webhelp uk - insight, execution, advantage

Creating the customer experience INSIGHT. EXECUTION. ADVANTAGE. Customer experience outsourcing that transforms business performance

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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At Webhelp UK, we believe outsourcing can transform business performance. We measure our value by the results we deliver; higher revenues, lower costs and a loyal customer base of enthusiastic advocates. Read our corporate brochure to understand how the Webhelp UK advantage can help your business.


Creating the customer experience


Customer experience outsourcing that transforms business performance


3 Your customer management future 5 The Webhelp difference

8 Services for life

9 Productive partnerships

We believe outsourcing can transform business performance. Measure our value by the results we deliver; higher revenues, lower costs and a loyal customer base of enthusiastic advocates.


Your future is in your customers’ hands. Their actions determine your success.

So, when we work with you, we’ll focus on creating customer experiences so compelling that customers will choose you first time, every time, and recommend you above any other to their family and friends.

Such experiences don’t happen by accident. They’re engineered…

Insight: • Understanding your business and market• Analysing your customers’ behaviour• Designing compelling experiences

Execution:• Deploying dedicated teams and proven processes• Monitoring customer effort, customer satisfaction

and NPS• Reproducing excellence day after day

Advantage:• Higher revenues• Lower costs• A differentiated customer experience• Enhanced loyalty and advocacy

Our analysts and solution designers use

analytics-driven INSIGHT to reconfigure

and refine how businesses engage with

their customers at every touch point and

across every channel.

Our operations and delivery teams are

responsible for the seamless EXECUTION

of those experiences time after time,

day after day, in state-of-the-art centres

across the UK and offshore.

Our clients judge our performance by

the business ADVANTAGE they gain

and reward us accordingly. We’re so

confident in our ability to boost their

performance, that we’re prepared to link

our remuneration to the achievement of

their business objectives.

Your customer management future


Transformational partnership for Vodafone

In 2010 Webhelp’s 9 year relationship with Vodafone was translated into a strategic partnership when it became the mobile operator’s exclusive UK-based consumer customer service provider for the consumer market. Webhelp kick-started a programme of transformation by taking over Vodafone’s 800 seat contact centre in Warrington and transferring 500 of its people its own employment. Today 1,600 Webhelp people deliver 16 different activities for Vodafone from four locations. Transformation – still ongoing – has delivered an over 100% improvement in Vodafone’s key metric, the Net Promoter Score, while increasing revenue from service calls by 300% and contributing to an 9% increase in customer tenure. Proactive demand management has reduced calls – and the costs associated with managing them – by 20%.


Webhelp’s approach to partnership is everything we would want it to be; collaborative, constructive and commercially beneficial. The customer experience we deliver has materially improved during Webhelp’s tenure, adding measurable value to our business. That so much has been achieved against a backdrop of progressive organisational change at Vodafone and within a rapidly evolving mobile market makes this performance particularly commendable.





SMART Solutions

Our commitment to transform business performance through effective customer management means we focus on business outcomes above operational metrics. What matters most to us is what matters most to you; cost, revenue, advocacy and an exceptional customer experience. Our ability to engage at this level is underpinned by a series of ‘SMART’ solutions, principal among them are:

1. Creating customer journeysWe recognise that every interaction is part of a customer journey that may cross

several channels before reaching a conclusion. For that reason, we’ve developed

our customer management skills across all channels – digital and social as well as

voice. We operate multiple channels for more than half of our client base and are

working with several to develop integrated omni-channel services informed by a

360 degree view of the customer.

Our Solutions Design Team works with clients to design customer journeys that are

engaging for their customers and profitable for their business.

By understanding what your customers need to do, and the channels best suited to their purpose, we’ll help you serve them efficiently and creatively, adding value at every step.

Webhelp – the difference

2. Analysing performanceOur ability to design journeys and perfect them in operation is fuelled by our use

of analytics. We have, of course, invested in the analytics engines and reporting

tools needed to capture data from every channel and make it accessible. More

importantly, we’ve created a team of expert analysts who transform that data into

actionable insight. This not only allows us to understand what is happening in

customer interactions today, but to predict customer behaviour in the future.

Insights gained through analytics let us replace ‘intelligent guesswork’ with ‘evidence-based certainty’ as we plan your customer management future.


By making it easy for your customers to interact and transact we’ll deliver an experience that is satisfying to your customers and profitable for you.

4. Making it easyMaking it easy for customers to make contact, resolve their issues and complete

their purchases means it costs less to serve them and they are more likely

to spend more and stay loyal. We have developed a sophisticated approach

to measuring customer effort that, in addition to surveying customer opinion,

analyses the actual progress of interactions and journeys to identify stumbling

blocks, failure points and opportunities to improve.

3. Managing demandNot every contact has value – either for our clients or their customers. We’ve

spearheaded the use of analytics to identify those that are an irritant to both

because they are triggered by a failure, either in the customer journey or deeper

in the business. We help our clients identify and eliminate causes of customer

frustration and the contacts they give rise to. And we manage demand across

channels, determining which customer needs are best served via which channel.

By managing demand we’ll help you drive cost out of your operation and maximise the performance of every interaction channel – voice, digital, mobile and social.

Touch Point NPS is our finger on the pulse that keeps a constant check on the health of your customer relationships.

5. Building advocacyTo elevate ‘easy’ customer experiences into ‘delightful’ ones, we train agents to be

empathetic, then support their resourcefulness with intelligent knowledgebases

and flexible propositions. To capture the impact of those experiences, we have

developed ‘Touch Point NPS’. By contacting customers after every interaction and

asking about its impact on their likelihood to recommend our client, we obtain

a true measure of how advocacy is being built or destroyed. It also allows us to

identify those experiences that fall short and take action to improve. points and

opportunities to improve.

6. Extending opportunityNot only do we handle numerous sales campaigns for our clients, we also but

specialise in maximising sales potential from service calls. We use analytics and

intelligent decision making tools to prompt the agent to make the most appropriate

sales offer, based on each customer’s demographics and purchase history. And,

because our agents are dual-skilled – trained and incentivised as service providers

and sales makers – they’ll focus on service excellence first, earning the right to

attempt a sale.

By turning customer conversations into sales opportunities we’ll open up previously untapped routes to revenue growth for your organisation.


Maintaining market share for Viking Direct

Viking Direct has maintained a dominant market share and stable revenues despite a drop of almost one third in the value of the UK office supplies market since the economic downturn kicked in. Its sales and service operation has been managed by Webhelp since 2007, generating annual revenues of over £150 million from a customer base of 500,000 small and medium size enterprises. In a single year our analytics-driven redesign of customer interactions doubled add-on sales, while reducing operating costs by 5%.


Webhelp knows what it takes to succeed in a tough market – an unrelenting focus on customer experience excellence that translates directly into revenue and advocacy. Throughout our relationship its team has delivered insight-driven improvements that have enabled us to do more with less and, by maintaining a top-of-the-range NPS score of 71%, helped us nurture and grow a loyal community of buyers.

Viking Direct




Managing the customer lifecycle

We will work with you to maximise the value of every customer relationship at every stage of the customer lifecycle, and to make those relationships satisfying, enduring and profitable.

Intelligence from every interaction, at every lifecycle stage, can be gathered, analysed and used; not just to improve the next interaction, but to inform decision making in every business area, from product development to marketing on to operational delivery.

Winning business with targeted and

personalised sales approaches.

Maintaining revenue flow and reducing the cost

of debt.

Predicting and preventing

customer churn.

Ending relationships gracefully – to leave the door open for future opportunities.

Getting relationships off to

a good start and laying foundations

for long term profitability.

Creating differentiation

through service excellence.

Resolving issues quickly to regain customer trust.

Maximising sales potential with intelligent

additional offers.

Customer acquisition Onboarding

In-life customer service

Queries and complaints resolutionClosure managementCustomer retention

Early collections Up and cross sell REPEAT


Productive partnerships

Transformation: While our competitors will be happy to

replicate your service performance, we’re

committed to achieving your service ambitions

through transformation. Our Business

Insights Teams will identify opportunities and

build plans to capture them. Our Change

Management teams will make sure those

plans are executed with precision. We’re

excited to do things differently and better, and

choose to work with clients who set the bar


Collaboration: We’ll match our governance structure to

yours, creating unified teams driven by

common objectives and shared purpose. We

favour action-based reporting and shared

problem solving. We’ll not only tell you what’s

happening in your customer relationships but

what we can do together to improve them.

Commercial alignment: Our collaborative approach is reinforced by

commercial alignment. While others are happy

to be paid for productivity, we encourage you

to base our remuneration on the things that

matter most to you – lower costs, higher

revenues and more profitable customer

relationships. We appreciate that such deals

are complex to cut, but they motivate us to do

the things that are ‘right’, not the things that

are ‘easy’.

Flexibility: Our on, off and near shore locations allow us

to deliver blended solutions that maximise

economy. We are also open to deals that allow

you to transfer your customer management

facilities and people to our control, turning

a fixed asset burden into a flexible operating

cost. When underpinned by our commitment

to deliver a programme of transformational

change such deals allow you to make a step

change in service performance without upfront



Webhelp is a strategic service partner to some of the UK’s most customer focused brands in highly competitive industries.

Some detail…Webhelp UK


In 2010 Sky realised its ambition to establish a 10 million customer base and a presence in more than one in three UK households. Today that base continues to grow and is enriched by access to an even broader array of products and services – not just industry leading TV, but broadband and telephony too. In 2011 Sky consolidated its outsourced customer management support from 16 tactical providers to two strategic partners – all part of a determination to elevate customer experience quality and grow customer lifetime value. As one of those partners Webhelp deploys over 3,500 people in five locations to support Sky’s full product set across the complete customer lifecycle, from acquisition and onboarding to retention.

Lifecycle management for Sky TESTIMONIAL

Webhelp is making a significant contribution to the achievement of our core customer ambitions. We have noted an 8.5% increase in customer value, a 10% increase in customer retention and – vitally – a 100% increase in NPS, which tells us we have the advocacy to maintain and grow our strong market share. These results are born of collaboration and a shared determination to exceed customer expectations. Webhelp not only executes our customer management strategy, it helps us define it.




Webhelp UK is part of the pan-European Webhelp Group, which provides comprehensive customer experience management services across a range of digital, social, mobile and traditional voice channels to an international client base.

Today the group provides digital as well as voice channel management for more than half of its client base and, on behalf of its eight largest clients, manages the complete lifecycle of key customer groups across all channels.

The Webhelp Group employs 17,000 people across 35 sites across Europe and Africa. Its British

headquarters are in Falkirk, Scotland.