webinar: turning qualitative data into decisions

TURNING QUALITATIVE DATA INTO DECISIONS Presented by John Williamson CEO & Founder, Qualvu Web: www.qualvu.com Twitter: @johnmwilliamson Watch the recorded session !

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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See how Qualvu’s innovative video processing portal delivers higher ROI from all of your qualitative research.Video research delivers new levels of insight into consumers’ lives and attitudes, taking much of qualitative beyond the focus group and into people’s lives. But with benefits come challenges: How do you organize and mine that much information?Qualvu’s client portal is a powerful tool used to generate engaging and accurate reports infused with video highlights. However how about all of that focus group and IDI video collecting dust in a file cabinet, closet, or spare office? Can Qualvu be leveraged to digitize and store that video data – and most important, can you use Qualvu to search, organize and even report on NEW insights quickly, efficiently and effectively?Download our webinar to find out!It’s an important question because what our clients are realizing – now that they’ve waded into video-based research in earnest – is that collecting the customer’s truth is relatively easy. The challenge is what to do with tens of hours of rich video responses.Watch this webinar to see…How to cost-effectively turn video data into decision-driving insights that represent the voice and face of your customerHow easy it is to take video data and make it searchable, to turn full responses into clipped gems of truth, and how easy it is to socialize the learningHow you can get the most out of detailed video research, even if you haven’t used Qualvu to collect insights! Gain instant access to a webinar that will change the way you think about how to manage qualitative data.


  • 1. Turning qualitative datainto decisions
    Presented by John Williamson
    CEO & Founder, Qualvu
    Web: www.qualvu.com
    Twitter: @johnmwilliamson
    Watch the recorded session!

2. 3 things you will learn today
Edit large text in background with the same title. DO NOT let it wrap
Three things

  • How to turn video data into decision-driving insights

3. How we process hours of video intogems of truth 4. Webinar special feature: New way to think about qualitative feedbackWatch the recorded session!
5. Edit large text in background with the same title. DO NOT let it wrap
Lets talk data
Does qualitative research generate data?
Definition: Individual facts, statistics, or items of information
Statistically conclusive?
Typically no.
If your qualitative research informs decisions, then its data.Unfortunately its generally unstructureddata.
Watch the recorded session!
6. 7. Collecting video insight is relatively easy.
Turning that video data into crucial intelligence for decision making is where outsized value creation exists.
Watch the recorded session!
8. The premise: what if.
all your video qualitative data was?
Watch the recorded session!
9. Now it is
Qualvu video processing portal
10. Key features & benefits
Watch the recorded session!
Qualvu Client Portal
Data instantly organized

  • By project

12. By assignment 13. By group 14. By ParticipantClient access to human data in real-time online

  • Global dashboard for all qualitative data

Analyst Coding of responses
Watch the recorded session!
15. Mineinteractive, searchable Transcripts

  • Video-synched highly accurate transcripts

16. Proprietary system for instant batch processing and crowd sourcing 17. Push button control for 24-hour, 36 and 72-hour turnaround 18. Enables keyword search, language analysis 19. Empower you to mine rich video for ongoing insights