFFSchemaNames WmEDIforTN. Returns the names ofthe flat file schemas that can be usedto parse the parts of a TRADACOMSfile.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:isFileEnvelope WmEDIforTN. Determines whethera BizDocEnvelope contains aTRADACOMS File document.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.ui:modifyTradacomsSchema WmEDIforTN. Splits a flat fileschema that the wm.b2b.edi:SEFParseservice created for a TRADACOMSfile into multiple flat file schemas:one flat file schema per message inthe file.

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wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getContentPartWmEDIforTN. Returns a Trading NetworksbizDocEnvelope content part object thatrepresents the requested content part.

Input Parameters

bizDocEnvelope Object The BizDocEnvelope that represents the TRADACOMS file.

Note: When you invoke the wm.tn.doc:view service to retrieve thebizdoc document from the Trading Networks database,make sure that you retrieve the contents of the bizdoc byseing that service's getContent input parameter to true.For more information about the wm.tn.doc:view service, seethe Trading Networks built-in services reference guide foryour release. See “About this Guide” for specific documenttitles.

partType String The content part of the message to be returned. Specify oneof the following:

Value Meaning

Header The message of the file that containsstandard header information, forexample, MHD type of INFVIL orGENHDR.

Detail The message of the file that containsthe body of the message, for example,MHD type of INVOIC or GENRAL. Ifthis input value is specified, then thedetailIndex input parameter is required.

VAT The message of the file that containsVAT information, for example, VATTLR.

Trailer The message of the file that containstrailer information, for example,INVTLR or GENTLR.

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TransmissionHeader The STX segment and BAT segment(if present) for the transmission thatcontains this file.

TransmissionTrailer The END segment, EOB segment (ifpresent), and reconciliation message(if present) for the transmission thatcontains this file.

detailIndex String (Optional) The number of the detail message to extractfrom bizDocEnvelope . If the value of partType is not Detail, thendetailIndex is ignored.

Output Parameters

contentPart Object A Trading NetworksbizDocEnvelope containing arepresentation of the specified content part.

Usage Notes

This service throws an exception if:

bizDocEnvelope is null.

partType is null or is not an allowed value.

The value of partType is Detail and one of the following is true:

No detail index is specified.

The detail index is not a number greater than or equal to zero and less than thenumber of detail messages.

An error occurs while reading the document from the database.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getDocumentPartInfoWmEDIforTN. Returns information about the detail messages in a TRADACOMS filethat is contained in a Trading NetworksbizDocEnvelope .

Input Parameters

bizDocEnvelope Object The bizDocEnvelope that represents the TRADACOMSfile.

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Output Parameters

numberOfDetailMessagesString The number of detail messages contained in theTRADACOMS file.

hasVAT String Whether the file contains VAT information.

Value Meaning

true The file contains VAT information.

false The file does not contain VATinformation.

Usage Notes

This service throws an exception if bizDocEnvelope is null or is not a TRADACOMS file.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getDocumentStreamWmEDIforTN. Returns the document input stream of a TRADACOMS file that iscontained in a bizDocEnvelope .

Input Parameters

bizDocEnvelope Object The BizDocEnvelope that represents the TRADACOMSfile.

Output Parameters

inputStream Object An input stream containing the entire document thathas been wrien to disk or held in memory. The input streamwill contain all content parts, in the original sequence.

encoding String The encoding that can be used to convert the inputstream to a string.

Usage Notes

This service throws an exception if bizDocEnvelope is null or is not a TRADACOMS file.

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wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getFFSchemaNamesWmEDIforTN. Returns the names of the flat file schemas that can be used to parse theparts of a TRADACOMS file.

Input Parameters

bizDocEnvelope Object The BizDocEnvelope that represents the TRADACOMSfile.

Output Parameters

headerFFSchema String The namespace name of the flat file schema that can beused to parse the header message of the TRADACOMS filecontained in BizDocEnvelope .

detailFFSchema String The namespace name of the flat file schema that canbe used to parse the detail message of the TRADACOMS filecontained in BizDocEnvelope .

vatFFSchema String The namespace name of the flat file schema thatcan be used to parse the VAT message (if present) of theTRADACOMS file contained in BizDocEnvelope .

trailerFFSchema String The namespace name of the flat file schema that can beused to parse the trailer message of the TRADACOMS filecontained in BizDocEnvelope .

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:isFileEnvelopeWmEDIforTN. Determines whether a BizDocEnvelope contains a TRADACOMS Filedocument.

Input Parameters

bizDocEnvelope Object The BizDocEnvelope that represents the TRADACOMSfile.

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Output Parameters

isFileEnvelope String Whether bizDocEnvelope contains a TRADACOMS file.

Value Meaning

true bizDocEnvelope contains aTRADACOMS file.

false bizDocEnvelope does not contain aTRADACOMS file.

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.ui:modifyTradacomsSchemaWmEDIforTN. Splits a flat file schema that the wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse service created for aTRADACOMS file into multiple flat file schemas: one flat file schema per message in thefile.

The wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse service creates a temporary flat file schema in the followinglocation: EDIFFSchema.Tradacoms .Vversion .Tname :TEMP_SCHEMA

This schema contains all the messages contained in the TRADACOMS file. Because theflat file parser (the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValues service) cannot always properlyparse this schema, you should execute the modifyTradacomsSchema service to split the flatfile schema into one flat file schema per MHD segment in the TRADACOMS file.

Input Parameters

schemaName String The name of the temporary flat file schema created bythe wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse service. This schema will be deletedupon successful execution of this service.

standard String The EDI standard; value must be Tradacoms.

version String The version of the TRADACOMS file that is beingcreated.

docType String The name of the message header for the particularTRADACOMS file. For example, for the ORDERS file, specifyORDHDR.

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Output Parameters


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Use the services in the wm.b2b.editn folder when processing EDI documents throughwebMethods Trading Networks (Trading Networks).

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn:addAttributeTypeToBizDoc WmEDIforTN. Associates the customdocument aribute you have created witha TN document type for an EDI documentthat you have installed.

wm.b2b.editn:bizdocToRecord WmEDIforTN. Returns an IData object thatrepresents the EDI document based on theinput BizDocEnvelope.

wm.b2b.editn:ediPartnerIDToTNPartnerID WmEDIforTN. Retrieves the TradingNetworks internal ID of the partner.

wm.b2b.editn:getICDetail WmEDIforTN. Accepts EDI data containingmultiple EDI envelopes and extractsInterchange and Group header informationfrom each of the envelopes.

wm.b2b.editn:getTransactionSetDetail WmEDIforTN. Converts aTransactionInfoSet object to a Transactionrecord.

wm.b2b.editn:getTspace WmEDIforTN. Retrieves the content of anEDI document from a BizDocEnvelope.

wm.b2b.editn:trackEDIdocs WmEDIforTN. Scans the input EDI datato add the interchange/group to theEDITRACKING table, which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networksdatabase.

wm.b2b.editn:validateEnvelope WmEDIforTN. Validates the EDI envelopeand adds entries to the Trading Networksactivity log for the validation errorsencountered in the EDI envelope.

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Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn:validateTransaction WmEDIforTN. Validates the EDI documentand adds entries to the Trading Networksactivity log for the validation errorsencountered in the EDI document.

wm.b2b.editn:wrapData WmEDIforTN. Inserts a character string ata fixed length position to form fixed lengthdata. This service is used to create wrap datato send to a mainframe system.

wm.b2b.editn:addAttributeTypeToBizDocWmEDIforTN. Associates the custom document aribute you have created with a TNdocument type for an EDI document that you have installed.

Input Parameters

BizDocName String Name of the TN document type with which you wantto associate the custom document aribute.

BizDocAributeName String Name of the custom document aribute you want toassociate with the TN document type.

Required String Whether the document aribute is required.

Value Meaning

true The document aribute is required.

false The document aribute is not required.

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

For more information about using this service, see the chapter on processinginbound documents in webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

For more information about TN document types and document aributes, includingthe difference between required and not required document aributes, see the

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Trading Networks administration guide for your release. See “About this Guide” forspecific document titles.

wm.b2b.editn:bizdocToRecordWmEDIforTN. Returns an IData object that represents the EDI document based on theinput BizDocEnvelope.

Input Parameters

bizDoc Document The BizDocEnvelope for the EDI document.

encoding String (optional) Converts bytes to a String. If notspecified, the service uses the EDIencoding property in theIntegration Server_directory\packages\WmEDI\config\properties.cnf file. If the encoding property EDIencoding is notspecified, encoding UTF-8 is used.

Output Parameters

boundNode Document The IData object that represents the EDI document.

transactionName String The name of the transaction associated with the flat fileschema to be copied. For example, 850.

version String The version of the transaction set's standard that the EDIdocument uses. For example, 4010 for ANSI X12, or 98A forUN/EDIFACT.

standard String The name of the EDI standard of the EDI document, e.g.,X12, UNEDIFACT.

Note: The service uses the values for standard , version , andtransactionName to locate the flat file schema to use.This service uses the following flat file schema namingconvention.

EDIFFSchema.standard .Vversion :Ttransaction


standard represents the EDI standard (e.g., X12).

version represents the EDI standard version (e.g., 4010).

transaction represents the EDI transaction (e.g., 850).

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For example: EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850

errors Document List EDI document validation errors that is theoutput from wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues.

wm.b2b.editn:ediPartnerIDToTNPartnerIDWmEDIforTN. Retrieves the Trading Networks internal ID of the partner.

Input Parameters

identifier String The EDI partner identifier.

qualifier String The EDI partner qualifier.

Output Parameters

id StringTrading Networks internal ID of the partner.

wm.b2b.editn:getICDetailWmEDIforTN. Accepts EDI data containing multiple EDI envelopes and extractsInterchange and Group header information from each of the envelopes.

Input Parameters

edidata String The EDI data from which to extract information.

encoding String (optional) The default encoding to be used (for example,UTF-8).

groupOnly String Whether to extract the header information only at thegroup level.

Output Parameters

standard String Standard of the EDI data.

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version String Version of the EDI data.

encodingUsed String Name of the actual encoding used to extract thecontents.

editn_env Document List Array of IData objects containing the followinginformation:

Interchange header fields of EDI interchange envelopes.

Array of group detail records extracted from EDI groupenvelopes. Each of these records contains group headerfields.

wm.b2b.editn:getTransactionSetDetailWmEDIforTN. Converts a TransactionInfoSet object to a Transaction record.

This service accepts output from the wm.b2b.editn:getICDetail service’s editn_env outputparameter and extracts transaction details inside each group detail record.

Input Parameters

editn_env Document List Array of IData output from thewm.b2b.editn:getICDetail service.

encodingUsed String Name of the actual encoding used to extract thecontents.

Output Parameters

editn_env Document List Updated array of IData objects with transactionheader information for each of the transactions within everygroup's details. These transaction header details are populatedunder editn_env/group/transaction.

Usage Notes

The contents of the pipeline for EDI Interchange and Group documents changedfrom EDI Module 6.0.1 to 6.5.2. In 6.0.1, when the processing rules for Interchange orGroup EDI documents triggered a service, the pipeline contained a Transaction recordunder the editn_env pipeline variable. In 6.5 and later, the pipeline does not contain aTransaction record; instead it contains a TransactionInfoSet object. Use this service toextract the transaction set details from the output of wm.b2b.editn:getICDetail.

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wm.b2b.editn:getTspaceWmEDIforTN. Retrieves the content of an EDI document from a BizDocEnvelope.

Input Parameters

bizdoc Object The BizDocEnvelope from which to retrieve the contentfor an EDI document.

Output Parameters

edidata Object The content of the EDI document.

Usage Notes

For more information about using this service, see the chapter on processing inbounddocuments in the webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

wm.b2b.editn:trackEDIdocsWmEDIforTN. Scans the input EDI data to add the interchange/group to theEDITRACKING table, which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networksdatabase.

This service is used for FA Reconciliation reporting.

Input Parameters

edidata String Input EDI document.

encoding String (optional) The encoding of the InputStream passed in toedidata . The default encoding is UTF-8.

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

For more information about using the trackEDIdocs service and FA reconciliation, seewebMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

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wm.b2b.editn:validateEnvelopeWmEDIforTN. Validates the EDI envelope and adds entries to the Trading Networksactivity log for the validation errors encountered in the EDI envelope.

Input Parameters

bizdoc Document The BizDocEnvelope that represents the EDIdocument.

Output Parameters

errorCount String Number of error entries.

errors Document List Errors from the EDI envelope validation andcompliance check, which are inserted into the TradingNetworks activity log.

wm.b2b.editn:validateTransactionWmEDIforTN. Validates the EDI document and adds entries to the Trading Networksactivity log for the validation errors encountered in the EDI document.

Input Parameters

bizdoc Document The BizDocEnvelope that represents the EDIdocument.

Output Parameters

errorCount String Number of error entries.

errors Document List Errors from the EDI document validation, whichare inserted into the Trading Networks activity log.

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wm.b2b.editn:wrapDataWmEDIforTN. Inserts a character string at a fixed length position to form fixed lengthdata. This service is used to create wrap data to send to a mainframe system.

Input Parameters

input String Input source data.

wrapSize String Fixed-length position at which to insert the characterstring.

wrapValue String Character string to insert.

fillCharacter String Character used to fill empty positions in data that doesnot match the desired fixed length.

style String How the character string is inserted. Specify one of thefollowing:

Value Meaning

fully wrap Count to the fixed-length position, andthen insert the character string.

semi wrap Each carriage return/line feed will resetthe length. The wrapValue characterstring will be inserted only when therecord is longer than the wrapSize .

appendFillCharInEachLineString Whether you want the fill character to be appendedin each segment if the length of the segment is less than thevalue of the wrapSize parameter. Valid values are:

true—The fill character is appended.

false—The fill character is not appended.

Note: This parameter is applicable only when the styleparameter is set to semi wrap. When the style parameteris set to fully wrap, the wm.b2b.editn:wrapData service willbehave as expected irrespective of the value you providefor the appendFillCharInEachLine parameter.

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Output Parameters

output String The output data with the wrap value inserted.

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.editn.batch folder when creating batch EDI documents.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.batch:batchProcess WmEDIforTN. Creates batch EDI documents.You do not invoke this service from one ofyour own services. Rather, the EDI Moduleregisters this service in Trading Networks asa scheduled delivery service and assigns it thename EDI Batch.

wm.b2b.editn.batch:getControlNumber WmEDIforTN. Gets the current control numberfrom the EDIControlNumber table, which is amodule-specific table in the Trading Networksdatabase that EDI Module uses to managecontrol numbers.

wm.b2b.editn.batch:batchProcessWmEDIforTN. Creates batch EDI documents. You do not invoke this service from one ofyour own services. Rather, EDI Module registers this service in Trading Networks as ascheduled delivery service and assigns it the name EDI Batch.

You can then define a scheduled delivery queue in Trading Networks and associate theEDI Batch service with the queue. When you define the scheduled delivery queue, youspecify the values to use for input when the service is invoked. For more informationabout batching, see webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Input Parameters

queue String Name of the queue from which to get the EDIdocuments to batch. Trading Networks provides the name ofthe queue when it invokes this service.

senderIDQualifier String For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the EDI ID qualifierfor the sender, e.g., 01 if the sender is represented as a D-U-N-S number. For TRADACOMS, this specifies the sendercode to be used in the transmission.

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How the batchProcess service uses senderIDQualifier dependson the value of the oneBatchQueue input parameter.

senderID String For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the sender.For example, if you specified 01 for senderIDQualifier,specify the sender's D-U-N-S number for senderID. ForTRADACOMS, this specifies the sender name to be used inthe transmission.

How the batchProcess service uses senderID depends on thevalue of the oneBatchQueue input parameter.

receiverIDQualifier String For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the EDI ID qualifierfor the receiver, e.g., 01 if the receiver is represented as a D-U-N-S number. For TRADACOMS, this specifies the receivercode to be used in the transmission.

How the batchProcess service uses receiverIDQualifer dependson the value of the oneBatchQueue input parameter.

receiverID String The receiver. For example, if you specified 01 forReceiverIDQualifier , specify the receiver's D-U-N-S numberfor receiverID . For TRADACOMS, this specifies the receivername to be used in the transmission.

How the batchProcess service uses receiverID depends on thevalue of the oneBatchQueue input parameter.

mode String (optional) The types of envelopes you want the batchEDI document to have. This parameter is only used whenoneBatchQueue is NONE. Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

IC Interchange or TRADACOMStransmission envelope only

GP Group or TRADACOMS batchenvelope only

IC&GP Both interchange and group (orTRADACOMS transmission andbatch) envelopes. This is the default.

oneBatchQueue String (optional) How you want the service to batch thedocument.

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Value Meaning

SINGLEOUTPUT Batch the EDI documents in the queueinto a single batch EDI document thatcontains multiple interchanges ortransmissions.

With this seing, the batchProcessservice uses senderID ,senderIDQualifier , receiverID , andreceiverIDQualifier to sort EDIdocuments when an EDI documentin the queue does not have headers.In this case, the sender and receivervalues are used to determine intowhich collection and sub-collectionareas the transactions in the EDIdocument should be sorted.

When creating the BizDocEnvelopefor the final EDI batch document, thebatchProcess service uses the senderand receiver input parameters as thesender and receiver identified in theBizDocEnvelope. As a result, these arethe sender and receiver you can usefor criteria in a processing rule.

MULTIPLEOUTPUTS Batch the EDI documents in the queueinto multiple batch EDI documents,each with a single interchange ortransmission.

With this seing, the batchProcessservice uses senderID ,senderIDQualifier , receiverID , andreceiverIDQualifier to sort EDIdocuments in the queue when adocument in the queue does nothave headers. In this case, the senderand receiver values are used todetermine into which collection andsub-collection areas the transactions inthe EDI document should be sorted.

NONE This is the default. Batch thedocuments in the queue using the

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method provided in version 6.0.1 ofthe EDI Module.

With this seing, the batchProcessservice uses senderID ,senderIDQualifier , receiverID , andreceiverIDQualifier to locate thepartner-specific EDITPA. The variablesthat you define in the partner-specificand default EDITPAs determine howthe EDI documents in a queue willbe combined into the final EDI batchdocument.

If the EDITPA envelopeIdentifiervariables are null in the defaultand partner-specific EDITPAs, thebatchProcess service uses the value youspecify for corresponding batchProcessinput parameter.

standard String The EDI standard to use.

If oneBatchQueue is SINGLEOUTPUT or MULTIPLEOUTPUTS,the batchProcess service only uses standard for aninterchange in the batch EDI document when a documentin the queue does not have an interchange header. Whendocuments have interchange headers, the batchProcessservice uses the standard from the header.

If oneBatchQueue is NONE, the batchProcess service usesstandard for the batch EDI document.

Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning




Use ANSI X12 envelopes (ISA/IEA andGS/GE).



Use UN/EDIFACT envelopes (UNA,UNB/UNZ and UNG/UNT).


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version String Version of the EDI standard for which to build theenvelope, e.g., 4010.

Note: For TRADACOMS, the only valid version is 1.

If oneBatchQueue is SINGLEOUTPUT or MULTIPLEOUTPUTS,the batchProcess service only uses version for a batch EDIdocument when a document in the queue does not haveheaders. When documents have headers, the batchProcessservice uses the version from the header.

If oneBatchQueue is NONE, the batchProcess service usesversion for the batch EDI document.

environment String (optional) The environment to indicate in the envelopeheaders. Specify either Test or Production.

Note: For TRADACOMS, the only valid value is Production.

If oneBatchQueue is SINGLEOUTPUT or MULTIPLEOUTPUTS,the batchProcess service only uses environment for aninterchange in the batch EDI document when a documentin the queue does not have an interchange header. Whendocuments have interchange headers, the batchProcessservice uses the production mode from the header.

If oneBatchQueue is NONE, the batchProcess service usesenvironment for the batch EDI document.

controlNumber String How you want the service to create the control numberfor the envelope.

Value Meaning

fromTable The number from theEDIControlNumber table plus theconfigured control number increment.The EDIControlNumber table is amodule-specific table in the TradingNetworks database.

Sequentialize Sequentialize the control numberstarting from 1.

groupControlNumber String How you want the group control numbers (orTRADACOMS batch transmission references) to be created.

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Value Meaning

fromTable Create the number from theEDIControlNumber table plus theconfigured control number increment.The EDIControlNumber table is amodule-specific table in the TradingNetworks database.

sequentialize Sequence the group or TRADACOMSbatch control number according to thevalue specified for the controlNumberparameter.

none Do not overwrite the group orTRADACOMS batch control number.

Note: If groupControlNumber is left blank,the value of contentControlNumber isused.

contentControlNumber String How you want the transaction control numbers to becreated.

Note: Not applicable to TRADACOMS documents becausetransmission references always start from 1.

Value Meaning

sequentialize Sequence the control number startingfrom 1.

none Use the control number from thegroup or transaction header (orTRADACOMS batch or file header).

removeEmptyRecord String (optional) Whether you want to remove all the emptyrecords from the batched documents.

Value Meaning

true Remove all the empty records fromthe batched documents. This is thedefault.

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false Do not remove the empty recordsfrom the batched documents.

acknowledgement String (optional) Whether you want to request FAs for yourinterchange header segment (UNB/ISA); not applicable toTRADACOMS documents.

Value Meaning

true Set the envelope to request an FA.

false Set the envelope to not request an FA.

delimiters Document (optional) Delimiters to use when forming thebatch EDI document. If you do not specify delimiters , thebatchProcess service aempts to obtain the delimiters from theEDITPA. For more information about batching documents,see webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Note: The delimiters parameter is not applicable toTRADACOMS documents. EDI Module provides built-in support for the following TRADACOMS delimiters:segment terminator, data element separator, sub-element separator, and segment code separator. Youcannot modify this list of delimiters.

Key Description

record String The segment terminator to usefor the batch EDI document, e.g., +.

field String The field separator for each EDIsegment in the batch EDI document,e.g., !.

subfield String The separator for compositeelements in the batch EDI document,e.g., *.

release String The release character to use forthe batch EDI document, e.g., ?.

createGroup String (optional) Add a group or a TRADACOMS batch.

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Value Meaning

true Add a group or a TRADACOMS batch

false Do not add a group or aTRADACOMS batch. This is thedefault.

priorityCode String (optional) Add a TRADACOMS priority code and apriority for the batch.

Value Meaning

Urgent The batch is considered as urgentpriority.

Normal The batch is considered as normalpriority.

Low The batch is considered as lowpriority.

None The batch does not have any priority.

processOutput String Controls how the output of the EDI batch is handled.

Value Meaning

true Split the batch document intoInterchange, Group, and Transactiondocuments.

false Do not split the batch document intoInterchange, Group, and Transactiondocuments. This is the default.

batchMaxCount Integer The maximum number of transactions the serviceprocesses one at a time. The remaining transactions arehandled in subsequent executions of the service. If no valueis provided, or a zero or a negative value is provided, allqueued transactions are processed.

batchGroup Integer Optional. The number of documents to be retrievedfor processing at one time. If no value is provided, or a zero

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or a negative value is provided, documents are retrieved oneby one.

Before using this parameter, ensure your environment hassufficient runtime memory to handle retrieving and loadinga large number of documents at one time. If not, ignorebatchGroup , and let the documents load one at a time.

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

For more information about EDITPAs and the variables contained in them, see thechapter on defining partner information in webMethods EDI Module Installation andUser’s Guide.

For more information about how EDI Module batches EDI documents, includinghow this service is used, see the chapter on batching EDI documents in webMethodsEDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

wm.b2b.editn.batch:getControlNumberWmEDIforTN. Gets the current control number from the EDIControlNumber table,which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networks database that the module usesto manage control numbers.

Input Parameters

TNsenderID String For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the sender associatedwith the control number that you want to obtain, e.g., thesender's D-U-N-S number.

For TRADACOMS, the sender name specified in thetransmission.

senderQualifier String (optional) For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the EDI IDqualifier for the sender, e.g., 01 for a D-U-N-S number.

For TRADACOMS, the sender code specified in thetransmission.

TNreceiverID String For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the receiver associatedwith the control number that you want to obtain, e.g., thereceiver's D-U-N-S number.

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For TRADACOMS, the receiver name specified in thetransmission.

receiverQualifier String (optional) For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT, the EDI IDqualifier for the receiver, e.g., 01 for a D-U-N-S number.

For TRADACOMS, the receiver code specified in thetransmission.

standard String The EDI standard associated with the control numberthat you want to obtain. Specify one of the following: X12,UNEDIFACT, VICS, UCS, EANCOM, ODETTE, or TRADACOMS.

type String (optional) The control number type.

For an interchange control number, specify ENVELOPE.

For group control numbers, specify the group type. Forexample, for ANSI X12 4010 850, specify PO.

For a TRADACOMS file control number, the type will be theFile type, such as INVFIL or ORDHDR.

For a TRADACOMS batch control number, the type will bethe Batch type.

update String (optional) Whether you want the service to update thecontrol number in the database to the next control number touse.

Value Meaning

true Update the control number.

false The control number in the databasetable will not be updated. This is thedefault.

prodMode String (optional) The production mode associated with thecontrol number. Specify one of the following: Production(default), Test, or Custom.

Note: For TRADACOMS, the only valid value is Production.

version String (optional) Version of the EDI standard for the controlnumber, e.g., 4010.

For a TRADACOMS envelope, the version is always 1. For aTRADACOMS batch, the version is the version number of the

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file type. For example, for the file type ORDHDR:5, the version is5.

Output Parameters

controlNumber String (optional) The control number.

error String (optional) If an error was encountered obtaining thecontrol number, this is the description of the error.

Usage Notes

For more information about control numbers, see webMethods EDI Module Installation andUser’s Guide.

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.editn.crossRef folder to manage interchange sender/receiverpair information you have defined.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.db:deleteControlNumber WmEDIforTN. Deletes interchangesender/receiver pair information from theEDIEnvelope table, which is a module-specifictable in the Trading Networks database.

wm.b2b.editn.crossRef:getEnvInfo WmEDIforTN. Obtains interchangesender/receiver pair information from theEDIEnvelope table, which is a module-specifictable in the Trading Networks database.

wm.b2b.editn.crossRef:deleteEnvInfoWmEDIforTN. Deletes interchange sender/receiver pair information from theEDIEnvelope table, which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networks database.

You define interchange sender/receiver pair information if you want to process EDIdocuments at the group level.

Input Parameters

senderID String The sender ID of the interchange sender/receiver pairinformation you want to delete.

senderQual String The sender EDI ID qualifier of the interchange sender/receiver pair information you want to delete.

receiverID String The receiver id of the interchange sender/receiver pairinformation you want to delete.

receiverQual String The receiver EDI ID qualifier of the interchange sender/receiver pair information you want to delete.

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productionMode String The production mode associated with the interchangesender/receiver pair information you want to delete. Specifyone of the following: Production, Test, or Custom.

Output Parameters

message String Status of delete operation.

Usage Notes

You can define and view interchange sender/receiver pair information from theWmEDIforTN home page by clicking on the Interchange Info link.

For more information about processing levels and interchange sender/receiver pairinformation, see the chapter on defining partner information in webMethods EDIModule Installation and User’s Guide.

If you delete interchange information of a specified sender/receiver pair (identifiedby senderID , senderQual , receiverID , and receiverQual) for all production modes,any group pair associated with the envelope information is also deleted. Formore information about group pairs that you associate with interchange envelopeinformation, see the chapter on defining partner information in webMethods EDIModule Installation and User’s Guide.

wm.b2b.editn.crossRef:getEnvInfoWmEDIforTN. Obtains interchange sender/receiver pair information from theEDIEnvelope table, which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networks database.

You define interchange sender/receiver pair information if you want to process EDIdocuments at the group level.

Input Parameters

senderID String The sender ID of the interchange sender/receiver pairinformation you want to retrieve.

senderQual String (optional) The sender EDI ID qualifier of the interchangesender/receiver pair information you want to retrieve.

receiverID String The receiver id of the interchange sender/receiver pairinformation you want to retrieve.

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receiverQual String (optional) The receiver EDI ID qualifier of theinterchange sender/receiver pair information you want toretrieve.

productionMode String (optional) The production mode associated with theinterchange sender/receiver pair information you want toretrieve. Valid values are Production (default), Test, orCustom.

Output Parameters

envInfo Document Parameters defined for the interchange sender/receiver pair.

Key Description

inboundInfo Document Parameters for processinginbound documents.

Key Description

verifyCtrl String Whetherto verify theinbound controlnumber. Thevalue will beeither yes or no.

createDoc String Whetherthe Interchangedocument shouldbe saved. Thevalue will beeither yes or no.

GSSenderQual String The EDIID qualifier thatcorresponds tothe sender valueon the groupheader. If thevalue is *, theEDI ID senderqualifier of the

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interchangeheader is used.

GSReceiverQual String The EDIID qualifier thatcorresponds tothe receiver valueon the groupheader. If thevalue is *, theEDI ID receiverqualifier of theinterchangeheader is used.

outboundInfo Document Parameter used for outboundprocessing. That is, delimiters and somefield values in the Interchange headersegment. For the exact contents, usethe webMethods Developer to view thewm.b2b.e3ditn.crossRef:envInfo IS documenttype, which is the IS document type thatthe envinfo parameter references.

Usage Notes

Delimiters are inside of the outboundInfo parameter. The output (outboundInfo )of this service can be used as input to the wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelope,wm.b2b.edi.util:addGroupEnvelope, and wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelopeEDIFACT services.The IDand EDI ID qualifier pair can be either the interchange or group level.

You can define and view interchange sender/receiver pair information from theWmEDIforTN home page by clicking on the Interchange Info link.

For more information about processing levels and interchange sender/receiver pairinformation, see the chapter on defining partner information in webMethods EDIModule Installation and User’s Guide.

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Use the services in the wm.b2b.editn.db folder to delete unwanted information from themodule-specific tables of the Trading Networks database.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.db:deleteControlNumber WmEDIforTN. Deletes a control numberfrom the EDIControlNumber table, which is amodule-specific table in the Trading Networksdatabase that EDI Module uses to managecontrol numbers.

wm.b2b.editn.db:deleteFAInfo WmEDIforTN. Deletes entries from theEDITRACKING table, which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networks databasethat EDI Module uses to track functionalacknowledgments. By deleting entries, youreduce the size of the database.

wm.b2b.editn.db:deleteControlNumberWmEDIforTN. Deletes a control number from the EDIControlNumber table, whichis a module-specific table in the Trading Networks database that EDI Module uses tomanage control numbers.

Input Parameters

senderID String The sender ID associated with the control number tableentry that you want to delete.

senderQual String The sender EDI ID qualifier associated with the controlnumber table entry that you want to delete.

receiverID String The receiver ID associated with the control number tableentry that you want to delete.

receiverQual String The receiver EDI ID qualifier associated with the controlnumber table entry that you want to delete.

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standard String The EDI standard associated with the control numberthat you want to delete. Specify one of the following: X12,UNEDIFACT, VICS, UCS, EANCOM, or TRADACOMS.

productionMode String The production mode associated with the controlnumber. Valid values are Production (default), Test, orCustom.

version String Version of the EDI standard for the control number, e.g.,4010.

isEnvelope String Whether the control number to be deleted is for anenvelope or group document. If it is an envelope controlnumber, set to true. Otherwise, set to false.

groupType String The group type associated with the control number.

For an interchange control number, specify ENVELOPE.

For group control numbers, specify the group type. Forexample, for ANSI X12 4010 850, specify PO.

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

For more information about control numbers, see webMethods EDI Module Installation andUser’s Guide.

wm.b2b.editn.db:deleteFAInfoWmEDIforTN. Deletes entries from the EDITRACKING table, which is a module-specific table in the Trading Networks database that EDI Module uses to track functionalacknowledgments. By deleting entries, you reduce the size of the database.

This service determines the entries to remove by subtracting the value of the inputdeleteAfterDays parameter from the current date and deletes entries that are older thanthe resulting date.

Input Parameters

deleteAfterDays String The maximum number of days that a functionalacknowledgment entry remain in the FA tracking table. If youspecify 0, all records are deleted.

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Output Parameters

deleteCount String Number of records deleted.

Usage Notes

For more information about FA reconciliation and how EDI Module uses theEDITRACKING table, see webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

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EDI Module uses the services in this folder when you work with instance ID queries onthe WmEDIforTN package home page.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.doc:listTransactionTypes WmEDIforTN. Returns a list of all TNdocument types for EDI transaction sets thatexist on the server as well as the instance IDquery associated with that TN document type,if one exists.

wm.b2b.editn.doc:saveQuery WmEDIforTN. Saves the instance ID query foran input TN document type that is for an EDItransaction set.

wm.b2b.editn.doc:listTransactionTypesWmEDIforTN. Returns a list of all TN document types for EDI transaction sets that existon the server as well as the instance ID query associated with that TN document type, ifone exists.

Input Parameters


Output Parameters

DocTypes Document List (optional) The names and instance ID query foreach TN document type for an EDI transaction set. The formatis:

Key Description

Name String Name of the TN document typefor the EDI transaction set, e.g., X12V4010 T850.

Query String (optional) The instance ID queryassociated with the TN document type.

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Usage Notes

This service is generally used by the WmEDIforTN user interface, not by end users.

wm.b2b.editn.doc:saveQueryWmEDIforTN. Saves the instance ID query for an input TN document type that is for anEDI transaction set.

Input Parameters

DocumentName String Name of the TN document type for the EDI transactionset, e.g., X12 V4010 T850.

Query String (optional) The instance ID query to associate with theTN document type. If you do not specify Query , the instanceID query that is currently associated with the TN documenttype is cleared, and at run time Trading Networks will notextract a conversation ID when processing transactions set thatuse this TN document type.

Output Parameters


Usage Notes

This service is generally used by the WmEDIforTN user interface, not by end users. Thequery is saved successfully unless this service throws an exception.

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EDI Module uses the services in this folder when you work with instance ID queries onthe WmEDIforTN package home page.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.FAReport:generateFAReport WmEDIforTN. Based on the inputs youspecify, this service retrieves the matchingrows from the EDITRACKING table andgenerates a report.

wm.b2b.editn.FAReport:generateFAReportWmEDIforTN. Based on the inputs you specify, this service retrieves the matching rowsfrom the EDITRACKING table and generates a report.

The EDITRACKING table is a module-specific table in the Trading Networks databasethat contains information about FA reconciliations.

Input Parameters

reportFileName String (optional) The name you want to assign the FA reportfile. If you do not specify reportFileName , this service assignsthe file name will be timestamp reportFileName .template.

For example, 2003_07_01testReport.html

template String Whether you want the report in text or HTML format.Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

TXT The report will be in text format.

HTML The report will be in HTML format.

senderID String (optional) The corporate name (as specified in theTrading Networks profile) of the sender of the EDI documentyou want included in the report. If you do not specify

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senderID , the report will contain information for documentsfrom all senders.

receiverID String (optional) The corporate name (as specified in theTrading Networks profile) of the receiver of the EDI documentyou want included in the report. If you do not specifyreceiverID , the report will contain information for documentsfrom all senders.

status String (optional) The number that represents the FA status ofthe documents that you want included in the report. If you donot provide a value, the report will contain information fordocuments with any FA status. Valid values are:

Value Meaning












For more information about FA status, webMethods EDI ModuleInstallation and User’s Guide.

docBeforeYear String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent before the yearyou specify. For example, if you specify 2002, the service

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would include entries in which the original EDI documentswere sent before 2002.

docBeforeMonth String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent before the monthyou specify. For example, if you specify 3, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentbefore March.

docBeforeDay String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent before the dayyou specify. For example, if you specify 12, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentbefore the 12th.

docBeforeHour String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent before the houryou specify (in 24-hour format). For example, if you specify13, the service would include entries in which the original EDIdocuments were sent before 1 P.M.

docBeforeMin String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent before the minuteyou specify. For example, if you specify 30, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentbefore the 30th minute.

docAfterYear String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent after the year youspecify. For example, if you specify 2002, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentafter 2002.

docAfterMonth String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent after the monthyou specify. For example, if you specify 3, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentafter March.

docAfterDay String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent after the dayyou specify. For example, if you specify 12, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentafter the 12th.

docAfterHour String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent after the hour

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you specify (in 24-hour format). For example, if you specify13, the service would include entries in which the original EDIdocuments were sent after 1 P.M.

docAfterMin String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for original EDI documents sent after the minuteyou specify. For example, if you specify 30, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentafter the 30th minute.

FABeforeYear String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent before the year you specify. Forexample, if you specify 2002, the service would include entriesin which the FAs were sent before 2002.

FABeforeMonth String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent before the month you specify. Forexample, if you specify March, the service would includeentries in which the FAs were sent before March.

FABeforeDay String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent before the day you specify. Forexample, if you specify 12, the service would include entries inwhich the FAs were sent before the 12th.

FABeforeHour String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent before the hour you specify (in 24-hour format). For example, if you specify 13, the servicewould include entries in which the original EDI documentswere sent before 1 P.M.

FABeforeMin String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent before the minute you specify. Forexample, if you specify 30, the service would include entriesin which the original EDI documents were sent before the 30thminute.

FAAfterYear String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent after the year you specify. Forexample, if you specify 2002, the service would include entriesin which the FAs were sent after 2002.

FAAfterMonth String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent after the month you specify. Forexample, if you specify March, the service would includeentries in which the FAs were sent after March.

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FAAfterDay String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent after the day you specify. Forexample, if you specify 12, the service would include entries inwhich the FAs were sent after the 12th.

FAAfterHour String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent after the hour you specify (in 24-hourformat). For example, if you specify 13, the service wouldinclude entries in which the original EDI documents were sentafter 1 P.M.

FAAfterMin String (optional) Indicates that you want the report to includeinformation for FAs sent after the minute you specify. Forexample, if you specify 30, the service would include entriesin which the original EDI documents were sent after the 30thminute.

groupType String (optional) The group type (e.g., PO, IN) of the documentsthat you want included in the report.

version String (optional) The version (e.g., 4010) of the documents thatyou want included in the report.

orderBy String The number that represents the value by which youwant to order the entries included in the report.

Value Meaning









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Output Parameters


Usage Notes

For more information about FA reconciliation, see webMethods EDI Module Installationand User’s Guide.

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Use the service in this folder when migrating data from a previous version of EDIModule to the current version. This service creates a flat file schema in the WmEDIforTNpackage in the location specified by the wm.b2b.edi.util:getEDIFFSchemaName service.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.migration:updateBizDocs WmEDIforTN. Creates flat file schemas for allTN document types that are for EDI transactionsets installed on this machine.

wm.b2b.editn.migration:updateBizDocsWmEDIforTN. Creates flat file schemas for all TN document types that are for EDItransaction sets installed on this machine.

Input Parameters


Output Parameters


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This folder contains IS document types that EDI Module provides.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.rec:batchFailRecord WmEDIforTN. Defines the format of the ISdocument that EDI Module can publish when it isunable to include an EDI document that is queuedfor batching into the final batch EDI document.

wm.b2b.editn.rec:batchFailRecordWmEDIforTN. Defines the format of the IS document that EDI Module can publishwhen it is unable to include an EDI document that is queued for batching into the finalbatch EDI document.

To handle this failure, you can use Software AG Designer to create an Integration Servertrigger that subscribes to the published document. For information about creating anIntegration Server trigger, see the Integration Server publish-subscribe developer’s guidefor your release. See “About this Guide” for specific document titles.

EDI Module publishes the IS document when the publishBatchFailEvent EDITPA variableis set to true. For more information about this EDITPA variable, see the chapter ondefining partner information in webMethods EDIINT Module Installation and User’s Guide.For more information about batching EDI documents, see the chapter on batching EDIdocuments in webMethods EDIINT Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Variables in the batchFailRecord IS document type

taskID String The task ID that Trading Networks generated for thedelivery task that is associated with the document that EDIModule could not include into the final batch EDI document, thatis, the failed document).

TNinternalID String The internal ID that Trading Networks generated for thefailed document.

senderID String The internal ID that Trading Networks generated for thepartner that is the sender of the failed document.

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receiverID String The internal ID that Trading Networks generated for thepartner that is the receiver of the failed document.

documentID String The document ID that Trading Networks generated for thefailed document.

TNSystemStatus String The document processing (system) status of the faileddocument generated by Trading Networks.

TNUserStatus String The user status of the failed document generated by TradingNetworks.

doctypeName String The name of the TN document type for the failed document.

mode String The production mode of the failed document, that is,Production or Testing.

groupType String The EDI group type that is associated with the faileddocument.

For an Interchange document, groupType is Envelope.

For a Group document, groupType is the type associated with thegroup, e.g., PO.

For a Transaction document, groupType is the type associatedwith the group with which the transaction is associated, e.g., POfor an ANSI X12 850 transaction.

standard String The EDI standard that is associated with the faileddocument, e.g., X12 or UNEDIFACT.

version String The version of the EDI standard associated with the faileddocument, e.g., 4010 for ANSI X12 or 98A for UN/EDIFACT.

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Use the service in the wm.b2b.editn.TPA folder to work with EDITPAs.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

"wm.b2b.editn.TPA:getEDITPAData"on page 192

WmEDIforTNWmEDIforTN. Retrieves the EDITPAdata for a specified sender and receiver.

wm.b2b.editn.TPA:getEDITPADataWmEDIforTN. Retrieves the EDITPA data for a specified sender and receiver.

The service retrieves the default EDITPA and partner-specific EDITPA if one is available.The service returns a single set of EDITPA values. The returned EDITTPA values use thepartner-specific EDITPA values unless the value is not specified in the partner-specificEDITPA. If a partner-specific EDITPA value is not specific, the returned EDITPA valuecontains the value from the default EDITPA.

Input Parameters

sender String The sender ID for the sender of the sender/receiver pairfor which you want to retrieve EDITPA values, for example, aD-U-N-S number.

senderQualifier String The EDI ID qualifier for the sender, for example, 01 ifyou specify a D-U-N-S number for sender .

receiver String The receiver ID for the receiver of the sender/receiverpair for which you want to retrieve EDITPA values, forexample, a D-U-N-S number.

receiverQualifier String The EDI ID qualifier for the receiver, for example, 01 ifyou specify a D-U-N-S number for receiver .

Output Parameters

EDITPAData Document A single set of EDITPA values that contains values fromthe partner-specific EDITPA if they are available and values from

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the default EDITPA if the partner-specific value is null or notspecified.

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Use the service in the wm.b2b.editn.util folder to return the content of the Trading NetworksBizDocContentPart as an InputStream object.

Use the services in the wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess folder to work with documents that youmight want to reprocess.

Use the service in the wm.b2b.editn.util.VersionSupport folder to enable EDI Module tosupport a new version of an EDI standard.

Summary of Elements in this FolderThe following elements are available in this folder:

Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.util:getContentPartDataAsInputStream WmEDIforTN. Returns thecontent of the Trading NetworksBizDocContentPart as anInputStream object.

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listInSequenceDoc WmEDIforTN. Retrieves a list ofEDI documents that containedout-of-sequence control numberswhen they were originally received,but now the control numbersare in sequence due to other EDIdocuments arriving.

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listUnprocessDoc WmEDIforTN. Retrieves a listof EDI documents that were notprocessed due to a validation error.

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:nextInSequenceDoc WmEDIforTN. Determines whetheranother EDI document with anout-of-sequence control numberexists and can be processed becausethe specified document has beenprocessed.

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:reprocessDocument WmEDIforTN. Force thereprocessing of an EDI documentthat was not processed due to avalidation error. Reprocessed EDIdocuments are sent to TradingNetworks processing rules andbypass document recognition.

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Element Package and Description

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:validateControlNumber WmEDIforTN. Determines whetherthe specified control number isthe one expected for the specifiedsender/receiver pair.

wm.b2b.edi.util:updateVDAEnvelope WmEDI. Updates the trailer recordin a VDA document with correctrecord counts in the correspondingcontrol number fields.

wm.b2b.editn.util.VersionSupport:addNewEDIVersion WmEDIforTN. Enables EDI Moduleto support a new version of an EDIstandard that is already supportedby the module.

wm.b2b.editn.util:getContentPartDataAsInputStreamWmEDIforTN. Returns the content of the Trading Networks BizDocContentPart as anInputStream object.

This service correctly handles content parts that are stored as large data or small data.

Input Parameters

contentPart Object An IData object that represents a TradingNetworksbizDocEnvelope content part. This is the outputreturned by wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getContentPart.

Output Parameters

partInputStream Object An InputStream object that represents the inputcontentPart .

encoding String The encoding that can be used to convert the inputstream to a string.

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wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listInSequenceDocWmEDIforTN. Retrieves a list of EDI documents that contained out-of-sequence controlnumbers when they were originally received, but now the control numbers are insequence due to other EDI documents arriving.

Input Parameters


Output Parameters

docList String List A list that contains the Trading Networks internalIDs for the retrieved EDI documents that are now in sequence.

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listUnprocessDocWmEDIforTN. Retrieves a list of EDI documents that were not processed due to avalidation error.

Input Parameters

type String Specifies the types of EDI documents that you want toretrieve. Specify one of the following:

Value Meaning

Duplicate List EDI documents that were notprocessed because they containedduplicate control numbers.

OutOfSequence List EDI documents that were notprocessed because they containedcontrol numbers that were out ofsequence.

Rejected List EDI documents that were notprocessed because they have FA statusesthat are defined as unacceptable.

You define what the acceptable andunacceptable FA statuses are usingthe FAGeneration/processDocument

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EDITPA variable. For more information,see the section about automatic FAgeneration in the chapter on optionalinbound processing when using TradingNetworks in the webMethods EDI ModuleInstallation and User’s Guide.

Output Parameters

docList String List A list that contains the Trading Networks internalIDs for the retrieved EDI documents that match the type youspecified.

Usage Notes

To obtain the content for an EDI document, invoke the wm.tn.doc:view service, supplyingthe Trading Networks internal IDs. For more information about the wm.tn.doc:view service,see the Trading Networks built-in services reference guide for your release. See “Aboutthis Guide” for specific document titles.

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:nextInSequenceDocWmEDIforTN. Determines whether another EDI document with an out-of-sequencecontrol number exists and can be processed because the specified document has beenprocessed.

Use this service if you previously invoked wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:reprocessDocumentagainst a BizDocEnvelope and you want to determine whether another EDI documentis now in sequence because the document represented by the specified BizDocEnvelopewas processed.

Input Parameters

bizdoc Document A BizDocEnvelope that represents an EDI documentwith an out-of-sequence control number that became insequence after EDI Module processed other documents.

Output Parameters

nextDoc String The Trading Networks internal ID of an EDI documentthat is now in sequence. If there is no next document, nextDocis null.

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wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:reprocessDocumentWmEDIforTN. Force the reprocessing of an EDI document that was not processed due toa validation error. Reprocessed EDI documents are sent to Trading Networks processingrules and bypass document recognition.

This service splits the EDI document according to the EDITPA splitOption variableand sends the resulting documents that it split out to Trading Networks processingrules separately. For example, if you specify an Interchange document and thesplitOption variable is set to Transaction, this service splits the EDI document into anInterchange document, Group documents, and Transaction documents; then sends theInterchange, Group, and Transaction documents to Trading Networks processing rulesfor processing.

Input Parameters

internalID String The Trading Networks internal ID associated with theEDI document that you want to reprocess.

generateFA String Whether you want this service to automatically generatefunctional acknowledgments (FA) when reprocessing thedocument.

Value Meaning

true Automatically generate FAs. Onlyspecify true when you are reprocessinga document that contains an invalidinterchange control number. Fordocuments that have a REJECTEDstatus or were rejected due to invalidgroup control number, the FAs werealready generated when the documentwas originally processed.

false Do not generate FAs.

updateControlNumber String Whether you want this service to update the nextexpected control number in the EDIControlNumber table.

This service calculates the next expected control number byadding the control number from the reprocessed document tothe configured control number increment. If the result exceedsthe configured control number cap, this service sets the nextexpected control number to the configured control number

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minimum. For more information about control numbers, seewebMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide. Specifytrue or false.

Value Meaning

true Update the next expected controlnumber in the EDIControlNumbertable.

false Do not update the next expected controlnumber in the EDIControlNumbertable.

Output Parameters

bizdoc Document The BizDocEnvelope for the document that wasreprocessed.

Usage Notes

To obtain a list of EDI documents that were not processed due to validation errors andtheir Trading Networks internal IDs, use the wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listUnprocessDocservice.

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:validateControlNumberWmEDIforTN. Determines whether the specified control number is the one expected forthe specified sender/receiver pair.

If the specified control number (in the numberToValidate input parameter) matches thenext expected control number for the sender/receiver pair, this service updates the nextexpected control number.

This service calculates the new expected control number by adding the specified controlnumber (in numberToValidate ) to the configured control number increment. If the resultexceeds the configured control number cap, this service sets the next expected controlnumber to the configured control number minimum. For more information aboutcontrol numbers, see webMethods EDI Module Installation and User’s Guide.

Input Parameters

senderID String The sender ID associated with the control number.

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senderQualifier String The sender EDI ID qualifier associated with the controlnumber.

receiverID String The receiver ID associated with the control number.

receiverQualifier String The receiver EDI ID qualifier associated with the controlnumber.

standard String EDI standard associated with the control number.Specify one of the following: X12, UNEDIFACT, VICS, UCS, -or-EANCOM.

productionMode String Production mode associated with the control number.Specify one of the following: Production (default), Test, orCustom.

version String Version of the EDI standard for the control number, e.g.,4010.

isEnvelope String Whether the control number is for an envelope or agroup.

Value Meaning

true The control number is associated withan envelope.

false The control number is associated with agroup.

groupType String The group type associated with the control number.

For an interchange control number, specify ENVELOPE.

For group control numbers, specify the group type. Forexample, for ANSI X12 4010 850, specify PO.

createIfNotFound String Whether you want to create an entry for this controlnumber this sender/receiver pair if there is currently no entry.

Value Meaning

true Creates a control number entryfor the specified sender/receiver,production mode, standard and version

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combination and sets the next expectedcontrol number.

The next expected control numberis calculated by adding the specifiedcontrol number (in numberToValidate )to the configured control numberincrement. If the result exceeds theconfigured control number cap, the nextexpected control number is set to theconfigured control number minimum.

false Does not create a control numberentry for the specified sender/receiver,production mode, standard and versioncombination.

numberToValidate String The control number that you want to validate.

Output Parameters

result String Whether the control number you specified innumberToValidate is valid. The value of result will be one of thefollowing:

Value Meaning

Valid The control number that you specifiedis valid and the next expected controlnumber has been incremented.

OutOfSequence The control number that you specifiedis not valid. The service has determinedthat the control number is out-of-sequence.

Duplicate The control number that you specifiedis not valid. The service has determinedthat the control number is a duplicate.

wm.b2b.edi.util:updateVDAEnvelopeWmEDI. Updates the trailer record in a VDA document with correct record counts in thecorresponding control number fields.

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Input Parameters

document String (optional) The original VDA message.

EDIInValues IData (optional) The VDA message represented as a document(IData object).

Output Parameters

EDIOutValues IData Returns the converted VDA IData document.

wm.b2b.editn.util.VersionSupport:addNewEDIVersionWmEDIforTN. Enables EDI Module to support a new version of an EDI standard that isalready supported by the module.

Input Parameters

SEFfileName String The fully qualified path of the SEF file.

replace String (optional) Specifies whether to overwrite an existing SEFfile of the same name and its associated TN document typefile.

Value Meaning

yes If a SEF file of the same name alreadyexists in the pub\SEFS\standard of theWmEDI package (and its associated TNdocument type file already exists in theconfig directory of the WmEDIforTNpackage), the service overwrites theexisting SEF file and TN document typewith the ones specified in this service.

no Does not overwrite the specified SEF fileand its associated TN document typefile; the service throws an exception.This is the default.

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MOdd Header

WmEDIforTN Util Folder

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Output Parameters


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Aactivity log

as VAN report archive 125importance of using alternative report archive125

addAttributeTypeToBizDoc service 143addGroupEnvelope service 68addGroupEnvelopeEDIFACT service 70addICEnvelope service 73addICEnvelopeEDIFACT service 77adding

group envelope to EDI document 68, 70interc hange envelope to EDI document 73interchange envelope to EDI document 77

addNewEDIVersion service 204addToTradacomsTransmission service 57arrays, creating 100attributes, document

associating with TN document type 143

BbatchFailRecord IS document type 188batchProcess service 152BizDocEnvelope

obtaining IData object representing EDIdocument 144retrieving content of EDI document 145, 145,146, 147

bizdoctoRecord service 144

CClient folder2 12, 44, 118, 134, 142, 152, 164, 170,174, 178, 186, 188, 192, 196compliance check

variable of envelopeProcess service 30concatenating

EDI transaction with its header 99strings 83

concatStringArray service 83configuration file

properties.cnf, Module for EDI 97content handler, EDI 104content parts, returning for TRADACOMS file 135,136, 137, 138, 138content types, EDI 104CONTRL message 104

control numberscreating 84deleting from EDIControlNumber table 170finding document with control number now insequence 199listing documents that had out-of-sequence control numbers 198listing documents unprocessed due to invalid198obtaining from EDIControlNumber table 160

controlNumber service 84conventions used in this document 7conver ting

IData object to String 17converting

flat files 17IData object to String 13, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32, 40,44, 45, 49, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 70, 73, 77, 83,84, 84, 84, 85, 87, 97, 98, 99, 100, 100, 101,101, 102, 103, 107, 107, 108, 108, 108, 109,110, 111, 135, 136, 137, 138, 138, 139, 203IData object to String (TRADACOMS) 49InputStream to IData object 17InputStream to IData object (TRADACOMS) 51String to IData object 17String to IData object (TRADACOMS) 51transaction sets 17

convertToString service 13, 13convertToString service, TRADACOMS 49convertToValues service 17, 17, 84

iterator variable 19convertToValues service, TRADACOMS 51

iterator variable 52createIDOCtemplate service 24createTemplateFromSEF service 26createW3CXMLSchema service 28creating

arrays 100control numbers 84flat file schema for IDOC 24flat file schema from SEF file 26, 32functional acknowledgements 85, 87IData object from InputStream 17IData object from InputStream (TRADACOMS)51IData object from String 17IData object from String (TRADACOMS) 51String from IData object 13, 17, 24, 26, 28, 29,32, 40, 44, 45, 49, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 70, 73,

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77, 83, 84, 84, 84, 85, 87, 97, 98, 99, 100, 100,101, 101, 102, 103, 107, 107, 108, 108, 108,109, 110, 111, 135, 136, 137, 138, 138, 139, 203String from IData object (TRADACOMS) 49XML schema from SEF file 28

Ddate type formats (DT), formatting fields 107, 107Ddata type, formatting fields 107decimal formats (D), formatting fields 107delControlNumber service 170delEnvInfo service 164, 170deleteFAInfo service 171deleting

control numbers from EDIControlNumber table170entries from EDITRACKING table 171FA reconciliation information 171

detail message information, returning forTRADACOMS file 136dictionary, flat file schema

determining one to use for EDI standard version97

doc umentsflat files 104

document attributesassociating with TN document types 143

document input streams, returning forTRADACOMS file 137documentation

conventions used 7using effectively 7

documentsEDI 104XML 104

DT data type, formatting fields 107, 107

EEANCOM, standards supported 104EDI content types 104EDI documents

forcing reprocessing of 200listing unprocessed 198obtaining IData object for from BizDocEnvelope144recording FA reconciliation information 147retrieving content from BizDocEnvelope 145,145, 146, 147

validating 148EDI envelope, validating 148EDI standard

determining associated flat file dictionary 97determining flat file schema to use 98

EDIconcat service 84, 84EDIFACT content type 104endTradacomsTransmission service 58envelope of EDI document

adding group envelope to EDI document 68, 70adding interchange envelope to EDI document 73, 77creating IData object from header segments 29processing 29validating 29

envelopeProcess service 29compliance check variable 30validation variable 30

FFA reconciliation

deleting information 171generating report 178recording FAs and acknowledged groups andinterchanges 147updating EDITRACKING table for EDI document147

failure notification, batching EDI documents 188FAs (functional acknowledgements), creating 85,87files

DocResxxxxx.dat large file naming 104fixed-length records (FLRs) 104SEF 104

flat file 104converting 17

flat file schemacreating for an IDOC 24creating from 4.x templates 40creating from SEF file 26, 32determining one to use for EDI standard andversion 98dictionary

determining one to use for EDI standardversion 97

flat file schemas, TR ADACOMSsplitting into a schema for each message in File139

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flat file schemas, TRADACOMSreturning for TRADACOMS file 138

fo rmat servicesformatN0 108

format servicesformatDate6 107formatDate8 107formatDecimal 107formatN1 108formatN2 109formatN3 109formatN4 110formatN5 110formatN6 111formatN7 111formatN8 112formatN9 112formatTime4_4 113formatTime4_6 113formatTime4_8 113formatTime6_6 113

FTPConnection service 118functional acknowledgements (FAs), creating 87functional acknowledgments (FAs), creating 85

GgenerateFA service 87generateFAReport service 178getContentPart service, TRADACOMS 135getContentPartDataAsInputStream service 197getControlNumber service 160getDocumentPartInfo service, TRADACOMS 136getDocumentStream service, TRADACOMS 137getEDIDictionaryName service 97getEDIFFSchemaName service 98getEDIstring service 99getEDITPAData service 192getEnvInfo service 165getFFSchemaNames service, TRADACOMS 138GetfromVan service 120getProperties service 44GetReportfromVan service 125getTemplate service 45getTransactionSetDetail service 145, 146getTspace service 147

IIData object

converting to Strings 13, 17, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32,40, 44, 45, 49, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 70, 73, 77,83, 84, 84, 84, 85, 87, 97, 98, 99, 100, 100, 101,101, 102, 103, 107, 107, 108, 108, 108, 109,110, 111, 135, 136, 137, 138, 138, 139, 203converting to Strings (TRADACOMS) 49creating from InputStream 17creating from InputStream (TRADACOMS) 51creating from String 17creating from String (TRADACOMS) 51obtaining from BizDocEnvelope 144

IDOC, SAP, creating flat file schema for 24InputStream, converting to IData object 17InputStream, converting to IData object(TRADACOMS) 51Integration Server, schemas 104invoke service 100invoking services 100isFileEnvelope service, TRADACOMS 138iterator variable, convertToValues service 17

purpose and usage 19, 52

Jjustifying strings 102

LlistInSequence service 118, 204listTransactionTypes service 174listUnprocessedDocuments service 198lite997 service 85

MmakeArray service 100migrateTemplate service 40modifyTradacomsSchema service 139

NN0 data type, formatting fields 108N1 data type, formatting fields 108N2 data type, fo rmatting fi elds 109N3 data type, formatting fields 109N4 data type, formatting fields 110N5 data type, formatting fields 110N6 data type, for matting fields 111N7 data type, formatting fields 111N8 data type, formatting fields 112N9 data type, formatting fields 112nextInSequenceDoc service 199

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notifications, failure to include document in batchEDI document 188null strings, determining whether string is null 101,101nullBlankCheck service 101nullifyIfBlank service 101

Oout-of-sequence control numbers

finding document now in seq uence 199listing documents with 198

Ppad service 102padding strings 102program code conventions in this document 7properties, retrieving

EDI Module 44Integration Server 44Trading Networks 44

properties.cnf file, Module for EDIEDIResolveDuplicates property 97

putToVAN service 126


fixed-length 104variable-length 104

reports from VAN, archiving considerations 125reprocessDocument service 200retrieving

Integration Server properties 44Trading Networks properties 44

SSAP IDOC, creating flat file schema for 24saveQuery service 175schemas, flat file

creating from 4.x templates 40creating from SEF files 26, 32determining one to use for EDI standard version98TRADACOMS, splitting into a schema for e achmessage in File 139

schemas, XML, creating from SEF file 28SEF file

creating flat file schemas from 26using to create flat file schema 32

using to create XML schema 28SEFParse service 32segments, unrecognized 84services

invoking 100WmEDI package

convert flat file 17convert transaction sets 17creating functional acknowledgments 85

WmEDIforTN pac kageVAN connectivity 126

WmEDIforTN packageVAN connectivity 118, 120, 125

WmEDIpackagecreate functional acknowledgements 87

standardCheck service 103startTradacomsBatch service 59startTradacomsTransmission service 60str ings

creating from IData object 107strings

concatenating 83converting to IData object 17crea ting from IData object 103creating from IDa ta object 84creating from IDat a object 99creating from IData object 13, 17, 24, 26, 28,29, 32, 40, 44, 45, 49, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 70,73, 77, 83, 84, 84, 85, 87, 97, 98, 100, 100, 101,101, 102, 107, 108, 108, 108, 109, 110, 111,135, 136, 137, 138, 138, 139, 203determining whether null or blank 101, 101justifying 102padding 102

strings (TRADACOMS)converting to IData object 51creating from IData object 49

system properties 44

Ttemplates, EDI Module 4.x

creating flat file schemas from 40time formats (TM), formatting fields 113, 113, 113,113TM data type, formatting fields 113, 113, 113, 113TN document types

associating custom attribute with 143obtaining list of installed 174

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trackEDIdocs service 147TRADACOMS

flat file schemasreturning 138splitting into a schema for each message inFile 139

returning content parts 135, 136, 137, 138, 138returning detail message information 136returning document input streams 137transmissions

creating BAT segments for 59creating END segments for 58creating STX segments for 60

transaction sets, converting 17transmissions, TRADACOMS

creating BAT segments for 59creating END segments for 58creating STX segments for 60

typographical conventions in this document 7

UUCS 104UDFs 104unDefData 29, 84unrecognized segments 84updateVDAEnvelope service 203

VvalidateControlNumber service 201validateEnvelope service 148validateTransaction service 148validating

EDI documents 148EDI envelope 148envelope of inbound document 29

validationvalidate variable of envelopeProcess service 30

VAN.VANConnectivityFTPConnection service 118GetfromVan service 120GetReportfromVan service 125putToVAN service 126

VANFTP delivery serviceimportance of saveToDir field 125

VANsarchiving reports from 125report truncation size limit 125services that enable connectivity 118, 125, 126

services that enable VAN connectivity 120variable-length records 104, 104, 104versions

adding a new version of an EDI standard 204VLRs 104

WW3C XML schema, creating from SEF file 28wm.b2b. edi.tradacoms.doc

getFFSchemaNames service 138wm.b2b.edi

convertToString service 13convertToValues service 17createIDOCtemplate service 24createTemplateFromSEF service 26createW3CXMLSchema service 28envelopeProcess service 29SEFParse service 32

wm.b2b.edi.migrationmigrateTemplate service 40

wm.b2b.edi.templat eMgrgetTemplate service 45

wm.b2b.edi.templateMgrgetProperties service 44

wm.b2b.edi.tradacomsconvertToString service 49convertToValues service 51

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.composeaddToTradacomsTransmission service 57endTradacomsTransmission service 58startTradacomsBatch service 59startTradacomsTransmission service 60

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.docgetContentPart service 135getDocumentPartInfo service 136getDocumentStream service 137isFileEnvelope service 138

wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.uimodifyTradacomsSchema service 139

wm.b2b.edi.utiladdGroupEnvelope service 68addGroupEnvelopeEDIFACT service 70addICEnvelope service 73addICEnvelopeEDIFACT service 77concatStringArray service 83controlNumber service 84convertToValues service 84EDIconcat service 84

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generateFA service 87getEDIDictionaryName service 97getEDIFFSchemaName service 98getEDIstring service 99invoke service 100makeArray service 100nullBlankCheck service 101nullifyIfBlank service 101pad service 102standardCheck service 103update VDAEnvelope service 203

wm.b2b.edi.util .formatServicesformatAN 106

wm.b2b.edi.util.FAlite997 service 85

wm.b2b.edi.util.formatServicesformatN 108

wm.b2b.editnaddAttributeTypeToBizDoc service 143bizdoctoRecord service 144doc

listTransactionTypes service 174saveQuery service 175

ediPartnerIDToTNPartnerID 145generateFAReport service 178getTransactionSetDetail service 145, 146getTspace service 147trackEDIdocs service 147validateEnvelope service 148validateTransaction service 148wrapData 149

wm.b2b.editn.batchbatchProcess service 152getControlNumber service 160

wm.b2b.editn.crossRefdelEnvInfo service 164, 170getEnvInfo service 165

wm.b2b.editn.dbdelControlNumber service 170deleteFAInfo service 171

wm.b2b.editn.recbatchFailRecord IS document type 188

wm.b2b.editn.TPAgetEDITPAData service 192

wm.b2b.editn.utilgetContentPartDataAsInputStream service 197

wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocesslistInSequence service 118, 204listUnprocessedDocuments service 198

nextInSequenceDoc service 199reprocessDocument service 200validateControlNumber service 201

wm.b2b.editn.util.versionSupportaddNewEDIVersion 204

WmEDI. Verifies if th e input string is alphanumeric.Returns true if the input string is alphanumeric.Throws ServiceException if the input string is notalphanumeric. 106wrapData service 149

XXML schema, creating from SEF file 28

Symbols_RID_ 29, 84