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Page 1: Web viewWe, the Democrats of the City of Roanoke, united in common purpose, hereby dedicate ourselves to the principles that have sustained our Party historically

BY-LAWS of the


of the


By-Laws adopted February 26, 2009Amended October 15, 2009

Amended November 17, 2011

Page 2: Web viewWe, the Democrats of the City of Roanoke, united in common purpose, hereby dedicate ourselves to the principles that have sustained our Party historically

(Amended _____, 2017)

Table of Contents

Preamble..........................................................................................................................................1Article 1: The Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke.......................................................1Article 2: Members of the Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke.............................................1Article 3: Full Participation, Outreach and Registration.................................................................2Article 4: By-Laws of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke....................................2Article 5: Authority and Duties of the City Committee..................................................................3Article 6: Election of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke.....................................4Article 7: Election of Executive Officers........................................................................................5Article 8: Powers and Duties of Executive Officers........................................................................6Article 9: Ex-Officio Members........................................................................................................8Article 10 11: Convening of Committee Meetings.........................................................................8Article 11 12: Quorum Requirements..............................................................................................9Article 12 13: Permanent Committees of the City Committee........................................................9Article 13 14: Dues of the City Committee...................................................................................11Article 14 15: Vacancies................................................................................................................12Article 15 16: Disciplinary Actions and Appeals..........................................................................13Article 16 17: Caucuses and Conventions.....................................................................................14Article 17 18: State Conventions...................................................................................................19Article 18 19: Primaries.................................................................................................................19Article 19 20: Notice Requirements..............................................................................................20Article 20 21: General Provisions..................................................................................................21Article 21 22: Districts of the City Committee..............................................................................22(Add new Article 10: Associate Members)

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We, the Democrats of the City of Roanoke, united in common purpose, hereby dedicate ourselves to the principles that have sustained our Party historically. Recognizing that the vitality of the City’s political institutions has been the foundation of its enduring strength, we acknowledge that a political party that wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead, a party that asks for the people’s trust must prove that it trusts the people, and a party that hopes to call forth the best the City can achieve must embody the best of the City’s heritage and traditions. What we seek for our City, we hope for all people: individual freedom in the framework of a just society, and political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens. Aware that a party must be responsive to be worthy of responsibility, we pledge ourselves to open, honest endeavor and to the conduct of public affairs in a manner worthy of a society of free people. For these ends and upon these principles, we do establish and adopt these By-Laws of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke (City Committee).

Article 1: The Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke

1.1 Statement of PrincipleThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke endorses the principles contained in the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, bound always by the Constitutions of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia.

1.2 Cooperation with the Democratic Party of VirginiaThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke pledges full cooperation with all rules and requirements promulgated in connection with any Call to the Democratic State Convention or Democratic Party Conference. This pledge is made to both the substance and to the spirit of the Call.

1.3 Statement of PurposeThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke exists to facilitate and encourage the full participation of all Democrats in the City of Roanoke in choosing their elected officials and controlling their political destiny. It is dedicated to the preservation of all the rights enumerated in Article One of the Constitution of Virginia. The Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke exercises full equality with Democratic committees in other Virginia localities in controlling the activities and establishing the principles of the Democratic Party of Virginia.

Article 2: Members of the Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke

2.1 MembershipAll registered voters of the City of Roanoke who believe in the principles of the Democratic Party are hereby declared to be members of the Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke.

2.2 QualificationAll members of the Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke who participate as candidates or voters in a Democratic primary, caucus, or convention must be qualified to vote in the next ensuing general election or special election.


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2.3 ParticipationNo person shall participate in a Democratic primary, caucus, or convention who intends to support a candidate or candidates opposed to any Democratic nominee or nominees in the next ensuing general or special election.

Article 3: Full Participation, Outreach and Registration

3.1 Full ParticipationDiscrimination against any individual or group is prohibited in the conduct of Democratic Party affairs to the end that the Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke be an open party.

3.2 OutreachIn order to encourage full participation by all members of the Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke in all Party affairs as defined in these Bylaws, the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke, through its Nominations and Elections Committee, shall develop and implement an outreach program. The goal of this program shall be to encourage participation by all City Democrats in delegate selection processes, elections, and all Party affairs, as defined in these By-Laws.

3.3 RegistrationThe Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke supports the broadest possible registration of voters without discrimination on the basis of sex, age (if of voting age), color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, or disability.

Article 4: By-Laws of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke

4.1 Title and AuthorityThis document shall be known as the By-Laws of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke. This document, combined with whatever additional amendments that the City Committee shall see fit to adopt, shall govern the conduct of all affairs of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke. This document shall yield its authority over such Party affairs only when in conflict with the Party Plan of the Democratic Party of Virginia or with any laws of the governments of the City of Roanoke, the Commonwealth of Virginia, or the United States of America. These By-Laws shall be submitted to State Party headquarters for review as to form and consistency with the Virginia Democratic Party Plan within fourteen (14) days of their approval by the City Committee.

4.2 AvailabilityThe Committee Secretary shall provide copies of these By-Laws to the members of the City Committee upon request.

4.3 AmendmentsThis document may be amended only if all of the following conditions are observed:a) any proposed amendment shall be introduced at a regular meeting of the City Committee;b) no vote to approve or disapprove the proposed amendment may be held until the next or a

subsequent regular meeting of the City Committee;c) the required quorum percentage is observed; and


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d) the proposed amendment carries by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present and voting.

Article 5: Authority and Duties of the City Committee

5.1 NominationsThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall have charge of the nomination of the candidates of the Democratic Party in the City of Roanoke and it shall regulate and direct the same.

5.2 ElectionsThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall have responsibility for the Democratic Party’s interest in all general and special elections within the City.

5.3 Registration of Voters, Organization and AidIt shall be the duty of the City Committee, and the duty of each officer and member thereof, to attend to the registration of voters, to perfect the Democratic organization within the City, and to do all within their power to aid in the victory of the Democratic Party’s nominees in all elections. No City Committee officer or member shall publicly support, endorse, or assist any candidate opposed to a nominee of the Democratic Party.

5.4 Limitation on Requirement to SupportNo member of the City Committee is required to support any candidate who, himself or herself, publicly is supporting a candidate other than the Democratic nominee for public office in any general or special election.

5.5 Method of Nomination, Filing FeesThe City Committee shall prescribe whether the nomination of a Democratic candidate or candidates for any public office, other than the re-nomination of an incumbent member of the General Assembly or a nomination for Democratic Party of Virginia office, shall be by the method of assembled or unassembled caucus, convention, or primary. The City Committee shall determine the amount, if any, of filing fees to be paid by candidates for nomination by caucus or convention.

5.6 Rights of IncumbentsNotwithstanding Article 5, Section 5.5, any incumbent holding a particular public office who was elected as a Democrat, or who has been elected to membership in the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke subsequent to election to public office, shall have the right to compel the method of Party nomination of his or her choice for the particular public office. In the event that multiple incumbents holding the same office cannot agree on the method of nomination, the nominations shall be determined by a primary, which is the method most likely to allow the greatest number of voters to participate.

5.7 Election of Delegates and AlternatesIn the election of delegates and alternates to any City, District, or State Convention, it shall be the duty of the City Committee to prescribe whether such election shall be by precinct, district, or at-large citywide. The City Committee shall then decide how many delegates and alternates are to be elected from each precinct or district. This allocation of delegates and alternates shall be determined by a formula based equitably upon one of the following three methods:a) population;


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b) Democratic voting strength; orc) a combination of the two.

5.8 State DuesThe City Committee shall be responsible for paying the Democratic State Central Committee an annual dues assessment as determined by the State Central Committee.

5.9 AttendanceIt shall be the duty of all members of the City Committee to attend all of its meetings. To have an absence from the City Committee excused, a member must contact an Executive Officer or District Leader with an appropriate explanation. Attendance records shall be maintained by the chair of the membership committee.

Article 6: Election of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke

6.1 Biennial ReorganizationThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall be reorganized and elected by the members of the Democratic Party of the City of Roanoke at an assembled caucus (mass meeting) held during the period between the first Saturday in December of odd-numbered years and the second Wednesday of the following January, inclusive. This meeting shall be held either on a weekday evening or on a Saturday. The date for this biennial reorganization meeting must be determined by the City Committee and communicated to the Democratic Party of Virginia by November 1 of each odd-numbered year. The Chair of the City Committee, or the designee of the Chair, shall serve as Temporary Chair. The Temporary Secretary of the caucus shall be chosen by the Temporary Chair. The first order of business shall be the election of a Permanent Chair and Secretary for the caucus. The election of City Committee members shall take place as outlined in the following sections of this Article.

6.2 Election of District LeadersThe Democratic voters of a given district shall caucus at the appointed time and shall first elect a District Leader by a simple majority vote. Each District Leader must be a resident of the respective district, and only the Democratic voters residing within a given district may vote for their District Leader.

6.3 Election of Precinct CaptainsThe Democratic voters of the district shall then caucus by precincts and elect Precinct Captains by a simple majority vote. Each Precinct Captain must be a resident of the respective precinct, and only the Democratic voters residing within a given precinct may vote for their Precinct Captain.

6.4 Election of District-at-Large MembersThe Democratic voters in their given district shall then reassemble to elect the number of District-at-Large members entitled to them under the most recently amended version of these By-Laws by a simple majority vote. The Democratic voters in a given district should try to distribute the District-at-Large members as evenly as possible throughout the various precincts composing their district, but District-at-Large members may be elected from any part of the district. Each District-at-Large members elected at the biennial reorganization meeting must be a resident of the respective district, and only the Democratic voters residing within a given district may vote for their District-at-Large members. Election of Assistant Precinct Captains


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The Democratic voters of each precinct shall then elect at least one, but not more than four assistant precinct captains, apportioned to maintain the same ratio of total members to Democratic vote in each District. Each assistant precinct captain must be a resident of the respective precinct and only the Democratic voters residing within a given precinct may vote for their Assistant precinct captains.

6.5 NominationsIndividuals may nominate themselves for election as District Leaders, Precinct Captains or District-at-Large members Assistant Precinct Captains. Nominations do not require a second. A person does not have to be present in order to be elected to a Party office. If any individual is the only person present from a given precinct, that person shall have the power to elect that precinct’s captain and assistant precinct captains, unless the individual so present chooses to delegate this authority to the District Caucus. If a precinct is not represented, the District Caucus may elect said precinct’s captain and assistant precinct captains.

6.6 Failure to Achieve MajorityIf no nominee for a District Leader, Precinct Captain, or District-at-Large Assistant Precinct Captain member receives a majority of the votes cast, the nominee who has received the fewest number of votes shall be eliminated, and the district or precinct voters shall vote for the remaining nominees. If, after three ballots, a precinct cannot achieve a majority for any nominee, the District Caucus shall elect a Precinct Captain for that precinct. If, after three ballots, the District Caucus cannot achieve a majority for any Party office, the full City Committee shall elect the given Party office after the election of Executive Officers under Section 7.2. If, after three ballots, the full City Committee is unable to achieve a majority for any Party office, the vote shall be decided in favor of the individual for whom the new Chair of the Committee voted on the third ballot. The new Chair of the Committee may not abstain on the third ballot.

6.7 Location of CaucusThe District Caucus for each district will be held within one central location as provided by the City Committee in its call notice of the City Committee’s reorganization.

6.8 DutiesAll District Leaders and Precinct Captains, and Assistant Precinct Captains are responsible for the complete year-round operation of their particular districts or precincts. “Complete operation” shall include such projects as telephone and door-to-door canvassing, and voter registration, various election-day activities, and the like. At least 60 days prior to any election, District Leaders and Precinct Captains, and Assistant Precinct Captains shall organize to complete plans for canvassing, staffing polling places, assisting with transportation on election day, communication on election day, and assisting with collection of campaign signs immediately after the election. All District-at-Large members shall assist their District Leaders and Precinct Captains in these and other important functions of the Democratic Party.

6.9 Committee-at-Large MembersUntil the reorganization meeting for the 2010-2011 City Committee, the full City Committee may, at its first or succeeding meetings, elect up to twenty-five (25) additional citywide members-at-large to serve on the City Committee. Beginning with the reorganization meeting for the 2010-2011 City Committee, there shall be no citywide members-at-large on


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the City Committee. By majority vote of the Roanoke City Democratic Committee, up to twenty-five (25) at-large citywide committee members may be added to accommodate increased demand for membership.

Article 7: Election of Executive Officers

7.1 Declaration of CommitteeWhen the election of the City’s District Leaders, Precinct Captains, Assistant Precinct Captains, and District-at-Large members is complete, this group, together with the ex-officio members identified in Article 9 of these By-Laws, is thereby declared to be the new Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke. Ex-officio members shall have full voting rights immediately following the election of the City Committee’s District Leaders, Precinct Captains, Assistant Precinct Captains, and District-at-Large members, giving them the right to vote for Executive Officers.

7.2 Election of Executive OfficersThe newly reorganized City Committee shall then proceed to have its first meeting on a date published in a legal call notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the jurisdiction. This meeting shall be opened by the Permanent Chair of the reorganization caucus. If the first meeting is held immediately following adjournment of the caucus to elect committee members, or within seven (7) days thereafter, notice of the meeting shall be included in the public advertisement for the caucus. At this first meeting, the City Committee shall elect its Executive Officers in the following order: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. This shall be the first order of business of the Committee and shall precede all other elections at that meeting. If no nominee for an Executive Office receives a majority of the votes cast, the nominee who has received the fewest number of votes shall be eliminated, and the City Committee members shall vote for the remaining nominees. If, after three ballots, the full City Committee is unable to achieve a majority for any Executive Office, the vote shall be decided in favor of the individual for whom the Permanent Chair of the caucus, elected in accordance with the provisions of Article 6, Section 6.1, voted on the third ballot. The Permanent Chair of the caucus may not abstain on the third ballot. The Permanent Chair of the caucus shall turn over conduct of the meeting and the Democratic Committee at the end of the election of these officers. These newly elected Executive Officers and the District Leaders elected pursuant to Section 6.2 shall constitute the Executive Committee. They shall have full voting rights on the City Committee as soon as they are elected. There shall be no requirement of any City Democratic voter to be first elected to the City Committee in order to be elected an Executive Officer or elected to any other Party post.

Article 8: Powers and Duties of Executive Officers

8.1 ChairThe powers and duties of the Chair of the City Committee shall be as follows:a) the power to appoint and discharge all temporary committees and the power to delegate

this authority to appoint and discharge to others as deemed appropriate;b) the power to convene and chair all City Committee meetings;c) the power to convene and chair all meetings of the Executive Committee;


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d) the power to delegate any duty or power of the Chair under these By-Laws to any other Executive Officer, City Committee member, or permanent or temporary committee created or authorized under the provisions of these By-Laws;

e) the duty to ensure that all deadlines and filing requirements established by the Democratic Party of Virginia, the Democratic National Committee, and the election statutes of the Code of Virginia, as well as all notice requirements of these By-Laws, are met;

f) the duty to submit a copy of these By-Laws to the State Headquarters of the Democratic Party of Virginia within ninety (90) days of election as chair; and

g) the duty to maintain all appropriate records and materials pertinent to the office of Chair and to transmit such records and materials to the succeeding Chair.

8.2 Vice Chair The Vice Chair shall temporarily assume all powers and responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of, or at the request of, the Chair.

8.3 SecretaryThe Secretary shall be responsible for notifying Committee members of date, time, and place of City Committee meetings and Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible, under the direction of the Chair, for developing, producing, and distributing an agenda for each City Committee meeting and Executive Committee meeting.  The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes, and any updates or corrections thereto, of all City Committee and Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall produce and distribute copies of these minutes at the next subsequent meeting of the City Committee or Executive Committee, respectively, although the reading of the minutes may be waived by majority vote of the City or Executive Committee. The Secretary shall maintain copies of meeting agendas and minutes, these By-Laws, and the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, and shall make copies available to any committee member upon request. The Secretary shall submit to State Party headquarters within five (5) days of his or her election, the names, addresses, emails and telephone numbers of the officers and members of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke. The Secretary shall submit a list of any changes in the membership of the City Committee to the Democratic Party of Virginia every six (6) months thereafter until the next biennial reorganization. The Secretary shall maintain all appropriate records and materials pertinent to the office of Secretary, including all incoming and outgoing correspondence of the City Committee, and shall transmit such records and materials to the succeeding Secretary.

8.4 TreasurerThe Treasurer shall be responsible for the recordkeeping of all financial affairs of the City Committee. The Treasurer shall be responsible for giving a current statement of the finances of the City Committee at each regular bimonthly meeting. Such financial statement shall include an itemized breakdown of all Committee income and expenditures since the previous regular bimonthly meeting and the current balance of all City Committee bank accounts. The Treasurer shall chair the permanent Finance and Fundraising Committee. The Treasurer shall maintain bank accounts listed in the name of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke as authorized by the City Committee and shall disperse these funds solely in accordance with the wishes of a majority of the members present and voting at a duly convened meeting of the City Committee. The Treasurer shall maintain all appropriate


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records and materials pertinent to the office of Treasurer and shall transmit such records and materials to the succeeding Treasurer.

8.5 Permanent VacancyIn the event that a permanent vacancy occurs for any Executive Office, a new election to fill the vacancy shall be called at the next City Committee meeting following notice of the vacancy given by the ranking member of the Executive Committee to all members of the City Committee.

Article 9: Ex-Officio Members

9.1 Ex-officio MembersThe following shall be ex-officio members of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke:a) all Democrats of the City of Roanoke currently holding public office who ran as

Democrats;b) all members of the appropriate Congressional District Democratic Committee(s) who

reside in the City of Roanoke;c) the immediate Past Chair of the City Committee, if a resident of the City of Roanoke; andd) all members of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Virginia who reside in

the City of Roanoke.9.2 Replacements of Ex-officio Members

Any persons who assume any of the positions listed in Article 9, Section 9.1 shall replace those persons previously serving in those positions.

9.3 Rights and Duties of Ex-officio MembersEx-officio members shall have full voting rights on the City Committee on all matters, including the right to vote at the biennial reorganization meeting, shall have the same responsibilities as all other Committee members, and shall pay dues as established in these By-Laws.

Article 10: Associate Members

10.1 Democratic voters shall be eligible for associate membership on the Roanoke City Democratic Committee.

10.2 Associate membership shall be granted for payment of $10 per biennium to the Treasurer.

10.3 Associate members shall not be eligible to vote on business conducted, nominations, elections or resolutions adopted by the Roanoke City Democratic Committee, but shall have all of the other rights and responsibilities of members enumerated elsewhere in these bylaws.

10.4 Associate members may not serve as officers, District Leaders, Precinct Captains or Assistant Precinct Captains of the Roanoke City Democratic Committee.

Article 10 11: Convening of Committee Meetings


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10.1 11.1 Regular Meetings of the City CommitteeThe City Committee shall conduct regular bimonthly meetings during the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November.

10.2 11.2 Called Meetings of the City CommitteeCalled meetings of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall be scheduled:a) upon the call of the Chair of the Committee; orb) upon the request of at least ten percent (10%) of the membership of the Committee if a

signed call is filed with the Chair at least fifteen (15) days before the proposed meeting date. The Chair is to give at least ten (10) days notice of such meetings to all members of the Committee; or

c) at such times and places as a majority of the Committee’s membership present and voting may determine at a properly convened meeting of the Committee.

10.3 11.3 Meetings of Permanent or Temporary CommitteesAll meetings of permanent or temporary committees of the City Committee shall be scheduled:a) upon call of the chair of the committee; orb) at such times and places as a majority of the committee’s membership may determine.

Article 11 12: Quorum Requirements

11.1 12.1 City Committee Quorum RequirementsIn order for the City Committee to conduct any business, a quorum of thirty percent (30%) of the voting members must be present, except that forty percent (40%) of the voting members must be present before any amendment to these By-Laws shall be brought to a vote. In the absence of a quorum of the City Committee, any business before the Committee other than By-Laws amendments may be transacted by the Executive Committee, provided that the quorum requirement of Section 11.2 12.2 is met.

11.2 12.2 Permanent or Temporary Committee Quorum RequirementThe quorum requirement for any permanent or temporary committee of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall be a majority of the members of said committee may be determined by a majority of the executive committee.

11.3 12.3 Failure to Reach a QuorumAny committee failing to reach its quorum may not conduct any votes.

Article 12 13: Permanent Committees of the City Committee

12.1 13.1 Permanent CommitteesThere shall be five (5) permanent (standing) committees of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke, whose terms shall be for the full two-year term of each City Committee. These permanent committees shall be known as the Executive Committee, the Membership and Programs Committee, the Finance and Fundraising Committee, the Communications and Technology Committee, and the Nominations and Elections Committee.

12.2 13.2 Membership and Duty of the Executive Committee


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The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Executive Officers and District Leaders of the City Committee. The Chair of the City Committee shall chair the Executive Committee. The chief duty of the Executive Committee shall be to advise the Chair on the oversight and direction of the City Committee. District Leaders or their designees shall attend all Executive Committee meetings for the purpose of reporting on the activities of their districts. Chairs of subcommittees shall submit a report orally or in writing to the Executive Committee prior to each Executive Committee meeting, describing the progress of their subcommittees.

12.3 13.3 Emergency Responsibilities of the Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee shall, in cases of extreme emergency, be empowered to transact the business of the City Committee by majority vote of its members, when a timely convening of the full City Committee is viewed as impossible impractical. Such emergency session shall be avoided in all cases, unless a majority of the membership of the Executive Committee shall agree that such session is absolutely unavoidable. In case such emergency session shall be held, the members of the Executive Committee shall be called upon to explain to the full City Committee at its next meeting why such emergency session was justified. The full City Committee at that meeting may reject or sustain the decision arrived at by the emergency session of the Executive Committee. In cases of extreme emergency, the Chair may act on behalf of the Executive Committee, if he or she is unable to contact the other members of the Executive Committee after making a concerted effort to do so. The Executive Committee may also make such decisions and take such actions as may be delegated to it by majority vote of members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee.

12.4 13.4 Membership of the Membership and Programs CommitteeThe chair and members of the Membership and Programs Committee shall be elected by majority vote of the members present and voting at a duly convened meeting of the City Committee. The Membership and Programs Committee shall be composed of as many members as the full City Committee deems appropriate. Said members shall be listed in the minutes of the City Committee, and all such members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Committee. The City Committee may add or subtract members from this committee at any time by majority vote of members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee.

12.5 13.5 Responsibilities of the Membership and Programs CommitteeThe Membership and Programs Committee shall be responsible for: (1) maintaining a roster of the membership of the City Committee with the assistance of the Secretary and Treasurer; (2) maintaining attendance records of each meeting of the City Committee and Executive Committee, and establishing a quorum at all duly convened meetings of the City Committee and Executive Committee; (3) nominations to any vacancies of Districts Leaders, Precinct Captains, District-at-Large members, or citywide Members-at-Large; and (4) assisting the Chair of the City Committee in planning programs and arranging speakers for meetings of the City Committee.

12.6 13.6 Membership of the Finance and Fundraising CommitteeThe members of the Finance and Fundraising Committee shall be elected by majority vote of the full City Committee members present and voting at a duly convened meeting. The Treasurer of the City Committee shall chair the Finance and Fundraising Committee. The Finance and Fundraising Committee shall be composed of as many members as the full City


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Committee deems appropriate. Said members shall be listed in the minutes of the City Committee, and all such members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Committee. The City Committee may add or subtract members from this committee at any time by majority vote of members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee.

12.7 13.7 Finance and Fundraising Committee Vice-ChairThe Finance and Fundraising Committee Vice-Chair shall be elected by the members of the Finance and Fundraising Committee appointed by the Treasurer with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, shall serve as the Assistant Treasurer for the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke, and shall assume all responsibilities and duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer. The Treasurer, Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee, and one other member of the Finance Committee as selected by the committee Treasurer shall have the authority to sign checks and pay expenses of the City Committee as authorized by the City Committee.

12.8 13.8 Responsibilities of the Finance and Fundraising CommitteeThis committee shall serve as the chief fundraising arm of the City Committee and shall present an annual budget to the full City Committee for its approval, recommending how any money or goods which it obtains shall be dispersed. Upon hearing the recommendations of the Finance and Fundraising Committee, the City Committee shall adopt a budget by majority vote of the members present and voting at a duly convened meeting of the City Committee. Once committed to a specific purpose, no money may be spent for purposes other than those outlined in the adopted budget unless approved by a majority of the members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee.

12.9 13.9 Membership of the Communications and Technology CommitteeThe chair and members of the Communications and Technology Committee shall be elected by majority vote of the members present and voting at a duly convened meeting of the City Committee. The Communications and Technology Committee shall be composed of as many members as the full City Committee deems appropriate. Said members shall be listed in the minutes of the City Committee, and all such members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Committee. The City Committee may add or subtract members from this committee at any time by majority vote of members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee.

12.10 13.10 Responsibilities of the Communications and Technology CommitteeThis committee shall be responsible for informing members of the City Committee and the public at large as to the goals and activities of the City Committee, especially through the use of electronic communication.

12.11 13.11 Membership of the Nominations and Elections CommitteeThe chair and members of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be elected by majority vote of the members present and voting at a duly convened meeting of the City Committee. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be composed of as many members as the full City Committee deems appropriate. Said members shall be listed in the minutes of the City Committee, and all such members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Committee. The City Committee may add or subtract members from this committee at any time by majority vote of members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee.

12.12 13.12 Responsibilities of the Nominations and Elections Committee


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This committee shall be responsible for organizing the processes to select delegates from the City of Roanoke to state and national conventions of the Democratic Party, to nominate Democratic candidates for public office, and to support such nominees during their campaigns, including arrangements for voter registration drives. This committee shall develop and implement an outreach program as required by Section 3.2 of these By-Laws. In addition, this committee shall plan and conduct periodic campaign workshops that address such subjects as fundraising, management and budget, polling, targeting, telephone and door-to-door canvassing, getting out the vote, volunteer recruitment, general precinct organization, direct mailing, media, speech writing, issues, research, graphics, election laws, sample ballots, and the like.

Article 13 14: Dues of the City Committee

13.1 14.1 Biennial DuesThe biennial dues of the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall be $225.00 for elected officials and $25.00 $30.00 for all other members.

13.2 14.2 Requirement to Pay Dues.All persons elected to the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke are required to pay their dues by April 1 of the year or following each biennial reorganization of this Committee pursuant to Article 6, Section 6.1, of these By-Laws or within ninety (90) days of election to the Committee, whichever comes later, in order to continue as members of the City Committee. Within 60 days of each individual’s election to the Committee, the Treasurer shall present a bill for dues in writing to all persons who have not previously fulfilled their obligation to pay dues. Persons elected to the Committee between July 1 and December 31 of the year following each biennial reorganization shall have their dues requirement reduced by twenty-five percent (25%). Persons elected to the Committee between January 1 and June 30 of the second year following each biennial reorganization shall have their dues requirement reduced by fifty percent (50%). Persons elected to the Committee between July 1 and December 31 of the second year following each biennial reorganization shall have their dues requirement reduced by seventy-five percent (75%).

13.3 14.3 Waiver of DuesNothing in Section 13.1 or 13.2 shall be construed to require dues from any individual elected to the City Committee who is financially unable to pay any or all of the dues assessment. Committee members who are financially unable to meet the full dues assessment may, by a signed statement registered privately with the Treasurer, waive any or all of such dues assessment without jeopardy to any aspect of membership on the City Committee.

Article 14 15: Vacancies

14.1 15.1 Definitionsa) Permanent Vacancy: Any City Committee member taking a permanent primary residence

outside the City of Roanoke shall be considered to have created a permanent vacancy in


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the Committee post previously held. A permanent vacancy also shall exist whenever any position on the Committee has not been filled at or since the reorganization meeting pursuant to Article 6 of these By-Laws, whenever any City Committee member shall voluntarily resign from the Committee, or whenever any City Committee member shall be removed from the Committee pursuant to Article 15 16 of these By-Laws.

b) Leave of Absence: A leave of absence may be granted to any member of the City Committee by majority vote of the members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee. In the event that an Executive Officer, District Leader, or Precinct Captain is granted a leave of absence, another member of the City Committee may be elected by majority vote of the members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee to fill such position in an acting capacity during the leave of absence. Members on leave of absence shall not be considered in determining a quorum as required by Article 11 12. Nothing in Article 15 16 shall be construed to classify a temporary leave of absence as a permanent vacancy.

14.2 15.2 Notification and Filling of VacanciesWhen a permanent vacancy occurs for any City Committee post within a given district, it shall be the responsibility of the District Leader, or the Chair of the City Committee if the post of District Leader is vacant, to so notify the City Committee at its first meeting following the reorganization of the City Committee or after the vacancy occurs. Said vacancy shall not be filled until the next City Committee meeting following the City Committee meeting at which the vacancy was announced. Members of the City Committee shall give close attention to the recommendations of District Leaders for vacancies occurring in their districts, although the right to nominate candidates for vacancies of any City Committee office shall be open to all members of the City Committee.

14.3 15.3 District-at-Large Member VacanciesWhen a permanent vacancy occurs for any City Committee District-at-Large post within a given district or precinct, this position may be filled by any Democrat who lives within the City of Roanoke and in compliance with Sections 15.2, 15.4 and 15.5 16.2, 16.4 and 16.5. However, when two people seek to fill a vacant position in any district or precinct and one person lives in the district or precinct and the other does not live in the district, then the person who lives in the district or precinct shall be chosen to fill the vacant position. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the posts of District Leader or Precinct Captain to be filled by any individual who does not live within the district or precinct where the vacancy of District Leader or Precinct Captain occurs.

14.4 15.4 Executive Office VacanciesWhen a permanent vacancy occurs for any Executive Office, the ranking member of the Executive Committee shall so inform the City Committee at its first meeting after the vacancy occurs. The filling of such vacancy shall not occur until the next regular meeting of the City Committee.

14.5 15.5 Majority Vote RequiredAll permanent vacancies must be filled by a majority of the votes cast by the City Committee at a properly convened meeting of the City Committee.

14.6 15.6 Changing District or Precinct of ResidenceAny situation involving a District Leader or District-at-Large member moving outside his or her their district but inside the City of Roanoke, or involving any Precinct Captain moving


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outside his or her their precinct but inside the City of Roanoke, shall be handled in the following manner:a) said person may seek election to any voting position inside the new district or precinct to

which he or she has they have moved when or if such a vacancy occurs; orb) said person may seek election to any District-at-Large position as provided for in Section

15.3 16.3 or any Committee-at-Large position as provided for in Section 6.9; orc) if no vacancy exists, said person shall become an automatic, non-voting honorary

member of the City Committee.14.7 15.7 Ex Post Facto Protection

Nothing in Section 15.6 shall be construed so as to violate the Ex Post Facto protection of the City Committee members guaranteed by Article 21.9.

Article 15 16: Disciplinary Actions and Appeals

15.1 16.1 Grounds for Disciplinary ActionThe following offenses are the only grounds for disciplinary action by the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke:a) public support of, endorsement of, or assistance to any candidate opposed to a

Democratic nominee in any general or special election;b) willful neglect of any duty imposed upon said member;c) three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from meetings of the City Committee; or d) loss of voting rights while holding membership in the City Committee.

15.2 16.2 Determination of ChargesNo officer or member of the City Committee may be charged with any offense against the Committee unless a majority of the members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the Committee determines that there is “reasonable cause” to believe that an offense has been committed. No disciplinary action may take place without the opportunity of the alleged offender to appear before an ad hoc Judicial Committee appointed by the Chair of the City Committee and defend such charge(s). Any alleged offender may, by request, waive the right to a hearing by the Judicial Committee and take his or her case directly to the full City Committee.

15.3 16.3 Notice RequirementAny alleged offender shall have at least thirty (30) days prior notice of the convening of the Judicial Committee. Such notice shall specify the alleged offense(s).

15.4 16.4 Conduct of the HearingThe hearing of the Judicial Committee shall be conducted in strict accordance with the procedures for Hearings and Trials outlined in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. The Judicial Committee and the alleged offender shall each have the right to obtain separate counsel. The alleged offender and his or her their accuser(s) shall each have no less than 30 (thirty) minutes to present their cases to the Judicial Committee. An alleged offender may waive either the right to obtain counsel, or the right to thirty (30) minutes in which to present his or her their case, or both. The Judicial Committee shall prepare a report on the alleged offense(s) to be presented to the full City Committee.

15.5 16.5 Determination of Founded or Not Founded


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After hearing the Judicial Committee’s report on the alleged offense(s) of a given member, the alleged offender and his or her their accuser(s) shall each have no less than thirty (30) minutes to present their cases to the full City Committee. An alleged offender may waive either the right to obtain counsel, or the right to thirty (30) minutes in which to present his or her their case, or both. The full City Committee may authorize a longer period than thirty (30) minutes per side in which to hear arguments if it feels this to be warranted in a special case. The full City Committee shall first vote to determine whether the specific charge(s) brought against the alleged offender are founded or not founded. A determination that the charges are founded shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the full City Committee. If the charges are determined to be founded, the full City Committee shall then decide upon a specific sanction.

15.6 16.6 Determination of SanctionsThe following sanctions may be imposed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a properly convened meeting of the full City Committee: a reprimand, probation, or temporary suspension or permanent expulsion from membership.

15.7 16.7 AppealsAny member of the City Committee who has been sanctioned pursuant to this article, including any person removed from membership to the City Committee, may appeal the decision of the City Committee to the appropriate Congressional District Committee. Any such appeal must be registered within fifteen (15) days of the action appealed. No sanction determined by the City Committee shall be imposed while any such appeal is pending.

15.8 16.8 Conduct of AppealsAny appeal brought before the appropriate Congressional District Committee shall be conducted under the appropriate appeals procedures outlined in the Virginia Democratic Party Plan.

Article 16 17: Caucuses and Conventions

16.1 17.1 Call of Caucus or ConventionThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke may call a caucus or convention within its jurisdiction for any purpose which is not inconsistent with all provisions of all levels of the Democratic Party and all federal, state and local laws. The City Committee may utilize an assembled caucus (mass meeting) or an unassembled caucus (“firehouse primary”) for the purposes of nominating candidates for public office or selecting delegates to another Democratic Party caucus or convention.

16.2 17.2 Time of NominationsIf the City Committee selects a nominee for any public office by any method other than by direct primary, it shall do so only within 32 days, and no more, immediately preceding the regular primary date established for purposes of nominating candidates for the office in question. This limitation shall, however, have no effect on nominations either for special elections or pursuant to Section 24.1-197 of the Code of Virginia.

16.3 17.3 NoticeThe committee issuing the call shall specify the place of the caucus or convention. Furthermore, the call notice shall clearly state the purpose for which the caucus or convention is called and may restrict the purpose thereof to that for which it is called. In both


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cases, the Chair calling the caucus or convention shall be responsible for the caucus or convention arrangements and shall ensure that all requirements of the national, state, and local Democratic Parties are satisfied.

16.4 17.4 Participation in Caucuses or ConventionsThe Chair shall make arrangements prior to any caucus or convention called by the City Committee for written certification by each person participating that he or she the person:a) is a Democrat;b) is a registered voter within the City of Roanoke;c) believes in the principles of the Democratic Party; and d) does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to a Democratic nominee in the

next ensuing election.No one who fails to make such written certification shall be permitted to vote or to participate as a candidate in the caucus or convention. The Chair shall arrange, if possible, to have a procedure whereby challenged voter registration may be verified at the meeting.

16.5 17.5 Temporary Rules, Credentials, and Resolutions CommitteesPrior to the convening of a Democratic Convention, the City Committee calling the convention shall select a temporary Rules Committee, a temporary Credentials Committee, and a temporary Resolutions Committee, consisting of as many members as the committee calling the convention may determine. The rules proposed by the Rules Committee shall be available for inspection and copying by any interested Democrat prior to the caucus or convention. Until other rules are adopted, the proposed rules, not in conflict with these By-Laws or the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, shall govern the conduct of the meeting.

16.6 17.6 Temporary Chair and SecretaryIn every Democratic caucus or convention, the Chair of the committee that called the caucus or convention, or the Chair’s designee, shall serve as Temporary Chair. The Temporary Secretary of every Democratic caucus or convention shall be chosen by the Temporary Chair.

16.7 17.7 Permanent Chair Election; Permanent Secretary Appointment; Adoption of Rules

The election of the permanent Chair shall not take place until all persons seeking to register shall have had a reasonable opportunity to do so. The first order of business following the election of the permanent Chair and the appointment of the permanent Secretary by the permanent Chair shall be to receive the report of the temporary Rules Committee and adopt the rules, subject to modification by the caucus or convention. The rules shall include provisions for the establishment of permanent Rules, Credentials, and Resolutions Committees.

16.8 17.8 Caucus and Convention FeesNo fee of any kind may be charged for the right to attend and vote at a caucus. A voluntary administrative fee may be requested for participation in any convention. However, no party member shall be excluded from participation in a convention because of not paying a fee. Any Democrat who desires to participate in a convention but who chooses not to pay the requested fee shall be permitted to participate.

16.9 17.9 Allocation of DelegatesWhen the City Committee calls a convention for any purpose, the delegates to such convention shall be allocated on a formula based equitably on:a) population;b) Democratic voting strength; or


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c) a combination of the two.16.10 17.10 Selection of Delegates

Delegates and alternate delegates to a Democratic Convention may be elected by caucus or convention as selected by the City Committee in accordance with the Virginia Democratic Party Plan. The City Committee shall specify the method by which a person becomes a candidate for delegate or alternate delegate, which may include a requirement for filing prior to the convening of such caucus or convention. In which case, the committee calling the caucus or convention shall prepare sufficient copies of a written ballot listing the names of all candidates who have filed in accordance with the requirement.

16.11 17.11 No Ex-officio or Automatic DelegatesThere shall be no ex-officio or automatic voting delegates to any convention.

16.12 17.12 Caucus CancellationCaucuses in which alternates are selected as the “next-highest-vote-getters after the delegates” may only be cancelled provided that the number of individuals filed by the deadline does not exceed the number of delegates to be elected. Caucuses in which delegates and alternates are to be elected by separate ballots may only be cancelled provided that the number of individuals filed for delegate does not exceed the number of delegates to be elected and the number filed for alternate does not exceed the number of alternates to be elected. Should the condition(s) for cancellation occur, the Chair of the City Committee shall be responsible for deciding whether to cancel or conduct the caucus, making public notice of such decision, and advising those individuals who filed of their election if the caucus is cancelled.

16.13 17.13 Challenges to CredentialsAny participant in a Democratic caucus or convention may challenge any Delegate or Alternate Delegate to any convention by written notification to the Chair or Secretary of the City Committee convening such convention no later than ten (10) days after such Delegate or Alternate Delegate has been certified to the Secretary of the City Committee. Thereupon, the Chair or Secretary of the City Committee shall send all challenges to the temporary Credentials Committee required under Section 17.5. Notice, timely under the circumstances, shall be given to the challenged Delegate or Alternate Delegate of the time and place for the determination of the challenge. Whenever the challenge of the Delegate or Alternate Delegate is determined other than by the full convention, such action must be approved by the full convention as provided in Section 17.18. Challenges made to any delegate to a National Convention shall be made and determined by the procedure established by the National Convention or the Democratic National Committee. However, the State Convention or State Central Committee may establish procedures for the making of factual determinations or advisory findings in connection with such challenges.

16.14 17.14 Certifying Election of Delegates and AlternatesWhenever a convention shall have been called, the Chair or the Chair’s designee of each precinct, district, or city meeting or convention that has selected delegates and alternate delegates to such convention shall certify a list of names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of the duly elected and accredited delegates and alternate delegates to the Secretary of the Democratic Committee that called the convention by delivery or mail within three (3) days after the election of such delegates and alternate delegates. The lists specified in this section, and the list of candidates for Delegate or Alternate Delegate who have qualified as such prior to a caucus or convention in accordance with the pre-filing procedure


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permitted in this Plan, shall be available to all interested Democrats at the time of filing or thereafter.

16.15 17.15 Reports of Temporary Credentials and Resolutions CommitteesThe temporary Credentials and Resolutions Committees of any convention shall report their findings and recommendations to the corresponding permanent committees of the convention.

16.16 17.16 Temporary RollThe City Committee calling the convention shall cause to be made a temporary roll of the convention. This roll shall contain the names certified to the Secretary of the City Committee, subject to the decision of any Appellate or Credentials Committee with respect to the qualification of any Delegate or Alternate Delegate and to a decision in any challenge which the City Committee shall decide shall be heard by it.

16.17 17.17 Governance of ProceedingsUntil any Democratic convention shall have adopted its own rules of procedure, the proceedings therefor shall be governed by the temporary rules as provided herein, provided that such rules shall not conflict with the Virginia Democratic Party Plan. In the absence of applicable provisions of the Party Plan, these By-Laws, or temporary or permanent rules, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of any convention.

16.18 17.18 Report of Credentials CommitteeIn any convention, the first order of business following the installation of temporary officers and the selection of standing committees, if any, shall be the report of the Credentials Committee. Until such report has been adopted or rejected, the temporary roll of the convention shall entitle those delegates and alternate delegates listed thereon to participate in the business of the convention, provided, however, that no delegate whose right as such is contested shall vote on any question involving his or her right to sit as a delegate.

16.19 17.19 Methods of Electing Delegates and AlternatesExcept as otherwise required by Section 17.14, in any Democratic caucus or convention that chooses delegates and alternate delegates to another Democratic convention, both the delegates and alternate delegates shall be elected on the basis of the number of votes received. The committee calling the convention may provide whether the alternate delegates shall be elected separately from the election of the delegates or whether the alternate delegates shall be those persons with the next highest number of votes after the persons receiving the largest number of votes are elected as delegates. Except in the case of a caucus or convention, in any stage of the delegate-selection process concerned with the nomination of a presidential candidate, the committee calling such caucus or convention shall by appropriate resolution provide rules governing what action shall be taken in the event of a tie vote at any stage in the selection process. Whenever an alternate delegate to such convention succeeds to delegate status, the delegation may select a replacement for such alternate delegate provided that no less than forty percent (40%) of the delegation is present at the time such replacement is selected and provided that such replacement shall succeed to delegate status only after the number of duly chosen alternate delegates shall have been exhausted.

16.20 17.20 Presidential PreferenceIn any caucus or convention held for the election of delegates and alternate delegates at any level of the process of selecting delegates to a Democratic National Convention concerned with the nomination of a presidential candidate, each candidate for delegate or alternate


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delegate, upon the request of any person participating in the caucus or convention, shall make known their preference for the Democratic nominee for President of the United States or the fact that he or she is uncommitted or unpledged.

16.21 17.21 Minority ReportsIn any Democratic convention, upon the vote of twenty-five percent (25%) of any committee or by petition of ten percent (10%) of delegates to said convention, a minority report shall be prepared and presented to the floor of such convention.

16.22 17.22 SlatesIn any caucus or convention, any individual or group of Democrats may sponsor or endorse a slate of candidates for delegates to any convention. But no slate may, by virtue of such endorsement, receive preferential treatment or a preferential place on a delegate selection ballot or be publicly identified as qualifying on the ballot or otherwise as the “official” slate; and all individuals and slates must meet identical qualifying requirements for appearing on a ballot at all levels of the delegate selection process. Voting by slate may be allowed, but participants must also be permitted to vote for individual delegate candidates. If slate voting is permitted, the Call to Caucus or Convention shall provide detailed information on when to file slates, how the names are to be listed, how each slate will be designated on the ballot, and anything required to make the procedure clear to all participants.

16.23 17.23 General Assembly IncumbentsNothing in these By-Laws shall deny any incumbent Democratic members of the Virginia General Assembly the right to designate the method of the Democratic Party’s nomination for the offices which they hold.

16.24 17.24 Waiver of Right to Determine Method of NominationIf an incumbent Democratic member of the Virginia General Assembly waives the right to determine the method of the Democratic Party’s nomination in his or her District, then the preference of the City Committee for the method of selection for the Democratic nomination for that District shall be determined by a majority vote of the City Committee. The Chair of the City Democratic Committee shall cast his “weighted vote” on the District Nominating Committee in accordance with this vote of the City Committee.

Article 17 18: State Conventions

17.1 18.1 Allocation of DelegatesWhen a State Convention is called, the delegates to such convention shall be allocated on a formula based equitably on either:a) population; orb) Democratic voting strength; orc) a combination of the two.The City Committee shall meet and determine whether it shall elect the delegates to represent the City by either caucus or convention.

17.2 18.2 City ConventionIf the City Committee decides, by appropriate resolution, to select the delegates and alternate delegates representing the City by the convention method, it shall determine whether the


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allocation of the delegates to such City Convention shall be by precinct or district and shall apportion such delegates and alternate delegates on the same basis as that used by the State Central Committee in apportioning the delegates among the counties and cities. The City Convention shall be held on a Saturday, which shall be on the same date in the City of Roanoke in conformance with the call issued by the State Central Committee.

17.3 18.3 City CaucusWhenever the City Committee decides by appropriate resolution to select its delegates and alternate delegates to a State Convention by the caucus method, it shall determine the place of such caucus, which shall be a public place, convenient and accessible to the Democrats of Roanoke, on a Saturday, which shall be held on the same date in the City of Roanoke in conformance with the call issued by the State Central Committee.

Article 18 19: Primaries

18.1 19.1 Responsibility for Use of PrimaryWhenever the Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke decides to use the primary method for any nomination or election to public or party office, then the Chair of the City Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that such primary nomination or election shall be held in conformity with the Virginia Democratic Party Plan and shall be governed by those provisions of the state’s election laws, as detailed in the Code of Virginia, as to requirements, procedures, and notice applicable to Party primaries.

18.2 19.2 NoticeWhenever the City Committee decides upon the primary method, the Chair of the City Committee shall give at least seventy-five (75) days notice by:

a) posting same at each precinct in each city; orb) publishing a legal notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where said

primary shall be held; orc) both.

18.3 19.3 Only One Qualified CandidateAny Democratic candidate, who is the only candidate that legally qualifies as a candidate for any nomination to be determined by the primary, shall automatically become the nominee for the Democratic Party for same and no primary shall be held.

18.4 19.4 Declaration of NomineeThe Chair of the City Committee shall publicly declare any Democratic candidate qualifying under the provision of Section 19.3 to be the official nominee of the Democratic Party and that such Democrat shall be entitled to the support of all Democrats for the office to which said candidate is qualified.

18.5 19.5 VacancyIn the event of a vacancy occurring after the nomination of a candidate by primary and before the general election, or in the event that no candidate qualifies for a primary, then the City Committee having jurisdiction shall determine the manner in which such vacancy shall be filled.

18.6 19.6 Declaration of CandidacyAny declaration of candidacy which substantially complies with the form provided in the election laws of Virginia relating to primary elections shall be sufficient for all


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Democratic primary elections. Delivery of properly signed and attested declarations of candidacy, petitions properly executed when required by law, and receipts for all legal filing fees to the proper City Committee Chair or the designee or successor of the Chair, in person, within the time prescribed by law, shall be a valid filing regardless of the person by whom or the method by which such delivery is accomplished, and all such candidacy documents shall be open to inspection and challenge by any candidate or member of the City Committee having jurisdiction over such primary election.

Article 19 20: Notice Requirements

19.1 20.1 Notice RequirementsWhenever the City Committee shall determine that committee members, delegates and alternate delegates to any caucus or convention, or Democratic nominees for any office, are to be selected by any method other than primary, notice of the time, place and method of selection shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the jurisdiction at least seven (7) days, but not more than two (2) weeks, prior to the date of such selection. This notice shall be at least two (2) columns wide and three (3) inches in length and published as a paid political advertisement. Where a caucus/convention process is used and the initial notice provides information as to the time and place of the convention, a second notice is not required.

19.2 20.2 Declaration of CandidacyNotice of the need to file a declaration of candidacy for selection as a committee person, delegate or alternate delegate, or Democratic nominees for any office, shall be given at least seven (7) days, but not more than two (2) weeks, prior to the deadline for filing such declaration. Such notice shall include the substance of the declaration and the time and place the declaration must be filed. Filing declaration of candidacy by mail or messenger shall be permitted as long as such declaration is received before the filing deadline and is signed personally by the prospective candidate. The deadline for filing declaration of candidacy shall not be set for more than ten (10) days prior to the first day of the start of any selection process for the office sought except in primary elections.

19.3 20.3 Filing NoticeOn or before the day it is to be published or distributed, the Secretary of the City Committee shall mail a copy of each notice herein required to the Secretary of the Virginia Democratic State Central Committee.

19.4 20.4 Full ParticipationNotice requirements as provided in this article shall be construed as minimum requirements. The Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall fully publicize complete descriptions of all phases of convention, committee and nominating procedures for all Party and public offices and shall encourage interested Democrats to fully participate in the selection process of such offices. Such publication shall be done at a sufficient time prior to the selection process to allow any interested Democrat adequate preparation for active participation in the aforementioned selection process.


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Article 20 21: General Provisions

20.1 21.1 Proxy VotingIn no committee, convention, or other representative body of the Party shall any person be permitted to vote by proxy.

20.2 21.2 Unit RuleThe Unit Rule, or any rule or practice whereby all members of a Party unit or delegation may be required to cast their votes in accordance with the will of a majority of the body, is prohibited in respect to all activities of the Party and may not be used at any stage or level of Party proceedings. This provision does not prohibit slates authorized elsewhere in these By-Laws.

20.3 21.3 Failure to Nominate a CandidateWhenever an authorized caucus or convention shall fail to nominate a candidate for elective office, the City Committee that called the caucus or convened the convention may thereafter nominate a candidate who shall be the Democratic nominee for such office.

20.4 21.4 Delegation of Committee AuthorityThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke may delegate any of its authority on any matter over which it has jurisdiction to any individual or group, providing such delegation of authority contradicts no requirement of the national, state, or city Democratic Party nor any law of the national, state, or city government.

20.5 21.5 Sergeant at Arms: The Chair of the City Committee shall appoint as many Sergeants at Arms as deemed necessary in order to ensure the preservation of order at all meetings of the full City Committee.

20.6 21.6 Parliamentarian: No later than the second meeting of the City Committee, the Chair shall appoint a permanent Parliamentarian of the City Committee, whose opinions shall be sought by the Chair on the rules of order on which the Chair is not certain. It shall be the duty of the Parliamentarian to draw up an abbreviated manual of the most basic rules of order culled from the most recent Robert’s Rules of Order. The Secretary of the City Committee shall make enough duplicate copies of this abbreviated manual to guarantee a copy to each of the members of the City Committee. Thus, essential knowledge of the basic rules on the conduct of meetings shall be guaranteed to all members of the City Committee.

20.7 21.7 Parliamentary ProcedureIn the absence of other provisions, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all Democratic Party meetings.

20.8 21.8 Minority ReportsAny member of any committee of the City Committee shall be entitled to give a minority report on any question decided by a majority of said committee.

20.9 21.9 Ex-Post FactoNothing in these By-Laws shall, upon their adoption, retroactively penalize any member of the City Committee by depriving him or her of any privileges or rights, including the right to vote on the City Committee, but this shall not be interpreted as a right to vote by Associate Members.


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Article 21 22: Districts of the City Committee

21.1 22.1 Number of DistrictsThe Democratic Committee of the City of Roanoke shall be composed of the number of districts determined by a resolution adopted by majority vote of the members of the full City Committee present and voting at the regular meeting in the November immediately preceding the biennial reorganization.

21.2 22.2 ApportionmentSuch districts shall be apportioned equitably on the basis of population based on the number of Democratic votes in the most recent Gubernatorial election.

21.3 22.3 MembershipEach district shall be apportioned a specific number of members, which shall be apportioned on the following manner: constituted of one District Leader; one Precinct Captain for each precinct; and at least two Assistant Precinct Captains for each precinct the remaining positions to be filled by district wide, District-at-Large members.

21.4 22.4 Increase or Decrease in Number of Members Reallocation of PrecinctsAny increase or decrease in the number of each district’s District-at-Large members must be based upon the uniform application of a specific divisor to be set by the resolution required by Section 21.1, which shall be divided into the total population in each district. Following each Gubernatorial election, allocations of precincts to districts shall be adjusted by majority vote of the Roanoke City Democratic Committee to maintain proportionality among districts.

21.5 Population FiguresAll population figures used in the allocation of District-at-Large members must be based on the most recent census of the United States government.

21.6 District and Precinct StructureThe number of District-at-Large members for each district shall be calculated using the divisor adopted in accordance with Section 21.4, irrespective of the number of Precinct Captains and the District Leader for each district.


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S1. Washington Washington Heights 7,964 82. Northwest Peters Creek



3. North Central Villa HeightsEureka



4. South Central MelroseLincoln TerraceHighland #1



5. Williamson West Williamson Road #3Williamson Road #4Williamson Road #5



6. Williamson East Williamson Road #1Williamson Road #2Williamson Road #6Monterey




7. East TinkerJefferson #1




8. Southeast Garden CityJefferson-RiverdaleJefferson #2



9. South

Raleigh Court #5South Roanoke #1South Roanoke #2Fishburn Park



10. Highland Raleigh Court #1WasenaHighland #2



11. Raleigh Raleigh Court #2Raleigh Court #3Raleigh Court #4Lee-HiGrandin Court





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District Precincts Total Democratic


Assistant Precinct Captains

Total Members

1. Northwest Peters CreekEureka Park




2. Southwest Grandin CourtDeyerleLee-Hi





3. South South RoanokeCrystal SpringGarden City





4. South-Central

Old SW-WasenaRaleigh Court





5. North Central

Lincoln TerraceHighlandVirginia Heights.-Norwich





6. East Williamson Rd.East GateHollins Rd.SoutheastForest Park





7. North GrandviewPreston ParkSummit Hills