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~THIS WAY END GAME~By William R. Bramscher

Gospel of Bramsche

Lonesome LozerThis WordPress.com site is the cat’s pajamasSkip to content




On This Day – 24 November 2017

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Slithering Snake Becky with the Good Lies & the Corpse   Flower



Om Mani Padme Hum…

On This Day – 22 November   2017  “There is strong   shadow   where there is much light ” Greatest Love Of All Whitney Houston (musical intelligence) alerted as suspected by a kind librarian that the facility would be closing early for the pending holiday I gave thanks for the work accomplished. As I gazed into an unplanned evening the radio upon ignition KOOL 105.1 KXKL-FM reminded me No matter what your friends try to tell ya We were made to fall in love And we will be together, any kind of weather It’s like that, it’s like that   Every little step I take You will be there Every little step I make We’ll be together!!!

City of Angels Better Man Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth Origin by Dan Brown 30% OFF LIST PRICE $22.39 USD a novel idea…

On This Day – 24 November 2017

May the whole groundBecome completely pure,

As level as the palm of a hand,And as smooth as a lapis lazuli.

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I and all sentient beings, until we achieve enlightenment,Go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but do not have love, I have become a clanging gong or a clashing cymbal. 2  And if I have the gift of prophecy and understand all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, + and if I have all the faith so as to move *  mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. * +  3 And if I give all my belongings to feed others, + and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, + I do not benefit at all.

8 Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. +

Transitive Property of Equality: If a = b and b = c then a = c. One of the equivalence properties of equality. Note: This is a property of equality and inequalities.

Collective consciousness (French: conscience collective) is the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying   force within society. The lotus is the flower, whose petals open one by one, only growing in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud, the obstacles of life and its suffering. The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life.

Why She Disappeared

PROVERB: People long to be at home; Your home is whatever place you long to be. “Home is where the heart  is!” Your home will always be the place for which you feel the deepest affection, no matter where you are…




Humbly I prostrate supreme sublime:

1. Vipassī  (the 998th Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)2. Sikhī  (the 999th Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)3. Vessabhū  (the 1000th and final Buddha of the vyuhakalpa)4. Kakusandha  (the first Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)5. Koṇāgamana  (the second Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)6. Kassapa  (the third Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)7. Gautama  (the fourth and present Buddha of the bhadrakalpa)

The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha[s’] teachings, though they leave much left unexplained. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

Feel Me Flow Sailing Hear the sirens. Hear the sirens. Hear the sirens, Hear the circus so profound. I hear the sirens More and more in this here town…Ready For It? 

27  For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the presence * of the Son of man will be. + 

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Suggestions: Chickens, Farm, Anime.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso teaches How To Understand The Mind – The Nature And Power Of The Mind are three (3) types of sense of shame:

1. Sense of shame that restrains us from appropriate bodily actions,2. Sense of shame that restrains us from inappropriate verbal actions3. [and,] Sense of shame that restrains us from inappropriate mental actions[.]

Whereas guilt is the fact of having committed a specified or implied offense or crime.

“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart.The really great [wo/men] must, I think, have great sadness on earth.“

~Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment


Buttercup: You mock my pain.

Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

Miracle Max: Get back, witch.

Valerie: I’m not a witch, I’m your wife. But after what you just said, I’m not even sure I want to be that any more.

Westley: Hear   this now : I will always come for you.

Buttercup: But how can you be sure?

Westley: This is  true love – you think this happens every day?

Inigo Montoya: Who are you?

Man in Black: No one of consequence.

Inigo Montoya:  I must know…

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Man in Black: Get used to disappointment.

Inigo Montoya: ‘kay.

Inigo Montoya: Is very strange. I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it’s over, I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life.

Westley: Have you ever considered piracy? You’d make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts.

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In Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life Shantideva says:

There is no evil greater than anger,And no virtue greater than patience.

8 You too exercise patience; + make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close[r]. +

The philosopher is in  love with truth, that is, not with the changing world of sensation, which is the object of opinion, but with the unchanging realitywhich is the object of knowledge.


In Sutra teachings, Buddha says:

In this impure life of saṃsāraNo one experiences real happiness;

The actions they performWill always be the causes of suffering.


Angel Number 158 is a blend of the attributes and energies of number “1“, the vibrations of number “5“ and the energies of number “8“. Number “1“ resonates with creativity and initiative, new beginnings, self-reliance and tenacity, striving towards achieving success and attainment. Number 1 reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 5 adds its vibrations of major changes, versatilityand adaptability, inspiration, motivation and activity, making positive life choices and decisions that suit who you truly are, and personal freedom. Number 8 relates to the vibrations of manifesting wealth and abundance, material and monetary

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mastery, income and finance, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom and serving humanity.

Number 8 is also the number of Karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of   Cause and Effect .

Number 158 relates to number 5 (1+5+8 = 14, 1+4 = 5) and Angel Number 5.

As Shantideva says:

The suffering I experienceDoes not harm others,But I find it hard to bear

Because I cherish myself.

Likewise, the suffering of othersDoes not harm me,

But, if I cherish others,I will find their suffering hard to bear.

The object of knowledge is what exists and its function to know about reality. 


Suggestions: Parenting, Hiking, Craft Beer.



ADVICE FROM ATISHAS’ HEARTWhen Venerable Atisha came to Tibet he first went to Ngari, where he remained for two years giving many teachings to the disciples of Jangchub Ö.

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After two years had passed he decided to return to India, and Jangchub Ö requested him to give one last teaching before he left.

Atisha replied that he had already given them all the advice they needed, but Jangchub Ö persisted in his request and so Atisha accepted and gave the following advice.

How wonderful!

Friends, since you already have great knowledge and clear understanding, whereas I am of no importance and have little wisdom,  it is not suitable for you to request advice from me. However because you dear friends, whom I cherish from my heart, have requested me, I shall give you this essential advice from my inferior and childish mind.

Friends, until you attain enlightenment the Spiritual Teacher is indispensable,  therefore rely upon the holy Spiritual Guide.

Until you realize ultimate truth,  listening is indispensable,  therefore listen to the instructions of the Spiritual Guide.

Since you cannot become a Buddha merely by understanding Dharma, practise earnestly with understanding.

Avoid places that disturb your mind, and always remain where your virtues increase.

Until you attain stable realizations, worldly amusements are harmful, therefore abide in a place where there are no such distractions.

Avoid friends who cause you to increase delusions, and rely upon those who increase your virtue. This you should take to heart.

Since there is never a time when worldly activities come to an end,  limit your activities.

Dedicate your virtues throughout the day and the night, and always watch your mind.

Because you have received advice, whenever you are not meditating always practise in accordance with what your Spiritual Guide says.

If you practise with great devotion, results will arise immediately, without your having to wait for a long time.

If from your heart you practise in accordance with Dharma, both food and resources will come naturally to hand.

Friends, the things you desire give no more satisfaction than drinking sea water, therefore practise contentment.

Avoid all haughty, conceited, proud and arrogant minds, and remain peaceful and subdued.

Avoid activities that are said to be meritorious, but which in fact are obstacles to Dharma.

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Profit and respect are nooses of the maras, so brush them aside like stones on the path.

Words of praise and fame serve only to beguile us,  therefore blow them away as you would blow your nose.

Since the happiness, pleasure and friends you gather in this life last only for a moment, put them all behind you.

Since future lives last for a very long time, gather up riches to provide for the future.

You will have to depart leaving everything behind, so do not be attached to anything.

Generate compassion for lowly beings, and especially avoid despising or humiliating them.

Have no hatred for enemies, and no attachment for friends.

Do not be jealous of others’ good qualities, but out of admiration adopt them yourself.

Do not look for faults in others, but look for faults in yourself, and purge them like bad blood.

Do not contemplate your own good qualities, but contemplate the good qualities of others, and respect everyone as a servant would.

See all living beings as your father or mother, and love them as if you were their child.

Always keep a smiling face and a loving mind, and speak truthfully without malice.

If you talk too much with little meaning you will make mistakes,  therefore speak in moderation, only when necessary.

If you engage in many meaningless activities your virtuous activities will degenerate,  therefore stop activities that are not spiritual.

It is completely meaningless to put effort into activities that have no essence.

If the things you desire do not come it is due to karma created long ago,  therefore keep a happy and relaxed mind.

Beware, offending a holy being is worse than dying,  therefore be honest and straightforward.

Since all the happiness and suffering of this life arise from previous actions, do not blame others.

All happiness comes from the blessings of your Spiritual Guide,  therefore always repay his kindness.

Since you cannot tame the minds of others until you have tamed your own, begin by taming your own mind.

Since you will definitely have to depart without the wealth you have accumulated, do not accumulate negativity for the sake of wealth.

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Distracting enjoyments have no essence,  therefore sincerely practise giving.

Always keep pure moral discipline for it leads to beauty in this life and happiness hereafter.

Since hatred is rife in these impure times, don the armour of patience,  free from anger.

You remain in saṃsāra through the power of laziness,  therefore ignite the fire of the effort of application.

Since this human life is wasted by indulging in distractions, now is the time to practise concentration.

Being under the influence of wrong views you do not realize the ultimate nature of things,  therefore investigate correct meanings.

Friends,  there is no happiness in this swamp of saṃsāra, so move to the firm ground of liberation.

Meditate according to the advice of your Spiritual Guide and dry up the river of saṃsāric suffering.

You should consider this well because it is not just words from the mouth, but sincere advice from the heart.

If you practise like this you will delight me, and you will bring happiness to yourself and others.

I who am ignorant request you to take this advice to heart.

Positive Attributes: Unconditional love, Balance and Harmony, Home and Family, Domesticity, Parenthood, Guardianship, Service to Others,Selflessness, Responsibility, Nurturing, Care, Empathy and Sympathy, Self-sacrifice, Humanitarianism, the ability to Compromise, Emotional Depth,Honesty and Integrity, Adjustment, Stability, Poise, Protection, Firmness, Healing, Idealism, Just and Justice, Conscientiousness, Burden-fearing,Solution-finding, Problem-solving, Seeing clearly, Teaching, Convention, Curiosity, Peace and Peacefulness, Circulation, Grace and Dignity,Simplicity, Reliability, Material needs and Economy, Providing and Provision, Agriculture and Growth, Musical Talent.

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Lonesome LozerThis WordPress.com site is the cat’s pajamasSkip to content




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On This Day – 25 November 20171 Reply

RED: 1225049228

A weatherman finds himself inexplicably living the same day over and over again?

Phil: I’m a god.Rita: You’re God?Phil: I’m a god.  I’m not *the* God… I don’t think. 

Auspiciously this very morning my first song with our early morning vibrant sun was Little Red Corvette Prince Rogers Nelson KOOL 105.1   KXKL-FM  and upon ejection fore too write I Don’t Wanna Live For Ever Mix 100.3   KIMN-FM …Ready For It?

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Extracted from Transform Your Life by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso:

Many people believe that when the body disintegrates at death, the continuum of the mind ceases and the mind becomes non-existent, like a candle flame going out when all the wax has burned.

18 [Yet] the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight. +

There are even some people who contemplate committing suicide in the hope that if they die their problems and sufferings will come to an end. These ideas, however, are completely wrong. Gyatso.

She comes down from Yellow MountainOn a dark, flat land she rides

On a pony she named WildfireWith a whirlwind by her sideOn a cold Nebraska night

(Ho!) I’ve been trying to do it right(Hey!) I’ve been living a lonely life

(Ho!) I’ve been sleeping here instead(Hey!) I’ve been sleeping in my bed,

(Ho!) Sleeping in my bed(Hey!)

Oh, a storm is threat’ningMy very life today

If I don’t get some shelterOh yeah, I’m gonna fade away

War, children, it’s just a shot awayIt’s just a shot away

War, children, it’s just a shot awayIt’s just a shot away

Om Mani Padme Hum…

We’re all bored, we’re all so tired of everythingWe wait for  trains that just aren’t comingWe show off our different scarlet letters—

Trust me, mine is betterWithout  love

Where would you be nowWithout  love

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Marry that girlMarry her anyway

Marry that girlYeah, no matter what you say

Marry that girlAnd we’ll be a familyWhy you gotta be so

RudeI and all sentient beings, until we achieve enlightenment, 

Go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. 

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Through the virtues I collect by giving and other perfections,May I become a Buddha for the benefit of all.

NAMO Guru, Teacher, Blessed One, and the Great Mother Prajñāpāramitā,Surrounded by your Sons, the Buddhas of the ten directions and all the Bodhisattvas;

I Prostrate to this assembly, make offerings and go for refuge,Please empower me with your blessings.

Homage to the perfection of wisdom, the Blessid Mother.

Śūraṅgama Sūtra  the Buddha teases:

When unseeing, why do you not see the unseeing? If you see the unseeing, it is no longer unseeing. If you do not see the unseeing, it is not an object. 

Why isn’t it yourself?

Extracted from Transform Your Life by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso:

Emptiness is not nothingness, but is the real nature of phenomena. Ultimate truth, emptiness, and ultimate nature of phenomena are the same.

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We should know that all our problems arise because we do not realize ultimate truth. The reason we remain in samsara[s‘] prison is that due to our delusions we continue to engage in contaminated actions. All our delusions stem from self–grasping ignorance.

Self–grasping ignorance is the source of all our negativity and problems, and the only way to eradicate it is to realize emptiness. Emptiness is not easy to understand, but it is extremely important that we make the effort. Ultimately our efforts will be rewarded by the permanent cessation of all suffering and the everlasting bliss of full enlightenment.

The purpose of understanding and meditating on emptiness is to release our mind from wrong conceptions and mistaken appearances so that we shall become a completely pure, or enlightened, being.

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17 And the spirit and the bride + keep on saying, “Come!“ and let anyone hearing say, “Come!“ and let anyone thirsting come; + let anyone who wishes take life’s water free. +

Baby, we’re the new romanticsCome on, come along with me

Heart break is the national anthemWe sing it proudly

We are too busy dancingTo get knocked off our feet

Baby, we’re the new romanticsThe best people in life are free

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Come on, come along with meWe sing it proudly

We are too busy dancingTo get knocked off our feet

Baby, we’re the new romanticsThe best people in life are free

May all the harm of maras, non-humans, and so forth be overcome.

May they become non-existent.

May they be pacified.

May the be thoroughly pacified.

Suggestions: DIY, Groovy, Sous vide.

RED: 1225046372

9  But just as it is written: “Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who  love him.” + 10  For it is to us God has revealed them + through his spirit, + for the spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God. +

The word “thousand“ appears 521 times in the King James Version Bible. Below are some Bible passages that include the number 1,000:

Psalms 90:4 (KJV) – “For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past,” Ecclesiastes 6:6 (KJV) – “Yea, though he live a thousand years *twice told, yet hath he seen

no good: do not all go to one place 10  That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head, because of

the angels. + (cf. KJV: For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels)

*Déjà vu

Angel Number 1,000 encourages you to look to new beginnings and the start of a new cycle or phase in your life with optimism and enthusiasm. These new opportunities will bring you much happiness and fulfillment as it will see you in a position to use your personal skills and talents to your advantage.

Number “1000” also relates to number 1 (1+0+0+0 = 1) and Angel Number 1.

Suggestions: Garden, Vegan, Writing.

RED: 1225047605

32 and you will know the truth, + and the truth will set you free.” +    

Suggestions: Sous vide, Overwatch, Funny.

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On This Day – 25 November 2017


Rita: Do you every have déjà vu?Phil: Didn’t you just ask me that?

Neo: Whoa. Déjà vu.

[Everyone freezes right in their tracks]

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Trinity: What did you just say?

Neo: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu.

Trinity: What did you see?

Cypher: What happened?

Neo: A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it.

Trinity: How much like it? Was it the same cat?

Neo: It might have been. I‘m not sure.

Morpheus: Switch! Apoc!

Neo: What is it?

Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.


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14 Pursue love, yet keep striving for * the spiritual gifts, but preferably that you may prophesy. + 2  For the one who speaks in a tongue speaks, not to men, but to God, for no one listens, + [yet] he speaks sacred secrets + by the spirit.

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On This Day – 26 November 20171 Reply

#13 WHITE: 122504698

Bout’ On This Day – 25 November   2017  the unfeeling kiss silent meditation conceptual mind early to sleep a precious lotus jeweled dream Taylor Alison Swift unknown public venue, randoms and a shiny wooden knee wall in the shape of a triangle our base to my right you are linear golden ratio I am walking too approach. Alive I sprung-up equipped for Buttercups’ morning ride drifting back too slumber somewhere around six (6) shrouded in darkness.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso via Twitter [URL ending “72“] 9:21 AM – 24 May 2017:

When we are dreaming,  the world of our dreams seems as real as our waking world.

Rising later after silent meditation around nine (9) MST I perused the internet news and watched Wild Kingdom upon ignition The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) 103.5 The Fox KRFX-

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FM…Ready For It? Woke up to the sound of pouring rain The wind would whisper and I’d think of you And all the tears you cried – they called my name And when you needed me I came through! BLIND FOR LOVE Little child Dry your crying eyes How can I explain The fear you feel inside ‘Cause you were born Into this evil world Where man is killing man And no one knows just why!! Pride!!!

After me morning soak and such my second ignition I Believe 10:30 AM MST KOOL 105.1   KXKL- FM You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) (Murder Mix)!!!

German efficiency as maximizing writing time a journey #13 clover leaf merge DISC On Purpose Swift Transportation #080129 and upon ejection fore too write 95.7 The Party – Denver’s #1 Hit Music Station   KPTT-FM  beauTAYful Endgame… 

Liberating Prayer


O Blessed One, Shakyamuni Buddha,Precious treasury of compassion,Bestower of supreme inner peace,

You, who love all beings without exception,Are the source of happiness and goodness;

And you guide us to the liberating path.

Your body a wishfulfilling jewel,Your speech is supreme, purifying nectar,

And your mind is refuge for all living beings.

With folded hands I turn to you,Supreme unchanging friend,

I request from the depths of my heart:

Please give me the  light of your wisdom [Too] dispel the darkness of my mindAnd [too] heal my mental continuum.

Please nourish me with your goodness,That I [in-turn] may nourish all beingsWith an unceasing banquet of delight.

Through your compassionate intention,Your blessings and virtuous deeds,

And my strong wish to rely upon you,

May all suffering [swiftly] ceaseAnd all happiness and joy be fulfilled;

And may holy Dharma flourish for evermore.May everyone be happy,May everyone be free from misery,

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May no one ever be separated by their happiness,May everyone have equanimity, free from hatred and attachment.

On This Day – 26 November 2017

Suggestions: Community Pool, Delicious, Travel Backpacks.

From the hearts of all the holy beings, streams of  light and nectar  flow down, granting blessings and purifying.





As Nagarjuna says in Commentary on Bodhichitta:

Even if we are not able to help others directlyWe Should still try to develop to this intention a beneficial intention.If we develop this intention more and more strongly,We will naturally find ways to help others.

Cut the root of suffering

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Doctor Hunter S. Thompson:

The Edge… there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. 

How To Understand The Mind – The Nature And Power Of The Mind Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Meditation On Cherishing All Living Beings from the heart we should think:

Just as all the Buddhas of the ten directions changed the object of their cherishing from themselves to all  living beings and as the result attained the supreme happiness of enlightenment, so must I do the same. Thinking in this way I generate the belief that the happiness and freedom of all other living beings are more important than my own.

Meditation On Universal Compassion (ibid.):

The object of this meditation is our determination to liberate all  living beings from suffering permanently. We should learn to develop this determination through contemplating the above explanation of the purpose of this mediation. When through this contemplation a firm determination to liberate all  living beings from suffering permanently develops in our heart, we have found the object of this mediation. 

The purpose of this [Meditation On Karma (ibid.)] is to prevent future suffering and to build the basic   foundation  for the path to liberation and enlightenment.

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Whenever we perform virtuous actions such as meditation or other spiritual practices we should have the following mental determination:

While riding the horse of virtuous actionsI will guide it into the path of liberation with the reins of renunciation;And through urging this horse onward with the whip of effort,I will [swiftly] reach the Pure Land of  liberation and enlightenment.

In Sutra of the Four Noble Truths Buddha says, “You should know sufferings.” (Ibid.) The great Yogi Milarepa once said to a hunter called Gonpo Dorje:

Your body is human but your mind is that of an animal.You, a human being, who possess and animal[s‘] mind, please listen to my song.

Meditation On Death (ibid.) purpose is to prevent laziness of attachment, the main obstacle to Dharma practice. Because our desire for worldly enjoyment is so strong, we have little or no interest in Dharma practice.

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Our death is the permanent separation of our body and mind. We may experience many temporary separations of our body and mind, but these are not our death.

We contemplate and think:

I will definitely die. There is no way to prevent my body from finally decaying. Day by day, moment by moment, my life  is slipping away away.  I have no idea when I will die;  the time of death before their parents, some die the moment they are born – there is no certainty in this world. Furthermore,there are so many causes of untimely death. The lives of many strong and healthy people are destroyed by accidents. There is no guarantee that  Iwill not die today.

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This entry was posted in Taylor Alison Swift, Taylor Swift, Uncategorized and tagged "Hook Me Up", #3VOLution, #beauTAYful, #Safety, 'N

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,  Soothing Wind Chime,  Virtual Candle: Close Up Candle with Soft Crackling Fire Sounds

(Full HD) ,  Virtual Candle: Close Up Candle ,  Virtual Candles: Relaxing Burning Tea

Lights,  Virtual Candles: Relaxing Burning Tea Lights with Soothing Wind Chimes (HD), Earth, Earth Wind & Fire, Ed Decter, Ed Sheeran, Education, Eliza Dushku, Encore, End Games, England, Enjoy The Silence, Enjoy The Silence (Ricki Tik Tik Mix), enlightenment, Este Haim, Everyday Love, EVOLution, Extended Zephyr Mix, 超級男孩, Faith, Family, fatHER, Fearless, Federal Law, Fibonacci Sequence, Fifth Dimension, Fifty Shades Darker, Florida Georgia Line, Follow The Rabbit, Forgiveness, Four Noble Truths, France, Free, Free Press, Free Speech, Freedom, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freewill, From This Moment On, Full HD, Funk, Future, Games, GAV, Geometry, Germany, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Glide with Me, God, Godspell, Godspell (The 40th Anniversary Celebration), Godspell Ensemble, Golden Mean, Golden Ratio, Golden Section, Golden Spiral, Gonpo Dorje, Gonzo, Gonzo Avenger, Gonzo Avenger Journalist, Gonzo Avenger Journo, Gonzo Journalism, Gonzo journo, Goo Goo Dolls, Good News, Good Times, Good Will Hunting, Grace, Greece, H.O.L.Y., Haim, Hallelujah, Hatred, Health, Heart, Help, Hey Girl (This Is Our Time), Hey Soul Sister, History, Hollywood, Hollywood Records, Holy, Home, Hope, How You Get The Girl, Human Beings, Human Nature, Human Rights, Humanbeing, Hunter S. Thompson, I Believe, I Can Dream About You, I Can Dream About You (12" Extended ) (Vinyl), I Can Love You Like That, I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker), I Love You, I Remember You, Ignorance, iHeart, iHEART RADIO, Imagine, IMDB, In The Name of Love, In Your Room, In Your Room (Extended Zephyr Mix), Invent Your Adventure, Island, Jim Brickman, Journey, Joy, Justice, Justin Bieber, K-Ci & JoJo, Karma, Keep Swinging, Kiss, KOOL 105.1, KOOL 105.1 KXKL-FM, KRFX-FM, KXKL-FM, Las Vegas, Law, Law of One, Laziness, Laziness of Attachment, Leaf, Let It Whip, Let The Games Begin, Let's Groove, Lettuce Duet, Liberating Prayer, Liberation, Life, Lifted, Light My Fire, Lightning, Like a Record, Lil Wayne, Logic, LOGOLOGY, Lone Tree, Look What You Made Me Do, Lotus, Love, Love Always, Love Story, Love Train, Loving Kindness, Lyle Lovett, Magic, MAHA

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SAMAYA SIDDHI BHARA BHARA, Mahalo, MAITRI AVALOKITE KARA KARA, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Maroon 5, Marry Me, Math, Mathematics, Matrix, Meditation, Meditation On Cherishing All Living Beings, Meditation On Death, Meditation On Karma, Meditation On Universal Compassion, Meow, Merger, Middle, Mind, Mojo, motHER, Murder Mix, Music, Music From The Motion Picture, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Nagarjuna, NAMO BHAGAVATE SHAKYAMUNIYE TATHAGATAYA ARHATE SAMYAKSAM BUDDHAYA, NAMO RATNA TRAYAYA, Nautilus Shell, Neo-Phi-tes, New Leaf, New Order, New York, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, No Fear, Norman Greenbaum, Nsync, Official Movie Soundtrack, Official Video, On Purpose, On Purpose (Official Video), One, One Chance, Opt Outside, Original Cast Recording, Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album, Paradise, Path Of Liberation, Peace, People, Phi, Philosophy, Pi, Pieces Of Eight, Pig Tailors, Pinball Wizard, Poetry, Post-disco, Power, PRAISE TO BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI, Prayer, Prestige Worldwide, Pride, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Psi Chi, Psychology, Psychology Today, Pure, Purity, Purpose, Quavo, Ra, Rabbit Hole, Radio Station, Randy Waldman, Rat, Reason, Recreational Mathmatics, Red, Refuge, Religion, Renegade, rep, Reputation, Retrospective, Retrospective I, Retrospective I (1974-1980), Ricki Tik Tik Mix, Riders on the Storm, Robin Lamont, Rock-OUT-with-YOUR-Kindness-OUT!, Rolling Stone, Root, ROYKO, Run Away, Rush, Saṃsāra, Sabrina Ann Lynn Carpenter, Sabrina Carpenter, Sangha, Save the Humans, Save The Redwoods, School of Rock, Schwartz, Science, Shania Twain, She-Ra, Shep Pettibone 12" Remix, Silent Meditation, Singles, Sister, Skid Row, Slide, Slithering Snake, Snake, Soothing Wind Chimes, Soundtrack, Speak Meow, Speak Now, Spiral, Spirit In the Sky, Spirit of 1776, Spirit of 76', Spirituality, SR-71, State Law, Station, Stephen Schwartz, Streets Of Fire, Style, Styx, Sublime, Suffering, Supreme Court, Swift Transportation, Swiftwind, Tabby, Tailored for Now, Tay Tay, Taylor Alison Kingsly Swift, Taylor Alison Swift, Taylor Swift, Taywil, Team, Teffy, Ten, Thank You, Thanx, Thats My Park, The 40th Anniversary Celebration, the best of SKID ROW, The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over., The End, The Four Noble Truths, The Fox, The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?), The Golden Section, The Good News, The Grand Illusion, The Law of One, The Matrix, The New Guy, The New Guy - Music From The Motion Picture, The Princess Bride, The Roaring Silence, The Singles, The Spirit Of Radio, The Three Jewels, The Three Poisons, The Unfeeling Kiss, The Unforgettable Fire, The Way, Think, This Is What You Came For, This Love, This Way, This   WordPress.com   site is the cat’s pajamas , Three Jewels, Three Poisons, Thunder, Thunderstruck, Tikki Tikki Tembo, Tilted Stage, Time, TLC, To The Other Side, Train, Transference of Consciouness, Travel Backpacks, Triangle, Trinity, True Love, True Romance, Trust, TS1989, Twitter, U2, Ubuntu, Uncategorized, United States, URL, V, Venerable   Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Vevo, Vinyl, Wander, Wanderer, Want You Back, Want You Back (Official Video), WB1972, Web, Welcome To New York, When The Children Cry, White Lion, Wholehearted, Wholeheartedly, Wholesome, Wiki, Wikipedia, Wild Kingdom, Wildest Dream, Wildest Dreams, William Bramsche, William Bramscher, William Robert "Billy bob" Bramscher, William Robert Bramsche, William Robert Bramscher, Winner Winner Chicken Finger Dinner, Wobble, World War Free, Wunderlust, X, Yes, Yoga, Yogi Milarepa, You should know sufferings., You Spin Me Round, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) (Murder Mix), YOUTUBE, ZAYN, [Don't Fear] The Reaper, [God Must Have Spent] A Little More Time On You, [I Just] Died in Your Arms